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  • File : 1285108193.png-(2.19 MB, 727x1023, Fucking Donte.png)
    2.19 MB Anony-Mouse !oH4Xx2Olmo 09/21/10(Tue)18:29 No.73711XXX  
    Happy now?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:30 No.73711XXX
    Nice hairmet, faggot
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:30 No.73711XXX
    >> Gligar !!aq/ay5cEM5T 09/21/10(Tue)18:31 No.73711XXX
    he needs more pizza and strawberry Sundays
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:31 No.73711XXX
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:31 No.73711XXX
    >Herp a derp, people only dislike new Dante because of his hair color

    This is what idiots actually believe
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:31 No.73711XXX
    hipster shirt has to go
    >> Sage !Pz581/NRUw 09/21/10(Tue)18:32 No.73711XXX
    still looks like that faggot Nero.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:32 No.73711XXX
    he look like sephiroth now
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:32 No.73711XXX
    Nope. There's still the fact that he got arrested. Dante is not a bitch. He'd never get arrested. Fuck the police.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:32 No.73711XXX
    The v-neck shirt keeps him looking like a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:33 No.73711XXX
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    He looks like a Death Note character.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:33 No.73711XXX
    Hi Leon.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:33 No.73711XXX
    >implying he doesnt still look like a fag
    >implying most of the rage isnt due to the new Dante being a developer putting himself into the game and getting rid the the old Dante simply because of his ego
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:33 No.73711XXX

    Fucking them from the inside out, no doubt.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:34 No.73711XXX
    It's not a v-neck, dumbass. It's a wife beater.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:36 No.73711XXX
    I don't see what the fuck else is wrong. The action looks good, the new enemies look awesome, DID YOU MISS THE MORPHING SWORD? What else do people have to complain about besides Dante?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:37 No.73711XXX
    >he sees dante only with changing his hair
    are you blind ?
    on a sidenote
    >feel like finishing DMC4
    >after 10 mins i remenber why i didn't bother at all
    shit game
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:38 No.73711XXX

    They think wife beater and jackets make a person a hipster when nobody on 4chan knows their ass from their elbow when it comes to clothing styles
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:38 No.73711XXX

    new Mario game has mario turned into a bald space marine

    >I don't see what the fuck else is wrong. The action looks good, the new enemies look awesome, DID YOU MISS THE PLATFORMING PARTS? What else do people have to complain about besides Mario?

    yeah .....
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:39 No.73711XXX
    Ninja Theory tried this already with Heavenly Sword, and that didn't turn out so well.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:39 No.73711XXX
    No, he still looks like a smug shit head.

    There is a very fine line between smug confident, and smug douche bag.

    Dante is meant to be the former.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:40 No.73711XXX

    Holy shit, nigger. Do you really think that's a reasonable comparison? You're so mad that you've reached a new level of retarded
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:40 No.73711XXX
    >implying anything of the sort has happened to Dante
    Literally the ONLY things we know for sure that are different is that his hair isn't completely white and smokes. There is no reason for anyone to get THIS upset over the shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:41 No.73711XXX
    That doesn't fucking compare. The atmosphere is still dark with a touch of goth, like all of DMC games. Tell me what else is wrong with this shit besides Dante, don't be a smart fuck about it because you're avoiding the question.
    >> Champion !InylYb6qBk 09/21/10(Tue)18:42 No.73711XXX

    He also dresses like a hipster faggot and didn't act currazzy at all in the trailer
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:42 No.73711XXX
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:43 No.73712XXX
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    >The action looks good,

    Wouldn't call being slow as fuck IN THE GODDAMN TRAILER, NOT EVEN IN-GAME "good".

    >the new enemies look awesome

    ...Not really. Also, Dante hunts down DEMONS.


    Yes, it looks like a stupid idea. PRESS SQUARE TO WIN AND DO A 19490328'324'0 COMBO

    >What else do people have to complain about besides Dante?

