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  • /r9k/ and /new/ were removed. No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.
    Considering new boards; feel free to e-mail suggestions. Janitor applications will open again soon.

    File : 1295325355.png-(350 KB, 446x298, 1289780637810.png)
    350 KB Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:35 No.84208694  

    It's been awhile since we've seen 4chan in a state like this. Losing one of the most popular boards, moot making plans to cut off about 4 more.

    What new boards will this horizon bring?

    What new boards would you like to see?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:37 No.84208779
    What was /baw/ and /stormfront/?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:37 No.84208794
    /x/ needs to go.

    Poor bastard has been dying for months now.

    I want a /zom/bie board.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:37 No.84208841

    /r9k/ and /new/ anyone care to tell me what new was?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:37 No.84208859
    wtf is going on
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:38 No.84208870

    /stormfront/ want /new/ most of the time. Racist bunch of fucks.

    /baw/ I'm not sure.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:38 No.84208905
    >moot making plans to cut off about 4 more.

    Please elaborate
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:38 No.84208910

    /r9k/ and /new/

    Speaking of, anyone got a screenshot of moot mentioning the removal of those boards?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:39 No.84208953
         File1295325543.png-(6 KB, 627x324, Done Deal.png)
    6 KB
    Have any of you considered that maybe, just maybe, this is him trying to see if we can't pull together for the sake of this board?
    Just saying.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:39 No.84208960
    /new/ news
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:39 No.84208962
    /new/ was SUPPOSED to be about news, but turned into a shitstorm of racism.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:39 No.84208982


    Those are the boards moot mentioned supposedly. He's saving bandwidth and cutting off the most useless boards.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:39 No.84208984
    Read it,man
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:39 No.84208998
    /stormfront/ was just filled with racist trolls about jews and niggers.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:39 No.84209000
    Get rid of /jpn/

    Add /futa/ so /d/ isn't just a full page of futa threads all the time.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:39 No.84209021
    /v/ and /co/ seem safe. Neither of them really harm anyone. Besides, they're two of the biggest boards.
    >> New /r9k/ 01/17/11(Mon)23:39 No.84209026
    We have a new refuge for displaced bots

    We have a new refuge for displaced bots

    We have a new refuge for displaced bots

    We have a new refuge for displaced bots

    We have a new refuge for displaced bots
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:40 No.84209064
    apparently he's getting rid of jp, t, and lit.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:40 No.84209081
    so, what was deleted?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:40 No.84209089
    He's deleting the ones that waste bandwidth.

    are all likely to meet the guillotine. Shame, I was just starting to de-beta and get into /fa/.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:40 No.84209096

    You have some proof?

    Not because i doubt you, but everyone would make a fuss about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:41 No.84209111
    This is all a test.
    We've failed.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:41 No.84209134
    Wait, when did this happen? I just noticed that /r9k/ and /new/ are gone.

    /new/ was worse than /b/ anyway, but I liked /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:41 No.84209136
    Keep /vp/ so those faggots don't drain back over here

    that was the whole point of making it
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:41 No.84209143
    /pa/ - Post Apocalyptic
    >> Tim, King of /tv/ i made 4 memes and my waifu is SelenaGomez :3 (u jelly?) !!X5Zs2Y3d/1e 01/17/11(Mon)23:41 No.84209182
    moot says /tv/ wont be cut so im happy as fuck
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:41 No.84209186
    >get rid of /toy/, /vp/, /an/, and /int/
    >add nothing
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:41 No.84209196
    Not as fun as the fives and rainbows, but one of the more funny moot trolls. My favorite recent one was the HARMONY~during E3. My favorite old one was the rainbows when /g/ became technology from guro and /l/ was no longer lolicon.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:41 No.84209202

    New what? New dragon dildos?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:41 No.84209204


    Oh you.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:42 No.84209216
    /n/ could be next

    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:42 No.84209228
    moot will never get rid of /v/, its the best board on 4 chan aside from /co/. To bad /b/ isn't going but then they will all flood /v/ so /b/ has to stay.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:42 No.84209232
    shitstorm indeed

    still the board gave out news really quick and there was some interesting reads. I enjoyed talking to people about the events then the next day theyre all like how the fuck did you know that?!
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:42 No.84209251
         File1295325746.jpg-(16 KB, 415x415, 1289786709396.jpg)
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    hopefully mootles will get ride of all non-anime/weeaboo boards, and make 4chan like it should be
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:42 No.84209267
    /fa/ is good and has funny injokes
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:42 No.84209280
    /new/ browser here

    Its called stormfront for a reason.

    Every thread and I mean every thread would go like this.

    >News article about something.
    >thats interesting but that doesn't really add up

    Thats just the news articles. Almost over 75% threads just start on the race war part and meltdown into blaming the jews.

