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  • File : 1302707778.png-(136 KB, 751x574, 6576575.png)
    136 KB Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:16 No.92216048  
    Anybody else scared of what this site is becoming?

    I've been on 4chan, mainly /v/ for the past five years. This has never happened before.

    I think mods are trying to clean up this place for the can.vas crowd. Which is a very bad sign for this site as a whole.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:16 No.92216081
    Hipster faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:17 No.92216110

    It's one rouge mod with a vendetta against "racism".
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:17 No.92216147
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    I'm just scared for the well being and freedom of this site.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:18 No.92216158
    he should know that you used to be able to get to 4chan by typing
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:18 No.92216165
    Lol wtf, that's not even a rule
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:19 No.92216253
    /v/ has no mods

    stop pretending
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:20 No.92216294
    "wtf i can't call people nigger wtf moot ep1c fail we are legion we do not forgive we do not forget right guyz"
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:21 No.92216355
    The scary thing is i never even called anybody a "nigger".

    I can't even remember why i was banned. It doesn't make any sense.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:21 No.92216372
         File1302708080.png-(739 KB, 937x4525, CHUCK NORRIS APPROVES OF THIS (...).png)
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    Spoiler: it's already happening.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:22 No.92216416
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    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:22 No.92216435
    I got banned for racism for 3 days, don't even recall using any racist words.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:22 No.92216475
    They're just trying to clear out the endless pile of non-/v/idya because, apparently, you beta chuckelfucks can't figure out to post in /b/.

    So, yes, please, I hope the Mods keep it up.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:23 No.92216555
    I am scared, OP, I truly am. I am afraid of what this place is turning into what with the addition of /soc/ where the common discussion reaches below facebook retardedness.
    Also, why are we all of a sudden subjected to bans for the tamest reasons never before seen on this board? I got automatically banned for two weeks for calling uninformed, nostalgiafag dipshits defending the 3DS' manufacture flaws N I N T E N D R O N E S. On fuckin' /v/!
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:24 No.92216566
    >They're just trying to clear out the endless pile of non-/v/idya
    Which is why we still have a dozen sadfrog pictures on the front page, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:24 No.92216570
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    This thread has to do with the board, i rarely make non-video games threads.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:24 No.92216599
    >Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.
    tl;dr OP is a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:25 No.92216617
    Nigger mod confirmed.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:25 No.92216653
    It's one mod word searching "nigger", and banning ANYONE who says it. Even out of context.

    Like if i said "I hate the word nigger, it's soo RACIST!"... i'm now at risk of getting banned.

    Moot won't do shit since his time is all taken up by Canvas
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:25 No.92216654

    Gotta start somewhere.


    Suuuuure. Rarely. Yep. It just so happens that you reek of Sad Frog and Y GIRLS NO LIKE ME
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:26 No.92216671

    Is that Steve Jobs?

    He's moving like a massive faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:26 No.92216674
    Bigotry and childish ignorance is being cracked down on? OH NO!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:26 No.92216682
    the weird thing is I used the word "nigger" in a very unracist way (I said was " can say the word nigger on /b/ and not get banned, making it 98% more free than the rest of the internet.) And got a three day ban. I first though it was an auto ban to use the word "nigger" but then used the word again for a 3 day vacation and nothing. So mods are being full retards.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:26 No.92216695
    Except how does it make any sense why i haven't been banned for racism in five years.

    This month is a first.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:26 No.92216726
    I'm ok if you are banned for that.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:26 No.92216732
    A new mod that is a buttdevastated nigger? Shocking.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:26 No.92216734
         File1302708419.jpg-(20 KB, 444x350, 1259181103711.jpg)
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    Mods don't do anything.
    I'll prove it by reporting you.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:27 No.92216783
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:27 No.92216787
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    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:28 No.92216803

    go back to /b/ you shit head
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:28 No.92216806
    I've never been racist though.

    How do you explain that.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:28 No.92216836
    newfag here who recently got a racist ban

    what's canvas?
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 04/13/11(Wed)11:29 No.92216866
         File1302708554.png-(1.14 MB, 1600x900,
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    Don't worry.

    When fails (and it will) everything will be back to normal.

    I mean hell, have you been there? It's SO FUCKING TERRIBLE.

    Think meme generator, lolcats, /b/ and youtube "thumbs up" whoring comments rolled into one.

