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  • File : 1304578280.jpg-(21 KB, 600x331, 1524483-pso2header_super.jpg)
    21 KB Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)02:51 No.94287072  
    I haven't been on /v/ in a few days but

    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)02:55 No.94287250
    I am so very ready.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)02:57 No.94287413
         File1304578669.jpg-(676 KB, 1916x1060, 003.jpg)
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    Dumping some images...


    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)02:59 No.94287496
         File1304578740.jpg-(574 KB, 1920x1080, 004.jpg)
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    More HUmar.

    Notice a spot for a Section ID on the center of his chest, just like old time.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)02:59 No.94287539
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    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:00 No.94287554
    looks like crap in its current state unfortunately. i hope it shapes up soon
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:00 No.94287589
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    Also, DEM TITS
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:02 No.94287686
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    Still in Alpha stages (I think the Japan Alpha test starts this month), so it's to be expected if it still looks rough around the edges.

    On that note, no sign of MAGs yet.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:02 No.94287687
    Oh Rangers are so perfect now...
    Such great gameplay in that class.
    >> SolarBoyDjango 05/05/11(Thu)03:02 No.94287698
    >new jump actions
    >you can jump

    >> Genis Sage 05/05/11(Thu)03:02 No.94287714
         File1304578962.png-(288 KB, 800x600, 1277097934226.png)
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    >PC exclusive

    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:02 No.94287724
    >not sporting obnoxious hats
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:03 No.94287766
    Anyone know if this game will be subscription based?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:04 No.94287816
    jumping mechanics look rather stiff, but interesting that they exist

    not a big fan of the over-over-oversized weapons
    over-oversized in pso was enough
    >> SolarBoyDjango 05/05/11(Thu)03:04 No.94287849
    There is something very wrong with this image.

    The ones before it were, this will be as well I assume
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:04 No.94287865
         File1304579097.jpg-(535 KB, 1916x1054, 008.jpg)
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    Personally, I think it looks pretty good. That art direction took a big step up from Universe, and the classes still read well by preserving their original design elements but bringing in still some new flare.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:05 No.94287885

    As long as FOnewearls and FOnewms still look like deranged jesters, I'll be as happy as I can fucking be.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:06 No.94287917
         File1304579160.jpg-(51 KB, 396x385, sadfrog.jpg)
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    >game gets delayed
    >executive meddling turns game into WoW clone
    >nobody buys it
    >pso is dead forever
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:06 No.94287928
         File1304579174.jpg-(482 KB, 1920x1085, 009.jpg)
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    My only wish is that they don't have PP like they did in Universe. That was bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:06 No.94287964
    i like the new art direction.


    There'll be a hat store!
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:07 No.94287986

    We need to go bigger.

    The legendary weapons need to be bigger than what we've seen.

    Also, no Force action: I'm like a fish out of water here.
    >> Hiroyuki !!gcKtVkRIUnm 05/05/11(Thu)03:08 No.94288015
         File1304579280.jpg-(120 KB, 420x488, Fulyen-Curtz-order.jpg)
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    its called letting them wear what they want
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:08 No.94288062
    >We need to go bigger.
    i disagree about melee weapons

    but over-over-over-over-oversized bazookas/launchers would be acceptable
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:09 No.94288090
         File1304579343.jpg-(92 KB, 660x750, 1281768844383.jpg)
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    looking forward to being a walking tank going around blasting shit up again.
    also, dat music.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:09 No.94288097
         File1304579355.jpg-(638 KB, 1916x1060, 010.jpg)
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    Overall, the game looks like it plays a LOT faster too.
    >> Hiroyuki !!gcKtVkRIUnm 05/05/11(Thu)03:09 No.94288113
         File1304579379.jpg-(145 KB, 800x640, 010.jpg)
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    the portable series was pretty fun

    if you played hunter
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:11 No.94288174
         File1304579460.jpg-(602 KB, 1920x1107, 014.jpg)
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    Some shots of just the environments. Looks really nice. I'd definitely like to see Forest 1 get this treatment.
    >> SolarBoyDjango 05/05/11(Thu)03:11 No.94288195
    That picture reminds me of Lost Planet.

