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  • File : 1308642417.jpg-(28 KB, 455x427, 1289880269823.jpg)
    28 KB Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:46 No.99604048  
    >Visit /sp/
    >It's a carbon copy of /v/, except with sports
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:47 No.99604115

    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:47 No.99604132
    /sp/ is /b/ + /new/. It's the worst board 4chan has ever had, yet they're all delusional and think it's the best.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:48 No.99604154
    Ever wonder where >mfw came from?
    And Costanza.jpg with >Putting your greentext in the fridge?

    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:48 No.99604200
         File1308642522.jpg-(54 KB, 500x449, 1308347184111.jpg)
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    >mfw I only visit /sp/ for WRASSLIN' trolling
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:48 No.99604212

    god, please tell me these blockheads don't come here.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:48 No.99604221
    >TE DURP
    video games are my favourite video games
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:48 No.99604225
    /a/ is the worst board
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:49 No.99604244
    >implying this doesn't describe every board
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:49 No.99604252
    >Visit /b/
    >It's a carbon copy of /v/, except with less vidya
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:50 No.99604351
    >And Costanza.jpg with >Putting your greentext in the fridge?

    Came from /ck/.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:50 No.99604373
    They are everywhere
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:50 No.99604382
    a lot of the memes you see on /v/ actually come from /sp/

    like this guy said
    also, WHY.jpg comes from /sp/.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:50 No.99604384
    >Visit /cgl/
    >It's a carbon copy of /v/, except with costumes and japanese fashion
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:51 No.99604424
    >visit /b/
    >It's a carbon copy of /v/, except with more vidya

    fixed that for you
    >> Al Bundy 06/21/11(Tue)03:51 No.99604432

    >Visit /v/
    >It's a carbon copy of /b/, but with less vidya

    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:51 No.99604481
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:51 No.99604485
    I think the worst board here is a tie between /a/, /v/, and /tg/
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:52 No.99604497
    shitty /v/ mind
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:52 No.99604516
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:52 No.99604537
         File1308642753.jpg-(38 KB, 630x502, 1308362267440.jpg)
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    >It's a carbon copy of /v/, except with MORE vidya

    fixed it for you
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:52 No.99604543
         File1308642756.jpg-(41 KB, 402x271, 1267331043990.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:52 No.99604549
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:53 No.99604599
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:53 No.99604601
         File1308642790.jpg-(36 KB, 573x633, 1306168087424.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:54 No.99604734

    /tg/ is supposed yo be the best board...
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:55 No.99604754
         File1308642902.png-(32 KB, 277x274, 1308522487010.png)
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    Does anyone else feel a little awkward posting in a board they don't use a lot?

    Feels weird, man.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:55 No.99604774
    /b/ and /soc/ are equally as shit
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:56 No.99604869
         File1308642988.png-(35 KB, 128x122, 1305129125420.png)
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    OP is right, everything right down to the posts are /v/-like
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:56 No.99604895
    Well atleast when Sports are on /sp/ is good, & unlike /v/ they are productive, also have better video game threads than /v/.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:57 No.99604932
    "mfw" comes from /mu/ because when "my face when" was blocked they started saying "mfw" to get around it
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:57 No.99604957
    /sp/ is never good.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:57 No.99604994
    What the hell does mythical cretures have to do with sports?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:57 No.99605003
    >> sage 06/21/11(Tue)03:58 No.99605041
    But that doesn't count, they're MEANT to be shit, moot made /b/ because /a/ was whining about /b/ faggots.
    and moot made /soc/ because EVERYONE was whining about attentionwhores/normalfags
    Both /b/ and /soc/ were made because we don't want those faggots in our boards.
    It's like making a /b/eehive so the /b/ees don't infest your backyard
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:58 No.99605052
    What the hell does this thread have to do with video games?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:58 No.99605055
    /ck/ didn't make that shit, they stole the thread after it 404'd
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:59 No.99605112

    they did that on /sp/ first you dumb shit

    /sp/ is reaction image central. It's the trolliest board, yet the one most embarrassed to be located on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:59 No.99605157
    >stealing costanza, >mfw, why.jpg

    Stay bet/a/, /v/
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:01 No.99605283
    /sp/ is great during actual game threads for sporting events or current events like North vs South Korea, Egypt protests, Tsunami bowl, Vancouver Riots ect.

    The Costanza.jpg and general off-topic /new/ bullshit is the cancer
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:01 No.99605290
         File1308643284.jpg-(179 KB, 669x426, 1308553389423.jpg)
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    >implying /v/ isn't alpha general
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:02 No.99605346
         File1308643329.jpg-(94 KB, 933x315, Chargers in Ancient times.jpg)
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    /sp/ is hit or miss. When it hits, they hit a dinger.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:04 No.99605533
         File1308643465.jpg-(100 KB, 445x630, donovan.jpg)
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    >not GOAT 4chan board

    go ahead and pick one
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:04 No.99605580
         File1308643491.jpg-(26 KB, 250x250, 1285609801773.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:05 No.99605592
    >using the chargers pasta
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:05 No.99605593
    /sp/ during the summer is absolute shit. Only sports to watch is luckswing, plus the influx of summerfags which shits up the entire 4chan site. Don't even bother until football starts up in fall.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:05 No.99605608
    that's what he's also talking about. /v/ doesn't talk about video games and /sp/ doesn't talk about sports.
    >> CLINT 06/21/11(Tue)04:05 No.99605633
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:05 No.99605660

    MMO power rankings, which one of you did this.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:05 No.99605661
    >stealing greentexting
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:06 No.99605668
         File1308643563.jpg-(322 KB, 923x1382, shaw.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:06 No.99605682
    it's fucking hilarious, always. There was one for the vancouer riot.

