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01/03/11(Mon)18:24 No.83005XXX File1294097067.jpg-(517 KB, 600x1560, 1277298850163.jpg)
http://thesilentchief.com/2010/12/26/final-fantasy-xiii-episode-1-fuels-speculation-of-a-possible-ff xiii-sequel/
last part of the episodes has Lightning in a sea like zone surrounded
with monsters, no animals, no plants, no life in general, she knows
nothing else to do than keep moving forward. Speculations have led to
the belief that Goddes Etro was reason Lightning ended up there. This
and the recent “She must not be forgotten” statement and illustration
adds a little fuel to the FFXIII-2 fire.
hadn’t changed. No, not even just the people of Cocoon. But the people
who, like Vanille and Fang, might be surviving somewhere on Gran Pulse
to this day. She wished to protect the future of all the people living
on this world.
>Also revealed in
the Episode was the fact that Fang and Vanille are both alive with each
one of the main characters speaking of saving them from their Crystal
prison. Reading further in, there is a also mention of Gran Pulse being
far bigger than “anyone on Cocoon could imagine”, where airships are a
big part of people’s lives and where Sazh would be busy working as a
Direct translation here:http://dilly-shilly.blogspot.com/2010/12/final-fantasy-xiii-episode-i.html |