    Gunswords...gunswords everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:12 No.94288258

    I think the way the ranger class plays in this game is a lot like LP's gameplay... I like the idea, compared to how it's been all along.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:13 No.94288294
         File1304579604.jpg-(539 KB, 1916x1060, 016.jpg)
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    Last shot. I skipped a couple 'cause I didn't think they were too interesting, but you can check those out here:

    I've actually wanted to get my hands on Portable2 for some time. I've heard a lot of good things about it.
    >> Elpizo !Sagej01FhE 05/05/11(Thu)03:13 No.94288302
         File1304579612.jpg-(1.11 MB, 2048x1536, 1299120927498.jpg)
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    >my face when I love PSO but only ever played it on gamecube
    Although we did split screen play every so often
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:13 No.94288304
    Maybe they'll do it like in PSP2. Rangers still use PP to fire normally, but it recharges really quickly.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:15 No.94288423
         File1304579756.jpg-(216 KB, 2048x1360, sammy_keyboard3.jpg)
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    Someone build me one of these that works on the PC. I wish to play PSO2 with it.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:16 No.94288455
    Speaking of which, when the FUCK will PSP2I be released in the US?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:16 No.94288463

    I think they should get a bonus for being that class though.. not only the ability to spot traps, but I think faster movements, and customizable guns would be good.
    In PSP2 though, I still found myself having to switch to a sword as my PP charged up... which wasn't fun.

    And I felt terrible for techers... Jesus Christ.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:16 No.94288468

    I only ever played PSO offline occasionally with bros until I got into PSOBlueBurst private servers.

    The bros I've made, the FOnewm setups that I've owned with.

    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:18 No.94288545
    The nailed the music in the trailer. It definitely sounds like PSO.

    I wonder if that could work with an adapter.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:18 No.94288556
    It looks like shit.
    >> Elpizo !Sagej01FhE 05/05/11(Thu)03:19 No.94288599
    I'll definitely be playing as a RaCAST (if my laptop can handle this...I pray it can...)


    Also, was PSZero any good?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:19 No.94288606
    I think it got released in Japan about a month or two ago, so it might be a while before it gets localized.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:19 No.94288641
    Wheres the Robot Ninjas?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:21 No.94288703
         File1304580086.jpg-(34 KB, 256x192, phantasystarzero12.jpg)
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    I don't know but it has pictochat in game
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:21 No.94288712
    >Also, was PSZero any good?
    in a watered down handheld game sense
    not in a multiplayer community sense
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:21 No.94288725
    It was shit all around
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:22 No.94288735
    I like it, but LOL at using magic, having to charge for stronger spells.

    I picked HUnewm for the entirety of PSZ specifically because of that
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:24 No.94288830
    I better be able to play as a FOnewm and look like a cross between an 18th century gentleman, a clown, and a giant mountain of cocaine.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:26 No.94288924
    >dat music
    so fucking sold...
    >> COWBOY 05/05/11(Thu)03:26 No.94288949
         File1304580408.jpg-(3 KB, 126x94, NOPE.jpg)
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    Going to be the kick ass Yoda Midget Mech again
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:28 No.94289019
    Is 2011 the year of the Diablo?
    Phantasy Star Online 2
    Torchlight 2
    Dungeon Siege 3
    Diablo 3 (maybe)
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:28 No.94289036
         File1304580512.jpg-(34 KB, 359x415, BB-BARANZ_LAUNCHER-ACTION-2.jpg)
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    >Tiniest character possible
    >Fuckhuge gun

    Yes yes YESSS!!!
    >> COWBOY 05/05/11(Thu)03:29 No.94289064
         File1304580562.jpg-(2 KB, 126x109, 1296892913760s.jpg)
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    This is comming out for consoles to right D:...
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:31 No.94289188
    Is this game going to cost a monthly fee?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:31 No.94289205
    PC Exclusive.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:32 No.94289215
    no and most likely yes
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:32 No.94289245
    MAGS should come back, hardcore. There was nothing like everyone saving up there special attacks for a boss. The dolphin of doom, the deer beam from hell, the twin power up penguins, DAT PILLAR, I know one would heal the shit out of people but I forget what it was.

