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new world orchestra sure seems popular in japanese trailers

still tough to tell i the gameplay is gonna stand up to other action games this year but it will certainly look cool
>that website
Just link to youtube like any normalfag
It's time

>max 480p

Oh wow, his boss sounds awful.
Only good voice choice was the dude who steals musical talent to inflict sadness on the world.
Anyone worried about the August release date?

Especially since they aren't throwing trailers at us?
I am so fucking hyped.
>first Suda game since NMH

Please be as good as Killer7

Please be as good as Killer7
wishful thinking would say that they aren't just blowing budget on advertising too early
Looks fucking terrible just like every suda game.
Game has been under dev since 2011, and was in pre before that.

I can't imagine it's that far off from being a finished product.

What about The Damnned

SotD was a good game. Not great, but good. It was solid and inspired but it wasn't particularly amazing.

But it was funny.

It was decent and its the only exception. No more heroes, lollipop and damned were all abysmal.
Not actually Suda.

Overrated on /v/. Controls were unnecessarily complicated and the story was extremely try hard and edgy.
>lollipop and damned

You mean those games Suda didn't make?

I don't see how they fit in here.

He made one "Good" And i give the title good spearingly because all he did was make "Whacky story" Was no decent plot what so ever.

The only "Good" Game he made was No more heroes 1. THAT IS IT.
Better than the rest of the "action gaem" shit being churned out.

I'd rather support Suda than EA or Ubisoft anymore.
>Controls were unnecessarily complicated

Yeah, no. Killer7 was fantastic.

It wasnt. You just have nostalgia goggles.

Then what games has suda made?
>nostalgia goggles

Do they not teach high-school kids how to argue anymore?
>nostalgia goggles

I just beat it last week, it was damn near perfect.


Uh huh.
My body is ready
Killer7, No More Heroes, Liberation Maiden, Flower Sun and Rain and Silver Case.

Silver Case has not been released here.
Do you want me to take a picture of my save file?
>that argument

Wooooooooooow, 150% told
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>American Dub
Maybe it'll be dual audio? Maybe? Don't let my dream die before it learns to fly
>nostalgia glasses
Are your sides also in orbit?

>Killer 7


>Liberation Maiden
It was so bad they had to port it to the iOS to increase sales.

>Flower Sun
Pirated it on Ds. It was terrible too.

So the guy has made nothing really good, impressive or noteworthy and you ride his cock. Alright.
Killer7, No More Heroes 1, & 2 are really awesome games, but they could've had a bit more polish gameplay-wise. However, I, and I'm sure many others will argue, it gives the games a lot of charm.

Payed 30 bucks for Shadows, had a blast and got my money's worth. Had I payed 60? Probably not so much.

Haven't played Lollipop, but it looks slightly better than a standard Musou game.

Killer 7 was just to quirky for me.

There was never a real world or real laws.

With No more heroes I felt that things could get whacky because it had rules.
Killer is 7 never had any of these things.

Who knows? Maybe this was the real reason for it.
/v/ trolled me into buying it. Probably the worst game I ever payed money for.
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>all this pleb
Yeah, looked super easy and you just kinda blow through enemies no sweat, at least from what I've seen.
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Your post is so stupid I have to post a Hoemstuck reaction image for it. Sweey Heyseuse


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