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Do you think WoW will get "rebooted" or is it doomed to die an eventual free to play death?

I mean, just look at the signs.

- Cross realm bullshit exists only to keep as many casual subscribers as possible, and as a result, has wrecked the community.
- Questing and dungeons are so easily it's impossible to actually die to quests and nearly impossible to wipe in a dungeon.
- Microtransactions everywhere.

We've seen shit like this happen to many MMORPGs and I feel it's eventual WoW will go free to play.

Do you think Blizzard could reboot and save the game, by crunching the ridiculous stat numbers and fixing the community?
>There is usually a very light amount of planning for the next three expansions. This is limited to what they would be about, the theme, and some of the major features. Plans usually end up changing, so not a lot of time is spent on it.

Sounds like they have plans to still support the game as a subscription based MMO for a while
Aren't they working on another MMO?

You don't think this is a coincidence, right?

The new MMO will be revealed with tales of how it brings back old WoW, with nitty gritty challenge, and exploration.

And people will flock to it. It's a good cashin. Their reputation has been shit on with lying about SCII's expansions, and D3 being... well, just bad.
>lieing about SCII's expansions

Please explain.
Stat crunching will happen sooner rather than later, for the other stuff I don't really know and I don't care, I mostly like the game as it is
I've never played WoW but I've played LOTRO for 5 years, never go F2P all our "new" content is just the same as wow dumbed the fuck down
Won't go F2P until they go under a couple million subs
they probably already have but just lie about it
that's not how public stock companies work, bro
WoW is better now than it ever was

I want nostalgia fags to leave
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>playing MMO's
Hah, get out of you mom's basement nerd
Bobby Kotick pls go
hahahahaha, you really think it isn't?
>inb4 you get called a troll

feature and content- wise, sure. But many people will never be 14 again and entering SW/OG for the first time so feel-wise they're right
They've already made more money off it than most kikes are capable of imagining. They'll keep milking as a p2p for as long as possible and then make it tor-tier f2p with restrictions up the ass and expensive cash shop
yes, I really think that. The amount of legal ramifications for forging numbers isn't worth it by a long shot
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>tfw I don't give a shit cause the greatest mmo ever is in the process of being resurrected and disney doesn't give a fuck
this is assuming corporations aren't guilty of lying to stock holders all the fucking time
The only thing WoW has going for it as of this moment, is having an abundance of content. There's no longer a challenge in questing, dungeons/raids, no more exploration or sense of wonder, and most of all and most importantly, no community.
WoW stopped growing a long time ago and has been stagnant. It wont take much of a push for subs to start really shrinking now. With new tech on its way the writing is on the wall for 3rd person, dumbed down, low poly garbage.
How to fix WoW

1. Remove flying mounts
2. Disable datamining somehow
3. Remove LFR
4. Dungeon Finder only works for finding people on the same server and no longer instantly teleports to the dungeon
5. Arenas no longer give conquest points, they are played just for rating. Random Battlegrounds give double their previous honor and conquest points.
6. Lots and lots of class balance changes with a focus on battlegrounds instead of arenas.
Ok, I have to chip in now, but holy fuck this kid is dellusional. The US government loves fining corporations when they can. WoW is such a big game that they will check to make sure their books are on the up and up, otherwise they would make it public and sue them for millions under the SEC umbrella. Do you even know what the SEC is?
I played WoW during cata when they let me re activate my account for a week.

It was pretty ridiculous how the lower lvl dungeons have changed. You just constantly pull everything and AOE it all to death. You never die, never stop, or anything, and all the quest givers are right there at the entrance. So you just do each dungeon once and you will be ready to head to outlands in a day. Wtf happened?

I had a blast in EQ just hanging out with bros and farming exp day in and day out. Dungeons actually meant something. Items actually ment something. Maybe one day you'd be lucky to get in a group in the mushroom king's room in sebilis and get a chance to get a cobalt bracer which is actually fucking useful for the entire lifetime of the game. Maybe another day you'll go with your low lvl guild and raid a fire dragon which actually drops valuable loot which will last you more than 2 more levels. It actrually felt like a fantasy land instead of just a whatever the fuck wow is.
go ahead and beat top-tier heroic raids, friend. That shit is hard/

exploration - no flying until 90 is the only thing they could have done and Pandaria is pretty great

other stuff, you're mostly right
Do you know how many people would be piss with these changes?

The WoW you want is dead. Games aren't hardcore as they used to be. They are design to be entertainment medians in which you can jump in and out at any given time to satisfy your entertainment needs. Get a grip.
1. Star Wars Galaxies
2. UO
3. Vanilla WoW
b-b-bbut the government and corporations are all evil and don't have to follow rules ever I may be 14 years old but i'm not retarded. Anarchy makes sense.
so you want the game to be more annoying, not more challenging. You're only listing quality of life changes that can be avoided if need be
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>questing and dungeons
>ever challenging
get out you shitter
Oh not to mention, Lady Vash and Lord Nagafen are vanilla EQ raids, and they still had extremely useful drops even after the next 2 expansions came out. Somehow EQ expansions managed to not completely obliterate all the content from previous expansions.
Here's the fun part: WoW was never hard, just tedious. Even Naxx40.
>implying flying mounts dont ruin the game
Vanilla was tedious. Difficulty ramped up after that at the cost of tediousness.
WoW will continue declining, but it's natural, seeing as the game is nearing its 9th birthday..

Titan will probably take over, provided Blizzard doesn't fuck up.
Yes, explain. I actually have not heard about this, and want to know before i buy HotS.
It's hilarious how easy Naxx is when you no longer need 8 warrior tanks in a world without cross realm raids and server transfers.
>>180294575 (OP)

Fuck that picture makes me sad.

I miss my guild, I miss my bros.

I miss my time on Vanilla/BC, the most fun I've had online in my life.
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the savior is coming
there's no one stopping you from riding a ground mount for 20 mins to get to your quest hub. If you want immersion, I'd suggest that. Hell' I sometimes ride a long time just to see the world. I sometimes press / and walk slowly through the cities for the fuck of it
It's Blizzard. If WoW got rebooted it would be just be just as bad/good as everything else Blizzard makes. There will never be an MMO that achieved the same things that WoW achieved, and WoW will never be at that point again.
>Titan will probably take over, provided Blizzard doesn't fuck up.

Blizzard will never have another WoW. Deep down I think they know this.

why are you hyping generic mmos?
Looks like WoW with a bigger animation budget.
What makes it different/better?
It's an MMO, you can't just set rules for yourself in a multiplayer game like that.
>dreamworks MMO
>anything but a sinking ship
>tfw doing karazhan for the first time
Exactly. Nothing is stopping you. Nothing is stopping you from skipping over everything either. What real nerds want from an MMO is an immersive world that makes you actually feel like you're in a fantasy world. It should be dangerous and take a long time to get from place to place. It should rely on player interaction to make the world less dangerous and faster to travel through. WoW is ok for casuals but terrible for hardcore nerds. And it sucks because WOW set the precedent for MMOs so we haven't had a real engaging one in a while.
Im a veteral player (vanilla) and at first I was against panda land, seemed retarded and I thought they were running out of ideas.
Im enjoying it more than LK and Cata, its well done.

I dont agree with some decisions bliz made like cross realms. I liked the population of my server. It was quiet but not too quiet. Now there are asshats from other realms spamming general.
Id be happy if you could turn it off but whatever.

I unsubscribed in LK and Cata a bunch because there was nothing to do. Id log in, sit in stormwind for a good hour or two and log off, seemed stupid.
Ive been enjoying MoP, the setting, the music (dat inn music) , the quests, everything fits.
If they want dangerous, try Wizardry. Perma death is a thing.
You don't like the Wizardry series I take it?
I miss the sense of server community. You actually met people doing PuGs for dungeons. I met a bro doing uldaman pugs once in mid-BC and we stuck together all the way to wrath. But i guess he quit because he just up and vanished eventually. I quit during the lead up to cata because there was nothing i was looking forward to in that expansion. They killed server community with dungeon finder, and they were killing the old world i still enjoyed exploring. I heard MoP is good, and it may be, but i know that it's never going back to the WoW i enjoyed.
People think BC was the best expansion ever. But that's wrong seeing how it introduced all the worst elements. Flying mounts, arenas, PvP resilience, 25 mans, and etc. I want nostalgia fags to leave.
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>but muh communiteh

But 25-mans and flying mounts are good faggot. Speaking of nostalgiafags...
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Never heard of wizardry so I'm looking up stuff.

I found characters that look an awful lot like FFXIV, a YOU DIED screen ripped from demon's souls, and miss missile tits shown here. wtf is this
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>flying mounts are good
WoW was always terrible.
>All these baby-shits thinking WoW was anything but crap

Even Everquest was less fucking casual, talk about a good MMO like UO.
For men its fairly realistic armor, sadly. They did that in FFXI and then went WTF with the women wearing whore armor.

Not shown in that picture is gnomes, aka sheep people.
Not that guy, but I'm guessing he's referring to when they announced HotS and said 'IT WILL CHANGE THE GAME ENTIRELY!'

Of course everyone including the gooks were happy because sc2 was basically 2-3 build orders based on what you were playing against and it was never really 'balanced'.

When they announced hots the main point was that every race was getting new units which would alter the gameplay entirely hence new strategies would be made, new ways to counter and play the game.

This excited a lot of people because SC2 as it was was stale already.

Throughout the beta of HotS they removed about 90% of the terran 'new' units and nerfed the ones that they didn't remove to the point where they're not even used. Making terran again the same thing as WoL for the next 2-3 years.

As far as protoss/zerg, they buffed their units and zerg is literally babby mode even more now than it was in WoL.

