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  • File : 1282581819.jpg-(104 KB, 600x545, 1282581112921.jpg)
    104 KB [☆] GOD KING EMPEROR OF /TV/ [☆] Created 20+ memes, first post on /tv/, 1M, 2M gets !CAR/6LOVEY 08/23/10(Mon)12:43 No.71104XXX  
    4chans moderation team

    >> [☆] GOD KING EMPEROR OF /TV/ [☆] Created 20+ memes, first post on /tv/, 1M, 2M gets !CAR/6LOVEY 08/23/10(Mon)12:44 No.71104XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:44 No.71104XXX
    is this vidya?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:44 No.71104XXX
         File1282581859.jpg-(38 KB, 460x498, Bond_Villain.jpg)
    38 KB
    Aviators all round.

    How quaint.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:44 No.71104XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:45 No.71104XXX
         File1282581915.jpg-(516 KB, 1680x1050, 1279870033491.jpg)
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    Keep on stylin.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:45 No.71104XXX
    Someone needs to make this into a "4chan: THE MOVIE" poster.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:45 No.71104XXX
    at least two of them have seen the inside of a gym in their life
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:45 No.71104XXX
    ...what is a moderator?

    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:45 No.71104XXX
    Goddamn moot looks so skinny in that pic.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:45 No.71104XXX
    Look at that beta Moot, surrounded by Alphas
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:46 No.71104XXX
    >picture of mythical beasts
    >is it vidya?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:46 No.71104XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:46 No.71104XXX
    i'd tap dat chick
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:46 No.71104XXX
    > Created 20+ memes, first post on /tv/, 1M, 2M gets
    Really? Do go on.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:46 No.71104XXX

    They're hiding their faces from you fuckers who will probably hunt them down and rape them. Then continue to take their computers and pose as them in their moderator position. HERP DERP I BAHN U.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:46 No.71104XXX
         File1282581990.jpg-(17 KB, 148x186, snap0707.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:46 No.71104XXX
    haha, that would be awesome.

    - Is this even a real photo, I've seen many shoops in my time btw.
    >> Tougou Masakazu !DWTCi9Vwl2 08/23/10(Mon)12:46 No.71104XXX
         File1282581996.png-(67 KB, 247x248, 1228860634196.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:46 No.71104XXX
         File1282582002.jpg-(100 KB, 730x450, kanyewestentourage1.jpg)
    100 KB
    Well it could always be worse, they're cooler than Kanye West's crew.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:46 No.71104XXX
         File1282582012.png-(36 KB, 286x260, 1223218537912.png)
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    >> Pyronoid !!oOeyDfWHI0D 08/23/10(Mon)12:47 No.71104XXX
         File1282582028.gif-(123 KB, 600x375, 239369-full_throttle_pc_010_su(...).gif)
    123 KB
    >mfw the girl moderates /v/
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:47 No.71104XXX
         File1282582029.jpg-(7 KB, 394x76, 1282499289292.jpg)
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    >> Haunter !MfT1DmwN6U 08/23/10(Mon)12:47 No.71104XXX

    you must be new, here.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:47 No.71104XXX
         File1282582042.jpg-(13 KB, 480x360, rustyshackleford.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:47 No.71104XXX
         File1282582045.png-(6 KB, 415x193, 1230825045169.png)
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    >implying moot isn't the alpha and the omega on 4chan
    >> Delicious Flat Level !9Y.AGAi22w 08/23/10(Mon)12:47 No.71104XXX
    Not what I expected them to look like. They're still fags, though.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:47 No.71104XXX
         File1282582078.png-(416 KB, 640x480, 1280954679461.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:48 No.71104XXX
    Chick has a nice body.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:48 No.71104XXX
    Actually a decent article. Interesting to me at least.
    >> [☆] GOD KING EMPEROR OF /TV/ [☆] Created 20+ memes, first post on /tv/, 1M, 2M gets !CAR/6LOVEY 08/23/10(Mon)12:48 No.71104XXX
         File1282582098.jpg-(42 KB, 600x545, 1282581819887.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:48 No.71104XXX
    moot looks so fucking awkward there
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:48 No.71104XXX
         File1282582126.jpg-(103 KB, 600x545, moots_600x545.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:48 No.71104XXX
    They should spend less time doing fashion shots and more time moderating.

