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  • File : 1303070119.png-(12 KB, 470x457, 1285279467611.png)
    12 KB Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)15:55 No.92622275  
    First they came for /new/,
    and I did not speak out because I was not a /new/fag.

    Then they came for /r9k/,
    and I did not speak out because I was not a Robot.

    Then they came for ED,
    and I did not speak out because I was not an EDfag.

    Then they came for /v/
    and there was no one left to speak for /v/.
    >> Dad's Root Beer !!ODARunZZAjq 04/17/11(Sun)15:56 No.92622363
    /new/, /r9k/ and ED were absolutely awful boards and websites (ED especially). I'm glad they're gone.
    Stop making this shitty thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)15:56 No.92622373
         File1303070185.jpg-(83 KB, 800x544, 1280992549909.jpg)
    83 KB
    I know /new/ and /r9k/
    But wat is ED?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)15:57 No.92622454
    Encyclopedia Dramatica
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)15:57 No.92622489
    𝕭𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝖙𝖔 /𝖇/ 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖊
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)15:58 No.92622544
         File1303070310.png-(8 KB, 599x376, 1288424316348.png)
    8 KB
    holy shit
    newfag detected
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:00 No.92622715
    A shitty hipster lol so randum XD /b/ newfag wiki created by some ugly bitch with a snatch colder than Ayn Rand's.
    They were the reason furfags, tourneyfags, and so many other hated groups have acquired an irritating victim complex instead of fucking off to their shitty communities where they belong, and actively encouraged Legionfaggotry and DDoS bullshit. They have utterly ruined the Internet and we should ne grateful we have the opportunity for our wounds to heal.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:00 No.92622721
    >Using Newfag on any board BUT /b/
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:00 No.92622723
         File1303070438.jpg-(105 KB, 600x901, 1285250637034.jpg)
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    wtf happened?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:01 No.92622758
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:02 No.92622865
    I sure do love some video games
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:05 No.92623115
    thats not the point dumb fuck
    I neither give 2 shits about /new/ or ED
    The thing is that internet is being taken over. And as long as faggots dont see that there is a change happening RIGHT now, we will all meet our doom, in the fact that 4chan will be gone
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:05 No.92623170
         File1303070752.png-(2 KB, 154x139, 1283305646970.png)
    2 KB
    It was sold. Sold to jews, by jews. Read for yourself

    "On April 14, 2011, Encyclopædia Dramatica was replaced by Oh Internet, which claimed to have "more toned down content style and a streamlined design." Sherrod DeGrippio's reasoning was that, "Shock for shock’s sake is old at this point and we're looking forward to the future and how things are evolving... when you put user experience first, the language becomes highly important and that's what we’ve done." While Oh Internet has generated interest from social networks, many visitors to Encyclopædia Dramatica were displeased by the change and attacked the website's official Facebook fan page."
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:07 No.92623319
    >implying I didn't report everyone bumping the thread
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:10 No.92623520
         File1303071010.jpg-(68 KB, 566x566, 1280879829037.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:11 No.92623582
         File1303071062.jpg-(40 KB, 450x404, 200812_Jew-movie-christmas.jpg)
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    >moot's face when he sells 4chan and makes it facebook 2.0
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:11 No.92623599
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:11 No.92623610
    get the fuck out
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:12 No.92623664
    >mfw everyone not saging is actually OP
    inb4 nah-uh "You already reported someone using this IP"
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:12 No.92623745
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:14 No.92623833
         The death of /v/

    They picked /r9k/ up one morning
    Beat him soft like clay
    And stuffed him down the belly
    Of a waiting moot.
    What business of mine is it
    So long they don't take the vidya
    From my greasy fingers?

    They came one night
    Booted the whole house awake
    And dragged /new/ out,
    Then off to a lengthy absence.
    What business of mine is it
    So long they don't take the vidya
    From my greasy fingers?

    ED went to derp one day
    Only to find her site was gone:
    No query, no warning, no probe -
    Just one neat sack for a stainless record.
    What business of mine is it
    So long they don't take the vidya
    From my greasy fingers?

    And then one evening
    As I sat down to play my vidya
    A knock on the door froze my sweaty hand.
    The moot was waiting on my bewildered lawn
    Waiting, waiting in its usual silence.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:14 No.92623857
         File1303071265.jpg-(21 KB, 367x451, hahahafaggot.jpg)
    21 KB
    >and nothing of value was lost that day

    Nobody cares about your meta internet shit
    Go die.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:14 No.92623879
         File1303071280.jpg-(12 KB, 266x281, 1283472027688.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:15 No.92623971
         File1303071351.png-(741 KB, 1017x2010, 1303001254177.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:16 No.92624043
    >inb4 nah-uh "You already reported someone using this IP"
    uh, what?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:18 No.92624208
    pic fucking saved
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:19 No.92624247
    If you report someone, you can't report them again. everyone not saging so far has been OP with the exception of two
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:20 No.92624274
         File1303071604.png-(178 KB, 380x288, implying.png)
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    >implying that /v/ has game related threads
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:21 No.92624358
         File1303071670.gif-(875 KB, 519x450, 1302261245337.gif)
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    >he know which one was OP
    >on an anonymous board

    Haha! you might as well say that im OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:21 No.92624366
    /v/ will be turned into a marketing space for Activision and EA
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:22 No.92624441

    No. They had some good stuff. You're just a tripfag cancer.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:22 No.92624468
    I see you don't have a knack for well done satire.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:23 No.92624585
         File1303071837.png-(327 KB, 3000x1965, 1301339394860.png)
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    You know what the worst part of all is?

