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>Capcom has listened to fan feedback following Resident Evil 6 and knows that the series must return to its roots going forward

>Ninja Theory reboot Resident Evil.
in other words

>we didn't make enough money off re6 so we'll go back to the old stuff
>>174151375 (OP)
They already said that about RE6.

>"Return to its roots and be "brutally scary"
>Getting chased by zombies that scream "FUCK YOU!" as they shuffle towards you.

mite b cool
I'm skeptical. What do they mean by "returning to the roots"? I can't believe they're going to go back to survival horror. That won't get the CoD audience.
If "returning to the roots" means that we're going to finally get the fucking REmake2 then I'll be happy.
why would you even want that. just play RE2 you retard.
It could mean anything.

Fanmade 8-bit Resident Evil?
Jill Valentine avatar clothes?
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in b4 ninja theory
>Reboot RE
>It now follows the movies' plot.
In before this means they'll be remaking Resi 1-3 rather than making a good Resi 7
>Not wanting a Remake of 2 like the remake of 1

Imagine all the potential.

And I have played the game like 5 times because it's my favorite of the entire franchise.
>You play as Alice.
>every attack is OP as fuck.

I don't want a mary sue in my games.
>Killing off Wesker
Without a big bad the series is only treading water and swimming in circles.
Just fucking put him back in, say its a clone or fuck a single cell survived the volcano, just something.
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Why don't they return to the trunk instead.
Now with BULLET DLC!

I'll believe it when I see it capcom, until then you're still on my shit list you wigger catering faggots

well alice is played by the directors wife, so is more like a waifu
>plays like devil may cry 3
>reboot of resident evil
>barry is now an edgy faggot
>wesker is the cool intelligent one that virus later infects and becomes evil
>jill is the slutty member of the team
>she bends over towards the zombies to get their attention
>go get the attention of the dogs she does a taunt "ive been a naughty bitch"

Calling it now.
Alex Wesker is still out there, so he's probably going to be the next major villain.
Bro, just..let it go. You and I both would love a RE2 remake but capcom doesn't have it in them anymore. The game would become butchered, casualized, DLC ridden, 3rd person, regenerating health and bullets...it's modern capcom. There is no hope left.
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Capcom has been dead for years now.

Extra bullets are DLC.
That's what they said with RE6 didn't they?
What about Chris?
Porn game when
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I wonder if they'll just retread the plot of the first one again and make it a literal reboot.

With DLC and chest high walls
Should see what Frictional could do with the series.
over muscular guy who thinks his biceps can attract any lady who gets bitten by the first female zombie. Chris wont make it because he wont appeal to the new fanbase.
They don't have it in them to make good new games, DD was the last good thing they put out and they'll ruin DD2 entirely.

REmakes are all we can hope for in this series now.
She will scream "fuck me" to enemies to entice them
Something like that, it's all fucking fake PR until they show us proof. Put up or shut up capcom, I'm callin you out.

>Good environments again
>good atmosphere
>good music
>no regenerating health
>scarce ammo
>no human enemies
>no on disc DLC NOR content or ideas stripped for DLC later, give us the whole fucking game
>No brogamer catering whatsoever
return to the original controls and fixed camera angles

Unless you can deliver these things, it's not resident evil. And for gods sake keep that faggot tameem and Ninja theory away from it.
>Believing Crapcom

Never ever.

I don't understand why she would marry that hack
I just want RE4 2; Electric Boogaloo
Remember when seeing the Capcom logo meant you were in for a good game?
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>make game
>game popular
>turn into series
>in order to get more people to buy games of same series, turn series into something more approachable to average people over time
>sales rise but eventually people get tired of the product and realize it's much changed from what it initially was
>we're turning back to the series roots now guys
>milk the franchise some more by reinventing it and returning to roots and other marketing gimmicks to extend its life
>get tools online to latch onto marketing buzzwords and buzzphrases and defend the honor of said series, working for no pay for the marketing division basically

