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  • File : 1284232176.jpg-(118 KB, 645x406, wut.jpg)
    118 KB Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:09 No.72841XXX  
    Why exactly is it that Breen is losing?
    >> Jakeinmn !gIkWsfJZ0U 09/11/10(Sat)15:10 No.72841XXX
    trolls trolling trolls my friend
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:10 No.72841XXX
    because he's a shittier villain than RAAM
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:10 No.72841XXX
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:10 No.72841XXX
    >> Ancelot !em8Wtv3F/w 09/11/10(Sat)15:11 No.72841XXX
    if RAAM wins he might come back in GoW3. which would be kind of cool.
    >> xXProstyleXx !0AmCu8chK6 09/11/10(Sat)15:12 No.72841XXX
    Look, this forum is full of console kiddies who vote for generic shooter bosses because there taste in games is utter shit. I stopped caring about the poll since people aren't taking it serlously.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:12 No.72841XXX
    Because /v/ is filled with underage faggots.

    Good night sweet prince ;__;
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:12 No.72841XXX
    I'd just like to say.. who do you think would actually win that fight in real life? A giant fucking space monster that would rape your ass? Or some regular guy.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:12 No.72841XXX
    >This forum
    You best be fucking trolling.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:12 No.72841XXX
    >> Ancelot !em8Wtv3F/w 09/11/10(Sat)15:12 No.72841XXX
    >xX's in name
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:13 No.72841XXX
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    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:13 No.72841XXX
    I respect RAAM because he shut those FFVII faggots up.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:13 No.72841XXX

    Best villian. Not best fighter.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:13 No.72841XXX
    Best villain, not who would win in a fight jackass.
    >> Grogg !!1vp4WyGU9KN 09/11/10(Sat)15:14 No.72841XXX
    If you vote for RAAM, you're the cancer killing videogames.

    Enjoy your brown, bloom shitty shooters.

    I wish i could rape you all with bombs.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:14 No.72841XXX
    the people who run gow2 are giving bonnus experience relative to the margin that raam win's by.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:14 No.72841XXX

    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:14 No.72841XXX
    Because the Valve fanboy tears will be delicious, even more-so then the FF ones.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:14 No.72841XXX


    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:14 No.72841XXX
    Because he has nowhere the awesomeness or depth of RAAM.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:15 No.72841XXX
    Proof that Gears >>>>> Half-shit

    Suck it Valve fanboys!
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:15 No.72841XXX
    I like Breen and all, but he really doesn't do shit. Sits in chair, spits propaganda, ........ yeah.. ok. great.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:15 No.72841XXX
    come on /v/ we can't let the fucking underage console fags take this victory, get your ass voting for Breen. A vote for Breen is a vote for a brighter tomorow
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:15 No.72841XXX

    Go the hell away.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:15 No.72841XXX

    I will find you and fucking cut you up.
    >> Ancelot !em8Wtv3F/w 09/11/10(Sat)15:15 No.72841XXX
    sup gamefaqs?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:15 No.72841XXX
    Because of faggots like this:

    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:15 No.72841XXX

    lol bribes
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:15 No.72841XXX

    The idea behind the best villain isn't how best they'd do against eachother, but against the world.

    Breen did pretty good, to be perfectly honest.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:15 No.72841XXX
    to drink the tears of Valve fanboys
    >> снайпер 09/11/10(Sat)15:16 No.72841XXX
    I voted for raam

    Half Life 2 was a pretty boring and subpar shooter anyways. It's not even half as good as Gears of War was.

    Not to mention that Raam's got more personality and character to him than Dr. Breen's ever had.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:16 No.72841XXX

    I won't rest until your family is dead
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:16 No.72841XXX
    Because he's a fucking leech, and a traitor.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:17 No.72841XXX
    >implying half-life 2 didn't have brown
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:17 No.72841XXX
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    See what I mean, this shit is tasty.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:17 No.72841XXX
    >gabe detected
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:18 No.72841XXX
    GoW is on PC as well.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:18 No.72841XXX
    >implying Raam had personality and character
    >> снайпер 09/11/10(Sat)15:19 No.72841XXX
    I am drinking tears, and they are delicious.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:19 No.72841XXX
    The guys at EPIC Games is bribing people with Double XP. However many percentage points RAAM wins by you get that much more times XP.

    60%-40% = 20x XP

    Look on Twitter.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:19 No.72841XXX
    >1 may be a small number, but it's sure as hell better than 0
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:19 No.72842XXX
    voted for Breen out of respect for the voice actor who passed away
    Also because I am older than 18 and therefore do not care about /b/ shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:19 No.72842XXX

    >Gears of War

    HE HE HE
    >> Grogg !!1vp4WyGU9KN 09/11/10(Sat)15:19 No.72842XXX
    I don't really think you people quite understand the depth of this.