    In a way though. I kind of liked it. It was great trolling material.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:42 No.84209282
    no that's us
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:42 No.84209288
    >what new was

    News you fucking idiot.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:42 No.84209291
    I'd fucking love to see a videogames board.

    I can dream can't I?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:43 No.84209304
    But wasn't /new/... well, a new board? from the rebirth of /lit/ batch?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:43 No.84209306
    source or gtfo
    nothing wrong with /lit/
    sure they are smug and condescending, but at least they stay on topic and have decent discussions
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:43 No.84209319
    No way in hell.
    moot deletes /jp/ and we move back to /a/. He does not want us back in /a/, I can tell you that much.

    The rest are useless chaff however.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:43 No.84209320
    /dw/ - Doctor Who
    /tt/ - Thomas the Tank and TUGS
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:43 No.84209321
    a million times this.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:43 No.84209338

    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:43 No.84209344
    I doubt /vp/ will go, I mean its actually pretty fast and if he does delete it, well like you said they will flood back here.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:43 No.84209351
    /v/ won't go.
    Moot likes the vidya too much.
    /b/ definately will never go because i's the main draw for traffic.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:43 No.84209362
    /jp/ won't be deleted.
    It was basically the original version of /vp/.

    A board designed to remove a certain type of content from a larger board.

    /jp/ functions as an area where all the Touhou and Visual Novels can go besides /a/.

    I dread if /jp/ content is forced back into /a/.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:44 No.84209393
    but /z/ already exists
    >> Doctor Professor Tripfag !81MaSHiaZ. 01/17/11(Mon)23:44 No.84209411
         File1295325866.jpg-(24 KB, 288x499, WHY.jpg)
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    With all his recent /b/ faggotry, it makes me wonder what moot is really up to..
    My God...
    He's picking us off one by one.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:44 No.84209431
         File1295325889.jpg-(17 KB, 256x256, you retard.jpg)
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    >best board on 4chan besides /co/
    Nigga you went full retard.
    /v/ is the second worst to /b/.
    /co/ is alright and everyone knows that /sp/ is the best.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:45 No.84209460
    What if-

    Guys calm down now

    What if Moot goes an-

    Guys seriously shut up and let me talk

    What if moot deletes /b/?

    Just imagine.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:45 No.84209480

    I just took a look at /vp/ after seeing the post about the possibility of that board getting cut. We need that fucking board to stay there they're still a bunch of insufferable furry manchildren which we cannot allow to seep into ours or any other board with their disgusting posts.
    >> VIDEO GAMES !!+9M/Jsuq6B5 01/17/11(Mon)23:45 No.84209492
         File1295325936.jpg-(38 KB, 175x176, 1292828601044.jpg)
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    /3/ needs to go, the only board where the same topics are on the front page for the whole day
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:45 No.84209495
         File1295325943.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 510 KB, 793x559, 1292450570004.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 510 KB
    /b/. Get rid of it, and IP ban everyone who visited in the last 24 hours. It needs to fucking die.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:45 No.84209506
    News, I thought.
    >> Tougou Masakazu !DWTCi9Vwl2 01/17/11(Mon)23:45 No.84209508
    >/soc/ removed
    >recently added

    I'm calling bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:45 No.84209515
    maybe he should add /hc/ back
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:45 No.84209517

    All gone, I swear if /v/, /a/ or /co/ is gone. I'm done, I'm gone man, I'm gone.
    >> That Paranoid Guy !JSPlnZgyGY 01/17/11(Mon)23:46 No.84209525
    The irony.
    >> ToaHero92 !!Y44T4hJWKx8 01/17/11(Mon)23:46 No.84209531
    I like how he has made /b/ black for today.
    guess what today is.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:46 No.84209539
    /co/ isn't even that great of a board, every fag and their mom just finds it necessary to perpetuate the stereotype that it -is- good
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:46 No.84209542
         File1295325974.jpg-(11 KB, 234x200, 1274672706512.jpg)
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    >mfw moot hasn't said anything and somehow this thread is still alive on baseless statements
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:46 No.84209548
         File1295325976.jpg-(5 KB, 250x199, Smile.jpg)
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    am i the only one hoping /x/ survives.
    they make me smile
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:46 No.84209567
    /new/fag refugee here

    fuck my life
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:46 No.84209571
    >getting rid of /soc/
    Dammit, /b/ was just starting to become good.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:46 No.84209587
    i want /an/ to stay...
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:46 No.84209600
         File1295326012.png-(9 KB, 407x395, 1295031647435.png)
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    I enjoy /int/, why not cut /fa/ It's basically /soc/.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:47 No.84209643