It's also quite impressive how you tools made hourly DMC SUCKS GUISE threads on /v/ for months giving shit reinventions basically free ad time and attention. To good ol Anita marketing scheme you play into body and soul without realizing you've become a marketing tool for a corporation.
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Is she Twilight Sparkle?
RE5 was RE4 with better graphics and co-op.
Don't feed the troll, abandon thread. Shitstorm imminent.
Right... because it's typical /v/irgins creating all those DmC threads and not some minimum wage hack working from Capcom...
fucking idiot
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>wesker is still alive
>rpg did not hit him in RE5, it hit the lava
>watch in slow mo
>do it faggot
>mark my words, he'll be back
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you asshole i wasnt ready for that feel
RE4 could still be tense as fuck with shit like being trapped in a small cage with a Garrador.
RE5 was just an action game. Army of Two, but shittier.

>assuming there's a conspiracy instead of realizing people are idiots

Live and learn, kid.
What's RE6 like? RE 4 was a good game. RE5 was more of the same but not as good. RE2 is a fucking classic. I would prefer them not to remake 2 and just drop the series entirely. What ever happened to Dino Crisis?
RE6 is wayyy better.
Way better than what? Vomit eaten by a dog and being shitted?
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not sure they said that
You're pushing it m8
RE6 isn't that good
Why make anymore resident evil?
Rebirth and 4 is all you need
Just move on, you know its over.
It has better graphics.
>Capcom reboots

>ends up with Joll and Chros
>mlp hat
oh god I cant stop laughing
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>Resident Evil 3.5 becomes a full fledged game.
>mlp hat
Don't start this again
>implying they won't reboot it as a military shooter with no virus or zombies
>Make shit game
>Say you've learned from your mistakes
>Make shit game
>Say you've learned from your mistakes
Would be perfect if 1.5 was an unlockable.
>Set it libya
>Towel heads attack with camels a and knives yelling allahallahahllah
>"Btw we are not rasict" disclaimer on games startup
I laughed more than I should have.
Resident Evil Revelations should have been 5 or 6
>Story is a retelling of Resident Evil 1
>Jump scares of Dead Space
>Puzzles of RE3
>Controls of RE6, minus the melee
I'd play it
I hate to be that guy, but I genuinely think Capcom are going back to basics.

They may actually go back to making good games.
>mlp hat
4 and 5 should have been spinoffs
6 should have been aborted
>I've been a naughty bitch
Goddamnit, boner.
>Not already owning rebirth on GC
You will never know good vidya
Didn't they say this after 5?
They are going to say this every time they fail to deliver.

Just make 1-3 remake and proper Dino Crisis sequel already
>>174151375 (OP)
>Capcom has listened to fan feedback
You don't start with the punchline OP.
>Implying Resident Evil was ever good
Na I kid, I just don't get the hype with these games, they feel archaic nowadays
Claiming to be making a follow up to REmake is going to be the biggest failure on delivery ever.

Yes more than promising Leon's section in RE6 was survivor horror.

Yes, that's how capitalism and voting with your dollar works bro.
>ever good
>feel archaic nowadays
You didn't play them until "nowadays", did you?
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>>174151375 (OP)

>Resident Evil
>returning to its "roots"

Might as well tell me that pigs are flying and money grows on trees.
It's going to be shit all the talented people at Capcom left.
Wait, didn't they say this same shit for RE6 too? Wasn't that a part of its whole marketing gimmick?
I hate how Umbrella evolved from some corrupt business with the worst quarantine practices in the business to WE ARE GODS WHO WERE BORN TO USHER IN A NEW AGE OF HUMANITY.
I can already tell IGN cut the part of the interview out where they asked hypothetically about rebooting Resident Evil.
Also, if Capcom actually decided to reboot the series and outsource to a western dev (which has been a popular practice lately) who does /v/ think would be a sound choice?