    Eventually, 'retro' celebrities twenty years in the future will hold a big show on Comedy Central (sponsored by Apple, Activision and Toyota) and go on about how Reddit and tumblr were the sole driving forces behind internet memes and internet culture in the early twenty first century. They will have "experts" there confirming this, they'll showcase old memes like Trollface (and use them incorrectly,) and everything about it will be so sterile and politically correct that nothing about it so much as resembles its actual origins.

    And you will sit there, watching as these idiots put on a mask and dance around a legacy created by anonymous internet users, effectively destroying a large chunk of your young adulthood.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:26 No.92624761
    wait, ED is gone? hahaha
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:26 No.92624762

    Holy shit I remember that poem from my GCSE english exam.

    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:26 No.92624785
    At least we salvaged offended page
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:27 No.92624946
         File1303072075.png-(15 KB, 564x551, 1302998438120.png)
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    And not a single fuck was given that day
    derailing this thread if it keeps bumping
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:29 No.92625051
         File1303072145.jpg-(11 KB, 262x192, 1.jpg)
    11 KB
    100+ pages and counting, will be updated so check back


    Possibly the same content, shitty connection so haven't been able to check 100%.

    Quick link for cache downloads:

    Do what you can I know I am
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:30 No.92625194
    Stop these threads
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:31 No.92625270
         File1303072289.jpg-(34 KB, 554x433, 1283214396122.jpg)
    34 KB
    Thanks bro.
    But you can't bring back the forums

    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:31 No.92625298

    No don't stop them. If this continues it's only a mater of time before /v/ is turned into EA/Activision marketing space with mods monitoring every thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:32 No.92625344
    >> Cap'n Chowder !!opjZ1YZ4fBw 04/17/11(Sun)16:32 No.92625347
         File1303072344.png-(138 KB, 400x400, 129.png)
    138 KB
    xDD gore pics sOrAnDUM and funneh
    grow up you 12year old faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:32 No.92625357
    >First they came for a shitty board and I did not speak out because the board was shit

    >Then they came for an even shittier board and I did not speak out be cause it was complete shit

    >Then they came for a shitty website and I did not speak out because it was shit

    >Then they came for /v/ and there was the entirety of the sane, not-whiney-bitch world left to speak out for me

    Fix't that for ya OP
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:33 No.92625407
    >and then they came for video games
    >but they left empty handed
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:33 No.92625432

    >Mods monitoring every thread

    We can but only hope
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:34 No.92625492
         File1303072447.jpg-(14 KB, 251x187, 1218595322306.jpg)
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    jews gonna jew
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:35 No.92625652
         File1303072555.jpg-(53 KB, 602x744, 1233499074003.jpg)
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    Desperate times require desperate measures.

    We need a plan - a plan for our survival.

    What we have in front of us is a declaration of war - declared by the filthy jew capitalists trying to monopolize what is, or was free.

    Survival of, not only /v/, but the whole internet lies in our hands.

    We all know that "Laws are silent in times of war". The war has begun, and I am sure that we are the righteous ones. TO ARMS!
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:38 No.92625846
         File1303072689.png-(54 KB, 500x486, 1302912346476.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:38 No.92625891
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:39 No.92625953
    Oh look, this thread again.

    moot deleted /new/ because it was a mastubatory circle-jerk of white supremacy

    moot deleted /r9k/ because it was fucking terrible

    The weird cow in charge of ED changed ED because she wants money, and it was fucking terrible as well.

    I fail to see who this "they" is that will come for /v/.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:39 No.92626012
    No one gives a shit that you can't post on /new/ anymore stormfags. POST ON STORMFRONT.

    If fucking Stormfront is just too liberal for you, you need to reevaluate your political beliefs if one of the most arch-conservative websites on the internet is too liberal for you.

    Moot just didn't like /new/, it isn't a fucking conspiracy.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:40 No.92626045

    >implying /soc/ isnt worse than new+r9k put together

    new was actually funny as fuck, trolls trolling trolls
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:40 No.92626070
         File1303072841.jpg-(91 KB, 1003x543, 1302915874333.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:41 No.92626170
         File1303072918.jpg-(60 KB, 359x398, 1302916883235.jpg)
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    >i know that feel bro

    moot you fucking fag. I dont give a shit about /r9k/ or ED. Give me back my /new/
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:42 No.92626183
    /soc/ was an attempt to get the thousands of HURR RATE ME LOOK A PIC OF MY TITS/PENIS threads off of /b/. It worked. It's terrible but it serves a purpose. /r9k/ just promoted smugness and /new/ encouraged stormfrontfags to come here, which moot apparently didnt want.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:42 No.92626233
    Oh sweet I love anti flag.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:44 No.92626381
         File1303073097.jpg-(509 KB, 1434x1800, 1302928744332.jpg)
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    Not funny at all guise
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:46 No.92626503
    >ED has topics on everything
    >weirdo reboots ED
    >has five pages and they're worse than Know Your Meme in terms of humor

    Shit if you're going to shutter your place to redesign, at least do more than the ground floor

    The Notch of fucking work
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:47 No.92626556
         File1303073221.jpg-(126 KB, 456x600, 1302929113470.jpg)
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    fucking jews
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:47 No.92626585
    /new/ was fucking amazing.
    Easily one of the best boards here.

