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  • File : 1283207670.jpg-(30 KB, 626x352, metroid-other-m_03.jpg)
    30 KB Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:34 No.71772XXX  
    So, what ended up being /v/'s general consensus on Other M? It looks pretty fun and I'll probably end up buying it, but I might have to reconsider depending on what /v/ thinks.

    Hard Mode: No bringing up Ridley scene.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:38 No.71772XXX
    >/v/'s opinion; Below average game, with a poor story
    a sweeping generalization of course, some people like it, some hate it, loads troll it.

    >my opinion; Game looks good, but not stellar. Control scheme seems fine, with a couple of oddities that I'll have to get used to. A mixture of Nostalgia and disappointment, but worth getting

    I have not played it yet, so who knows. I suggest picking it up though
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:42 No.71773XXX
    Rent or pirate, it's ok but not even remotely worth shelling out $50 to play.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:44 No.71773XXX
    >Melting pot of opinions
    >Trolls feeding trolls
    Are you retarded?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:44 No.71773XXX
    It seems making huge overreactions, because that's what they always, do, but I don't have it yet, so I'm not sure.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:44 No.71773XXX
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    Can't freeroam until Adam dies and that's near the end of the game
    You can't pause cutscenes, even the HOME menu is purposely disabled
    100% requires post-credits play
    The dialogs themselves get overly repetitive also dat robot VA
    Feels short, I clocked in 9 hrs
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:45 No.71773XXX
    cool game but such a halo rip off
    >> Railgun !!T6gsgkLojLJ 08/30/10(Mon)18:46 No.71773XXX
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    >asking /v/'s opinion on a game they've been bashing for several days.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:46 No.71773XXX
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    It sucks.



    >> GameBoo !mpZx7zHN/Q 08/30/10(Mon)18:47 No.71773XXX
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    >Asking Metroid "fans" on /v/ on their opinion of a Metroid game that isn't Super Metroid
    Enjoy your shitstorm
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:47 No.71773XXX
    There is another fucking metroid queen in this game?

    God, fuck Sakamoto.

    That bitch dies in II, hence the fucking ending, where the last metroid baby processes transferance onto Samus.

    God, fuck Sakamoto hard.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:47 No.71773XXX
    But... /v/ loves Metroid Prime!
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:47 No.71773XXX
    Copy that, I'm oscar mike.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:48 No.71773XXX
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    Stupid children.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:49 No.71773XXX
    Can someone explain to me:
    -Who Sakamoto is
    -What has he previously done
    -What was his role on Other M
    -Who filled that role previously
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:50 No.71773XXX
    >I might have to reconsider depending on what /v/ thinks.
    Oh, lol. I hope you don't buy it, and end up never playing and enjoying it. That would be so satisfying.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:50 No.71773XXX
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    >> OP 08/30/10(Mon)18:50 No.71773XXX
    I just got checked in yesterday and it seemed like it had its fair share of haters, but plenty who liked it too.

    But hearing that /v/ hates it only makes me feel better about purchasing it, so thanks for informing me.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:50 No.71773XXX
    Sakamoto is fucking insane, he doesn't know what makes Metroid good and is completely disconnected with his fanbase, just read his interviews, the guy is acting like fans ASKED for this kind of dramatic bullshit, he even said that Super Metroid was about "maternal instincts" when not even a SINGLE person that liked Super, even noticed that bullshit.

    Sakamoto is bat shit insane.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:51 No.71773XXX
    >Other M hate thread #8782
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:51 No.71773XXX
    oh man, i can't wait to see the shitstorm of asshurt donkey kong country fanfags when DKCR comes out
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:52 No.71773XXX
    Long article, though it has some good info, take it with a grain of salt.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:52 No.71773XXX
    Because the dialog even if this wasn't a Metroid game was horrible

    Game summed up in one post
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:52 No.71773XXX
    It's Ninja Gaiden with none of the challenge and lasers instead of swords and shit. No tits and ass either.

    Then there's a bad story with unskippable cutscenes and robotic internal dialog, and sequences that stop gameplay abruptly just to force you to look around for some stupid clue that should just be done automatically.

    Then there's the Ridley scene, which should really be seen before you make your buying decision.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:52 No.71773XXX
    But DKCR is being made by Retro, there is no possibility of it being bad or not faithful.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:52 No.71774XXX
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    Replace "series" with "game".
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:53 No.71774XXX

    Okay, what the hell is this 'ridley scene'


    how bad can it be
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:53 No.71774XXX
    every producer talks out of their ass
    nothing new here, move along
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:55 No.71774XXX