Either way, HotS will bomb for sure, because the devs are idiots and just fuck around when it comes to balance. You can tell they have no idea what they're doing. If you don't believe me simply read the patch notes for about 4-5 of the most recent HotS patches and you'll see how the majority of 'buffs/nerfs' aren't even tested, they just throw numbers and watch how people play, then revert it or leave it in until people complain again.
Because we all know that the least casual game is the best, right anon?

In fact, the best game ever is the game I made on my own. It's so hardcore that you need to be into programming to make it run to begin with, and even then, you will never meet the winning conditions.
I lost interest in SC2 when I realized that every patch just made 1 strategy the ultimate winner everywhere. I stopped paying attention around the time when the blue flame hellion rush was used 90% of the time and won 99% of the time it was used. It was also around the time that they held the Blizzard worldwide invitational and in the grand finale the match was so ridiculously obviously staged it was painful to watch.

I mean I watch these players play in tournaments and on streams every single day for a year and then they get to the grand finale and 5 of the games last 10-15 minutes, with the final game lasting about an hour because they pull all their punches and do completely uncharacteristic shit just so Blizzard could have a retarded faux "epic battle" with 200/200 units at the end.
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>Because we all know that the least casual game is the best, right anon?
>flying mounts are good

I loved exploring on foot, made the mmo massive.
>tfw still refuse to buy cold weather flying after 5 years
I bought SC2 for 5€ to play Starjeweled.
I was so good at this.
>tfw still refuse to buy cold weather flying after 5 years

How do you do anything in the Stormpeaks or Icecrown?
Thats just silly.
>I stopped paying attention around the time when the blue flame hellion rush was used 90% of the time and won 99% of the time it was used.

Yeah that got nerfed too, that's just what happens. Players find a good strategy (usually terrans) then it works for about a month. Then it gets nerfed to the ground.

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They just need to bring progression back into the next content. Don't ask me how or what they're supposed to do. But thats it.

No really they just put a patch out and next patch almost completely nullifies the last one. When you hit 90 now you immediately start in the latest raid just like it was in cata and most of wrath.

BC and Vanilla had progression. Go on any servers and you'd have a slew of guilds in ZG/MC a few in BWL and if you were lucky 1 maybe 2 guilds in naxx.

You'd have that glorious high warlord warrior sitting on his black war raptor right outside the AH afking for 4 days straight and everyone would run by stop and look at him for a few seconds and go about their business.
That's the thing, though. They always just attack the problem directly.

Wouldn't it be more effective if instead of just nerfing blue flame hellion rushes by making their build time 1 second longer or whatever the fuck, they try to come up with ways to give other races multiple ways to counter things? That way if A makes a move then B has several tools to counter it instead of just nerfing everything to shit so everything is worthless.
>When you hit 90 now you immediately start in the latest raid just like it was in cata and most of wrath.
nope. ToT will slap your shit if you're not properly prepared.

And old style progression fucking sucks. The further progressed guilds lack members because big parts of the playerpool arent progressed to that point, guilds are forced to run old content forever to gear up new players and alts and players that are good have to use shit tier entry level raid guilds and then abandon them further down the road when they get gear.
Losing well geared players, especially tanks meant that the guild was in deep shit too and player sniping was extremely common back then which also ruined many proper guilds.

All of that to maintain some retarded sense of superiority for a select few. Its not worth it at all and many who actually raided back then agree with me.
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>>180294575 (OP)

Wow OP, great job on making me cry
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So you run raid finder that Q's you up with 24 other retards for 2-3 weeks and you're all set whats the big deal. Player sniping and what not is still around its always gonna be part of MMO's. However I can understand the whole guild hopping thing to get to where you belong. Forget not everyone had a bro-tier guild for 2 and a half years.
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>"WoW is better than it's ever been, fucking nostalgia fags!"
>only started playing in cata
What's wrong with arenas?

nothing hes just bad.
>WoW was at the peak in Vanilla
>started in BC and never progressed past 5mans
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>Hasn't played the same character for seven years
>Remember when the top Hunter Survival talent was Lacerate
>Cthun feels

Oh man, I could wax poetic about Vanilla WoW for hours.
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2edgy4me, if you've never dabbled in a MMO you really should not be on /v/
The team that made the original game has been taken off WoW for years now and we've been stuck with the new team since like Wrath.
And the new team kinda blows.

Expect more of the same until whatever Titan is comes out.

The old system of progression wasn't perfect, and you are correct in that it encouraged very progressed guilds to feed off of the guilds below it.

The new system is quite a bit worse, though. WoW is now a system of menus and queues and the "progression" is basically being able to hit max level and shoot up to right under the current tier of gear in a like a week.

Combine this with the amount of time it takes the dev team to actually release content these days (we were without new content for 10 months during Cata) and it means that the game gets extremely stale for everyone very quickly.
Drunken MC runs were the best.

It was always so unreal how people were wiping on bosses when our guild would actively sabotage attempts on them by pulling pranks on each other.

Honestly it was something I never understood. Can someone explain it to me?

And if you did raid Vanilla, how far did you get?

Twin Emps + 3/3 spider wing + Razuvious here
maximum mad
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These strawman mspaints are total ass anon
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rage level: OC creation
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>WoW is now a system of menus and queues


>Log in.
>Consider speccing heals or tank to not wait as much.
>Realize the game is playing me and I'm not playing the game.
>Log out.
>Consider unsubbing.
>Realize I have a few friends left who play and I want to talk to them.
>Weigh friendship versus my dissatisfaction with the game.
>Stop and realize this shit is too complicated.
>Unsub, do something else.
Why would they want to reboot it? They will keep it running and relevant until Titan comes out. Then it will go free to play, servers will be merged and shut down in less than 3 years.
how the -
why didn't you just add your friends on steam or elsewhere?
>and the "progression" is basically being able to hit max level and shoot up to right under the current tier of gear in a like a week.
Thats not a bad thing at all. Allows players who havent in a bit to catch up. Allows for a steady stream of raiders for the roster.

I dont give a shit about others dodging a tier or two. They werent doing it when it was fresh, I dont care if they could do it at some later point when its old and stale content. I treat every tier like an expansion reset.
Progress as much as possible before the new tier comes out. If I dont manage to do it in that time frame then I admit that I fucked up and move on to the next one.
And the only ones who are truly allowed to claim that content is stale are those that have fully cleared it, and those people are actually rare as fuck with most faggots being stuck on a boss and demanding different content to not be reminded of their failures.
And yes both Cata and WOTLK had way too long times with no content at all. That and the quality of the shit tier 13 raid in Cataclysm made Blizzard lose tons of customers.

And shit, if that "new team" is capable of releasing something like Throne of Thunder then to hell with those old team shitters.
Did you know people think Cthun would have been one of the easier bosses in later expansions?
How is it different from any other point in time when its about WoW?
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guys I'm going to go beat up everyone at blizzard for ruining wow and diablo
and then i'll move on to activison
and then i'll run rampant in the offices of EA
watch me /v/
i'll save video games
The mechanics are simple as shit.

Because honestly the entire thing is regressive.

You make friends in these games and it simply precludes you from any real life interaction.

You wake up one day and realize that none of it is real at all. The game is playing you, you're not playing it.
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Go get em' tiger.
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>Thats not a bad thing at all. Allows players who havent in a bit to catch up. Allows for a steady stream of raiders for the roster.

But the revolving door roster is what killed WoW for a ton of people. Guilds dont stick together anymore.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Are you an idiot?
I have loads of WoW players on my steam and skype lists and I play loads of other games with them.
There was a time when WoW actually felt like a world and not a system of menus.
Like back when you had to walk out to dungeons and shit. It kind of sucked having one guy afk and then someone has to go back to town to get a fifth, but at the same time it made the game feel more like a world.

Now you just sit in Org or SW and queue over and over.

For me, content gets stale well before I've beaten on the hard modes and shit.
Yes, I know that you can make the claim that I really haven't beaten it until I've beaten it on hard mode, but seeing a boss with extra health and a new gimmick isn't the same as seeing a boss you've never seen before.

Getting to Kael and beating him was a real feat. You thought it was cool getting to see the fight, and you thought it was even cooler to finally kill his ass, because that shit was hard.

Now you get a free kill on every boss, and subsequent difficulties just give you slightly more challenge.

It just doesn't have as much charm for me. And that's really my complaint with modern wow, it has lost much of its charm. It's much more convenient and easy to play, but whatever it was that had me in love with the game during its early years is gone.

couldn't have said it any better
As a raid leader, that was awful.

I used to assign roles based on what the player was good at, not his class.

If you were a healer on spot heal duty on tank and spank fights you should have gotten offended.
>Guilds dont stick together anymore.
Thats fucking nonsense.
Guilds still stick together because they have to. You cant progress through HC content without a group of player that bands together. Cant have players leaving and joining nonstop. But not having to disband because a tank left at some point is a good thing.

>Now you just sit in Org or SW and queue over and over.
Nope. Not possible for raids, not possible for challenge modes.
And now there's a Quel Thalas equivalent, loads of open world bosses and raremobs that give people a reason to set out into the world. A better reason than back then either way.

>and subsequent difficulties just give you slightly more challenge.
I dont believe that you even played the modern version of the game when you claim shit like that.
Its not slightly more of a challenge, and taking down some of the hardest content of the game is a great feeling.
What do you play the game for, the challenge, or just seeing that one enemy model die once no matter how?
Might as well watch the fight on youtube and call it a day.
Its literally like beating a game on easy mode and then bitching about it being too easy when there's shit left to do.

I simply think that you got bored with a game that is 7 years old.
World PvP doesn't exist anymore, or atleast it's a shadow of it's former self. A mixture of flying mounts and dungeon finder caused this, and it's terrible.
They are the reason why some classes don't function as well in pve as they should. Arenas are not exactly the real problem its the fact that Blizz absolutely refuses to use different numbers for pve vs pvp.