    If RAAM goes through instead of Breen, this entire thing, this poll to determine the greatest villain, will be invalidated. It'll mean jack shit.

    Because there is no way in hell a forgettable piece of shit like General RAAM is a better villain than Breen.

    But hey, by all means, if you want to be a faggot, go the fuck ahead.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:19 No.72842XXX

    should /v/ not be countertrolling faggot xbawks fans then? at least if Breen wins, we get Steam sales

    not that I really care at this point, I'm just curious
    >> Ren !JCwujwdz9Q 09/11/10(Sat)15:19 No.72842XXX
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    Because Breen isn't the real villain also the fight against him was pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:19 No.72842XXX
    Seriously, anyone voting RAAM this time is awful. The voice actor of Breen died recently, respect him and don't fucking troll.
    >> снайпер 09/11/10(Sat)15:20 No.72842XXX
    Dr Breen's personality is bad enough that it's like, negative personality. Which is why a cool looking mindless boss-fight wins out over him.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:20 No.72842XXX

    what makes breen worthy and raam no?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:21 No.72842XXX

    implying this pool ever meant anything to begin with
    >> Grogg !!1vp4WyGU9KN 09/11/10(Sat)15:21 No.72842XXX

    Breen has actual character, backstory, personality, and motivation.

    RAAM is a reskin of the generic baddie with an upgrade to health and damage made to serve as a bossfight.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:21 No.72842XXX
    That's it. I'm done with this shitty popularity contest. The Queers of warfags can have their Salmon faced retard villain victory while the rest of us go play real games.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:22 No.72842XXX
    >at least if Breen wins, we get Steam sales
    No you don't.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:22 No.72842XXX

    this is why
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:23 No.72842XXX
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:23 No.72842XXX
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    That's so much different than the sale valve fans are expecting if Breen wins.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:23 No.72842XXX
    And how, exactly, will this be trolling ANYONE?
    Gamespot doesn't care.
    Xbox faggots don't care.
    FF fags do not care.
    /v/ cares.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:23 No.72842XXX
    What happened, your Kakkooooiiiiii Beeeeesheeee lose against this "salmon faced" villain so your rear is in pain?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:23 No.72842XXX
    Gears of War >>>>>> Half-Life

    Nostalgiafags gonna hate.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:24 No.72842XXX
    gabe has already said that if breen wins he will announce HL2:ep3
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:24 No.72842XXX
    lost** and now your rear is in pain?**
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:24 No.72842XXX

    >Implying the contest wasn't ruined since round 1

    yeah, you keep your "REAL GAYMURR" shit for you.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:24 No.72842XXX

    I thought shit like this would get the candidate disqualified
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:25 No.72842XXX
    Why wouldn't we? We got one when Freeman won the hero one.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:26 No.72842XXX

    >And how, exactly, will this be trolling ANYONE?
    >Gamespot doesn't care.
    >Xbox faggots don't care.
    >FF fags do not care.
    >Valve faggots care.

    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:26 No.72842XXX
    They'll announce it, then it will happen 10 years later
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:26 No.72842XXX

    Bro, this poll was already invalidated when RAAM beat Sephiroth. As much as I hate FF and its fanbase, no way in hell is RAAM a better villain than him. There's no longer any point in taking this goddamn poll seriously.

    Just enjoy the tears. If Gears of War had more fanboys than Valve, then we would've voted against RAAM but since it's the contrary, we're voting for him.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:27 No.72842XXX
    seph was a mother's boy with a stick. I loved ff7 growing up, along with almost everyone who had a ps. It's time to grow up.

    >> Wax 09/11/10(Sat)15:28 No.72842XXX
    >space monster

    Confirmed for not actually playing the game.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:28 No.72842XXX

    I just voted for RAAM.

    y u mad tho?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:28 No.72842XXX
    ITT: Idiot who don't realize we will get a steam sale if Breen wins
    So are you just retarded or what?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:29 No.72842XXX
    As opposed to:
    /b/ cares
    Xboxfags care
    half of /v/ cares

    Yeah, sure is epic trolling in here xD
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:29 No.72842XXX
    No, but we already have the games so we don't care for sales.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:29 No.72842XXX
    Hi Failbox fag,

    I decided to stick around and see when the neckbeard haters would come along and take offense to my "Salmon Face" insult.

    I did a good job. I deserve a medal

    Derp some more, Xfags.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:29 No.72842XXX
    >> Grogg !!1vp4WyGU9KN 09/11/10(Sat)15:30 No.72842XXX

    Or we could, you know, vote for the better villain, instead of just trying to piss people off for giggles.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:30 No.72842XXX
    Steam has sales every other weekend.. If you're seriously voting just to save 5 bucks, shoot yourself now.
    >not to mention, paying money for gaems, lolohokay
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:30 No.72842XXX
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    serious OP? we're taking RAAM to the top, son!
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:31 No.72842XXX
    fucking steam sales man
    they are making me poor.
    I have a list as long as my arm of games to play which i haven't even touched yet.