    >que in slow motion explosion in the background as they slowly walk away
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:48 No.71104XXX
    I love how six people are allegedly moderating the entirety of 4chan, but is it vidya?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:49 No.71104XXX
    By the way, is Moot hydrocephalus?
    >> CaptainBr !ohSEPh1v1k 08/23/10(Mon)12:49 No.71104XXX
         File1282582167.jpg-(81 KB, 292x302, 1271452908128.jpg)
    81 KB

    >green jacket and leopard-patterned pants
    >asian with some weird bowl-cut
    >bright blue puffy vest
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:49 No.71104XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:50 No.71104XXX
         File1282582210.jpg-(105 KB, 300x329, Moot_doubles.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:50 No.71104XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:50 No.71104XXX

    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:50 No.71104XXX
         File1282582240.png-(15 KB, 344x302, 1279202183932.png)
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    >My face when I thought around 20 people moderated 4chan, and not just 6
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:50 No.71104XXX
         File1282582241.png-(878 KB, 1444x1080, REGIS.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:50 No.71104XXX
         File1282582254.jpg-(47 KB, 600x757, gentlepug.jpg)
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    >"People deserve a place to be wrong."

    Hey, I know you ain't gonna read this moot, but thanks man.

    Thanks for this shit hole, because as much as I hate it, I'm glad it's here for shit people like me to shit.

    Thanks man.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:50 No.71104XXX
         File1282582254.jpg-(45 KB, 579x545, 1282581940076.jpg)
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    >> Delicious Flat Level !9Y.AGAi22w 08/23/10(Mon)12:51 No.71104XXX
         File1282582266.jpg-(128 KB, 640x480, 1193202619061.jpg)
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    Moot isn't all that attractive. I'd fuck him if I got the chance, but I'd only to be able to say I did.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:51 No.71104XXX
         File1282582277.png-(534 KB, 639x483, Moot_unamused.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:51 No.71104XXX
         File1282582287.png-(308 KB, 592x476, 121594634634964307.png)
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    Where's Moot's suit?
    >> ­Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:51 No.71104XXX
         File1282582294.jpg-(28 KB, 269x261, dealwit.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:51 No.71104XXX
    Moot and dem child bearing hips
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:51 No.71104XXX
    He's already cross dressed at some conventions. Sorta hot.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:51 No.71104XXX
         File1282582314.jpg-(156 KB, 600x600, 492155 - Pikachu Pokemon.jpg)
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    >/v/ is a shithole
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:51 No.71104XXX
    All of those people need to die for their woeful incompetence.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:51 No.71104XXX
    I think he is ugly as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:52 No.71104XXX

    fucking faggot that's not how you do the candlejack meme jesus fucking chri
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:52 No.71104XXX
    He should have been sitting in a fancy chair with his legs crossed.
    How did they not think of that?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:52 No.71104XXX

    Oh man, I remember that thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:52 No.71104XXX
         File1282582339.jpg-(5 KB, 226x252, 1282551440464.jpg)
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    >jeans and a t-shirt
    Nigga what?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:52 No.71104XXX
    >Article doesn't say anything about these people
    >They are probably just some random people representing the "Anonymous" users of 4chan
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:52 No.71104XXX
         File1282582365.gif-(1017 KB, 200x200, 1282493050266.gif)
    1017 KB
    >my face when mods really are fags
    >> Delicious Genderfuck !!xkBLHV39MZn 08/23/10(Mon)12:52 No.71104XXX

    Maybe. He's kinda cewt in a geeky way.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:53 No.71104XXX
    Reported. Enjoy your ban and untimely death, tripshit.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:53 No.71104XXX
         File1282582409.jpg-(39 KB, 562x423, xbox_kid_spots_a_facefucker.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:53 No.71104XXX
    I finally get it. Uglyfags accuse anyone that's not blindingly gross as hipster.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:54 No.71104XXX
    >Old message threads are automatically deleted when new ones need the room. This mechanism was originally meant to save storage costs, but as Poole notes, "it's both practical and philosophical."

