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06/23/11(Thu)09:42 No.99888941 File1308836570.jpg-(56 KB, 250x248, SAWNIK IS NUMBER ONE SAWNIK IS(...).jpg)
![56 KB](99888279_files/1308836570425s.jpg) /r9k/
was the kind of intelligent discussion you desire but on-topic. Once
moot made /soc/, /r9k/ was golden since the "RATE ME AM I KAWAII"
threads were gone, but he deleted it a few days afterwards. Now I'm
not going to deny the fact there were non-vidya threads on /v/ before
then (I even remember seeing the exact same threads on both boards), but
since /r9k/, the only logical alternative, as /b/ isn't capable of that
kind of discussion, was deleted, a lot more of it has come to /v/, the
next best thing. |