Arena as a concept is great, the implementation is fucking horrible.
PVE balance is amazing currently.
Its PVP thats fucking shit now but who cares about that.
>I simply think that you got bored with a game that is 7 years old.
Could be. Wrath pretty much killed my vanilla guild with the super long wait for Ulduar, and I haven't been on the cutting edge of progression since. I really just play on and off when friends get on wow kicks.

Either way, exploration is really important to me and seeing new bosses and new parts of dungeons was much of why I enjoyed it in the first place. That feeling when you killed one boss and got to see what was after him was really cool.
Now you can do all that on easy mode and it ruins it for me.
I don't think you've played vanilla.

Here's the metaphor I've used and people who have played modern and vanilla WoW agreed.

Older raid bosses were like flying a plane. Newer raid bosses were like figuring out where the hoops are and jumping through them.
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Thats a picture that was made this week.
World boss that 5 full raidgroups couldnt take down because too much server lag and alliance/horde not letting the other factions tag.
Well thats the inverse of it, granted I am talking off of my knowledge of how Cata went.

Either way the two affect each other in significant ways and they honestly shouldnt
You know what I do?
I ignore LFR.
The plan is to progress through the raid before the LFR version comes out.
I am properly T14 heroic geared as I put some effort into the last raid so I dont need to do T15 LFR.
Next week the first wing of T15 LFR will launch and our guild progressed beyond that on normal mode already so the plan is working out.
As it stands the metaphor is shit.
Care to elaborate?
artificial world pvp
>Guilds still stick together because they have to. You cant progress through HC content without a group of player that bands together. Cant have players leaving and joining nonstop. But not having to disband because a tank left at some point is a good thing.
It may have changed, but towards the end of me playing WoW one pug on my server were clearing hard mode content faster than some guilds. Mind you they used GDKP exclusively so a lot of people, me included, went for money.
>Remove LFR

Yes, this cheapened the novelty of raiding to an extreme. It's not even challenging. You show up, and so long as you just keep mashing buttons, you and the other nose pickers get some loot.

>Remove flying mounts
Blizzard said that flying mounts was a bad idea, but they can't remove them because people are already used to them. So instead they do things here n' there where they make certain zones (like the new ToT island) No fly zones.
I'm not him, but I think what he is saying is that the recent fights are based mostly around gimmicks and special abilities that are fairly straightforward and just require proper execution to beat the fight.

Some of the older bosses were very touchy and required you to watch the mechanics like a hawk
Bloodboil, for example, required tanks to manually build their threat and overtake each other as he stacked his debuff. That was hard on both tanks, since it was a bitch to build threat when you aren't the one being hit.
And that wasn't even the whole fight. Bloodboil did unreasonable amounts of single target damage, fixated on random people (and he was still hitting for unreasonable amounts of damage even if he decided to fixate a priest) and did an aoe damage/stacking debuff that required ranged DPS to change positions every 25-30 seconds as well as requiring the healers to be healing 15+ people at the same time.
Archimonde was another touchy as fuck fight, one fuck up from one person would wipe your entire raid.

Nowadays you have very reasonable bosses with very clear abilities that you just have to manage in the way that blizzard intended to to beat the fight.
every time a WoW thread pops up i just hide it and sage

just let it die, holy shit
Sure. In Vanilla WoW you spent a ridiculous amount of effort to make a kill go smoothly. It was fucking difficult to get a kill because things could go wrongly very quickly.

Modern raids were I guess more of an obstacle course. Obstacle course is better. It's almost as if Blizzard plans an encounter around the strategy rather than having a boss do things and making players make their own strategy.

Here's the thing about C'thun. If that eye beam jumps to anyone that doesn't have 5k hp (which was basically your Warriors, Shaman/Paladin and Warlocks) that guy died. So you had to position everything perfectly, nobody could be within I think it was 15 yards of each other. In the kill videos you won't see how hard that is. Hell if you never raided Vanilla or tried to kill him, you'd probably not understand how hard it was to make a fluid arrangement of 40 people which was still effective at doing the various things you had to do in that fight.

And I only killed Illidan (when he was an actual boss) before I quit, I can say that it holds up. That fight had zero surprises, I don't think we ever made any serious adjustments when trying to kill him. It was all "oh he does this" or "oh we can do this?" like we were waiting to see what happens next or as if we were asking Blizzard for permission.
There justification for LFR is that they made content that a small % of the population actually experienced. LFR would have been fine if they implemented it in different ways.

Harder for one would be great, the fact that you can brute force every encounter is fucking stupid.

Different loot tables should be implemented and the overall quality of the gear should be only a few ilvls up from heroic dungeon sets.

And finally it should lock out at minimum a third of the bosses until the complete end of the expansion or the next one.

As for flying mounts, yeah as much as they ruined the sense of exploration the game had they are impossible to remove now.
>>180294575 (OP)

WoW just got boring. Why pay 15 bucks a month when you can play dozens of other titles with online capabilities for free? We can't afford to shell out 15 bucks a month all the time.
Yeah so you dont know much about the game.
Kind of thought of that when you made that metaphor.

Positioning players 15 yards away from each other is neither difficult nor a special thing.
Dozens of other bosses had shit like that. Shit, Gruul made you do the exact same shit and you did him if you played BC as you claimed.

And how was it surprising when you knew that you needed that kind of positioning to beat him?
I dont get your point. C'Thun was designed like any other boss in the game, only that he was simpler than what you see nowadays.
Cthun was mathematically impossible to beat for like three weeks.
Then someone figured out that he was impossible to beat and blizzard changed him to only be really nearly impossible to beat.
Nobody talks about C'Thun prenerf.
I dont even get how something like that gets past blizzard. Did they do no internal testing on their bosses back then?

Shit even now in MoP the two world bosses didnt drop their mounts and not even Blizzard knew about it until recently, with MoP being out for half a year now.
Everybody thought shit was just that rare.

Pre nerf or post nerf?

Pre nerf he was untuned and unbeatable. Post nerf was a lot easier. I have no idea how you're comparing them, by the way. Grull was a tank and spank with an AoE and shatter.

In the Cthun encounter you had to hold that position up while killing 8 adds on a periodic timetable, which would deal enough damage to kill someone in 6 seconds if not interrupted. You had random tentacles knocking players in random directions and the Dark Glare (which you might think isn't that hard, but again, random tentacles, random directions, which meant the raid had significantly less room to work with, oh and the 6 second eye tentacle DoT? It was a mind flay).

And this was phase 1. In phase 2 Cthun would throw adds at you that could actually CAST that eye beam.

No idea where you're getting the idea that Grull was even close to similar to Cthun. Even the shatter was something that was predictable and completely avoidable. The eye beam came at someone every 2-3 seconds.

See that's the issue I have with modern raiders. You see "stand 15 yards away from each other" and you say "ok I have to stand 15 yards away from each other" and then you see "he has adds, I have to kill them quickly" and you don't understand that standing 15 yards away from each other makes that a lot harder.
I love talking about prenerf C'thun. That was such a huge story that like nobody really heard.
>gets past blizzard
It was intentional. They didn't want anyone beating the boss until Naxx was closer to ready.
It's a concern that the current development team doesn't really pay attention to, but blizzard back then cared about making sure raiders had content that wasn't stale.
Blizzard was convinced that C'thun was possible after the hotfix. They had that whole drama with Furor about it.
>and then you see "he has adds, I have to kill them quickly" and you don't understand that standing 15 yards away from each other makes that a lot harder.
wow. really?
you dont say!
You act as if fights didnt pull that shit all the time.
Bosses have more mechanics now than they used to have.

Compare C'Thun to Yogg Saron 0 lights. Its like they are from completely different games.

If thats true then thats fucking horrible and shows that the team was filled with retards and straight up assholes.
You dont add unkillable bosses just to stall players.
>Bosses have more mechanics now than they used to have.
So more mechanics = harder fight?
Why yes of course.
More to watch out for.
And you're standing behind that as absolute fact?
>full of assholes
Well, Tigole was on the dev team. Tigole is an asshole by any meaning of the word.
And a liar.
more mechanics means more variables means more difficulty.
Do you understand how it's harder to jump through hoops if there are more hoops? Or that it's harder to complete an obstacle course if there are more obstacle courses?

While aircraft pilots train for years to make flights as eventless as possible?
>yfw Tigole destroyed Paladins, Shamans, and Druids in the last patch before launch because he hated hybrid classes
If each hoop is a foot off the ground, its not hard, just repetitive. That's what Modern WoW is: Repetitive, not hard.
ESO will kill WoW. I'm dead serious. They learned from GW2's mistakes.
Hybrid classes wanted to be 3 classes in 1 and were offended when they were worse than a mage, warrior or priest at their respective jobs.

Fuck 'em.
>>180294575 (OP)
that pic is kinda sad. I don't even play WoW or any other MMO.
He didn't destroy them, he made them what he thought they should be back in his EQ days of raging at the game by lagging it with his boycotts: Nothing but healers.

Then there is literally no point in having them. None.
You still try to minimize failure and maximize efficiency.
Its just that now the weather is way more stormy.

Metaphor is shit, as said at the start.
>making up retarded shit words like "hybrid tax"
>warriors still end up being great DPS while being the only viable tanks
so much bullshit.
and the worst is that retards like you defend it.
Guess what class Tigole was in EQ?
>more stormy
Did you know that healers could only cast about 10-20 heal spells consecutively before going out of mana?

>but my encounter has THINGS going on
Classes are inherently way more powerful outside Vanilla. And my metaphor gets a lot worse when you use it incorrectly, asshole.
Warriors were OP as shit. Warriors being imba doesn't mean Druids should be just as effective as Mages except they can toss out a heal when necessary. That makes mages obsolete.
>Did you know that healers could only cast about 10-20 heal spells consecutively before going out of mana?
Wrong. They downranked their spells.
>its ok if warriors do it, just dont let the druids be similar
They had to. But they missed out on a lot of healing when they did that.
Then Mages, Rogues, and Warlocks (the only classes that aren't hybrids) should have been designed with more roles.
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You can get a free mount from a goblin vendor in Sholzar and Storm Peaks that works in the zones that require flying to get around, they are slow but I'm saving shekels.
>Did you know that healers could only cast about 10-20 heal spells consecutively before going out of mana?
Thats wrong as healers downscaled their spells to make up for a lack of better healing spell design.