    Couldnt stop laughing. in fact all 15 of /sp/'s vancouver riot threads were hilarious
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:06 No.99605712
         File1308643596.jpg-(60 KB, 400x400, 1308468434410.jpg)
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    I've never understood the concept of summerfags. Do kids these days only get to use the computer during summer break?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:06 No.99605720
         File1308643601.jpg-(51 KB, 200x200, 1308297593035.jpg)
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    >> feel with it 06/21/11(Tue)04:06 No.99605735
         File1308643615.png-(179 KB, 303x358, messiface.png)
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    >implying /mu/ isn't the best board
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:07 No.99605757
    >See OP's thread
    >Go to /sp/
    >First thread I see is a guy talking about how his dad choke-slamed his dog through a coffee table
    >burst into treats with laughter
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:07 No.99605776
         File1308643645.jpg-(166 KB, 317x699, 1306224094228.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:07 No.99605782
         File1308643654.gif-(1.7 MB, 640x425, daviswhy2.gif)
    1.7 MB

    >implying there's any worthwhile sports on for the summer
    >implying you people can't stop raging about vidya and discuss them in a normal fashion
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:07 No.99605783
    No /v/ just needs a reason to hate something they don't like.
    summer /v/ doesn't even exist it's just be just being /v/
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:07 No.99605792
         File1308643660.png-(135 KB, 1220x666, 1301010982137.png)
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    Hey look I found the /sp/ version of Wigglytuff
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:08 No.99605821
         File1308643689.jpg-(87 KB, 822x389, shaw.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:08 No.99605832
         File1308643702.jpg-(46 KB, 800x533, 1296264755121.jpg)
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    >hating on /sp/
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:08 No.99605833
    All boards resent /b/

    All boards get shitted up every summer

    All boards battle offtopic bullshit
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:08 No.99605836

    >Hipsters talking about how deep and dark is their music
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:09 No.99605878
    no, during the summer, children can use their computer 24/7. Also, its just an influx of new people who don't have any idea about the slightest thing. "I'm an oldfag, I've been here all summer"
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:09 No.99605882
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:09 No.99605895
    well duh

    /sp/, /v/, and /b/ are the only boards on this website which invade other boards on this website.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:09 No.99605901

    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:09 No.99605920
         File1308643777.png-(218 KB, 288x499, why..png)
    218 KB
    >mfw this board hasn't been merged with /b/ yet.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:09 No.99605939
         File1308643788.jpg-(75 KB, 356x255, 1308614282127.jpg)
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    /sp/ is going to kick our asses because they like sports!
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:09 No.99605943
    >share threads
    >not godly
    choose one
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:09 No.99605945
    >successfully invading
    Don't think so Tim.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:10 No.99605961
    you're forgetting /a/
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:10 No.99605973

    Except for the slow, useless boards and the faggy japanese culture boards
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:10 No.99605987
    Sports on /sp/? Surely you lie. The only thing that gets posted on there are power level threads of things like cheese or rims, "Am I Gay If..." threads, how best to get legally high, and occasionally a StarCraft thread.

    Oh and occasionally golf but that doesn't count.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:10 No.99605992
    choose one
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:10 No.99605994
         File1308643832.jpg-(20 KB, 313x238, 6754.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:10 No.99606013
    Remember when /x/ wasn't shit?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:11 No.99606024
    /sp/s starcraft threads make /v/'s starcraft threads look like utter shit, mostly because /v/'s starcraft threads are utter shit
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:11 No.99606052
    >implying they didn't invent "mfw" when "my face when" got word banned there
    >implying "mfw" is in any way better
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:11 No.99606067
         File1308643897.png-(57 KB, 632x715, 1307727370185.png)
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    >Not visiting /v/ and /sp/
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:11 No.99606070
    Nobody in their right mind would say that /b/ was ever good.

    Tolerable? Perhaps in some respects. But it was never good.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:12 No.99606098
         File1308643926.jpg-(19 KB, 314x235, }Schalke.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:12 No.99606142
    The funny pictures were good until you saw them 300 times.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:12 No.99606146
         File1308643962.jpg-(34 KB, 357x303, 1307714914128.jpg)
    34 KB
    /a/ was here
    /sp/ is a loser
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:12 No.99606148
    >power level threads
    stopped reading there as you obviously have never been on /sp/ during current events and the collegiate and professional sports seasons of Football and basketball
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:12 No.99606155
    ever spend more than 30 seconds on a different board? it's all the same shit.
    fanboy war threads, _______ is for casuals (or hipsters on /co/ and /fa/), laughinggirls.jpg, >greentext stories, WHY.jpg, mfw, porn/nearly porn dumps, Limes, etc.

    Basically 4chan can be summed up as "my opinion > your opinion" and "forever alone"
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:13 No.99606201
         File1308644021.jpg-(13 KB, 320x240, 1281143795871.jpg)
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    Eh. You trade FotM dickriding for people spamming "fuck this gook shit" and "gookclick is not sports get the fuck out" in all caps one out of every three posts. And then one of the remaining two posts is someone arguing with those people.

    I'll take /v/.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:13 No.99606217
         File1308644031.png-(117 KB, 1280x1241, fosterwhy2.png)
    117 KB
    I visit both. Umad faggots?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:14 No.99606234
         File1308644044.jpg-(16 KB, 614x456, 1305868849518.jpg)
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    >not even shittier than /v/, and /sp/
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:14 No.99606239
    Uhhh no those came from /sp/. Almost every meme that's widely known (on 4chan) comes from /sp/.