    Spoilers, obviously
    >> Railgun !!T6gsgkLojLJ 08/30/10(Mon)18:55 No.71774XXX
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    >> GameBoo !mpZx7zHN/Q 08/30/10(Mon)18:55 No.71774XXX
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    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:55 No.71774XXX
    >but it will be completely faithful.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:55 No.71774XXX
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    You know what? I'm gonna buy the game and enjoy it, just to spite you all.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:55 No.71774XXX
    writer and director

    he's always been the director, previous writers have been nobody since metroid was never about the story
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:56 No.71774XXX
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    anybody got any games to add?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:56 No.71774XXX
    He had a Jetpack and guns in DK64, retard.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:57 No.71774XXX
    DO IT
    it's a solid 10 hours for those of us who can actually enjoy a game for what it is.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:57 No.71774XXX
    Fuck you, faggot, I liked Battle Network 4......I just didn't like having to play the game three times just to get the ProtoSoul.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:57 No.71774XXX
    >Adam dies
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:58 No.71774XXX
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    I wish I could shove a hornet hive in all of your orifices.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:58 No.71774XXX
    >implying Sonic wasn't shit long before the Shadow game
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:58 No.71774XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:58 No.71774XXX


    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:58 No.71774XXX
    World of Warcraft
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:59 No.71774XXX

    Because doing new things is bad right, rehash all the way! Go fucking play DKC2


    You don't know if this will make the game easy or not until you played it, it is a crucial part of the design that works with others, such as enemy placement and level-design, you must see the big picture before saying it is casual or not


    Because you would rather have a Diddy that is a carbon copy of Donkey, but faster, like old titles?
    I would rather have two different characters than that generic Mario/Luigi shit, but whatever....

    And it's fucking Retro, they manage to make Metroid in first-person, this is so easy compared to that it hurts.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)18:59 No.71774XXX
    >Stop disliking what I like
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:00 No.71774XXX
    Its a sequel of that series made by the same fags
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:03 No.71774XXX
    "Following the original Metroid, Sakamoto has directed all Metroid games produced internally by Nintendo except Metroid II: Return of Samus. These are Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, and Metroid: Zero Mission. He also supervised the production of Retro Studios's Metroid Prime series. Sakamoto is currently directing the upcoming Metroid: Other M which is being co-developed with Team Ninja."
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:05 No.71775XXX
    That's just the gist of it, thought.

    Read that Malstrom article to know what's really going on with Sakamoto.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:06 No.71775XXX
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    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:07 No.71775XXX
    It's the Fusion of 3D metroids. Too linear, CO ordering you around, and if you cut out the part where Samus loses her suit, it kinda repeats the plot of Fusion as well. It's like bad fanfiction. Gameplay is entertaining enough, though. Shame it was so short.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:10 No.71775XXX
    Cutscenes are derp.
    Gameplay parts have great atmosphere and Samus is badass.

    After the intro, you won't see more than one cutscene every two hours.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:11 No.71775XXX

    Except Fusion was awesome
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:11 No.71775XXX
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    here you go, bro, should be useful in the future
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:12 No.71775XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:13 No.71775XXX
    Someone put these images together, so the kids are glaring at eachother.

    /v/ in a nutshell.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:13 No.71775XXX
    .....well played, sir.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:14 No.71775XXX
    Hah, awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:15 No.71775XXX
    Samus had her entire family ripped the fuck apart in front of her by Ridley, of course shes going to react like that.

    Fucking hell /v/ your just mad shes actually got a fucking personality? Seriously?

    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:16 No.71775XXX
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    Saved. Very appropriate.

    Pic related. It's me buying the game and not giving a fuck.

    My order should arrive later this week. I know the story is a bunch of derp along with Samus's characterization, but the gameplay looks really fun. too bad most posters on /v/ forgot what "fun" means Otherwise I'm holding my judgment till then.

    Don't forget Hard mode. Has anyone completed that mode yet? Do you get anything? A simple y/n for this is fine, don't really wanna be spoiled.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:16 No.71776XXX

    Fusions was great though. Whats wrong with linearity? You still had a fair bit of freedom but it's better than getting lost.

    It was a great game with good bosses, dat SA-X and an actual storyline.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:17 No.71776XXX
    But she already fought him several times.
    And when she fights him in the manga, she doesn't hesitate.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:17 No.71776XXX
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    The original and superior.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:17 No.71776XXX
    I hear it has two different endings? Is it just a 5-second scene like in Prime or something proper?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:18 No.71776XXX
    The baby was a baby.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:20 No.71776XXX
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    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:20 No.71776XXX
    The Ridley scene is fine you fuckwits. My only problem with the game was reusing bosses...again. Though I guess thats what I should come to expect from the Metroid series

    But could you consider Nightmare being a reused boss even though technically this one came first in the timeline?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:21 No.71776XXX
    too combat focused basically no exploration and no environmental puzzles.

    Also combat is hilariously easy. Just keep tapping that d-pad and youre invincible and get an instant charge.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:21 No.71776XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:22 No.71776XXX
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    >> Railgun !!T6gsgkLojLJ 08/30/10(Mon)19:22 No.71776XXX
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    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:23 No.71776XXX
    i preordered that shit OP, i cant wait to play it tomorrow

    ive loved every metroid game ive ever played (ive only never played hunters and prime 3) and this one seem refreshing since all we've been getting is metroid FPS #907097099 for the last like 10 years or whatever
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:25 No.71776XXX
    I guess if you are focusing on the gameplay.

