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    File : 1290002749.jpg-(25 KB, 400x300, activision.jpg)
    25 KB Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:05 No.78812XXX  
    Ask a guy who has major connections to activision anything
    >> Monkeydude !!OcB13s3LIN6 11/17/10(Wed)09:06 No.78812XXX
    Have you ever talked with Bobby
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:06 No.78812XXX
    go fuck you'reself
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:06 No.78812XXX
    why are you such a faggot and a liar? do you really have no life outside of 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:06 No.78812XXX
    Why do you suck Kotick's dick?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:06 No.78812XXX
    are you a stinking jew?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:07 No.78812XXX
    By connections, do you mean their dick connecting to your colon?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:07 No.78812XXX
    How do you like the taste of Kotick semen, faggot?
    >> OP 11/17/10(Wed)09:09 No.78812XXX
    Srsly. I work for a sales rep at activision. She gets all blizzard and activision stuff weeks ahead. I had cod 2 weeks before anyone else.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:10 No.78812XXX

    >> dipsetboy17(psn:ruggarell17) !rcjjr.dVSw 11/17/10(Wed)09:10 No.78812XXX
    how long will activison keep cod going? until 2020?
    >> Marzz !nd/xiFy/SU 11/17/10(Wed)09:11 No.78812XXX
    Get me a copy of Starcraft 2.

    No seriously.
    >> OP 11/17/10(Wed)09:11 No.78812XXX
    Alright guess you guys don't care about wow. Already have it. Nothing really worth playing.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:11 No.78812XXX
    Is Prototype 2 ever being made?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:12 No.78812XXX
    Why don't your games have more dinosaurs?
    >> OP 11/17/10(Wed)09:12 No.78812XXX
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:12 No.78812XXX
         File1290003167.png-(9 KB, 615x233, bungie.png)
    9 KB
    What's their next game?
    >> ♥ Wasa ♥ !!KGRbr8yRRzC 11/17/10(Wed)09:13 No.78812XXX
    What do you do for her in return?

    Oh I know.
    >> OP 11/17/10(Wed)09:13 No.78812XXX
    Mw3 = all the dinosaurs you could want. But I recommend that Jurassic Park game.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:14 No.78812XXX

    is it gonna be good this time?
    >> OP 11/17/10(Wed)09:15 No.78812XXX
    Activisions? They come out with more than one game a week usually. But the next biggest I would say is the WoW expansion. Yes that's activision. They're the same company
    >> OP 11/17/10(Wed)09:15 No.78812XXX
    I wouldn't be able to say. I'm
    Hoping so. The first one was disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:15 No.78812XXX
    liar, i know somebody from Actvision and he did not get any Black Ops Promos i was asking for. The whole office didn't get any, cause bobby is an asshole. Get out.
    >> OP 11/17/10(Wed)09:17 No.78812XXX
    Do you want to see the 3 copies I have left? I had 15 but sold them to friends and family. And I'm getting some tshirts the next time I go over.
    >> OP 11/17/10(Wed)09:20 No.78812XXX
    As long as it keeps on selling.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:21 No.78812XXX

    >> OP 11/17/10(Wed)09:21 No.78812XXX
    Alright. Give me a minute. I'm in the middle of a shit
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:23 No.78812XXX

    is it made of money?
    >> dipsetboy17(psn:ruggarell17) !rcjjr.dVSw 11/17/10(Wed)09:23 No.78812XXX
    will activision make a new x-men legends game?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:23 No.78812XXX
    Do you wipe with 10 dollar bills?
    >> OP 11/17/10(Wed)09:26 No.78813XXX
         File1290003968.jpg-(682 KB, 750x1000, gun470.jpg)
    682 KB
    No. I'm of average income. I don't work for activision. I just do shit for someone that does.
    >> OP 11/17/10(Wed)09:27 No.78813XXX
    Not really sure to be honest. Xmen never really came up when I talk to her.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:27 No.78813XXX

    are they already working on the next COD?
    >> dipsetboy17(psn:ruggarell17) !rcjjr.dVSw 11/17/10(Wed)09:27 No.78813XXX
    can i have a copy?
    >> OP 11/17/10(Wed)09:28 No.78813XXX
    Mw3 was started in march I think
    >> OP 11/17/10(Wed)09:28 No.78813XXX
    Sure. Address?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:29 No.78813XXX
    Gimme moniz pl0x
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:29 No.78813XXX

    is activision working on any secret games?
    >> OP 11/17/10(Wed)09:32 No.78813XXX
    Not that i know of.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:32 No.78813XXX
    >major connections
    >works for someone who works for activision
    >doesn't know shit about any of the games he's asked about
    >doesn't work in game design
    >doesn't know anything about game design
    >turns out he's Bobby Kotick's lawn boy

    Fuck off you self important douchebag.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:32 No.78813XXX
    >> OP 11/17/10(Wed)09:33 No.78813XXX
    I didn't know about 1 game? Eat shit. You just jelly.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:34 No.78813XXX
    What should I have for lunch tomorrow?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:34 No.78813XXX
    will MW3 be shit like black ops and MW2?
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:35 No.78813XXX
    why are they such money-grubbing jews?
    >> OP 11/17/10(Wed)09:36 No.78813XXX
    Roast beef sandwich with an apple or orange. Some sort of starch. And your choice of juice.
    >> OP 11/17/10(Wed)09:37 No.78813XXX
    Can't really say since I'm not making it or playing it.
    >> OP 11/17/10(Wed)09:37 No.78813XXX
    Because that's how Jews are. It's in their genes.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:39 No.78813XXX
    Holy crap are you some sort of psychic. That's exactly what I had for lunch today. Orange and mango juice.

    There's still some leftover so that's just awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:39 No.78813XXX
    Will Activision ever make a really good game?
    >> OP 11/17/10(Wed)09:40 No.78813XXX
    That's usually what i have. That or an Italian hoagie.
    >> OP 11/17/10(Wed)09:40 No.78813XXX
    Will anyone ever make a really good game? You can't please everyone.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:43 No.78813XXX

    know anything else about prototype 2?

    are they working on any dlc for codblops?
    >> OP 11/17/10(Wed)09:45 No.78813XXX
    Nothing about prototype other than they are working on it. And yes for dlc on b.o. I'm not sure what it is exactly but I'm gonna guess it's going to be a new zombie map and a few multiplayer ones like world at war
    >> Anonymous 11/17/10(Wed)09:55 No.78814XXX
    plain peanut butter or PB and j
    >> dipsetboy17(psn:ruggarell17) !rcjjr.dVSw 11/17/10(Wed)10:04 No.78814XXX
    364-2 van horne st., jersey city, new jersey 07304.
    >> OP 11/17/10(Wed)10:10 No.78815XXX
    Allergic to pb.

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