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  • File : 1305459893.jpg-(36 KB, 540x675, 1305312211778.jpg)
    36 KB Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:44 No.95243271  
    Daily reminder that Obama is the worst thing to happen to America.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:46 No.95243356
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:47 No.95243421
    >Inb4 fags don't realize the obama deficit was bush's fault and obama is stuck cleaning up the damage bush did in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:47 No.95243433
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:48 No.95243491
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    >he doesn't realize the deficit began its decline during the Reagan administration!
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:48 No.95243492
    not vidya
    also, noone gives a fuck about america
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:48 No.95243499
    >sad Keanu Reeves.jpg
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:48 No.95243514
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:48 No.95243527
    get out of here with your logic.

    Either way bring back Bill Clinton
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:49 No.95243551
    You do realize this was actually something left by the ENDLESS retarded decisions done by the Bush administration?
    Of course you don't, you're a republican.
    I'm actually surprised you still remember how to operate that keyboard actually.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:49 No.95243570

    Ass-pained YUROPfag detected. Enjoying your influx of Muslims? How's it feel to be force fed Islamic propaganda in your schools?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:50 No.95243648
    Yeah those 0.8% muslims in my country make me shit my pants
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:50 No.95243657

    >Using the Founding Fathers in your art to convey your message

    This fucking artist needs to be shot.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:50 No.95243658
    >Complain about deficit
    >Never tolerate a tax increase
    >Can't let Bush tac cuts expire
    >Can't touch military spending
    >Getting a previous Republican plan for healthcare through congress like pulling teeth

    Your country is totally fucked, and it's not (just) Obama's fault. You're all to blame.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:51 No.95243669
    ITT: clueless fuckwits

    I voted for Obama and I regret the decision. I fucked reviled Bush and I still stand by that decision. Obama's not worse than Bush, he's just different than Bush; he's letting a different group of assholes loot the treasury at the expense of the taxpayers.

    /v/ - politics
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:51 No.95243675
    >Bill Clinton was the best thing to ever happen to USA
    >Gets a blowjob
    >> The Poster 05/15/11(Sun)07:51 No.95243686
    >Implying a president with some bad policies and came into office at the worst possible time is worse than Watergate and and Hoovervilles
    Stay classy
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:51 No.95243708
    If people vote him second time just because he killed Osama and Trump doesn't become the president, we're fucked. Trump is the only realistic choice, the only one who doesn't enjoy sucking Saudi-Arabia's cock. There would be no deficit if they actually started taxing chinese products and stopped wasting money on insane stupid shit like the joint strike fighter.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:51 No.95243712
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:52 No.95243772
    He still had a lot of shit to fix after Bush

    that and bush never had to face that oil leak disaster
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:52 No.95243774
    pretty much this

    this is when the US sealed its fate
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:52 No.95243786

    Prepare to be disappointed. Trump could never get the entire Republican Party to support him
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:53 No.95243807
    Non-American here. I have a question for Americans. Who is regarded as the best President? Preferably anyone after 1901.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:53 No.95243814

    You haven't seen Obama's approval rating, have you? Like, ever since he killed Osama? He's going to be reelected.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:53 No.95243821
    fun fact, by cutting the bush tax cuts we would drop the deficit by like 50-60 % roughly now not saying Obama is man enough to do that and take the high chance of not getting re-elected im just saying the deficit is mostly due to Bush cutting taxes at the same time we're in a war
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:53 No.95243825
    Video games
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:53 No.95243826
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    And meanwhile a guy suffering from alzheimers who commited high treason is remembered as a great president.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:53 No.95243839
    Maybe Obama should cut taxes for the hyper rich and send troops into a couple more muslim countries, that should fix things up.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:53 No.95243841
    >trump for president

    this is just further proof that the USA's idea of politics is an unfunny joke, it's almost scary.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:54 No.95243876
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:54 No.95243886
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:54 No.95243891
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    And as usual, the black guy has the biggest dick.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:54 No.95243916
         File1305460486.jpg-(28 KB, 365x389, bill-clinton-7[1].jpg)
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    Seriously, throwing Clinton out just because he had sex with with wrong woman was the worst decision ever for the US. Clinton was the fucking man for his time and place.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:54 No.95243922

    Bill Clinton. The only people who disagree are feminists, and it's pretty obvious why.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:54 No.95243929
    I love Teddy Roosevelt. He was an imperialistic ass, but so goddamn lovable!