    What a fag
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:54 No.71104XXX
    Surprisingly stylish for a bunch of nerds who somehow elected to make the cesspool of the internet their job.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:54 No.71104XXX
         File1282582456.jpg-(46 KB, 579x545, 1282582150519.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:54 No.71104XXX
    >> Delta !!3gOrqaGHuwy 08/23/10(Mon)12:54 No.71104XXX
    Moot is michael cera
    >> Delicious Flat Level !9Y.AGAi22w 08/23/10(Mon)12:54 No.71104XXX
         File1282582469.jpg-(101 KB, 986x740, 1185157563345.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:54 No.71104XXX
         File1282582470.jpg-(245 KB, 468x495, 1272778755537.jpg)
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    > Implying 4chan has mods
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:54 No.71104XXX
    Who is the girl?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:54 No.71104XXX
         File1282582471.png-(1.13 MB, 1920x1080, reaction1.png)
    1.13 MB
    >mfw all 5 of those moderators slept with moot to get their position
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:54 No.71104XXX
    I like how the two dorkier guys are in back of Moot.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:54 No.71104XXX
    >mod posting in /tv/ thread
    >no mod posting here
    It's official, /v/ has no mods
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:54 No.71104XXX
    I'd do it in a heartbeat. I love that smile.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:54 No.71104XXX
    No wonder the mods are never online
    They have lives
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:54 No.71104XXX
    They all look the same.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:55 No.71104XXX
         File1282582508.jpg-(34 KB, 640x512, mtmeals_petting_seals.jpg)
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    But then who was snacks
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:55 No.71104XXX
    We have Mods?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:55 No.71104XXX
         File1282582525.jpg-(80 KB, 600x545, umad.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:55 No.71104XXX
         File1282582528.jpg-(157 KB, 638x647, bunmei.jpg)
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    >5 moderators
    >no moderation
    I hope Moot's not paying those retards.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:55 No.71104XXX
         File1282582530.png-(344 KB, 600x545, haters.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:55 No.71104XXX
    i'm pretty sure that ''girl'' is a trap.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:55 No.71104XXX
    I like how all of them are anonymous except for moot
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:55 No.71104XXX
    >all skinnyfags
    are you shitting me? not ONE stereotypical fat neckbeard computer nerd with nothing better to do?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:55 No.71104XXX
         File1282582558.jpg-(16 KB, 398x104, Capture.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:55 No.71104XXX
         File1282582559.jpg-(99 KB, 627x612, 1282324607716.jpg)
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    the new candlejack even types the captcha. why not have him type a hyphen for you and press submit. he might even pick an image off your ha
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:56 No.71104XXX
    Read the article.

    not gonna lie, seeing he words "herp derp" in a scholarly article made me luagh HAAARD.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:56 No.71104XXX
    they look like incredible faggots.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:56 No.71104XXX



    >Implying there are females in 4chan
    >Implying anyone in 4chan ever pumped weights
    >Implying 80% of 4chan aren't fat fucks
    >Implying anyone on 4chan could pull off the aviator look
    >> R. Lune !5nGUMWmVLY 08/23/10(Mon)12:56 No.71104XXX
         File1282582595.jpg-(53 KB, 486x485, 1282184583800.jpg)
    53 KB
    >my face at some of the comments under the article.

