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Alright /v/, let's share our dream games by our favourite developers that'd probably never happen.

Mockups optional.

>Judge Dredd: Megacity 1

>by Rocksteady
>>177940014 (OP)
original design donnut steal
judge dredd by Volition. They did a great job at making the punisher faithful to the comics despite the game being a cash-in for the movie
Superman by Platinum games.
Your addition to this thread has been noted. 6 years in the isocubes for being such a gump
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I hear what you're really saying OP, let's have a Dredd thread.
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for being a cash in it had nothing to do with the movie except the fight with the russian... Wich came from the comic anyway,
a "skylanders" type game, but with Warhammer.
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star wars battlefront 3 developed by valve
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Berserk game made by From Software and Platinum for their touch of crazy.
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what a shit eating grin.
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A Half-Life spinoff by Arkane, like the scrapped Episode 4/Return to Ravenholm.
>never released
>if released will force a bunch of hats/collectibles into the game
No thanks.
Get out, cancer.
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That's my man!
Axe Cop by Platinum Games.
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big scale WARBAND multiplayer game - warhammer fantasy theme
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D'awww. Dredd's just all heart.
Why do they make humans into chemicals and what are they used for?
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They can't really grow much and need to use all they can.

The people know products contain human parts, but nobody really seems to care.
>>177940014 (OP)
arkham city/asylum combat system
Same with the toolbelt, just for his gun and the different ammo type.

welp, i never actually read a story that showed the resyk plant in detail, Bureaucratic wet dream right there
Holy shit yes.

Also, Spider-Man by Quantic Dream.
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they have ads all over the place for human cola, and do you have any diea how much valuable minerals you got in your body, sir.
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You get to go to resyk in one of the missions of the Dredd shooter.

Also let's you visit the smokatorium which I had forgotten all about. They really nailed a lot of things in Dredd. Nowadays we actually do have places designated only for smoking since it's banned in other places.

The game is pretty good as well, let's you arrest fat people for obstruction.
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Guts' Rage was a great game, and the only one where you could actually feel the weight of the sword.
Chemical value of a body is about a dollar. We don't store valuable chemicals in our bodies, you know. We have copper and zinc, not gold and platinum.
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why would they care? its not even human meat anymore, just minerals and chemicals extracted
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One of the biggest themes in post apocalyptic settings is that things like gold lose their value while things like food and tools raise in value.

They also make food out of you in resyk.
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Optional sentencing choices:

>Throw the book at them for maximum Law and laughs, but increase ambient levels of civil unrest towards judges.

>Award lighter sentences, less judge-based aggro, but increase in general criminal activity.
Yeah, no. I want NOTHING by valve.
>b-but muh DRM!
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For self education
Is modern Dredd in the case files pulications or were they published under somebody else?
>implying I didn't download them all
I skipped a lot of dredd to go read the coloured ones.
No regrets, it really gets better.
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I've the whole Democracy storyline.

Old-Dredd dumper gonna keep going or do I post The Devil You Know?
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One of the best things about judge dredd vs death is the gun play. You start off with the lawgiver and have access to all the different sorts of shots right away. There really is no reason to use any other gun in the game unless you really need the extra firepower, they balanced it so nicely. Really feels like a handcannon.
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>Oh for heavens sake
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story-arcs are nice and a ll, but the best Judge Dredd stories are the ones, like so posted in this thread, one-of stories about Dredd doing an average day job.
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>If people really piss you off you can go maximum law and ignite them (maybe a bit too harsh)
>Can blow the fuck out of things with high-ex (more like high-ez shit is so amazing)
>Can shoot guns out of people's hands and arrest them
Those grenades too, you can be a ninja arresting people gassing them and shooting their guns.
OP here, the Dredd dumping pleases me greatly. Free pardons for everybody except for you muties
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I'm gonna stop at the end of walter pt 2 so after I post 30.jpg go nuts.
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Troika/Obsidian get back together and re-release VTMB with all the same writing and gameplay but with no bugs and no FPS issues.
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Fuuck, reinstalling now.

no they will get their pardons, all they have to do is go to the city-hall and apply for one you're not allowed to enter the city though, scumbags
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Judge Dredd

By Rockstar (Not my favorite developer, I just figure since RDR they'd do a fantastic job with this if done right)

I think I'd love to just cruise around a broken city filled with grotesque violence stopping crime.
The game I mostly want though,
A game set in a world much like Van Helsing Lore, you make your own builds, gothic architecture everywhere much like pic related, and fighting monsters is actually difficult, you have to think of every fight, use massive chain combos, set traps etc.

Probably done by CDProject, no dick sucking, they just do the fantasy I love. I love the settings they do, I love the aethetics and looks, I think they'd make a great open world dark RPG type action adventure.
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Open-world Mass Effect by Bethesda
The Case Files are at vol. 19 I believe, which has stories from the mid 90s. Important modern Dredd stories are collected on their own, though.
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>>177940014 (OP)
>Romance of the Three Kingdoms

>by Paradox
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The was a big problem though, it's how rapidfire is basically worthless compared to armour piercing.
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>wanting rockstar for anything
no, just NO.
I get what you want, it's an open world game, we wall want that and rockstar can't get it right even after all these GTA games.
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Damn, that torrent only went up to #15
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>3D Pokemon game
>No Pokemon or mechanics past the 2nd gen
>You go through Kanto, Johto and Orange Islands
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They'll never deliver our generations 3d pokemon game...
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Why am I laughing
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Nexus 7 user here.

