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  • File : 1282615452.jpg-(59 KB, 500x351, halo-reach1.jpg)
    59 KB WOLFSHIEM !!tuOwy1ct2dy 08/23/10(Mon)22:04 No.71146XXX  
    Halo: Reach Ending
    The last of your squad dies by an energy sword, the skull-faced guy.
    You pass the package to your commander allowing Master Chief to take the reigns.
    Your character decides to stay behind to avenge your fallen comrades.
    Planet is turning to shit and your mission is to survive against endless hordes of Elites.
    You eventually lose, a scene shows you from the view of your helmet that you took off as you fistfight the elites until you are eventually stabbed with an energy sword yourself.

    Cortana gives a final speech about the team's courage, your courage, and the fact your sacrifice made all the difference for humanity. You were victorious and passed the onto the rest.

    Discuss. I think it's fairly nice myself.
    >> WOLFSHIEM !!tuOwy1ct2dy 08/23/10(Mon)22:05 No.71146XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:07 No.71147XXX
    tl;dr halo is awesome
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:09 No.71147XXX
    sounds alright. seen better, seen worse
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:10 No.71147XXX
    noble team dies except Jun
    >> Pretty Hate Machine !!GiWPoNydRs9 08/23/10(Mon)22:11 No.71147XXX
    That's a pretty good ending if you ask me.
    >> WOLFSHIEM !!tuOwy1ct2dy 08/23/10(Mon)22:12 No.71147XXX
    Yeah. It's too be expected but the going down in flames ending is a good way for Halo to leave off.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:14 No.71147XXX

    Jesus Christ, the Covenant always looks retarded. UNSC looks even more retarded getting hit by slow moving projectiles.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:15 No.71147XXX
    Animation was shoddy at the end there, didn't like it so much. Seems too cliche, then again I think Halo is mediocre at everything so what do I know?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:17 No.71148XXX
    >planet burning up horribly
    >it's only foggy
    FUCKING HELL, Killzone 2 provides more action than this.
    >> Sage01 08/23/10(Mon)22:21 No.71148XXX
    Noble 6 should have killed many more elites than that in CQC, but whatever.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:23 No.71148XXX
    Wow, they sure know how to not set the mood don't they. Are all of Halo's cinematic this bad?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:23 No.71148XXX
    come with us main character!
    "because HURR"

    main character then proceeds to die like a bitch for no reason.

    great writing
    >> WOLFSHIEM !!tuOwy1ct2dy 08/23/10(Mon)22:24 No.71148XXX
    Halo 1 did it pretty well...
    ... that's about it really. The Halo 3 Believe ads are really the only thing that really set a mood and ended up actually feeling epic.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:24 No.71148XXX
    looks like it was playing in slow motion or something

    also the animation is fucking terrible
    >> WOLFSHIEM !!tuOwy1ct2dy 08/23/10(Mon)22:26 No.71148XXX
    The main character is supposed to fight until he loses. The video had the player die as soon as possible.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:26 No.71148XXX
    inb4 DLC where you win
    >> Sage01 08/23/10(Mon)22:28 No.71148XXX
    Well if you play like a bitch then sure, the spartan will go out like a bitch.

    I'm wondering, what if there's a way to save him...and how hard will it be to do so?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:28 No.71148XXX

    that doesn't change the fact that it makes no sense why he would stay on Reach instead of escaping

    dumbest shit ever
    >> Sage01 08/23/10(Mon)22:29 No.71148XXX
    Want to know the real reason?
    If he would've survived it would've meant Master Chief wasn't the ONLY SPARTAN on PILLAR OF AUTUMN. It's for the continuity's sake
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:29 No.71148XXX

    Hey maybe, it would be smarter to stay alive so he can continue to fight the Covenant and not waste his life like a retard.

    Of course, this is Halo we're talking about...
    >> WOLFSHIEM !!tuOwy1ct2dy 08/23/10(Mon)22:29 No.71148XXX
    Yeah, it's a decision of the character to avenge his fallen squadmates, not the player.
    Thus is linear games.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:30 No.71149XXX
    he had to take the cannon or everyone died
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:30 No.71149XXX
    some bullshit soldier mentality, you know die with your squad blah blah. You can throw me in boot camp for years and ill never do something that stupid. You have to know when to retreat.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:31 No.71149XXX
    honor > logic
    halo is awesome
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:31 No.71149XXX
    What a shitty ripoff of the ending of Crisis Core.
    >> Fen 08/23/10(Mon)22:32 No.71149XXX
    Sounds pretty manly
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:32 No.71149XXX
    way to waste your life and an extremely expensive suit for no goddamn reason. especially considering they're losing the war and need every man they can get.

    dumb as shit
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:33 No.71149XXX
    Good luck with that, im pretty sure Bushido is outdated
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:33 No.71149XXX

    good point, if he knew he was going to die why not give your awesome amour to some one else, i mean hell that amour helped him kill roughly 1000's of elites.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:34 No.71149XXX
    Halo Reach confirmed for alpha as fuck
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:35 No.71149XXX

    funny how they had no problem arriving but suddenly once they have to leave O NOES WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE DURRRR
    >> Sage01 08/23/10(Mon)22:36 No.71149XXX
    He's killed much more than that probably, as I said, sotry wise and logic wise it's a shitty ending, but continuity wise and FEHRCK YEAHR wise no. I've always wanted to play a game where I can actually feel out numbered and get slaughtered after killing thousands of waves of enemies.

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