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  • File : 1298998843.png-(8 KB, 230x230, iwatabomb3.png)
    8 KB PREPARE. Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:00 No.88180099  
    It is 1 day, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds,
    until Wednesday, 2 March 2011, 09:00:00 (San Francisco time)
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:05 No.88180435
         File1298999145.png-(182 KB, 300x323, BODY.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:06 No.88180525
         File1298999219.jpg-(8 KB, 221x244, 1296243943131.jpg)
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    Are you making a criminal threatening, son?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:07 No.88180549
         File1298999240.png-(375 KB, 461x442, densetsu.png)
    375 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:08 No.88180629
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:10 No.88180758
    Beyond Good & Evil HD mother fuckers.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:11 No.88180875
    Without streams this is gonna be turbo dull.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:43 No.88183109
    trailers should be on youtube shortly after the keynotes
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:44 No.88183193
         File1299001446.jpg-(137 KB, 463x462, reggie is ready.jpg)
    137 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:45 No.88183313
    >More Skyward Sword screens, slightly different from the ones we've already seen

    >Legend of Zelda: The 3D Xylophone of Wonder, coming out 2014 for the Nintendo 3DS!

    Whoopdee doo.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:47 No.88183470
         File1299001654.gif-(98 KB, 90x100, fabulous prez.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:48 No.88183562
         File1299001719.png-(930 KB, 976x429, iwata sword.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:49 No.88183618
         File1299001760.jpg-(76 KB, 804x494, iwata_gdc_09.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:49 No.88183663
    hold me /v/ ;__;
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:50 No.88183727
         File1299001855.png-(26 KB, 130x100, kawaii.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:52 No.88183808
         File1299001924.png-(1.92 MB, 3000x2049, 1292196249276.png)
    1.92 MB
    The time is upon us.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:52 No.88183854
    Can NOT wait!!!

    captcha is for haters:

    ylgarken this
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:52 No.88183864
         File1299001966.jpg-(304 KB, 900x507, iamperfect.jpg)
    304 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:53 No.88183888
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:53 No.88183895
    y'all niggas garkin' dis shit?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:53 No.88183944

    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:54 No.88183954
         File1299002047.png-(1.91 MB, 1600x899, RVL_ZeldaSS_01ss01_E3.png)
    1.91 MB
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:55 No.88184031
    the one thing that bothers me is the baggy pants. they should be tight, imo.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:55 No.88184087
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:56 No.88184118
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:57 No.88184171
    for what?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:57 No.88184191
         File1299002255.png-(175 KB, 298x298, derp.png)
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    >asking for a trailer 24 hours before the event
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:58 No.88184230
    will epona be in the game? i say she shows up at the end
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:59 No.88184343
         File1299002375.jpg-(44 KB, 305x350, th'is th'read.jpg)
    44 KB
    >majora's mask ends up being boss of skyward sword
    >it is revealed ganondorf originally got his power from majora's mask
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:59 No.88184353
         File1299002382.png-(1.67 MB, 1600x899, RVL_ZeldaSS_02ss02_E3.png)
    1.67 MB
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:59 No.88184358
    Thats a cool HD screenshot
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:00 No.88184406
    except he got it from the Triforce of Power, idiot.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:00 No.88184409
         File1299002425.gif-(63 KB, 377x237, gdc-2011-iwata-satoru.gif)
    63 KB
    It is 0 days, 23 hours, 0 minutes, 18 seconds,
    until Wednesday, 2 March 2011, 09:00:00 (San Francisco time)
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:00 No.88184436
    That would be amazing if Majoria was in this one, and this Link was Deity Link using the Skyward Tunic or something.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:01 No.88184462
    that's why i said originally. he got it from majora's mask, then lost it, then lusted for power again, hence he goes after the triforce of power.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:01 No.88184479
    >>majora's mask ends up being boss of skyward sword


    >>it is revealed ganondorf originally got his power from majora's mask

    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:01 No.88184486
         File1299002491.jpg-(55 KB, 640x553, you're awesome.jpg)
    55 KB
    mfw i read that in his voice
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:01 No.88184490
    someone put a countdown time website up!
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:02 No.88184527
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:02 No.88184573
    I think it's mostly common knowledge by now that this will be the first Zelda in the timeline.