    Fuck, I miss it so much.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:49 No.92626767
         File1303073384.png-(224 KB, 800x407, 1298504075335.png)
    224 KB
    Notice how it's mostly tripfags who feel required to suck up to moot by stating how dumb /new/ was and what a great idea /soc/ is.
    Same tripfags would probably love a post counter, avatars and signatures.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:50 No.92626852
         File1303073450.png-(13 KB, 648x393, 4chon.png)
    13 KB
    You know there's a new /new/ with almost all of the old posters back and huge shitstorms over tiny debates daily?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:51 No.92626879
         File1303073470.jpg-(150 KB, 826x1108, juden4chan.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:55 No.92627188
         File1303073710.jpg-(36 KB, 348x525, 1300929036951.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:57 No.92627374
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)16:59 No.92627571
    The US should not support the thinly veiled theocracy know as Israel.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:02 No.92627751
         File1303074121.jpg-(107 KB, 400x366, 1302916837513.jpg)
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    >mfw /v/ thinks moot will spare them cos HURR WE 2ND BIGGEST BOAD

    just a reminder. you can't say racial slurs towards black people any more. You can't say du bs. You can get banned for ANYTHING. literally. I got banned 3 days saying in one thread that mods are fags.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:06 No.92628098

    Moot has said /v/ is his favourite board. It won't get cut.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:06 No.92628128
         File1303074400.png-(123 KB, 1608x878, 1302928905985.png)
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    That's because both moot and mods take it in the ass by niggers and jews and niggerjews
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:07 No.92628183
    >post on Stormfront

    I would but the mods act like Nazis
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:08 No.92628277
    but i hate niggers
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:08 No.92628304
    4chon dot net hosts new now
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:11 No.92628521
         File1303074694.png-(88 KB, 307x388, 1300845355110.png)
    88 KB
    I cant believe how many people there is who dont know that /new/ still exists.

    Look i know i shouldnt advertise, but if you miss /new/ it still exists with pretty much all the old posters on 4chon net

    We are over 200,000 posts now and the population is rising. Also we host r9k.

    This isnt advertising, its just for anyone who misses new or r9k
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:12 No.92628580
         File1303074727.jpg-(12 KB, 263x236, 1301260424946.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:12 No.92628615
         File1303074755.png-(176 KB, 360x475, 1295928638495.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:13 No.92628658
         File1303074795.png-(124 KB, 278x275, Ill miss you -v--.png)
    124 KB
    Well... this is the end /v/ bros.

    After more than 7 years, this is 4chan's final month. Heh, it's been a lot of fun. And I'd like to thank each and every one of you who made this journey with me.

    4chan wouldn't have been anything without you...

    Hopefully, we've left each other with some good memories. So, when 4chan's dead and we all move off on to other site.

    Until we meet again.

    Stay gold.

    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:14 No.92628741
         File1303074854.jpg-(46 KB, 498x760, 1302737038623.jpg)
    46 KB
    holy shit i came
    >mfw even the tripfags are the same
    >> StormTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 04/17/11(Sun)17:15 No.92628793
         File1303074906.png-(54 KB, 709x614, 4chan today.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:16 No.92628917
         File1303074989.png-(60 KB, 428x410, 218371283193.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:17 No.92629004
    This thread is going to 404.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:18 No.92629050
         File1303075088.jpg-(67 KB, 739x478, 4chon page.jpg)
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    It actually is the same new as before, not a shitty clone, but the direct replacement of old new.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:18 No.92629080
         File1303075112.jpg-(19 KB, 276x397, 1295176613125.jpg)
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    It was good while it lasted, but all good things must come to an end. It's the natural progression, I think. Loosely relevant chaos can't be sustained forever. We can't really blame moot, he's put up with us for all these years and now he wants to live his life. It's unfortunate we have to go out like this though.

    Facebook groups, CNN articles titled "How to tell if you're a troll", kids screaming how "epic" it is to say "epic win" "over 9000 times". For the lulz of course. I'm sure some remember a time before anonymous was legion, letalone a political party. 4chan was never good, but this is painful.

    Where do we go from here? What's left for us? How much longer until the powers that be decide this place isn't worth the trouble anymore? Canvas could prove more profitable than moot could have ever imagined. What happens when 4chan becomes a blight on an otherwise profitable business plan? I couldn't tell you for sure, but one thing is certain:

    The future is bleak, enjoy what time we have left. We're all living in history, and soon enough all of this will be a bittersweet memory. When you look back, you'll be able to say you were a bro that talked about video games; and every once in a while, well, it wasn't half bad.


    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:20 No.92629210
    Why are people complaining about ED being bought by faggots? They've toned down their content since forever ago. I don't think anyone but retards has frequented that place since then.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:20 No.92629235
    Is anyone willing to fight for freedom of speech on the internet anymore? /r9k/, /new/, and ED were shut down because they didn't follow the rules set out as to what we should like. They were subversive, and they were shut down because Web 2.0 is becoming Web 3.0, where all content is filtered through a few media engines and rationed to the masses, just like television. They decide what you do now. Not you.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:21 No.92629312
         File1303075311.jpg-(15 KB, 306x295, lol.jpg)
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    >tripfag with a fucking avatar
    >asking someone else to grow up
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:23 No.92629420

    Them fucking yams man.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:23 No.92629468
    What is this, the 12th time you've posted this thread in the past two days? Give it a fucking rest.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:24 No.92629501
         File1303075456.png-(12 KB, 797x221, 4chon mods.png)
    12 KB

    4chon dot net will always accept you.