    /sp/ is the best board deal with it virgins.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:14 No.99606244
    you're mad cause you're a bet/a/ bitch
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:14 No.99606252
         File1308644060.png-(92 KB, 211x251, 1304060077150.png)
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    Haven't seen that one in a while.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:14 No.99606291
    >look at /sp/
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:14 No.99606293
    Sports aren't always on

    Video games are always available

    This board has no excuse for the offtopic shit
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:15 No.99606309
         File1308644107.jpg-(51 KB, 640x640, 1301311450296.jpg)
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    >glance at /sp/
    >one sports thread on front page
    >it's pro wrestling, which doesn't even count

    No my statement still basically stands.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:15 No.99606311
    Seriously, E3 with /sp/ is so much better than E3 with you faggots. Their tripfags don't fuck you every thread they enter.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:15 No.99606328
    >not a sport
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:15 No.99606332
    >Almost every meme that's widely known (on 4chan) comes from /sp/
    lmao. There are a few, like >mfw, etc. but dont delude yourself.

    I browse /sp/ 18-1, cantpucks, based, riotbowl, we x now, etc. are all /sp/ memes, but those are memes that stay inside /sp/
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:15 No.99606338
    >People claiming costanza.jpg came from /ck/

    Ketchup in the fridge might have come from there, but it just happens that one /sp/artan uploaded a pic of costanza and copied where it instantly began to being overused.

    Needless to say. It's still lame.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:16 No.99606366
    trollface came from /v/
    >> CLINT 06/21/11(Tue)04:16 No.99606377
    >Go to /v/ SC/E3 threads
    >/a/ tripfags, /a/ tripfags everywhere

    >Go to /sp/ SC/E3 threads
    >Actual discussion
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:16 No.99606399
    Over 9000 came from /fa/
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:16 No.99606404
    Nighttime /sp/ is off topic /sp/

    Earl morning /sp/ is Povertyball /sp/

    Rest of the time is American /sp/.

    Nighttime /sp/ is best /sp/.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:16 No.99606406
    >no NFL
    >no NBA
    >no NHL
    >no World Cup/Champions League

    What the fuck are we supposed to discuss? Baseball?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:17 No.99606444
         File1308644234.jpg-(71 KB, 655x480, 1124_greg_proops.jpg)
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    >visit /v/
    >it's a carbon copy of reddit, except with less nothing
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:17 No.99606452
         File1308644236.jpg-(531 KB, 2315x2310, nintenndo.jpg)
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    >mfw E3 on /sp/ got 35 Threads
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:17 No.99606453
    Pro wrestling is not a goddamn sport. I'm not saying it can't be posted there. I'm saying it's not a sport in even the vaguest of ways. It's theater, except the actors are about four times as big as usual.

    Hell in the last ten years I imagine if someone sued them for false advertisement on account of the "wrestling" bit I'm pretty sure they'd win, because I watched an entire show a few months back and there wasn't a single goddamn match.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:17 No.99606463
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:17 No.99606470
    NFL, NBA, and Baseball
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:17 No.99606482
    explain the based x meme to me, please.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:18 No.99606505
         File1308644281.jpg-(154 KB, 1600x1200, 1304405828183.jpg)
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    >Visit any board on 4chan with decent traffic
    >It's a carbon copy of /v/, except with board topic

    It's true. We are all the same but with slight differences. Even the way the majority views it's topic of discussion.
    >> CLINT 06/21/11(Tue)04:18 No.99606513
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:18 No.99606519
    There's a rapper who calls himself Based God.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:18 No.99606524
    /sp/ had close to 30 300 post threads about E3. Not filled with shit posting or trolling.Well mostly...

    Also the 2098340923 threads about the International spelling bee.

    And they all watch To Catch a Predator on Sunday nights.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:18 No.99606532
    Those memes aren't what im talking about you fucking retard. Read my post again.

    Hell, let me put it this way:

    More 4chan memes (not the reddit shit, not the board specific, but shit that is known on almost all boards) come from /sp/ than any other board. If you think this is untrue you don't visit /sp/ or are a summerfag.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:18 No.99606536
         File1308644305.jpg-(5 KB, 158x152, 1296954427864.jpg)
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    >visit /sp/
    >it's -insert generic insult- here

    >> Salad !xAXsisdlss 06/21/11(Tue)04:18 No.99606545
    Expect our boards to merged soon, /sp/ is becoming redundant with E-sports gaining popularity
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:18 No.99606548
         File1308644315.jpg-(74 KB, 911x577, 1304565828089.jpg)
    74 KB
    oh hey!

    you guys had any gets lately?

    guess not
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:18 No.99606553
         File1308644320.jpg-(107 KB, 504x504, 1307428248205.jpg)
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    >watching an entire show

    I'll pray for your soul, man.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:18 No.99606563
    so you mean those guys in jump suits fighting on the floor isn't a sport?

    Sumo is a form of wrestling, that isn't a sport?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:19 No.99606593
    Can't we just agree that /a/ is the worst board?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:19 No.99606605
    >Defending summer /v/

    Oh great, one retard contributing to the shit posting.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:19 No.99606609
         File1308644357.jpg-(328 KB, 882x940, 1304065447457.jpg)
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    Me 2 years ago: Oh cool, /sp/, I wonder if they like rugby!
    >they don't like rugby

    And I haven't visited since.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:19 No.99606616
         File1308644368.png-(115 KB, 400x400, 1300207953348.png)
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    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:19 No.99606620
         File1308644369.jpg-(290 KB, 1920x1080, 12467456.jpg)
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    >Right now on /a/
    >> Rager_Laser [BASED GORDON] !7eC0RPMSJc 06/21/11(Tue)04:19 No.99606623
    Lil b
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:19 No.99606631
         File1308644377.jpg-(76 KB, 666x403, Ainsley Harriot & Gordon R(...).jpg)
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    >Implying /sp/ has Dragon dildo threads
    >Implying /sp/ has "BAAAAW WHY.jpg NO GIRLS LIEK ME" threads
    >Implying /sp/ has waifu threads

    Stay beta /v/.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:19 No.99606634

    Except /soc/. Because fuck them.
    >> CLINT 06/21/11(Tue)04:20 No.99606657
    Can't tell if retard or trolling
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:20 No.99606683
    Well by the end I just did it out of sheer contempt and spite because I kept telling myself there had to be at least a single goddamn wrestling match on a pro wrestling show that lasts over an hour.

