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>March 7
>13th year of the new century
>High feminist Anita's series of the war crimes done by the Vidya on the anit-cis army is to be unveiled.
>The day goes silent, Anita is not to be seen or heard of
>A new day arises, and Anita proclaims her videos have become corrupted
>she will ask of he disciples to give her more funding to produce the videos she painstainkly made for her comrades.

She your heart you know this to be true
It's the 12 year you fucking retard.
There's no 0 AD so the centuries begin on year 1. This century began in 2001.
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But he's right.
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>The century began on January 1, 2001, and will end on December 31, 2100. Currently, 12 years and 64 days of the 21st century have passed.

inb4 just pretending
no shit, thats why i didn't put 14th year.
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>will end on December 31, 2100
2013 - 2001 = 12
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It won't end well tomorrow, even if production value is good, which it probably won't be, that money wouldn't of bought her any real improvement over her usual videos, especially with all the vacations she took with the money.

It will never approach the analyses or quality of the average Plinkett review, and it won't be as entertaining, or be entertaining at all, since it's not even meant to be.

The preview tumblr already shows that she didn't learn from the bayonetta video and is going to get a ton of facts wrong on the games.
I'm looking forward to the edits.
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Wow, /v/ really can't into math
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Because you are a stupid fucking bitch who makes logical fallacies and doesn't spend enough time or has enough brainpower to properly educate yourself in the games you are playing thus shitting out videos and statements that are untrue, retarded, wrong, fallacious and ignorant.

And then we have to gather around, analyze your videos one by one, point out all that fallacious and wrong shit and your logical fallacies, explain how stupid you are without succumbing to the massive urge of using insults for the sake of self-validity and dish out those reply videos on youtube.
>politically discussing something you don't know anything about and think you know after 30 minutes spent on it
Doesn't surprise me given you are a bitch that went to a university with BELOW AVERAGE SAT SCORES.

Oh and
>Cake makes you fat.
>Fat aunt can't stop shoving cake in her face
>coins phrase thin privilege because if she's fat, every other woman should be fat
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do you think she'll mention her father?

>being this mad
She is the perfect wife for Manly Tears.
The perfect femlet for the manlet.
it's 2
12 x 2=24
48/ 24 = 2
>tfw cutting weight after bulking and suddenly eating less while a fattie bitches about cake
Answer is 2.
>man saves woman, regardless of context

>woman saves man, regardless of context

what do they want

lol no, you multiply and divide from left to right
the dick
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They want control.
Power and control and domination and free money.
They want a twelve inch chocolate penis that ejaculates money.
They don't know
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Not the guy that posted it, but it's technically 288.

Truthfully though, I haven't seen that division sign outside of school. Everyone uses the slash (/), which has a stronger implication that it's "48" divided by the rest of the problem, "2(3+9)".
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She's been interviewed for Entertainment Weekly

Do you know the sad thing? This was probably written by a true feminist, but will go down on /v/ as a point against feminism.

There's nothing wrong with Feminism, in fact, it's a positive thing; the problem is Tumblr Neo-Feminism like seen in this picture.
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"True" Feminists don't exist. They are called egalitarians.

The answer is two. You use the order of operations in mathematics: parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction

The answer is 2.
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>highly sexualized
>Two of the examples are wearing a full suit of armor.
Are the videos just going up on Youtube? I am legitimately hyped for this.
>>179621612 (OP)
>still giving her free publicity
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"True" Feminists do exist. They are called fascists.

> If we ignore her she will go away they said
>nothing wrong with feminism

Wrong-o. Feminism is a concept of demanding equality to men instead of being forced into gender roles. You want equal treatment, then expect to be treated like a man, like an equal. Screaming out for feminism directly contradicts itself by effectively separating the female and male genders. It's the antithesis of equality.

> True feminists don't exist, they are called egalitarians

That's not true, I've known several feminists who go out and try and improve the lives of Afghan Women. Or, for example, Amnesty International focuses entirely on getting rid of laws that see women beaten in certain Middle Eastern and Rural Asian countries.

While egalitarians believe in equality for all, there's only so much one person can do, feminists are egalitarians that seek to improve the lives of women.
She just keeps getting more and more money. Did she really even need a Kickstarter?
What the fuck are you talking about?
They should drop the "Feminist" label and just call themselves egalitarian.
It's quite fucking simple.
It's over anon, you are either or, no more grey lines and intentional confusion.

> They want equality, expect to be treated equally

Ummm, that's what they want. Early feminist slogans were things like, "Give us a fair chance" and, "We can do anything a man can do". There's no as much as need for feminism today, but you can't ignore the needs of feminism in the 50's.
>implying we ignored her
>Screaming out for feminism directly contradicts itself by effectively separating the female and male genders.

That's a good point actually. It's a trigger or a timer that over time subtly creates even more separation as evidenced by the way feminism is today.
/v/ - Women

But that's silly, it's like saying, "You're not a heart surgeon, anaesthesiologist, orthopaedic surgeon, brain surgeon, general practitioner, orthodontist or dentist, you're a "doctor"", those labels are important as they specify your discipline. Feminism is a discipline that one can attribute themselves to.

It'd be hard to choose the right candidate for a job if we just called them, "liberal artists" instead of literati, linguists, philosophers, historians, mathematicians, psychologists, and scientists.