    Unless Ganon shows up and basically all the theories go to shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:03 No.88184602
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:03 No.88184630
    derp he had powers before acquiring the triforce piece, did you not see how he fucked up link in OoT when fleeing the castle?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:04 No.88184685
         File1299002664.jpg-(36 KB, 461x403, 1297034053566.jpg)
    36 KB
    >mfw I heard the "dun dun dun" when I saw the pic
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:04 No.88184691
         File1299002668.png-(1.69 MB, 1600x899, RVL_ZeldaSS_03ss03_E3.png)
    1.69 MB
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:05 No.88184761
         File1299002733.png-(1.79 MB, 1600x900, RVL_ZeldaSS_04ss04_E3.png)
    1.79 MB
    >> Lobster !WKb8s/Q4BY 03/01/11(Tue)13:05 No.88184762
    You creep me out sometimes /v/.

    Here I am at work, deciding to browse /v/ on my phone while waiting for more chemicals to test, listening to my ipod. I scroll down, see this, and the Clocktown Final Day track comes up on my ipod.

    >Captcha: milath tensified
    I agree, Captcha.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:05 No.88184764
    >then lost it
    right, and C3P0 and R2D2 JUST HAPPENED to forget that Anakin turned into Darth Vader. Herp.

    He shot a lightning bolt and that was it. Lots of enemies have done that in Zelda.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:05 No.88184783
    i can't believe i'm defending the prequels. they said they were going to wipe C3P0's memory and it's implied a bit that R2D2 was fully complicit in working with the rebels
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:06 No.88184798
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:06 No.88184828
         File1299002798.png-(1.8 MB, 1600x899, RVL_ZeldaSS_05ss05_E3.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:07 No.88184880
         File1299002839.png-(252 KB, 824x1544, zelda_timeline.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:08 No.88184920
    h-h-h-here we goooooooooooooo
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:08 No.88184949
    >you will never see a current gen zelda natively play in this resolution ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:09 No.88184994
         File1299002950.png-(1.88 MB, 1600x899, RVL_ZeldaSS_06ss06_E3.png)
    1.88 MB
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:09 No.88185004
    agree with this, but where do you put lttp in the split timeline theory? I'm guessing in the same one as wind waker, since you have the descendants of the seven sages and shit. but does that mean it happens after ww and the waters recede?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:09 No.88185023
    >I will never actually care ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:09 No.88185030
    No, its just "before OOT". Could be after Minish Cap.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:09 No.88185037
    >lol i'm back
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:10 No.88185067
         File1299003020.png-(1.91 MB, 1600x899, RVL_ZeldaSS_07ss07_E3.png)
    1.91 MB
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:10 No.88185085

    except the trees. wat?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:10 No.88185115
         File1299003056.jpg-(39 KB, 395x461, 1196734168493.jpg)
    39 KB

    Timeline discussions on /v/ stir up less shit then most people think. In fact, most of the shit-stirring comes from the fact that any mention of any kind of timeline prompts 10 people to go "THREAD RUINED" or "THERES NO TIMELINE"
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:11 No.88185136
         File1299003087.png-(1.55 MB, 1600x900, RVL_ZeldaSS_08ss08_E3.png)
    1.55 MB
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:12 No.88185197
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:12 No.88185207
         File1299003161.png-(1.56 MB, 1600x900, RVL_ZeldaSS_08ss09_E3.png)
    1.56 MB
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:12 No.88185216
    These are from the old E3 build. Its far from finished. Link is basically the only thing that looked finished in that demo. The full game will look closer to the artwork and more consistent.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:13 No.88185232
    Why is everyone still hyped for skyward sword? The E3 presentation was a failure, and the screens look worse than the N64 Zelda. I'd rather have the Wind Breaker style than this hybrid piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:13 No.88185284
         File1299003224.jpg-(437 KB, 524x900, 81c791915ddc264c615f013d145b6e(...).jpg)
    437 KB

    Well, in Spirit Tracks, which is a sequel to PH (Which was the sequel to WW) they find some kind of landmass. In Zelda 2, all the names of the various towns are the same as the names of the sages, so it's assumed that the landmass used in Zelda, Zelda II, and LTTP are the one found after WW.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:13 No.88185285
         File1299003225.png-(1.9 MB, 1600x900, RVL_ZeldaSS_08ss10_E3.png)
    1.9 MB
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:14 No.88185308
         File1299003251.gif-(201 KB, 384x238, 1162672602995.gif)
    201 KB
    Oh God, why is everything so...pastel and washed out?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:14 No.88185313
    >implying demos are indicative of how epic the game will be