I honestly can't think of many developers that make survival horror games. There's Frictional games, but Amnesia is pretty fucking different compared to Resident Evil. There's the dudes that made Cry of Fear and Afraid of Monsters, but they probably don't have enough experience to ever get recognize by Capcom.
I blame Zero, and it's Final Fantasy boss.
Umbrella was nothing if it wasn't a house divided against itself. We saw 8 factions within Umbrella and they all barely tolerated or actively warred upon one another, planned to go into business for themselves, and so on.

Still weak they just wrote Spencer off.
Just remember that whoever the "good" choice would be, Capcom wouldn't choose them.
>>174151375 (OP)
>Capcom returning a game to its roots
>after DmC
What difference does when he played them make in relation to how they feel "nowadays"?
Hen Mazolski
Ninja Theory to remake Resident Evil!
Pictures of Enemies with Elbow Swords EVERYWHERE!!
CV predated that by a good couple of years.
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I liked Zero more than most of the games...christ i loved my gamecube
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At this point, it's pretty much guaranteed they'll give the franchise to Ninja Theory.

Funny, because DMC pretty much started out as a prototype version of RE4. And now that their spin-off series got rebooted, they'll be giving the real deal to the same goddamn studio that ruined the spin-off series.

The RPG's went through his head you fucking retard.
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>>174151375 (OP)
>DmC failing
>suddenly no Xman rover
>suddennly they 'listened'

you have been warned crapcom, i wonder how much financial damage DmC actually make to make them change mind?
>no Xman rover
Wait was there a Street fighter vs Xmen game I wasn't informed of?
He's saying they weren't ever good.
In 1996 most controls were pretty shitty, so it wasn't as much of a problem.
Also, it's stupid to claim they weren't ever good based on a current problem.

Irrational games, the guys who made Bioshock. Just jack up the atmosphere feeling in Bioshock some (less ammo, food, etc) and it'd fit RE pretty well.
He means that shitty iphone game. Xover
Can anyone tell me why RE2 should be remade? Capcom hasn't put together a Horror game together in 8 years, they've forgotten what minigames are, and they've certainly lost hold on the director who could provide validity to "REmaking" Resident Evil 2. Also everything Mikimi wanted to put into RE1 he couldn't. But nearly everything he wanted to put into RE2 they did.

RE1 was a short, lacking, and rushed simple game that abandoned many of the ideas they finalized for it

RE2 is a masterpiece still hailed as the best in the franchise today that had the time and effort to throw away a nearly complete build to make a better game out of it. Which also packed the game with threefold as many games, and minigames to boot.

What's supposed to come out of RE2make that isn't just RE2HD? RE1.5?
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This... this is like a dream come true
I'd want RE2 and RE3 put together.
Give RE7 an inch and that's who Alex Wesker will be
>Resident Evil returns to its roots

It's going to suck. They've lost all of their talent and the executives are too busy slapping the dev teams around with their penises.
At this point they might as well model the entirety of Raccoon City, put out RE2, 3 assembled in it with invisible walls where necessary, retool and release Outbreak with the third mappack. Stat all the player characters in all those games into the minigames of all the other ones; then just release a minisequel set somewhere in Raccoon City sometime during the weeks of the outbreak every 4 months, with yearly draws for scenarios involving notable characters, which come with a full rerelease promotion.
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>Masachika Kawata, a long-term producer on the iconic survival horror series
Who the fuck is this?
>Google Masachika Kawata
First hit
>Producer RE5, RE6, REUC, REDC, REORC, Dino Crisis 3
Well it only took you fucking long enough you jugglecunt.

Second hit
Well there goes that.

Cotrived static camera angles and inverted/assbackwards control schemes galore.

This is gonna be so cool.
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Hell if they just do an HD re-release of Outbreak on XBL/PSN and give us File # 3 I'd be a Pig in Shit.

I'd like to see this interview rather than transcripts.
Let's see how that online survey turns out.
Why does Zero get shit on for this?

