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    in other news: server upgrades and additional moderators coming soon (delayed a few days)

    File : 1279082567.jpg-(53 KB, 300x300)
    53 KB you have a pokémon board now moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/14/10(Wed)00:42 No.66847XXX sticky closed   [Reply]

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    234 KB Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)05:01 No.68209XXX   [Reply]
    he's the last one alive out of all 4 Four!
    97 posts and 28 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:56 No.68218XXX
    lol'd hard
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:56 No.68218XXX
    a motherfucking agreed
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:56 No.68218XXX
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    Well played.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:57 No.68218XXX

    Damn, I "lol'd" at the obvious samefaggotry.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:57 No.68218XXX
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    144 KB Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:48 No.68218XXX   [Reply]
    /v/, I have a problem.

    I can't nostalgia. When I was a kid I didn't play many video games, except for a few old PC games (pic motherfucking related), and basically the only old (read: N64 and older) games I can really enjoy are the platformers like Super Mario Bros. I just can't really appreciate the old shit like most people do.

    Wat do?
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:54 No.68218XXX
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:55 No.68218XXX
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    Fucking brickster
    >> Esposch 07/25/10(Sun)06:56 No.68218XXX
    It's because most old games are shit (read: most).
    Developers learn from their mistakes and each generation of gaming has only got better and better.
    That's why you can't enjoy old games.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:57 No.68218XXX
    why doesn't this run on windows 7?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:57 No.68218XXX
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    >your face when you remember henry's amazing animals

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    501 KB Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)04:16 No.68205XXX   [Reply]
    Is this game worth buying just for the custom maps?

    Not interested in playing Real Time Microing with koreans.

    Whats all that shit about custom games costing money?


    My brain is full of fuck.
    269 posts and 35 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:54 No.68218XXX
    >discounting all complaints as trolling

    Surefire sign of having no argument.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:55 No.68218XXX
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:56 No.68218XXX
    lol u still mad
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:57 No.68218XXX
    Censorship is fucking terrible.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:57 No.68218XXX
    sc was kept alive by the still strong competitive community.
    wc3 was a very limited game from the competitive point of view and as a matter of fact is now being kept alive by the custom maps.

    during the beta many funny and different custom maps (fps games, metal slug remakes, NEOGEO fighting games remakes, TDs, survival) were created and I bet only the awful shit from people without fantasy or creativity were rejected.

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    50 KB Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:57 No.68218XXX   [Reply]
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:57 No.68218XXX
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:57 No.68218XXX
    >> Rooster !E1BOoStER. 07/25/10(Sun)06:57 No.68218XXX
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    137 KB Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:22 No.68216XXX   [Reply]
    Just started playing Minecraft again.

    What is this shit?
    Found it while I was exploring a cave.
    There's a bunch of greenish rock all around it and a crate with some stuff in it.
    The box in the middle has a spider that's spinning around and on fire.

    Also, Minecraft General.
    24 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:49 No.68218XXX
    need an account and pass for like 2 seconds so i can play offline
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:50 No.68218XXX
    I have seeds and a hoe, how does one efficiently plant wheat? If I throw it on the tilled soil should all work out well?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:51 No.68218XXX
    Just use a lot of TnT.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:52 No.68218XXX

    What are you, a dumbass.
    Let me guess, you started on /b/?
    /v/ is about VIDEO GAMES not LOLSORANDUMxD
    Fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:57 No.68218XXX
    How do upgrade Minecraft to v1.0.11?

    Thx ^_^

    I'm playing v.1.0.8 ^_^

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    147 KB Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)05:52 No.68213XXX   [Reply]
    Post age, first game on pc and console, favorite game on pc and console.

    First PC:
    First Console:
    Favorite PC:
    Favorite Console:

    I'll start.

    Age: 17
    First PC: Half-Life 1
    First Console: Wipeout XL
    Favorite PC: Garry's Mod
    Favorite Console: Modern Warfare 2
    230 posts and 26 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> SuperKonker !!kx/SzUPb9D7 07/25/10(Sun)06:56 No.68218XXX
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:57 No.68218XXX
    How about I light up your night?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:57 No.68218XXX

    Global rules, motherfucker, can you read them?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:57 No.68218XXX
    Age: 16
    First PC: Max Payne
    First Console: Ocarina of time
    Favorite PC: dunno
    Favorite Console: Bioshock/Oot/Banjo Kazooie
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:57 No.68218XXX

    >inb4 lol u troled

    Actually, if you read the rules, you would have seen a global 18+ rule.

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    628 KB Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:13 No.68215XXX   [Reply]
    I've seen little to no Demon's Souls discussion on /v/ for a few days now. Did everyone suddenly move to some other game?

    Also a question: If I'm to go with a meatcleaver build character, Should I go down with equal STR and DEX or just dump it all to one or the other?
    30 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:55 No.68218XXX
    Shield? What is..."shield"? I block with the stick, most of the time, I just do a little of the ol' "rolly polly", all over the damn place, bitches don't even KNOW which way I'm going.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:55 No.68218XXX
    Quality is good if you go equal STR and DEX.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:56 No.68218XXX
    All servers shutting down next year ;_;
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:57 No.68218XXX
    I go equal everything. I'm at level 20 in just about everything but Faith and luck.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:57 No.68218XXX
    >>68215517 suddenly move to some other game

    This game is old as fuck. Are you kidding me? It wasn't sudden at all, you're just late.

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    18 KB Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)04:54 No.68209XXX   [Reply]
    Lets have some good ol' /v/idya Trivia

    Name the Game/Name of character

    Lets start sorta easy but still back in the day
    Bonus point for knowing the console this was for
    143 posts and 34 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:49 No.68218XXX
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:50 No.68218XXX

    Custer's Revenge
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:52 No.68218XXX
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    Whoops, forgot img.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:53 No.68218XXX

    Smash TV, SNES

    Good days.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:57 No.68218XXX
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    Correct, here's another.
    Easy mode cause I am just going thru the /v/ folder.

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    103 KB Phasing Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:20 No.68216XXX   [Reply]
    Phasing in cataclysm, is the whole old world going to look the same until you install cataclysm, or is it changing for people who just have the original game too?
    53 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:55 No.68218XXX
    Also, no way in hell would I assume you were anything like me at all. We are completely different. For instance, I know for a fact that you'll never achieve anything with your life except to get some purple items tens of thousands of other addicts will have as well.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:56 No.68218XXX
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    >be a dps only class
    >have to fucking wait 20mins for a queue
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:57 No.68218XXX
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    I'm just going to bed now.

    People become retards when you mention anything about Blizzard or their products or the Fallout series.
    >> SQUATZ !Oj2Bah7MV2 07/25/10(Sun)06:57 No.68218XXX
    I could not agree with this more.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)06:57 No.68218XXX
    Doing an essay before the due date is a fantastical story to you?

    Case and point.

    Personally I am not a hamster, but I know for a fact that my pet hamster has more self control and reason than you will ever have.

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