    Seriously, that's the premise.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:29 No.92216867
    moots new jew project for getting more money and popularity
    facebook + 4chan
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:29 No.92216868

    This, occasional bans for racism is just some shitwipe getting mad at individual posts, as evidenced by like 90% of /v/ being non-vidya, which in itsself is against the rules, but it's also usually furry porn or some other shit that should cop a ban, but never does.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:29 No.92216877
    I can't wait to see you fucks being banned for piracy as well

    That day is gonna be glorious
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:29 No.92216882
    Please leave.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:29 No.92216894
    It's Moots shitty other site.

    It's actually called

    Also, lurk more.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:29 No.92216899
    It wasn't for posting on /v/.
    I say nigger all the time on /v/ and go along just fine, I got banned for 3 days for saying nigger on /tv/ and got banned within minutes.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:29 No.92216907
    Might just be a new mod with fat fingers.
    I've been banned a few times for reasons unknown.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:29 No.92216918
    Were you making a joke about black people in taste?
    Were you discriminating against a race in particular?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:30 No.92216939
    I think you are the one leaving
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:30 No.92216978
    Cotton-picking wog
    Sand Nigger
    Shit-skinned apes
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:31 No.92216993
    I got a very short ban a couple days ago for homophobia. I should have taken a screen shot.

    polite sage because vidya gaems
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:31 No.92216995

    happened to me here on /v/ for saying that playing SFIII made me feel like I was surrounded by n-bombs
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:31 No.92216997
    A newfag memefactory based on facebook. Been hogging 4chan's bandwidth.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:31 No.92217009
    I can't even remember.

    I think i might have actually quoted a racist post and said something about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:31 No.92217016
    Make like a tree and leaf faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:31 No.92217030
    dude, one time i saw soemone make a "Demon Souls sucks!" and the guy got banned
    because the mod didnt liked the thread

    I screen cap it and made a thread showing how pussy the mod is, and many people replied and everyone agreed

    i got banned "dont evade the ban"
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:31 No.92217041
    I don't, is your word against your own image.
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 04/13/11(Wed)11:32 No.92217061
    It shouldn't matter.

    Moot was pretty adamant about not interfering with the community a few years ago. I don't know what happened.

    Maybe he saw the Social Network and wants to be the next... Whatever that jew's name was. Mark Zuckburg.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:32 No.92217063

    I thought it was can.vas, my bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:32 No.92217085

    Is that faggotry the reason images on /v/ take so fucking long to load now?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:32 No.92217100
    /v/ has been a shithole for a while now, if they ban all the /b/ faggots then I don't care what other dumb rules they want to enforce.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:32 No.92217109
         File1302708764.jpg-(17 KB, 227x209, OK.jpg)
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    >When fails (and it will)

    You underestimate how retarded the general population of the internet is friend.

    This is the internet that has listened to "Friday" nearly 100 million times.

    The same internet that somehow make Gaia Online unfathomably popular.

    If anything will be a massive hit.
    >> Static Sleeping !INOTgAYszw 04/13/11(Wed)11:32 No.92217115
    Stop calling people a nigger then, you fucking idiot.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:32 No.92217119
         File1302708773.jpg-(95 KB, 1280x720, Rain2.jpg)
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    >People thinking lack of freedom on an anonymous image board is a good thing
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:33 No.92217137
    >mods actually enforcing the rules
    Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:33 No.92217154
    I agree OP

    I'm a big oldfag, been here for almost 8 years now. I remember the first 17k get.

    I've never gotten banned. In the past three weeks I've been permabanned three times for a day. Once for posting a link to another chan (which doesn't seem to be bannable, but whatever) and banned for participating in a "news thread" on /k/ where we discussed open carry vs. conceal carry. No news whatsoever. Then I got banned for sexism.

    Mods seem to be going out of whack, or they're all preparing for
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:33 No.92217155
    Except i can't ever remember doing that.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:33 No.92217158
    oh so that's why its been so shitty lately. Looks like shit, can;t wait for it to blow up in his face.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:33 No.92217162
    Similar thread yesterday that hit 200+ posts with everyone screaming 'nigger' and no bans.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:33 No.92217179
    But the mods don't support your childish behavior anymore, you are the one who doesn't belong here
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:33 No.92217189
    Hobbyte made my laugh. What the fuck is wrong with me?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:34 No.92217196
    No, moot is just a faggot and doesnt care about us anymore. He deserves to die. Our grateful leader isnt, anymore. MEET UP GUISE! xD
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:34 No.92217205
    I actually hope draws people away from 4chana to there, but it is looking pretty bad. A cauldron of web 2.0 and latest web trends, and in a bad way. Its such an obvious cash grab on the moot/4chan lable. Moot did not invent 4chan, and just shows moot does not know shit about designing websites. Course I'm bad at predicting consumer trends so I'm hopefully wrong.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:34 No.92217226

    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:34 No.92217237
    U R SUCH A NERD, liek ME <3
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:34 No.92217238
    Did they give reasons for Demon's Souls sucking?