    Don't get your hopes up for plot and cutscenes though...
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:25 No.71776XXX
    >i cant follow quote chains
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:25 No.71776XXX
    Here is how I think it is.
    Sakamoto read the manga, approved of it, but thought hey, who the fuck is going to read this? People will only play the games and most of them will just ignore the manga.
    But the manga is FUCKING CANON
    So he makes this game, finds an excuse for a plot and then he throws in all the manga shit with the moe, kawai anime samus to make the story in the manga "official" and known.
    And because he doesn't know shit overally about the prime series, he can't be arsed to play them so he claims the prime series are "parallel' and not part of the main story.
    Sakamoto's plan is to remake Samus's image to the fan's.
    He's gonna throw away everything we hold dear and coincidentally disagree with his "PLAN".
    This is what I think.
    He's silently "rebooting" the series and Samus as we know her.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:26 No.71776XXX
    >implying adams death hasnt been known for years
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:26 No.71776XXX
    am i the only one who has never ever ever ever ever cared about anything pertaining to story in the metroid games?

    im just going to browse /v/ during the other m cutscenes and enjoy the GAMEPLAY. nintendo is very good at making good GAMES. they suck at story though.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:26 No.71776XXX
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    >claim Metroid is all about gameplay and not story
    >say the game is ruined because of the story
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:27 No.71777XXX
    The fact that they shove said story into your face and do a terrible job at it detracts from the game
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:27 No.71777XXX
    I don't really care about Metroid, only played Super Metroid on the SNES so I only have a limited knowledge of the overarching story, but I know what most of the shit is.

    Somebody tell me why everybody is sperging out about the story in this game?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:28 No.71777XXX
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    U MAD?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:28 No.71777XXX
    Hey Adam, it's hot in here, I'm turning on the Varia suit.


    Adam, it's like 500 degrees in here, if I don't turn on the Varia suit, I might DIE.

    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:28 No.71777XXX
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    She doesn't hesitate?
    In the manga, Ridley throws Samus around away like she's a 7 yo rape victim and she apparently suffers from PTSD too.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:28 No.71777XXX
    more like:
    sakamoto is tired of everyone thinking samus is supposed to be what you made of her, because he made her as an actual character, so he took the manga, and adapted its concepts to a game, but because he doesnt consider the prime games particularly canon, he ignores the retconning.

    honestly, what would have happened if metal gear had one more game where snake didnt really talk? would you guys be freaking out this much over the solid titles?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:29 No.71777XXX
    Games not released yet. People bitching about how it ruined the series.

    How many genuine retards are on this board? By my estimations, it's about everyone.
    >> Oakland 08/30/10(Mon)19:30 No.71777XXX
    I'm surprised people didn't freak out because of what MGS3 did to Big Boss.

    Wait, people actually do and nobody likes those fans.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:30 No.71777XXX
    well frankly yes we would. watching a 9 hour movie where the main character stays silent would be pretty fucking lame and boring.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:30 No.71777XXX
    shut up, that does no good, they dont consider that canon because they never read it

    they also claim she "gets over" her ptsd (lol wut?)

    im sorry, but even joss whedon, a femenist, has female characters who break down, doesnt mean they still arent badass.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:31 No.71777XXX
    screencapped for truth
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:32 No.71777XXX
    When they created Samus, she wasn't Samus.
    In the early stages of development "samus" was a man.
    He didn't know shit about what the fuck he was supposed to do with Samus. He didn't know the games would grow so much. It's obvious. Metroid games weren't supposed to have a heavy plot or a plot at all.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:32 No.71777XXX
    oh wow, thats a good point

    i guess technically it is a reused boss, but it doesnt feel like it considering the timeline.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:32 No.71777XXX
    This happened before everything.

    You guys need to get your shit straight.

    Samus breaking down a second time was unnecessary, like most of the "character development" in Other M.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:33 No.71777XXX

    Did you even read the manga? The whole story arc is Samus maturing and facing her fears, taking on ridley like a badass at the end.

    Besides the manga is shit, sakamoto is even more crazy for canonizing this cliched, poorly written mess.

    if the manga is so canon, how come Ridley never speaks in the games?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:33 No.71777XXX
    Sorry guys but Nintendo is good at gameplay, music and atmosphere.

    They really suck to high heavens at script, deep plot and voice acting.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:33 No.71777XXX
    That's not when she fights him, retard.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:34 No.71777XXX
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    Code Geass joke here, I was first, funnier, and made more sense in context.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:34 No.71777XXX

    Focus on story kills gameplay.