Any good apps for reading pirated comics? I want to get into Dredd but would prefer to read them in my bed rather than on my monitor.
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A proper Banjo-Threeie by a reassembly of the old Rare team. I remember reading somewhere that the concept was that you visit the same levels you did in Banjo-Kazooie or Tooie but they're significantly expanded upon and changed due to the time that has passed. Sounded cool. We got cars instead.
OP here, I love this one, if only for this one page...
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Try extracting the images from the .cbr and then reading them through a regular image viewer.
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>>177940014 (OP)

>Judge Dredd
>by Rockstar
>not by Tigon Studios

Really?! REALLY?!
I've been reading too many of the chinese cartoons. I keep reading these the wrong way.
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But I like your support for Tigon Studios

Really?! REALLY?!
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>>177940014 (OP)
Where are the video games?
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>dat finger in mouth Dredd impersonation
Next thread.
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> bleach: kenpachi's rage
> by platinum games
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Love this page so much.
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This one as well.
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keep em comming
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>tfw comics these days are about 5-6 times that
Question, where's a good place to get an assload of Judge Dredd comics to read?
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Here's a quick little 6 pager. Pretty good one too.
Sorry for late post, and I know what you mean, I do. I just think RDR was great, and if it's anything like that, then I'd be very happy. I just don't know anyone that could pull it off like RDR.
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My bad, I read it wrong. Still.

Really?! REALLY?!
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>This is technically illegal
So, how many years in the cubes does a judge get if for neglection of duty?
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In this special issue Dredd travels back to present day America.
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>battle of the burger companies

Yep, definitely America.
hey, it's not the next issue
dump part five of the devil you know
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I'd gladly let Tigon have a shot at it Or collaborate with Rocksteady. A man can dream
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>>177940014 (OP)
>mfw i saw the new movie last week
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Legend of Zelda by Platinum. Only gameplay though.

I would play it hard
They're collected in the 'case files' publications. All avaiable from 2000A.D. online stores

Or you can be a filthy, drokkin gump and pirate the lot!
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Hahahah, that's the one they couldn't reprint, wasn't it?
>Burger law
Who comes up with line like these?
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>>177940014 (OP)
A Shinobi game with ofc Platinum
100% crazy
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Lobo by old ID with the full doom team
I can't even figure out what the comic's parodying.

Maybe brand loyalty of burger companies? Shit this is deep.
I was dragged in expecting shit. I found myself hoping they'd make another.
It was made in the late 70s.
They were on acid.
Holy shit, is that Iggy Pop leading Dredd through the Cursed Earth?
Yeah they need to do another one with the same people
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It was the little things that got me.

>Black guy had 'Grud' tattooed on his hand if you look close enough
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In which comic do we see Dredd's long walk?

This is from Tale of the Dead Man, but this is and 1 page is about all we see.
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Seeing as we're talking about the movie, here's Anderson's first appearance in the comics.
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still waiting
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Hey I am pretty sure that comic was black and white when I read it
That was all of the devil you know.

If you want the entire democracy storyline which is like 20 comics you can find it on /rs/
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>We've come to slam your butt in pokey
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The guys who made SWAT 4 or Crackdown should make Judge Dredd game.
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>Just one word
What were they thinking

her first appearence and she is technically dead.
In an earlier prog boing is a spray that encapsulates you in a bouncy ball but it was outlawed after a kid boinged off the top of a city blok causing hundreds of deaths and casualties.
It makes sense if you'd read one of the previous stories.
Boing is a product.
I know what it is referring to.

It was more that Boing was the answer to stopping Judge Death.
And.. You know, that panel being so ridiculous.
The sort of backstory that could have only been grown with a British upbringing
Anyone got that page with the female judge kissing Dredd, and he ends up sentencing her to 6 months?
They pull a deus ex machina in a future comic to free both of them
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Guess I'll post the boing prog then.
Skyrim by Fromsoft

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Come to think of it, most 2000A.D. stuff is great game material:


>Time-traveling future-cowboys ranching herbivores in the 'jurassic' period to provide for a hungry future.
>Giant spiders

They really had the best ideas...
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>That death panel
Fucking hilarious
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That last panel. Holy shit.
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It was calling for a reaction image cropping
This has been a great thread so far, I love comic threads on /v/
>Not... an illegal boing...
What a shame.
It was actually a sequel to the movie.
Care to elaborate... because you sound like you are full of shit.
The story is completely unrelated and the russian is alive
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OP here, I ought to sentence you all to life in the cubes for illegal distribution of Justice Dept. paraphenalia.

But by grud it's been a good one!
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Here's a depressing one.
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The main villian is Saints son. But they call him "Jigsaw" It's like a quasi sequel because as you stated the russian is alive.
All this rampant consumerism makes my skin crawl.
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>You will never patrol the streets of Megacity 1 delivering justice as you see fit
cyberpunk game
Well that was...odd
>Hugging Dredd
Unlawful contact with a federal judge.

6 months in the cubes, creep.
Thanks for reminding me that all the sentences I give in my head don't mean shit

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