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04/21/11(Thu)01:00 No.92967305http://www.dustloop.com/forums/showthread.php?10772-BBCS2-Discussion-Questions&p=980305&view full=1#post980305
May issue of Arcadia has two ranking lists from two different players.
List 1: S: Makoto, Tao, Hazama, Jin, Noel A: Carl, Rachel, Lambda, Litchi B: Tsubaki, Ragna, Arakune, Mu, Valkenhayn, Hakumen C: Platinum, Bang, Tager
List 2: S: Makoto, Valkenhayn, Jin, Noel A: Hazama, Carl, Tao, Mu, Arakune, Tsubaki, Rachel B: Lambda, Platinum, Ragna, Litchi, Bang, Hakumen C: Tager
by two different players, the first list I can't read the person's
name, the second I think is goroo. Some variation, but generally agreed
between the two of them that Mak/Jin/Noel are top, Carl is high, Ragna
and Hakumen are mid, and Tager is bottom. |