    He probably got banned for trolling if he didn't.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:34 No.92217240
    >Then I got banned for sexism.

    i swear that if this ever happends here, its the end of free /v/ and the beginning of facebook /v/
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:34 No.92217241
    Ban for trolling, it is in the rules
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:34 No.92217245
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    Been here for five years. Been banned only once it was a week ago for racism. Seems like I'm not the only one. Saw some screen caped post from a mod saying they don't know who the hell does it, but everyone should avoid racist words outside of /b/ until they deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:34 No.92217246
    It's a sad pitiful state of events when someone can't say whatever the fuck they want on 4chan as long as it's within the board's topic. It's obvious you idiots are really just too damn stupid to see it.
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 04/13/11(Wed)11:35 No.92217281
    I refuse to believe that dragging stickers onto image macros and altering text on images as the entire basis of both your community and content as anything but a failure.

    It may have momentary success, but it wont last long.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:35 No.92217282
    sexism? seriously? dear god mods have their panties in a twist.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:35 No.92217289
    And how is racism relevant to this sub-board?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:35 No.92217304
    >Is that faggotry the reason images on /v/ take so fucking long to load now?

    Yup, that is the exact reason why buddy. is lagging us

    >Whatever that jew's name was. Mark Zuckburg.
    Didn't Moot meet Mark Zuckerberg before?

    He probably saw how filthy rich he has become because of Facebook and got all anal pained.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:36 No.92217338
    >When fails (and it will)
    It won't. is basically everything that has ever embodied the pathetic forumers and myspace/facebook faggots who feed on 4chan's leavings, made into a site.

    All those faggots you've seen posting 4chan memes such as coolface or pedobear while talking about how they think 4chan is weird? Yeah. Those are the people is designed to cater to, and they'll be drawn to it like flies to shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:36 No.92217341
    To be fair, "Friday" was listened to 100 million times for how horrible it was.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:36 No.92217343
    I got that, said MvC2 players were niggers lol
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:36 No.92217346
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:36 No.92217352
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    >Then I got banned for sexism.

    >> Doppelgänger !.97.to9elc 04/13/11(Wed)11:36 No.92217360
         File1302709008.png-(188 KB, 850x645, WhatOnEarthAmIDrinking.png)
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    >can't say whatever the fuck they want on 4chan as long as it's within the board's topic

    >Ever on topic.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:37 No.92217385
    Can someone explain what is?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:37 No.92217414
    post lolrandom pictures
    people rate them and edit them
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:38 No.92217438
    Rogue mod confirmed, then? Well, fuck this is annoying.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:38 No.92217452
    4chan for pussies we drove off 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:38 No.92217464
    it's /b/ 2.0 without porn i think
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:38 No.92217468
    That has to be a shop. 4chan has always been a bastion of free speech and freedom of thought.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:38 No.92217471
    hmm been on 4chan for...4 years? Only been banned lately for the whole racism bit.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:38 No.92217487
    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:39 No.92217509

    Most of the shit on /v/ isn't relevant to this board but they never clean ANY of that shit up, but his asspain gets out of hand the moment anyone says nigger.

    It's just retarded.

    Hell, if they wanted to make /v/ not terrible, I think we could all agree that would be fucking awesome, but they're not, it's just one guy banning for shit he doesn't like seeing and letting everything else slide because he's a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:39 No.92217520
    Its not bro, this actually happened twice to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:39 No.92217523
    To be honest? I'm kinda glad.

    I dunno if you guys have been here around pudding time, but tons of stormfags have been making /new/ threads around then.
    >> 'Konata(=ω=)~'!! !hKVgwdyGeM 04/13/11(Wed)11:39 No.92217527

    also, sage for not vidya
    for evading ban
    and for being a racist
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:39 No.92217536
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    >mvq the mass will and always were idiots.
    Never change, society...

    I mean (this now sounds pretty retarded) if i had something like a superpower to strike them all down. To kill them if you want.

