Why do asians eat cats and dogs and try to justify it?What the FUCK is this shit?Fuck these people. Just kill them all.
Why do americans exist at all?All they do is eat large amounts of food and complain all the time.Why do we let these scum get away with it?
>>74634355why not eat them?
how do you justify making a non vidya thread on /v/? now excuse me please, my dog is ready
Why do caucasians eat veal and beef and try to justify it?What the FUCK is this shit?Fuck these people. Just kill them all
You want to genocide an entire race because they eat something different from you. Wow. Xenophobe.Eating dogs/cats comes from the fact not too long ago, you had food shortages everywhere. So hey, those useless animals you keep around that don't help you plow the field or something productive? Food.
It's called anthropology, OP.
Dogs and Cats were domesticated by us. They're animals just like any other meat we eat. Know a guy down the road that has a pet goat.
Why do Aliens eat humans and try to justify it?What the FUCK is this shit?Fuck these Xeno. Just kill them all.
Why do kebabs taste so fucking amazing at 3AM?
Please, come back when the immigration authority places a bunch of muslims in your town and all of a sudden sheeps start to sporadically disappear from farms around the area until the day the authority place them elsewhere and then suddenly the sheep thefts stops.Not vidya btw.
They're tasty, also not vidya
Why do you eat fish and chickens and try to justify it?What the FUCK is this shit?Fuck you people. Just kill you all.
>>74634482>had a pet goatYou DO know what people do with pet goats right ?
Fucking gooks.
meat is meat man
>>74634405Maybe we should eat americans?
Why do niggers eat watermelons and kfc and try to justify it?What the FUCK is this shit?Fuck these people. Just kill them all.
Why do zombies eat humans and children and try to justify it?What the FUCK is this shit?Fuck these zombies. Just kill them all.
Video gamez
Why do people like to play videogames?How the FUCK could they like them?Fuck these people. Just kill them all.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLj26bp1IR8&feature=relatedsome nigger eating a dog
Why do video games eat video games and try to video games?What the FUCK is this video games?Fuck these video games. Just kill them all.
Went to a butcher the other day and looked through the menu of "seasonal ingredients"Possum, Alligator, Crocodile, Emu, Bison, Racoon, Groundhog, Kangaroo, Finches, Moose.Seriously who the fuck would eat that shit?
>>74634414Huttburt Indian detected.
Dude, I'm not Asian, but I'd eat any animal if it were possible. I wouldn't eat dogs or cats because carnivores are a little more dangerous to eat, but I'd still try it. They're all just animals, idontgiveafuck.jpg
>>74634405>Why do americans exist at all?To spread freedom and democracy.>>74634406Because they're intelligent animals and pets. Cats and dogs have lived beside human beings AS PETS for thousands of years. All other animals were used as food.Also they're cute. You probably have no emotions if you do something like this. Asians are sick fucks that have no emotions.
not video gamesmade you lookgot you again
>>74634856Brainwashed piece of lard detected.
>LOL WHY THEY EAT CATS AND DOGS THEY ARE ARE FREINDS WE SHOULD NOT EAT THEM XDdogs and cats are animals just like cows and chickens. animals are made of meat. we need to eat meat to survive.inb4 vegetarians, enjoy your b12 deficiency
>>74634900>I'm not fat and stupid, I'm American fuck yeah!
What is wrong with eating a cat or dog?I wouldn't eat one due to personal tastes, but seriously, what is so bad about eating a cat or dog?It's the way they kill them that I don't agree with.
>>74634826Ever tried Kangaroo, man? It is like sweet steak.
maybe, becuase OP is an idiot and doesnt realize that asians do not view cats and dogs as cute lovable pets, but just another animal, like a chicken or cow. captcha: every unwang
>>74634856Chicken and Fish have been pets for ages too, bro
>>74634612Good, then let's eat humans.Asians are a disgusting and ugly race.They need to be killed.
Not vidya, reported.Is mike the intern the mod of the day or something? Because he's not being very productive.
>>74635024Good, then let's eat humans.Americans are a disgusting and ugly people.They need to be killed.
>>74634900>immoral asian piece of shit detected
I'm European so I guess I'll just eat some fruit and drink some wine now...