    please, oh god, please
    >> Tea !iMAd.U6Rb2 01/17/11(Mon)23:47 No.84209644
    If he cuts off /3/, I'm gona travel into the US and slap his shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:47 No.84209656
         File1295326053.jpg-(24 KB, 410x364, 1254583644571.jpg)
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    >implying anyone but faggots who would only fag up this place with their worthless presence would browse /r9k/ and /new/
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:47 No.84209662
    /x/ just needs to be heavily moderated. There is still plenty of OC, but it all gets lost between the I'm a [insert fantasy creature here] ask me anything and the troll threads. I'd say /x/ is the most OC driven board of them all to be honest. The whole board is predicated on people writing their own creepypasta. But yeah.... that board is one big pile of shit thanks to the aforementioned problems.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:47 No.84209664
    Wait, /new/ was racist as fuck?

    Why the hell did no one tell me there was a board for that? I wouldn't have ignored it.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:48 No.84209699
    Isn't this the second time that the news board was deleted? If I remember correctly, it was /n/. Then after the many shitstorms, moot changed it to transportation.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:48 No.84209702
    Get rid of /jp/. They are now THE worst board here.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:48 No.84209704
    Woah woah woah. I fucking love /sci/ and /x/. What the fuck is this.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:48 No.84209711
    /sp/ that's one of the easiest boards to troll
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:48 No.84209715
         File1295326095.gif-(16 KB, 575x287, meltdown.gif)
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    >moot wants to destroy /jp/
    >moot wants to keep /vp/
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:48 No.84209716
    HAHAHA no

    Guess what /new/ was created for?
    It was to get the stormfags out of /k/ and /int/

    Now almost of /new/ is making a nice comfy home in /int/ again. Its your turn to deal with /a/. I really hope your shit gets deleted.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:48 No.84209735
    He's gonna get rid of 4chan and replace it with
    That's what I heard.
    If that does happen, we could all find japanese proxies and go to 2ch
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:48 No.84209742
    >person from /new/ makes an afternoon thread talking about events going on throughout the boards
    >they get deleted
    no fun allowed
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:48 No.84209755
    Three of the biggest boards on 4chan? No way.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:49 No.84209776
    because if he destroys /vp/ they'll come here dumbfuck
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:49 No.84209821

    It wouldn't be that bad.
    Yeah, the rest of the internet would shit themselves in horror, because apparently anon is the badasses of the internet, but no one on 4chan would give a fuck.
    >> Doctor Professor Tripfag !81MaSHiaZ. 01/17/11(Mon)23:49 No.84209822
         File1295326178.jpg-(99 KB, 715x782, SHUT_DOWN_EVERYTHING_by_Brunow(...).jpg)
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    These are dark times indeed.
    I can't wait to see what happens, it's so juicy and fun!
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:49 No.84209829
    He's gonna delete the boards in reverse order of 'let's all point and laugh'
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:49 No.84209834
    Personally, I wouldn't mind. /a/ was much better before the split.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:49 No.84209835
    you're obviously new here since you have no attachment to /v/ but we are the ones that start memes, we are the ones that actually care about the cancer spreading, we are the ones that share an eternal bro bond. Fuck off and go back to what ever shit hole you came from, most likely /b/ or /tv/.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:49 No.84209839
         File1295326199.png-(2 KB, 166x130, 1291141076607.png)
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    >go to /b/ right now
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:50 No.84209845
    >implying the big 3 aren't /a/, /v/ and of course /b/
    runners up are /k/ /vp/ /jp/ and /g/
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:50 No.84209852
    A video games board would be nice.

    Kidding aside, /feet/ would be a good board to have
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:50 No.84209861
    Delete /v/ and /tg/, merge them into a single board

    /ga/ - Games
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:50 No.84209863
    Nothing can be worse than that cancerous piece of shit /soc/. I honestly can't think of any board that could be created that would be worse than /soc/.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:50 No.84209877
    and nothing of value was lost.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:50 No.84209891
    foot fetish is /d/
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:50 No.84209899
         File1295326240.jpg-(113 KB, 280x375, mondays.jpg)
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    Remember when he removed /hc/ and it wasn't a big deal? Why can't we feel the same way about /new/ and /r9k/? Those boards were just as worthless and terrible as /hc/.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:51 No.84209928
    >getting rid of /sci/
    Go fuck yourself, moot
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:51 No.84209931
         File1295326267.jpg-(3 KB, 103x94, tro.jpg)
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    create /fur/
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:51 No.84209932
    I want /x/ to stay as well, they've been here for a long time and don't deserve this shit. I go there from time to time and its relatively live and on topic, I don't see why moots taking it down.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:51 No.84209960
    Me too, probably one of the better 4chan boards, too bad it's slow as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:51 No.84209974
    There are foot threads all the time on /s/
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:51 No.84209977
    No. The content is too different.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:51 No.84209982
    /new/ was cool. When people posted news. Which was never. Nothing but politics and trolls.