    That they basically got another shitty Ninja Theory one-button-combo "hack n' slasher" and put the DMC tag over it.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:43 No.73712XXX
    requesting original
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:44 No.73712XXX
    Its pretty implicit that were talking from an artistic standpoint here from limited info, not as if we really know or think the shitty art IS the gameplay.

    Jesus man, quit being a knuckle dragger or just quit posting.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:44 No.73712XXX
    This, he doesn't even talk except "My name is Donte."

    He looks like he'll have "Yeah, whatever..." as 90% of his ingame dialogue.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:44 No.73712XXX
    So because in a 3 minute trailer LONG before the game is even out he wasn't jumping on missiles and other dumb shit you can already tell how he's going to act? That's fucking retarded. And I'm not even going to bother with the hipster comment, you clearly don't even know what it means.
    >> Champion !InylYb6qBk 09/21/10(Tue)18:45 No.73712XXX

    everything this guy said
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:46 No.73712XXX
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    Japan calls him Dangay.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:47 No.73712XXX
    Here's the thing. We aren't pissed because of the hair color. For all we know, before he started hunting devils, he dyed it black to keep under cover. We're pissed because Capcom felt the need to farm out the series to a new developer instead of using the people who actually made the good games, taking a perfectly good character and completely reinventing him just because in Japan, they have to have a girly boy as a protagonist.

    Dante is an arrogant, cocky, shit talking hardass who likes to put on a party boy attitude.
    This guy is a little punk faggot, and he is NOT Dante.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:48 No.73712XXX
    >Wouldn't call being slow as fuck IN THE GODDAMN TRAILER, NOT EVEN IN-GAME "good".

    >...Not really. Also, Dante hunts down DEMONS.
    Valid point. Although as it's been said numerous times in the thread this is only a 3 minute trailer and there's no way it shows even a fourth of what is actually in the game.

    >Yes, it looks like a stupid idea. PRESS SQUARE TO WIN AND DO A 19490328'324'0 COMBO
    This is a retarded argument. You have no idea how it's going to play. You have no reason to assume it will be as simple as this, you're just being a moron.

    >That they basically got another shitty Ninja Theory one-button-combo "hack n' slasher" and put the DMC tag over it.
    See above.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:48 No.73712XXX
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:48 No.73712XXX
    >That they basically got another shitty Ninja Theory one-button-combo "hack n' slasher" and put the DMC tag over it.
    This. This is the real problem I have.

    Ninja Theory produces boring as all hell games. Hit one button till you activate the quick time event, hit that button again, win.

    Given Ninja Theory history I highly doublt were going to have complex multi-weapon/gun comboing and juggling like we did in DMC3.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:48 No.73712XXX
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    I cant understand that people are actually defending an egocentric developer getting rid of an estbalished character design just so he can insert HIMSELF into the game
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:49 No.73712XXX

    Capcom owes you nothing, stop acting like you're entitled to anything.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:49 No.73712XXX
    Remember what happened with BOF and Dragon Quarter. it is going to happen to DMC, I can bet you that this series will end the franchise
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:49 No.73712XXX
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:50 No.73712XXX
    Here's the thing. Last time the DMC franchise got handed to new people, we got DMC2, and it fucking sucked. Now we get the fact that this new developer has decided they didn't like the original story and character, so they changed it. That's not an exceptionally good sign.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:50 No.73712XXX
    much better look
    hair is a bit too white tho, looks like a young version of sephiroth
    >> Champion !InylYb6qBk 09/21/10(Tue)18:50 No.73712XXX

    They wasn't anything in the trailer that was slow motion. The action is just that slow it seems like it

    And Ninja Theory is infamous for making one button mashers. I seriously doubt they can pull a masterpiece out of their ass all of a sudden
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:51 No.73712XXX
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:51 No.73712XXX
    The certainly don't feel we're entitled to good games. Seriously, why is it faggots like you feel like defending companies when they make shitty decisions?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:52 No.73712XXX
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:52 No.73712XXX
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    this is why I hate the design