    I always liked the manga deathnote. I would never be such an idiot, like Light and the other one that killed all the seniors, by getting "caught". I wont even show myself in public anymore. Just minding my business and killing one by one.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:39 No.92217540
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    Why does just about every other board have more moderation than /v/?
    I applied to be a janitor, they seem to have hired yet another lazy faggot instead.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:40 No.92217575
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    The ability to say whatever the hell we want without thinking about the consequences is was drew us to 4chan in the first place.
    If you support the ban on the word "nigger" for the racist implications it contains then 4chan will degrade and transform into something else, something worse. I'm not one of those "HURR WE ARE LEGIUM" morons but 4chan is about pure freedom of expression. I don't like it when someone says the word nigger in order to offend someone but I will not stand in his way either.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:40 No.92217577
    so anyone with half a brain has even less of a reason tog o to it? day 1 cancer confirmed.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:40 No.92217595
    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.

    Racism was never allowed outside of /b/ you fucking faggots.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:40 No.92217601
    deal w/ it nerd
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:40 No.92217606
    Racism I can deal with.

    But banning sexism? You better be fucking ready for a fight moot, because I'll be using the power of WORDS to show how DISPLEASED this makes me.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:40 No.92217620
    >no sage
    typical springtripfag
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:40 No.92217629
    i hate that new faggot
    in his FIRST DAy
    he makes a fucking stcicky about a SHIT flash game just so it gets attention!
    and another time he posted as a mod another flash shit game
    why do you need to be a mod to post that?!
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 04/13/11(Wed)11:40 No.92217630
         File1302709254.png-(1.31 MB, 1600x900, canv.as2.png)
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    Here's a picture from the front page.

    Also, read the thread. There are multiple explanations and a link to the site, but you can't get in unless you're in the beta... I don't even fucking know how I got in.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:41 No.92217664

    Your post is so gay I don't even have an image reaction for it.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:41 No.92217669
    I am the dude that got automatically banned for calling fanboys nintendrnes. I don't condone racism, I do find that getting banned for using nigger on 4chan is the biggest fuckin paradox I have ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:41 No.92217679
    Reported for spamming, lets see what happens.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:41 No.92217684
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    >Doesn't realize you can be banned for anything on /b/

    Fucking idiot
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:42 No.92217708
    Νiggers my Νigger

    all of them.... Νiggers
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:42 No.92217717
    people say nigger and stuff like that because they are anonymous

    there are no consequences when you are anonymous,
    >> KING OF /jp/ !2K23m85knQ 04/13/11(Wed)11:42 No.92217718
         File1302709329.jpg-(275 KB, 1024x768, 012139.jpg)
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    So what
    They ban us and in 3 minutes we are back?
    Use this 3 minutes to smoke a cig
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:42 No.92217733
    It is not. I got banned a week ago for saying "Nigga, Max Payne 2 has better graphics than Max Payne 3" or something like that. I hope it's just one retarded mod because god damn, I came to 4chan to be able to have free unmoderated conversations.
    >> jack !!v5sg1piOcEl 04/13/11(Wed)11:42 No.92217757
    why do you get to pass judgement. what makes you so special?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:42 No.92217767
    lol niggers
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:43 No.92217777
    >Getting banned for racism
    >Implying this is bad

    Obvious troll but just so people know, racism is bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:43 No.92217780
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    Who knows maybe it's just them preparing for canv.ass and turning this place into a "neat and friendly" forum. Shit sucks that I got a static IP though so no ban evasion for me.

    So where the hell will you people flee when shit hits the fan ?
    >> The Dude !TSoqL3B6Z. 04/13/11(Wed)11:43 No.92217790
         File1302709389.jpg-(42 KB, 368x355, horold pipe.jpg)
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    I agree wholeheartedly with this guy.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:43 No.92217794
         File1302709394.png-(274 KB, 300x400, 1302190263272.png)
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    I know, its pretty pathetic isnt it? I just cant hold it in anymore. Its what i think, is that so wrong?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:43 No.92217804
    I got one, right here: >>92216416
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:43 No.92217820
    At lot of people have reported random bans for no reason.
    One mod being a faggot, so I'm told.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:43 No.92217823
    Use a proxy.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:43 No.92217837

    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:43 No.92217842
    I could do with being banned just to get my ass off of /v/ and do some fucking uni work.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:44 No.92217848
    You must be new here.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:44 No.92217871
    then post with the Lanced jack tripcode
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:44 No.92217882
         File1302709472.png-(1004 KB, 1364x683, Canvass.png)
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    How do you not think Canvas is awesome?
    LOLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOL like look at this picture!
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:44 No.92217886

    Someone has to judge. Its not like "kill all tripfags" its to kill retards. Tripfriends arent always retarded, but most of them.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:44 No.92217894
    Well that sucks. I don't agree with racists but I won't deny their right to express their hate. Of course this is a video games board and discussion should be geared towards video games but banning somebody for their views is a bit extreme.