    "when they grow up the 4chan crowd will have no choice but to deal with the consequences of their juvenility, as individuals and as the Mad Maxx society they seem bent on creating."

    Oh my.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:56 No.71104XXX
    holy shit what a bunch of hipsters
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:56 No.71104XXX
    They arent all the /v/ mods you know right, they are just ones who suck moots cock the most.
    >> cheraya-senpai !.qlHL3DYm6 08/23/10(Mon)12:56 No.71104XXX
         File1282582608.jpg-(116 KB, 600x545, 4chon.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:56 No.71104XXX

    Yet you continue to post on his website. You're in his domain now buddy.
    >> Iron !0wn2vX.OBs 08/23/10(Mon)12:57 No.71104XXX

    Only 2 of them are mods.
    >> GaryFukkenOak11 !zQZQqTfh3Q 08/23/10(Mon)12:57 No.71104XXX
         File1282582655.jpg-(11 KB, 308x313, 1259435716347.jpg)
    11 KB
    >mfw dat chick.
    >> (゚ 3゚)Onsokumaru !!f6Tejk6TlLT 08/23/10(Mon)12:57 No.71104XXX
    Is that really the moderation team?
    >> Delicious Flat Level !9Y.AGAi22w 08/23/10(Mon)12:57 No.71104XXX
         File1282582660.jpg-(34 KB, 677x476, 1184984090348.jpg)
    34 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:57 No.71104XXX
    Dat watermark.

    Why, brah?
    >> Anonymous ## Mod 08/23/10(Mon)12:58 No.71104XXX
    I'm not in the picture
    Because I'm not in the US (¯ロ¯ )
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:58 No.71104XXX
    Yeah, didn't you know? Every time you accuse someone of viral marketing or leave a nasty comment on a weeaboo's Youtube video that was posted in a rage thread, you're slowly killing society.
    >> Delta !!3gOrqaGHuwy 08/23/10(Mon)12:58 No.71105XXX
    Here we go
    >> cheraya-senpai !.qlHL3DYm6 08/23/10(Mon)12:58 No.71105XXX

    I'm too lazy to start photoshop
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:58 No.71105XXX
    Picture's possibly a shoop, taken from the second set of photographs. People in the background are models.

    Please learn how the media works, faggots.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:58 No.71105XXX
         File1282582733.jpg-(14 KB, 203x152, 1275703109591.jpg)
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    >> (゚ 3゚)Onsokumaru !!f6Tejk6TlLT 08/23/10(Mon)12:58 No.71105XXX
    Have them photoshop you in.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:58 No.71105XXX
         File1282582737.jpg-(53 KB, 300x562, 1127.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:59 No.71105XXX
    inb4 a gazillion replies

    >> Delicious Flat Level !9Y.AGAi22w 08/23/10(Mon)12:59 No.71105XXX
         File1282582742.jpg-(120 KB, 800x601, 1185337657839.jpg)
    120 KB
    Hey mod! Why are you leaving these off-topic threads up instead of deleting them?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:59 No.71105XXX
         File1282582746.png-(9 KB, 271x288, 1279202232840.png)
    9 KB
    Dear lord.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:59 No.71105XXX
    Since when is wearing jeans and a t-shirt hipster? The hats and aviators are obviously for the photoshoot.
    >> GaryFukkenOak11 !zQZQqTfh3Q 08/23/10(Mon)12:59 No.71105XXX
         File1282582770.jpg-(43 KB, 500x391, 1266189765116.jpg)
    43 KB
    O rly?
    >> Delta !!3gOrqaGHuwy 08/23/10(Mon)12:59 No.71105XXX
    I dont remember anyone asking the gay weeaboo sex toy addict to speak
    >> Delicious Flat Level !9Y.AGAi22w 08/23/10(Mon)12:59 No.71105XXX
         File1282582790.jpg-(225 KB, 800x600, 118589313058.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)12:59 No.71105XXX
         File1282582794.jpg-(48 KB, 640x480, 1276999575884.jpg)
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    >on /v/
    >> Jouten 08/23/10(Mon)13:00 No.71105XXX
         File1282582815.jpg-(58 KB, 1280x800, 1280479669200.jpg)
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    >I'm unimportant
    It's okay, we love ya.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:00 No.71105XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:00 No.71105XXX
         File1282582832.jpg-(37 KB, 599x449, duck looking up at camera.jpg)
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    You are all sure acting high and mighty for being the ones that suck on 4chan's dick.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:00 No.71105XXX
    dont worry hes probly on break so were good.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:00 No.71105XXX
    O LAWD
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:00 No.71105XXX
    Why are they all wearing those tight faggot pants? Are they all hipsters?