    Oh people got in the ring, sure! My hopes skyrocketed.

    And then they just talked and had staredowns.

    Someone did get hit with a chair once but that doesn't fucking count.

    Yes I mad. I grew up with Andre the Giant and the Macho Man and Hulk Hogan. I mean sure the Hulkster couldn't do anything more complex than a leg drop but at least he did -something-.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:20 No.99606707
    The worsts boards on 4chan are

    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:21 No.99606723
    stay jelly bitch niggas
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:21 No.99606727
         File1308644465.jpg-(64 KB, 702x680, 1302468956175.jpg)
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    >Implying not having dragon dildo threads is a good thing
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:21 No.99606736
         File1308644475.gif-(407 KB, 250x250, 1303193032822.gif)
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    Yeah I see 3/10 atm, and they say /v/ isn't video games..
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:21 No.99606750
    >not having diaper threads

    I seriously hope you don't become /soc/

    >implying 89% of you don't already frequent there
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:21 No.99606761
    /sp/ is the new old /tg/ Except with more mad and trolling.

    I'm okay with that.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:21 No.99606762
         File1308644504.jpg-(111 KB, 700x496, 1299808751433.jpg)
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    >ASS threads

    Pick one.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:21 No.99606768
    how the fuck did you construe from what I said that I believe /b/ is good? What lead you to that conclusion?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:21 No.99606771
         File1308644512.gif-(932 KB, 175x131, 1301033277067.gif)
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    >so you mean those guys in jump suits fighting on the floor isn't a sport?

    You seem to be confusing "wrestling" and "pro wrestling."

    Not even vaguely related activities. Not even close.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:21 No.99606772
    >No >>>/soc/
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:22 No.99606789
    >Visit /sp/
    >It's a carbon copy of my toilet following the mass exodius of my fecal matter to the waste treatment plant, except it got clogged in the S-Bend and floated back out. With sports.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:22 No.99606795
    >Caring about which board a meme came from

    If its not pre-2005 and from /b/ its all the same shit
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:22 No.99606813
    At least explain WHY you think I'm retarded.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:22 No.99606826

    pizza AND a cat
    >> CLINT 06/21/11(Tue)04:22 No.99606829
    >Only vidya thread on /v/ is EVE
    >Implying spreadsheets are video games

    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:22 No.99606838

    >no /vp/
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:22 No.99606848
         File1308644572.jpg-(107 KB, 726x711, how_can_this_board_exist.jpg)
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    >/y/ right now
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:22 No.99606850
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:23 No.99606867
    >Visit /v/
    >Its a carbon copy of r/gaming but with fags and weaboos.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:23 No.99606888

    The fuck did we do?!
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:23 No.99606897

    Oh look a new expansion pack! Laid can wait.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:23 No.99606900
         File1308644620.jpg-(32 KB, 151x170, 1307924986934.jpg)
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    >not knowing /sp/ is the best board on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:24 No.99606931
    haha loser nerd can't enjoy a lil homosexuality? No wonder why you're on /v/ and /sp/. It's because you can't get any with real men.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:24 No.99606938
         File1308644654.jpg-(18 KB, 220x246, 1307099318262.jpg)
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    >Go to /v/ during the day
    >Kind of entertaining, generally not much interesting is being discussed
    >Go to /sp/ at night
    >Constantly laughing my tits off, pretty much always something interesting being discussed

    /sp/ wins, read em and weep faggots
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:24 No.99606942
    >/sp/ and /v/ get into another bro argument
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:24 No.99606944
         File1308644658.jpg-(23 KB, 336x229, 1308639773536.jpg)
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    every board is shit
    youre all shit
    stop arguing about what board is better than the other
    /v/ is /b and reddit, and /sp/ is /v/, and blah blah

    why the fuck do any of you fags have an allegiance to your boards. I browse both place. I see people condemning their own board all the time.

    all you people are doing is slinging insults and reactions images. Stop.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:24 No.99606950
    >Implying it's not the OP of this thread trying to get based /sp/ posters in his shit thread.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:24 No.99606959
    You mad, /sp/?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:24 No.99606976
    tits or gtfo
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:24 No.99606978

    >He doesn't know about based god

    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:25 No.99607006
    Aside from the obvious remind me why we hate /y/ again.

    I understand /b/, /g/, /tv/, and /mu/.

    Also when did we stop treating /a/ like our little bro and decide he deserved the full fury of /v/?

    I'm not up on 4chan politics. (Just typing those last two words made my anus clench.)
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:25 No.99607016
         File1308644723.png-(4 KB, 222x211, 1281921886484.png)
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    You have 10 seconds to name a worst board that

    >>>/y/ and >>>/soc/

    and /sp/ and /v/ are not options.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:25 No.99607017
    mediocre tier: /sp/, /v/,

    Pretentious Hipster tier: /mu/ /fa/

    Pathetic tier: /a/, /soc/, /tv/, /adv/

    Gay tier: /fit/, all the other weaboo boards

    Shit tier: /b/
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:25 No.99607030
         File1308644732.gif-(44 KB, 650x450, 1307822869204.gif)
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    oh god, I forget how pathetic /soc/ is until someone reminds me it's an actual board. I just perused a thread with some camwhore posting pics, nothing but white knights everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:25 No.99607051
    >not going to /sp/ to troll retards
    I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:25 No.99607053
         File1308644749.jpg-(5 KB, 166x152, 1308259638938.jpg)
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    yeah im mad at all you 12 year old kiss less nerds
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:25 No.99607064
    It's wild wild weaboo night, this always happens
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:26 No.99607082
    >implying /v/ isn't tsundere for /a/
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:26 No.99607129
    Uh. Going to have to go with /mu/.