Code Veronica starred a pair of incestuous opposite gender identical genetically engineered clone twins, one of whom later became a monster with dominion over giant fire ants and could shoot fire because genes, who beat the ass of the villain from the first game who died, but came back more powerful.
>Action's really good
>Survival Horror's not so good
>We made Action games that are actually really bad.
>Those actually sold really bad
>We've decided that maybe switching back could be profitable.
This'll last for maybe two games before it yo-yos up again.
Didn't Capcom say after RE5 that they were starting anew and making RE6 scary again?

Didn't they... Not even do that at all?
I remember when RE6 was teased.

I remember when Leon's game was addressed it talked about the primary section of Leon's game opens out after the intro setting him completely loose in Tall Oaks without any railroading. He got objectives and no instructions on how to go from A to B. Nor any set path. So Focusing on fighting between chokepoints, or sprinting through or around buildings to corral zombies. Using the environment and items to cause distractions, using two-man climbing manuvers to evade zombies. Having points of interest in town including several weapon holds that could be highlighted on a map by finding ads for the gun museum/gun shop/sporting good/pawn shop ala files. Which could also be obtained by consulting a phonebook in a phonebooth. Which didn't include the gunsafes and rifles and shotguns any individual home may have had in them, all of which could in some way or another be entered and looted

I remember when I went to Comicon and asked about the above concepts, and were told they were abandoned in beta.
So are they rebooting it? Wasn't RE6 originally going to be a reboot?
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No. IGN wanted hits so they translated a word that basically meant "invention" to to mean "reboot"

The context the quote was from a press release aimed against people bitching that RE5 was RE4 on brown even before RE5 was released. The defense that Jun put out was that the next game was going to be built from the ground up differently. The sentence that quote is taken from describes it as a "Complete Engine Reboot".

Everyone including fucking IGN dittoed that one word until "CAPCOM SAID IT!!!!" became the misinformation of the year... well years until RE6 was shit out.
>Remake RE like RE1 and RE2
>same gameplay same camera
>everyone on /v/ buys it
>rest of the world ignores it
>RE series is now dead for good

Is it worth it?
Traditional Resident Evil was not dead when RE4 came along. RE4 outsold REmake on the Gamecube by like 11%, and it had a fucking bundle after a pricedrop. If REmake was given expanded content and ported 8 times; it would also have approached selling 4-5 million units, going to the range of RE2's sales.

I don't know who interprets data; but REmake couldn't possibly have cost more to make than RE4; a game that had been in development for 6 years.
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>Traditional Resident Evil was not dead when RE4 came along.
um...yeah I don't think so. It might not have been dead, but it certainly was dying. Code Veronica was not well recieved at the time, and people were getting tired of the tank controls when we were getting analog sticks
oh god my dick...
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This is my favorite Jill, I think I may have a thing for her, and I'm gay
>listening to anything CAPCOM says

I bet you believe all the stuff EA says too don't you anon?
Code Veronica wasn't received as well as the other titles on its own merits, and being released on the virgining next gen consoles of the era. Not as a standard of the genre. RE4 wasn't even received with even half the support of the original RE on the GCN. Capcom simply gave more people more opportunities and incentives to buy and rebuy it. That combined with the inflated install bases of the consoles is the only opportunity it had to approach moving the PS1 games' numbers.
That's okay so is Chris.
Never thought I'd see those 18 characters in the same post.
If Capcom comes through with new Outbreaks I'm not sure what I'll do.

Especially if they launch them this year then pull the servers to relaunch them on the NEXTBOX and Play Sony.
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>Capcom Poll that mentions a bunch of dead series
>Capcom is now talking shit about Ninja Theory and how they were idiots when designing DmC
>Capcom says RE will return to its roots

W-what the hell is going on?