We eat every kind of meat and you complain if they do too? Hypocritical HO!
>>74634900Non-racist fag here.Asians though do seem to be "emotionless" and hivemind though moreso than other races.You only need to look at recent conflicts in Asia too see they take "fucked up" too a whole new level.The Japanese were 100x times worse than the Nazis during World War 2, hell the Japanese even practiced cannibalism on the prisoners by tying them down and eating them piece by piece while the prisoner still lived.You had similar shit happen in Korea, Vietnam and Burma.
Why do mexicans exist...?
Who here seriously hates cats and dogs?
>>74635144>implying morals aren't relative... and I'm a Serb
video games.
Finn here. Is it true that you American folks don't eat horses? Or reindeers? Why the fuck not, they are the most delicious animals right next to cows.
>>74635291Well, so is your mom...
>This thread
>>74635260because once again, horses have been removed from what is known as an "acceptable" food source. In america, if you killed a horse and ate it, with animal rights groups against you, you can actually go to jail
>>74635204Nobody is saying we hate them, but why would you be so naive to rank one life over another?It's all the same shit man, it's all life.
Better than killing a dog/cat and not eating it, honestly.
>>74635070>emotionless and worthless asian detectedIf any race deserves to be eaten, it's asians.
>>74635260It's not politically correct, so is seen as an immoral act.People are brainwashed as fuck and don't even see it.
>>74635000>implying most asians in cities don't view cats and dogs as pets
Seriously, why would you eat me?
It's not really any worse than eating cows or birds. You just choose to think that cats and dogs are more human. In actuality they all feel pain nearly the same way, regardless of consciousness. Sensory perception probably isn't so varied.If it bothers you, don't eat any meat.
>>74635347Meat eater here:Good, then these fucks to jail for killing intelligent animals.
>>74635455I wouldn't, you're just a babby
>>74635188>implying killing a couple hundred thousand chinks and doing experiments on them over turns BURNING MILLIONS OF JEWS in Ovensokay...........
>>74634708>he's eating korean food0/10 trying to change from Asia to blacks.
>>74635494how does babby taste?
>>74635355>it's all lifeYES!! and some life is more intelligent than others, which is why we eat cows and chickens etc
Most Asians see dogs and cats as pets, It's the poorer Asians that eat the dogs and cats to survive. I wouldn't mind that as much if they killed them in a humane way.On another note, have you seen the video of asians skinning dogs/cats alive?Shit's intense.
>>74635487>intelligent >implying pigs and cows aren't more intelligent than most of /v/
Why do humans eat pigs and cows and try to justify it?What the FUCK is this shit?Fuck these people. Just kill them all.
>>74635487How do you define something as intelligent?If you are going that far, you might as well restrict your diet to insects, and even then, you might run into the same hurdle. Just because you anthropomorphize and empathize with a certain animal, doesn't mean that it's anything but your moral relativity rearing it's head.
>Why do asians eat cats and dogs and try to justify it?dogs can't talk idiot, ergo, they can't justify shit.lrn2knowshit
>>74635579>go to my minecart>cow in minecartcows are master trolls.
>>74635461>It's not really any worse than eating cows or birds.Yes it is you dumb cunt. Cows and birds are stupid. Cats and dogs are intelligent. One of the most intelligent animals on the planet.Why is it that white people actually have compassion and can see when something it cute and decide not to kill it?
Why do European eats squirrels?What the FUCK is this shit?Fuck these disgusting people. Just kill them all.http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/jul/29/squirrel-meat-supermarket
Wow, those asians sure are a noble and respectable race.
Why do :3 eat :D and :/ and try to justify it?What the FUCK is this shit?Fuck these emoticons. Just kill them all.
they taste pretty good OP.I have had many a meal, my favorite was monkey brains though.
>>74635495Asspained jew detected.
>>74635703>implying asians have souls
>>74635621retardCaptcha: chowicat the
>>74635647>implying Buddhism isn't a central part of many Asian societies>implying you know even 20% of the compassion that a devout Buddhist knowsMoral relativity, my dear chap.
>>74635647Squirrels are as cute and intelligent as a cat or dog, why do people European still eat them?