    You want pretentious? They got pretentious. You thought casualfag vs hardcorefag arguments were a big deal here? Au motherfucking contraire my friend, take a look over there.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:26 No.99607141
         File1308644802.png-(872 KB, 2246x1950, 4chanlebronrings.png)
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    >implying /sp/ isnt best board
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:26 No.99607142
         File1308644803.jpg-(115 KB, 600x517, 1277665047615.jpg)
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    >power level threads
    >Am I Gay If..." threads
    >how best to get legally high threads
    >StarCraft threads

    Seriously, what the FUCK am I reading?!
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:26 No.99607146
    he doesnt know about it because he was fucking all our bitches while we were on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:26 No.99607148
    >go to /sp/
    >thread making fun of Ryan Dunn
    I think I've found my new home.
    Does /sp/ like the Pats and Giants?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:26 No.99607166
    I would move /fit/ into the shit tier.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:27 No.99607168
    /sp/ is great during the NFL/NBA season. This time of the year when luckswing and divegrass is the only sport on, its terrible. (because of the yuropoors)
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:27 No.99607170
    You keep using that word. I don't even think you know what it means.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:27 No.99607179
    Fewer weeaboos these days.

    Therefore, a fuckton more raised-by-TV babbies who think anything Japanese is stupid.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:27 No.99607194
    not really
    we have /sp/ and /v/ related stuff over here
    does it upset you that /sp/ has more video games then /v/? sure looks like it does
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:27 No.99607227
    Nobody hates /y/

    Nobody even thinks about it and /y/ tends to stay in its own little world.

    /y/ is that little nerd who sits in the corner with their drawings and doesn't talk to anyone, ever.

    Worst boards is a close call between /sp/, /fit/, /adv/, /soc/ and /x/.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:28 No.99607283
    Hey /v/ maybe you can help me with find this youtube video. It's a little japanese girl voice reading all of the trolling memes "h-h-here I go, I troll u, lonely neckbeard, die in a fire" etc. I know one of you knows of it.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:28 No.99607303
         File1308644914.jpg-(36 KB, 630x592, 1300318414345.jpg)
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    >mfw I visit /y/

    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:28 No.99607311
    That isn't a bad board; it's just a gay hentai board. Oh, and /h/ and /s/ are shit, as the moderators are a bunch of cunts.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:29 No.99607378
    thats not /b/
    Best boards are:
    /n/, /ck/, /tg/, /g/, and /c/
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:29 No.99607388
    >Never been to /soc/ before
    >Go there just now
    >Tripfags everywhere

    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:29 No.99607416
    So how long did it take you guys to realize that /b/ was shit?

    I came here a few years ago and after two months I stopped going to /b/ all together and haven't looked back since.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:30 No.99607483
    /sp/ is the worst board on 4chan because it ACTIVELY EXPORTS SHIT to other boards.

    Hell, if some /sp/ fag starts a troll thread here, he'll probably also have hosted a thread to talk about it on /sp/

    It's practically a raid board.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:31 No.99607522
         File1308645070.jpg-(46 KB, 595x335, 1278343424870.jpg)
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    >power level threads
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:31 No.99607531
    I was a /b/tard for a few months in 07, then I realized there were other boards. And I left and never came back.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:31 No.99607552

    I only browsed /b/ for a few weeks when I first started going on 4chan

    /sp/ and /v/ can both agree that /b/ is the cancer that is killing our boards
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:31 No.99607566
    I completely skipped the /b/ stage.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:31 No.99607569
    There is nothing wrong with night time /x/
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:31 No.99607570
    jocks of 4chan picking on nerds (aka /a/ and /v/)
    seems about right
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:32 No.99607621

    >baaaaw /sp/ made fun of me
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:32 No.99607624
    >He doesn't browse /sp/!
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:32 No.99607629
         File1308645152.png-(54 KB, 946x797, 1308457795733.png)
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    >/v/ calling other boards shit

    yeah fuck you guys
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:32 No.99607641
    /b/ is the gauntlet you have to lurk through before growing and moving onto the better boards.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:32 No.99607654
    Have you seen the Dogola threads?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:33 No.99607674
    I stopped browsing /b/ when I was 15.

    that was three years ago, i've been on /v/, /sp/, /fit/ and /ck/ ever since
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:33 No.99607702
    There was one just on /sp/ about 30 minutes ago, anon. You people love your damn power level threads.

    Power levels of beer. Power levels of hackey sack brands. Power levels of cheetos. Power levels of fucking paint. PAINT. What is it with /sp/ and a compulsive need to list things in order? Does it have anything to do with a familiarity with a professional draft? BCS rankings?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:33 No.99607724
    that's one thing I hate about /sp/

    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:33 No.99607737
    Remember onii chan? /sp/ confirmed for trolling raid board they stolen /a/ get just to shit on them again.
    >mfw board politics
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:33 No.99607739
    Nothing is going on in the sports world right now, in a few hours /sp/ will turn into /povertyball/ for a few hours and then diversify out from there.

    Then come night time all the off topic threads.