    We fully believe in free speech and you can say what you want.

    pic is a 4chon mod talking to another mod who happens to be black
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:26 No.92629648
    How much traffic does this /r9k/ get, and is it like the old /r9k/, with the BETA AS FUCKING and greentexting?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:26 No.92629674
         File1303075597.jpg-(2 KB, 126x95, 1282541002080s.jpg)
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    im actually thinking of going there when 4chan is sold to become facebook 2 with tripfags everywhere, and fucking capitalist jew ads
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:26 No.92629680
    With ED gone, all history of 4chan is lost without it.

    Know one will know where or when memes came from. No one will remember their backgrounds. With sites struck with popularity and with the rise of memes in mainstream culture. No one will remember what 4chan was for or what use it ever had. People would soon think that any said accomplishment made by 4chan are lies. And people like tosh.0 fox news would say that memes come from sites like tumblr and KYM. And, nothing, nothing at all will come from there. It's just pictures of old with slapped on glitter. No memes will be created and in the future people will still continue to think that things like trollface or "epic" are funny.

    That is the future of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:27 No.92629717
    >4chon dot net will always accept you.
    Unless you're black
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:27 No.92629722
    >implying they were shut down by the web 3.0 media engine thing

    First of all, that would be kikes you're referring to. Secondly these sites always begged for money for as long as they existed, eventually they'd accept a big fat envelope of Jew money.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:27 No.92629767
    No one**
    Odd, I put no before.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:28 No.92629785
    4chon allows you to see the stats of all boards so here

    /r9k/ - Robot9001

    There is currently 128.6 MB of active content in 150 threads and 4,336 replies, by 597 unique IP addresses.

    Over the last 10 minutes, 21 posts have been made. That's ~2.104 posts/minute (one post every ~28.524 seconds).

    It gets a lot of traffic, nearly at 200k posts, but obviously its not as fast as old r9k, but it gets pretty fast.
    Yes you can green text and everything, the scripting is really good, its pretty much an exact replica of old r9k, you can have yotsuba B or A
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:28 No.92629844
    actually one of the mods is black.

    Its not just /new/
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:29 No.92629921

    >That is the present state of 4chan.

    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:30 No.92629951
    come to 4chon dot net

    We would like more people because we want to open a new board.

    Theres a very high chance the new board will be a /v/.

    We have enough people by far for the 2 boards we have, but we need some more before opening another board.

    After all we dont want to become a stupid dead 4chan clone.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:30 No.92629961
    so why dont all you whining faggots simply create a new 4chan meme wiki or whatever
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:31 No.92630012
         File1303075870.png-(40 KB, 553x546, fuckvidya.png)
    40 KB
    >go to the new /r9k/
    >no captcha

    Im outta here. I was a robot anyways
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:32 No.92630107

    To anyone who misses r9k and new.

    It exists on this link, which redirects to 4chon dot net
    As that url is banned

    My ban in incoming i can feel it.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:33 No.92630134
         File1303075993.jpg-(149 KB, 494x605, 1302998221892.jpg)
    149 KB
    >mfw talking about 4chon becomes a perma-ban for "Promoting a meshuggenah racist nazi site oy gevalt!"
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:35 No.92630304
         File1303076128.jpg-(105 KB, 750x600, 1302309176643.jpg)
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    Oh by the way on 4chon dot net where r9k and new exists there is NO CAPTCHA
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:36 No.92630436
    >yfw 4chanarchive
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:37 No.92630446
         File1303076225.jpg-(51 KB, 407x355, 232.jpg)
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    >mfw ED is replaced by some faggotry for 12 year olds
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:38 No.92630534
         File1303076289.jpg-(74 KB, 426x640, 2969881139_4bf38f21df_z.jpg)
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    >whining faggots
    Excuse me sir, you have just used inappropriate language. You just said a homosexual unfriendly slur.

    And we at 4chan do not tolerate people who have nothing nice to say to our friends in the un-hetero community.

    "I Hope You Enjoyed Your Glorious Stay Here On 4chan *__* :D" - Mootykins <3
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:38 No.92630588
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:39 No.92630599
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:40 No.92630701
    >yfw chanarchive works but 4chanarchive doesn't
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:40 No.92630704

    It's been like that sience yesterday ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:41 No.92630773
    There's such a thing as trying too hard to troll and you're clearly past that point
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:41 No.92630796
         File1303076503.jpg-(21 KB, 598x392, +9.jpg)
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    First they came for /new/,
    and I did not speak out because I was not a /new/fag.

    Then they came for /r9k/,
    and I did not speak out because I was not a Robot.

    Then they came for ED,
    and I did not speak out because I was not an EDfag.

    Now they are at 4chanArchive,
    and I am not speaking out because I am not a 4chanArchiveFag.

    Later they will come for /v/
    and there will be no one left to speak for /v/.

    goodbye bros
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:42 No.92630870
    is this legit? safe?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:43 No.92630909

    " - (formerly"

    alright.. but why did they take the 4 out?.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:43 No.92630921
         File1303076595.jpg-(30 KB, 500x478, 1302748343744.jpg)
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    4chon dot net
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:43 No.92630923
    your head
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:44 No.92631027
         File1303076685.jpg-(3 KB, 126x120, 1282541073932s.jpg)
    3 KB
    >Now they are at 4chanArchive,
    >and I am not speaking out because I am not a 4chanArchiveFag.

    this can't be it. No.
    it probably can't handle the traffic
    what is happening....
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:45 No.92631070
         File1303076719.jpg-(180 KB, 453x302, 1300009362661.jpg)
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    Sir. A work of beauty, that touched me moreso than the original.

