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  • File : 1299004420.png-(827 KB, 987x555, magicka.png)
    827 KB Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:33 No.88186551  
    so, what's your excuse for buying this amazing game?

    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:34 No.88186584
    I pirated the first one. It wasn't very good.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:36 No.88186738
    it's a multiplayer oriented game, of course you didn't have as much fun in single player. i pirated it, too and bought it after i played through the tutorial. gotta support creative indie devs, bro
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:37 No.88186820
    I bought the first one.

    None of my friends wanted it though
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:38 No.88186887
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:39 No.88186948
    Release fucking when.

    I love Magicka but multiplayer stability needs work. Will definitely buy this.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:40 No.88187042
    It's pretty cool for an indie game. It's Arrowhead's first game, too. I hope that they get all the bugs fixed, soon. Can't wait to see more games by those devs.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:41 No.88187070
    Looks just as generic and uninteresting as the first one.

    Peasant's Diablo 2 3rd Act.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:42 No.88187139
    My robe is ready but my body isn't. Vietnam is better than bc2, I wonder if Vietnam will be better than regular Magicka too.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:42 No.88187166
    Is that another fucking DotA clone?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:43 No.88187199
    >i have no friends to play with
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:44 No.88187283
    I've played it with friends. It's still shit.

    Hurr durr spam the same spell combos over and over.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:45 No.88187317
    >DotA clone


    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:45 No.88187325
    >Pirated an indie game for the tutorial
    >The Demo is the tutorial
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:45 No.88187331
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    holy fuck that's awesome
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:45 No.88187336
    Playing over Skype is fucking awesome. You're doing it wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:45 No.88187339
    Great concept, average execution. If the system was more complex than just [projectile type] + [element] and had more interactions than just the typical fire/slow/wet, it would be game of the year.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:47 No.88187409
    so have they made multiplayer on the original playable yet?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:47 No.88187441
    i don't even bother looking for demos anymore, i always pirate a game first. i didn't expect the game to be worth 10 bucks, but i was wrong
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:47 No.88187443
    Hum. In some parts of the video so do you see loads of wizards. Are they all players or are most of them NPCs?

    AKA - Will this contain 8 player coop?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:49 No.88187549
    personally, i never had any problems playing the game, but according to the steam forums there're still many bugs and many people who can't even start the game.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:49 No.88187567
    Doubt it. 4 player co op is enough chaos.
    Friendly fire is always on, if you didn't know.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:51 No.88187676
    Still random issues, but very playable.

    Just had a Challenge mode game where everyone started to fall through the floor, resulting in game over after the last guy finally fell through before rezzing the others.

    Was probably caused because we were spamming way too many Elementals though.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:52 No.88187750
         File1299005543.png-(11 KB, 233x229, i have no face everyday.png)
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    If you're only using the most powerful spell all the time rather than experiment with different combinations, killing your teammates half the time, you're doing it wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:52 No.88187782
    >Hurr durr spam the same spell combos over and over.

    You know, it's you who uses the same combos all over again. Sure, finding out what's the strongest beam and projectile isn't hard and gives you potent tools, but there are a lot of other combos and Magicks to use as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:52 No.88187785
    Oh, so you just have no creativity. I suppose you min/max in every game you play, and whine about how there's nothing to do after.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:53 No.88187805
    yeah 2 player was optimal since 4 player was just a clusterfuck where no one could do anything since you'd kill your friends if you did anything making every spell except lasers useless
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:53 No.88187809
    i think it's because of lag, the netcode is horrible.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:54 No.88187894
    Already? Christ, the game is still new. I would hope they don't plan to charge for this, what with all the stuff they said would eventually be put in. (Goddamn PvP when?)
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:54 No.88187912
    yeah go ahead trying to use any water spell, Conflagration or anything other than a laser since you'll kill your friends if you do

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