>>74635744>implying :/ are good:| master race here.
>>74635647why does western society farm and eat pigs? they are highly intelligent animals. all mammals can show compassion, but thats the food chain. if you think it is fine to eat one mammal but not another then you're a fucking hypocrite and need to sort your morales out.
>>74635576No, they don't eat to to survive. That's bullshit.They eat it because they like to eat it.
7 ate 9 and tried to justify it.What the FUCK is this shit?Fuck these numbers, just count over them.
What's the difference bwteen cow, pig, chicken, cat, dog?YOU IMPOSE DISTINCTION ON THEM, THEY DO NOT ACTUALLY DIFFER
ITT: retards who think 'intelligence' and 'cuteness' matters when eating another living creatureHell, I've eaten reindeer and horse meat. I haven't eaten dogs or cats but I wouldn't mind if someone offered me some. Now, how about them vidya?
Why do western people eat rabbits and horses and try to justify it?What the FUCK is this shit?Fuck these people. Just kill them all.
We eat stuff because they are good for us or just plain delicious and don't eat some because we never did when we were young. I don't see you fucks rallying against Indians and their fried tarantula dish.FUCKING CULTURES HOW DO THEY WORK.
So cows and chickens are ok to eat but eating cats and dogs are immoral. Unless you are a vegan, you have no right to criticize them.
>>74635888>they eat because they like to eat6 billion people, and out of all of themyou went full retard.
Why do infidels eat pigs and try to justify it?What the FUCK is this shit?Fuck these people. Just kill them all.
sage in all sections plz
>>74635756>lets eat the second most intelligent animal on the planet just for ego purposes, not because we need toHerp derp shut up.
>>74636032Yeah, I mean you could always stuff them full of poisons from make up testing and kill them off that way instead.
>>74635884>pigs>highly intelligentBullshit, get the fuck out.Dogs and cats are ten times smarter than pigs, this is a fact.
>>74635960>fried tarantula dishThat's just horrifying.
>>74635910>THEY DO NOT ACTUALLY DIFFERHERP DERPYes they do. Read the thread you sick fucks.Kill all asians.
>>74635939Have you ever petted a dog or cat?Just answer the question and don't be a faggot.
cow and pigcow deserves to be eaten, they are truly stupid and only makes methane, eating is a good way to stop pollutionpigs only eat, unable to love or have compassion or emotion, fuck! even crocodiles have emotion!dog, loving caring pets, who love their owner.cats loving caring pets, who are master trolls.
>>74636069[citation needed]
>>74636069>Dogs and cats are ten times smarter than pigs, this is a fact.You've never seen a pig in your life have you?
>>74636032>second intelligent animalwhat the fuck? Cats are not very smart and dogs are dumb as fuck. Pigs are smarter than both.
Pigs have comparable intelligence to cats and dogs:http://www.rps.psu.edu/probing/pigs.htmlHow do you justify this, OP?
>>74636116I have read the thread, nothing that has been said counters it.You make an arbitrary cutoff line for intelligence because it's not politically correct for you to be doing something.You put distinction towards certain animals for no other reason than because that is the way you were raised in this society.Atleast recognize your hypocrisy
The thing with most Asian countries is that you could almost say that the people have been forced in the past 50 years too go from Medieval too Modern, so they still are very behind when it comes to "modern culture".While in China I noticed people in the more rural areas would just shit and piss on the sidewalk, no problems apparently, in larger cities like Beijing children still do this quite often and you actually have to watch out where you walk because you might step in HUMAN SHIT.Japan 100 years ago still had samurai running around with swords and they had very little contact with the west, 60 years ago they believed the Emperor was a literal god and the entire population of the country would sacrifice themselves for him if need be... Japan didn't modernize until the late 60s early 70s, it is quite amazing how far they have come in the past 40 - 50 years.The most modern place in all of Asia would be either Hong Kong or Singapore, but I'm pretty sure both of them were basically founded by the British and were British run until quite recently.
>>74636153Have you ever posted in a troll thread?Just answer the question.
>>74635960>We eat stuff because they are good for us or just plain deliciousYes, you eat anything without thinking about it. Your race is disgusting and you need to be wiped from the earth.