    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:45 No.92631073
    >not a gif

    I hate you so much.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:45 No.92631104

    >>why change the name to

    at some point after 4chanarchive got fairly popular, i kinda regret that the site was not only completely dependent on 4chan but also the name and look of the site was a ripoff. as a result of that, people still come to me when they have an issue with 4chan, but get no response from moot or any 4chan admin. although we didn't come up with a creative web 2.0 name, i think chanarchive is as such general enough not to be connected directly with 4chan, but specific enough that people will know what to expect. the futaba color scheme is the only thing that should remember "where we come from".
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:47 No.92631215
    You're experiencing the biggest change in the internet. They're very slowly eating away at us. And by next month you shall expect a schism where we all split off unto other sites far, far away from each other. We might see each other again, might...
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:47 No.92631226
    It's a safehouse
    >> 1997 !fIuNDErAgE 04/17/11(Sun)17:48 No.92631289
    Just go to chanarchive.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:48 No.92631316
    They won't come for /v/ because it is moot's favorite board and the second biggest board on the site. Think harder, you fucking morons.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:48 No.92631321
    What would happen if 4chan shut down? Would the users reveal themselves to be the betas they appear to be or would shit actually happen?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:50 No.92631426
    the new r9k1 is better btw, no baww or misogny
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:50 No.92631446
         File1303077023.jpg-(235 KB, 675x774, 1299636231444.jpg)
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    >mfw I report people advertising their shitty otherchan as spam/flooding/advertising
    >> oisregön !KNp4/CVc1w 04/17/11(Sun)17:50 No.92631449
    >implying this is the apocalypse now
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:51 No.92631495
    So is it just me or is chanarchive smaller?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:52 No.92631581
    I appreciate being informed of this site before I get banned by Jamal for typing nigger.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:52 No.92631593
         File1303077146.png-(95 KB, 1072x507, newstormfront.png)
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    The last thing /new/ archived was the Tunisia revolt before it was axed.

    Didn't save thread.


    moot couldn't like /new/, even though it was inevitably free speech and he couldn't do jack shit to censor their opinions. Apparently that's what a news board is.

    The rampant racism was apparent because as a news board, people are susceptible to accepting everything and anything as it is and argue against it.

    Also, someone linked /new/ to stormfront in 2010. Could explain why /n/ was more hateful toward Russians than ni.gg3rs.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:52 No.92631619
    ED was a copy of the purest filth underage teenager meme spouting horse shit that makes up /b/.

    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:52 No.92631634
    r9k was one of his faves at one point too.

    Someone would recreate it, or everyone would migrate somewhere else, probably 4chon dot net as that seems most like old 4chan of a couple years back
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:54 No.92631729
    Yes, wonderful. We wouldn't want them to siphon off all our racists and gender warriors.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:55 No.92631810
    Congrats, you are killing 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:55 No.92631828
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:55 No.92631830

    I seriously hope nobody believe this. You might as well say "hitler wasnt bad he was jking xDDDDD"
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:57 No.92632004
         File1303077454.jpg-(55 KB, 478x359, 1283631925749.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)17:58 No.92632093
    To let you all in on a bit of information.

    The reason why /r9k/ was deleted is because the last thread, literally the VERY last thread. On this thread Op said something like "lets take a poll, who wants /r9k/ gone?" and later on in the thread moot came in and said "lol ok". And thus the reason for deletion. Everything else is just excuses "why" he deleted and everyone are just sheeps for believing him. /r9k/ wasn't all BAWWWWWWW, you only probably started thinking this because he said so. It had some baw but not really. And in /r9k/, it was just like an older, more swf version of /b/.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:02 No.92632399
         File1303077729.jpg-(2 KB, 127x113, 1282546390040s.jpg)
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    I address you tonight not as a proud member of 4chan, not as a tripfag, but as a citizen of humanity. We are faced with the very gravest of challenges. The Corporate Jews call this day "4chan-ad-on"-the end of all things. And yet, for the first time in the history of 4chan, we have the ability to prevent our own extinction. All of you praying with us need to know that everything that can be done to prevent this disaster is being called into service.
    Our thirst for excellence, /k/nowledge, every step up the ladder of /sci/ence, every /a/dventurous reach into /s/pace, all of our /co/mbined modern technologies and imaginations, even the wars that we've fought have provided us the tools to wage this terrible /b/attle.
    Through all the chaos that is our history, through all of the wrong and the discord, through all of the pain and suffering, through all of our times, there is one thing that has nourished our souls, and elevated ourselves above our origins, and that is our courage.
    The dreams of an entire imageboard are focused tonight on those brave souls traveling into the heavens to charge up the ion cannon. And may we all, citizens the 4chan over, see these events through. God speed, and good luck to you.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:02 No.92632417
         File1303077745.jpg-(45 KB, 468x449, 1300913719934.jpg)
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    Hitler was a decent Chap.
    He liked children and animals.

    Nah im just kidding, but theres always two sides to everything and you should always question what you are being told.