    They looked stupid as hell, but kicked so much ass on a game mechanic level that no one cared.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:32 No.94289251
    Who the hell is going to pay a monthly fee for a diablo game?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:33 No.94289273
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    bad grafics
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:33 No.94289284
    Remember you're making an ACTION RPG here, SEGA. Don't cripple it with keyboard control.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:33 No.94289285
    >The dolphin of doom
    fuck yeah
    >> COWBOY 05/05/11(Thu)03:33 No.94289306
    Well my computer can run smoothly TF2 on lowest settings, Will i be able to play it?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:34 No.94289324
    definitely not up to current gen standards but I wouldn't say they're bad...
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:34 No.94289352
    the big issue with photon blasts was that they'd use up your ctrl buttons, so a lot of players needed to use them early so they could regain function of those buttons

    luckily, with a 100% pc focus, this wouldn't be an issue this time around, as there could be a dedicated button for it
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:34 No.94289358
         File1304580894.png-(216 KB, 445x274, Untitlede.png)
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    The combo system looks like something out of DMC. Not that i'm complaining though. Also

    >Abrupt Cut-in events


    You sure are being honest there Sega. Or thats just a shitty translation.


    Going from the preview,I think they got rid of the PP crap and just gave Guns infinite ammo again. Which is great since with how theres jumping and air combos and shit now,gliding across the battlefields going to feel so good man.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:35 No.94289380
    I think you'll be fine. The game doesn't look too graphically demanding. I mean it's certainly no Crysis.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:35 No.94289397
    Photon Blasts were only useful for chaining with Mylla and Youlla for extreme Shifta and Deband. Granted in that they were a central game mechanic (to anyone who was a decent teamplayer anyway), but don't pretend that those attack PBs weren't worthless.
    >> COWBOY 05/05/11(Thu)03:36 No.94289448
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    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:36 No.94289450
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    Eight hours of sleep
    One hour of exercise
    One hour lost to preparing food/using the toilet

    That leaves 14 hours to play this game every day.
    >> Elpizo !Sagej01FhE 05/05/11(Thu)03:38 No.94289548
    Wait..MAGs might not come back?

    I just loved raising them...why would they take them out?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:39 No.94289617
    Nothing's been announced one way or the other. They're absent in the trailer posted by the OP. It could be that they just aren't implemented yet seeing as the game is still in its alpha stages.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:41 No.94289689
    Kinda wish I could play this on console, but definitely going to keep an eye on this.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:41 No.94289690
         File1304581274.jpg-(8 KB, 170x170, alys.jpg)
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    this is basically what happened to Phantasy Star already when PSO came out, fool

    there will never be another true Phantasy Star
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:42 No.94289788
    In addition to MAGs missing in the trailer, Force gameplay hasn't been shown, and in-game images of the other classes (HUcast/caseal, Classic RAmar/marl, RAcast/Caseal, FOmar, FOnewearl, and FOnewm) hasn't been shown either. More images should crop up once the Alpha test starts in Japan towards on May 20th.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:43 No.94289797

    I wonder if it'll be monthly fee or a one-time buy game.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:45 No.94289924
    single purchase would be great for consumers, but it seems fairly likely that sega is only making this so they can get a steady, continuous cash flow from something
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:47 No.94290002
    Mags haven't been in a PS game (not in the PSO sense anyhow) since PSO. PSU lacks them and so do the portable games. Pretty sure everyone wants to see them come back though.

    Photon Blasts have been replaced with Mirage Blasts, SUV weapons, and Nanobeast transformations in the newer games.

    Mirage Blast and some of the SUV weapons are very, very photon blast like though.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:47 No.94290017
    I guess.
    Or they could do a one-time buy, then a bunch of extra cosmetic items to keep the cash coming.

    Since the customer already paid for the game, they have no reason to go full retard with the cash shop and make it so that anyone that pays gains a ridiculous advantage.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:48 No.94290046
    That's absolutely nothing like what happened to old school PS. PSO was a huge success because it did its own thing. There was nothing quite like it back then.