    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:31 No.72842XXX
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    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:31 No.72842XXX
    RAAM '10
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:32 No.72843XXX
    RAAM winning amuses me greatly. No one even heard of the guy, even some xbros barely recognize him.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:33 No.72843XXX
    Breen will never win anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:34 No.72843XXX

    Posted Sep 11, 2010 12:31 pm PT

    Come on guys! Vote for RAAM! I mean come on... extra XP!

    Sarcasm aside, it's a shame Breen is loosing at the moment. He's the more complex and intriguing character backed by an interesting plot, but I suppose the dullard opposing him appeals to the legions of small children and casuals out there. I'm also expected to get the "thumbs down" from the aforementioned individuals who can't actually explain why RAAM is the better villain.


    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:34 No.72843XXX
    I'm kinda disappointed Kerrigan is winning. Would be hard to take out in later rounds.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:34 No.72843XXX
    Except Breen ripped of Father Karras.
    Suck it Valvefags, Breen isn't original.

    Voted for RAAMi
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:35 No.72843XXX

    It's unfair to the FFfags and MKbros. They only lost because of this fad. Breen shouldn't be treated any differently, maybe Seph or Shao Khan could've beat him if everyone took the poll seriously, who knows.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:36 No.72843XXX

    >implying you're going to leave your mom's basment
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:37 No.72843XXX
    Oh man 50.1 49.9 Breen is Catching Up!
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:37 No.72843XXX
    When is the round over anyway?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:39 No.72843XXX
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    Seph probably would've won the whole thing. That's usually how those gamespot polls go... with a nintendo or FF character on top.

    But I agree it's too late to stop now, I play Gears 2 also and I kinda would like to call out Epic on thier bonus XP weekend. They're willing to do this event because they think RAAM won't win, or will barely scrape by. What if we could get the bonus up to 50x? Even higher?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:41 No.72843XXX
    So either you have every game on the computer that you could possibly want or you're a consolefag. I'm gonna guess Xbro.
    Shoot myself for wanting everyone to get a discount on steam? Shoot myself for wanting to "save 5 bucks" as if I won't be saving more than that? Confirmed for child who doesn't pay for his own games/pirates and thinks he's cool because of it.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:44 No.72844XXX
    Breen just overtook RAAM.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:46 No.72844XXX
    Shoot yourself because your reason for voting is a sale.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:47 No.72844XXX
    /v/ tears > ....wait, nobody else cares... Vote Breen
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:48 No.72844XXX
    Shoot yourself because the reason you're voting ISN'T a sale. You want RAAM to win for one of two reasons. Either you honestly believe he deserves to win this contest (HAHA OH WOW) or you're doing it just to troll the valve fags. Either way, you are a tremendous faggot who would rather piss a small group of people off than save money. You're a child who doesn't pay for shit and doesn't realize the value of a dollar and should feel as such.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:49 No.72844XXX
    Close call.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:50 No.72844XXX
    Voting RAAM because of valvefaggots
    >> GHOSTBROTHER !!WP/Rw436UoN 09/11/10(Sat)15:50 No.72844XXX

    Seems like you're a bit mad there, brosepf.
    Did you come all the way from /sci/?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:51 No.72844XXX
    Okay, who out of you faggots are vote stuffing now?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:52 No.72844XXX
    can I get a link I want to vote and I cant find it on google... also cant be bothered to continue looking.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:53 No.72844XXX

    Nobody on /v/ gives a shit about this poll. We never did. Get off your high horse.

    The only reason I'm personally voting for RAAM, and will continue to? Because it's fucking funny. The victory over Sephiroth and Shao Kahn was hilarious.

    Again, nobody CARES who wins. Most people are just voting for the sake of pissing Gamespot/Gamefaqs posters off. RAAM's pretty much our last bet right now, since other (and far better) villains got kicked out.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:53 No.72844XXX
    Huh, how boring.
    The kiddies are rage voting for Breen.
    Oh well, it was a good run.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:53 No.72844XXX
    >You're a child...
    >Taking this poll seriously.
    Fuck your sale and fuck you crybaby.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:53 No.72844XXX
    You let money rule you, that's nice. I didn't even vote, as I don't care.