    Either way, explains why 4chan is such an utter shithole.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:01 No.71105XXX
    Mod-kun~ Mod-kun~ Make the squinty eyed angry Asian face next! Kinda looks like this:

    ( ` A`)/
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:01 No.71105XXX

    u mad
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:01 No.71105XXX
         File1282582868.jpg-(320 KB, 1024x708, 1282325340756.jpg)
    320 KB

    To be honest, I know some girls who go to 4 chan.

    They just really don't go on /v/, they are more " casual " users AKA /b/.

    Though I'd never understand why girl would TELL her sex on any board. Shitstorm in a can.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:01 No.71105XXX
         File1282582869.jpg-(5 KB, 251x251, ffft65655.jpg)
    5 KB

    >mods on /v/
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:01 No.71105XXX

    >mod in thread
    >manly tears not banned yet

    Please, can't you do us a favour and get rid of his faggot ass for 5 minutes while he resets his router?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:01 No.71105XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:01 No.71105XXX
    Those aren't the mods. Also, Canvas sounds scary i dont want it.
    >> !!wtm+cSPA1Zf 08/23/10(Mon)13:01 No.71105XXX
    this is what 4chan mods are doing while we're here posting not video games thread just like this one
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:01 No.71105XXX
    May I know why do you delete vidya threads?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:01 No.71105XXX
         File1282582893.jpg-(44 KB, 600x545, 1282582647997[1].jpg)
    44 KB
    >I'm gonna guess these are the two mods.

    Spot on.
    >> cheraya-senpai !.qlHL3DYm6 08/23/10(Mon)13:01 No.71105XXX
         File1282582902.png-(437 KB, 600x545, 4chen.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:01 No.71105XXX
         File1282582903.jpg-(209 KB, 600x545, 4chan the movie.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:01 No.71105XXX
    Manly is so jelly he's not a mod nor will he ever be
    Stop being so jelly, manly.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:01 No.71105XXX

    No. 4chan is a shithole because of pretentious faggots like you.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:01 No.71105XXX
         File1282582917.jpg-(30 KB, 251x236, 1271481842008.jpg)
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    careful, don't scare him/her ok who are we kidding away, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:02 No.71105XXX

    More like "Hey Poole, alone you look awkward like fuck so pose with those cooldudes here (we got from our advertising department for half the price) for our photo." Must admit, I'd tap that 'ho.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:02 No.71105XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:02 No.71105XXX

    Because they are attention whores.

    Or perhaps they are the truest of trolls, knowing that mentioning their sex will cause a shitstorm.
    >> Anonymous ## Mod 08/23/10(Mon)13:02 No.71105XXX
    U jelly?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:02 No.71105XXX
         File1282582965.jpg-(44 KB, 600x545, 1282581819887.jpg)
    44 KB
    Wait, stop the motherfucking presses.

    There are 2 chick mods.

    2 of them.

    I have circled the 2 dainty lasses for those unable to tell the difference.

    That means that one third of 4chan is moderated by women.

    I suppose that explains why it's the equivalent of an online distopia, but fuck...