>Classes are inherently way more powerful outside Vanilla.
And? More abilities, more to manage, more to deal with.
Just shows that the game got additional depth and difficulty later on.

>And my metaphor gets a lot worse when you use it incorrectly
I use it exactly the same way you use it.
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Could probably make more moolah from being able to quest/pick nodes faster
>Thats wrong as healers downscaled their spells to make up for a lack of better healing spell design.
"You can cast your best heal spell and not worry about mana" isn't better.

>More abilities, more to manage, more to deal with.
Less ability, more difficulty.

>I use it exactly the same way you use it.
You compared modern raiding to flying a plane. The entire point of my metaphor was that it wasn't like that.
Roles such as?
>>180294575 (OP)

I think they could reboot it and have another success on their hands, I doubt it would be to the level 12 million players but it could be awesome. But they won't. The most we will get are vanilla servers that only add in patches and expansions after a certain period.
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There is more depth to zones now that flying is an option, you can actually add more content in zones for higher level players because flying is a barrier for lower leveled players giving more incentive to explore and complete new quests rather than sitting in the current main city waiting for raids.
No idea what possesed them to go the Firelands 2.0 route. Friends still subbed tell me 5man queues jumped 20m on avg and he has nothing to do in-between raid nights because the new zone is a mountless shitfest they are trying to force down people's throats in the name of world exploring.

AFAIK, Firelands caused the largest dip in subs ever for a single patch. Why would they repeat it? I'd blame Activision, but if they had their jew hands in it, they probably would have facepalmed the decision in the name of profit. This is just an a-class neoBlizz fuckup.
>And? More abilities, more to manage, more to deal with.
>Just shows that the game got additional depth and difficulty later on.

Wrong. It's exactly the same. It's the illusion of choice.

Put another way: Do you want me to kick you in the nuts or give you $5?

Rogues could have been designed as evasion tanks with combat. Mages could have their fire spec heal. Warlocks could have been tanks by having demonology turn them into Illidan as it does later.
>"You can cast your best heal spell and not worry about mana" isn't better.
Ah the part where you expose that you have no clue about the game.

>Less ability, more difficulty.
less abilities, less choices,less ways to fuck up, less difficulty.

>You compared modern raiding to flying a plane. The entire point of my metaphor was that it wasn't like that.
And I argued that it is like flying a plane but with more, which it is when you compare old raiding to new raiding.

You didnt even play past BC. Why do you even talk?
Its not an illusion of choice, you dont know what that term means.
>Ah the part where you expose that you have no clue about the game.
Paladin healing in Kara consisted of spamming FoL the entire time.
thats 5 years ago you idiot
And in vanilla healers spammed their low level heals too so I dont get what your point is.
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>This is the best and most challenging questline in a long time
>It's doomed to be nerfed to hell.
You clearly didn't play before BC to any serious capacity to where you are qualified to talk about vanilla raiding. Why should that stop me? At least I talk to people who I know IRL from time to time about it. (Hint: somehow they got a lot better in later expansions)

>less abilities, less choices,less ways to fuck up, less difficulty.
Yeah in some fights you didn't have a choice. You had to do something with much fewer tools. That's harder. Having a button that counters an ability a boss throws at you isn't difficulty.
>Rogues could have been designed as evasion tanks with combat. Mages could have their fire spec heal. Warlocks could have been tanks by having demonology turn them into Illidan as it does later.
I would have enjoyed this. I really would have. An expanding of roles and possibility, instead of their decision to homogenize everything. Like making only one DK spec tanking, and the other two DPS, when that was one of the main things about the hero class: each spec could tank.

They're just fucking lazy as shit nowadays. They go on about how creating class quests for every class would've taken up all the time that the Isle of Thunder took, so they only made a Warlock class quest. SO HIRE MORE FUCKING PEOPLE SO YOU CAN CREATE MORE CONTENT. You fuckers are rolling in cash, for Christ's sake.
Their low level heals didn't do anything other than trade potency for efficiency.
Yes, but in Kara it was max ranked FoL. In MC/whatever it was a lower rank than max. I think I got away with rank 4 or 5 HL when the cap was 7 or 8? It was before the coefficient went down.
Rogues have a fight in AQ where they "Tank" and one where they "offtank".

Depending on your definition of tank.
You clearly dont have any capacity to talk about any sort of raiding with your lack of experience.

Especially with claims like
>Having a button that counters an ability a boss throws at you isn't difficulty.
Something like that doesnt exist.
>Something like that doesnt exist.
Cleanse and Chromagus. Earhtbind totem and the first fight in BWL.
>Like making only one DK spec tanking, and the other two DPS, when that was one of the main things about the hero class: each spec could tank.
They tried it and they fucked it up. Its better now.
DKs in WOTLK were out of control.
I thought you wanted to defend vanilla design.
Because Blizzard is too busy listening to people wanting vanilla back ignoring how their biggest subscriber jumps happened with all of their "blunders" in TBC and WotLK.
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Fine, more abilities to counter what a boss does doesn't make a boss harder. Happy?

I'm not him. Seems odd that he's talking about abilities that each faction lacked- meaning both factions had to learn how to deal without either skill.

Our horde guild didn't use Earthbind anyway.

Won't break 200k subs before going F2P 6 months later.
It wasnt firelands that caused the dip, it was Dragon Soul.
Rightfully so.

People ask for open world pvp, exploration and shit to do, here it is.
People bitch about 5mans being the only content, now they bitch about not being able to do 5mans as efficiently as they did before.
I'm pretty sure it's releasing as F2P.
>People getting better as time passes
It makes sense especially seeing how most current raids are harder than shit in vanilla and BC, pre-nerf Sunwell excluded.
>DKs in WOTLK were out of control.
Hilariously, it was a roller coaster. At first they were very good, OP even. Then by the end they were compete and total shit.

No, I'm one of the ones who all but cleared Naxx 40 due to not having enough warriors(Cleared 4H twice then couldn't as two warrior tanks left and we couldn't replace them....) and think that WotLK was better than BC and vanilla because it was more balanced than the other two. Note the more in there.

Only mentioned it because it was the two most jarring in my memory because of how much easier those fights were for one faction over the other.

I refuse to play that because one of the FIRST FUCKING ROGUE ABILITY IS HURR CLANG.
What is this now?
All this shit looks the same.

Dragon Soul recouped close to 2m after blunderlands. It tapered off with the life of the expansion, but that's just expected of any game expansion.

Point is they are very selective about the vocal minorities they listen to, and then appeal to stats in their defense.

Well, the stats indicate Firelands was the worst thing they could have done again, yet here we are.
"You didn't get any more skilled, you switched to a better class" from WoW.

Wait do modern WoW players seriously think the people who played back in Vanilla are worse than people who play now? That's moderately insulting.
Sorry, that quote was from World of Roguecraft
>current raids are harder than shit in vanilla and BC, pre-nerf Sunwell excluded.

But they're not.
Afaik the dip in playernumbers from firelands came from both the raids difficulty and the difficulty of the ZA/ZG remakes in 4.1.
LFG pugs couldnt deal with the new ZG, especially with the last boss and blizzard didnt nerf shit like in 4.0.

I remember some GMs mentioning stuff like that which lead to the 5man Dragonsoul instances being piss and the introduction of LFR.

And personally I doubt that the daily region caused people to unsubscribe.
Orou and C'thun were so difficult they actually had to nerf both before anyone killed them.

Vanilla WoW is superior in difficulty.
oh yes they are.
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beta's been pretty fun.
went in not expecting much, but it looks good.
healing's a bitch if you're used to tab target, spam X.

think DCUonline+Baldurs gate Dark allaince
Cthun didn't get changed as much as people think.

They reduced the HP of the phase 2 tentacles and made the timer freeze during vulnerabilities
>Wait do modern WoW players seriously think the people who played back in Vanilla are worse than people who play now?
Not as a modern player but yes, and I will defend that forever as someone who played from the start.
looks like some medieval sims.
Mechanically they are, compare any boss from Vanilla to something from any other expansion and you'll see the difference in power mainly from better programming on Blizzards part.
It's already F2P and it's managed by Perfect World soooo
won't pass 100k before dying
Vanilla paladin trying to DPS:
Occasionally Consecreate,

BC Paladin trying to DPS:
Crusader Strike,
Crusader Strike
etc. etc.

Hm, which is harder?
Blizzard's done with WoW. They'll keep it alive enough to keep some subscription fees coming in, but the heights of the MMO genre are far behind us. They're working on their next big MMO, and it's going to be something closer to a F2P action RPG.
>Mechanically they are
What does that even fucking mean?

Vael was one of the hardest bosses in Vanilla and mechanically he was simpler than Firemaw.

So it's like...

Being an artist. And you make a picture for a client w/ robot sharks and exploding monkeys.

You fucking love robot sharks

But the clients. THEM CLIENTS, MAN

They like the monkeys better. So you put it on exhibit.

Everybody loves the fucking monkeys, too. Christ!

You survey the crowd. They all like the monkeys better than the sharks!

But fuck them! They don't understand! They don't know!

Know what they're getting in your next piece? Goddamn robot shark armies!

That's the current Blizz. Manchidlren designing for themselves, who also happen to sell to manchildren. There is no pleasing, and no end to your hubris, so fuck it
If they had to get nerfed before anyone killed them they were overtuned and couldn't be killed, it's like making a boss than just one shots everyone no matter your health or gear and going "HURF DURF THIS EXPANSION SO HARD".
What the fuck are you talking about?
>it's like making a boss than just one shots everyone no matter your health or gear and going "HURF DURF THIS EXPANSION SO HARD".