    /r9k/ fucking sucked.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:51 No.84209987
    I would love a post-apocalyptic or survival board.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:51 No.84209991
         File1295326301.jpg-(432 KB, 1154x664, photonotrelevant.jpg)
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    moot needs to add a /dubs/ board

    Also, dubs related. Pic, not so much.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:51 No.84210002
    This will save 4chan.
    >> Tougou Masakazu !DWTCi9Vwl2 01/17/11(Mon)23:52 No.84210014
    /hc/ was useless to begin with. /r9k/ kept the FOREVER ALONE to one board and /new/ contained the racists.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:52 No.84210020
    I hope /lit/ and /mu/ are safe, I get a lot of good shit from their respective sharethreads,

    Apart from that I just hang around here, so I shouldn't be too affected.
    >> That Paranoid Guy !JSPlnZgyGY 01/17/11(Mon)23:52 No.84210022
    Heeeeell naw, keep /v/ away from my /tg/.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:52 No.84210052
    I say remove /an/, /jp/, /n/ and /f/.
    >> Kotonoha's husbando 01/17/11(Mon)23:53 No.84210092
    I remeber moot saying something about how he didn't think we needed 4 image dump boards. so expect /cm/ /y/ or /c/ to go next
    I think he shout take off /cm/ and /y/ and just make /gay/
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:53 No.84210094
         File1295326387.png-(161 KB, 377x607, mfw.png)
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    >/v/ falls to the culling
    >mfw i think about the possibilities
    >> Blitz !OhLawdmvac 01/17/11(Mon)23:53 No.84210106
         File1295326395.jpg-(286 KB, 1600x1200, zerohour.jpg)
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    Foolish children.

    You know nothing of dark times.

    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:53 No.84210120
         File1295326404.jpg-(34 KB, 310x310, 1277437433428.jpg)
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    kill /lit/

    bunch of pretentious fucks
    >> VIDEO GAMES !!+9M/Jsuq6B5 01/17/11(Mon)23:53 No.84210126
         File1295326406.jpg-(77 KB, 426x357, 1294598564940.jpg)
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    >that pic

    what a waste
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:53 No.84210138
    3 is planning to troll us

    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:53 No.84210149
         File1295326420.png-(30 KB, 500x575, JEW.png)
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    You know who's behind this deletion, right?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:53 No.84210151
    hope he offs /jp/ they are the most useless board here now
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:53 No.84210175
    /dubs/ - Doubles

    Where every post ends in doubles!!
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:54 No.84210186
    I think you're confusing feet with futa. Don't worry, I made that mistake myself.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:54 No.84210190
    /jp/ is fine, you guys
    >>   01/17/11(Mon)23:54 No.84210217
         File1295326466.jpg-(31 KB, 400x300, 117568-FB.jpg)
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    /trv/ shall never die
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:54 No.84210233
    foot fetish is /d/

    so is body painting fetish, by the way
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:54 No.84210236
    /m/ must live, it's the best Japan-related board on 4chan, next to /po/.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:54 No.84210238
    No. Buncha fat fucking nerds in MY /v/?
    I mean, other than you guys of course. You're cool.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:54 No.84210255
    Honestly I hope he gets rid of /v/..
    I know he never will, but I hope by some chance he does.

    Then we'll finally be free.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:55 No.84210264
    /soc/ is filled with femanons and cumdumpsters.

    it's also filled with forever alone faggots
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:55 No.84210286
    according to this thread, every board is getting deleted.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:55 No.84210295
    A history board would be nice. In fact, renaming /int/ /hi/ would be pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:55 No.84210320
    Wow, i just went to /b/ and i think it is looking the best it has looked in years.
    >> Tougou Masakazu !DWTCi9Vwl2 01/17/11(Mon)23:55 No.84210332
    >/jp/ is useless

    /a/ will go to shit if /jp/ gets axed. Hell, /v/ will get flooded with Touhou also.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:55 No.84210339
    /d/eviant here
    futa needs its own board
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:55 No.84210341
    whelp time to go to ebaums
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:56 No.84210358
    /v/ used to make memes 1 to 2 years ago. It's amusing but it sucks. Admit it. It sucks BECAUSE THIS IS A FUCKING VIDEO GAME BOARD AND WE'RE TALKING ABOUT 4CHAN. BECAUSE /v/ ISN'T EVEN ABOUT VIDEO GAMES ANYMORE.
    Get your head out of your ass.
    Other boards may be much more full of faggots but at least they talk about what they're supposed to,
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:56 No.84210372
    lol /b/ is copletely blacked out
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:56 No.84210380
    seems appropriate

    well I guess this is goodbye gentlemen it has been an interesting ride
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:56 No.84210384
    /v/ NEEDS to go. might as well just change it to /zombie/. it hasn't been good for a couple of years now.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:56 No.84210412
    For all of you saying you want /jp/ deleted, think about the consequences for a second. If it's deleted, they'll all go back to /a/ and it will be a shitstorm just like it was before.