    I wonder how many of them are there just for /b/. I wonder if any of them ever come to /v/. I wonder which one does /fit/. I wonder if they ever fight over who gets to moderate what. So many questions...
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:02 No.71105XXX
         File1282582975.jpg-(23 KB, 262x264, 1282572253941.jpg)
    23 KB
    >"People deserve a place to be wrong."
    >mfw 4chan is the only thing holding western civilisation together
    >> Floyd !3wBXbThGsc 08/23/10(Mon)13:02 No.71105XXX
         File1282582975.jpg-(81 KB, 379x300, 1256435624237.jpg)
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    Moot's so fucking cute and sweet. I'd treat him to some fancy restaurant, than take a long romantic walk with him, holding hands and talking about videogames, television and moderating. Then I'd invite him to my home and ravage his hot ass for hours, and forcing my cock up his throat so he chocked on both the throbbing cock and his own rectal juice. I'd then proceed to cum on his cute innocent face. Then. as the ultimate love gift, I'd carry him in my arms to the tub and let my piss wash away the semen and last dignity from him. I'd wisper "I love you" and give him a tender smile, and cut his throat from ear to ear with a knife. Covered in his own warm blood, he'd look straight into my very soul, forgiving, understanding. A bubble from blood and saliva would burst between his lips, then he'd die. After some additional lovemaking, I'd stuff him into a bin bag. Three weeks later, some playing children will find his mutilated and desecrated body in the forest.

    They will be scarred for life.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:03 No.71105XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:03 No.71105XXX
         File1282582994.gif-(1.94 MB, 268x205, 1282343052509.gif)
    1.94 MB
    idiot who gets a trip on a board wich strongest characteristic is its anonymity
    hated by most of the userbase, even in the top10 of hated tripfags
    unable to tell men from women(spychology-wise very interesting)
    unable to tell hipsters from people that at least dont look like hipsters

    > no wonder your getting banned constantly


    you dont use greentext
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:03 No.71105XXX
         File1282582994.jpg-(74 KB, 465x619, 1282396063106.jpg)
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    >> Delicious Flat Level !9Y.AGAi22w 08/23/10(Mon)13:03 No.71105XXX
         File1282582994.jpg-(289 KB, 681x1024, 1273967285300.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:03 No.71105XXX
    >U jelly?

    Jesus H. Christ. No wonder this place is such a shithole.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:03 No.71105XXX
    Dude on the far left

    I would totally suck him off.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:03 No.71105XXX
         File1282583005.jpg-(32 KB, 385x287, U JELLY.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:03 No.71105XXX
    >Mod posts in a thread.
    >Every time.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:03 No.71105XXX
    Someone TL;DR that article.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:03 No.71105XXX
         File1282583026.jpg-(37 KB, 501x480, incon!.jpg)
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    >> Delicious Flat Level !9Y.AGAi22w 08/23/10(Mon)13:04 No.71105XXX
         File1282583078.jpg-(49 KB, 461x615, moot.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:04 No.71105XXX
    there are 20 mods on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:04 No.71105XXX
    mind if i ask how you became a mod on this shitboard?
    not that i want to become one, just want to know
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:05 No.71105XXX
    >Mods not doing their job
    >people continue to whine
    No shit?
    >> CaptainBr !ohSEPh1v1k 08/23/10(Mon)13:05 No.71105XXX

    The one on the right looks like a dude.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:05 No.71105XXX

    fucking retarded
    >> GaryFukkenOak11 !zQZQqTfh3Q 08/23/10(Mon)13:05 No.71105XXX
         File1282583126.jpg-(42 KB, 445x388, 1259170040563.jpg)
    42 KB
    Please..>>71105244 <that man, dear god.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:05 No.71105XXX
         File1282583132.jpg-(12 KB, 180x180, Inconceivable.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:05 No.71105XXX
         File1282583138.jpg-(69 KB, 574x1293, 1282191264166.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:05 No.71105XXX
    >Jesus H. Christ.