    That's why Other M has regenerating health and missiles, automatic dodging, auto aim, and bland areas.
    >> Oakland 08/30/10(Mon)19:34 No.71777XXX
    Limitations and the fact half of the Ridleys aren't the real Ridley I could assume.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:34 No.71777XXX
    majority of /v/ seems to be trolling it, but the one thread I found of people who actually played it seemed pretty positive about.
    As for me, I had it preordered and it doesn't come out till tomorrow, so I'll wait till playing it to judge it, but the gameplay looks pretty radtastic and the story doesn't sound nearly as bad as /v/ wants people to think.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:34 No.71777XXX
    Ridley speaks in Zero Mission.
    >> Oakland 08/30/10(Mon)19:35 No.71777XXX
    >Other M has regenerating health

    That you can use all the time right? Wait...
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:35 No.71777XXX
    Sakamoto considers this canon.
    Have you read this shit?
    I can upload some nice pages for you and make you cry.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:35 No.71777XXX
    I downloaded it. Tried to play it. Couldn't stand Samus goddamn voice. Erased it.

    I didn't play it with a Wii tho.

    That sums it up.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:35 No.71777XXX
    It doesn't matter that she has ptsd or how realistic it is or how any normal person would freak out. i dont play video games to watch realistic portrayals of ptsd, and certainly not metroid. i play metroid to shoot space jellyfish with laser missiles and discover badass alien environments with a bunch of crazy new powers i find.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:36 No.71777XXX
    >That's why Other M has regenerating health and missiles

    It also doesn't have pickups and the health regen only refills a single tank and takes several seconds of standing completely still.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:36 No.71777XXX
    This is a very good question. But it's always been implied that Ridley is very intelligent and not just some monster. Maybe we'll hear him talk in the next game?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:36 No.71777XXX

    Story time it, so /v/ has no excuse when it comes to talking about shit they have never read.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:36 No.71777XXX
    Mother Brain doesn't speak either.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:37 No.71777XXX
    Yes because she can't fucking fight him.
    She couldn't even breathe at this point.
    She killed those butterflies early on and decided she was ready to be a bounty hunter.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:37 No.71777XXX

    At least in earlier games you had to actually find reserve energy tanks. It gave you a sense of reward, having gone out and earned that second chance.

    Now you just stop and hold your remote and let the casual energy restore your shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:37 No.71777XXX
    It was story timed yesterday. You missed it bro.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:37 No.71777XXX
    would people please stop bitching about the auto aim. All it's really done is put the combat difficulty back on the level of the side scrolling metroid games. Just point the direction you want and spam spam spam. Honestly, I sort of prefered Prime's take on the combat where you had to use certain approches to certain enemies, but what ever.
    Metroid was never about combat anyways(Corruption arguably being an exception)
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:38 No.71777XXX
    no, when they first made it, samus was metroid, and metroid was a robot

    then metroid was samus, and a dude

    then one guy goes "wouldnt that be cool if he was really a she? like twist at the end!"

    they accepted that.

    metroid 2 came along and little characterization followed, they starting giving her attributes, but she was about as deep as link, with the biggest thing being that she was touched by the metroid that thought of her as a mom.

    however, with super metroid, they fleshed her out a great deal, but then went too far with fusion, then nothing for three games, then fixed her up some more with zero mission, a remake of the first one in the way sakamoto originally wanted it (it was better for it, too)

    the other m jump just freaked out a bunch of possessive faggots.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:39 No.71777XXX
    Yes, and that's exactly my point.
    When she actually fights him, she doesn't hesitate.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:39 No.71777XXX
    ITT: /v/ has shit taste
    >> Oakland 08/30/10(Mon)19:40 No.71778XXX
    Only if you're about to die.

    Good to know people talk shit about a game they haven't played. Oh you get Energy Tanks by the way in this, so the chances you'll ever use the regeneration is slime unless you're casual.

    Oh lets see, some enemies also take a full subtank away when they hit you too.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:41 No.71778XXX
    >regenerating health and missiles
    health only regens one single fucking cell, and you get NO health from enemies, you have to wait for a save room. on top of that, you have to stand still for about 7 second to do it

    >automatic dodging
    what? thats not in the game

    >auto aim
    again, you are overblowing it, you still have to aim, you just aim in 4 directions instead of two, or 360 you stupid twat
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:41 No.71778XXX
    Ah yes, the "Wind Waker syndrome".

    Gotta love Other M for making everyone suddenly think Metroid Prime are the best games ever made (they are). Can't wait for the next Metroid game to come out and be hated all around, causing Other M to become loved all of a sudden.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:42 No.71778XXX
    what did it do to big boss?

    that game was awesome... my favorite, actually.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:43 No.71778XXX
    This. Other M has taken the place of Fusion as the most hated Metroid. Curious to see if there'll be another shitstorm when the next Metroid game comes out.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:43 No.71778XXX
    sakamoto is co creator

    he has done all the games but primes

    he directed this game

    its just him
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:44 No.71778XXX
    >implying Other M won't kill the metroid series for at LEAST as long as the break between super and prim
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:45 No.71778XXX
    I thought this game wasn't coming out for another few months. Thanks for reminding me, /v/, and after reading this thread boy am I glad you didn't do it before.
    >> Oakland 08/30/10(Mon)19:45 No.71778XXX
    They made him from a souless, cold, empty killer to someone who has feelings who cried at The Boss' grave, he pissed himself when he was getting electrocuted by Volgin, he told Eva when he thought she was dying in a really emotional way he needed her. In the end, this was a better version of Big Boss, its good to see he's realistic now. He's more human.