    Then moot's only option left will be to delete /a/ as well. Tell me, do you really want /a/ all over 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:56 No.84210418
         File1295326607.gif-(99 KB, 384x331, 1283696895463.gif)
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    I was banned for a week once, I got so much done but the pull is too strong to stay away and even if /v/ went I know too many people from /v/ now, I'd just get dragged into /v2/
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:57 No.84210441
    /a/ was much better before the split. Also a touhou general would solve the problem.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:57 No.84210442
    you and every other liberal on there.
    What we need?
    we need to change /b/, or delete it. Seriously, that newfag shit has got to stop. That place has been dead to me for years now, I come back on and it's just about hacking a friend's FB account.
    Seriously, the fuck?

    Also, we need a /bear/ board. Seriously. A board about motherfucking bears.
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE!!mhUwXbfmPl+ 01/17/11(Mon)23:57 No.84210448
    What the shit?
    What boards were cut?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:57 No.84210492
    Feets aren't nearly kinky enough for /d/, and /b/ is to shitty to even try. If there're two separate boards for transportation and cars, then I don't see why there can't be feet. I don't get it myself, but it seems like a fairly big thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:57 No.84210502
         File1295326669.jpg-(50 KB, 352x375, crying-bear.jpg)
    50 KB
    you said it bro
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:57 No.84210513

    A thousand times this.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:57 No.84210516
    Where is everyone getting this info?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:57 No.84210518
    >mfw /soc/ wasn't a boad dedicated to girls posting their feet in socks
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:58 No.84210537
    glorious re/b/oot

    it will only be a matter of days before moot stops giving a fuck again.

    I hope he will bring back forced anon to /b/ :)
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:58 No.84210563
    /soc/ is filled with cumdumpsters
    >> Tougou Masakazu !DWTCi9Vwl2 01/17/11(Mon)23:58 No.84210569
    /r9k/ and /new/ were axed a couple of hours ago.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:58 No.84210572
    /r9k/ and /new/

    Can you fucking read?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:58 No.84210573
    >> Derp Diggler !!dpnmBJ8AqWa 01/17/11(Mon)23:58 No.84210574
    As long as /lit/, /tv/, /mu/, and /trv/ survive, I'll be happy.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:58 No.84210577
         File1295326721.gif-(2.08 MB, 267x200, 1294014398175.gif)
    2.08 MB
    >My face when I go to /b/ after /r9k/ gets deleted

    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:58 No.84210581
    >Feets aren't nearly kinky enough for /d/
    yeah, they are
    /d/ isn't an 'extreme' board

    it's where you put weird ass fetishes, like feet and farting
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:58 No.84210583
         File1295326725.jpg-(45 KB, 288x499, ken livingstone is upset.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:59 No.84210604
    Okay sure I admit that we sway off topic a lot but thats not our fault, /v/ has become /b/ 2.0 since all the /b/tards flood over here from time to time, i mean who the fuck doesn't like video games?? oh wait.. But seriously, I think /v/ has the most moral out of all of the boards.
    >> Doctor Professor Tripfag !81MaSHiaZ. 01/17/11(Mon)23:59 No.84210612
    /new/ and /r9k/
    >> Spaceman !!AD5BPIyLBCW 01/17/11(Mon)23:59 No.84210622
    >What we need?
    Truer words have not been spoken
    >Also, we need a /bear/ board. Seriously. A board about motherfucking bears.
    >> Noblesse Oblige !w1OqvVniJE 01/17/11(Mon)23:59 No.84210628
    Also browsed /new/
    Despite the falling out most people had that led to race war sit, jew blaming, shit tossing across party lines, etc., there were plenty of people who actually knew what the hell they were on about, it was almost like talking to my friends because I didn't really need to fear getting banned for saying something outlandish when everything seemed...well, outlandish.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:59 No.84210638
    kill off /sci/ /sp/ /f/ and /rs/
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:59 No.84210648
    /n/ and /o/ should be combined I dont see the purpose in a "transportation" board
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:59 No.84210653
    >do you really want /a/ all over 4chan
    /a/ already is all over 4chan. You must be either blind or the newest kind of newfag if you haven't realised.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:59 No.84210660
    >create /fur/

    fuak yarr
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:59 No.84210666
    >But seriously, I think /v/ has the most moral out of all of the boards.
    is your pool of boards 3?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:00 No.84210671
    /b/ won't ever be good
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:00 No.84210677
    chyeah, today was a good day ..