    >herp derp I must make the main character look like my emo self

    thank god this guy doesnt get to develop Metal Gear or Zelda
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:52 No.73712XXX
    why is he so skinny? and why is he smoking do they think it makes him look cool?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:53 No.73712XXX

    The argument he's trying to make: The creators of the game can change anything they want, whether the fans like it or not.
    The argument he's NOT trying to make: Whether or not this is a good idea.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:53 No.73712XXX
    >And Ninja Theory is infamous for making one button mashers

    There were some clear slow motion shots, and even still IT WAS A FUCKING TRAILER. You have no idea how it's going to play, you can't say it's going to be slow.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:53 No.73712XXX
    200 points to whoever gives him flock of seagulls hair.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:54 No.73712XXX
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:54 No.73712XXX
    Capcom owes me a good game with some god damned consistency if they want my money.

    Change isn't always bad, but in this case it is. How can you defend a self insert?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:55 No.73712XXX

    Someone who's not a blithering manchild in this topic? I'm amazed.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:56 No.73712XXX
    This. Developers are not gods. If they decide to piss off their fanbase, they can expect people to not buy their stuff.
    >> Champion !InylYb6qBk 09/21/10(Tue)18:56 No.73712XXX

    Here's the trailer, point me out the slow motion frames

    And that's just like, your opinion man. I think 2 games is more than enough to judge a developer, especially when they've made the same shitty game type
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:57 No.73713XXX

    I wouldn't have known if I didn't come to /v/ and see that it was a self insert. It actually matters so little and you autists have blown it way out of proportion.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:57 No.73713XXX
    japanese hate change in their vidya, this game will sell like shit there

    and considering the west is into huge men with muscles aka Kratos and co. this game will flop
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:57 No.73713XXX
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)18:58 No.73713XXX
    And meanwhile, in EU, girls make huge lines to buy this game, as well as other gentlemen.

    You forgot that part, bro.
    >> Anony-Mouse !oH4Xx2Olmo 09/21/10(Tue)19:00 No.73713XXX
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:00 No.73713XXX
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    You know you want it.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:00 No.73713XXX
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:00 No.73713XXX

    dont delude yourself, there are like 3 girls out there that play videogames and only one of them ever heard of DMC before the other two just play WoW
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:00 No.73713XXX
    Those are fucking obvious.

    And to judge a dev team over two games is fucking retarded. It's like saying Number None only makes platforming games with time mechanics when the only game they made was Braid.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:00 No.73713XXX

    >How can you defend a self insert?

    I dunno, but a lot of people defend Other M, so there must be a way.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:00 No.73713XXX

    u emo
    >> Champion !InylYb6qBk 09/21/10(Tue)19:01 No.73713XXX
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    >play games
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:03 No.73713XXX
    Other M is a fun game, barring that one cut scene.

    We know nothing of the gameplay yet, and judging by Ninja Theory's track record, it won't be very good.
    >> Champion !InylYb6qBk 09/21/10(Tue)19:04 No.73713XXX

    :57 was one, ok, but it practically a half a second and unnoticeable. did you catch the previous 10 seconds before that where "Dante" is shooting his guns like an 80 year old with arthritis?

    and 1:04 isn't slow motion, it's gravity defying that's inconstant with a DMC game's physics.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:04 No.73713XXX
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    >judging by two games, one of which did really well
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:04 No.73713XXX
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    >Other M
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:04 No.73713XXX
    You're reading waaay too much into ONE trailer.

    And you're visibly upset.

    Capcom doesn't owe you shit. They don't need YOUR money. They're a multibillion dollar company.

    DmC could sell literally 0 copies and it would only hurt the fans, as Capcom would just cancel the series altogether.