    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:45 No.71778XXX
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    >sakamoto is a hack, and cant make a good game like super metroid
    >sakamoto made super metroid
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:45 No.71778XXX
    the gameplay is good for what it is but it never really feels like Metroid until after you've beaten the game and go back to collect the shit you missed
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:46 No.71778XXX
    >Prime is retconned
    >"Scanning and logging what you see has been completely removed"
    >Space pirates are now "simple wild animals"
    >Samus' actions very rarely matter
    >The black guy and other soldiers do everything important
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:46 No.71778XXX
    >most powerful game consoles and computers available in history
    >Most companies pump out 3d makes of 2d games that can't be effectively done in 3d (screw attack walljumping? fuck you. Platforms and manuevering? fuck you map and environment exploration? fuck you)
    >companies have the ability to make a high resolution 2d progression, and they don't, because "hardcore" gamers can't play a game for more than 10 hours.
    Fuck you guys, seriously. Next time I want toys I'll go to the babbys section of the store.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:46 No.71778XXX
    >implying it would when everyone rated it highly except for the xplay reviewers who only high rate Halo and other overrated shit and some people in /v/ who are buthurt that Samus didn't end up being a bald space marine
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:47 No.71778XXX
    She does in other m though.
    Which is after super metroid
    which is after metroid II
    which is after metroid prime 3
    which is after metroid prime 2
    which is after metroid prime 1
    which is after metroid I
    which is really close to the time the manga takes place
    Nintendo can't write for shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:47 No.71778XXX

    do people honestly think legends are true? they are overblown, i thought that was the whole fucking point of mgs3?

    did the "fans" actually miss the ENTIRE POINT of that game?

    i bet they think master chief spent the entirety of halo being a "badass switch, activated" character.

    oh wait... he did... which is why he is a shitty character... cool looking, but souless and lacks depth
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:48 No.71778XXX

    Then certainly we will be seeing another version of this, right? Like Ninja Gaiden: black/sigma?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:48 No.71778XXX
    I like Metroid Prime, Super, and to a lesser extent Zero Mission. I dislike Fusion and from what I've seen of Other M will dislike it too.

    I also like the multiplayer from Hunters
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:48 No.71778XXX
    Anyone wanna post that copypasta of Samus hesitating in the older games?

    But you know, having someone you blew up with a planet come back to kill you is nothing to be scared of nope. /v/ MANLY, WE NO SCARE OF SOMEONE WHO KILL PARENT AND COME BACK AFTER I KILL HIM
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:50 No.71778XXX
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    X-Play's review didn't surprise me.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:50 No.71778XXX

    The only reasons I can see it taking place on a space station is to bullshit more linearity on the game
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:50 No.71778XXX
    2D games take a lot more effort to make. You're dumb.
    >> Oakland 08/30/10(Mon)19:51 No.71778XXX
    I'm mocking the Metroid fans, but there are people who REALLY don't like that they made Big Boss a good guy, and you know who those people are? The ones who think MGS2 is the holy grail of gaming.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:51 No.71778XXX
    did you guys see the interview with the g4 reviewer?
    she hated the game cause she thought it was sexist

    listen to that stupid bitch
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:51 No.71778XXX
    That Copypasta was shit. It claimed she also cowered both times she fought him in Prime 3.

    On Norion Ridley appears above her and she immediately opens fire.

    And on the Pirate Homeworld Ridley flies right up to her, and she backs away because Ridley is deadly in melee range and Samus is a ranged character. Neither of those examples are close to what happened in Other M.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:51 No.71778XXX
    Alright, someone tell me how Other M messes with anything in the Prime series, I'm quite curious now. I thought the Prime games were pretty well isolated from the rest of the series.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:52 No.71778XXX
    Uh, the Ridley fight in the manga is actually the Zero Mission one.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:52 No.71778XXX
    >samus overcOmes her fears after being cockslapped by ridley and decided to beat him
    And also, she isn't scared because he comes back.
    She is scared because she's still afraid of her past, as was REALLY IMPLIED through that cutscene where she turns little again.
    >> Oakland 08/30/10(Mon)19:52 No.71778XXX
    It ignore Prime for the most part, not because Sakamoto though, because it had nothing to do with the Baby Metroid and such.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:52 No.71778XXX
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    I have no intentions of playing this game, especially since I haven't played any other Metroids and it would really mess things up if all of a sudden I decided to do so. But I must know who this man is after a year of "REMEMBER ME?" racing through my mind. TELL ME NOW /v/
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:53 No.71779XXX
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    >> Oakland 08/30/10(Mon)19:53 No.71779XXX
    It ignores even.