    I mean it'd be a lot better if the mod had just explained that the person was banned for non-video game content.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:44 No.92217901

    Just leave. No one here will miss you.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:44 No.92217906
    Pretty much. Gotta take the good with the bad anyways or you will have none at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:45 No.92217929
    Most of them are slow as fuck and get banned pretty fast.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:45 No.92217943
    9/11 jokes
    >haters with z
    >fucking magnets
    sweet lord
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:45 No.92217948
    I agree, but I got banned for just saying the word nigger, not calling anyone or anything a nigger. Just using it in a sentence. That's bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:45 No.92217949
    Enjoy your ban for homophobia.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:45 No.92217955
    >It may have momentary success, but it wont last long.

    if it makes money it'll last even longer buddy.

    4chan only started making money for Moot in the past year or so (and not a lot either). It spent the other 6 or 7 years making hefty losses.

    So if he refuses to shut down a site that has drained tens of thousands from his personal wealth, why would he abandon one that is people and advertiser popular? Wouldn't make any sense.

    If anything, WHEN really lifts off, expect 4chan to be almost totally abandoned by moot personally (he'll leave it to the mods to keep order, just like now, except full time).

    He'd probably sell this place, only for that nobody really wants to buy 4chan. INB4 Kimmo.

    I mean REALISTIC offers. 4chan is too controversial. No one outside of here wants anything to do with it.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:45 No.92217960

    Yeah the gayness of that image is quite unsettling, I knew moot was a faggot but fucking jesus what a mincer.
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 04/13/11(Wed)11:46 No.92217963
    The appeal of 4chan is the freedom of the community to say whatever they want. The point of an anonymous imageboard is that without an identity people are more likely to speak their minds without fear. Banning words to try and ban thought is counterproductive to that idea of anonymity and freedom.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:46 No.92217970
    I never said anything about moot.

    I never said the word "nigger" to get banned for racism twice. Do you not see the problem here?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:46 No.92217978
    Neither are shitposts but we get tons of them that don't get banned.

    polite sage
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:46 No.92217988
    >I've been on 4chan, mainly /v/ for the past five years.
    >This has never happened before.

    Then you're either lying or missed all relevant threads. Global rules used to be MORE enforced back when the site had less traffic, including bans for racism.

    The only thing I'm worried about is the number of off-topic faggots like you increasing.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:46 No.92217991
         File1302709588.jpg-(92 KB, 455x300, 7_proxies_verbose.jpg)
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    Get a good proxy.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:46 No.92217995
    Dunno if the same (it was at the same time periode for sure), there was also this mod deleting metroid prime threads. Those were actual good thread, not a single troll, talking about the games.

    Whoever this guy is, it's a massive niggerfaggot
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:47 No.92218036
         File1302709637.png-(224 KB, 800x407, 1298825678191.png)
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    Let me sum up this thread in one image.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:47 No.92218050
         File1302709651.jpg-(74 KB, 461x523, 1283140510097.jpg)
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    >only for that nobody really wants to buy 4chan
    I would, if I had the dosh.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:47 No.92218052
    Not lying, the most i've been banned for in five years was stuff like posting links.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:47 No.92218062
    nigga please
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:47 No.92218068
    reporting does nothing

    the only way to get mods to ban someone is if there is cp posted, and then again you need to go to #4chan and report it there
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:47 No.92218071