    I just like heckling both sides, but you're voting because you value capitalism, not because you actually care. Which is wrong.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:53 No.72844XXX
    Went something like this:

    1. We voted for RAAM in Round 1 to eliminate Sephiroth and make the kiddies cry.

    2. Every other idiot out there went "LOL SO RANDUM, RAAM IS LEGION" and proceeded to vote for him in every round.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:55 No.72844XXX

    This may be why..
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:55 No.72844XXX
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:55 No.72844XXX
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    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:55 No.72844XXX

    Posted Sep 11, 2010 8:52 pm GMT

    RAAM: "This is madness!"
    Breen:"No, THIS IS CITY 17!!!"
    *Kicks RAAM of Citadel*
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:56 No.72844XXX
    Thank you kind sir.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:56 No.72844XXX

    And who cares? Really?

    Was I wrong in saying /v/ doesn't care about who wins this shit? Most were voting for RAAM just for laughs. If anybody's seriously getting anally crammed about this stupid Gamefaqs competition, then wow, I really need to get off /v/.

    You guys, I swear. Sometimes you're no different than the idiots who post comments on that site.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:56 No.72844XXX
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    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:57 No.72844XXX
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    >> Cunty McFuckbucket and his Bastard Bagpipers !!Wf0EtP4kCxi 09/11/10(Sat)15:57 No.72844XXX
    Voting for RAAM purely to troll Valve faggots and because of what happened last year when fucking GORDON FREEMAN won 'Best Video Game Hero' which was the biggest crock of shit ever, he shouldn't have even gotten past Solid Snake. So I don't want to see ANOTHER win for HL

    U MAD, /v/?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:57 No.72845XXX
    Let me break it down for you tripfag.
    RAAM wins. The more deserving villain wins, half of /v/ gets pissed.
    Breen wins. We get a steam sale, ALL of /b/ gets pissed.
    Now as a visitor of /v/, which option makes you less of a tremendous faggot?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:58 No.72845XXX
    honstly, i'm tired of valve characters winning. i'm also tired of the valve fans and their egotistical and immature attitudes. think i'm generalizing? check the comments out on the poll page. i want RAAM to win because he's an underdog and i'd do anything to see a horde of valve fanboys crying. they're the worst.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:58 No.72845XXX

    It is something, it's just faggy.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:58 No.72845XXX

    >more deserving villain

    Honestly, they both kind of suck.

    Breen at least had somewhat of a personality.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:58 No.72845XXX
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:59 No.72845XXX
    There's no proof of a steam sale, at all.
    You people are just voting for Breen because you are analpained. heh
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)15:59 No.72845XXX
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    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:00 No.72845XXX
    Pissing off /v/.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:00 No.72845XXX
    >117 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

    Wow, /v/. I guess you really do care about this silly poll.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:00 No.72845XXX

    I even heard they aren't planning to do a sale, because that would be a bribe.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:00 No.72845XXX
    And then Darth Vader or Joker takes it all.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:01 No.72845XXX
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    Because RAAM is legun.


    RAAM is mai waifu :3.


    Xbox Republic Member since 2009
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:01 No.72845XXX
    delicious valvefag tears sustain me and provide nutrients
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:01 No.72845XXX
    because big alien with gun is totally better xd
    >> Ryuushun !!9pOulaN8wB1 09/11/10(Sat)16:01 No.72845XXX
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    >mfw people think this is about a better character not a better villian
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:01 No.72845XXX
    Last time we made Freeman win we got a steam sale, there is good basis that it will happen again if you vote for Breen.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:01 No.72845XXX
    Forgive me, I didn't want to dissapoint you ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:02 No.72845XXX

    >breen loses
    >still get steam sale anyway
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:02 No.72845XXX
    Just goes to show what the world is coming to. A friendly little poll to see who the greatest villian of video games is has become nothing more than a tool to get back at fanboys you've never met or to get cheap games.

    Who would you have really voted for now? These threads make me rage more than any outcome from this poll.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:02 No.72845XXX
    voted RAAM
    make the half life fanboys cry
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:03 No.72845XXX
    Breen is winning yo
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:03 No.72845XXX
    Here's the proof of the all butthurt RAAM has made.

    Just look at this post for a second, some pathetic virgin actually took his time to post this.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:04 No.72845XXX
    Good argument. I'm blown away with your skills to greentext what I said.
    Yes, I'm a piece of shit for wanting to get a tangible reward out of something that doesn't matter. If I started a poll about which color is better, red or blue, and I said if blue won everyone would get the game they want most right now for free, I wonder who would win..
    But yeah, fuck capitalism, right? Because saving probably a hundred dollars in the sale steam will have and wanting everyone else to have that opportunity is just wrong. Fucking turrible...
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:05 No.72845XXX
    faggots like you are why we do this
    how you manage to get so analpained over something like this is beyond me
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:06 No.72845XXX