Exactly they say equality and yet segregate themselves with an "us vs them" mentality. They're not winning favors by demonizing their opposition, because people will go "well fuck you too" and breed further alienation. That's what I find stupid about it.
>There's nothing wrong with Feminism
except that it's completely obsolete in the first world
No, your analogy is completely false because medical disciplines have strict rules, regulation and principles.

Feminism is a floating social-ideological label.
It has been corrupted or better said infected.
The auto-immune system can't fix it anymore so the solution is to cut it off.

At least when those workers you know refuse to call themselves feminists and rather refer to themselves as egalitarians it opts questions as to why and thus opens the short topic/explanation on why feminism has turned retarded.
You know what is achieved with this?
Here, let me explain:
-1st world feminists shit up the work for "proper feminists" in the 3rd world and worlds where they are needed.
-Feminism has already attained a bad rep and it is unfixable

For the good of yourself and for the good of the world, drop the "feminist" label and use "egalitarian".
I can, and I am. It's one thing to grant voting rights and the ability to own land/a house, but the fact that a majority of entry-level to mid-level jobs at any given company AND that women can now serve on the front lines in our country's armed forces is unnecessary and contrived.

Each gender has their own biologically-written instincts and gender roles. Men have always been the protectors and providers since the first caveman learned how to clonk a woolly mammoth on the head enough times to make it go night-night. The women bearer children and stayed in the cave to rear them into adjusted adults. Those roles have not changed, despite what most modren feminists set out to disprove. Women roles are still better-served at home cooking, cleaning and taking care of children. Men are still the ones who work dangerous jobs that give handsome hazard pay checks, shoot and kill enemy soldiers and move furniture when need be. These are hard-wored instincts everyone is born with that evolve as they age. The only condition under which I will concede my defeat on this is when men adapt and grow mammary glands in order to breastfeed their babies. Only then will the humans race be forever screwed into biological and societal turmoil.
I can't wait for my dream game to get on the road. I'm learning 3D modelling (low poly though) and my friend is learning programming and we wanna make a hyper-violent beat 'em up starring a blond haired blue eyed man and one of the bosses will be an Anita parody. She'll live on an island of lesbian amazon warriors

> Call themselves Feminist
> Help disadvantaged Women overseas
> Don't seem to address advantages women have over men at home.

Sorry, no matter how you slice it, either they are happy with feminism the way it is, or complacent. If they truly wanted equality, they'd not call themselves feminists.
>lesbian amazon warriors

do you mean maids?

> 3d modelling Anita's face

I'd kill myself
Once again MRA faggots shit up the board with not video games. Remember kids, being an e-activist makes you a tedious moron.
>March 7th comes
>no video
>"It was supposed to say 2014 sorry for the typo lol ;D"
>Instantly forgiven and showered with money
Search your feeling you know it to be true
>>179621612 (OP)
>she your heart
Anita Sarkeesian is thick and I'm not ashamed to admit I'd hit it with the strength of 10,000 burning suns.
>>179621612 (OP)
Wait wait wait.

Is she seriously complaining that the angel chick from hitman is oppressive? That character is literally a hooker.
>they're not winning favors

Why should it be a goal to win favors?
Feminists, well anarchafems at least, do not seek mere reforms or acceptance from men, they seek a world where we're all free from the shackles of patriarchy. Because we all suffer from it. Men and women.
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>12 years and 64 days of the 21st century have passed

12 years have passed, which would mean that we are in the 13th year.

It's currently March 7th (GMT). You wouldn't call this the 6th day of March would you?
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>Remember kids, being an e-activist makes you a tedious moron.

that's what i told the redddit people but they just called me a "neckbeard"

lol what are parenthesis
I would too, if for no other reason than to hear her cry and beg me to stop. Nothing else seems to knock her down a peg or two (not even the substantial evidence that so much of her "research" is blatantly incorrect), so imagine how much she'd break mentally with a hot, forceful dicking.
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>thin privilege

Jesus. Christ.

No, no no no no no no no no.

NO. Please don't tell me some fucking idiots are trying to rationalize people having SHIT diets filled with tons of carbs, saturated fats, and sugars combined with terribly unhealthy and inactive lifestyles.

Please don't.
Hopefully you'll grow out of that childish fantasy by the time you start high school.

Remember kids: as soon as you become a year older, you enter into that next year.

For instance, I'm 22. But I'm in my 23rd year.

Similarly, we're in the 13th year, though there have only been 12 complete years in the new century.
Isn't being fat a privilege? I mean, you have to be able to afford a lot of food to get fat
I'm about to call a humongous, red bullshit flag onto the field, so you'd better elaborate for your own sake.
>leaving out 2000 completely
gr7 b8 b9
>analpained tumblrtard detected
>ruseman claiming others to be ruseman in order to facilitate his ruse
but he isn't trolling you fucking moron
Tomorrow's the big day. I'll be checking my privilege all night in anticipation.
being a hooker is oppressive.
>when you are first born you aren't really alive until you hit the age of 1
It's more about people prefering thin people rather than them being fat, now if that doesn't make sense then think a little harder, it's more like "why do people like thin people and hate fat people?" rather than "it's not my fault i'm fat!"
But 2000 is the last year of the 20th century.
r u truing to ruse me?
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How about you all shut the fuck up and dump some porn?
What disgusts me isn't the fact Feminazi's are extreme opinions. Hell /v/ has extreme opinions.

>It's the fucking White Knight faggtory and people bending over for such feminazi needs and wants.