    Form your own opinions, dont believe everyone elses.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:02 No.92632453
    Uh, no. That's not what happened at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:03 No.92632506
         File1303077812.jpg-(3 KB, 108x127, 1282540766300s.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:04 No.92632582
    Hitler was good to his people. And if you can ask any person who lived in Germany during those times and weren't jews they would tell you it was the best times of their lives.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:05 No.92632618
    Yes it is.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:05 No.92632669
         File1303077937.jpg-(74 KB, 500x500, 1300111936154.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:05 No.92632694
    I wish moot would fucking sell this website then maybe I could accomplish something with my free time.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:06 No.92632702
    With the attention focused on other sites the explosion of new users coming to 4chan for EBIN WIN MEMES 9000 XD will surely be directed elsewhere. I couldn't care less about memes and the like but the children who do will turn to these more user friendly sites that highlight that type of content. This resulting divergence of users between meme centralized content and us is in 4chan's best interest.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:06 No.92632717
    >implying those boards didn't just move to /sci/ to shit up the place
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:06 No.92632740

    You cant.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:06 No.92632745
    Actually moot is gonna sell 4chan as well

    Everyone that changed the internet is moving on
    Social networks and being mainstream is the new phase of the internet
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:06 No.92632754
         File1303078010.jpg-(38 KB, 500x500, i-hate-niggers-die-hard.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:07 No.92632836

    moot sucks major cock

    inb4 ban
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:08 No.92632902
         File1303078134.jpg-(13 KB, 163x204, 1261462455032.jpg)
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    Reported for spamming. I hope you get banned you double nigger.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:09 No.92632950
    First they came for /new/ because it was a provisionary board that moot outright said he'd take down if it became a conservatard trolltopia.

    Then they came for /r9k/ because it was an experiment in forcing original content that failed due to people finding ways to circumvent it.

    Then some other people came for ED because it wasn't making enough money for them and so they retooled it into Know Your Meme.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:09 No.92632962
    >implying I give a shit
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:09 No.92632985

    Wish you had a screencap, but no one is going to listen to jack shit of anyone's excuses unless there's proof. And even if there is proof, I doubt the anons will start questioning moot's reasons.

    There's no conspiracy going on. moot is moving on to better things and I honestly believe that it's now blatantly obvious that he's cleaning up 4chan. The boards that he had previously deleted were image based, yet the two recently deleted boards revolved around ideas that he (and society) frowned upon. Racism and misogyny (or is it green text stories he really hate?). Unfortunately he fails to understand that the communities surround ideas, not images, and that gives them more than enough reason to question the admin.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:10 No.92632994
    /b/ros are copy pasting ED into other wikias
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:10 No.92633003
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:10 No.92633032
         File1303078233.png-(159 KB, 1246x537, 1295317325624.png)
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    Actually, yes I can.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:11 No.92633087
         File1303078272.png-(9 KB, 337x330, 1290670723828.png)
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    >ED replaced by pussified knowyourmeme style site

    What the fuck is happening to the internet? How did this happen?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:11 No.92633104
    Deleting two probationary boards =/= censorship
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:12 No.92633183
    Except all of those boards suck and /v/ is actually on topic half of the time, and is generally much better.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:13 No.92633235
         File1303078395.png-(16 KB, 1014x264, 1295317363668.png)
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    Part numeral two.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:13 No.92633237
    Also, thanks whoever is responsible for killing the main source of CWC's fame.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:13 No.92633281
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:14 No.92633312
    that picture doesnt display what you said in your earlier poster

    and moot wouldnt delete it just because some guys said so, obviously he was thinking about it for a while.

    You think if some people here said should we delete /v/ and everyone said yeah that moot would delete it.

    No, so fuck off nigger
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:15 No.92633379

    >First they came for /new/ because it was a provisionary board that moot outright said he'd take down if it became a conservatard trolltopia.

    He took it down the first time by acknowledging that the /n/ board was stormfront.

    He brought it back up saying that if it devolved into stormfront again, he would take it down.

    One year with shitty/little moderation, he took it down. On MLK Day, so he was pretty much aware of stormfront.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:16 No.92633479
    >say something
    >okay here's proof

    You also sound butthurt, try to disprove me by NOT saying something that moot said.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:16 No.92633488
    But i thought you guys loved pointless bans
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:17 No.92633534
    Moot grew up and now wants to make a living out of this manchildren ridden shithole.
    I bet that all of you BAWWWWWWWWing about it actually believe he owes you something.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:18 No.92633605
    Maybe if they get rid of /v/ I can use my time for something good like working out or playing video games or studying.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:18 No.92633612
    >People complaining about 3 barren, horrible piles of shit that deserved to go
    >not complaining about /hc/
    I miss you.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:18 No.92633621
    So .... is there a replacement for ED yet?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:19 No.92633655
    You fucking midfags are worse than the new kids, I swear. "HURRRDURRRRR /new/, /r9k/ and ED were shitty, I'm glad they're gone, I'm so internet cool I don't care about anything."

    Not only are you doing the exact same thing as was described in the original version of OP's quote, but you close your goddamn eyes and refuse to see the shitstorm coming down the pike at 3000 miles an hour.

    /new/, /r9k/ and ED were all closed for the same reason: advertisers didn't want to be associated with that shit. This establishes the premise that advertisers have a huge say in what goes on in any given community. If they don't like it, it ultimately goes.

    Now, you might say that this won't apply to /v/, but I disagree. Who is the most obvious advertiser when it comes to a video game board? And how have ties with game publishers affected video game journalism?

