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05/09/11(Mon)17:08 No.94689394 File1304975318.png-(310 KB, 720x540, Neon Genesis Evangelion Remast(...).png)
Think of /b/ as an Evangelion unit. It's an out-of-control lifeform with a mind of it's own.
other boards were formed as an organization to use this board as a way
of controlling it's usage and to stem out topics to prevent /b/ from
overloading and going berserk.
Three boards were chosen
specifically to prevent and control the birth of memes from causing a
/b/ overload, which are /v/, /a/ and /vp/. They are all similar to each
other in some fashion and each board controls a sector of information;
/v/ controls the video games, /a/ controls the anime, and /vp/ controls
the furries.
If one of these boards were to merge back into /b/
in some fashion, we would see the event known as the Third Impact, a
massive meme overload of unsubstantial catastrophe that would wipe 4chan
out of existence from the billions on spawned newfags and faggots,
which will spread throughout the internet.
The state of repair afterwards will spare only few boards left, and the cycle will begin again.
So that's why we don't get rid of /b/. |