    Samus' black friend.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:53 No.71779XXX
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    >The ones who think MGS2 is the holy grail of gaming.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:54 No.71779XXX
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    >I might have to reconsider depending on what /v/ thinks.
    /v/ doesn't like fun. /v/ doesn't like good video games. Go with your own opinion.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:54 No.71779XXX
    >woman gets ptsd
    >character development
    I bet most of you would think Mario or Kirby or even Halo would be better if all the main characters had PTSD due to the relentless murder and warfare the characters have to wade through.

    Oh wait, they're not women, so it's ok.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:54 No.71779XXX
    Except that's not how it works with metroid. Prime and Fusion came out at the same time, and most people like Prime better. Why? Because it's a better game.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:55 No.71779XXX
    Space pirates are now "simple wild animals"
    Scanning and logging is out as well
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:55 No.71779XXX

    Anthony, he's working under Adam and used to be Samus' budy when she was still a soldier. Hence "remembah meh?"
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:55 No.71779XXX
    the fact that at the end of the day Samus' didn't do shit and the men did all the important shit for her

    you don't even get to defeat the true bad guy
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:55 No.71779XXX

    There's a big difference between hesitating and being reduced to a crying child/screaming for her life.

    But maybe there isn't a difference in Japan. DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR and all that. Or maybe it's just their shitty language causing problems with their view of things.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:56 No.71779XXX
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    space stations > planets
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:56 No.71779XXX
    Things that /v/ likes:
    Monster Hunter Tri
    Mischief Makers

    Things that /v/ hates:
    Everything else
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:57 No.71779XXX

    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:57 No.71779XXX
    >Space pirates are now "simple wild animals"

    Which is of course not a metaphor for their hivemind-like behavior and no regard to the value of life or anything.

    >Scanning and logging is out as well

    lol I remember when everyone was raging over the mere existance of the scan visor, make up your damn minds.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:58 No.71779XXX
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    I liked Fusion more, so it must be a better game.

    You're retarded.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:58 No.71779XXX
    Funny how the only games that take place entirely on space stations are also the most linear and least atmospheric.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:58 No.71779XXX

    Space stations suck dick, it's all gray hallways and half-assed bio dome shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:58 No.71779XXX
    >Implying everyone has the same opinion
    Scanning/logging shit was my absolute favorite thing in the prime games, and probably my favorite gimmick in any vidya ever.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:59 No.71779XXX
         File1283212740.jpg-(217 KB, 626x900, metroid_v1_ch2_25.jpg)
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    Hey guys imma share some of Samus's training to becoming a deadly bounty hunter.
    Here we can see her determination while facing DEEEEEEEEEEADLY EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL BUTTERFLIES
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:59 No.71779XXX

    Scanning visors sure beat the fuck out of "stop where you are and look around for something you aren't even aware of so you can keep playing the game"
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:59 No.71779XXX
    Linearity isn't a bad thing at all, and I disagree about how atmospheric at all.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:59 No.71779XXX
    Am I the only one who hated how they made Mother Brain look in Super Metroid?
    It looks like a chicken or something.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)19:59 No.71779XXX
    >liked Fusion more

    Oh, so you hate exploration and good music, instead preferring to be told where to go and read a bunch of narration? Yeah, you'll probably like Other M.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:00 No.71779XXX
    >old Samus
    >Rogue female hunter bent on killing evil space aliens that are part of a race/group that keep combating humans
    >new Samus
    >Samus is a bitch tier mercenary that can't handle fighting and needs men to help her.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:00 No.71779XXX
    even Fusion had more exploration that this game

    Your held is always held in Other M
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:00 No.71779XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:00 No.71779XXX
    Well, i rather liked fusion, but Other M seems horrid.
    (Not the person you were talking to)
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:01 No.71779XXX
    Linearity is a bad thing in Metroid.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:01 No.71779XXX
    Yeah, Prime wasn't linear AT ALL.

    And if it's not linearity, it's a fair amount of backtrakan.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:01 No.71779XXX
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    Here are said butterflies.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:01 No.71779XXX
    well, after echoes went completely overboard with the scan visor and Corruption, to an extent, did too, i'm not surprised they removed it.
    Though i think it had more to do with the 2d Metroid guys having a sort of superiority complex over the Prime series guys, which is why they leave everything from the prime games out and even change Samus's suit design just to show that this wasn't no Prime game.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:02 No.71779XXX

    The first time you meet space pirates in Other M, the marines rush in to help and Samus tells them to GTFO, then gets rid of the pirates alone.

    Nice try though.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:02 No.71779XXX
    Super Metroid sucks now too?

