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09/12/10(Sun)14:57 No.72933XXX  File1284317854.jpg-(4 KB, 112x134, sweet god why.jpg)
 >Watch the first 2 Resident Evil movies years ago >Thought they were both fucking terrible >Barely had anything to do with the games and Alice is a damn mary sue-like character >find out the movie was originally going to be done by George A Romero, king of zombie movies >find his script online >Other
than a few minor changes (like Chris not being a part of STARS, he just
lives near the mansion and meets them there) it's a fucking spot on
movie adaptation >He even had his secretary play through the game and record her playthrough so he could use it as a reference >Capcom
shot down his pitch because it wasn't a perfect adaptation so "they
didn't think fans would like the changes and thought newcomers wouldn't
be able to follow it"
>didn't think fans would like the barely arguable changes >the
movie series is now about a girl with super powers that has never
appeared in any game reenacting Mad Max, but with zombies >my face |