    Bunch of self entitled faggots ITT.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:04 No.73713XXX

    Not to mention that Capcom is the ones pulling the strings behind the project. If the game sucks, that's primarily Capcom's fault, because they know by now what fans want out of DMC's gameplay.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:05 No.73713XXX

    >did really well

    =/= good game, derp
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:05 No.73713XXX
    >it's gravity defying
    Now you're just bullshitting to defend your retarded argument.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:06 No.73713XXX
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:06 No.73713XXX
    I defy you to find anyone who thought it was a terrible game that isn't on /v/. Everyone enjoyed it even if it was a GOW clone. The only complaint it ever got was from how short it was.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:07 No.73713XXX
    He needs to be smiling, holding either a gun or a pizza, and not be so beaten and worn.

    Also, the trailer needs to change so he doesn't smoke.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:08 No.73713XXX
    >gravity defying

    Actually, DMC games are known for air combos.

    Even so, I agree with the shitty gun-shooting, and how slow it felt.
    >> Champion !InylYb6qBk 09/21/10(Tue)19:10 No.73713XXX

    ...but it is. it's not slow motion frames, it's just Dante stopping himself in mid-soar and ground pounding.

    on second look, the enemies are blown away in slow motion, that is true but in no way does it give off the appearance of slowing down the combat.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:10 No.73713XXX
    The shooting was slow, but you have to realize that it's a trailer to show off the new character. They don't want hyper fast action that you can't see anything in a trailer where you're introducing someone, that would be a bad idea. Just wait for gameplay footage before you call the game slow.
    >> Capcom Capcom 09/21/10(Tue)19:11 No.73713XXX
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    Hey faggots, want DMC gameplay?

    Go play Bayonetta. We're too busy making button mashers and shitty games.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:11 No.73713XXX

    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:12 No.73714XXX
    The fact that they took a character whose designer specifically said he doesn't smoke and gave him a shitty cigar is just fucking unbelievable.
    >> Champion !InylYb6qBk 09/21/10(Tue)19:12 No.73714XXX

    The air combos are kept up by actual guided movement, though. Unrealistic and gravity defying, yes, but in that universe the physics are consistent with it.

    In that scene Dante just drops out of nowhere. You won't find Dante starting and stopping himself on a whim in this cutscene with air combat
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:12 No.73714XXX
    My roommate has a video game blog (not linking it because I don't want you guys to troll it, but it's actually fairly big), and he only gave it a 7 out of 10. I liked it less than he did, but me and him both hated the way Samus was characterized, the gameplay was okay, but the controls were kind of dumb, the story was boring, and the whole thing about how Samus had to have her powers "allowed" was just plain retarded. The gameplay was mediocre, but the story and pacing and characterization were stupid.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:13 No.73714XXX
    You aren't following the conversation at all, are you?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:14 No.73714XXX

    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:14 No.73714XXX
    Apparently they do in fact need my money, otherwise they wouldn't be making a new game.

    And I hope this game sells no copies. I'd rather DMC died here than takes off with this shitty new Dante. This game not selling wouldn't hurt the fans, because it's obviously the fans who are upset about this change.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:14 No.73714XXX
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:15 No.73714XXX

    >Terrible game

    Only in the fucking video game community does this fucking happen.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:17 No.73714XXX
    Follow the quotes I was citing. I was referring to a different conversation about Other M.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:17 No.73714XXX

    god old dante was so badass
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:17 No.73714XXX
    Heavenly Sword was mediocre at best and just a place holder for some real games. Prove me wrong.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:18 No.73714XXX
    The rest of the gaming media would disagree with you, which is exactly my point.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:19 No.73714XXX
    I posted the quote you were citing you moron, we were talking about Heavenly Sword.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:19 No.73714XXX
    The guy responding to me was talking about one of Ninja Theory's games, not Other M.

    Reading comprehension, do you have it?
    >> Saten-san !1Drailguns 09/21/10(Tue)19:20 No.73714XXX
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    Still a little grim but DMC2 was the same, but he doesn't look like a meth addict and you got his features right.
    Funny how Ninja theory couldn't even accomplish this.