    >implying there wasn't mass disappointment after the first WW trailer

    >implying that game didn't blow away everyone's expectations
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:14 No.88185318
    >implying it doesn't look FABULOUS
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:14 No.88185320
         File1299003259.jpg-(572 KB, 1000x1000, 1296766437767.jpg)
    572 KB
    >mfw I'm 10 fucking years old and have no idea what I'm doing in Majorah's Mask

    It's still my favorite Zelda game though.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:15 No.88185385
         File1299003325.jpg-(61 KB, 620x350, doll face.jpg)
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    >Link looked finished

    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:15 No.88185400
    gtfo underage
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:15 No.88185412
    so let's say LOZ, zelda 2, and lttp take place in "hyrule II".

    what comes first, 1 and 2, or lttp?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:16 No.88185424
    1 day until more detail about zelda casual edition emerges
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:16 No.88185459
         File1299003400.png-(1.9 MB, 1600x900, RVL_ZeldaSS_08ss11_E3.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:17 No.88185504
    it's stated that Zelda 2 is a direct sequel to Zelda 1, so that's settled.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:17 No.88185525
    That still doesn't deal with the major issues.

    >Ganon dead and turned to stone
    >Triforce at the bottom of the sea
    >Master sword too

    If thats true then where the fuck did Ganon and the rest of that shit come from? Not to mention the imprisoning war fiasco. Of course it used to be OOT but they retconned that.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:17 No.88185534
         File1299003468.png-(2.03 MB, 1600x900, RVL_ZeldaSS_08ss12_E3.png)
    2.03 MB
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:17 No.88185545
    >MM came out in 2000
    >10 plus 11 makes 21
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:18 No.88185551
    it's hilarious to me how nintendo has been making epic zelda games for 25 years and still haven't managed to gain the trust of some gamers. they're always doubted, until the games actually come out.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:18 No.88185570
    god i wish they just converted to the windwaker style art
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:18 No.88185585
         File1299003520.png-(1.38 MB, 1600x900, RVL_ZeldaSS_08ss14_E3.png)
    1.38 MB
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:19 No.88185645
         File1299003572.jpg-(207 KB, 1024x768, 1242896259121.jpg)
    207 KB
    Oh now I remember where I've seen this style before..

    It's neat but I think playing the entire game like this would be a chore, like TP's brownblooman.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:19 No.88185658
    >Not to mention the imprisoning war fiasco. Of course it used to be OOT but they retconned that.

    What do you mean they retconned that? OOT is supposed to be the imprisoning war isn't it? Did they back out on that?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:20 No.88185677
    Majoras mask, best game ever
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:20 No.88185696
    >the trust of some gamers

    we call them >underage faggots
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:20 No.88185730
    >Paint orcs
    Great quest.

    I think it'll be fine anyway. Im excited.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:20 No.88185731
         File1299003652.gif-(4 KB, 104x120, realexcited.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:21 No.88185746
    I heard that and now suffer this
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:21 No.88185763
         File1299003685.png-(1.87 MB, 1600x899, RVL_ZeldaSS_08ss15_E3.png)
    1.87 MB
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:23 No.88185879
         File1299003805.png-(1.95 MB, 1600x899, RVL_ZeldaSS_08ss16_E3.png)
    1.95 MB
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:23 No.88185899
         File1299003816.png-(1.1 MB, 1240x1654, 1288629225298.png)
    1.1 MB
    I was actually playing Ocarina of Time just now...first time since I was a wee lad.

    So fill me in, what is Skyward Sword bringing to the table? I remember TP being repeatedly disappointing though it had the best women
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:23 No.88185912
    Ganon came from the Gerudo land, we are given hints as to why he would wish to become evil, but you have a point they could make a game where you play Ganon from babby to fully formed evil mastermind.
    The Triforce came from the three godesses
    The master sword's origin may be shown in Skyward Sword, apparently there is a theory that the Skyward Sword dies and becomes the master sword
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:24 No.88185973
         File1299003893.jpg-(118 KB, 329x619, stainedglass1.jpg)
    118 KB

    This can be resolved with simple nonsensical fantasy logic. The sword seals him away; after it was shoved in his goddamn skull, he didn't even die, he just muttered about the wind then turned to stone. If I know shit anything about standard fantasy bullshit, then chances are taking out the sword would undo the petrification. How someone got under the sea and pulled it out, a valid and fairly unresolved concern.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:25 No.88185990
    OOT used to be the imprisoning war in LttP. But after WW and TP and all the new games the first four Zelda games dont fit into the timeline anymore. They tried the retcon the imprisoning war with Four Swords Adventures but then Miyamoto back out of that too(allthough some of the game script is still on the disk).