>Plus the people shitting out money to these people for some "CAUSE". Which isn't needed. You don't need money to make a fucking video complaining about sexism/racistm

>I could make a fucking video about it with 10 bucks and a plate of mac n cheese.

That's the problem. It's more about money and people being too fucking weak to call the bullshit

Most people could do it. But god forbid people say whats true, rather then what's LOVING.
>insist on injecting their shit into everything, crossing it over and making it about their subculture instead of whatever it was before
>holier-than-thou, sanctimonious, insist that they are part of a transformative social movement that will alter what it means to be human
>constantly complain about being persecuted for their beliefs
>ridiculously circlejerkish and insular
>have their own weird vocabulary for everything
>prone to drama flareouts that result in buttinjury, whining, and "leaving the group forever"
>their entire life is centered around one interest that they bring into everything, appropriate or not
>beyond that single interest, their tastes are ridiculously twee and autismal (playing TF2/Minecraft, ponies, etc.)

feminists are the new furries

>If they don't like me then obviously their viewpoint is corrupted
Fuck them
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>>179621612 (OP)
They call it privilege, I guess sexual attraction and self respect is just a myth for them too.
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oh dear dmitrys, this could get weird
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oh god
>1996 was 50 years ago
20th century: 1901 - 2000. It is 100 years in length.

21st century: 2001 to 2100. It is 100 years in length.

2000 - 20th century

2001 - Beginning of 21st century
2012 - last completed year of the 21st century

2013 - current year

Yes, I'm fucking mad.
>Feminism is a floating social-ideological label.
My belief is that feminism is to college students what Marxism is to college students. That is, an identity producing no groundbreaking discussion, but rather a sense of pride in social identity. The concept is as old as the first human mob, it is called Cronyism. I hate to play the Hitler card, but It was actually central to National Socialist Germany, one of the reasons their political party was able to attain and control its power base was by rallying the citizens under a common ideology. Those parades and symbols gave people a sense of bring part of something bigger than themselves. I admit its not new to history, but its a pretty recent example of how the masses can be controlled to follow the instructions those in power.
mutilplication doesn't take precedent over division unless it is written as so
>"why do people like thin people and hate fat people?"

Because i don't want a person with lack of self control and with an obsessive compulsive eating disorder near me who is too stupid to realize that their fatness will produce big enough medical bills later in life that could fund 20 children into college.
And because fat people are a physical, psychological AND financial burden.
That can't be true.

Feminist porn is terrible.
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they're not as attractive
Better to point out that the first century AD began on January 1st year 1. There was no year 0.
How about college students don't actually fucking understand Marxism and Feminism?

No need to strongman two legitimate ideologies.
I wouldn't dream of it. You're absolutely correct.

Now I don't mind squashing any beta male in this thread that supports feminism, but will you at least use sage in the email field to keep this thread from pushing related content off the board?
>forever alone guy, spending another saturday night by myself.
>Hear something at my window. There is no one there.
> Turn around and see Shrek
> "Shrek, is it really you?"
>"Yes, it is."
>"You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this"
> We start kissing.
> He puts his big strong beautiful hands around my waist
> "Shrek, but.....can we take it slow? I'm......a virgin."
>Shrek nods. "Don't worry. I will take care of you"
> he takes me in his arms and takes me to his swamp
> we have shreks the entire night. I swallow his shrek juice just so I can feel like I am a part of shrek.
>we end the night by cuddling and sharing an eyeball soup.
> I wake up back in my bed.....It must have been a dream?
> look under my bed, there was an onion with a heart drawn on it.

He is real. :)
Ah yes Dmitry's! Known for being a cunt, drawing women with huge cocks and samefaces.

take that shit back to FYAD, if the feminists haven't shut it down yet for being insufficiently gynocratic
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>you will never be held tightly by a cute snakegirl
This thread is supposed to be about Anita, cis scum, male privileges blah blah but then

>/v/ - Chronology
>>179621612 (OP)
this video better have some explosions and dinosaurs and shit
While I don't believe gender roles should separate life into such a black and white style, it's fucking retarded to try and make it completely grey. There are two genders no matter what and there will always be differences between the two no matter what. It's not very productive to put a kid in a wheelchair in a professional sporting event so he can feel "equal".
privilege in the context of feminism and the like is the idea that majority groups (eg straight people, white people, men, cissexual people (born male/female and are comfortable and happy that way)) have advantages in society as a whole.

An example of white privilege in action would be passerbys thinking "Oh, I bet he locked his keys in his car" in response to a man using the classical coat-hanger trick on a car.
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Someone say porn?
For every radical feminist on tumblr there's a fucking idiotic libertard, white supremacist, racist fuckwit on /v/ who jerks off to Ayn Rand and Von Mises.
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The horrible truth.
They may very well understand them, but they do nothing to further the cause of those ideologies. Nothing new has been written, all academic papers are analysis of what someone else has analyzed about some other persons analysis and so forth. I only picked Marxism because in college it seemed to be the major drawing point for the youth.

The reality is, the very large majority of these kinds of people are going to change their way of thinking anyway.

Parens apply to the INSIDE of the statement, not the outside. Once you calculate the terms inside the parens, it turns into a single term and is subject to the order of operations outside the parens
Not at all? Are you really this retarded?
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Repent of thy sins!
The Ogrelord has seen ye all, and he is not pleased! None of you have prayed sufficiently to the the great one in the sky, repent now, lest ye decay for all eternity with the stench of brimstone and ogrefarts in the Hollow Onion!