So the difficulty of an encounter is independent of tuning?
>Vael was one of the hardest bosses in Vanilla
my server pugged him.
>vanilla paladin trying to DPS
emphasize on trying.
Before or after Holy Nova?

Actually that kinda proves my point about abilities and boss fights.
When was WoW at its peak?
You make no sense.
Whenever the Anon responding to you played it
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It's the stupidiest ability in 4e and you get it before you leave the tutorial zone in NWN online.
impossible bosses arent difficult, they are impossible.
difficulty ceases to exist at this point as there is no way to beat them.
an impossible boss is simply broken and nothing more.
It was only hard if you were a healer, tanking or DPSing that fight was piss easy since you didn't need to move or worry about adds.
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>Implying WoW wasn't always casual shit
I don't know, somewhere between IQD and Ulduar.
Any time before Cata when you had a good guild of friends and the community on your server hadn't quite gone to shit.
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It was, but it was our casual shit.
So they're either impossible or their difficulty is directly related to the number of mechanics they have?

Not quite. Hard on all fronts. The transitions could be brutal
I havent done all the bosses yet, but if the stuff after tortos is as good as what came before him then we're at the peak right now with 5.2 and all of its additions.

That's because you have autism.
What are you talking about?
Are you stupid? How is a boss that is not defeatable difficult?
It seems like all the big problems with wow are because of things everyone wanted that just happened to backfire.
I totally agree that impossibly tuned bosses are bad.

You, however, said that bosses are only as difficult as the number of mechanics.

Which seems to indicate that, given a boss is properly tuned, it's impossible for the fight to be difficult because of stuff like how hard the boss hits for.
I wish my autism was strong enough to manipulate random people over the internet into typing retarded shit.
I would be like some

I would become autismo the super villain
Black Temple
>listening to the average WoW player.

Actually I might be willing to concede that the average WoW player was awful in vanilla. Doesn't mean anything, really. It only happened because the "upper tier" of guilds had secrets that they didn't want to share.

Which was a holdover from EQ. A lot of the old wowwiki strats are pretty awful.
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>Which seems to indicate that, given a boss is properly tuned, it's impossible for the fight to be difficult because of stuff like how hard the boss hits for.
People tend to not know what they want, most of the best content from Blizzard is when they kept it a secret until it was unveiled or basically ignored everyone.
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>old wow sucked because it was nothing but grinding
>new wow is much better and completely different
You hit level 90 and grind daily quests every day to get rep in order to unlock epics which you have to buy with valor points that you have to grind from raids and heroic dungeon queues.
After getting that gear you have to grind epics from the raid finder in order to catch up to the latest tier. Its not even a guarantee you will get anything from LFR, so you have to wait for the next week. This is a system of constantly cycling through disposable gear. Why these vendor epics are purple instead of just blue is beyond me.

This game is the same shit as it was then except now the grind is made worse from the sheer convenience of the dungeon finder(spamming random dungeons)
There are challenges here and there like the challenge mode heroics and the heroics raids but you just have to wade through so much bullshit to get to them.
You also have to put up with one of the worst online communities imaginable. I know Vanilla and TBC had its share of retards but these people have become just plain entitled.

Whenever I see people defend Mists of Dailycraft its always the same thing
>but in vanilla you had to grind for gear
The complaints about grinding in vanilla came from the fact that most fights required you to farm consumables and resistant pots. Not to mention the eternal hell that was being a warlock. The only real gear you grinded in vanilla wow was resist gear and that was bullshit.

I swear its like the majority of people who complain about vanilla never fucking played it
>>180294575 (OP)

>WoW goes down and down
>all other blizzard games fail as they did with SC2 and Diablo3
>blizzard is sold while they are still worth something to some korean company like ncsoft
>WoW is turned into absolute jew mode, plummet even further down the drain
>goes f2p and all the other shit korean mmos do
>the new MMO is axed since blizzard has noone with any talent in it anymore
>they force them to make facebook and mobile games, no more mmos ever

This is the future.
>The complaints about grinding in vanilla came from the fact that most fights required you to farm consumables and resistant pots.
No, every fight you were progressing on required you to farm massive number of pots or else you were holding your group back. It was terrible.
They should stop doing PTRs

I want to be surprised when I see a patch
>actually doing dailies and grinding gear in mop
>implying the fact that you were a warlock does more than make up for every downside ever placed on them
Remove mmochamp from your bookmarks.
Problem solved.
Really, ok.

You have a boss. It's perfectly tuned.

You have a second boss. It is perfectly tuned.

Boss 1 has 2 abilities that you have to look out for as a raid. Boss 2 has 3 abilities that you have to look out for as a raid. Which one is harder?

Boss 1 is Vaelstrasz.
Boss 2 is Firemaw.

TBC, pre 2.4 casual patch.

LFD killed communities and while communities built in TBC could survive well into Wrath, new ones were just shit.
The community made the game good in TBC, just how like it made the game terrible since WTLK.
The warlock green fire quest is seriously one of the best quests they've made; and from PTR to live they basically overhauled the final boss without a word. It'll get nerfed because:
>it's too hard ;_;

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>vael was only hard if you were a healer
That's wrong though. That fight was hard for the majority of roles.
The fight gave you unlimited rage, mana and energy. That meant a dps could just unload on the boss.
Now the problem here is that the majority of dps roles then did not have a thread dump. A warlock could easily pull aggro over the tank with unlimited mana.
Remember this was vanilla wow. Tanks did not have as much thread generation as of now. This tank had to hold thread against almost a full raid with unlimited resources.
People had to watch their threat or instantly be killed. Not to mention that fight was a dps race at its core because of the mechanic that caused people to instantly die throughout the fight
>No, every fight you were progressing on required you to farm massive number of pots or else you were holding your group back. It was terrible.
Untrue. Except Naxx. And even then, only a few Naxx fights.

You could get by by having 2/3 backpacks filled with alternate gear as a caster.
>Not to mention that fight was a dps race at its core because of the mechanic that caused people to instantly die throughout the fight
This is wrong.


Get the fuck out.
They'll never remove it though because every aspect of this game has become this gay little competitive esport
>we have to go into the PTR and farm the bosses so we can down the raid on the first night
These people are scum and are what killed video games
Firemaw wasnt perfectly tuned at all.
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Wow will probably take along time to die off. Definitely not before titan is released, it's just too big to bust at this point.

I would resub immediately if they opened a vanilla or burning crusade server.
He's actually kinda right, kinda wrong. Not wrong.

Essence of the Red wearing off didn't wipe you.
>he typed out the wrong word
>get em boys
Are we still doing this?
What was wrong with him?
No, he's wrong. The mechanic he's talking about didn't instantly kill you. It's binary.
Watching omen is not a difficult thing and main DPS shitters like Rogues could spam their feint.
It did, but not really.

It would reduce your HP to low enough for his AoE to kill you. But if BA did expire you died instantly.

Really kinda nitpicky. But no, Vael didn't just explode people.
>Essence of the Red wearing off didn't wipe you.
No to many people dieing to burning adrenaline was what wiped you.
You also needed a lot of fire resist for that fight because he aoe fire damaged most of the raid
>I would resub immediately if they opened a vanilla or burning crusade server.

I am waiting for it to lose even more subs so they have give in and do this to get a lot back.
Ofcourse its like admitting that they have been doing shit for the last 4 years so its a long way from here.
see everyone says NEXT BIG MMO IS WoW KILLER but it never happens :/

>typed it wrong 3 times
They wont do it because its a shit idea.
EQ is still "alive"
>the fight was easy when you lay it out like this
Don't be that guy. It was a hard fight and broke up a lot of guilds


Half the people on all private servers just want to play the old expansions.
I would personally re-roll on a TBC server made by blizz in a blink of an eye.
Essence of the Red didn't kill you burning adrenaline did
It was a difficult fight for other reasons.
I've heard nothing but good things from people I used to play with about game balance. I plan on coming back with HotS and I feel like you are VERY wrong about it going to bomb.
Throne of Thunder is actually not that bad. Its just a shame that everything else in the game is complete shit
Most people play on private servers because they are free.

And yes its a shit idea.
It would need a completely new support staff that was trained to maintain an old as fuck server.
Those servers arent in synch with the new battlenet.
Many features that have been added since then are simply not there.
Old problems and design mistakes would never get fixed.
New content would never get released.
No fixes would ever get applied.

It wouldnt pay off at all. The people who want those old servers are an extreme minority.
No, the tank rotations was pretty much the big one. Healers did have it tough, yeah, but it required pretty precise positioning from the tanks.

I will say that it's possible that farming newer bosses is harder than farming older ones. I don't think that's a flaw of vanilla raiding though.
Fuck off, cross realm bullshit was nothing but good for the game.
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I recently resubbed and made a human mage because of those old elwynn feels.
So far Elwynn forest is just how I remember it. Just a few cosmetic changes and some flight paths which is convenient. Hogger wasn't a group quest anymore though.
Then I got to Westfall and I believe the dreaded cata curse is rearing its head.
The first thing you see when you walk into Westfall is a CSI Miami reference. Its so fucking out of place that its hurts. Not to mention they killed Old Blanchy.
Please tell me this is a rare occurrence.

Whoa all this bullshit.
They worked before so how would it be exactly hard to give them back as they were?
Nobody would be expecting new content to it or constant fixes.

It would actually be a pretty simple thing to do, minimal investment with much bigger potential profit.

Not for you ofcourse because you have so many bullshit up your ass you can pull more out at any moment.
Hogger is now a 5man boss in the stockades.
Some of the old zones are highly reminiscent of their old selves, and just flow better, some have nice overhauls (I enjoyed 1k Needles specifically) and some are raped.
>They worked before so how would it be exactly hard to give them back as they were?
Because many of the things go directly against blizzards current design ideals.
And leaving shit eternally unfixed is generally a bad idea and there's of course all the other things I mentioned.