    But yeah the old

    OOT > LttP > Z/Z2
    doesn't fit with
    OOTchild > MM > TP
    OOTadult > WW > PH > ST

    The original games have becomes messy to fit into the timeline. Not to mention Miyamoto saying the LttP was a sequel to the original 2 around the OOT release.

    Those first four games have gotten fucked over timeline wise.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:25 No.88186023
         File1299003932.jpg-(760 KB, 840x4596, 1298479582733.jpg)
    760 KB
    Obviously this is first in the Timeline.

    Link lives up in the Sky, right? Right next to the Gods.
    Then, he goes to Earth and all those babies he makes become the new Links.

    That explains why they're all "chosen" and all look the same - they have the seed of the Sky Hero in them all!
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:27 No.88186128
         File1299004035.jpg-(23 KB, 548x383, GANON1.jpg)
    23 KB
    Whoever ruined that pic with jpg compression should be hanged by the neck until dead.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:27 No.88186145
    The problem with that timeline is that Master Sword CANNOT be in a forest in woods when it's sunk in Ganon's skull under the ocean. ST feeding into LTTP requires a heavy handed retcon.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:27 No.88186153
    >they have the seed of the Sky Hero in them all!

    first Nintendo game to show paedo-rape? nice
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:27 No.88186162
    Doesn't deal with the issue its under the sea potentially thousands of miles away.

    >the landmass used in Zelda, Zelda II, and LTTP are the one found after WW.
    is what i take issue with because there is no explanation for how all of that old hyrule shit came to ST land.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:27 No.88186172
    Wait, what is the part where he's all like 'Omg' and goes past the events of OoT? The neon green line?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:28 No.88186210
    OOT > LttP > Z/Z2

    But OOT has 2 endings, don't forget. Was this timeline the child or adult timeline?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:29 No.88186262
         File1299004153.jpg-(19 KB, 261x225, salesman.jpg)
    19 KB
    That's like.. the greatest picture I've ever seen in my life. Manly tears were shed
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:29 No.88186268
    They should have played with the concepts they had more. Too much trying to be OOT.

    Might have been nice if they'd combined elements of ALttP and OOT - made it a nation under the control of a tyrant so that the Rebellion group in Telma's bar actually has something to rebel against. Plus, that sense of being an outlaw is always fun in a game.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:29 No.88186270
    green line = traveling back in time
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:29 No.88186293
    look closely. zelda sending link back in time.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:30 No.88186333
    Remember that guy who went around with a crane salvaging lost treasures?

    He probably pulled it out and woke Ganondorf up.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:30 No.88186368
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:31 No.88186399
    Yes, but.. wait what.

    The part where Zelda sends him back to his childhood and right after should be Majora's Mask, and then right after that should be Wind Waker.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:31 No.88186411

    Skyward Sword trailer leaked.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:31 No.88186431
         File1299004304.png-(210 KB, 552x326, 1298709964621.png)
    210 KB
    Why do he look like jackson
    WTF MAN every other link had some class this one just look like a black turned white fuck that shit im out
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:32 No.88186453
         File1299004326.jpg-(512 KB, 3000x2308, SSLink1.jpg)
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    >Aonuma: There was a sense that we had made The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess too big. We felt like we weren't able to fully leverage its scale and not quite package it into one solid piece. So we wanted to make sure we first built a strong foundation for the game and then create a compact, yet solid playing experience.
    >Iwata: I see. You're not saying there was too much to enjoy, but rather you might have been able to increase the density of game elements while packaging so many stages and other ideas in its vast world.
    >Miyamoto: Yeah, it's really's not about game density, but about the density of play.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:32 No.88186463
         File1299004335.jpg-(78 KB, 600x454, 1226463119958.jpg)
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    Well, Ganon and The Master Sword makes up the entirety of "All that shit". Things like the kingdom can be rebuilt. As for how someone (supposedly a descendant of Link) got to the bottom of the goddamn ocean and pulled a sword out of a petrified skull, well...

    Certainly stranger things have happened in LoZ? The ST landmass being the new Hyrule makes the most sense to me, but yeah that is a considerable fault with the theory.


    Not like you can upload the original here, though. Too big. Too awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:32 No.88186476
    As far as I see it is IMPOSSIBLE for Zelda 2's plot to coherently be placed after the great flood. Because the royal traditions and holdings were destroyed along with it. They sure couldn't have preserved the first Zelda sleeping through all of that.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:32 No.88186498
    This was back before that theory existed. It doesn't make much sense if you take the split timeline into account. Especially considering WW.