    on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:00 No.84210686
    You already have /soc/k
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:00 No.84210710
         File1295326829.jpg-(56 KB, 491x339, hornses ass.jpg)
    56 KB
    I don't see why any of those boards needed to be cut. If Moot thinks shittraps don't serve their purpose he might as well just get rid of /b/ and see what happens.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:00 No.84210713
         File1295326832.jpg-(24 KB, 311x321, 1285441206390.jpg)
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    look for yourselves..
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:00 No.84210722
         File1295326840.jpg-(15 KB, 400x286, ice cube.jpg)
    15 KB

    aw yee
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:00 No.84210730
    those are useful boards
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:01 No.84210753
    >buttfuck the most popular board on 4chan
    >remove the only other general discussion board
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE!!mhUwXbfmPl+ 01/18/11(Tue)00:01 No.84210756
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:01 No.84210757
    Way to try and fuck up bears for everyone
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:01 No.84210795
         File1295326905.jpg-(14 KB, 209x248, 1277347692047.jpg)
    14 KB
    there's hardly any futa there now, you fags see 1 futa thread and suddenly

    i just checked /d/ after reading your post and i didn't see a futa thread until page 3 seriously just deal with it
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:01 No.84210796
         File1295326906.png-(65 KB, 245x208, dude what.png)
    65 KB
    What happened to /b/?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:01 No.84210810
    know how to make /b/ better? change the letter.

    no really. do it. start anew, see what happens.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:02 No.84210814
    Fuck, we shouldn't be talking about this shit on /v/.

    I'll make a thread on /5/ and /inv/.

    See those there who know how to get there.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:02 No.84210821
    >/new/ is gone.

    Good riddance. At least here you can tell who the trolls are. Over there you couldn't distinguish them from the retarded hacks.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:02 No.84210824
    >kick off /f/

    Fuck no, thats one of my fav boards, they have some pretty fun shit on there.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:02 No.84210825
    >kill off /rs/

    the rest are ok it would be weird without /sp/ but I can manage
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:02 No.84210829
         File1295326931.png-(21 KB, 749x131, 1295321921221.png)
    21 KB
    I know im really late to this thread, but here is the cap showing they are being deleted.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:02 No.84210835
    well fuck. /t/ was probably one of 4chan's best boards, and now /a/ will be shit yet again.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:02 No.84210837

    Moot said he's deleting all boards with a high tripcode user count
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:02 No.84210853
    Get rid of /adv/ and /soc/ and bring back /r9k/. It was still the 2nd best board on the sight even with the faggots.

    For the creator of 4chan moot sure knows fuck all about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:02 No.84210854
    any guesses as to what has happened with /b/? is moot gonna relaunch it or some shit, What Happened?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:02 No.84210857
    >need bandwidth
    >cut off the least used boards
    the fuck kind of logic is this shit?
    /b/ gets more traffic than every other board combined.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:02 No.84210866
         File1295326964.png-(118 KB, 248x246, 1282659017540.png)
    118 KB
    >mfw you don't remember April Furs Day
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:02 No.84210880
         File1295326977.png-(15 KB, 553x546, not vidya.png)
    15 KB
    >171 posts and 29 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:03 No.84210883
    >removing /soc/


    I MAD
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:03 No.84210884
         File1295326982.jpg-(42 KB, 375x445, 1295067210672.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:03 No.84210888

    Let's be fair, open a newspaper and half of it is about niggers being niggers.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:03 No.84210896
    >/r9k/ kept the FOREVER ALONE to one board
    It didn't though. It seeped into /v/ among other boards.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:03 No.84210897
    >/v/, /a/, /co/, /lit/, /m/, /po/

    As long as these stay, I'll manage.

    Although some boards like /fa/ and /tv/ disappearing would be a bit of a shame. I go to them occasionally when I need a change.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:03 No.84210901
    Wtf? /new/ is gone?

    It was like 4chan's only FULL-ON TROLLING board. It was great.
    >> Waffle !WAFFLE/6WA 01/18/11(Tue)00:03 No.84210909
         File1295327003.png-(35 KB, 245x250, 1295252750113.png)
    35 KB
    Mother of god, how long has this been up?
    I'm trying to ignore the fact that you were on /b/ in the first place at the risk of sounding like an elitist who judges people based on preference
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:03 No.84210925
    /v/ has handled the influx of newfags from /b/ quite well, it maintained a moderate level of shittiness without going completely to hell. I don't agree on board moral though, /a/ is much stricter when it comes to shitposting, people using emoticons or being newfags (which might have something to do with more newfags being present on /v/). On the other hand, /a/ tends to fluctuate a lot more in terms of shittiness, at times being better than /v/ at times much worse. Personally, I consider /a/ and /v/ however the boards which are closest to what 4chan was like about half a decade ago.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:03 No.84210940
    I saw three different threads with futa on the front page
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:03 No.84210954

    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:04 No.84210991

    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:04 No.84211003
         File1295327085.png-(490 KB, 700x400, What was that.png)
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    A weird part of me hopes that moot will destroy 4chan completely in the next year or so. Then there would be far less reason for me to be online. I don't even know how much I'd miss /v/ aside from some awesome recommendations you all have given me.