Its not as simple as starting up BC.exe and then letting it run.
That fight would just fuck you over on rng if all your healers got BA.
And yes I've seen it happen.
>be a mage
>played a druid in EQ
>understand kiting
>kill hogger solo
>never understand the jokes
You might as well leave the zone now because you follow that idiot around the entire quest chain. He spouts one liners the entire time

Nope. Cata is what gave gearbox the idea for Borderlands 2. Every quest is bland, quest descriptions are meanless and convey no emotion at all and all your quest names, bosses and cutscenes are filled with memes, popcultur jokes and this crazy gay guy that's supposed to be funny cause he yells stupid shit and is everywhere.

Funny how much better Mists is, but I think it's only because Cata is literally rock bottom.
The only time that would happen is if like your guild was geared enough to where it could kill Vael but not enough to where it could kill Vael while having a guy spamming instant cast CHeals with DPS constantly alive and doing damage.

While it's possible that window is pretty small. Mages, Warlocks and Hunters really didn't do a whole lot with Burning Adrenaline.
dont speak in absolutes when its just wrong.
The revamped zones were made by seperate people/teams and its obvious if you actually bother playing through them.
Cata is the fat chick the ugly girl stands by to look better by comparison
Literally: Ulduar/ICC with subs.
Opinion: Ulduar
>started at the end of vanilla
>spent most of the time dicking around and exploring
>spent TBC learning the game and learning how to be a good player
>early WotLK, the most fun I've ever had with the game, doing progressing in 5 mans and eventually doing end game content with bro tier guild
>Ulduar is release
>the pinnacle of WoW, full clear with guild
>Trial of the Crusader is released
>shit happens and guild disbands
>tfw I'll never have that feeling ever again

I sub back to WoW everyone once in a while to see if I can get that feeling, but it never happens.
I can only last about a week before I get depressed at the game
Flying mounts actually removed a lot of potential depth from zones like the Cataclysm ones. I remember questing through the new Cata zones and flying above everything going from point A to B, looked down and said, "Wow, look at all those enemies I'd have to avoid and terrain I'd have to surmount if I didn't have a flying mount."

In terms of exploration it also removes a lot of the mystery and wonder that a lot of zones used to have before. There's no challenge to exploring anymore. You just fly straight up, look around and say, "Yep. That's the world."

I understand why they were added and agree that they were an inevitability, and I'm glad that they don't allow players to fly in the new Pandaria zones until they hit max level, but in general they could have done flying mounts so much better. Maybe instead of flying mounts letting you just swim through the air without penalty, you actually had to control, takeoff, and land flying mounts like actual aerial creatures fly. Maybe it would work like a cooldown or you would have to let it recharge or something so that you couldn't constantly fly everywhere with no worries of penalty.
>pinnacle of WoW
i pity the people who never got to naxx40
>that tense feeling and awkward silence as everyone waits for the boss to start the death animation
>I will never again hear 39 other people shouting on vent in elation as we completed a task that we had worked for for weeks.



Did you play? Cause I lost count of the jokes they made somewhere after the old spice joke in westfall.

Plus the zones that only really did get a reamp was Horde Zones. Pretty much all the Alliance zones are the same with the same quests.
They absolutely ruined Duskwood, I'm sorry. Which is sad because it was my favorite zone. Making Stiches this phased quest boss with the aid of npcs is unforgivable
>Plus the zones that only really did get a reamp was Horde Zones
Horde zones were awful.
Zones like Deepholme wouldnt work without flying mounts.
Duskwood is shit because its mainly Worgen based now. The worgen just plain suck

I didn't say they where good I just said they where reamped.

Besides Thousands Needles that was cool. I wish the river boat mount was an actual vehical with canons that you could play around in.
Oh are the Horde zones bad now?

I was talking about old ones. I had to grind my way from 59-60 because I ran out of quests.
>Greediest game company ever
>Literally sells their drones anything they can
>Puts Blizzcon on Pay Per View instead of the internet

I hated Thousand Needles because filled with water its mainly just a bunch of tiny islands. The majority of the time in the zone is spent on the Goblin barge. The rest is spent diving for shit.
Water level the zone is not fun
I know what you mean, i got back to see if i can find that magic but no avail
Those were the best moments, working over naxx was fucking awesome and everyone went ape shit in vent when we downed patchwerk for the 1st time last time i had a moment like that was Heroic LK

The thing that made wow so great was the sense of exploration you had when you stepped in to a new zone for the 1st time, even better when you had a few guildies with you. I remember when my lock buddy got his quests to tame his demons I would always help; we traveled on foot since mounts were available at lvl 40 at the time. We it would take a whole Saturday night for one of these demon quests sometimes and it was great, working toward something “tangible” if you know what I mean, not just farming the same old dungeons again for points just to get a new neck or something. But now everything is given to you, sometimes are better sure, like spell ranks I hated that shit spending gold on a spell I already know and having 19 ranks of fireball sucked, (though I would just spam rank 1 spells on low lvls when I ganked them, which was fun) I just wish they would put more content and less filler, but its not all blizz’s fault I mean we took the magic out when we all read up about the zones and learned the best way to do things, but the way they have endgame set up is just a huge grindfest I just got MoP a few weeks ago and questing was fun all the new spells my mage got was cool and all. But once I hit 90 it was just same shit huge grind. And on a last note, a lot of hand holding is going on now its super easy to lvl and every class as a way to heal themselves now idk why I even keep first aid.
As I am a Horde player I enjoyed quite a few Cataclysm revamped zones.
Silverpine and Hillsbrad was good, Stonetalon was good, Badlands was good,
Thousand needles was interesting and Desolace got upgraded from supershit to shit only.

The Cataclysm revamp was schizophrenic. Some zones were great, some untouched, some fucking horrible. Same with the 80-85 areas.
Garrosh himself is like the best example of that weird divided design. He changes his personality from quest region to quest region.
They streamlined them for the most part. I personally hate them
you don't grind 59 to 60 anymore, its basically "you hit 58, you get a quest to go to outlands, you talk to the faggot in front of the dark portal, and you do a long retarded chain quest to Northrend"

and that's even if you can get passed the CRZ campers at the dark portal.

no one quests any more, it's all dungeon leveling now
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>tfw Hinterlands were left almost entirely the same
>no one quests any more, it's all dungeon leveling now
Dude....am I reading that sentence right?

What the hell?
dungeon leveling is slow as fuck.
dont do it.
People still play this shit? It's a tiny broken shell of its former self and even most addicts admit to it.
They pretty much ruined all the forsaken areas for me with Cata. Silverpine became this ADHD warzone that would not hold still. Plus you had to put up Slyvanas the entire time.
They changed the Forsaken structures and architecture from run down rotting look to this Gothic shit that looks out of place.
Brill turned into a fucking goth kids deviant art. That stuff should have stayed in Northrend

Oh. I liked the Horde zones either way. I think the redone zones kinda fuck things up and I still don't really understand how the Alliance take over half of The Barrens without anyone noticing till it's almost to late.


Well ya if you could play around with the boat or at lest had a better camera when on the boat it would have been better!

>Ship battles.
>Shotting at pirate boats.
>Raiding Alliance ships.

If only.
>they left 0 pop zones alone

He's half right. People still do quest but most people just throw on a bunch of heirloom items and spam the dungeon finder for experience
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>mfw doing vashjir as a druid
>Doesn't like Hinterlands
Full pleb

The only bad thing now is that Jintha'Alor isn't all elites so you can't go through it with a group, or solo it and feel like a badass.
everyone sits around in the MAIN city of their faction and use dungeon finder to level. only time people quest are when they want to get to level 15 or when they do new dungeons they haven't done on that character.

Not when you have full heirloom items, takes about a day and a half to get to 85

I kinda like the undead buildings. I mean, that's how undercity is.


>Worgen are somehow destroying the Undead.
>Slyvanas doing fuck nothing.
>Letting Grosh call her a bitch.
>Getting shot in the back of the head for no reason.
What Blizzard did to the Plaguelands is intolerable. Not only did they nerf the level requirement, but Western Plaguelands is almost unrecognisable and just looks like a generic grass-filled zone with the occasional plagued animal.

They were my favourite zones ;_;
Thousand Needles revamped was one of my favorites, along with Vashj'ir. Vashj'ir was just pure eyecandy, and there was a great sense of wonder at the environment.
never said I didn't like Hinterlands, I said they didn't do shit with the 0 pops because no one went there.
Places are changing and Brill is right in front of Sylvanas place so of course she's gonna change stuff around.
It was one of the better changes.

And old silverpine sucked. You didnt even get enough exp to progress to the next zone back then and there was generally very little going on.
And its still faster if you quest.
>Not when you have full heirloom items, takes about a day and a half to get to 85

I mean yeah it took me a long time to level up because I tried to solo elites that I had no business soloing Faxmonkey was my hero but....36 hours?

That's disgusting. How can you learn to play your class in 36 hours?

Too bad everyone disagrees with you. I can't wait for the 9.2m subscriber announcement during the next earnings call.
because lore
why do you get that upset anyways?

You don't. That's one of the reasons why people are so bad at the game overall even though it's been made so much easier overall.
>How can you learn to play your class in 36 hours?
by watching youtube videos and downloading mods that play the game for you


Ya... I think what's worse is that even though I kinda hate it, they really did have to change it because let's face it, it's been years and there's a billion quests about trying to make it better. You pretty much have to show at lest some progress that it's getting better.
>implying that you need months to learn a class
only applies to true shitters.
You dont need one new ability every 5 hours to understand shit.
Mists has killed any fun I had with Warcraft. As much as a good improvement the LFG is, it also severely hurts the game for someone who has experienced life pre-LFG.