    Also they're missing the fact that you can be banned for ANYTHING on /b/, and it has been this way since forever.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:47 No.92218074
    >Mfw you say that and have a trip
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:47 No.92218076
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:47 No.92218079
    The mod is just some angry nigger or nigger lover, and they wonder why we fucking hate them
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:47 No.92218080
    >implying banning people for no reason is ok as long as you pretend they're racist
    Nice quads, btw.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:48 No.92218082
    Day 1 cancer.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:48 No.92218094
         File1302709696.jpg-(61 KB, 195x256, dohobaby.jpg)
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    >someone used my image in an inappropriate manner.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:48 No.92218097
    Lol Nigger
    also not vidya
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:48 No.92218107
         File1302709707.png-(14 KB, 295x285, mmh.png)
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    >this mod deleting metroid prime threads
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:48 No.92218126
         File1302709728.jpg-(13 KB, 180x206, 27517_101447903236049_9889_n.jpg)
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    They'll fix the problem sooner or later.
    In the mean time, let's just sit tight and wait for this whole thing to blow over.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:48 No.92218129
    Y-You mean... I'll have to man up and be racist in public from now on?! FUCK! But I'm a coward! I can only insult people anonymously! D:
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:48 No.92218140
    ..Who the fuck goes to /b/?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:49 No.92218143
         File1302709743.png-(198 KB, 288x600, 1296170847744.png)
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    Tell me your secrets.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:49 No.92218146
    OP, I've been here as long as you and I've been banned plenty of times. With the exception of my IP range catching me unintentionally, every ban has been justified. And you have to be a real asshole to get banned. Suck it up and learn to stop shitposting, idiot.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:49 No.92218149
    >that image
    Oh dear god I feel sick.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:49 No.92218161
         File1302709770.png-(392 KB, 626x470, 1292355795616.png)
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    Why do white people want to say that word so much?

    Fucking disgusting racist betas.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:49 No.92218192

    >rapidshare fine
    >megaupload fine
    >mediafire fine
    >some other share site that serves the exact same purpose

    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:50 No.92218226
    Well, those two bans were not justified, i can assure you.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:50 No.92218234
         File1302709840.jpg-(337 KB, 1803x1090, 1295213967694.jpg)
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    Oh, how low the mighty have fallen.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:50 No.92218240
    the site has never been about racism faggot, unless your a 12 year old on /b/, and i honestly dont give a shit if those kids get banned, i just wish the mods would delete threads like this one, that have absolutely nothing to do with videogames

    and if you really had been on /v/ for 5 years, you wouldnt be making cancer threads
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:51 No.92218255
    I know, eh? Fucking Starcraft kiddies.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:51 No.92218268
    Here's one helluva double standard.
    If you try posting N I N T E N D R O N E it will say your post is rude & you'll get a warn.
    If you write nigger... well, you won't get autobanned.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:51 No.92218303
         File1302709897.gif-(44 KB, 645x511, 1263111614546.gif)
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    >doesn't hurt anyone
    >causes high amounts of rage and asspain for no reason

    That's why.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:51 No.92218321
         File1302709909.jpg-(48 KB, 412x289, 1294590876743.jpg)
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    Truth summed up all up in this post.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:52 No.92218334
         File1302709922.png-(1018 KB, 1366x683, Canvass2.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:52 No.92218337
    Look who's talking.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:52 No.92218364
    The real problem is steadily increasing number of non-vidya threads.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:52 No.92218370
    All the things you've mentioned are popular.

    Yes moot's trying to clean the place up a bit for, what would you do if one of the worst sited (due to kiddies) is connected to your new mainly sfw site catered to the FB crowd.

    Either way, if you're banned for racism i don't think you're even old nough to be browsing here.
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 04/13/11(Wed)11:53 No.92218395

    It's because I have no self control and I shitpost when I'm anonymous. Having an "identity" makes me feel more accountable for my posts and makes them better.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:53 No.92218400
    I wish they would start banning people for making non-vidya threads in /v/
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:53 No.92218410
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:53 No.92218436
         File1302710015.jpg-(17 KB, 208x201, bruce willis just remembers th(...).jpg)
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    >nobody really wants to buy 4chan[...] it's too controversial

    What if Moot is cleaning up the site in an effort to sell up?
    >"See, we ban racism now! This is a family friendly site! BUY IT FOR THIS LOW, LOW PRICE!"
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:53 No.92218439
         File1302710019.jpg-(49 KB, 450x338, 1296597764166.jpg)
    49 KB
    More like

    >makes you look like a complete tool
    >act surprised and indignant when you get banned for it
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:54 No.92218468
         File1302710047.jpg-(9 KB, 200x194, snacks.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:54 No.92218472
         File1302710049.jpg-(37 KB, 640x398, RussiaThenNow.jpg)
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    Then-Now General?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:54 No.92218504

    >and if you really had been on /v/ for 5 years, you wouldnt be making cancer threads

    you must be new
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:54 No.92218520
    So Russia is still awesome?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:55 No.92218536
    >posting about 4chan

    Makes perfect sense
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:55 No.92218544

    This is why I say nigger most of the time. That or when they're actually being niggers, you know, slaying twelve year olds in a failed drive-by, stealing someone's car at gunpoint, you know, nigger behaviour.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/11(Wed)11:55 No.92218564

    I got banned for this shit the other day. I couldn't believe it, 4chan is just becoming a moralfag trash ground.

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