so what is the single fag mod drinking tonight?can i drink with you fag?
So the mods delete awesome threads, but they don't delete fail vlc/fermi/desktop/ricer/battlestation threads?What the fuck is this shit.
>>9643086oh and ipad/gentoo
>>9643086i know, ive beed banned 2 time for 3 days now.
can we talk about fermi/gentoo/ipad/dekterp and guts on this thread?
hurrdurr lurk gauise am i cool yet?>>9643150
>>9643151you where always cool bro.
5 and going to sleep
>>9643185invisibro?oh you
>>9643069fuck off faggot
I am drinking delicious anime spammer tears.
>>9643196why so amd?fermi is too hot, and is giving you cancer?
>>9643206PERMA BAN PL0X
>>9643206drink this too
>>9643206Invisibro you never answered my question last night, what is your stance on casemods and his ban evasion faggotry?
>>9643206Oh hello
>>9643206GIFs are cool, right?
>>9643151>quoting my postI'm so fucking popular.By the way. There are no mods. Its only moot, who sometimes decides to remain "anonymous"
>>9643206I dont spam anime. I only post the highest of quality anime :3
>>9643206You are a nigger
With caramel ice cream topping mixed in
>>9643206It feels good to see a mod in /g/Thanks for the helpKeep up the good workWe generally keep fairly tame, but there has been much faggotry as of late, and you are desperately needed.
>>9643206That sounds disgusting. They're probably all greasy and shit.
>>9643234casemods is pathetic and cant even get 4channers to like him.. i suggest reporting and hiding his threads.
>>9643206i am drinking vodka.what a coincidence.oops i accidentally animu.
>>9643268screenshotted for posterity
>>9643268hahahasame thing with sparky?
>>9643206not this trolling shit again
>> point.
>>9643279in elite sup.why amd?i want a legit question.
>>9643268What about IN elite? Whats your stance on that fucker?
>>9643268:D Screenshoted for epic modness, I can even overlook your dislike of anime reaction images for this :D
>>9643296I do not care about him.. stop asking me to ban him.
>>9643296there is nothing wrong with IN elite, quit crying
>>9643296in during /barbara-walters-20-20/
>>9643268If we report faggots that use reverse headers just to be annoying will you ban them?
>>9643300Since you are asking questions, what are your opinions on tripfags in general?
>>9643300>>9643296screenshotted so hard
hey mod, there's a faggot who's pushing his television thread on /g/. It obviously belongs on /tv/ and his only excuse is "because i feel like asking /g/".Why have you not deleted the thread or banned the guy?
>>9643300>>9643304and in elite= samefag.
>>9643314I tripfag sometimes and post as anon sometimes.. we're all just people on the internet, man.
>>9643304Baww, proud member of the IN elite fanclub.
>>9643323Because anime is the cancer on /g/ (Read: /g/ not 4chan)
>>9643304Are you IN Elite?
>Mods in /g/
>>9643334any in particular that you like?any in particular that you dislike?
Where the hell is the tech help board?
>>9643334Cool cool, next question then, do you know mootles in real life?
>>9643351its in /adv/
Also, for anyone that is too lazy to screenshot it for themselves, here you go.
>>9643341no.i have a 5770
well this thread went from shit to fun in 1.7 seconds flat.
>>9643367Hmm... ok.
>>9643363i like this one better>>9643372problem?
>>9643372That was blazing fast,
>>9643379Thats a good one too, IN elite isnt that bad of a guy, he's actually growing on me.
>>9643392yeah he's fine, the weeaboo spammers just love to cry about everything
>>9643379>>9643372>>9643363>>9643355>>9643344sure is mod ass-kissing in here
Have some actual animu tech.BLOOP BEEP BOOP
>>9643338>>9643196>>9643206>>9643258>>9643268>>9643296>>9643304>>9643300>>9643338Hello IN-elite welcome to this thread!00:01 <%invisibro> i dont masturbate to cartoons
>>9643355>next question then, do you know mootles in real life?yes
>>9643407Cool story blice, cry more.
>>9643404well i enjoy his company more than moot.
>>9643419Soup r8221, forgot your trip there.
>>9643413cool sory bro.enjoyng your TOLD?
>>9643407hello there asspained weeaboo!how are you?
>>9643413Does he yell at you and call you names?
>>9643426He's not the one getting TOLD, delusional tripnigger.
Android 18 thread! > technology
>>9643426>enjoyng your TOLD?what?>>9643429>Does he yell at you and call you names?No he is a nice guy and I consider him a good friend.
>>9643434what?>>9643425no i didn't.>>9643426you're the one being told, stop being so delusional
>>9643433>tell them shit in #4chan>invisibro and friend fags cant make a come back rather than no U>get banned (from site and irc)i thing you are TOLD and asspained.
>>9643407IN elite's not the only one who can't stand the /a/ faggotry on /g/, you know. Many a anon hate it.
read email address to get it.
>>9643451I would love to run into him sometime, he seems like a pretty cool guy, who doesnt afraid of anything
FUCK YEAH ANIME FAGGOTS = FAGGOTSalso for relevance I am drinking some whiskey this evening
>>9643459butthurt, TOLD, and delusional.Oh my, I underestimated your mental issues.
>>9643473>Many a anon hate it.I do not see them complaining. Only IN Elite feels compelled to go "HOLY WARRIOR" on anime.
>>9643494I had some Jamesons whiskey last night. Was ok.
>>9643458Go to bed, you'll be late for school tomorrow.>>9643472Because /v/ is shit.
>>9643473You keep on telling yourself that, IN elite.
>>9643499say what you want but your come back just NO Uagain.
>>9643459here's how it really went.Apr 08 23:03:53 <ozkar> lulzApr 08 23:03:53 * ALTERNATIVE sets ban on *!*@gensokyo.zunApr 08 23:03:53 <-- ALTERNATIVE has kicked ozkar from #4chan (lulz)idiotfilters always work>>9643492cry harder>>9643480>doesnt have 4chan x>>9643473>>9643473this
>>9643484I would try to avoid saying as little memes as possible as I'm sure he gets that all the time and it annoys the crap out of him.
>>9643521anotherNO Unice one anon.real classy.
>>9643505no, i won'ti'm always sleep deprived