    I only bother to browse /sp/ at night time.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:33 No.99607740
    It's the tutorial of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:34 No.99607768
    so guys, i wanna play FIFA 11 which console can you recommend?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:34 No.99607784
         File1308645263.jpg-(128 KB, 800x704, 1296585697051.jpg)
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    Being the normal person, alpha board of 4chan we occasionally visit the other boards to remind them to get their shit together, that's all.
    Deal with it nerd.
    >> Rager_Laser [BASED GORDON] !7eC0RPMSJc 06/21/11(Tue)04:34 No.99607785
    It's power ranking
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:34 No.99607786
    I believe that happens on every board.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:34 No.99607795
    Power Rankings are done by ESPN and therefore are mostly sports related. Except for when it's something else like beer, porn stars, snack foods, or anything else manly enough to be discussed there.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:34 No.99607796
    Daily reminder that /vp/ is the worst board here.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:34 No.99607797
    >see this thread
    >go to /b/ for first time in months
    >hurr durr we r lejun threads
    >roll games
    >facebook shit

    Holy fuck
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:34 No.99607798

    Glanced at it once and never went back. I came to 4chan looking for porn, so I didn't know nor care about what /b/ was doing.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:35 No.99607839

    I browsed /b/ like 3 maybe 4 months. Then I came to /v/. Never looked back
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:35 No.99607847
         File1308645316.jpg-(6 KB, 237x231, 1306223960075.jpg)
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    what is power level?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:35 No.99607853

    get pes 2011 instead.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:35 No.99607861
    /sp/ is easily the funniest board and spawns the funniest memes
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:35 No.99607867
    >He actually believe his board is the best!
    >Laughing 7channers.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:35 No.99607869
    Don't pay attention to that shit, man.
    /sp/ is full of faggots, faggots who like to troll and are easily trolled.
    Everyone else is usually alright, not a bunch of hypocrite neckbeards who have sport as a hobby and therefore feel the need to 'defend' it by being an absolute cunt to everyone, because they are only marginally accepted here.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:35 No.99607883
    I think I looked at it for about two seconds, said fuck this, and browsed most of the boards before settling on /v/ for the most part.

    Used to spend a lot of time on /tg/ and then the mods brutalized its anus to the point where it's now practically a dead fucking board.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:35 No.99607887
    /v/ has those types of threads ALL THE TIME
    you obviously mean dressing up their pets as pokemon and fucking them
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:36 No.99607899
    >go to /sp/ to troll about how insanely boring and worthless baseball and golf are or how gay wrestling really is
    >receive only agreement and slowpoke.jpg

    I guess I'm not as well informed about /sp/'s weaknesses as I am about video gamers, but they feel harder to troll. I think that's pretty much the measure of a board's quality.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:36 No.99607919
         File1308645386.gif-(566 KB, 215x194, dancingskeleton.gif)
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    >Internet website founded based on anime fandom
    >calling yourselves jocks

    aaaahahahaha, oh you.

    >bawwww I tried to troll someone and when I said "u mad" they didn't get mad!
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:36 No.99607928
    Thank you, nobody on /sp/ could help and it was posted there all last week. /v/ confirmed for bros.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:36 No.99607933
    The fuck if I know. Power levels, power rankings, you people just like to list things in order. It's like some creepy ass OCD behavior except the entire board does it.
    >> CLINT 06/21/11(Tue)04:36 No.99607955
    Beta as fuck
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:36 No.99607959
         File1308645419.jpg-(14 KB, 195x262, a_brady_il.jpg)
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    >mfw power level
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:37 No.99607961
    I went to /vp/ for a few week when I bought Black. Oh god.. Never again.. They have Roleplay threads, furry threads, tripfag circle jerk threads.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:37 No.99607966
         File1308645423.jpg-(141 KB, 553x388, kornheiser4.jpg)
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    /sp/ is the best board on 4chan. Best memes, best threads, best reaction images. Also, you leeches, and every other board, steal our moves constantly, so up yours. Prove me otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:37 No.99607988
    yeah "founded" it's intention was to be a anime forum but that didn't turn out to be the case
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:37 No.99607993
    >go to /sp/
    >the first thread i see
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:37 No.99607995
         File1308645451.jpg-(17 KB, 280x390, Rafael_Benitez_280x_451090a.jpg)
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    >power level
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:37 No.99607997
    I wish shit like that would stop happening.
    All it ever does is bring in a swarm of trolls from /b/ and /a/ that make /sp/ worse than it already is.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:38 No.99608035
    /sp/ softly trolled 4.5 million people 3 times

    Other boards are you even trying?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:38 No.99608039
         File1308645488.jpg-(83 KB, 642x382, 1286821481252.jpg)
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    >mfw that feel wasn't invented on /v/
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:38 No.99608060
    except /a/ is about as big as /v/ and most boards on 4chan are anime related.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:38 No.99608083
    I visit both /sp/ and /v/.

    /v/ is aight for games but you have to sift through a huge amount of garbage

    /sp/ has more sport related topics and is great for games based on sports.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:38 No.99608087

    /v/ INVENTED reaction images.
    >> OFFICIAL 4CHAN BOARD POWER RANKINGS Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:38 No.99608089
    1. /sp/
    2. /v/
    3. /a/
    4. /tg/
    5. /ck
    6. /g/
    7. /toy/
    8. ANything not lsited.
    9001. /b/
    9002. /gif/
    90000000000000000000000000001. /vp/
    90000000000000000000000000002. /soc/
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:38 No.99608093
         File1308645527.png-(448 KB, 622x485, 1294894108663.png)
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    /v/ only jelly of our glorious mod
    >> OFFICIAL MEMES THAT /sp/ CREATED POWER RANKINGS Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:39 No.99608115
    1. >mfw
    2. why.jpg
    3. costanza

    Dear rest of 4chan,

    Get your own memes and stop stealing ours.


    The best board on 4chan, /sp/

    Fucking betas everywhere
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:39 No.99608158

    I'm more jelly of you guys actually having a mod.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:39 No.99608172
    BBSes back before the web was around as you know it invented reaction images, actually. But yeah.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:40 No.99608177
    also as much as i like anime and manga, /a/ is hands down the worst board for being a big weeaboo piece of shit
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:40 No.99608179
    >people may only frequent one board
    >no exceptions, you pick a board and stay there and only go other places to troll

    Come on, are you even trying?