    Well done OP, ill call you if the game play sucks. Maybe you could fix that too.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:20 No.73714XXX
    He mainly rated it that because he didn't want the backlash from rating it a 6.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:22 No.73714XXX

    6/10 would be mediocre but not terrible. You need to learn what words mean.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:22 No.73714XXX
    It's because those people are trolls.

    Anyone defending this is a troll. Or didn't give a shit about DMC in the first place.

    I know that sounds like an irrational, fanatical thing to say but seriously, in this case, it is true.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:22 No.73714XXX
    Gaming Media also said LAIR was good.

    HS was good because the PS3 had no games, now that it does we have no need for the shitty games that Ninja Theory produces. Don't misunderstand me now, it wasn't a bad game, but it wasn't good either.

    A shit sandwich doesn't sound very appealing, but starve yourself and it's a god damned gourmet meal.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:23 No.73714XXX
    >in this case, it is true
    Except it's not. I'm a fan of DMC, I still have the original game with the box and instruction booklet still in tact. There is nothing wrong with the redesign for Dante, you're just butthurt over nothing.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:23 No.73714XXX

    2 button combo system
    regenerating health
    no lock on
    no style meter
    no jump/roll/guard/switch cancelling
    no devil trigger
    no taunts
    no crazy combos
    QTEs with stretching sword
    no E&I juggling due to low firing rate
    gay purple muzzle flash
    another self insert of Tameem as Vergil since he is Dante's twin
    cameo of heavenly sword woman
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:24 No.73714XXX
    Said the troll.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:24 No.73714XXX
    This. I don't see how anyone can defend this self insert gawfick bullshit. Dante is not a scrawny little emo. He's a arrogant, cocky, cuhrazay, badass.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:24 No.73714XXX

    Or they're not bothered by trivial matters. Or they're willing to give new things a shot. There's a lot of reasons people wouldn't be upset over this that you're autism-riddled response didn't cover.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:25 No.73715XXX
    I'm not saying Heavenly Sword was amazing, but it was a good game. The only people who disagree with that are on /v/.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:26 No.73715XXX

    >If you disagree with my opinion, you are a troll.


    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:26 No.73715XXX
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    >My face when Vigirl is turned into a girl in this game, if not cut out entirely
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:26 No.73715XXX
    Dante is not a "trivial" aspect of DMC.

    People who don't give a shit now fall into the latter category of people who never did.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:27 No.73715XXX
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    Reviews of Heavenly Sword during the nogaems era of the PS3
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:29 No.73715XXX
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    Cool story bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:29 No.73715XXX

    When Dante gets a wardrobe change that isn't any worse than his original outfit, it's trivial. You don't know anything else about him. You're just the type of manchild that cries when confronted with change
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:30 No.73715XXX
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    >the main character of an established series
    >completely change him
    I'm beginning to think this guy is a troll
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:31 No.73715XXX
    What the fuck does this prove?

    That you own the first game from what later became a successful and popular video game franchise?

    It doesn't mean shit. And you're calling ME autistic?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:32 No.73715XXX
    >And you're calling ME autistic?
    I never said that once. I am now, however, calling you a retard, you retard. It proves I'm a fan of the game and you're just over reacting to FUCKING NOTHING.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:32 No.73715XXX
    If the wardrobe was the only thing about him that was different, it would be trivial as it has always been.

    But it isn't.

    You're either a poor troll or very stupid. Thank you for proving my point.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:33 No.73715XXX

    People gave that shit 9/10 and 10/10?
    Fucking. Dumb.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:33 No.73715XXX
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    Both of you. Get the fuck out of /v/ right now.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:33 No.73715XXX

    how does going from rockstar to hipster/ironically 80s punk constitute as "not any worse"?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:33 No.73715XXX

    How much do you know has changed about Dante? He got new clothes. If you whine about this, I can't wait to see what happens when you spill a little milk. He started smoking. Means absolutely nothing in the big picture. COMPLETE FUCKING CHANGE
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:34 No.73715XXX
    the most rageworthy aspect of all this is Capcom deciding to hand over an excellent hacknslash to a mediocre developer

    that and the blatant self insertion of the Ninja Theory's lead creative director as the new Dante.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:34 No.73715XXX
    >It proves I'm a fan of the game

    No it doesn't.
    I own a copy of No More Heroes. Does that mean I I'm a fan just because I own it? No. I played it and thought it was a piece of shit.