Fear ye not, for it is not ogre till He sayeth it is ogre. Our Ogrelord is a merciful Ogrelord, and he offers us all salvation in his great and mighty resurshrektion! We must deny the wicked greed and gluttony of the evile Farquaad, and embrace the warm, ogresized Cock of Mercy!
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>you will not live to see the end of this century
Just as many college students latch onto some form of conservatism to stand out, libertarianism to avoid being a young republican/democrat, embrace neo-liberal capitalism, or embrace some milquetoast liberal position.
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All hail the new pope. Don't forget to buy Call of Duty 7: Mason's Revenge Bugaloo
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But that's... They'd... But I, they...



A compelling rational argument is more powerful than a hateful tirade/conspiracy laden suggestion without anything to substantiate it.

Doesn't always work but in any debate, the former guarantees a greater chance that fence-sitters will listen and take your viewpoint into consideration. Those that listen to the latter are usually bias in their views already and it offers no opportunity for new dialogue.
Being a soldier is oppresive.
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NO, i embrace technocracy. I embrace it tightly. I shall not let hold of it.

> related content

You are on /v/ at 7pm american time
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Thats true as well, but in my experience left leaning ideologies have been much more popular in college.
no one gives a shit, cyboyardee

you made one game that was popular with teenaged hipsters fucking forever ago and you've been riding that ever since

you are the kthor of video games

"who's kthor?" exactly
I disagree with you; I strongly believe that the black and white gender roles between a male and female are absolutely necessary to building and maintaining a stable family and household. There's a growing number of young men in their 20's and even early 30's who see marriage as unnecessary, and for one common reason: women just aren't women anymore. They set out to prove they can do everything a man can do, consequently forsaking their gender roles, which in turn, makes them men. You need black and white to complete the yin-yang, so to speak. The division must be clear.
There are just as many shitty "Internet _____" as there are internet feminists.

/v/ just irrationally hates feminism over internet marxists, internet capitalists, internet libertarians, internet atheists, internet socialists, internet liberals, internet neo-liberals, and so on.
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hey kid wanna priv
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My sister got out of college recently.
She has gone from a normal girl who would laugh at a sex pun to a feminist.
She litterally said that men are baby factories and women should be the only ones to choose whether or not to have children.
Help me /v/
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Why is this aimed at gamers rather than journalists and critics?

After all they're the ones that have been endorsing all these franchises and showering them with awards over the last decade.

And it's not like the "women in video games" issue is new either, it's been kicked around for longer than the violence debate even.
Any kind of job is oppresive if you go wrong on it.

Working in a well made and regulated prostitution house isn't oppressive to nobody.
>irrationally hates feminism

any ration person would oppose feminism.
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>Those that listen to the latter are usually bias in their views already and it offers no opportunity for new dialogue.

That's been what I've seen every time I've seen the feminist defense force show up.

You don't know Feminism
Your views are warped by the Patriarchy
I don't talk to people who are uneducated
etc... etc...
It depends on what college you're talking about.
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Are impossible, absurdly large boobies welcome in Anita's tribe of strong female characters?
I know some women that got rich being prostitutes.

So much oppression.
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Yes, but they don't force themselves down everyone's throats. You don't see Marxists forming e-activist groups because games are "too capitalist".

Here's an idea: maybe the internet would like you more if you shut the fuck up for a couple years. Of course you can't, because hearing yourselves talk is the only way you can be sure you haven't stopped breathing.
But that's wrong. If you seriously think women belong in the kitchen and should be Good Wives and Wise Mothers I don't know what to tell you. There's nothing I or anyone else could say to convince you that women should be treated as human beings (for better and for worse).
past is prologue.

Internet atheists aren't making retarded accusations about the videogame industry about storylines and character archetypes that have existed time immemorial

Well there's the problem, it creates a impasse that prevents anything from being truly resolved. Sometimes I wonder if people do this intentionally, because they're afraid to challenge their own beliefs as they feel such beliefs are the only reason they get up in the morning.
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>she wants to fuck
>>179621612 (OP)
I don't understand the picture. What's the deal?
she obviously didn't get enough dick, you know what to do anon
>/v/ just irrationality hates

You are wrong. /v/ hates this radical feminist becauze it's almost successfully invaded one of the last bastions that could still be considered a boy's club. There are already a number of developers who make games with shoehorned same-sex and gender bending romance mechanics (most notably Mass Effect) and rumors of others like EA and the dev behind God of War removing content that condones violence against women because of it.

This radical feminism has taken unwelcome liberties with one of the only male-dominated hobbies left in this society.
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Well first of all she use the term baby factory wrong, since in that analogy the man would be the quarry/industrial storehouse, and the woman would be the baby factory.

So really if she can't get that simple thing right then there is no hope.
Yes it is because sex is oppressive.
Who is the artist that drew this pic?
Those are the best kind!

Especially on lolis.
Yeah, they're too busy circle-jerking about how religion is the worst thing to ever happen to humanity and how smug they should act.

Internet marxists are too busy being cynical and jaded as shit.