    Oh boy...
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:02 No.71779XXX
    I have a preorder on this thing, and i'm thinking of going to cancel it.
    Take out EVERY plot bullshit thing (and there are several that piss me off)
    Is the actual gameplay good?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:02 No.71779XXX
    oh no, they're helding my held
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:02 No.71779XXX
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    I'm still gonna buy this game and enjoy it just to spite you all.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:02 No.71779XXX
    >mfw people realize this is a game to try and get women interested in the Metroid series
    >health regenerates when low
    >men do all the work
    >women are more sensitive than men bawwwww
    >women still overcome the pain
    >no challenge
    >linear gameplay
    >you can go back and look at things when you're done ^*^
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:02 No.71779XXX
    hey, umm, what?
    her ptsd is because of her childhood trauma you fucking retard
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:03 No.71779XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:03 No.71779XXX

    Prime doesn't cockblock you from going back to collect expansion packs you couldn't access before like Fusion and Other M
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:03 No.71779XXX
    Fusion was more fun than Prime. SA-X was a better villain/monster than Prime Metroid or dark Samus or whatever
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:03 No.71779XXX
    I haven't played Other M yet and only watched a few cut scenes of it, so take what I say with a grain of salt. But it seems to me that the problem on why many fans lash out against Other M is that the portrayal of Samus's character was done very horribly. The execution was simply terrible. I'm sure there wouldn't be as much BAAAWing if the whole portrayal of Samus was done as tastefully as MGS3 and Big Boss.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:04 No.71779XXX
    Prime was pretty damn linear too, you know. In fact, later releases fixed a lot of beloved sequence breaking.

    And you always know where to go in Prime, don't give me that shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:04 No.71779XXX
    >first time you meet them
    what about every other time?

    It's like in Portal, time limits make you feel better about what you're doing. All they do is introduce you to a "powerful" enemy then throw them to the side and move on with the "story". It's not a game, it's an interactive movie.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:04 No.71779XXX
    >your held is always held
    wonder example of the intelligence of these haters.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:05 No.71779XXX
    can you guys tell me when samus pisses her self?

    people keep saying she does, and they say it when they talk about ridley, but she didnt piss herself there

    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:05 No.71780XXX
    If that's your biggest gameplay miff with both, you've convinced they're also good games.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:05 No.71780XXX
    But Prime didn't close off areas or lock all the doors except the one on your way to the objective.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:06 No.71780XXX
    >Prime was pretty damn linear to
    1 had the "this is where you need to go next" thing, but you sure as hell didn't need to go to it.
    2 and 3 didn't have it at all
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:06 No.71780XXX
    >what about every other time?

    Every other time you meet them minus the Ridley appearance, the marines aren't even there.

    What the fuck is your point?
    >> Oakland 08/30/10(Mon)20:06 No.71780XXX
    For the most part, neither does Other M.

    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:07 No.71780XXX
    Can anyone tell me how to get the missile tank in the first room of the game? There's a way to it but the door is locked.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:07 No.71780XXX
    >implying they didnt add a second mission that has NO STORY and plays just like the old games.

    the whole point is that your first time there is story driven, for the new fans in japan, and the second time through is for the old fans.

    thats why you dont explore much in the first part of the game
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:07 No.71780XXX
    And now Samus came to ber a whiny bitch.
    I can't fap to her without feeling sorry for her now.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:09 No.71780XXX

    Regardless, a lot of the time you DO go where it says.

    And I'm not talking about 2 or 3


    You're blowing it out of proportion, /v/-style.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:09 No.71780XXX

    blow up a vent and go through it with a morphball?

    or you probably can't reach it until after you beat the game
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:10 No.71780XXX

    No, but since this is the first one to focus on it's stroy, it comes out really bad. Not that I would know, I haven't even played it yet anyway. I'll get it ... later.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:10 No.71780XXX
    >Regardless, a lot of the time you DO go where it says
    Well, yea, you did, eventually, but you could still go explore shit.
    >> Oakland 08/30/10(Mon)20:10 No.71780XXX
    I heard you just need to bomb it. The little lounge area, but a Power Bomb might be needed.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:11 No.71780XXX
    I did beat the game.
    It's the hangar room where your ship is. The missile tank is on a totally separate platform, but going forward a few rooms there is a corridor that leads to it, unfortunately locked.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:12 No.71780XXX
    I finished Prime 1 a week ago and prime 2 today.
    These games are not linear at all and I don't know what you're pulling out your ass.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:12 No.71780XXX
    >you always know where to go in Prime
    if you're talking about the Hint system, you know that can be turned off, right?
    Also, with all this supposed bitching about linearity I'm surprised no one mentioned the fact that in Corruption you weren't even allowed to go to certain planets till the fed told you they were there. I mean, unless people were just trolling, it seems like a very relevant thing to mention.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:12 No.71780XXX
    It's the next Metroid game, Ridley will be voiced by Keith David.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:12 No.71780XXX
    >watch Ridley scene
    >Samus reduced to blubbering fuckup
    >nigra: I'LL SAV U GURL
    >nigra dies
    >Samus: NOT MY BFF, U DIE NOW :(((
    Fuck that shit. Samus can have feelings without being a stupid woman or having PTSD.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:13 No.71780XXX