These points have probably been stressed plenty before, but I'm giving my 2 cents.
1: Not having to form groups gives you no incentive to actually be good.
2: Chain quieing heroics doesn't feel the same as flying around to the different heroic entrances, even though its the same thing.
3: Community is gone outside of your guild.

LFG Killed that good WoW feeling.
I spent at least 12 hours practicing CoC in PvP.
If it was because lore, why didn't they update zones like Silithus that actually had to do with the Twilight's Hammer? The answer is laziness
Plus, they didn't have to fuck up the aesthetics of the Plaguelands, all they had to do was show the death of Arthas was a major setback but they're still a force to be reckoned with
>vanilla and bc
>months till world first
>heroic raid world first done week
>if they cant kill it in the first week, they cry on the forums
You guys never mention how items got boring as fuck as wow aged. What happened to the large amount of proc weapons,Activatable trinkets,rare cc consumables,alchemy,engineering,and so on.

Now all items are streamlined to just be an occasional dps increase proc or a certain heal amount. Forget the aoe stun mace or the chain lightning hammers,those were for people who liked having fun. Or my favorite, the Dark Iron Pulverizer- giant slow two handed mace that had a 8 second stun.

But hey,at least we have arena(group dueling) and Alterac valley is still shit.
>all they had to do was show the death of Arthas was a major setback but they're still a force to be reckoned with
but they're not.
Why don't you gust play on Emerald Dream with the rest of /v/?
> That feel when downing rag for the first time
Oh god it was glorious, we actually caused our TS server to crash just from 40 people all screaming at the same time.
Proc items are either useless or overpowered.
This was further proven to be right when they reintroduced those weapons in Cataclysm.
They were either BiS or disenchant material.
Incorrect. See: Eastern Plaguelands
>How can you learn to play your class in 36 hours?
>haven't played in 2 expansions
>jump on some of my old alts
>read what abilities do
>maybe read some forums or watch videos

its not that hard
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>See a WoW thread
>Look at the armory to see the last play time of my old buddies
>Do this about once a week
>Haven't played in years

What the fuck is wrong with me?
Please shut the fuck up.

I'm actually tired of you.
Because the strategies they've been using on bosses is rudimentary and I don't want to be there when BWL slaps them silly
>It was one of the better changes.
Its very rare that a opinion can be wrong

>1x vanilla
not even with a gun to my head
Yeah. Thanks blizzard for taking some of the coolest bad guys I've ever seen and turning them into fucking meme/leet speaking faggots.

I'm mildly surprised that art has wasn't voiced by robin Williams
>Alterac valley
god i miss the original AV
>willingly playing with /v/ in any game
Yes let the village closest to the forsaken capital remain unchanged forever! Thats a great idea!
>people were complaining that it might take more than one lockout to full clear ToT when it came out
Is everyone who plays this game a faggot?
its like i am really 16 years old with no life again
If they handed me a 60 UD mage I'd think about it.
It's okay, but I'd rather just casually prefer Molten on WOTLK, especially with non stop battlegrounds
Yep. They actually complained about the zombie apocalypse event because it interrupted some of their fucking grinding. The community is a large part of why wow went down the shitter IMO.
/v/ plays alliance. server max peak was 1400, good luck raiding
For anyone who knows, are you able to corpse run the gates on Isle of Thunder to get to the rare elites and possibly the world boss? Or do they only spawn after the gate officially opens.

Don't want to waste my time waiting for Ra'Sha to respawn so I can get the sacrificial dagger to find out It won't work for what I want it for
>give the town a redesign that looks like shit
>well its ok because of progress
Instead of focusing on changing old world content that didn't need to be changed, they should have focused on making good end game content.
Oh wait that's why Cata was shit

It still doesn't cause durability damage.
Whatever, I guess I could play Gnome.

Zero chance I get in on 1x
How many people play on ED?
The gameplay has become miles greater than Vanilla, but the community isn't a great as it used to be.

But Vanilla wow players have the biggest fucking nostalgia-goggles in the world. No point arguing with them.
>that didnt need to be changed
the vidya is most popular guild on ED, max peak on ED is 1400 though. its not 100% /v/ though
It's your opinion goggles right there, m8.
>major set back
it is, but now that Arthas is dead and Bolvar is the new Lich king, Argent Crusade is basically cleaning up the rest of the stragglers in infected areas, there is no new scourge being made according to lore
>force to be reckoned with
scourge is the laughing stock of the game now, it use to be the "big number 1 enemy" throughout the original Warcraft games, but now its nothing.

It's now about demons, deities, ancients, and Old Gods.

And about your statement on Twilight's hammer, they're still a main concern. Because, according to lore, there are still Old Gods on Azeroth that are speaking to people, and Silithus is one of those places where the "boundary" between the realms are "thin"
Yeah but I could care less about owning it

What I want it for is to kill myself next to the gates so that I can run through them and respawn on the other side

and I could care less about doing that unless the rare elites are active on the other sides of the gates

So do you know if they are active now or do they not become active until the stage is meant to be open
i miss sourcecraft with quality

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>people actually using heirlooms
You have to be a fun drained addict to actually use them. You out level stuff to fast and you're stuck with the same gear for 80 levels.
Part of the fun of leveling was getting new gear and watching your character grow. When I started playing in Vanilla my friend told me to take a screenshot of my character every 10 levels. You really see how far your character came in that time.
Wearing Dreadmist for 80 levels is boring shit
I wish I still had my wow screenshots
you mean scriptcraft? all gummy did was write hacky code.
It was the community that made a shitty game fun.
I'd rather play a shitty unbalanced online adventure with friends than some gay little esport with a bunch of faggots
and feenix is even worse too
heirlooms ruins the game.

nothing could prevent the sheer hilarity of getting on instant 49 rogues and seriously fucking over a horde azuregos run by ambushing the healers and kidney shotting the tanks
Agreed. While I do admit to using some heirlooms, I can't stand people who decide to fully deck their characters out just so they can hit 90 faster.

Like how I refused to use an heirloom bow when I created a pandaren hunter. I want to experience using all the different guns, bows and xbows the gams has to offer.
While It's all opinionated I simply don't understand how someone could think most classes not having a rotation because only 1 or 2 abilities are actually useful for raiding and most bosses only having at most 3 mechanics could be considered better gameplay than every single class having at least 5 abilities they use regularly (Even fucking arcane mage, the most simplest class in the game is more complex than the most complex vanilla class) and every boss having at least like 5 mechanics, with most having 10+, with almost every boss having a unique mechanic to that boss, which where almost non existent in Vanilla
It's because doing the exact same fucking things 10 times over is boring as shit
oh yeah, I remember having a level 49 rogue raid wiping horde raids to MC,
must watch if anyone hasnt, it's pretty fucking
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>play on feenix for a while
>make a dwarf hunter
>questing in searing gorge
>undead mage tries to kill me
>see him coming
>kite him around and viper sting him
>he's out of mana
>this goes on for a while
Oh god vanilla pvp
>he never got past MC
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Even Naxx's bosses had terrible simple mechanics
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Then why are you playing the game?
I recently started playing WoW again (started in 2010), and i really regret never playing the game when it came out, mainly because i was born in 1995 and i never really got to see the game when it was new, and never done before
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>PvP in MoP
I dont find leveling enjoyable at all.
You're right, raiding farm content is terrible unless you have a good guild who make the experience enjoyable.

Which is why the enjoyment from raiding comes from spending time progressing on bosses and Blizzard releasing new raids
>he thinks people hold vanilla up for its pve content
Vanilla was a fun social mmo in an online fantasy adventure. It was mysterious because we didn't have databases on everything in the game, we didn't have ptr and we barely had addons.
It was "dicking around the video game"
We actually had all those things
And I give it to that completely but the person I was responding to was implying that the content in Vanilla was good
that's a good reply to this conversation, but seeing as that there are "forsaken" in the Argent Crusade, you couldn't really call them "Scourge", would you?

But I understand what you were implying, that now that some "scourge" beasts are without a master, they must find a new one just like him.

Arthas made scourge because the Crown of Ner Zhul was forcing him to. Sylvanas is making forsaken because shes trying to save her race.
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When the game was new, people were insanely spread out. Any leveling area or a small outpost had multiple people in it. Small enemy outposts were raided by lowbies, because there were that many around to just naturally make it happen. Barrens was under attack 24/7. No lie, there was always an Alliance member around.

You don't see this at all anymore. Everywhere's barren.
I ran Mogushan Vaults normal with my friends the other day and it was awesome. Interesting boss fights with fairly complex mechanics.

Plus, the people on my server are pretty cool guys and gals, and now with cross-realm I can easily party with people while I'm leveling up because the amount of people in low-level zones is pretty damn high.

I may have never gotten to play WoW back when the community was in it's 'prime', but the game now really isn't as bad as ex-vanilla/bc players who continue to discuss the game to this day make it out to be.
Anyone plays on Aegwynn Germany?
I still don't understand how "rotations" were difficult. You literally would have a macro.

And a lot of the difficulty in WoW bosses was in coordination and damage. Shit could get hairy fast if you weren't careful.
And overall raiding of enemy cities was a daily activity.
The only content I would say was good in Vanilla was maybe some parts of BWL, AQ40 and Naxx.
The content was designed around how the classes were designed. Simple encounters(mechanically) for simple rotations and such.
If you threw 60 vanilla characters at H Rag they would be destroyed because
>shadowbolt shadowbolt
Not to mention the classes now have all these passive procs and bonuses
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This is wrong

If you're on a full server It's still like this and if you're not than there's cross realm which makes it like this still...
>I may have never gotten to play WoW back when the community was in it's 'prime'
Then why are you talking. Of course you wouldn't understand


"Hey lets fix low level bgs by having people gain exp that should get rid of the twinks! Oh wait what about all that pvp heirloom gear that is more powerful than dungeon blues and new players can't get access to, do you think that will ruin low level bgs??@?'