Internet feminists and internet gay-rights activists are only so active because their social movements ARE powerful, but they're not the status quo.
Anita just need to feel a lovely dick inside her

Pretty much, I'm sure some of those hard line feminists entire identity and self-confidence is wrapped up in "being feminist" like people who identify too much with their jobs, and when they lose them they fall apart mentally like they cease to exist.
her boyfriend is black so im sure shes set.

then again maybe shes into pegging.
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Women are allowed to be attractive so far as vidya character go, it becomes problematic if that's the only aspect of the character that's significant.
Yes, I am a feminist. So? I dont see any problem. I embraced my womanly soul long ago and I am happy together with my boyfriend (who is a cute b/w beta!). We have a fucking lot of friends in and outside of my circle and I am pretty curvy and good looking.

But thanks anyway asshole. Go and watch your stupid anime shit while I have MEANINGFUL CONVERSATION with my boyfriend.
Women DO belong in the kitchen. They're SUPPOSED to be good wives and mothers? You know why? Because they're WOMEN. Those are the things they're biologically built for since the damn of time. It has nothing to do with ALSO being treated as a human being, but so many people are taking issue with the fact so many women want to shirk those instincts and responsibilities.
>Here's an idea: maybe the internet would like you more if you shut the fuck up for a couple years.

Unfortunately sites like Tumblr and Neogaf( who white knights the fuck out of this Anita person and you and a million posters on the site will dog pile onto you if you even so much as suggest that she might be full o shit)
Maybe? Lol
>it becomes problematic if that's the only aspect of the character that's significant.

Except this isn't problematic, my dear anon.

By this logic the fashion industry is problematic and should be banned.
Those are human rights activist.

They're clearly different from the western "feminist".

As for the videos, they're not going to be good.
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Like who.

inb4 Lara Croft, Soul Calibur, or Tifa. They're all characters with boobs, not just boobs.
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I dunno, I don't really have a problem with it
I never said they shouldn't be treated like human beings. but i do not believe that everything needs to be catered to their feelings or lack of ability, which is all 1st world feminism has become in lieu of real problems.
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Bullshit you ignorant cunt.
You are the stupidest and blindest motherfucker in here.

Music and Film industry laugh at feminism and don't give a fuck.
See a feminist talk to a director and then see the director laughing his ass off and farting in the general direction saying "i do as i please bitch".

Generally directors in the film industry are egotistical cunts, but it is exactly because they are egotistical arrogant cunts that they aren't influenced by this pussywhip bullshit.

The only one having trouble with feminism seems to be the video game industry.
Developers or rather Publishers too being composed of sissy faggot anti-socials and insecures prone towards being influenced by the biggest of retardation is part of the equation i guess.
OP says the tropes vs women in video games wont come out tomorrow and anita will make a bulshit excuse as to why.
Almost nobody have
People saying the century starts in 2001 are also saying that babies less than a year old are not alive.

> I embraced my womanly soul long ago

Can we get a feminist who doesn't sound crazy?
And humans are not biologically built for pants and image boards.
That doesn't mean we shouldn't use them.
>naturalistic fallacy

Nice work. You've revealed yourself to be an idiot. You also realize that, biologically, women were responsible for the survival of the human race, right? Hunters often came back with no food at all; gatherers (primarily women, children, and elderly men) provided a vast majority of the sustenance for their societies.

Biologically, alpha males should fuck as many females as possible, and then beta males should take care of their alpha males children (or get away with killing them, if they can) insofar as it allows them to have one kid too.
I hope this happen

Just to see what the bakers will say
>There are already a number of developers who make games with shoehorned same-sex and gender bending romance mechanics

speaking of which what ever happen to that one game that was made and aimed to all trans people?
Were we biologically built to put guns to our heads and pull the trigger? You should give that a shot, too.
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What is it, a fighting game or something?
He must be a betafag. Clearly those types are into betas since they are always white knighting them in hopes of getting ass?
Suicide is an adaptive behavior with some evolutionary basis (though it mostly only occurs in societies on the brink of destruction and even then its mostly elderly, the infertile, and super betas who commit suicide)
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By "problematic" I mean "people are conceptually justified in complaining about it"
I've noticed something.

See how this guy writes like English isn't his native language?

I think the vidya industry is going to be okay. The American market will, of course, collapse, but the foreign scene will flourish in the vacuum it provides.

But that's also part of a bigger issue, society is trending towards catering for everyone no matter what. Even if the person isn't suited for the job the person is hired for "diversity reasons"
Anyway, how much good male characters exists in videogames?
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more toddler titties.

You know, in real life, this would be disgusting. Why are real little girls so gross looking? Well, I guess that's why there aren't too many pedos. Good job on looking bland and boring, real little girls!
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How come she never asked people to donate their games? I would seem a little bit cheaper for her if she truly has a dedicated fanbase like it is made to believe.
>her boobs are too big
>because... ..... because.
>Developers or rather Publishers too being composed of sissy faggot anti-socials and insecures prone towards being influenced by the biggest of retardation
Or rather, publishers, being stockholders that usually don't even play video games and see vidya as just a fad to milk dry, see these little vocal "issues" that a vast majority don't even give a fuck about as damaging their product's image and attempt to rectify it as soon as possible to protect their own interests. And yet, when the audience they cater to has a problem, the publishers will just turn around and go "shut up, you're a vocal minority."
Men are actually better at cooking, taking are of kids and what not. Most "gender roles" come from men making themselves disposable to get a mate, since we couldn't rape/take whatever we wanted.
Go back and read my post again. Specifically the portion stating "one of the only." The use of these words leave open the notion that there are still a few other male-dominated industries, but asserts that the video games industry is losing that merit to modern feminism.Don't call others ignorant when you yourself lack reading comprehension skills.
It's idiotic to look for role models of any kind in video games because they're shallow entertainments designed to be disposable.