    I hate leaders of all shapes and forms. Except Pim Fortuyn.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:55 No.95243946
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    >they still want to vote for Ron Paul
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:55 No.95243963
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:55 No.95243965
    Bush Junior winning was the DUMBEST thing ever.

    He is not booksmart.
    He is not a genius.
    He is not sly or clever.
    He is a dumbfuck Texas boy.

    The only reason he got elected was his father Bush Senior (pretty good president)

    Bush Junior is the kind of guy that should be janitor.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:55 No.95243978
    You should listen to his ideas, they're actually pretty smart. Besides, how could a poor man know how to run a rich country? Trump can't be bribed, unlike the heads of DARPA and several other government organizations...
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:56 No.95243993
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    In America, if you murder an unarmed old man whose only crime was to defend his people from American imperialism, you can get elected president!

    Makes ya proud to be Murkin, don't it?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:56 No.95244003

    You seem to be implying that Bill Clinton was thrown out of office.

    He wasn't.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:56 No.95244004
    Clinton wasn't hoisted from office, dipshit. They failed to convict him and he served out the remainder of his term.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:56 No.95244005
    Conservative tears give me the hardest boner.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:56 No.95244018

    And this is supposed to be a bad president?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:56 No.95244028
    >Implying this shit hasn't been rolling downhill since Johnson and his great society

    Guess what folks? The Ponzi scheme's finally crashed. It was a good fantasy while it lasted. Enjoy your austerity and eventual return to normalcy with reduced size and role of government.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:56 No.95244053
    Yeah, that useless fucking healthcare you got there is really bushes fault. you got me.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:57 No.95244083
    The fuck? Nothing happened to Clinton. The only result of that affair was a few weeks of bullshit on the news and that Mrs. Clinton didn't go down on Bill, which isn't a bad thing per se.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:57 No.95244104
    While the rest of the first world enjoys better living standards with larger government.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:58 No.95244138
         File1305460708.jpg-(76 KB, 825x213, muslim population.jpg)
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    USA = More Muslims than Europe as a percentage of population

    USA = More Muslims than Europe in absolute numbers

    USA = 65% white.

    Enjoy the death of your country, murkin.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:58 No.95244141
    >homeless man
    >free food, free showers, free bed
    >people see this as a bad thing
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:58 No.95244148
    >>95244083 implying Mrs. Clinton ever had sex with Bill outside of that one time in order to get pregnant

    She's a lesbian, deal with it
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:58 No.95244169
    By the "rest of the world" you mean "Europe" and they're in for a heap of shit pretty soon thanks to Greece
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:59 No.95244194
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    Why is Abe Lincoln and Nixon standing on the left? Both of them should be standing on the right since Lincoln by today's standards would be considered a liberal.

    Also, Obama will get elected again just due to "killing"(No proof what so ever that Obama killed Osama other than because he says so) Osama because like it or not America is a very war mongering nation and are suckers for "patriots".
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:59 No.95244212
    Mainly the Nordic countries and Australia, though most others are still above America.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)07:59 No.95244222

    Like I said. The artist needs to be fucking shot.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:00 No.95244250
    >(No proof what so ever that Obama killed Osama other than because he says so)
    And AQ just daid he was dead for shits and giggles?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:00 No.95244273
    >take massive debt
    >use the debt money to create bullshit jobs for women
    >originally meant to employ men who have a higher unemployment rate and to build infrastructure in America
    >feminists stop this from happening and now we're building the infrastructure in Afghanistan BECAUSE THE WOMEN ARE BEING OPPRESSED THERE BAWWW
    The streets are like those in Africa, the schools are old and the factories are falling apart. Goodbye America!
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:01 No.95244288
    So what was wrong with Hillary Clinton? I never got all the hate.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:01 No.95244293
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:01 No.95244297

    >People can't be this stupid on purpose.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:01 No.95244298
    >implying financial crisis and deregulation and hence the attributable deficit are not because of Bush jr.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:01 No.95244328
    >He is a dumbfuck Texas boy.