    It used to be that Ganons seal in OOT transcended time so link goes back to being a kid and puts the master sword back. Then hundreds of years later ganon breaks the seal and LttP happens and the ToT has becomes the sacred grove of the MM. Basically both endings happened.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:33 No.88186568
         File1299004434.jpg-(546 KB, 3000x2436, SSLink2.jpg)
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    >Miyamoto: A real challenge with Twilight Princess was that as development moved from the earlier stages into the latter half, that balance was lost. The 3D Modeling Team was steadily expanding the size of the game, but the actual content of the game was not keeping pace. The longer the 3D modeling and the content remain out of step, the more sparse the game becomes. Or, game content starts interfering with other content and spoiling it. Trying to get that under control is a real challenge. Putting it another way, perhaps it's controlling the balance of "sparsity" and "density" that actually makes a Zelda game.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:34 No.88186607
         File1299004472.jpg-(527 KB, 1000x1356, 1236409830790.jpg)
    527 KB

    You seen the castle in Spirit Tracks? It pretty much looks just like the goddamn castle from WW. Not a lot of originality from Tetra and the first settlers.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:34 No.88186618
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:35 No.88186651
         File1299004503.jpg-(603 KB, 3000x2647, SSLink3.jpg)
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    >"What we are focused on is creating gameplay mechanics so the gameplay experience feels very dense. In fact, the overall experience is going to feel more dense," Miyamoto said. "We hope that people will want to go back and replay the game once they finish it."
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:35 No.88186677
    TP's big problem was gimmicky new gadgets that only had 1-2 uses, and retarded ass new villains.

    That whole shadow thing was crap. And turning into a wolf was just bad, liked it better when it was a pink bunny with no opposable thumbs.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:35 No.88186694
         File1299004550.jpg-(79 KB, 600x720, Ganon reigns.jpg)
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    I've had a problem with that theory for the longest time. For one problem; no one remembers the names of the sages nor the Hero of Time in the Wind Waker era. Founding cities named after them -and fucking Mido- is a stretch. But still they're pretty important characters without being sages... so why wouldn't that fit in the child timeline?

    The fact Twilight Princess places the Master Sword in an overgrowing Temple of Time seems to REALLY set up the forest local of the Master Sword in Link to the past. That makes far more logical sense than an incredibly contrived scenario to undo a considerable effort to remove the elements of Ganon and The Master Sword.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:36 No.88186730
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    >Miyamoto: “With Super Mario Galaxy 2, for example, we were flexing our gaming muscles. The sense of satisfaction from making a difficult game is amazing."
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:36 No.88186734
    SO link is turning gay and hes into bondage now good for him im glad I left after GC,PS2,XBOX Gen
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:36 No.88186736
    one thing for sure is that OOT is when ganondorf FIRST obtains the triforce of power and becomes ganon, so if ganon shows up in ss, everything goes to shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:37 No.88186805
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    >Hidemaro Fujibayashi is a Nintendo video game designer, previously being employed at Capcom's Flagship studios before its closure. Having directed The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages, The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons, the Four Swords segment of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past & Four Swords and The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, Nintendo quickly hired him after Capcom closed the studio to work on new Zelda games. His first project at Nintendo was being the sub director of the Nintendo DS video game The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. Shortly after the completion of that title, he went on to direct The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword for the Wii.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:38 No.88186856
    Shigeru Miyamoto is god among men.
    I still haven't finished TP, is it worth it?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:38 No.88186860
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    That picture + LOTR soundtrack = fucking epic.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:38 No.88186861
    >Indiana Jones
    >The Belmonts

    I wish i could hate you to death.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:38 No.88186868
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:38 No.88186871
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    Yeah, I could see the 3 being after TP.
    You know honestly, I never thought of that.
    Not sure why. Maybe I attributed Ganon's status after TP as "Perma-Dead" while I just thought of the petrified one as "Sealed".
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:38 No.88186918
    the wolf wasn't bad, it just didn't fit in with the story well. the items were shitty yea, as they literally didn't havea sue outside dungeons but overall the world was more immersive and better tailored toward the art style. I think it's the best if not second best zelda console game in the series
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:39 No.88186919
    some of the best dungeons in the series
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:39 No.88186926
    Yes. The Twilight realm should have been done differently.
    I think if they had simply made it a realm in which you can see people's true souls and such would have made it interesting. Like a more powerful lense of truth, you'd have to enter it to discover hidden things and then re-enter the real world.