    Even though it would be a sad day for the internet in that "online identity vs anonymity" way that moot often talks publicly about (I actually agree with him on the issue), I don't want to see the state of this website in the next five years. It can only get worse from here.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:04 No.84211004

    well I guess moot turned the lights off to save him some energy. damn eco-nut
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:04 No.84211017
    useless boards:
    /w/ (keep that shit on /a/)
    adv/ (take that shit to /b/)
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:05 No.84211024
    more like /tv/ and /o/
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:05 No.84211026
    Boards don't "contain" anything, guys. When you make a shit board, it BREEDS shit posters, who eventually WILL leave for other boards regardless.

    Yes, that means that /vp/ faggotry will one day force it's way into a subset of /v/ culture.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:05 No.84211055
         File1295327121.jpg-(181 KB, 708x700, Hell yeah motherfucker.jpg)
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    I honestly think, just for shits and giggles, Moot should remove /v/, /co/ and /a/ (The Big Three) for like a day.

    I'd LOVE to see the fucking madness unfold.
    >> OP 01/18/11(Tue)00:05 No.84211089
         File1295327159.jpg-(6 KB, 204x258, 1294557945131.jpg)
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    MFW moot adds /futa/
    >> Blitz !OhLawdmvac 01/18/11(Tue)00:06 No.84211093
         File1295327160.jpg-(143 KB, 936x728, HAHAHAOHWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.jpg)
    143 KB
    >/r9k/ and /new/ were removed. No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.
    >/r9k/ and /new/ were removed. No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.
    >/r9k/ and /new/ were removed. No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.
    >/r9k/ and /new/ were removed. No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.
    >/r9k/ and /new/ were removed. No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.
    >/r9k/ and /new/ were removed. No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.
    >/r9k/ and /new/ were removed. No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.
    >/r9k/ and /new/ were removed. No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.
    >/r9k/ and /new/ were removed. No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.
    >/r9k/ and /new/ were removed. No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.
    >/r9k/ and /new/ were removed. No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.
    >/r9k/ and /new/ were removed. No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.
    >/r9k/ and /new/ were removed. No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.
    >/r9k/ and /new/ were removed. No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.
    >/r9k/ and /new/ were removed. No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.
    >/r9k/ and /new/ were removed. No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.
    >/r9k/ and /new/ were removed. No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.
    >/r9k/ and /new/ were removed. No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:06 No.84211095
    how are people even replying to threads on /b/?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:06 No.84211109
    /3/ and /li/ at the same time?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:06 No.84211122
    dont confuse your jelly with its use
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:06 No.84211137
    By god how normal

    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:06 No.84211138
    I love and hate all you motherfuckers ;_;

    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:06 No.84211152

    this is how /jp/ will die
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:06 No.84211154
         File1295327204.gif-(559 KB, 400x276, Haha faggot.gif)
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    >mfw /b/
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:06 No.84211155
    >implying /v/ hasn't gone completely to hell within the last 3 years

    yeah ok, newfag
    >> Q5pKnLebmA! !AmbeLnKp5Q 01/18/11(Tue)00:07 No.84211171
    >select all
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:07 No.84211201
         File1295327243.jpg-(49 KB, 725x271, 12314214.jpg)
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    >> Tougou Masakazu !DWTCi9Vwl2 01/18/11(Tue)00:07 No.84211210
    >/r9k/ and /new/ were removed. No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.

    As I thought. Well, nothing to see here guys. Return to your beds.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:07 No.84211214
         File1295327253.jpg-(5 KB, 101x87, best of little kids screaming.jpg)
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    >No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.