I don't really care anymore nobody I know plays wow these days.
I'm on a full server right now and its like that. Except no one talks to each other.
They all just scurry past each other
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>that one day logging on to see hundreds of skeletons in valley of strength
>follow the trail of bodies to Valley of Wisdom
>continue to follow bodies to Grommash hold
>mfw piles and piles of skeletons in front of Thrall
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>this is all what I do when I play WoW
what am I doing with my life
Oh wait, the cross-realm stuff, I was mistaken.
>they add a separate BG queue for level x9 twinks
>no one uses it because its a waste of time
rotations now days aren't so much as a rotating order of abilities so much as they are based on procs of other abilities and managing cool downs

For example the Fire Mage rotation revolves around keeping Living Bomb on the target at all times, Using Pyroblast if you get a hot streak (2 crits in a row), Using Inferno Blast if if you have heating up (Because it's a garunteed crit and will get you a hot streak, OR if you want to spread your dots to near by targets). Using scorch if you have move, otherwise using fireball as your main nukes. Using combustion and alter time effectively they are off cooldown off Cooldown which is the hardest part of playing Fire mage and is pretty much how you can tell apart a good fire mage and a bad fire mage
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>all these fixes in 10 days
Macros don't check for buffs you have any more?
Towards the end of my subscription period(or well, what I consider my sub period, not counting the times I've come back for a month for an exp) I kinda started uses WoW as a $15 chat and one heroic per day game. I finally came to the conclusion I needed to cancel. If only for a little bit.
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>no one talks to each other
That's because guild, global chat, and server IRCs exist. This isn't a WoW thing, it's every MMO post 2009. Sounds like an RP server is something you'd enjoy.
>arcane mage
>Arcane blast until half mana
>Arcane rune
>Continue to Arcade Blast
>top charts
Arcane Mages don't exploit the cheap 1.5 cast blast any more?
there's nothing to exploit at all
it's one button spamming with occasional cooldowns to increase spellpower

nothing else
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>tfw you suck at piano
>tfw you play violin
>tfw there will never be a mini version of violin that can be a minigame or app
RP servers are the same. People don't actually RP on them. It's like some people just pick a server at random.
That seems silly. Whatever. This thread has done nothing but convince me that new WoW is as bad as I thought it was going to be when I quit (2.4)
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Well Blizzard made default power auras for all classes. For example, for Fire mage when you have Heating up (1 crit) you get 2 small fiery semi circles around your character and when you have a hot streak you can 2 large fiery semi circles around your character. Pic related

>Knowing anything about Arcane Mage post Wrath of the Lich King

Pick 1
But thats not how arcane mages work at all.
>doing a retarded rotation that slows down your dps
>being full retard

pick 2
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Try not rolling on Moanguard, everyone is in a private 'rp' session. Wyrmcrest Accord horde is very chatty with the RP, especially in Org and Undercity.
>tfw not asian and never had parents that pushed playing an instrument like that
>Playing the Bejeweled addon on farm content towards the end of Wrath
>These first bosses are so easy now that they're like hard trash
>The atuomated guildchat announcer goes off that I broke my own record
>Raid Master fucking screams at me for like 2 minutes for not concentrating on the raid

>building an originally pve game into pvp arena
>some class setups always win/have a much better chance of winning
>arena play in an mmo
>why not playing a game that's build from the ground up to be an arena game.
Back in the day we used to actively try to kill the main tank in MC
WoW stopped being fun when they changed Alterac Valley to have a battlefield style ticket system.
It stopped being fun when everything was just handed to you instead of you working for it.
it stopped being fun after beta
It was never fun. BGs ruined world PvP.
>Muh grinding
>teenage girl with huge ass tits

dis gon b gud
oh my god, you and I are the same, except my guild died and I unsubbed right about the first patch into cataclysm.

I... I just want to experience it all again, just thinking about it is depressing
Imagine the possibilities if all the BG scenarios in WoW where actually part of the World and there was unlimited amount of players in them...


Unless you're on Illidian US or something
Hillsbrad Foothills battles lagged so bad that they crashed the server.

Pretty much. Used to be that when the battles were ending in a stalemate and neither side gaining ground was when everyone would use all the resources to upgrade the Batriders/Griffons and of course you could summon the giant elemental or tree.
Do they just give you the Meta achievement when you walk inside the raid?
>doing AV in vanilla
>spend an hour and a half fighting
>finally someone frost lord
>watch as alliance team try their hardest to kill him

most people now don't even know about him
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>summoning the wyvern squad
>Ghostcrawler said they are working on something big
>Its supposed to hit around 5.4
>"it has something to do with doing olt content"

Vanilla servers confirmed
i meant old content of course
Probably make old content scale.
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>playing in cata
>had my shoulders transmogged to defilers shoulders from AB
>guy asks me where to get it
>Arathi Basin vendor
>where's that?
>in front of Arathi Basin
>oh BG's have entrances XD?
It wasn't his fault but god damn dude
they give you anything to make it feel like you've accomplished something.

>you lose on loot in a guild/pug raid? don't worry little cub, you have a chance in LFR.

>what's that? you didn't get anything in LFR? here's some dungeons with raid level gear for you, don't be sad.

>huh? no gear in dungeons? here's a quest that takes less than 2 minutes to do and rewards you with raid level cloak :3

>oh man, still not enough gear? here, stand in a battleground and do nothing, you can get some easy epic gear by doing that ;3
><><><>WoWScape<>x20<><><>(Blizzlike) Free SHADOWMOURNE ! Instant level 60 Free TIER 9.5(Heroic)(Free Icecrown Citadel Heroic Weapons)

what the fuck
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>old content
>old raids/dungeons scaled up and made into challenge modes
>being content with LFR gear or blues
get a load of this casual
this. i'm pretty sure they're just scaling up bosses or item level system, in order to cater for the wotlk/cata players
Nah they did that already.
Its supposed to be something gamechangeing like LFD/LFR
that was marketing from an asian gold farmer type thing back in ICC
>>180294575 (OP)
One of the things I find amusing about current WoW is:

>have to pay for base game and expansions
>have to pay a sub fee
>game still has shit load of microtransactions, Blizzard made over $15 million in one day with the sparkly horse mount

It would be hard to be a bigger Jew than Blizzard right now.
>>you lose on loot in a guild/pug raid? don't worry little cub, you have a chance in LFR.
LFR loot is terrible and is intended for terrible players
>>what's that? you didn't get anything in LFR? here's some dungeons with raid level gear for you, don't be sad.
This has never happened
>>huh? no gear in dungeons? here's a quest that takes less than 2 minutes to do and rewards you with raid level cloak :3
Those quests are the end of VERY long quest chains that take weeks to do and the rewards are below even LFR level
>>oh man, still not enough gear? here, stand in a battleground and do nothing, you can get some easy epic gear by doing that ;3
You can't get epic gear from just battlegrounds
>implying you need anything else to do raids outside LFR
game still has shit load of microtransactions, Blizzard made over $15 million in one day with the sparkly horse mount

>A few pets and mounts
>Part of the money goes to charity
There's nothing wrong with micro transactions if they don't give the player an advantage.

If they do give them an advantage than that's full blown cock blowing by Blizzard but that isn't so.
>LFR loot is terrible and is intended for terrible players
clearly, that's why it's so easy to get
>This has never happened
Forge of Souls, Halls of Reflection, Pit of Saron, Trial of the Champion, Zul' Gurub, Zul' Aman, Well of Eternity, Hour of Twilight, End Time
>Those quests are the end of VERY long quest chains that take weeks to do and the rewards are below even LFR level
Elemental Bonds
>You can't get epic gear from just battlegrounds
you can get previous season PvP gear with Honor points and it will still count toward your iLvl to get you into dungeons/raids
>WoW thread on /v/ almost hourly
>WoW thread on /vg/ one of the most active ones
>It takes 2 minutes to find a BG and 5 minutes to find a Group via LFD as a DD

Sure is dying game in here
but chinamen!
I was messing around on a friends account, i haven't played since like Burning Crusade pre-Wrath(the changes to Alterac Valley removed all fun for me) and i noticed the whole LFG/LFR thing.

At first i thought it was a really nifty feature. For a while.

And then i realised that because of it, many places just feel empty now, especially at dungeon entrances of places like SM.
>None of this relevant to Mists of Pandaria

and I didn't consider buying last seasons gear with Honor, but It's PvP gear and
a) You'll get your shit kicked in by actual PvP'ers who have the latest season
b) It's near useless in PvE outside of LFR and Dungeons
They changed it in MoP so that epics are very rare drops from the final boss of a dungeon. They also made the quests for epic items need Exalted with a faction, which takes weeks of daily quests. LFR gear is much weaker than raid gear and it doesn't drop often from LFR.
Not the guy you were replying to but

>clearly, that's why it's so easy to get
So whats your point?

>Forge of Souls, Halls of Reflection, Pit of Saron, Trial of the Champion, Zul' Gurub, Zul' Aman, Well of Eternity, Hour of Twilight, End Time
All Wotlk. Every single MoP Heroic dungeon has ONE epic with a dropchance of ~5 %

>Elemental Bonds
Not MoP

>you can get previous season PvP gear with Honor points and it will still count toward your iLvl to get you into dungeons/raids
PvP became obsolete in PvE thanks to new stats since Mop.
And if you're into PvP the old season gear is required to participate.

Check your facts before you claim bullshit
it will happen soon, don't you worry your little head.

>real pvper's
you mean all the people who left to go play league of legends or DOTA? or the one's who say they PvP but just do RBGs? oooo what about the ones that just sit out in durotar and stay below 1400?
>>180294575 (OP)
Are you kidding me? Blizzard and f2p. Look at diablo 2
>it will happen soon
when is soon? secont raid tier is out already.
I think he means the ones who play Arena?
You know, the ones you forgot to list because they didn't fit into your funny sarcastic "Argument"?


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