This all can't be a coincidence.
>RE6 sells 5million copies
>Okay guys we know the games are shit, lets get away from action.
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it wasn't that good...
>Capcom is now talking shit about Ninja Theory and how they were idiots when designing DmC
Source? No wait this thought is erotic pleas let me rephrase: SAUCE!?!?
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>Resident Evil returning to its roots
>Masahiro Ito willing to work on the next Silent Hill with Hideo Kojima
Shipped and it was 4.5, and no fucking more. Sites were giving new copies away as bonuses for DmC prepurchases.


>Explaining merihari to Ninja Theory took time, as did Capcom's expectations of DmC's violence level. The initial concepts for the game were even more dark and demonic than the final product - something Eshiro blanched at, because if the Japanese CERO ratings board awarded DmC a Z (an "18+ only" rating usually applied to games with dismemberment or other extreme violence), the game would have difficulty finding distribution in many Japanese shops.

>"The original concept art had some pretty grotesque depictions," Eshiro recalled. "As the producer, I figured there was no way we could have this get a Z rating, so I had them make things a level or two milder. But it was like, I'd turn my eyes away for a bit, and then there'd be heads flying off bodies, guts all over the place. I don't know how many times I said 'No, this'll make them give it a Z!'"

>The Capcom project leads also recalled Ninja Theory's initial penchant for concentrating on cool visuals first, then building the world image from there, regardless of whether the gameplay matched well with it or not. "I remember, during the first stages of development, one of the illustrations we got for a regular enemy had this huge blade on his right elbow," Itsuno said. "It was actually on pretty much all the enemies! Apparently the designer really liked putting blades on people's elbows."
This is awful.
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Ninja Theory is fucking retarded
dat fucking BSAA Jill man, too many boners
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How about this?
>falling for this again

So none of you were around after RE5 was released?
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>RE6 sells 5million copies
>Okay guys we know the games are shit, lets get away from action.
5 million copies is a liability if you were planning on selling 7 million copies, because you had an army of 600 over three continents working on the game to be a mega hit. Lord only knows if they broke even on that game yet.

Secondly, because even though it sold 5 million, its still not enough and Capcom is lowering their projected income for the year.
Slightly less awful because 2d, but still awful.
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not the same guy...but how about this? Look at Chris! Ride 'em cowboy!
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Guess I can't help you.
>Old Japanese companies might finally change with the times

It's about fucking time. Still not buying whatever shit they put out next though.
Pretty decent actually.
How can it return to its roots? It can't have shit RE1-3 controls again, and those were key in the fear. If they mean RE4 roots, I'm in, but those aren't its roots.
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Then you might also like this! Here's Chris preparing himself as he slides himself in
a.)Kill the characters, start anew

b.) new character in the same time as previous resident evils.
I love this.
How does that have anything to do with what people are complaining about in RE6 though? It was mostly the gameplay that was first and foremost bashed.
It needs to do RE4 controls, but RE1 atmopshere, low ammo situations and not necessarily jump scares but encounters where you really have no choice but to evade enemies that feeling of uselessness RE1 had when you were in tight corridor with zombies and only had one clip left and needed a key item on the other side
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i liked the CALL OF DUTY version of re
but i do miss playing the old tank-movement gameplay
i'd be happy if they made more of the outbreak series too

but seeing that its capcom
its probably gonna be a re-release of RE1-4 HD versions on the consoles
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And if you're a fan of Chris x Wesker, here's one where Wesker penetrating Chris
Good writers, good directors.
I was tons more scared of those guys with the chainsaws in RE4 in the village than I was in almost the entirety of RE6. Remember being stuck in the room with those blind Ganadors, they would just walk around blindly and you would try not to make a sound or they would rush you? Remember the "Left Hand", who got introduced by looking through his eyes, seeing him like some monster running along walls toward your (Leon's) position. Then you wouldn't see him, but you could hear digging noises, see dirt fall from cieling and then some tail with a spike would hit you. And when you were trapped in the same bloodry room with it you finally got to see it (like a good horror, you don't show the monster until last possible moment). You'd maybe be able to find liquid nitrogen, freeze the sucker, and you would unload EVERYTHING you had at it...and then it would unfreeze and you knew you were screwed.