    It's a shame that we can't have the old PS at the same time, but being a victim of a spinoff's success is not the same as trying and failing to copy the current front runner.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:48 No.94290055
         File1304581708.jpg-(54 KB, 400x365, 1295218601904.jpg)
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    cool WoW killer, guys
    >> Elpizo !Sagej01FhE 05/05/11(Thu)03:49 No.94290116
         File1304581779.jpg-(49 KB, 624x468, 1301760532229.jpg)
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    >my face when the second boss is two Del Rol Le's
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:51 No.94290187
         File1304581862.gif-(202 KB, 500x275, 1294819606421.gif)
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    >>You will never play a PSV developed by Overworks, or what's left of them.

    Or it will be a handheld game
    >> Hiroyuki !!gcKtVkRIUnm 05/05/11(Thu)03:51 No.94290202
         File1304581879.jpg-(90 KB, 558x802, 1302929740843.jpg)
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    isnt psp2's mags combat butlers/maids?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:51 No.94290222
         File1304581902.jpg-(296 KB, 1044x1044, 1249969035102.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:51 No.94290225
    You know what'd kick ass?
    Voice communication.
    I hope this game has that when you're in the dungeons with your friends.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:52 No.94290242
    I take it this is a Japanese release only? If so do they IP block or can you play from everywhere, how was it for PSO?
    Reading moonrunes isn't really a problem for me.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:52 No.94290260
    Not that I mind, but it's kind of surprising given the history PSO has on DC and GC. There's no reason a game this simple couldn't work on PS3/360/Cafe if consoles can run DCUO and the FF online games.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:52 No.94290290
         File1304581974.png-(235 KB, 609x464, box.png)
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    Hope the final bosses are as memorable as Olga and Falz.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:53 No.94290334
    psobb didn't have region access restrictions
    but the account creation process was a little difficult because you needed to use the runes of a real japanese city name in the sign up form
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:54 No.94290345
    It'd be really nice if it was all cross-platform.
    PC guys playan with console guys would be totally nice.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:54 No.94290371
    They're kind of like an extra party member that just sits in your room. They don't really do anything special on or off the field.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:55 No.94290430

    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:56 No.94290467
    It doesn't look futuristic at all. Kinda like Star Ocean. You got some high tech suits and guns, but you're still stuck in some LotR backwater world.
    >> Hiroyuki !!gcKtVkRIUnm 05/05/11(Thu)03:56 No.94290473
    I dont know why people find De rol le so hard

    I just grabbed a slicer/sword and killed it before it did much
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:56 No.94290477
    Pretty sure this won't be PC exclusive. If they're aiming for it to be a hit in Japan as well, it'll have to come out on PS3.

    And if they do that, I hope they allow PS3 and PC to play together ala Universe.
    >> Hiroyuki !!gcKtVkRIUnm 05/05/11(Thu)03:57 No.94290534
         File1304582259.png-(9 KB, 218x151, And_Stay_Back.png)
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    psp2 had lots of levels in future tech bases and stuff

    and its like the first level

    first levels of phantasy star online games usually is a grassy plain
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:58 No.94290607
    You know what would be totally amazing? A Wii port where Rangers get to shoot using the Wiimote infrared. Would be glorious.
    >> Elpizo !Sagej01FhE 05/05/11(Thu)03:59 No.94290625
    He was my favorite boss; the 3rd boss, the robot one; he was the hard one for me.

    Everyone just loves to rage against Del.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:59 No.94290630
    there's probably a reason

    either they're trying their hand at a much more complex game than previous
    or the console manufacturers are wanting too big of a cut of the monthly fee
    or they're trying to cater to a more specific (and by doing that, more loyal) demographic
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:59 No.94290635
         File1304582354.jpg-(24 KB, 425x435, Bulborb shock.jpg)
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    I didn't see any force gameplay in that vid. FOmar was my favorite class is there any talk of the reworking of FO in general?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:59 No.94290654
    Pso2 seems like it will be fun
    But I want some news on PSP2i fucking sega
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)03:59 No.94290662
    I think one of the major deterrents was cross-platform compatibility and easier content development.