Does /v/ love Asians and there shitty culture so much that there going to defend anything they do?Fuck you guys go play some shittty JRPG.
Why do westerners eat cows and pigs and try to justify it?What the FUCK is this shit?Fuck these people. Just kill them all.
>>74636172>even crocodiles have emotion!He's right you know. I mean check this shit out.http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/croc-and-fisherman-bffs-in-costa-rica/64us36v?rs=Crocodile&from=en-us_msntod&form=msnhed>1=42007
>implying we treat chickens any better.I applied for work in a chicken processing plant once.That place is the closest representation of hell of earth.
>>74635984I have every right to defend the lives of intelligent animals over shit teir animals that are barely alive(cows, chickens etc)
>>74636153Yes, I've had a dog before, and no I didn't consider eating it, because I could buy some beef from the store. Also I've petted cows and pigs, and I believe they are 'cute' as well.
>>74635993They eat because they like to eat dogs and cats. Not because they need to survive.Quit going full retard.Idiot
>>74636292they are only barely alive because we keep them isolated in boxes, stuck in their own shit. And you eat that and think thats okay? You are an idiot. I eat everything and I don't judge people who eat dogs and cats. Also: Cats are fucking stupid animals and I dont know why someone would like a cat.
>>74636308That's not WHY these sick fucks eats cats and dogs. They do it because they want to eat them.
Ain't that the cutest thing in the world?
I wish I lived in the Middle East where soulless westerners wouldn't eat me.
although i do cringe at the thought of killing cats and dogs you have to realize they are no different than anything else that isn't human.they are either a resource or a pest competing for resources.if it's edible and it's practical, it's gona get eaten. just like nature intended. if somehow bullet proof dinosaurs showed up by the billions on earth you think they gona hesitate to eat us?
>>74636498You got the right thread this time, lolol
Dogs have been living with humans for a very long time...we breaded them to live of us...they cant survive without us.We have been eating cows for a very long time...there not dependent on humans.See the difference?
>>74635291>>74635291Pigs are the biggest bros ever. It's actually proven that they're smarter than cats and dogs.
>>74636541Dogs can definitely survive without humans, that's complete bullshit.
Cute AND very delicious at the same time! :83
Indians don't eat cows and Musilims don't eat pigs because their religion says they are sacred/filthy. Westerners don't eat cats and dogs because they kept them as pets and they are supposedly more intelligent (utter bull if you ask me).FUCKING TOLERANCE HOW DOES IT WORK?Fuck, I'm a white European and I think us Caucasians are the biggest retards on the planet.
>>74636498They care towards there young.Post a picture of pig loving a person.
>>74636172>cow, loving fuckable pets, who love their owner.
Shouldn't matter what people eat. Until what I'm eating can protest against me eating it it's going in my stomach.
>>74636482>sick fucksMan you are stupid. Dogs and cats are just as any other animal. Eat it or don't. Moron. Look it up, pigs are smarter than cats and dogs. I hope you will stop eating them now you hypocrite.
Seriously asians, you'd actually eat cats.
>>74636565No...you cant just let a dog go out in the woods and survive......
>>74636632I'd eat anything that moves.
>>74636551>It's actually proven that they're smarterthan cats and dogs.Sure is retarded propaganda in here.
>>74636565It depends on the breed. Most larger ones would do okay, but any of the toy species would get picked off pretty quick.Really, it depends on their environment they're in and how adapted they are to hunt/scavenge.
>>74636551Yeah but you have to be careful having one as a pet. They may start out as all cuddly and cute and all, but SUDDENLY 1,000lbs of pork.
>>74636580Not retards, just blinded by how society has molded the average person's morality.I shouldn't even call it morality, it's an ethics battle really.
FurWe do not eat things with furYou know why? its a huge pain in the ass to get off and the animal has less meat.Cow, pig, chicken, no fur = good to eat.Thats it, its that simple. If you eat fur god hates you.
>>74636582Post a picture of a cat loving a person. That rubbing against you is a the cat saying it owns you, by the way.
I heard dog tastes like something that has licked its ass for 10 years, why would someone eat something that tastes horrible?