    I wouldn't be calling other people retarded if I were you.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:35 No.73715XXX

    Because opinions, retard.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:35 No.73715XXX
    >Bitch endlessly about the game
    You dont even need to post a link for us to know its a shitty blog.

    Massively inflated scores like that is why people dont take video game reviewers seriously.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:35 No.73715XXX
    >He got new clothes
    No, he's a fucking self insert. He doesn't even resemble Dante in the least.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:36 No.73715XXX
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    >9's 10's and 5/5's
    >my face
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:36 No.73715XXX
    If I hated it why would I keep it? I have no reason to keep such an old game, especially considering I don't have the console anymore. I could make a lot of money if I sold it, but you know why I don't? BECAUSE I FUCKING LIKE THE GAME.

    You are unbelievably dumb.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:36 No.73715XXX
    >Bitching about self-insert

    If you didn't know what the lead designer looked like, how would you justify you're irrational anger?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:36 No.73715XXX
         File1285112207.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 245 KB, 1023x734, 1283899692599[1].jpg)
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    >this whole fucking thread
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:37 No.73715XXX

    is Ninja Theory still working on it?

    then still no. The wankers behind Heavenly Sword isn't exactly the best choice to give the DMC franchise a shot at shit I'd rather have TEAM NINJA work on a DMC game than these no name fucktards.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:37 No.73715XXX
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    >this thread in a nutshell

    >mouse on the left: Fans against new DMC
    >mouse on the right: Fans supporting new DMC
    >mouse in the back: Me.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:37 No.73715XXX
    >I could make a lot of money if I sold it

    Keep calling other people dumb.

    It's funny.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:38 No.73715XXX

    >Herp derp, I can't find anything actually wrong with the change so I'll bitch about something most video game players wouldn't know anything about and act like it's a big deal
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:38 No.73715XXX
    Those are rats bro. Just saiyan.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:39 No.73716XXX
    >implying collectors wouldn't kill for a copy of the original Devil May Cry still in it's case with the instruction booklet
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:39 No.73716XXX

    >Implying that's not a good description of everyone on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:39 No.73716XXX
    See >>73712696
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:40 No.73716XXX
    >implying they're not all over ebay starting at 99 cents
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:41 No.73716XXX
    OPs is best because of no sharktooth necklace.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:41 No.73716XXX
    Not with the original case and instruction booklet they're not.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:41 No.73716XXX
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:42 No.73716XXX

    You just went full retard. Those were the types of posts I was responding to. If you didn't know it was a self insert character design, how would you justify your asinine complaints?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:43 No.73716XXX
    Seriously just stop talking.

    It's making me sad how retarded you are.

    It's like you think actually a famous and popular PS2 game that everyone and their dog bought and played is worth anything.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:43 No.73716XXX
    PWNage bro
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:45 No.73716XXX

    I payed 6 bucks for a Black Box copy of DMC with the book inside at a FYE that have multiple copies of said game in said black box.

    Not exactly a hard thing to come by.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:45 No.73716XXX
    >Fans supporting new DMC

    you mean trolls?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:45 No.73716XXX
    Holy shit this thread is ridiculous.

    It's not that difficult. Like the new design and think the game looks cool? Then buy it, play it, enjoy it if you like it. Hate the new design? Don't buy the fucking game.