But, there is Joshua Graham.
people are justified in complaining about anything

that doesn't mean we have to take them seriously

Have you seen the releases in the US/UK versus the Japanese releases lately?

Why do you think everyone has jumped on the Kickstarter bandwagon? People are fed up with pandering "inclusive" QTE/Quest objective flashing/EPIC cutscene bullshit.
>it, a fighting game or something?
it is series explaining sexist tropes in video games.
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>Even if the person isn't suited for the job the person is hired for "diversity reasons"

I hear people complaining about this but has it ever actually happened?
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It's been long since publicly revealed that the creator behind it is THE biggest bigot to ever come along, and he/she/it only maintains a small defense force of like-minded bigots.
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You're right, no more lolis.

Giant + Muscles + Boobs is the best girl.
Having very unrealistic portrayls of men and women (pretty much either impossible or like 5 standard deviations from the mean) can make people upset.
So why Anita dislike Bayonetta? Being hot isn't her only significant aspect.
Absolutely. You know that chick who they say hunted down Bin Laden? Diversity hire.
"Because woman in real life aren't built like that!" Or at least that is what i am often told on forums.
Oh, so something to ignore altogether.
She isn't even hot. She has disgusting fucking body proportions.
>can make people upset.

I can't imagine why, lol
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But why?
>waahhh bigotry

I hope you don't think that chick was real.

Please tell me you don't.
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Movie, Music and Game industry are the only ones who have anything to do with this social warrior feminist bullshit and the only relevant ones.

Books are free from social warring.

There is no "of the only", this is it.
Faggot. Bitch faggot.
Cry more you stinking fucktable.
I'm gonna insult you till your diapers can't hold on any longer.
How much time has it been since she stated this "research" donation campaign? Because even at 6 hours a day, 7 days a week, it would take her a year and a half to play through all the games she has in that pic of her and the pile of games just once if each have about 20 hours play-time.

Any decent researcher of any medium doesn't give the medium a once over either, to actually research all of those games, playing them through 3 times each, would take 3-4 years. And no one is going to call her on that, no one is going to say that she wasted a ton of people's money or skimmed maybe 1/8th of that stack to make her youtube videos.

It's literally impossible for her to have done the research needed to comment on a subject so large in the time she's had.
Oh, Sonja my queen...
its not the Music, Film, Gaming or entertainment industries responsibility to make Pro-feminism shit, their job is to make a profit which means making content that would appeal to the broadest audience that has disposable income (18-30 single males). if you want some feminist music, movies, games or television its up to you to make it or find it, not the Music, Film, Gaming and Television industries.

Also, if you don't like it you don't have to ritead, watch, hear or play it.
She is real. The crazy chick in Homeland is based on the same person.
Because she didn't understand the concept that Bayonetta clothed herself with her. So when there was ad displaying her with her hair covering her body. She took it as game developers being perverts.
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Lots of girls develop pretty bad eating and body image disorders because the media bombards them with unrealistic images of women.
Not really. Publishers are just pandering to new audiences.

in real life i can't get people's memories by eating them

sounds like forums might need to shut the fuck up
I'm a fat fuck and nothing is more upsetting than watching fat people pretend like it's not their fault. I'm fat because I eat like shit and don't exercise. Maybe 5% of fat people actually have thyroid issues, and my sister has thyroid problems and still manages to keep the weight off through eating healthy and exercising.

If you are fat, it's your fault.
oh wow now we know who are the retards shitposting
I never, even once in that post, suggested that women couldn't or shouldn't be allowed to hunt and bring home bacon. My point is their naturally-wired instincts to protect and rear their children and maintain the household cannot be overwritten, even by modern feminism. What I DID say is their roles at home maintaining said household are better served upholding that role than always trying to outdo the alpha males. It's the feminist motion and beta males that support it that has been constantly trying to blur that all-too-necessary line.
And yet i only hear complaints when it is woman being "unrealistically" portrayed. ( cause women never have large breasts in real life) The White 30 something guy with washboard abs and five o'clock shadow is always welcome though
I would be the best option.
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>use word properly
>hurr, butthurt
Oh, /v/, never change.
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>video games
And that was their first problem.
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how long do you have to be here in order to get aroused by this kind of art
Why is this video gaming's fault? They don't put anorexic stick women in video games, they put big titty hos.
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But why would they do such stupid things?

I was suicidal for a few weeks because Nabokov had accomplished more in 16 years than I have in my life

and he's not even really fictional
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The more attention you guys give her, the stronger she'll get. The more you guys rage at her and shine a spotlight to her, the more attention and support and views she'll get.

That's how she got the $160k in the first place.

Jesus, /v/, when will you fucking learn.
The answer they give? Because people don't like feeling inadequate and shitty.

The worst part is plenty of healthy girls think they're fat. Like, if you're a fat tub of shit, you should feel fucking bad about your body, because no way in hell is how you are now how you can be if you put even a decent amount of work in. It's bad for your health, bad for your relationships, and it's bad for your mind not to get any exercise. These people should feel bad.
I dunno, I've been here since 2006 and the only fetish I picked up is fake incest and rough pornography.
I only asked because I was wondering why they were grouping Ashley from RE4 and Anya from Gears of War seeing as Ashley was completely useless on all accounts.
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3 seconds
no, he pretends to listen to her bullshit then gives her a good dicking
>believing the CIA

I'll wait 50 years for the documents to come out.
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There's nothing strong womyn can't do!
Homeland was made before Bin Laden was taken out and in that series they play her as completely fucking insane so I believe it.
Video games actually deliver images of women which are MUCH more in line with what is healthy than do fashion magazines and television.