    I didn't know Connecticut was in Texas.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:02 No.95244337
    A carreer sociopath who obviously wants to be president simply to gratify herself. She's more disgusting than the usual politician.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:02 No.95244343
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    Not vidya, but also nice photoshop
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:02 No.95244344
    What's the deal with the whole Greece thing? Are they out of money again? Maybe if they stopped having sex with each other and did some actual work they'd have more money.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:02 No.95244361
    The guy on the bench is just exhausted from all his liberties and joys and from carrying so much money in his pokcets. Clearly the white haired dude is bending down in awe in front of Obama and is about to kiss his shoes for the great things he has done for his country.

    How could anyone malinterpret this work of art, clearly the depiction of money on the ground is ought to imply that fortune is in everyones grasp, even the lowest people can get rich by simply grabbing the money off the street.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:02 No.95244383
    Using stimulus fiunds to spur job creation and consumer spending works. It was used in the vast majority of countries during the GFC, and where it was implemented well, it worked well. Australia managed to avoid recession entirely thanks in large part to out stimulus, which even our opposition had to admit.

    But sure, just throw your hands in the air and pretend you can't hear what modern fucking economics is telling you.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:02 No.95244393
    uhhhh... you do realize liberals are left wing and cons right, right?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:03 No.95244436
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    >implying Al Quada and Obama aren't working together secretly.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:03 No.95244445
    Rampant tax vasion, and 40% (IIRC) of people are employed by the government. They cooked the books for decades, now it caught up with them.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:05 No.95244586
         File1305461147.jpg-(118 KB, 750x574, keynesians.jpg)
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    >Using stimulus fiunds to spur job creation and consumer spending works

    (1) No, it doesn't work. It never has worked. It only "works" in certain theoretical exercises dreamt up by Maynard Keynes.
    (2) Even Keynes said it would only work if you created a stimulus using money saved in the good times and that if you borrowed or printed money to fund a stimulus, the stimulus would not work.
    (3) Keynes said that no stimulus could ever work in a situation where total government debt was in excess of 25% of GDP.

    In conclusion, go read a book and give back the extra chromosome, you ignorant fucking mongoloid.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:05 No.95244591

    American prison life is neither friendly or comfortable. And least of all; productive.

    Penal Institutions will not give this man a chance to make more of himself. They will trap him in soulsucking mediocrity, and corrupt the ideals he could've worked toward.

    Jailing someone for a significant portion of their life will turn them destructive.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:05 No.95244594
    >482 billion dollar deficit



    The Deficit was in TRILLIONS by the time Bush left office. I love how Republicans just let Iraq and Afghanistan disappear off the map when talking about Bush.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:06 No.95244616
    15% of the population of Greece are illegal immigrants from Turkey. People enter retirement at the age of 55 in Greece. All workers who work outside get a hefty bonus for working outside. This year Greece bought 55 billion worth of weapons.
    They switched to euro, couldn't compete with Germany and now they're out of money and poor as fuck. This exact same shit is happening in Ireland, Portugal and eventually Italy and possibly Spain.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:06 No.95244622
    Money doesn't drive an economy -- people do.

    Goods and services are what are of true value. The day those in power learn to respect those beneath them is the day -- spoiler alert -- never happens.

    Money is just our bullshit method of regulating karma by making ourselves believe that we actually work for nothing else than our own individual needs and wants. Wake up.

    Buy what you need, buy what you love.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:06 No.95244645
    It's a systematic problem that's especially bad in greece.