That was done well.

The zombie t-rex? That was done poorly.
They don't have to let Jill and Chris and Leon get grenade launchers and ammo for them by blowing up zombies. Ignore jumpscares, ignore reverse-engineering horror. Ignore what is and isn't a zombie. Just put inventory management back in as a focus. My realization that RE4 was an augmented action game happened just after I realized Magnum ammo wasn't mechanically rarer than anything else, and dropped in quantities large enough to use as a primary if I dropped my basic handgun.

If there's going to be a bater system make it inventory based, take those treasures and make them hold space in the inventory until you can find a dealer to offload them. Make trading with dealers in certain situations do or die where the merchant will move on.
mite b cool, but I'm not sure if that's what Capcom is thinking
I'd wish Wesker would hold me and read me a story before bed.
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>I love this.
Last one for you, its another Chris x Wesker.
After a long session it's Chris finishing off on Wesker by blowing his load on his face. Look at all that liquid fly.
I like you.
RE4 had mindcontrolled humans and heavy use of BOWs
why are people complaining that the horror RE died at RE5 or 6 again?
Because RE4 felt less like a modern military shooter than RE5 and 6
No Co-op.
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You know he has got some firm strong hands
Nearly everyone agrees that RE4 almost completely abandoned its horror roots for an action feel instead. RE5 & RE6 were just worse overall games so they get more criticism, but very few people will say that RE4 was horror because most feel it was not.
Wesker looks like he showed some remorse/regret in that one.

Maybe he had a bond with Chris after all.
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>Wesker looks like he showed some remorse/regret in that one.
Chris wasn't on his knees yet, that's all
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You forgot the part where Chris is totally into fisting.
Remember 5's inventory system? Remember 5's replay any chapter you want? Remember how there was nothing survival about it?

4 tried to scare you, and at least made several memorable seconds that brought the tension on. Moreover, you couldn't just back out to farm money or supplies. 5 had no consequences.
well it makes sense for them to take the military shooter phase because the virus got overweaponized as the story went on
it would probably stagnate faster if they stayed or racoon city or another city over run by infected zombies
spin offs are great if they want to keep it on the horror theme
so chances are the new RE will probably about racoon city or just a HD re-release of the old games
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I'm scared, /v/

I want to believe
I preferred 5's inventory for mercenaries.
quick reload so gud man
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>You forgot the part where Chris is totally into fisting.
That was actually pretty good! I don't have a worthy snappy comeback though!
see picture
>Believing and eastern developer
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I know what you mean. RE6 had so much potential, so much polish in some areas, yet completely flawed and stupid in other areas. What were they thinking?
5's mercs and chris boulder punch was the only reason to play the game.

Unless, you're like hardcore into brown girls or dyejobs.
Who's ready to start shopping Tameem's face on Chris, Jill and Barry?
The organizations fighting into the outbreaks were no less military oriented than when the series started.

RE1 started a paramilitary team which deployed in squads armed with assault and antiarmor weapons.

RE2 admittedly starred more average protagonists in more humble beginnings. Though Leon was supposed to be on a new paramilitary force; he only came in with a sidearm, and only managed to arm Claire because he was aware of the city's armory procedures. But RE2 still featured mercenary squards armed to the teeth to preform a covert hit on a scientist, equipped and trained with the expectation to combat BOW.

RE3 featured a rival mercenary faction, most of whom were touting AR15 parallels.

Only thing that's really changed going into RE5/6 is the contrivances to separate the characters from their weapons, and one another.

Reason they're shit now is because they've been Westernfagging it up.
>took them the shitstorm of RE5 and 6 to figure out that we hate that nonsense

I played I think 150 hours in Mercs.

