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It's time.
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oh boy
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here we go.

FUCK YOU incoming
>>173756331 (OP)
not gonna lie , that artstyle makes it look way better than the game model
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The ride never ends...
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What the fuck? The dialogue is passable. Not great, but passable.
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>that fucking chin
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They should have just made the game a comic, It would have caused less of a shitstorm with the whole alternate dimension thing.
I don't...I don't get this timeline. What?
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I'm...kinda disappointed, I know the whole scene by heart now, where's the FUCK YOU?
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Hey virgral is kinda cool here.

The whole masked hero thing is neat.
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Kinda feel like this could've been a nice Alternate University thing for the whole DMC thing, if they'd only not fuck up on so many levels and try to pass it off as being way superior to the originals.

If they'd take care of some of the edges of the story, fixed the personalities a little and be more humble, admiting outright it was just a retelling...it would've been loads better for everyone. Fucking Tameem, man...
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>>173756331 (OP)
This is canon? Vorgil looks pretty violent
This is really badly written. Dialogue is better than the game though. Strange.

Just looked up the writer.

Just some random french fuck.

It's no wonder they couldn't get a real writer to go along with this project.
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Sorry, but page #12 is broken and I couldn't find a version where it wasn't.

Wait, this enemy don't exist in the game.
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dem fucking thighs, holy jesus what
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>drawing his sword when there's no enemies around

Goddamnit, Vergil. That's not how you do it.
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You know, this is pretty badly written

But it's still better than the actual game

That says a lot
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Well...It's not horrible at least.
Where did his katana go?

I never got this.

Nelpheim can move through both limbo and the real world yes.

But so can demons.

So why are nelphim so important.

and where the fuck are the angles, Did they just say fuck it.
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>Expecting consistency with NT

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>twisted metal head on art

omg i love it
Real time weapon switching.
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Why is he fighting bloodseeker.

>This confirms she's a terrorist.

Excuse me, what?

What's the confirmation?
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Holy shit this is bad.
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>Yelling his attack
More weeaboo than DMC ever was.
That's not Yamato.
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Was just thinking that.
Limbo itself makes no sense

First Kat says she's only a spirit in limbo an cant actually interact with anything yet dante could kill her by shooting it and then she throws a molotov at the Hunter and that makes it vulnerable, so presumably the bottle had squirrel semen in it since thats apparently a conduit for limbo

What is worse is mundus does not know about virgals existence.

Only nelphim can go to limbo though body. and dante is locked up.

So no one questions who the fuck this nigger is and how he is doing this.
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Of course, it's the YahMattOH, silly.
What a coincidence, the writing is as shitastic in the comic as it was in the video game.

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The end. I mean FUCK YOU.
>Oh God!

That'll be $3.50
plus tip
Holy shit...you're right.


Absolutely terrible.
Why the fuck wasn't this the in-game dialogue?

It's actually slightly better because they aren't yelling FUCK YOU YOU SHIT ASS BITCH every minute.

Because Tameem.

dialogue is worse.

Plot holes though.


There's like a new one on every page.
Too conformist.
Not edgy teen enough.
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This comic gave me cancer.
That ice is a total Bro

Excuse me if I am wrong, But dante was fighting the succubus.

The next panel says 1 year later.
Dante was not in hellfire prison a year after that fight, He was no where a year after that fight.

Unless a year later means a year earlier.
Isn't Donte his twin? Shouldn't he at least resemble him?
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Well, the writing is shit, but better than in the game. The writer obviously tried to improve it a little as seen here >>173756489

Also, the timeline doesn't make sense to me and Kat is acting out of character.

The writing can't be... that bad, can it?

Our father decided to give me to a rich family.

He through our brother to a demon orphanage cause he was totally not a demon and would not have know about this.
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>The whole masked hero thing is neat.
Yeah, incredibly original too.
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Why is limbo the realm of demons?
Is limbo supposed to be how the world truly is?
Why are they still in the same place fighting the same people if it is all different?
Did her spirit powers send vorgil into limbo, or did he just move with her at the same time?
Did the monster guards teleport to limbo at the same time as well or is this fight taking place in multiple dimensions?
Well, the idea of one of the sons of Sparda acting as a masked superhero to protect the world from demons instead of them being mercenaries is kinda neat, or whatever Donte and Vorgil are supposed to be(freedom fighters?).
Sparda is Capcom, Vergil is new DmC, Donte is old DmC.
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>his dick glows suddenly
Must be because of how big it is.

The end was just awe full.

Release hell on earth, Destroy the entire world breaking all laws of reality and science.

WE KNOW YOUR GAME DEMONS! YOUR TIME IS UP! Sure you are deadly monsters that outnumber us all and can easily kill us.

Base idea isn't so bad. A more 'realistic' approach to DMC. But they just shit on it on so many levels, goddamn.

But I agree

domestic terrorists at best.
It really doesn't help that Vorgil's disguise is basically his mask, since he wears his "that kid" trenchcoat everywhere.
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>this whole comic
Only "realistic" if the existence of demons was a (poorly kept) secret ala DmC instead of an obvious and present threat that everyone knows about.
>calling his own mother, an angel, a whore
I don't get it
It was literally the first page of the comic I read.
He's describing them in the way the demons and maybe angels perceive them.
Wait. What's the logic behind putting Donte in a demon-run orphanage? That's jew going to a concentration camp for summer.
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Vergil and Dante are supposed to be strong as fuck, but in DmC they are so weak that they need to team up with each other and (obligatory female)Kat. Yet they still get their shit wrecked by Mundus.