>>74636482Well, I like eating pork. Am I a sick fuck?Seriously, cats, dogs and pigs are at the same intelligence levels. Only thing that I wouldn't be OK with is eating monkeys, because they are capable of logical thought.
>>74636704>cow, pig>no fur
>>74636541Nope.Cows have helped us plow the land for thousands of years. Dogs only gained popularity as a pet in the past few hundred years.
>>74636704>Cow>no furUm they do you know...
Hey.GuysListenThe only reason we're not used to eat catsand dogslistenbecause they're carnivoresand carnivores has shit meat
>>74636675But you would admit that since humans have had dogs as there pets for millions of years that they have come accustomed to surviving of humans right?
>>74636704>he doesn't know hair and fur are the same thing
>>74636704You're fucking stupid. How about lamb? Covered in wool and I would consider that fur.
>>74636810no.....people have used dogs to help hunt for a very long time
>>74636580>they are supposedly more intelligent (utter bull if you ask me).http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24628983/>pigs are smarter than cats and dogsSure is full retard in here.If you kill a cat or dog. You're a scumbag and need to be killed. Nuff said.
>>74636818Sharks and crocodiles taste awesome. It's really about Western taboos regarding us not eating dogs and cats.
>>74636704>furYou skin it. You make clothes out of it. Than you eat it. We've been doing this for a very, very long time.
Dogs have been tamed for at least 100,000 years, no clue on cats or cows or other animals.
>>74636069Yeah no it's not, shut up. You don't know what you're saying. Cats are REALLY fucking dumb.
>>74636704Hey, go ask a Mammalogist what the difference between hair and fur isIt's the same damn thing
>>74636664>would eat peopleThen you deserve to be killed.You're a worthless waste.
>>74636810>past few hundred yearstry 15,000
>>74636932okaywellummmlet me correct myselfwellcarnivore mammals have shit meat
>>74636950Cool troll.Try 15,000
I have 4 pet chickens and 4 pet ducks. They are pretty awesome animals and give free eggs. They have their own yard out the back of my place.. They follow me around, jump on my shoulder and pick at my hair.Yet you sick bastards would eat them if you got the chance.But oh no don't eat the damn cat it's a god or some shit.
>>74636911>citing MSNBC as a sourceHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAApost this shit in /sci/, they'll have a field day on it.
mmm i love roast cat and a bit of dog stew for dinner.
>>74636990hey bro, don't be hatin' on me because I wouldnt waste a good meat.
>>74636911Your own link has pigs right next to dogs. Way to go, dumbass.
>pigsSmarter than dogs/catsHere's evidence.http://www.suite101.com/content/the-intelligent-pig-a84448
Not vidya. Reported.
>>74636032haha, You know there are still cannibals on earth right?It may be thought as goulish, but people do it to survive.Some people do it for religious reasons.If a monkey or ape is raised as a food source it is food.If it was killed in the wild (hunted) it is food.Should we hold a funeral for it? so worms can eat it instead? Fuck that. I'm turning that motherfucker into my poop.
>>74636933We're also been killing and torturing human beings for a very long time.It doesn't make it right.Fucking luddite.
Dog is apparently really good though, my dad claims to have had it a few times back when he was in nam
For a second I thought I was in /mu/ This thread is that bad.
I remember on my visit to China I saw the old village women with dogs tied up by all four legs and butchering them alive. They howled like mad, it's a sound I'll never forget.Eating the animal, sure, that's fine. But they should at least cut the poor thing's throat first.
Dogs and cats have developed a close bond with humanity in the past few thousand years.To kill them at this point is sick and disgusting.
My aunt loves all animals and is horrified at the thought of any animal getting killed, but she still eats meat.So do I. I wouldn't kill ANY animal, but hell, I'd eat it if someone else killed it. I AM A FUCKING HYENA
I love how anyone in here thinks morals matter. You are so cute, I might just eat you up.
>>74637122Well, thats like your opinion man...
>>74637247It's not even morals though, it's ethics
>>74636911>>74636911FROM YOUR OWN LINK DUMBASSHere's the dirt on pigs: They are perhaps the smartest, cleanest domestic animals known - more so than cats and dogs.Pigs were trained to move a cursor on a video screen with their snouts and used the cursor to distinguish between scribbles they knew and those they were seeing for the first time. They learned the task as quickly as chimpanzees.