    When Sega first released PSU on PC, 360, and PS2, I think they intended for players of any of those platforms to play with eachother. This didn't pan out at all and eventually the PS2 and PC online servers were discontinued and, well, so much for that.

    Plus, developing for a single platform will mean it'll be easier to create new content, implement patches, etc... so there's that.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:00 No.94290676
    first fight against him was usually brutal
    and then there was that whole MOME thing

    once you know how to fight him, he's probably the most fun of the bosses
    best music too
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:00 No.94290701
    Every single attack from DRL is avoidable except for the homing bombs if you aren't strong enough to kill them.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:01 No.94290728
    SEGA also kept the JP/PC servers up for longer then the 360 servers, Didn't they? I don't remember.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:01 No.94290763
    >first levels of phantasy star online games usually is a grassy plain
    >first levels of A SEGA GAME usually is a grassy plain

    Evidence? All of the sonic games
    >> Hiroyuki !!gcKtVkRIUnm 05/05/11(Thu)04:02 No.94290795
    I dunno I thought

    hey you can hit this guy multiple times with a multi target weapon
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:02 No.94290800
    >new content
    They'll just do what they did for PSO and PSU: Unlock or enable things at certain dates.

    PSO that was ok because it was mostly holiday stuff but PSU locked out ranks and weapons in Multiplayer...
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:02 No.94290805
    Homing bombs? Do you mean the mines?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:02 No.94290821
    if you are talking about Psu...the xbox servers are still going strong.

    Psu japan still has a year worth of content that wont be seen on xbox anytime soon.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:03 No.94290868
    Oh yeah, that's right. And really? I could've sworn the servers were done as of February or something.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:03 No.94290890
    FFS it's -one level-. At least wait till they show more environments.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:04 No.94290894
    Long time pso veteran here, I have mixed feelings about this so far. Anyone whos played phantasy star online games knows about SOA's shitty online support for PC's based games, no GM's, hackers, retards in a general sense (just look at all the 12 year olds on psu 360)

    So far it looks ok, I'll be happy as long as rare drops are coming back, synthesis is improved greatly or REMOVED ENTIRELY, and techs are no longer attached to weapons like they are in psu (though I saw a quickbar somewhere in the vid or screens so heres hoping), that made for shitty supporting options as sega's servers often lagged while changing weapons making s/d/j/z/r hard to keep up with while everyone was murdering the shit out of everything.

    That all made it more practical to just be a full on techbomber or full support, no mix unless you liked missing experience/dont like gettin your rape on (which made trying to lvl attack techs harder cuz everything died so fast). Also hoping for tech discs, and regular bullets/attacks. I didnt mind lvling melee pa but FUCK TECHS AND BULLET LVLING
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:04 No.94290933
    Well the Japanese servers for PS2 PSU went down a few months ago? that could be it.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:05 No.94290959
    The three spiked bombs that shoot out from DRL's tail that revolve around you where ever you run.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:05 No.94290972
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:06 No.94290992
    the servers are still there ( it was ps2/pc shared), ps2 was holding back psu's developement so they cut it out so they could flawlessly implement psp2 content into psu
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:06 No.94291011
    Ah, yes. And you only need to destroy one of those to escape.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:07 No.94291048
    No, They continue to stick around your general area until you destroy them or they explode on you.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:08 No.94291098
    Uh, yes. What you do is destroy one and then run in the direction of the open space when the other two explode.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:08 No.94291099
    Destroy one. Right before they explode they stop moving. Escape out the hole you made.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:08 No.94291114
    that's right my mistake, I do wonder how many years PSU has left. It's just White Beasts All day long
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:09 No.94291158
    They follow you, theres 2 sets of spikes that del rol throws. a 3 shot spike set that follows you until you destroy them all and a set of spikes that lines the entire platform. THOSE you can get away from, the 3 he shoots at you spin in place and follow you around. And If I need to i'll fuckin prove it to you.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:10 No.94291184
    People are still spamming that crap? That's amazing. Goddamn, what a shitty game.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:10 No.94291188
    There was two types. The first was a volley of five patterned like the #5 on six sided die. Knock out any of the corner ones and you're good.