    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:06 No.72845XXX



    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:06 No.72845XXX
    >Everybody vote for RAAM so we can make FF7 fanboys cry! TROLLING FOR TROLLING'S SAKE
    >Yeah, let's do it!
    >Now let's make Half Life fanboys cry!
    >Woah, slow down there partner.
    And then /v/ was the hypocrites
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:07 No.72845XXX
    both are shitty villains
    voted breen for xbro tears
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:07 No.72845XXX
    I just want to talk about VIDEO GAMES. I don't care if someone is upset over their favorite character not winning. Why did somebody have to go and invent this silly little thing you all call trolling?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:07 No.72845XXX

    Delicious /v/ tears from voting RAAM.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:08 No.72845XXX
    To be fair, Valve fans are not nearly as bad as Final fantasy fans. You're also completely disregarding the gears fans.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:09 No.72845XXX
    Trolling is a art, you faggots wouldn't understand.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:09 No.72845XXX
         File1284235756.jpg-(10 KB, 318x224, 1280486085079.jpg)
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    >People taking the contest seriously
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:09 No.72845XXX
         File1284235774.jpg-(36 KB, 311x264, thejoker_311x264[1].jpg)
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    This guy is gonna take it all.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:09 No.72845XXX
    You may as well resort to pirating if you're too poor to afford games at their normal cost and must resort to rigging polls to buy your games.

    Why not get a job and actually help out our society? Rather than waste away hoping you get your sale from Valve's teat?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:09 No.72845XXX
    He killed that bald asian COG asshole

    He deserves to win
    >> Cunty McFuckbucket and his Bastard Bagpipers !!Wf0EtP4kCxi 09/11/10(Sat)16:10 No.72845XXX
    What we've learned is that /v/ are only willing to troll fanboy faggots until it comes to a character they like, at which point they suddenly care about the poll and are determined that their guy is NOT going to lose. At which point they have become exactly the kind of fanboy faggots we are trying to troll

    /v /= most pathetic board on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:10 No.72845XXX
    I'm just a poor boy from a poor family....
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:11 No.72845XXX
    >this same fucking comment in every thread
    If you don't take the poll seriously then why are you even here? And don't tell me it's for the LULZ because you clearly care enough to read and post in these threads.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:11 No.72845XXX
         File1284235885.gif-(1017 KB, 200x200, 1283622860976.gif)
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    This. Fucking this.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:11 No.72845XXX
    u mad gearfaggot
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:11 No.72846XXX
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:11 No.72846XXX
    Zero Punctuation, anyone?

    >"Haha, that Yahtzee fella sure knows what he's talking ab- HEY, I LIKE THAT GAME!"
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:12 No.72846XXX
         File1284235926.jpg-(5 KB, 251x251, 88.jpg)
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    >dont know who either of those characters are
    >assume they are from some casual fag pc game that nobody cares about
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:12 No.72846XXX
    with any luck, it will come down to raam vs the joker.
    and then i won't know who to vote for.
    raam for delicious tears?
    joker because he's my favorite batman character?
    i'm so torn!
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:12 No.72846XXX
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:12 No.72846XXX
    Yes, in fact they're even worse sometimes. They act more like whiny kids than other fanbases.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:12 No.72846XXX
    Sums it up pretty well. Guys it's only a stupid internet poll, who cares who wins? Stupid people. By helping RAAM to the top, we're depressing tons of idiots.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:13 No.72846XXX
    Voted RAAM, will vote RAAM again.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:13 No.72846XXX

    You are not so different, you and they, and you are in fact in many ways worse. Final Fantasy at the very least doesn't have meme spouting retards that stem from the product.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:13 No.72846XXX
         File1284236030.png-(69 KB, 400x388, 1280383824244.png)
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    um but HE'S NOT VIDYA, hes /co/, he shouldn't be in this really Gamespot is retarded, also Vader? wtf? Who ISN'T in a game these days? This is title is for original vidya characters that were developed by game experiences
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:14 No.72846XXX
    suddenly asspained xbros everywhere
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:14 No.72846XXX
    I would disagree. Valve fans are mostly pretentious master race oh ho ho fucks. Half life was a good game but come on.

    Gears fans are totally split after Gears 2.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:14 No.72846XXX
         File1284236072.jpg-(32 KB, 600x677, Deadpool Unmasked.jpg)
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    If RAAM loses, Kerrigan is going to win.

    She's had a big lead on all the battles so far.

    My vote went to RAAM. Starcraft faggots are annoying.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:14 No.72846XXX
    >xbox tears
    >xbox TEARS


    Xboys don't give a shit about raam losing or not.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:15 No.72846XXX
    Okay, it looks like it's about time I start proxy scripting in some votes.
    Will try to spread them out.

    Will aim for around 1000 votes on RAAM over the course of 5 hours.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:15 No.72846XXX

    >Starcraft faggots are annoying.

