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  • File : 1304720854.jpg-(89 KB, 636x292, AL1.jpg)
    89 KB Anon and Loli Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:27 No.94424777  
    Anonymous and a loli are stuck on an island. What will happen next?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:27 No.94424803
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:28 No.94424861
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:28 No.94424863
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:29 No.94424911
    Anon is killed by a falling tree. Loli starves to death.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:30 No.94425006
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:31 No.94425058
    It can't be helped, my hips are moving by themselves, I love getting raped by your shit, onii-san.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:31 No.94425068
    I'll get [spoilerdoubles
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:31 No.94425079
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:32 No.94425153

    Oh, shit. Do it again.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:32 No.94425171
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:33 No.94425228

    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:33 No.94425233
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:33 No.94425236
    oh god i hope he rapes her
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:34 No.94425263
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:34 No.94425266
    Wait a second, I'm not on /a/
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:35 No.94425308
    inb4 dildo
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:35 No.94425323
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:35 No.94425375
    This is why the good folks at /a/ aren't allowed to breed.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:36 No.94425406
    use her to lure sharks.

    shark eats loli

    i rape shark

    i eat shark with loli inside.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:36 No.94425423
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:36 No.94425447
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:38 No.94425521
    >realize i'm supposed to read this right to left after 5+ images

    Fuck what?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:38 No.94425558
    Is this left-to-right or -right-to-left I really don't know.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:38 No.94425559
    Yeah, that got me too the first time I saw this
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:38 No.94425565

    It was drawn by a weeaboo, what do you expect?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:38 No.94425566
    Rape her already.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:38 No.94425573
    hurry up and get to the raep scene already faggot
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:39 No.94425591
    >right-to left
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:39 No.94425604
    yea you need to read it from right to left
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:39 No.94425608
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    OH BABY, I really hope he Looks after her until they are rescued and stays within the bounds of commonly accepted human decency
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:40 No.94425655
    He does
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:40 No.94425707
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:41 No.94425726

    that is my fetish
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:41 No.94425729
    >implying that social constructs matters when there is no civilization
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:42 No.94425791

    Are you confused? A weeaboo can be anything BUT a japanese person.

    In japan it's called "normal".
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:42 No.94425802
    It's like someone reached into my mind and is drawing my dreams.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:42 No.94425826
    Their excessive layers of fat protected them from the harmfull radiation.
    >> Dave 05/06/11(Fri)18:43 No.94425862
    Sure is newfag around here
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:43 No.94425926
    >Implying there are any islands in the world that aren't claimed by some government and hence part of civilization.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:43 No.94425937
    Sure is new /v/irgin here, go back to /b/
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:44 No.94425983
    oh hush, I'm sure there's something we missed
    >> Dave 05/06/11(Fri)18:45 No.94426056
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:46 No.94426158
    Since the OP is a faggot lets discuss what would you do if you were stuck on an island with a little girl.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:47 No.94426195
    Op where is the rest you faggot
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:47 No.94426202
    Please tell me why all of you fantasize about having sex with little girls.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:47 No.94426222

    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:47 No.94426224
    I'd die because I have no survival skills.
    >> Dave 05/06/11(Fri)18:47 No.94426229
    kill. eat. go mad.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:48 No.94426264

    this won't end well
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:48 No.94426274
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:48 No.94426284
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    You are a stain on humanity. No one must know your secret
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:49 No.94426349

    Though I'd be tempted I wouldn't allow myself to lose my last bit of humanity.
    >> Surberous !0kxDVJ3k6o 05/06/11(Fri)18:49 No.94426362
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    It's a fetish. If you don't understand what that is then you are either twelve years old or too stupid to understand... ever.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:49 No.94426380
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    >stops posting when it starts to get good
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:49 No.94426386
    Link to the ongoing thread in /a/
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:50 No.94426399
    Kill her and eat the corpse because food is scarce and i've always been curious of what human meat tastes like.

    probably after rape too
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:50 No.94426409
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:51 No.94426461
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:51 No.94426490
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:51 No.94426505
    They are LITTLE GIRLS.

    They are not sexual objects. They are children.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:51 No.94426517
         File1304722310.jpg-(35 KB, 994x287, Comin' to save the day.jpg)
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    Fuck it, I'm picking up OP's slack.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:52 No.94426536
    deal with it
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:52 No.94426557
    Get the fuck out faggot.
    I'm not too big on pedophilia either, but if people gonna fap, people gonna fap.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:52 No.94426572
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    continuing, since op is a fag
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:52 No.94426577
    I saw this on /a/ earlier today. The guy was still working on it, but there is still more that hasn't been posted yet. Someone post 'em, I didn't save them.

    Also, the name of this comic: Hawaiian Guts and Loli
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:52 No.94426583
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:53 No.94426636
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:54 No.94426679
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:54 No.94426710
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:55 No.94426737
    ._. Wat.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:56 No.94426802
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:56 No.94426806
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    >What will happen next?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:56 No.94426820
    I'll look for food, shelter, and a way off the island. That girl better hope her parents taught her sufficient survival skills.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:56 No.94426835
    We all know what really happened. When Anon noticed he is responsible for himself he had a stroke. And when he came about and noticed he also has the responsibility of an infant he died. The child survived and found the hotel at the other side of the island after days of travel through perilious jungle.

    She never mentioned Anon, who died and let to rot as the little bitch he was deserved.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:56 No.94426843
    Is it intentionally horribly written?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:56 No.94426844
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    >one bed
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:56 No.94426851

    well, this is it. And things were going so well...
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:56 No.94426854
    Just post the ones where he fucks her already.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:57 No.94426861
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    >You are already Woman

    Oh god my sides
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:57 No.94426886
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:57 No.94426892
    There is none. It's still being made.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:57 No.94426916
    >implying that means a damn thing, if there is no law enforcement to govern the rules.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:58 No.94426965

    And it is most certainly being made
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:58 No.94426975
         File1304722717.png-(11 KB, 157x204, 1304709356574.png)
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    Y'all are pedophiles.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:58 No.94426988
    You know what? There will be loli rape in this story. She's going to rape the hell out of him tonight.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:59 No.94427016
    NO SEX.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:59 No.94427068
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:59 No.94427071
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)18:59 No.94427075
         File1304722794.jpg-(10 KB, 300x57, because words.jpg)
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    >As lond as she smiles
    D and G ain't contiguous keys mang
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)19:00 No.94427113
    let me try that again
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)19:01 No.94427152
    I like the word loli

    Just say it

    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)19:01 No.94427198
    Fuck it, someone rule 34 this shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)19:02 No.94427238
         File1304722946.jpg-(85 KB, 460x725, 1304720879237[1].jpg)
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    /a/'s already on that
    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)19:02 No.94427266
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    This is nothing more than an loli ecchi cocktease. It will blueball you panel, after panel.

    I recommend you watch an actual porno if you want to get off and get it over with.

    >> Anonymous 05/06/11(Fri)19:03 No.94427295
         File1304722999.png-(245 KB, 783x595, botscape.png)
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