    /a/ is /b/ with more anime, /v/ is /a/ with more video games, /sp/ is /v/ with more trolling and autism.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:40 No.99608185
         File1308645607.jpg-(23 KB, 200x141, 069.jpg)
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    > power rankings

    I seriously hope you guys don't do this
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:40 No.99608202
    >having a mod
    Can't tell if retard or troll
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:40 No.99608223

    Oh man, is the 7th still around? Fucking 7chan was awesome until they started letting in furries so they could afford the server bills
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:40 No.99608225
    thats just your opinion man.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:40 No.99608235
    no no no, there's only 9 Anime related boards, only 7 of them being corely related

    not for the fact that there are more non weeaboos than there are weeaboos

    having more boards don't mean shit when barely anyone is posting in them.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:41 No.99608240
    Power level, power ranking, same thing.

    Fuck if I went there right now you'd be sorting the posts in this thread into their appropriate order of relevance to pudding or something.

    It's fucking creepy, /sp/!
    >> CLINT 06/21/11(Tue)04:41 No.99608248
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:41 No.99608297
    /v/ invented trollface. Thats pretty fucking big
    >> OFFICIAL 4CHAN BOARDS I CARE ABOUT POWER RANKINGS Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:42 No.99608331
    1. /sp/
    2. /v/
    9001. the rest
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:42 No.99608336
    You say this, yet /a/ has more 'look at these fucking weeaboos not hiding their powerlevels and going to cons like massive faggots' threads than any other board.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:42 No.99608342
    No whyne did, and it got big on /b/. But whyne does visit /v/ occasionally.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:42 No.99608359

    I more meant with regards to widespread use on 4chan.

    Also, /v/ invented the misnamed reaction image and the ensuing misnamed reaction image chain threads

    /v/ also invented the Rickroll, trollface, and both the classic /v/ rageface and the FFFFFFUUUUUUU rageface.

    basically, our memes were popular enough and good enough to become widespread through the internet and even outside of it.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:42 No.99608364
    God DAMN /sp/ is so far ahead of other boards that they'll never catch up. It's like republicans and democrats vs. everyone else in politics.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:42 No.99608371
         File1308645773.png-(516 KB, 811x538, blastoisecostanza.png)
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    >no /sci/
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:42 No.99608378
         File1308645778.jpg-(139 KB, 561x370, the_more_you_know2.jpg)
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    I did not know this
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:43 No.99608386
         File1308645783.png-(648 KB, 649x487, mod.png)
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    But the mod is fat and likes anime. you can take him.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:43 No.99608396
    >a bunch of sweaty men running around
    Well, at least your husbando's are real.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:43 No.99608419
    No we didn't
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:43 No.99608431
    >check /a/ right this second
    >all threads are about some weeabo garbage (i.e. tiny 12 year old girls)
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:43 No.99608434
         File1308645822.jpg-(128 KB, 550x550, 1307976246561.jpg)
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    /v/ mad as fuck
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:43 No.99608444
    I like /sp/ because I constantly see them heading to /soc/ en masse and spamming their threads with

    >not beta
    >humorous reaction image.jpg
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:43 No.99608449

    Coolface was on /b/ first. Nice try, /v/irgin. Face it, you guys invented nothing. You're board is just /b/ with occasional vidya discussion. But even then you fail because vidya games never ever get discussed on /v/.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:44 No.99608458

    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:44 No.99608461
    /sp/ using >9000 in their power rankings

    Wow, it's like I'm really on Gaia!

    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:44 No.99608474
    The board that has most fallen off in quality is /tv/

    There used to actually be good film discussion, good tv and film recommendation and some very witty threads

    Now its all pedos, Game of Thrones faggotry, waifu threads, and all actual discussion is taken over by pretentious film-students, autismals, and tripfags
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:44 No.99608476
    Reddit invented trollface.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:44 No.99608491
    'Nuff said

    sage for not vidya
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:44 No.99608508
    Trollface (often referred to by newfags as Coolface) is a meme originating from an MS Paint comic by a TARTlet named Whynne that rightly describes the nature of trolling as a cop-out. First rearing its ugly head on the mortal plane in 4chan's /v/ around November 2008, it has been shown to catch on easily in other parts of the Internet inhabited by stupid trolls (i.e. all of it). Trollface's proliferation was aided in no small part by the fact that his ridiculous grin is scientifically proven to induce intense levels of lulz in many individuals and to cool down any situation by over 2,000%
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:45 No.99608521
    Husbandos? They rate womens asses more than how handsome an atheletes are.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:45 No.99608530
         File1308645912.jpg-(8 KB, 155x163, littlejimmy.jpg)
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    /v/ confirmed for little jimmies
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:45 No.99608544
         File1308645921.jpg-(22 KB, 849x474, 1239550963693.jpg)
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    Like I said Whyne invented it and it spread on /b/
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:45 No.99608549
    Every board is just /b/ with topical discussion.

    The board itself invents nothing. Stuff just happens to be posted there first.

    Too many retards.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:45 No.99608552
    im not sure you know what.
    >thats just your opinion man
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:45 No.99608554
    We invented rage threads. We invented 'x' generals. We invented xAN.
    >> CLINT 06/21/11(Tue)04:46 No.99608609
    Which part of that post is true?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:46 No.99608615

    /v/ IS rage
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:46 No.99608630
    >mfw people actually falling for the whyne inventing coolface
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:46 No.99608633
         File1308645998.jpg-(38 KB, 311x311, 1290722688106.jpg)
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    Reddit here, both of you're boards are shit. 4chan isn't even relevant anymore, Reddit is the voice of the web and is better than this entire shithole.

    1. this faggot

    9001. every other /v/irgin
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:46 No.99608644

    Did you know the Spartans fucked each other on a nightly basis?

    I'd rather be a virgin than fuck a dude.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:47 No.99608677
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    /sp/ actually has really great mods.

    I couldn't believe it when they made this a full-size sticky.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:47 No.99608685
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    >> HOLYMEOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!mSPSHM28Jqr 06/21/11(Tue)04:47 No.99608688
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:47 No.99608711
    That was Greek wrastlers, not Spartans.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:47 No.99608724
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    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:47 No.99608729
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:48 No.99608739
    >Visit a board on 4chan
    >It's like a board on 4chan
    holy penis what a scoop
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:48 No.99608764
    >mfw, >Shaw, >1. Randy Moss, costanza.jpg, why.jpg, power rankings, Matt Stairs, mega game bowl threads.