    The funniest part is that if this poll had been done 3 months ago, Kerrigan would've been out in the first round.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:15 No.72846XXX
    xfags on /v/ does
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:15 No.72846XXX
    actually you just did
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:15 No.72846XXX
    No, but you're obviously so mad that it is absolutely hilarious you'd even ask that.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:16 No.72846XXX
    You seem awfully defensive.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:16 No.72846XXX
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:16 No.72846XXX
    You're talking about portal fanboys. I bet half the people who spout that shit don't even know who Mr. Breen is.

    Not a valve fanboy either. Only Valve game I've ever played was portal.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:16 No.72846XXX
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:16 No.72846XXX
    Way to point yourself out as an asspained 360 fanboy
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:16 No.72846XXX
    >Best Game Villain contest
    >Joker and Darth Vader in contest
    That aside, Mark Hamill's Joker is awesome enough to win this contest even though he doesn't technically qualify as a game villain.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:17 No.72846XXX
    Starcraft faggots are annoying like Valvefags. They're elitist for no reason other than they refuse to like or play anything else. Or if they do happen to like something else, it's never foreign to them.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:17 No.72846XXX
    I doubt you can. Most proxies don't work on this shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:17 No.72846XXX
    He's not losing
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:18 No.72846XXX
    He was.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:18 No.72846XXX
    Ok listen, I'm going to spell this out REEEEAAAALLL careful for you so that you might be able to grasp it this time.
    If I could save money by choosing one option out of two in a contest that I could care less about, then I'm going to do it. Fuck Breen and fuck RAAM.
    Let me ask you this. Why are you voting RAAM? Because it's so edgy and cool to troll /v/? Because you believe you deserves to win this stupid ass glorified popularity contest? Do you know how pathetic this sounds?
    Anyone who values "LOL EPIC WEEN RAAM '10 XXDDD" over an actual tangible reward such as a sale that saves you money really needs to look at their lives and sort out their priorities.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:18 No.72846XXX

    This. Most of them probably didn't even remember him before this contest.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:18 No.72846XXX
    good one, xb0t
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:18 No.72846XXX
    And then another generic character from another generic game won.
    Fuck Breen.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:18 No.72846XXX
         File1284236331.gif-(1.94 MB, 324x163, ps32ndplace.gif)
    1.94 MB
    Why you gotta be mad at a brothah trying to have a good time?


    RAAM is mai waifu :3.


    Xbox Republic Member since 2009
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:19 No.72846XXX

    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:19 No.72846XXX

    That's exactly why I am voting for him, and Vader, too. Makes a complete mockery of the contest.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:20 No.72846XXX
         File1284236408.jpg-(269 KB, 1600x1200, BREEN.jpg)
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    you mad /b/?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:20 No.72846XXX
    I didn't vote.

    And all you seem to care about is your wallet, good day poor man, for I will not reply to you again.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:20 No.72846XXX
    There's an exp multiplier reward if RAAM wins THIS ROUND.
    There's no reward confirmed if Breen wins EVEN THE WHOLE CONTEST.
    Keep telling yourself otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:21 No.72846XXX
    this guy is so mad
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:21 No.72846XXX
    I will literally laugh so hard if Breen wins. All that fucking effort and RAAM still loses.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:22 No.72846XXX
    ramm would wreck your shit
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:22 No.72846XXX
    I bet you don't even play Gears. Even if you do XP is not a tangible reward.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:23 No.72846XXX
    >He doesn't use windows in english
    laughing analpained /v/irgins.png
    What are you, 12?
    >> Cunty McFuckbucket and his Bastard Bagpipers !!Wf0EtP4kCxi 09/11/10(Sat)16:23 No.72846XXX

    I'm not a Gearfag OR A Valvefag....I still have a PS2, never got around to buying a PS3 and then became long term unemployed so couldn't afford one. I start a new job next month and first on my list of stuff to buy is a PS3 (don't try and sway me to a different console, you'll be wasting your time. IMH PS3 is the better console and in any case, I'm brand loyal to Playstation). I have a PC but don't really use it for much gaming, IMH gaming is best done on consoles. I have a copy of Half-Life 2 somewhere which my ex girlfriend (bitch) bought for me, never got around to installing it. Don't really have the disk space for it at the minute anyway.

    Have never played GoW or HL, when I saw the GS poll had no idea who RAAM was, or Breen. Had I not been a 4chan user and just saw the poll and had to choose who to vote for, I'd have gone RAAM purely because he looks badass. Breen looks like Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan....he's just some old guy. That's how I'd have done it if I'd done it objectively.

    Having seen for myself how much Valve faggots were exaggerating how much of a 'character' Freeman is (when he's clearly a generic, interchangable FPS 'you see through him' guy with weapons (HE'S GOT A CROWBAR THATS WHAT MAKES HIM THE BEST HERP DERP), I strongly suspect Breen is being overrated too.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:23 No.72846XXX
    Nope, you voted correctly.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:23 No.72846XXX
    Well, if it makes poorfags like you angry, then it's all the better to vote RAAM.