STARS Wesker, Barry, BSAA Jill, or Default Chris for me

God I love that game
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ugh..I mean "Look at him punching the boulder!" and forgot it says A and not square
internet is slow so . gif is in slow motion at first
>that pained look and desperation in his face as he throws all of his mighty muscle into the round rock
>>174151375 (OP)
they said the same thing after RE5
If by "They" you mean IGN yes. But Capcom never made any such promise. >>174177131
>no citation
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use google chrome to view these gifs, they are 24 frames per second.
When did K` get into RE anyway?
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>implying I use anything but chrome
>>174151375 (OP)
Absolute bullshit. That's exactly what they said about 5 and 6 and look how they turned out.
Resident Evil: Outbreak File 3.
You do realise that it would be casualised to shit like 4, 5 and 6, right?
Unless the game's producer was lying; File 3's already complete and has been sitting on Capcom's servers waiting to be moved with the next backup for the better part of a decade.
>I played the game 5 times

Fucking casual
RE6 would be better as a standalone mercs game.

All the corridors and QTEs and cutscenes and coop shit was so uninspired, and made no good use of the dodge system and only anecdotal use of the cover system.
>return to the original controls and fixed camera angles

You're a retard. It doesn't work anymore, those controls are shit. Play Silent Hill Downpour if you want to check.

REvelations was great and yet it was TPS.
>basically free ad time and attention
Strange how all that free ad time didn't result in a successful game
>it's pretty much guaranteed they'll give the franchise to Ninja Theory.
After NT wasted their time and money making a failure?
What the hell are you on about? Downpour plays nothing like the original REs. That and there's only 1 or 2 areas that have a fixed camera and, again, it's nothing like the original RE games.
>Listen to Fans

I remember going down this road before with Capcom.
I was talking about those places. And how awful it was to navigate in them.

Also, I replayed RE1 recently. It just belongs to the past, this gameplay sucks. You can't aim correctly, you can't see shit, you move like a truck, it's shit.
D-D-Don't worry, this is capcom, they'll never let me down
would you guys like a RE game like MGS: Rising or DmC?
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Since when is Capcom as intelligent as you suggest?

Capcom wants the COD audience.

Capcom thinks the best way to do that is to give their franchises to western devs.

Wait, why do you guys care about what happens to RE? I thought you swore off the series after RE5.
It's called RE6
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At this point, anything is an improvement over what we've received for the last 2 installments.

And I disagree with everyone saying a return to RE roots is a good thing. Tank controls, fixed camera angles, and pre-rendered backgrounds are not going to help the series.

See this to see what I mean:
Capcom is many things idiotic but they do not eagerly try to double down on the source of their losses.

They cut, abandon, or redesign series that underpreform short with little recourse on the part of their internal advocates. This goes back to the PS1 death nell of the classic Mega Man games that took 12 years to get a revisit. Did you enjoy the last Resident Evil Survivor game? Because we'll never bee seeing those again since they failed 4 entirely unique ways.
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And faggots said Operation Crazy wouldn't work. Remember faggots when you are playing the masterpiece that is Resident Evil 6 and reading up on the reinitiated Megaman Legends 3 that it was us that made that happen.
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>>174151375 (OP)
Take Uncharted, put zombies in it, halve the pacing of the game and you get a RE that is good and draws in the adventure and shooter crowd.
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I can only wonder what this will mean.
>Uncharted, put zombies in it, halve the pacing of the game and you get a RE that is good
You lost me.
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Also, they have to reboot the damn franchise. Keep character names and concepts like Leon, Chris, Jill, Ada, and Umbrella and flush the rest.
You forgot Mike you fucking faggot
>Revelaitons coming to PC
>series returning to its roots

oh god yes. Now all we need is for that faggot jake to discover a cloned wesker in a lab and prompty gets killed by said clone and BAM status quo.
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What I would like to see them do is just reboot it. Keep all the characters, but take the story back to square one with large, frightening outbreaks with the area seemingly going to hell and allies dying left and right. Hold back on the whole superhuman stuff, or at least make them all eventually become nasty monsters.