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>this comic

It's like i was in the ME3 general again! jesus fucking christ that was bad it seems that anything with DmC on it is poison.
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It's okay when Dante does it. But Vergil? Shit, nigga.
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This Sparda is not the classy DMC Sparda.

Hell, why aren't the angels doing anything to protect humanity if Eva is the reason Sparda decided to protect humanity?
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I'm not accustomed to pirating DLC.
When Vorgil DLC comes can I pirate it for my pirated DmC.
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>mfw this comic
But Donte doesn´t know Kat at the beggining, how is she going to help him without him seeing her?
Also Moondus rips Eva DA WHOOOOOARGHB´s heart, he doesn´t crucify her. Get your shit together Capcom.
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The funny thing is that the Brotherhood that Vergil leads is based on Anonymous, which itself was inspired by V for Vendetta. So they ended up ripping off the shittiest parts of that.

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I've been looking for you, Neo.

It's me, V.
Someone should dump the manga.
This final page will be put to most excellent use I presume.
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when were you when lyl is dead?

I was home eating toejam toast when vlad ring.

'lyl is kill'

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>I had friends who perished here...when they got too close to the edge.

...Me too ;_;
Is it wrong if I enjoyed reading that? Even though it wasn't good at all, I kind of liked having more backstory to the game even if the story was pretty shitty to begin with.
The DMC3 manga? I could try if nobody else wants to.
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It's okay to enjoy a universe being fleshed out, even if it makes the story make less sense.

pls anon
so is the secret ingredient?
Exact same thought.
yes, that is.
wow, this comic is pretty bad

Already miles better than the game.
I think you mean that doesn't say a lot.
Cause it doesn't.
>the edge

It's symbolism.
Fffff, please do.
he's not even holding up a katana anymore, jesus
It's funny because he isn't doing Rising Dragon.
He's doing Real Impact.
Holy shit,would you look at that.

Kat was actually good-looking in-game,Christ
Oh fuck, that thing. I swear, I read it three times and I can't make sense of the fucking thing. I'm not sure if my brain just can't process manga or some shit, but it's just confusing. From the story to the general art of it all.
On top of that, it's a reference to Shoryuken, so of course he has to yell it.
>Kat was actually good-looking in-game

are you serious?
>getting your own attack names wrong
Oh god it reminds me of that DBZ dub where everything was a KAMEHAMEHA
She gon git raeped
>not onda vital

This nigga
I was talking about that british dub but
>onda vital
Que te jodan.
I hope I'm not the only one who occasional gets DMC3 Dante's "EEEAAAAH!" Stinger shouts and "BREAKDOWN" stuck in my head.
But he has another move called Rising Dragon.
Why not say Rising Dragon when performing -Rising Dragon-?

Dance Macabre and Real Impact's line are stuck with DMC1 Dante's YOH and Nero's HEY HEY HEY
my goodness
Specially the cerberus combo here he bruce lee as fuck
wait, wrong game
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I get Vergil lines stuck in my head constantly.
>Is that what you think? Foolish girl.
Someone get that face just above SPIRAL SWORDS, please.

That's another one. Vergil pretty much ruined the way I say "scum" forever.

I can only say it "normally" when I focus on saying it neutral.
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You will not forget this devils power
>tfw spiral swords
Is this game good /v/, should I get it?
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>that spanish voicework for the succubus
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Is the demon Kat sees supposed to be her step-father? If so, Kat didn't kill him, Vorgil did.

If this is all set 1 year after the Succubus battle, it would imply it happens after the end of the game that's impossibly because these characters don't know each other.

If they meant 1 year BEFORE the Succubus battle happened, it still wouldn't make sense: Donte gets out of Hellfire and just goes to live in a trailer on the pier, drinking booze and fucking hoes? Mundus must've gotten word that he escaped since Vorgil mentions it has never happened before?

Just fucking pirate it, why are you even asking?
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No. If you're looking for a good hack&slash, get either Ninja Gaiden Black, DMC HD collection, God of War, Metal Gear Rising or Bayonetta instead. You're guaranteed to have more fun with at least one of those, since all of them are better than this piece of mediocre shit.
Oh my fucking god I'm saving that.
This book says the Succubus battle happens 1 year before Dante is in prison, and you're still nitpicking? Of course this does not follow any sort of canon.
It was probably written before the Dragon's Dogma team came in to fix up the game and the rewrites.
I mentioned the before because it makes fuck-all sense in the game's timeline. If they're only going to contradict eachother, then what's the point of "fleshing it out"?
To market on the game's release? They do this everytime, we're just seeing it now, because /v/ hates DmC.

Find a copy of the comics about MvC3 or MK vs DC, and see that they contradict a lot of things on the games. These teams almost never work closely together, they're just given a rough draft of the plot and expand upon it.

>this demon is going to kill you, kat!
If Vergil just knew...

>Do you feel that feel?
>Yes, I too am feeling it.
>MvC3 or MK vs DC
Do those games have a story to begin with? Is it Shakespearan?

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