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#l/a/nguage on irc.rizon.net

Previous Thread:

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You reaction times are most impressive
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le wut ?
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It's henomoheheno you fucking plebe
It's just OP posting as soon as he created the thread, it's not even impressive
Except he and I aren't the same person.
It's really not.
I bet you don't believe in Santa Claus either.
I don't know any possible way to prove this to you.
Why does Japanese have so many grammar rules

I'll never get through all of these sections :-(
Get a mod to show IPs.
We don't do that here.
>Why does Japanese have so many grammar rules
It really doesn't have that many.
English has plenty too. You just didn't need to learn them. If english wasn't your first language, just replace english and the same will probably true.
>>72824009 (OP)

Really? Because you fuckers taught me that translating it ruins the grorious nipponjin culture, and that you should just staple it onto the end of someone's name, even when transcribing it into different languages.

Sorry, I'm just venting. Bad fansubs have me riled up this season. Onii-chan is not fucking English, URW, and you damn well know it.
>to luxuriate

At this rate, I'm going to need an anki deck for English by thread #250 in order to keep up with the meanings.
殿下, 殿様, 妃殿下
どの is a suffix and isn't related too much to how the word is normally used.
Its only going to get even more irritating as you learn more of the language.
So have you guys read all of Tae Kim's lessons already or are you learning kanji and grammar simultaneously
I've read them all but I'm going back through it again.
I plan to start Genki after this and then just start working through those Dictionaries of Japanese Grammar.
Isn't that a bit excessive?

I don't see why you would need to learn the same thing from different sources
Genki is more thorough than Tae Kim, and I imagine the dictionary is gonna be pretty comprehensive.
Different perspectives, different explanations, and a difference in the material covered makes it worth the time in my opinion. Also, if you overlap this information you already know from a new source, you should be less likely to forget it and will probably gain a more thorough understanding overall.
>Isn't that a bit excessive?

You're trying to gain fluency in a language here, not do some overnight school homework
Ya that makes sense...

I dunno I might just be a lazy retard but I want to get through grammar, learn a decent amount of vocabulary and just jump into trying to read

I mean, being able to read manga and visual novels is the main reason I want to learn Japanese in the first place anyway
There's balance in everything. Dedicating some time to grammar throughout your study of the language should strengthen what you already know and help push you closer towards the end goal.
Of course this doesn't mean to neglect anything else but I feel it's always an area that's worth paying mind.
Well what I've done is I've read through his complete guide and I'm now going through the grammar guide which essentially covers the same thing but it's written a bit differently so that helps me remember the rules better
That is, imo, enough grammar by memorization. You should go over to learning from usage cases. Find example sentence or read stuff until you don't understand something because of the grammar. Then look that up, ask here etc.
Would just like to get an approximate gauge on how fast I'm moving along comparatively:

I'm usually able to do about 200-300 cards per day total - Half new, half review.

I would love to be able to do more, but just this is taking up most all of my time as it is... (Maybe mostly because I'm writing almost every new kanji 50 fucking times in my notebook you bitch.)

About how much do you guys get through in a day?
im typing in my phone. what should i use, itta or ikunda for past verb?
Yes that's exactly what I've been saying

I was just talking about this anon >>72825614 saying that might be a bit much
As in 行った and 行くんだ?
行くんだ isn't past tense, you know/
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>brute forcing Kanji

check out RTK
Depends on the verb


Actually, kanjidamage mostly.
But this has been something I've been meaning to look into - Thanks.
>Half new.
So 100-150 new cards. You'll be done in a month, this isn't hard math. You'll also burn out in about a week.
>done in a month
>burn out in about a week
Been at it for a couple months now...
>100-150 new cards.
How the fuck do people even do this

Even if I was a complete fucking NEET with all the time in the world I still wouldn't to memorize that much shit

>100 kanji a day
>couple of months
>60 days
>6000 kanji

>>72824009 (OP)
This belongs on /jp/. >:(
Please stop with the emotes already.

Then buy my math you know thousands of kanji already.
>100-150 new cards a day
>At it for months

Does it make you feel better about yourself lieing on the internet?
Are you mad bro? :P

I use emotes all the time and it's kind of in an ironic way xD

But I've been doing it so much that it's actually genuine at this point :X
But it lets you get creative with them! =^.^=
Assume that the amount of kanji you need to know is roughly 3,000.
>200-300 cards a day.
>Half new, so 100-150 a new cards a day.
1 month, or days 30 gives you 30*100 = 3,000 new cards.
3,000-3,000 leaves a difference of 0 kanji that you don't know.
Thus you are done.