    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:07 No.84211227
    Funny. I went to /d/ to check the veracity of your claim, and there were 2 futa threads on the front page, as well as one non-futa topic that had a futa image as the OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:07 No.84211232
    >>>/vp/ is gone
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:07 No.84211234
    /3/ is probably gone again and so is /x/
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:07 No.84211240
    Every other thread is Futa, bro. Just go and see for yourself. EXCEPT OH EM GEE THEY'RE DIFFERENT DONT DELETE THEM

    Need I go on?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:07 No.84211242
         File1295327276.jpg-(12 KB, 450x299, ahh.jpg)
    12 KB
    mfw I read this and scrolled up and saw it was true.

    also moot is monitoring this thread, MOOT GIVE US A FUCKING /FUTA/ BOARD YOU IMMENSE FAGGOT

    Oh the irony
    >> Wax 01/18/11(Tue)00:08 No.84211244
    >/new/ is gone
    Great, might as well have just gone to stormfront.
    >> Noblesse Oblige !w1OqvVniJE 01/18/11(Tue)00:08 No.84211245
    It's just one deranged asshole bumping e very futa thread that had been there for weeks, at times. We can't really do anything about it but complain without spamming ourselves, but he'll bump without content threads that literally have never to no content available, such as "brown skinned purple haired futa on the beach wearing clothes." No content, just some jilted half-response.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:08 No.84211252
    what a shame...i was hoping to see /soc/ gone and maybe a new /gif/ just for porn put in its place. /gif/ rarely has a thread that isn't porn and when it does its auto page 15 because of the 50 other porn threads being made which are usually just asking for sauce
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:08 No.84211254
    I like /int/ they have good china trolling threads. Only problem is that the storm faggots like it there.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:08 No.84211256
    Moot should create /can/ for cancer.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:08 No.84211265
         File1295327300.jpg-(54 KB, 461x523, 1276535414367.jpg)
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    I was tearing up you cunt
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:08 No.84211275
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:08 No.84211285
    It hasn't.

    As long as there are still Bloodlines threads being made on /v/, there is hope left.

    It has gotten worse, but considering the amount of newfags that has flooded in, it could have been much worse.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:08 No.84211287
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:08 No.84211308
    Eh, we never used to have anyone who took the console wars seriously. PC gamers never used to be obnoxious.

    But the board was still riddled with trolls everywhere. And instead of NOT VIDYA we had pokemon

    I say it hasn't changed that much
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:09 No.84211327

    Actually it was April to May 2006, but being part of the cancer, you wouldn't know that.

    Seriously, the shift that happened between February and June was the most dramatic shift of an online community I've ever seen.

    And 2006 was in fact the worst year /v/ ever had, though that may have been in part because of the console launches creating bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:09 No.84211352
         File1295327380.png-(215 KB, 300x375, 1282068862602.png)
    215 KB
    >Considering new boards; feel free to e-mail suggestions. Janitor applications will open again soon.
    >Considering new boards; feel free to e-mail suggestions. Janitor applications will open again soon.
    >Considering new boards; feel free to e-mail suggestions. Janitor applications will open again soon.
    >Considering new boards; feel free to e-mail suggestions. Janitor applications will open again soon.
    >Considering new boards; feel free to e-mail suggestions. Janitor applications will open again soon.
    >Considering new boards; feel free to e-mail suggestions. Janitor applications will open again soon.
    >Considering new boards; feel free to e-mail suggestions. Janitor applications will open again soon.
    >Considering new boards; feel free to e-mail suggestions. Janitor applications will open again soon.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:09 No.84211358
    /hc/ was 99% bots

    also /b/ and other boards made the point of that board completely useless.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:09 No.84211365

    you are a newfag. nothing you say matters.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:09 No.84211368
         File1295327391.jpg-(47 KB, 566x548, sucess.jpg)
    47 KB
    >/r9k/ and /new/ were removed. No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.
    Considering new boards; feel free to e-mail suggestions. Janitor applications will open again soon.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:10 No.84211393
    1) get rid of /jp/ and /cgl/ and /toy/ and /po/ and a bunch of other shit

    2) revamp /mu/ for uploads of mp3s

    >> Blitz !OhLawdmvac 01/18/11(Tue)00:10 No.84211396
         File1295327415.jpg-(103 KB, 555x475, doitwat.jpg)
    103 KB
    >Mon visage quand moot restores /5/

    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:10 No.84211401
         File1295327418.jpg-(71 KB, 200x351, this.jpg)
    71 KB
    Why has this not been done? /fag/ is one of the most heavily trafficked boards at 7chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:10 No.84211403
    >Go to /b/
    >Scroll down
    >Other boards being cut is just a rumor
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:10 No.84211424
    >>>/a/, >>>/b/, and >>>/v/ are the essential boards, they won't ever be deleted.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:10 No.84211436
    moot is watching these threads isn't he?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:11 No.84211462
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:11 No.84211484
    /r9k/ and /new/ were removed. No other boards are set to be removed—the rumor is a troll.
    Considering new boards; feel free to e-mail suggestions. Janitor applications will open again soon.

    magical red text at the top. read it
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:11 No.84211491
    /hc/ was full of bots BUT we now have captcha
    >> Wax 01/18/11(Tue)00:11 No.84211496
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:11 No.84211505
    What exactly does a janitor do?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:12 No.84211516
    Firefox > View > Page style > something other then Yotsuba


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