    /sp/ is the best board, without question.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:48 No.99608778
    and what do spartans do when they're not killing?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:48 No.99608785
         File1308646123.jpg-(34 KB, 500x347, 1307795990223.jpg)
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    More like /v/elociraptors.
    >> CLINT 06/21/11(Tue)04:48 No.99608788
    >Implying /sp/ doesn't control every board
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:48 No.99608796
         File1308646132.jpg-(13 KB, 352x298, lol.jpg)
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    >Wanting to be net savvy and geek chic but being too much of a pussy to be associated with 4dicks
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:48 No.99608800
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    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:49 No.99608822
    Are people on /sp/ actually jocks that play sport or is it just made up of armchair coach type of people
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:49 No.99608835
         File1308646171.jpg-(59 KB, 683x1024, lebroncry.jpg)
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    Not to mention this as well
    >> CLINT 06/21/11(Tue)04:49 No.99608837
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:49 No.99608842
    the funniest part about this is that there is so much overlap between /sp/ and /v/ it's unreal.

    Hell, the guys that post in the "that feel" threads are often the same people posting "alpha as fuck" in /sp/

    /v/ and /sp/ are full of a bunch of bipolar assholes.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:49 No.99608861
    They're as pathetic as /v/
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:50 No.99608870
    >Visit /v/
    >It's a carbon copy of /b/, except with less vidya.

    >Visit /g/
    >It's a carbon copy of /a/, except with more lolis.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:50 No.99608882
         File1308646213.jpg-(30 KB, 555x644, 1291262684626.jpg)
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    /sp/ is bros talking about brosports and always having a good time with power ranking and PTI watchan

    /v/ is dickslapping over which company isn't fucking them in the ass the hardest with $60 games and other sad shit
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:50 No.99608884
         File1308646213.jpg-(84 KB, 407x248, yao laugh.jpg)
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    Don't associate yourselves with a dinosaur when there are non-stop forever alone and ronery threads blanketed the first page on a daily/nightly basis.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:50 No.99608915
    most people have more than one hobby thus they browse more than one board.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:50 No.99608919
    He's right, man.
    Come to think of it, most ancient 'cultured' civilisations had homosexuality being practiced openly, mostly in the militaries of those nations. Athenian Greece, Sparta, most of Rome, and the early Sayssinid Empire were full homo.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:50 No.99608932
         File1308646252.gif-(354 KB, 300x300, nope.gif)
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    U le Jelly we actually get laid unlike you neckboars?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:50 No.99608933
    Fucking women? Roman wrestlers/fighters were kept in confinement and not allowed any freedom, probably had to sex eachother. Greeks fucked eachother and their little boys. Spartans? Free within their own territories to do whatever they want.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:51 No.99608972
    I post on /sp/ and played sports all through my schooling and still get together with my bros for some hoops or football every week at the park.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:51 No.99608975
    Those threads are carpet bombed across the entire website, anon. Some people seem to love doing that.

    All the fucking time, too.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:51 No.99608990

    /sp/ invented
    because they stole
    >my face when

    from /v/, ran it into the ground, got it WORDFILTER BANNED, and had to come up with an acronym.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:52 No.99609022
         File1308646333.gif-(54 KB, 448x594, 1307426610828.gif)
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    >not cripples wishing they could play sports
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:52 No.99609042
    Read the rest of the thread
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:52 No.99609076
    nope, it was used during /wc/.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:53 No.99609085
    sorry if /v/ realized that they're getting ripped off while /sp/ goes there rooting for their team even though their team doesnt give a fuck about them.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:53 No.99609101
         File1308646394.jpg-(16 KB, 250x218, 6a00d834546c2269e2013488a795c3(...).jpg)
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    >Getting laid

    Pick one
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:53 No.99609149
    >Even touching a girl
    Pick one
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:53 No.99609153
    Fucked each other or their slaves.
    Which eventually lead to their downfall, also known as the Heterosexual Slave Rebellion.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:54 No.99609220
         File1308646490.jpg-(43 KB, 423x477, 1305085804246.jpg)
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    >that feel when I picked both
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:55 No.99609241
         File1308646513.jpg-(67 KB, 425x333, 1301485448882.jpg)
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    1. /sp/
    2. /tg/
    3. /rs/
    4. /v/ at night/Euro Day
    9000001. /vp/
    9000002. /a/
    9000003. /jp/
    9000004. /b/
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:55 No.99609256
         File1308646525.jpg-(101 KB, 455x790, 1301699493371.jpg)
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    >Doing the pick one meme right

    Pick one
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:56 No.99609313
    >/v/ being beta as fuck

    Nothing new here...moving on
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:56 No.99609335
    /v/ is like a fucking bear pit. It's people endlessly insulting each other and tearing each other to pieces over the tiniest thing. You are constantly surrounded by eternal rage and everything you say will be shat on, scrutinized and laughed at. And if you create a well thought-out post no-one will give a fuck because the guy below you got dubs. You need BALLS OF STEEL to be a /v/irgin.

    /sp/ is like a soapy, steamy hot tub of naked guys high-fiving and rubbing oil into each other's butt cheeks. Homo as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:56 No.99609358
    What I don't understand is why /sp/ has the best vidya threads
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:56 No.99609368
    Who here remembers /wc/?

    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:56 No.99609385
    > /v/ will never have based mods and a userbase grateful for 100% troll tier stickies, much less mods at all
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:57 No.99609421
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:57 No.99609423

    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:57 No.99609433
    >mfw I go to both /v/ and /sp/ and see their faults and positives

    Why cant you people get along?

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