    Be afraid /v/, be very afraid.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:19 No.92633665
    >can't say nigger any more
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:20 No.92633712
         File1303078810.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 37 KB, 320x226, wt snacks.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 37 KB
    You know what I think>
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:20 No.92633718
    shut the fuck up
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:21 No.92633760
    >try to get b&
    >part of your post isn't allowed
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:21 No.92633769

    you're mom
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:21 No.92633789
    Reported for spamming your shitty thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:21 No.92633808
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    >> Jim Profit !cMAAqC5VYY 04/17/11(Sun)18:22 No.92633824
         File1303078923.jpg-(79 KB, 400x286, AwesomeJimProfit14.jpg)
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    I just want to know where moot and the guys who suck his dick to get mod position get the fuck off thinking they can ban anybody. ANYBODY...

    I don't give a shit what you you do. The fact is, moot himself is a sexually depraved, racist, fucking troll, who is he to say who can and cannot post? What? Cause this is his forum?

    Then by all means man, zippo cat, harass some little girl, DDoS credit card companies, and make sure MOOT takes the heat for it. It's his forum afterall, right? If someone sells crack in my house, aren't I held somewhat responsible whether or not I actually knew about it?

    Moot wants to play pretend that he owns fucking anything, but is not mature or smart enough to handle the responsibilities of real property ownership. So go ahead fuckers... say moot had a right to ban me or anybody else, and I will gladly take away this entire board from you in court.

    Same goes for 420chan. I bet the FBI would just love to hear about a website dedicated to the use, distribution, and discussion of illegal narcotics. Mods don't realize how lenient we, the members are. It's time we showed them who the real boss is.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:22 No.92633828

    If people actually believe this then it's not surprise why every board on 4chan is so shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:23 No.92633889

    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:23 No.92633910
    Yeah, actually, he can.

    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:23 No.92633950


    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:24 No.92633972
    This place is more than just some imageboard. Honestly, to me it's a place for nerds (when I say nerds, I don't mean the abomination of that phrase, i.e I PLAY COD LOL SO NERDY XD, I mean actual nerds) to gather, to discuss, to talk.

    I have a decent circle of friends in real life, but I can't really connect with them on any level other than acquaintanceship. Here though, most of you guys are like me. This place has kind of helped me laugh at stupidity that other people see as normal (facebook faggotry, meme spewing, LOL IM SUCH A NERD), and given me people to laugh at it with.

    If this place gets shut down, I'll miss you guys, I really will.

    Other than this, another thing with this board is anonymity. Where else can someone state an opinion without being worried about a name attached to that opinion, or a reputation to uphold? It's one of the best things about this site, that true freedom of speech.

    Fuck moot and his "INTERNET FRIENDLY" faggotry, I loved this place for how inflammatory and angry it was, it wouldn't be the same if it was all politically correct.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:24 No.92634020

    You're not that stupid, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:25 No.92634047
         File1303079116.jpg-(12 KB, 352x352, 1295764460595.jpg)
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    It's not the end of the fucking world..
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:26 No.92634132
    Fun fact

    moot wants 4chan to return to 2004
    this is how it was before 4chan got famous
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:26 No.92634179
         File1303079215.jpg-(18 KB, 300x300, get out.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:27 No.92634234
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:28 No.92634280
    You realize that's a joke, right? You see, jokes are things that people say that are not meant to be taken literally. For instance, I could order a triple cheeseburger, supersize fries, and a large DIET coke and say 'lol im on a diet'. And it would be a joke, because the thing that I'm saying is a large exggeration of my actions.

    So someone does something very marginally nerdy, like playing a popular video game, and then they go 'lol such a nerd' because they're cognizant of the fact that no, they're not actually a nerd, and their friends know it too, they're just joking around. But the asperger's babies on /v/ don't get this because they can't understand non-literal language, so they think that they're conflating playing Zelda with a lifetime of ostracism and loneliness.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:28 No.92634287
         File1303079307.png-(173 KB, 316x330, sanford.png)
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    I will bet you any sum of money the FBI is aware of 420chan's existence already

    The rest of your post was pretty retarded too
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:29 No.92634378

    Holy shit, you humongous faggot, I realize it's an exaggeration/joke, what it's done though is promote this "LOL GEEK IS CHIK" stupidity which makes people who have zero personality try to shoehorn themselves into this "geek" stereotype because they play a video game or something.
    >> Jim Profit !cMAAqC5VYY 04/17/11(Sun)18:29 No.92634383
         File1303079385.jpg-(557 KB, 1280x1024, AwesomeJimProfit19.jpg)
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    Ad-hom without any explanation, shill detected. Shut up reactionary. Or explain yourself. Explain how it's stupid, or I'm just going to assume you're a janitor or someone who thinks if they sit on moot's dick, they're "better".

    Because you're getting absolutely nothing out of letting this fucker slide. NOTHING. And have everything to gain by him being forced to recognize that nobody "owns" the information online, it's merely an accessible thing. Like AIR.

    If mods, all mods, not just moot, but any forum, wants to believe they "own" their forum and can dictate who can and cannot post, then they can face legal reprocussions for whatever goes on in their forum. Period. End of discussion. So until you explain yourself, your argument is "huurhuur, they're self entitled and can tell us what to do but nothing bad can happen to them!"

    You make me sick.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:31 No.92634500
    You want to know why I love this thread?