Also, infection rates, the more infected you are, the worse your ending.
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"The person who holds out against an event looks a loser: the minority is a fool. People are cynical about advertising, of course, but their cynicism is so all-inclusive now that they're indifferent, and so they're more susceptible to advertising than ever. If nothing matters anyway, why not just go where the crowd goes? That's a high in itself." - Pauline Kael
"The person who holds out against an event looks a loser: the minority is a fool. People are cynical about advertising, of course, but their cynicism is so all-inclusive now that they're indifferent, and so they're more susceptible to advertising than ever. If nothing matters anyway, why not just go where the crowd goes? That's a high in itself."
- Pauline Kael
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Exactly, people would gobble up a Resident Evil like 2 but without the tank controls. Genuine fear, ammo rationing, etc...
While I'd like to see an RE game were STARS is as big of a deal as it's made out to be. I don't see the appeal in this.

Castlevania's not even one past their the reboot and they're already piling the previous canon back into the game.
>And how awful it was to navigate in them.
Because Vatra doesn't know shit about camera placement. They put one in a corner of a room and think 'Oh nostalgia! it's just like old times!' when, in fact, RE1-C:V and some places in SH1-3 had multiple cameras in each area.

>You can't aim correctly
If you can't hold R1 and press up or down, you should just stop playing videogames.

>you can't see shit
That's the point. Do you not know what suspence is?

>you move like a truck
Blame the tank controls.
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Another cunt just like Ben and another one who couldn't handle saying it to his face.
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Tank controls were fine, and the camera angles were alright. They just need to be tightened up and done perferctly. Sure, it creates atmosphere with the dynamic angles, but it's indisputably frustrating when the change alters your controls and you're suddenly running into a corner like a tard.
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So you don't see the appeal of a COD/Modern Warfare approach to the S.T.A.R.S. organization?

Really? They could easily reboot the series and make Rebecca, Sherry, Sheva, Jessica, Steve, etc... part of S.T.A.R.S. in the new universe.

From there you lead your teams against bio-terrorism attacks that lead to zombies. They should leave the superhuman angle alone, as that's where they started fucking up.
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>Tank controls were fine
For the mid 90s. Tank controls now would be shit.

>and the camera angles were alright
For the mid 90s. Standards have risen. Fixed camera angles are unacceptable now.

Better atmosphere has been created with freely controlled cameras and natural, and crisp controls.
>Tank controls now would be shit

But RE4, 5, and Revelations all sold fine as far as I know.

Why do I need a new canon when that's just a pitch for a minigame?
Why at some point Jill looks like a Samus Aran clone?
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That could work, but maybe later on, after Bio-Warfare becomes a big thing. Like after the nightmares of Arkley and Raccoon City, Chris gathers the remaining members of STARS and forms them into a BSAA style group. Of course, they'd still have to find a way to make the fear work.

Maybe introduce a Thing like virus for that game, where members of your squad could possibly mutate at any minute and become a threat.

Fuck up too much, and EVERYONE dies, no matter what.
RE5 was panned largely due to the tank control, shit camera, shit plot and shit AI.
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I don't know, haven't really heard many people complain about fixed angles. But lilke I said, long as they're well done and don't interefere with your controls, they can be quite suspenceful to the thrill.
>ORC Jill

Seeing it in motion is horrible. What a fucking man-faced abomination. Why coldn't they just use the REmake version or something?
The plot and AI I can understand, but it had almost the same controls RE4 had.
See, now this is something that would hook COD fans. But I'm not really seeing the fear factor in this.

RE has to decide whether it wants to be an action game or a horror game.
Still want to see who in the Capcom design department thought that not being able to move in all directions while aiming was a good idea once you go up against guns.
>barry is now a nigger
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Capcom lost the rights to Julia Voth's likeness (Jill's face for YEARS), so they had to come up with a new one.
who is that?
Probably the same people who've been on the staff since the beginning of the series. There is an insane lack of foresight within the RE series.

They need to get the rights back then because her new faces have all been awful.

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