    The way they did it in TP, the Twilight Realm was just a chore.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:40 No.88187030
    Its a solid action adventure game/zelda game. If anyone tells you the game is bad they're retarded, clearly they have never played an actual bad game and are just overreacting to a less than spectacular entry to the series.

    Its a Zelda game, its worth it. Just play it and enjoy it. Its not the best but its not the worst, whatever.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:40 No.88187031
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    Nice image OP, but I prefer mine.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:41 No.88187108
    Why, what happens tomorrow?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:41 No.88187112
    His is better as a thumbnail
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:42 No.88187122
    It's not BAD, but you have to admit that it's got some pretty fucked up design compared to previous games.

    I think what irritated me the most was RUPEES, RUPEES EVERYWHERE.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:42 No.88187129
    I personally think it's likely that Ganon exists independently of Ganondorf. Ganondorf is a sorcerer, so he probably made some communion or pact with the creatures of the Dark World. In return, Ganondorf actas as a way for Ganon to act in the real world without actually escaping the Dark World fully.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:43 No.88187175
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    It's a shame they canned the Ganondorf back story from Wind Waker because of the deadline.

    The concept art was pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:43 No.88187181
    It looked cool but it could have been a lot more fun.

    I have to disagree about the items though, I thought TP's items got far, FAR more use outside of the dungeons you found them in than OOT's.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:43 No.88187213
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:43 No.88187216
    I disagree I liked TWP Better
    But I liked WW art very much and I think it could have been better
    WW art for land water wind etc was awesome
    Every character model and art looked hideous
    If they had the model from TWP with the art from WW then it would be GOTY ALL YEAR
    This new art is trying to much to be a mix of twp and ww art when you try to please everyone you will end up almost pleasing none
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:43 No.88187217
    I don't like that theory. Ganon has to be Ganondorf.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:44 No.88187268
    Like i said, its not the best Zelda game. But even a bad Zelda game is still a great game.

    Ever played a game called Metal Dungeon on the original xbox? Now that is a bad game with poor design.
    >> Keroro !!S5GPvUN2yVu 03/01/11(Tue)13:44 No.88187279
    who doesnt love this commercial?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:45 No.88187333
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:45 No.88187341
    Yeah but I started hating the whole franchise because of WW
    Ganon is not evil the gods are evil
    They destroy Ganon land and made suffer is people
    I felt bad for killing ganon
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:46 No.88187401
    It's hideous.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:47 No.88187404
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    I have it on DVD.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:47 No.88187408
    Personally I thought the game reintroduced old elements with a breath of fresh air.

    The desert crypt level was really well designed, for example, as was the dungeon behind the Temple of Time. I know it recycled the "control a statue clone" mechanic from WW, but the scale and improved graphics really added to the atmosphere of exploring a sacred place long since untouched by man.

    It's little things like that which make TP, and almost all Zelda games worth it. You might argue that it's not the best game in the franchise, but as a stand-alone game it was great. At least for me.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:47 No.88187431
         File1299005247.jpg-(273 KB, 939x1032, LTTP smear.jpg)
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    True; Ganon had.... like seven hundred magics involved with killing him in Twilight Princess. But I feel Ganon somehow overcoming that as a plot of the next time, whether as a split entity sealed in the dark world or something, is par for the course. While the Master Sword's location sets some kind of continuity.

    It also helps my thinking that none of the train or technological advancements are seen in LTTP, LOZ, or AOL.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:47 No.88187440
    Concept art? I've never seen it.

    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:47 No.88187453
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    you want, you lose
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:48 No.88187478
    young link timeline

    >upon leaving termina he tries to go back to hyrule
    >gets ship wrecked
    >goes back to hyrule with no items
    seasons after comes

    you are now aware of that
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:48 No.88187509
    it's fake
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:49 No.88187532
    dat sun
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:49 No.88187560
    >Zelda 1 + 2
    >Based on in game maps instead of artwork

    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:49 No.88187589
    except the triforce is split in LoZ, whole in the oracles, and split again in AoL
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:50 No.88187646
    You can't get to Termina by boat and LA is a direct sequel to LttP.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:50 No.88187653

    It looks good, anyway.

    I've often thought it'd be nice to hear more about Ganondorf's initial motivations. I know he becomes pure evil, but in WW it seems to be suggested that he started his whole mission out of a desire to help his people.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:51 No.88187703

    how is it a direct sequel?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:52 No.88187732

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