    I don't actually have a problem with socialism in general unlike the usual amerifat so derided here. But I don't think it would work for the US given the kind of role were expected to play in the world right now. Norway can sit back and get fat on oil money, providing social services out the ass because they only have themselves to worry about. If the US just told the world to fuck off and slashed its military budget just too look after its own interests eventually opportunistic assholes would fill the power vacuum and the world would be hounding us to get back into the game to put a stop to it.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:06 No.95244649
    They are out of monies for quite some time, sadly they didn't really tell investors the truth about it..

    Nevertheless, the country will be pretty much raped be the EU, because of the strict limitations they will enforce upon Greece. Funny thing, because this country is full of poorfags anyway. And now they will get even less monies from the government.
    >> WeAreHarbinger 05/15/11(Sun)08:06 No.95244657
    Sadly, of the many things we inherited from our ancestors, orgies were not included.
    And we have been in steady decline ever since 1996.
    Describing every problem that led to that and how much money the government cuts from the lowest classes to fix it would take too long.
    The president of the IMF raping a maid and being arrested also leads to some issues now.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:06 No.95244665
    /v/ - video games

    you know what, fuck, even
    /v/ - video games and that feel and SNSD would be ok

    just not this shit
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:07 No.95244677

    Krugman says "eat shit".
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:07 No.95244701
         File1305461253.jpg-(49 KB, 341x380, 1269640284224.jpg)
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    ITT: People with no knowledge of economics blindly following either democratic/republican views with either no or skewed information.

    ....In a video game image board
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:07 No.95244706
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    >vote nigger as president in worst possible time
    >he fucks up and no nigger as president for next 500 years because it was obviously because he was a nigger

    Stay classy amehricuns.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:08 No.95244739
    Women love Clinton you moron
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:08 No.95244758
    Ironically, prisoners get better heath care than most hard working Americans. Think how fucked up that is for a moment?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:08 No.95244764

    Whoa whoa whoa. Obama is an African American. Those shits you see on 4chan who act retarded are Niggers.

    Learn your shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:08 No.95244772
    bush was a n idiot.
    obama want stand for anything except re-election.

    where do they get these fuckers.

    realty show hosts?really
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:08 No.95244796
    Nice comback but I note that your succinct "Eat shit" comment didn't address any of the points I made.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:09 No.95244798
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    Are you guys all retarded? Clinton was impeached because he lied. Yes he was thrown out of office. No it wasn't because he banged a fatty. No he can't be president again.

    Nixon, on the other hand, was gonna get impeached up the ass, but resigned and was pardoned.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:09 No.95244804
    >Conservative fucks up the country
    >Voting in another consrvative is the right choice

    Oh you.
    >> WeAreHarbinger 05/15/11(Sun)08:09 No.95244808
    HAHAHA, are you retarded?
    Official retirement age is either after 30 years of work(to get full retirement funds) or at teh age of 60 for women/65 for men(they kick you out).
    Now they have pretty much added 4 years till you can retire and cut retirement funds by 40%.

    And most of our immigrants are from teh Balcans in general, not Turkey. Though even they start to leave now, it is that bad
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:09 No.95244818
    Obama isn't any different than George W Bush.

    He proposed to invest more in the military that benefits the military industrial complex.

    He proposed his wasteful Keynesian spending toward the economy, just like George Bush's Stimulus check.

    He supported the Wall Street Bail out as much as the previous President did.

    He supports his faulty Health care reform bill that doesn't support a single payer system and benefits the large Insurance companies.

    Also the large deficit spending has its other causes.

    We Have a military industrial complex

    There are corporate and high income tax loop holes everywhere.

    The government gives out Corporate welfare

    Some of the taxes couldest be collected because of the recession.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:09 No.95244838



    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:09 No.95244844

    >Implying anybody would take your troll seriously.