    Yes, it really is that simple.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:47 No.73716XXX

    You might want to leave /v/. While you're at it, disconnect from the Internet. There's nothing for you here
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:49 No.73716XXX
    You forgot the middle ground which loves the series prior to this, but are ass pained now because Dante looks like a cross between that faggot from Twilight and the Girugamesh meme faggot
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:50 No.73716XXX

    How is that not covered by "Hate the new design?" Are you able to breathe without some kind of aide?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:51 No.73716XXX
    thanks bro
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:52 No.73717XXX
    Don't worry guys, if the game turn out horrible we can all look faithfully forward to DMC6. If you recall, DMC2 was supposed to the the nail in the coffin, but then DMC3 came along and was the best in the series.
    That means that if this one does terrible we'll get a repeat of DMC3 next time.
    I hope this game is complete and udder shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:52 No.73717XXX
    Its not covered because that middle ground might be pressured into buying it because of previous opinions of older games, despite their rampant hate for the new design. A sheep is a sheep, no matter the content, and those who love the DMC series will most likely buy despite their opinions of the current design.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:53 No.73717XXX
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    >> Trigger !!jEGY0RD61K0 09/21/10(Tue)19:54 No.73717XXX
    This entire thread and not one THIS THREAD IS GETTING CRAZY. Wow
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:54 No.73717XXX
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:55 No.73717XXX
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:58 No.73717XXX
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)19:59 No.73717XXX

    No, but call them whatever you like.

    I keep forgetting. If you show any shred of interest or optimism in the new DMC game, you're either:

    A) Not a Devil May Cry fan
    B) Gay
    C) Emo
    D) A troll
    E) A Twilight Saga lover
    F) A Capcom or Ninja Theory representative trying to perform damage control
    G) Any combination of the six above.

    That's how it works, right?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)20:01 No.73717XXX

    Didn't you get the memo, being rational and level headed over things that really don't matter is looked down upon here.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)20:02 No.73717XXX
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    I'm more excited about the prospect of a new and interesting DMC game more than anything.
    Bitching about a new character isn't gonna change anything, and anything'll be better than DMC2.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)20:03 No.73718XXX
    Yea, and is generally responded to with the I TROLL U FAGGOT response. Speaking of, anyone have that pic of previous statement in process with the guy speaking rationally and angry troll doing the I TROLL U bit?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)20:04 No.73718XXX
    Not that guy, but when I hear that someone is a DMC fan I think it's because they like Dante.

    Dante went from a crazy badass to teen angst from what we've seen in the trailer.

    I assume you are not truly a fan because you support this sort of devolution of characters.

    As for myself? I'm not really a fan of the series, I just liked playing as Dante and watching him be a crazy badass. So of course I would be upset if the Dante I got used to and liked changed dramatically for no reason what so ever.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)20:05 No.73718XXX
    optimism != calling fans understandably upset over the new design irrational/autistic and defending a blatant self-insert
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)20:17 No.73719XXX
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    >> psn/steam: ozkar99 !Tb.eofaH.s 09/21/10(Tue)20:23 No.73719XXX
    >my face when the new dante is clearly punk not emo.

    that being said, its a good design, its just NOT DANTE.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)20:26 No.73719XXX
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)20:27 No.73719XXX
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    I'm a fan of the series.
    I like all the DMC games.
    I like old Dante.
    I also like the new Dante BECAUSE it's such a radical change. I'm interested in why they made such a huge change besides from the whole DURR HURR LEAD DESIGNER SELF INSERT argument.
    I await more information on the before I pass judgment, like you all should be doing instead of complaining about it on 4chan of all places.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)20:29 No.73720XXX
    Gentlemen! You're all forgetting something. This new Dante will be the birth of the hottest Rule 63 content to date.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)20:31 No.73720XXX
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    fuck that, Dante's fine the way he is.

    Also, Dante is hot as a woman as well.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)20:33 No.73720XXX
    >blatant self-insert
    They both have dark hair, get over it
    >> Anonymous 09/21/10(Tue)20:33 No.73720XXX
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