    We're finally questioning moot's faggotry. With the popularity of 4chan, you'd think someone would point it out.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:31 No.92634529

    How the heck did you do that

    I'm on a fucking minimal FreeBSD box, how am I seeing fucking German fonts on here?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:32 No.92634563
         File1303079541.jpg-(10 KB, 220x218, 220px-AlexJonesBB2007.jpg)
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    >mfw /v/ has the best community out of all of the boards an never would go down without a fight
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:32 No.92634596
         File1303079569.jpg-(2 KB, 75x126, 1283205734450s.jpg)
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    >mfw /v/ is being taken down as we speak
    >mfw this is why /v/ was slow for a couple of days
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:32 No.92634597
    Thing is, I really don't give a shit
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:33 No.92634608
    The point is that the people who go 'lol such a geek' aren't the kind of people who are trying to appropriate 'geeky' things as fashionable.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:33 No.92634624
    Im so glad there are people more pathetic than I am
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:33 No.92634668
    >best community
    You fucking kidding me? The community is the reason why /v/ is the worst fucking board on 4chan. If moot wanted to take it down, I'd cheer him on. Fuck this stupid board.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:33 No.92634684
    /new/ and /r9k/ are gone because they were shit boards. Do you know how to stop /v/ from becoming even more of a shit board and getting axed? Post some goddamn vidya threads instead of shit like this one.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:34 No.92634721
    You guys are idiots if you think /v/ is going to get deleted. The worst that will happen is that it'll be sanitized. No racism. No flaming. No fun. It'll still be here.

    I'd say the most likely board to be deleted right now is /jp/, due to moot's dislike of it after they sagebombed his meetup thread and the fact that it's used as an informal cp dump, with posts being made and then deleted right after.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:34 No.92634731
    Yeah, me too. Makes me feel better about myself without doing any work.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:34 No.92634753
    To me it's a festering cesspool of shitty trolls and loudmouthed faggots who like to complain for no reason.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:35 No.92634765
         File1303079704.png-(89 KB, 343x400, EvilJew01.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:35 No.92634772
         File1303079707.png-(6 KB, 340x269, fat man reaching out towards a(...).png)
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    Motherfucking 0 fucks was given. Fuck you all, newfags, all of you.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:35 No.92634821
         File1303079753.jpg-(10 KB, 256x235, lol banana.jpg)
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    >/v/ has the best community out of all of the boards

    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:36 No.92634868
         File1303079783.jpg-(45 KB, 248x400, 1300089662898.jpg)
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    >After they sagebombed his meet-up thread
    High-fives all around for them. You guys actually know the type of people that go to those meet ups?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:37 No.92634957
    >trip fag
    >Implying anyone cares about the bullshit you make up
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:39 No.92635057
    Moot is a gay fucking faggot. 4chan sucks dick. /v/ is a fucking shithole. I hate ni-ggers and j-ews.

    I only bother with the chon now.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:39 No.92635113

    Maybe not best, but it's not as bad as you make it out to be.

    It's fun to watch streams and shit together.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:40 No.92635196
    I found out where new slinked off to.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:44 No.92635456
         File1303080249.jpg-(2 KB, 127x95, 1283206011130s.jpg)
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    Holy shit im not the only one? so its not my shitty internet
    Well. looks like moot IS taking down 4chan. It was nice knowing you fags.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:46 No.92635629
    Its not going to belong before "Anon" is gone.
    Soon everything will be connected to facebook and generic. Think like know your meme, youtube, facebook 4chan will be like those. I imagine it will feel like newer video games. Effortless bland and generic made by some company that just wants some money.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:48 No.92635837

    /new/ can be anywhere. They've been distinguished as racism, so pretty much racism falls under /new/shit.

    And conspiracy theories about the government, but even /x/ hates that.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:49 No.92635879
    reconstruction is underway over at

    i know at least some of you fags could go help out
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:50 No.92636049
    Thank you sir.
    We can begin anew its a shame all those man hours
    that have been lost.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:53 No.92636270
         File1303080815.jpg-(2 KB, 94x107, 1282313177668s.jpg)
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    >then they came for ED

    holy shit so glad that shithole got v&
    Fuck anybody who thinks ED was in any way good.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:54 No.92636363
    Why do niggers and jews ruin everything?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:55 No.92636469
         File1303080950.jpg-(75 KB, 500x333, Jimmy-Wales.jpg)
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    Looks like the Wikipedia / ED war is over.

    I guess Jimmy Wales always wins.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:57 No.92636604
         File1303081042.png-(4 KB, 464x103, moot jp christ.png)
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    /jp/ is next on the chopping block
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)18:58 No.92636706
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    i wonder... why is he the winner?
    not that he is jewish

    pic related
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)19:00 No.92636989
    They came for /new/ because it was a stupid, topicless /b/2 with nothing but trolls

    They came for /r9k/ because it was a stupid, topicless /b/2 with nothing but trolls

    And they'll come for /v/ because of threads like this that push us further in that direction
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)19:00 No.92637005

    New thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)19:01 No.92637051
    ITT: sage samefag tries to justify his denial of being a janitor by being the bees knees and reporting anyone who dislikes what he likes

    not to say I don't agree with him, but trying to be an internet badass just isn't the cat's pajamas, daddyo.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)19:03 No.92637263
    You're all fucking faggots, ED is still around

    Now, get to fucking work and start putting everything back together.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/11(Sun)19:16 No.92638467
         File1303082179.jpg-(31 KB, 640x480, 0008qzda..jpg)
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    fuck ED, fuck those other boards

    Perhaps we don't really even play vidya games, perhaps some of us are just here to troll, but no matter who we are, we're bros, bros 4 life. Nobody can break us, nobody can divide our fraternity of awesome.

    /v/ 4 LIFE

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