Why do papua new guineans eat humans and try to justify it?Why don't they just FUCK them?Fuck these people. Just kill them all.
>>74637197>implying humans are a collective.>implying i give a shit about what ancient humans did.>implying dogs were not eaten daily in ancient time.>implying morality isn't dropped at the fist sign of trouble.
>>74637182No, they shouldn't even kill these animals that are intelligent and have been close companions with human beings for the last 3000 years.
>>74637247>You are so cute, I might just eat you up.
>Cats and dogs are intelligent. One of the most intelligent animals on the planetDogs are complete fucking retards that get themselves killed because they run out into the street chasing huge chunks of metal.How the FUCK could you possibly classify that as "one of the most intelligent animals on the planet"?
>>74637221well, yeah, humans are omnivores, but to kill animals for fun and not use the meat or hides is disgusting
well don't bitch at us about it.
Sure is asian subhuman defense force in here.No wonder these people are worthless and shitty.inb4 asspained subhumans
>>74637221Which actually led me to this thought: unless you're a HURR DURR SICK FUCK NONONO DON'T KILL ANIMAL! and you eat meat, you're still a scavenger. You are eating meat from an animal that someone else slaughtered.99% OF HUMANITY IS NOW HYENAS!
>>74637376becouse every animal wouldn't do that..
>>74637376my cat learned how doorknobs work. HE FUCKING FIGURED OUT THAT TURNING THE KNOB MAKES DOORS OPEN!!!!!!
>>74637389What exactly make killing animal for pleasure disgusting? Think about it.
immin aywyg ekh,
>this thread>we shouldn't eat food, it's wrong! Here, eat plants instead!
>>74637376Because the facts remain they are one of the most intelligent creatures on the planet.http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24628983/Like seriously have you even had a pet before?Fuck you people are soulless.
>>74637474Because it would be evolutionary beneficial for people to find sadistic behavior disgusting.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDtj4uT2eCghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OLGwqPJECMAlso, you should read this, its the reason we avoid eating some animals.http://whyevolutionistrue.wordpress.com/2010/08/11/why-are-animals-cute/Also, in Europe and USA, we avoid eating cats and dogs, because it's quite expensive to raise a carnivore, and they don't provide enough meat.
This thread is so good, I'll actually trip it up and click submit.
>>74637376this, dogs are mostly bred to be loyal retards, some breeds can be nurtured into smart animals from an early age thoughcan't say the same for cats, yes they can be very friendly and social but they aren't entirely mindless either, they'll get pissed if you do something bad to them and they won't forget it
>>74637389THIS!If you're going to kill something to eat it then there's no fucking problem. I don't give a shit if it's a cat or a dog or w/e, if you're going to kill it for food then that's ok. But if you're gonna kill shit just for fun then you're a fucked up piece of shit..
>>74637566I even got dubs. Fuck yeah.
>>74636466Cats aren't stupid, dipshit. They do, however, require more work to discipline than dogs, since they are by nature inclined to be less loyal than dogs.Having had both cats and dogs around growing up, I can tell you that they are both roughly equal in intelligence.
>>74637292>doesn't realize that dogs and cats are ranked higher on that list>Pigs were trained to move a cursor on a video screen with their snouts and used the cursor to distinguish between scribbles they knew and those they were seeing for the first time. They learned the task as quickly as chimpanzees.LOL Yes I know, this doesn't mean shit.Dogs and cats clearly have more emotional complexity than pigs, cows etc.and they are more intelligent
I think that picture is more related to hwne china rounded up cats of all kinds before the Olympics to send to kitty death camps so the city would look nice. Note that these cats were of all kinds from strays to pets.
>>74637557Yup, in the end, the action was meant for the benefits of humans. You don't really care about the animals being killed. You fear the humans that get pleasure from killing. That one day he might not be satisfied by killing animals anymore.
>>74637197I'm pretty sure horses developed close bond with human long before cats, but various European countries and Australia still eat them.
>>74637681>More emotionalJust because your only friends are cats and dogs doesn't make them any better on the food chain