Even fucking pornography has women who are closer to the average.
You might want to go after whatever fasion magazine is popular now bro. Not to mention the modeling industry. Maybe also parents need to do their fucking jobs and actually play a part in the raising of their fucking kids. Instead of sitting them in front of a television and expecting it do do the grunt work.
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I know you didn't see it but see my post >>179636380

I agree with you entirely. Hentai (at least in terms of acceptable body fat), pornography, and video games - ironically those mediums most aimed directly at men - actually have the healthiest portrayal of women.
You're still ignoring the phrase "one of the only"; I left that part of my post open to interpretation. I'm well aware there are OTHER industries that are still dominated by men. My point was the video games industry is losing its foothold on that demographic because of modern feminism. You're only reiterating what I've stated twice now. If you can't see your comprehension error, I don't know what else to say to you.
>unrealistic images of women.

So unrealistic these kind of women exists.
i fucking hate when people say you cant do this

anytime i do this its called meme arrows, da fuq ??? I DONT EVEN LIKE MEMES !!!!

I dfo it and people on pewdiepie video call me out on it......da fuq ??
that guy in the picture looks like he just ejaculated. Perv-1 Feminazi's- Cum
>cia giving a shit about any of that
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>posting leddit shit

Get out
Yes but they're the 0.1% of attractiveness.

>people think this way

Well then I guess the whole wide world, including smart people, must be fucking stupid. Since EVERYONE called 2000 the new century
Women are cruel to themselves. All it takes is one girl to tell another girl that they are fat and ugly, that single phrase alone is a lifetime of damage to a girl's self esteem.
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This. The best way to combat feminism.
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She's got a degree in communication and all that jazz, along with giving a relatively low price on the Kickstarter. She would have been funded and gotten the exposure regardless of the newfags flaming her, just to not as extreme of an extent.

Meanwhile, in real life, because the issues she's complaining about only exist on the internet, pic related.
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No as big as the videogame players would like...
You think her fanbase plays video games? Games that they could then donate to her?
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Makoto is the best squirrel.

Then why do girls kill themselves to look like that? How is it the media's fault?
The media didn't do anything, those girls made the conscious decision to eat unhealthy.
That's evolutionary-based bullying. It's a way of establishing and solidifying social hierarchies and removing the competition. Women and men both do this. If you can control the message of what is attractive and you happen to be that, then you'll be more likely to find an attractive mate and reproduce. Obviously this is a gross oversimplification but yeah that's the basis.
Is that as big as they get?

Well, I guess it's okay...
OKAY /v/







Except they're still at fault for letting said images affect them.

The tv isn't pointing a gun at them and saying "get hot and skinny, or else!"

Neither are comics, books, games, or movies.
She has a sizable fanbase at Neogaf. Wouldn't be surprised if more than a few donate to her.
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>insist on injecting their shit into everything
You mean bronies?

Your sister is an idiot, women are baby factories, men would be product supply for the factory/women.
Listen, I can't explain all of this to you. Go look up some psychological studies on the effect of the media, propaganda, and culture on people's behavior, actions, and thoughts.

But do you seriously think women had eating disorders before there was an abundance of food and mass culture existed?

>Believing what Christians tell you
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>is losing its foothold on that demographic because of modern feminism

No, it's losing its foothold because it is made up from the faggiest and most submissive manifestations that constitute the gamer communities.
In no other industry IN NO OTHER INDUSTRY will you see a situation where a woman drops in and suddenly "men" become submissive faggots.
Or rather it was so before.

Now assholery is saving this industry.
The more of an asshole everyone is, the more hardened they are and the more reflective of stupid shit like feminism they are.

Notice how only the shittiest Developers submit to this shit,
as in the developers who pander instead of making games like they like to make them.

I call feminism a welcome filter so i can by process of elimination categorize what is worth supporting and what isn't.
And i am not the only one.
Next you will see developers with a "fuck you" mindset getting support and pandering submissive faggots getting a middle finger and that should be a clear message.
It is already happening.

Being a douche is a good thing now.
That's a little better...

Of course. Compulsive eating has always been a thing. Maybe media has incidentally inspired humans of late, but there have always been fat fucks who had some shitty reason to eat.

No, its just that social change and mass media have brought it to the forefront.

But the women still just blame the male controlled companies i suppose.
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It's peer pressure that causes it. While not physically forced it's psychological due to how society holds expectations. The strive to "fit in" with your clique of friends for instance.

Not that it's an excuse either, but some people do get trapped in this type of thinking.

welcome to >>>/fit/
You're correct that nothing is forcing them to do that, but there's this idea of normalization - that over time, if something is repeatedly seen in media (particularly television) - then it gets seen as what is normal for real people in the real world (most women on television weigh around x pounds -> most women weigh around x pounds). If a woman steps on the scale and sees she weighs x+25 pounds, she sees her self as not normal, and may take desperate measures to lose those 25 pounds.
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Speaking of which do feminists ever attack the Bible or religion in general. ( mostly Christianity and Islam) which basically teaches that they should basically be submissive among other things, and is FAR more influential than entertainment like comics or games could ever hope to be?