    The second was a set of three that circled around the player. I'm sure if you could get rid of one you'd be OK. They froze in place before they detonated and if you got rid of one you could escape safely.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:10 No.94291194
    What's the level cap at now? And did the ever release that Photon art level up?

    Sigh... I missed PSU so much ever since I quit. Left behind all my bros and our guild. Think I was about Level:150 or something when I quit.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:11 No.94291218
    seriously. i hope the world doesnt end in 2012 so i can play PSO2 all day.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:11 No.94291234
    >And If I need to i'll fuckin prove it to you.
    Careful buddy, you're talking to someone with around 10,000 hours of PSO experience here.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:11 No.94291235
    lvl cap is 180
    not sure what you mean by that
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:11 No.94291247
    Man de rol le wasn't shit. REmember the first time you saw the final boss in that floating form where you had to run in the ring around him? THAT shit was insanity
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:12 No.94291264
    Fan of PSO

    That looked like shit.

    Really, really shitty.

    There's no reason to be excited about what I just saw in OP's trailer, /v/ what the fuck is wrong with you?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:12 No.94291279
    psu jp has numerous updates and nearly weekly events, the servers population is also twice as good as 360's. Its got good life in it as far as I can see. They just recently updated again with more psp2 infinity areas and weapons in this event. They added minibosses/mobs into boss areas to make them harder for this event. Like svaltus in de ragnus and bugge in mother brain.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:13 No.94291333
    Sup, Fan of PSO

    What turned you off? I'm honestly curious.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:14 No.94291375
    big fan of PSO here.
    i am a fucking idiot.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:14 No.94291377
    The only attack that is remotely dangerous in that form is the arm swipe which does a set amount of damage. Just get your HP above that threshold and you'll be fine.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:14 No.94291381
    Hell xbox wont see that for years
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:15 No.94291401
    PSO was a master piece.
    PSU was shit.

    I don't have high hopes for this.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:15 No.94291423
    The combat reminds me of all the mistakes they made with PSU. I have serious doubts that this will be good, as any good Sonic Team expert should.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:17 No.94291493
    Don't you remember the leveled up photon arts on the JP servers? Here,
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:19 No.94291570
    Oh that yeah it's old on Xbox they had to drop the effects down to the level 3 effects because it would lagg you out of the game.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:19 No.94291572
    Anyone in here part of /v/'s SKIFREE team?

    Why the fuck are non of you faggots ever on
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:19 No.94291581
    I dunno bro. Sonic team's been on the up and up lately, IMO. Sonic Colors was pretty solid, so it shows that they are capable of learning from their mistakes.

    That being said, I do understand why you're reluctant to be optimistic. This is certainly only a first impression of the game and it's still a very early build. It's likely there'll be a lot of changes between now and the official release.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:20 No.94291619
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    FFXI is to FFXIV as PSO is to PSO2
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:20 No.94291625
    How disappointing. Guess it can't be helped though. Well I'm still looking forward to PSO2
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:20 No.94291634
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    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:21 No.94291671
    I left the team in favor of my own team with my own flag. I still hang around the steam chat, though.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:22 No.94291710
    The simple answer is because Blue Burst sucks.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:24 No.94291815
    PSO newfriend detected
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:26 No.94291926
    you have 10,000 hours of trolling experience, either your memory is rusty, you're a troll or plain retarded and got caught with your pants down and cant stand being wrong. Maybe it was escapeable in dreamcast ( i havent played the dreamcast version in 8 years), but not in gcn, xbox, or bb. I suggest you go replay it.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:29 No.94292074
    Fags getting excited for a grind game lol
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:29 No.94292089
    I suggest your either lrn 2 play if you're playing already, or go play again if you haven't recently. Destroy one of the three mines and it certainly is escapable.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:34 No.94292335
    I don't do PC games. I find it really hard to do anything comfortable. Plus I dislike multiplayer anything.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/11(Thu)04:39 No.94292596
    PSO was never a game about the grind, nor was it even a typical MMO. I love how people see "online game" and immediately think "HURRRRRR ITS TRYING TO BE ANOTHER WOW KILLER XD NOTHING CAN TOP MY PRECIOUS WOW LOLXDDDDDDDD"

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