    at least it didn't paint you the exact route and which doors to take in Prime and you could always disable the hint system
    >> Lamer Gamer !XwRXAZB.36 08/30/10(Mon)20:13 No.71780XXX
    green eyes
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:14 No.71780XXX
    So is this more or less the feeling of Metroid fans now, obviously replacing "sonic" with "Metroid"?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:14 No.71780XXX
    4chan never comes to consensus.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:15 No.71780XXX
    Yeah? I ended up exploring shit in Fusion a lot and got a lot of extra upgrades and shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:15 No.71780XXX
    Metroid prime 1 and 2 forced you to explore fucking everything to find the keys.
    But no they're linear games.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:15 No.71780XXX
    Healing yourself in Prime
    >shoot some of the countless small monsters or crates around or some of the things the boss shoots at you
    >tons of pickups appear
    >charge your beam to pull them in while dodging the shit around you
    >two or three energy tanks refilled

    Healing yourself in Other M
    >have to have less than 30 HP left
    >stand completely still and press the A button for several seconds while things try to eat you
    >a single tank refilled
    >can't heal until reaching a save station

    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:16 No.71781XXX
    You're aware it's a point a to point b game, right, with a lot of backtracking? It's pretty linear. Prime 2, not so much.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:17 No.71781XXX

    The fetch quests at the end were awful game design and this is coming from someone who thinks Metroid Prime is the best game of the last generation.
    >> Skeletal Love <3 !byrZcvJdzQ 08/30/10(Mon)20:17 No.71781XXX
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    Can I get the picture of just that kid?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:19 No.71781XXX
    I got myself lost several times in prime 1.
    I think you'd better turn off the hint system.
    And every fucking game is from point a to b.
    If they let you explore fucking everything in the game, it's not linear.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:19 No.71781XXX
    I give the game 3 out of 10.
    would give it a 7, but -4 points for boring ass cutscenes everywhere and the shitty background story they made for Samus. She's supposed to be a badass space bounty hunter, not a fragile woman under a shell.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:20 No.71781XXX
    Bitch, I got lost in Fusion, too. And I did 100% the game before by exploring everything. What are you even arguing about now?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:21 No.71781XXX
    >this game has good gameplay, but Samus isn't a robot anymore

    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:22 No.71781XXX
    My point is that you don't know what linear means.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:22 No.71781XXX

    We would make for a pretty retarded Geth.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:22 No.71781XXX
    Since I played Metroid 1 yesterday:

    Healing yourself in Metroid:
    >Stand near a pipe with infinitely respawning enemies
    >Get 5 hp, 2 missiles or nothing from each bug
    >Kill them for up to an hour before you are fully refilled after a death

    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:25 No.71781XXX

    At least the earlier methods actually involved playing the game rather than just giving you shit because you press a button.

    And those infinitely respawning enemies were shit tier, you could get better stuff from the other cannon fodder enemies that crawled around.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:25 No.71781XXX
    No one mentioned Corruption because it's assumed everyone knows the linearity and cut scenes made it the weakest Prime game. Just like Fusion s the weakest 2D game.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:26 No.71781XXX
    I dreamt of a more original story for samus yesterday when I was taking a shit than Sakamoto could ever pull out of his ass even if his life depended on it.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:27 No.71781XXX
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    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:27 No.71781XXX
    Oh, I get it. You fags who think Fusion is good played Prime with the hint system TURNED ON. No wonder, fucking casuals.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:27 No.71782XXX
    >still doesnt understand that you have to be in danger to refill health ,and you only get one tank back..
    >also doesnt realize most enemies take out 50-100 points a hit, meaning that heal is good for at most 2 hits.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:28 No.71782XXX
    His points that he makes about Sakamoto are based entirely on his personal interpretation of things he said.

    I didn't think a fanbase could possibly produce individuals who could sperg out more than the guys behind Deltahead Translations and their essays on MGS2 and 4 respectively, but here it is.

    Hardcore Metroid fans are officially the same kind of scum that Sonic fanboys, MGS fanboys, FF fanboys, and Halo fanboys are.
    >> Lamer Gamer !XwRXAZB.36 08/30/10(Mon)20:28 No.71782XXX
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    >> Anonymous 08/30/10(Mon)20:29 No.71782XXX
    >weakest 2d game
    >forgetting Metroid II

    also, my only real complaints are the way the item authorization works. Not because hurr it makes her less of a person, because I just don't really like the concept. I get it wouldn't have made sense for the space station to have the usual chozo artifacts holding the power ups like on the other games, I just wish they could have figured out a better way to do it.
    I also am not a huge fan of them retconning the Gravity Suit to being just an after glow thing, but whatever, they're little things and I still am probably really going to enjoy it when I go and pick up my preordered copy.

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