    Comon now have a little more faith than that.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:10 No.95244859
    Could that be because it's considerably more hazardous to your health to be in prison?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:10 No.95244863
    Truth fears no investigation as facts need no reminders.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:10 No.95244871
    This might come as a surprise to you but not everyone on /v/ is some underage fag who just trolls and have a basic concept of how the world works.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:11 No.95244930
    things would have been different if ron paul got elected president huh? that was your chance america. instead you got HOPE, enjoy your decline
    >> Powell, Queen of Maid Democracy !!KtLhhldf2DU 05/15/11(Sun)08:11 No.95244941
    >worst than any republican president in the last 50 years

    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:11 No.95244969
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:12 No.95244971
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    It's what happened though
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:12 No.95244985
    Yo guys, remember trickle down economics?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:12 No.95244997
    I hate femanism.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:12 No.95245032
    Eisenhower was pretty baller, though; I'm glad you specified "in the past 50 years".
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:13 No.95245044
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:13 No.95245049

    Republican viral
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:13 No.95245052
    Hazardous how? Prisoners get access to basic needs such as food, shelter, water, etc. I can't see how someone could get into hazardous situation other than some fag attempting to kill you or do bodily hurt.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:13 No.95245063
    Are you implying that ketchup ISN'T a vegetable you communist? What do you poor inner city kids want? Caviar for lunch?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:13 No.95245072
    Isn't that when a drunk guy under the table drinks the run off from drinkers sitting at the table?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:13 No.95245081

    >his might come as a surprise to you but not everyone on /v/ is some underage fag who just trolls and have a basic concept of how the world works.

    >not everyone on /v/ is some underage fag who just trolls and have a basic concept

    >everyone on /v/


    are you retarded son?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:13 No.95245094
    >having any real power

    Doing it wrong already.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:14 No.95245103
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:15 No.95245156
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:15 No.95245173

    Obama isn't the problem our Congress is retarded.

    However it's easier to blame one man instead of a ton of old white guys with guaranteed Senate seats.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:15 No.95245180
    Obviously not since I'm not the one bitching about mature topics and discussions.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:15 No.95245181
    Suppose it depends on what type of prison you end up in.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:15 No.95245189
    Since when was bush black?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:16 No.95245233
    Did Clinton really make America go out of debt and into a surplus?

    What a guy.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:16 No.95245240
    Why is it that Americans think socialism will destroy their country? I mean it doesn't say anywhere in the constitution that it is wrong or something.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:16 No.95245253
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    yes, yes... bicker amongst yourselves... you'll never guess who the real threat is
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:17 No.95245295
    Obviously, but I assume you have some prisons in mind in the US that are hazardous?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:17 No.95245309
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:18 No.95245324
    Even though Americans are surrounded by a mixed economy.
    Its propaganda ingrained from the baby boomer era.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:18 No.95245341
         File1305461908.jpg-(260 KB, 600x618, 1304915820541.jpg)
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    See, these kind of threads are why I'm an anarchist. There's no pleasing either side, is there? Just a bunch of assholes arguing about how to run the country into the ground.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:18 No.95245344
    You have to be American to really understand the concept of "FUCK YOU GOT MINE"
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:18 No.95245349
    >implying prison is nicer than the streets in america
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:18 No.95245353
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:19 No.95245384
    You know, this might only marginally have to do with your article but there something that really pisses me off.

    God. fucking. damnit.
    It's seasonal workers yet EVERY FUCKING YEAR the news agencies go apeshit about unemployment rates sinking not once mentioning that these people will be in their jobs for roughly 6 to 8 months until it's winter again.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:19 No.95245391

    Your retort left me awestruck and humbled...

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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:19 No.95245406
    Enjoy being a useless piece of shit that contributes nothing to society.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:20 No.95245421
    Total Anarchy is impossible so you may as well give up that idea
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:20 No.95245423
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    no my friend, there is a way. There is always a way.
    A unity of mankind through hard work and abolition of private bourgeoisie property.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:20 No.95245427
    Like all great empires, unless they stay to the path that made them great, the eventually fail.

    See; Rome, and I'd say in the next 50 years, America.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)08:20 No.95245439

    Anarchism will NEVER work... EVER it bases itself that all Humans are robots and are willing to work together for a common goal, and we all know that's bullshit

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