Multiplication due to placement of parenthesis is equivalent to a regular multiplication sign. What goes on IN parenthesis is first, but multiplication or division OF parenthesis is equal in priority to regular multiplication and division.
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Which is why it (generally) isn't a legal movement, but a social movement.

They're trying to change our culture's bad habits. That's essentially it.
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I know that, and it is sad that people still respond to these pathetic instinctual reactions.

Makes me fucking glad my brain is shaped differently, I'm apparently the odd man out in most views of thinking.
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>do feminists ever attack the Bible
>basically teaches that they should basically be submissive
The Book of Esther would like a word with you.
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And that's her decision, not anyone else's. I'm not the ideal physical man. Not even close. I'm skinny as a rail and stupidly weak. Do you see me killing myself to be stronger, meaner, and better at sports? Fuck that, I'm quite fine with myself. And if girls aren't, that's their own damn decision.
Congrats on being a special snowflake, ya cuntsteak.
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How am I cunt for being born with an abnormal brain? Not my fault.
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Your claim of being superior to others and how you're just "so different" from everybody else makes you a cunt, you cunt.
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I guess I just don't get it. I probably never will, seeing as I fit the description feminists seem to hate (big tits, not fat).
>video games
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dem vidya gaems :3
>>179621612 (OP)
Wait she's seriously unveiling the first vid in the series?

Or are you guys pulling my leg...
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Pointing out an abnormality is acting superior? Me thinks you're being a tad sensitive to people pointing out their traits.
Once again, that's more or less my point. Video games used to be free of this whole "woman dropping in and having men bend over for her" notion (which is roughly what modern feminisn has become), until the last couple years or so. We live in a society where more and more people demand consequences for having their poor wittle feewings hurt, feminists included. The number of game developers that have accommodated them for the sake of being politically correct is a worrying indicator of a possible trend in the industry that we're not sure yet will continue to grow. THAT is why /v/ hates feminism, which I stated in this post: >>179633709
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I've been running dry of vidya slaves to fap to. Any help?
The only good non-lesbian hentai.

Yes, she actually is. Hurricane Anita is about to sweep /v/.
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>Only For "Pure" Adult!

Is it a worrying trend for the videogame industry? Or all industries?
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feminists are bronies

there's literally no difference
Disgusting. I used slaves to be haha funny in place of women.
>The only good non-lesbian hentai.
nah there's a bit more then that which is a good thing since actual lesbian hentai is virtually non existent, only one I can think of off the top of my head is that sister incest one.
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The problem is /v/ doesn't know the difference between a feminist and a femnazi.
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Fuck. You. Asshole.
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And in this room gentlemen you can observe a fine specimen of what is called a "feminist".
I guess this is my cue to leave /v/ for a month. Fuck as much as I wanted to ignore that bitch man...
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"pure" adult
>only for "pure" adults, such as myself.
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Well, maybe. I can't get off to dicks though. Seriously, they just take it out of me. And it's weird, because other perfectly people seem to be fine with dicks in their porn. It's just gross man.

I don't see any Feminist's asking to be added to the draft as men are, I don't see Feminist's asking for financial incentive to work in the mines. I don't see feminists demanding that the requirements for entering service as a Firewoman be matched with men.
At the moment, just the games industry it seems. If more developers continue to buckle under the feminist cries of Anita and her ilk, shareholders and fat cats in suits may see it's a potentially profitable market and begin catering to them more than they are now. If that became the norm, it's not too farfetched to see the music or film industry from following suit.
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Which one is that? i can't into moonrunes
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*perfectly normal people*, I meant to say.
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because there is no difference anymore, feminists have allowed femnazis to take over the image, direction and momentum of their movement, and they don't bother to speak out against or police these people, it's full of nothing but hateful angry atttention whores who demand praise when they complain about inconsequential things and the silent enablers who allow them to continue

Even though I find the idea of making women and men "equal" in all areas a fanciful and ludicrous notion since men and women are different, emotionally, biologically, and in the way society perceives them.
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She must have back problems
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What about backstory?
Women are already allowed to serve on military battle operations as of a month or two ago.

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choice. I think.
Very much so. One of my first experiences with feminism was this one blogger named BitingBeaver, who's "highlights" were asserting that all pornography encourages rape, and that she was severely limiting her son's computer use because she caught him watching porn.

She (and other people like her who I learned about around the same time) really soured me on feminism.
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Huh, thought she was a giantess-only character.
Why is that whistle so wet? And why does it turn me on so much?
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Why is she sooooooooo fucking cute?
This is fucking hilarious. What the fuck
Anita never says HOW she wants things to be in the media, she simply just bitches about anything she can find, it'll be the same with these upcoming videos.

Watch and be informed:


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you're fucking lucky

you know how I got soured?

le fucking red-eyed robot

that is some disgust you don't recover from
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haaaah, i wan to fug
People you say 2 are fucking retarded.
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>That post
>That user image

Anyone seen my sides? I seem to have misplaced them.
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>tfw only guy in the thread posting fetish stuff
Well, I like them any way...



number near a bracket is timed

some people never did basic math
Sorry, neo-/v/ thinks muscles are only for /d/.
What is Tropes vs Women?

And why should I be mad about it?

Keep your guybodies out of /v/


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