Seriously, this is not hard math.
And he writes them all down too

I really don't know if this kid is retarded and exaggerating or if he's just retarded and can't count
How do I know which verbs are ru verbs and which verbs are u verbs using rikaikun?

I know there's that little (v1,vt) or whatever under every verb but what does that mean?
v1: -ru
v5: -u
Everything else: http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/wwwjdicinf.html#code_tag
見る v1
なる v5r
100 new cards != 100 new kanji

Jesus people, calm down.
I'm not some superman, nor did I ever claim to be...
"A couple of months", let's say 3 months.
That's 9,000 words assuming you add new words instead of kanji. That's N1, or more-than-fluent level.
If by new cards you mean something else than new words or kanji, then what you're doing is probably redundant.

Shit who the fuck cares what you're adding, I don't think there is ANYTHING that I can memorize a hundred of in one day
100 things in one day is not hard. 100 a day for 30 days is next to impossible unless you spend all of your time. I semi-frequently add 100+ words a day, over a weekend or so, but then i spend a week or two to process them, or whatever you want to call it.
>not spending all of your time on this
Well obviously that's what I meant

But this guy is implying that he has added 100 new kanji\words every day, wrote them all down 50 times, memorized them, and then did the same thing the next day, for several months

I don't even
Not all of us are NEETs
I'm not a NEET, and I spend 90% of my day on this.

Do you use that rest 2 and a half hours to sleep, as well as go to school\work?
Why would I want to when I have dozens of other things that are interesting as well? I can't help but get bored of this after a few hours.
Professional insomniac Japanese learner... That might be an even better career than professional Internet arguer.

Do you sometimes sing Japanese songs?
If I'm alone, I sometimes sing.
>not dreaming about writing kanji
>implying school isn't a joke
>implying i don't to my reps while at work
This has really taken over my life and mind. I feel like I'm going crazy.
Of course I'd like people to correct it, I know there has to be something wrong with it. A lot probably.
You'd be fluent in like a month flat

Why are you not giving up sleep to study your moonrunes, /a/?
How can you lucid dream and be with you're waifu if you don't sleep?
I have been.
Unfortunately for me, your assessment has not been the case.

Some day.
Actually it looks fine to me.
Well I'm probably one of the worst ones here but I can tell you that you should use the question particle か instead of the の in the first sentence
Also you need to use いれば not あれば if it's an animate object
か isn't appropriate for casual speech unless you want to express doubt or something but it's not good for general questions in casual speech.
It can't be ですか because the sentence ends in a verb.
I think の is fine here.
>Also you need to use いれば not あれば if it's an animate object
"一人であれば" returns 30,600,000 results.
Okay then fuck you omg I'll never give anyone advice again ;_;
It's fine we're here to correct each other so I'll correct you if you mistake and you'll correct me when I make a mistake.
Explaining things helps you yourself understand it better and anybody who's explanation helped them figure out something. If the conclusion you've arrived at is incorrect then we'll point out what needs to be changed.
W..why are you being so nice to me on the internet I don't deserve this
These threads are one of the most civil threads across all of 4chan.
That's quite eerie to me

Going into a thread and not seeing any hurtful comments or shitposting is just straight up bizzare
WELL FUCK YOU THEN *grabs dick*
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Is this sentence correct?

Shouldn't the いっぴき come before cat?

Nope it's fine.
it's correct.
It's correct. If you want to put 一匹 in front, you need a の.
一匹の猫を飼っています would be correct in that case.
But they're both nouns
How do you know when to put の in between?

Sorry I'm looking through Tae Kim's stuff now but I can't find it
>But they're both nouns
>How do you know when to put の in between?
That's just it. You need の when you're linking nouns together to create noun phrases. I wouldn't think 'of' or as a possessive particle or anything like that but just a way to link nouns together to make one new noun.
is "正しく覚えたら" a legit way of saying "if i remember correctly"?
8200 hits with google still makes me question it.
You could just use 覚えたら to be safe.
Just use たしか
thanks, didnt know this word.
Okay that makes more sense

It's just that I read everywhere that no shows possesiveness
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Try reading things like this or typing in some Katakana in google and reading whatever it happens to lead you to.
The key is to have a balanced approach rather than relying heavily on one technique.

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