    You heard it here first, brothers!
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:24 No.72847XXX
    Voted for Breen.
    I played GoW and dont even remember the other guy other than fighting him at the end.
    What kind of general can't even kill 4 humans out of the entire human race when you're a genetically mutated muscle fish?
    Is he even the real villain?
    I thought the real villain was the queen or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:24 No.72847XXX
    /b/ here, we voted Breen.

    See? I can be just as retarded as you guys if I try.
    >> The_Medic 09/11/10(Sat)16:25 No.72847XXX
    This should be the sole reason why you vote for Breen.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:25 No.72847XXX
    mad valvefag is mad.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:26 No.72847XXX
    When it comes to an online poll why the fuck else would I care about anything but my wallet? I guess you just like to waste money.
    If Breen takes it all and valve doesn't have a sale I will cut off my dick and eat it then post the video on youtube. I am that confident that there will be a sale.
    Yes. Yes I am. Why wouldn't I be when people won't listen to logic and reply with shit comments like "this guy is so mad."
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:26 No.72847XXX
         File1284236773.jpg-(40 KB, 394x600, 1238314530942.jpg)
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    >I'm brand loyal to Playstation
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:26 No.72847XXX
    >exp multiplier
    >tangible reward
    These are not synonyms.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:26 No.72847XXX
         File1284236792.jpg-(14 KB, 225x271, 225px-Gabe_newell.jpg)
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    If Breen loses, Gabe delays Episode 3 by one year.

    Choose wisely.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:27 No.72847XXX
    Why is Breen the villain? The Combine Overlord is much more deserving of the title "villain"
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:27 No.72847XXX
    I never thought that Breen was a good villain.
    He had his one good "..what exactly is it that you created.." line and that's it.
    He is just too weak for my taste. I like my villains without any begging for their lifes.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:27 No.72847XXX
    >go to /b/ for the first time in years and immediately see a RAAM thread.
    >everyone mad as FUCK people voting for breen

    And then I voted for Breen
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:28 No.72847XXX
    Spoilers I guess. That's why Darth Vader is the villain instead of Anakin Skywalker
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:28 No.72847XXX
    Just voted for raam on 6 different accounts, fuck you all
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:28 No.72847XXX
    >make up story
    >feel better about penis size
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:28 No.72847XXX
         File1284236927.gif-(40 KB, 256x256, T2_KarportS.gif)
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    Which ripped of Karras from Thief 2:

    "What hast thou... built, Garret? When the time comes to review thy life, with the Master Builder afore thee, and the question is asked: what hast thou built, what will thee say, poor Garret? For thou art a man of... destruction, not construction. Tis the biggest sin of all. Build thyself today a good house, that would please Him much!"
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:28 No.72847XXX
         File1284236933.jpg-(48 KB, 450x248, ya freakin mad.jpg)
    48 KB
    >RAAM is beating Sephiroth


    >RAAM is beating Breen


    gj being collosal faggots /v/. brb voting RAAM just to piss off the people in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:28 No.72847XXX
    Do we even know who the "combine overlord" is?
    Breen was the face of the combine when it comes to Earth.
    >> Cunty McFuckbucket and his Bastard Bagpipers !!Wf0EtP4kCxi 09/11/10(Sat)16:29 No.72847XXX
    And if anyone is still in any doubt, after Breen vs RAAM, you should be voting Joker and Vader.

    THe objective is still trolling GS and its users, and since most of them are whinging about how Vader and Joker shouldn't even be in the contest (they have a point, TBH), each true game character those two beat will cause more upset, and a victory for one of them in the final will cause massive upset

    Do not lose sight of the objectives: TROLLING, UPSET, FANBOY TEARS
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:29 No.72847XXX
    Since when do you need an account to vote?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:29 No.72847XXX

    mad as HELL
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:29 No.72847XXX
    because your logic is "bawww, I want to save money with my already shortchanged wallet, so here comes a HL2 sale for a game I already own!"
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:30 No.72847XXX
    >implying you didn't already vote for raam

    Sorry bro, you can't vote more than once.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:30 No.72847XXX
    Yes I am a poorfag because I would rather pay $7.50 for a game than $10 for a game. Oh lord where will I ever find an extra $2.50? If you don't care about 50% or even 25% off of a game then obviously you're a child and don't buy your own shit.
    inb4 All the people who just called me a poorfag are suddenly pirate fags.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:30 No.72847XXX
         File1284237020.jpg-(28 KB, 298x318, lung cancer.jpg)
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    At least he isn't denying his fanboyism, like most of /v/ will.

    There is nothing wrong with being a fanboy, there is a problem however with being overly zealous and elitist about it.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:30 No.72847XXX
    He's the face, but he is not the true villain.
    The Overlord deserves the title of "villain" because it's the puppet master.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:31 No.72847XXX
    Same goes for Raam. He isn't the real villain behind the scenes either.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:32 No.72847XXX
    Please see:
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:33 No.72847XXX
    I don't give a fuck about steam. Voting RAAM because.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:33 No.72847XXX
         File1284237238.jpg-(54 KB, 256x353, legolas eating skittles.jpg)
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    >Raam wins 50,1 to 49,9
    >x0.1 XP
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:34 No.72847XXX
    More like we all don't work your pathetic job at Mc Donalds and make something along the lines of $15-$30 an hour. Cry me a river, poorfag.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:34 No.72847XXX
    Breen was never worhty title villain since he was just an pawn for the combine advisor, RAAM on the other hand is badass.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:35 No.72847XXX
    Voting for Breen because trolling these /b/tards who have put RAAM up on some pedestal is fucking hilarious.

    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:35 No.72847XXX
    >implying the delicious tears each side is talking about are not their own

    this thread and the others before it are proof.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:35 No.72847XXX
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:36 No.72847XXX
    Voting Raam to counter all the tears of /v/.
    trolled hard.png
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:36 No.72847XXX
         File1284237398.jpg-(8 KB, 251x249, 1266878442963.jpg)
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    >Come to /v/
    >Go check out the poll
    >Start Reading Comments
    >Vote for Breen
    >close tab
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:36 No.72847XXX
    voted for raam because i hate valvefags
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:37 No.72848XXX
         File1284237441.jpg-(161 KB, 1024x768, orly.jpg)
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    >Sorry bro, you can't vote more than once.

    That sounds like a challenge.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:37 No.72848XXX
    It's not counter trolling, if anything you've revealed how mad you are that Breen is losing, and that you're just as bad as the Sephiroth fanboys.

    Nobody genuinely cares whether or not RAAM wins. Well, maybe some people relying on these xp events to get their wings, I don't know.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:37 No.72848XXX
    So if two stores were next door to each other, the one on the left was exactly the same except everything was 5%, but you would go to the one on the right just to show that you're not poor and you make LOL AWSUM SALARY GUISE and you don't need that pussy ass 5% off because you're not poor, right?
    Goddamn you are stupid, sir.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:38 No.72848XXX
         File1284237513.jpg-(21 KB, 389x388, babby.jpg)
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    >Vader vs. Diablo
    >In a fight between them, Vader would just use the force and explode diablo and that's it. He is more powerfull, and a far greater villain! Diablo is a douche..
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:38 No.72848XXX
    Breen isn't losing though...
    >> Ren !JCwujwdz9Q 09/11/10(Sat)16:38 No.72848XXX
         File1284237536.jpg-(17 KB, 528x272, wmplayer 2010-08-24 01-31-26-5(...).jpg)
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    >Sorry bro, you can't vote more than once
    Good one bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:39 No.72848XXX
    Keep being poor. I know when being frugal is the right choice. 5% is definitely not worth anything other than tax monies.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:39 No.72848XXX
    Okay people, RAAM is getting his shit slapped, time for plan /b/.

    You know what to do.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:40 No.72848XXX
    lawl. is that a comment from gamespot? somebody's never played the diablo series before.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:41 No.72848XXX
    Ok obviously you're a troll. I feel stupid for not having noticed before.
    ITT: Faggots choosing "EPIC LULZ XD" over money.
    Stay classy /v/
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:41 No.72848XXX
    You're retarded.
    /b/ has been trying to get RAAM to win since the beginning of all this shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:42 No.72848XXX
    Butthertz neckbeard faggot detected

    You cant kill Diablo. He'll just go back to the black abyss and then respawn after 5. He exists as a manifestation of himself.

    On the other hand, Vader is a meat popsicle w/ a refrigerator armor.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:43 No.72848XXX
    As much as I love Half-Life 2. RAAM needs to win, It's not about beating breen, it's about sending a message.

    RAAM's victory means that /v/ and 4chan as a whole is still a force to be reckoned with.

    Remember last year when Gordon won? Do you remember the sweet fanboy tears? I do. And I loved the taste.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:43 No.72848XXX
    Really? Both in this thread and on /b/ there are threads proclaiming that RAAM should win because the fanboy tears would be great. Seems that the one who are trying hardest to win aren't the "Valve fanboys" but the trolls who would be devastated if RAAM didn't win because then they wouldn't get their lulz and their epic FTW.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:43 No.72848XXX

    Posted Sep 11, 2010 1:42 pm PT

    >implying the majority of /v/ isn't composed of valve fanboys

    >> Anonymous 09/11/10(Sat)16:44 No.72848XXX
    I hope Breen wins but I'm just chillen.
    Seems the Raam-fags are getting desperate to do anything though.

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