    What are you, a middle aged guy who works in a cubicle?

    Get out
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:05 No.71105XXX
         File1282583155.jpg-(130 KB, 1352x812, why so jelly.jpg)
    130 KB
    That pathetic mod should stop displaying his utter jealousy
    >> cheraya-senpai !.qlHL3DYm6 08/23/10(Mon)13:06 No.71105XXX
    Hey mod. Could you make a banned URL? So the kids here stop these shitty board wars?
    >> Delicious Flat Level !9Y.AGAi22w 08/23/10(Mon)13:06 No.71105XXX
         File1282583164.jpg-(203 KB, 1632x1224, 1262307436418.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:06 No.71105XXX
    >I suppose that explains why it's the equivalent of an online distopia, but fuck...

    LOL`d hard
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:06 No.71105XXX
    fifty bucks says the female only mods /a/ and /jp/
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:06 No.71105XXX
         File1282583175.jpg-(39 KB, 600x524, idoneimprovedit.jpg)
    39 KB
    Can't be that much competition, just how much cock is there to suck?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:06 No.71105XXX
         File1282583176.jpg-(145 KB, 1238x620, isaacPTSD.jpg)
    145 KB
    >mfw Manly is the one that started the CP thread
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:06 No.71105XXX
    nice one
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:06 No.71105XXX
         File1282583186.png-(5 KB, 400x400, wat.png)
    5 KB
    >On May 13, 2010, just after the end of his sophomore year in college, Poole filed notice with the Securities and Exchange Commission about an extracurricular activity: raising $625,000 for a new online venture. The time had come, he felt, for something like a reboot. After seven years of administrative and technological tweaks to 4chan, he no longer sees it as a project much in need of his creative attention. Meanwhile, he notes, Web technology has evolved far beyond 4chan's "decade-old code and decade-or-two-old paradigm"--that of the classic pre-Web bulletin board--and he is eager to reimagine what a modern discussion forum can be. The name of the new site is Canvas, and Poole hopes to launch it this fall.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:06 No.71105XXX
    Pretty much just know moot from irc, from before 4chan became as popular as it is now.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:06 No.71105XXX
    >mod confirmed for /sp/ visitor
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:06 No.71105XXX
         File1282583200.jpg-(14 KB, 300x300, pffft.jpg)
    14 KB
    >OP god king emperor of /tv/
    >god king emperor
    >my face
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:06 No.71105XXX
    if he looks like that then agreed, he really should
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:07 No.71105XXX
         File1282583222.jpg-(31 KB, 365x433, reptar.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:07 No.71105XXX
    and he's gonna make millions
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:07 No.71105XXX
         File1282583244.jpg-(16 KB, 380x300, 1267406172211.jpg)
    16 KB
    > Corporations looking to profit off 4chan.
    Congratulations. 4chan is now hipster.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:07 No.71105XXX
    That's a really bad trip if you're not actually a troll.
    >> Delicious Flat Level !9Y.AGAi22w 08/23/10(Mon)13:07 No.71105XXX
         File1282583250.jpg-(55 KB, 380x507, 1270685541993.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:07 No.71105XXX

    Liar liar pants on fire. There can't be more than 6. I refuse to believe it.


    Dunno man, his mouth looks like a chick's mouth. The hair also looks tied up behind the hat. And I think I see a trace of cleavage.
    >> lolschaatser !drLoLnsDFU 08/23/10(Mon)13:07 No.71105XXX
         File1282583258.gif-(72 KB, 600x450, mootrap.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:07 No.71105XXX
    pretty sure the third one is a guy
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:07 No.71105XXX
    Manly Tears, might i say that you are really not good looking? You're by no means ugly, but you are very, very average.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:07 No.71105XXX
         File1282583260.jpg-(45 KB, 376x490, jackiechancanijoinprease.jpg)
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    The lack of Chan amuses me
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:07 No.71105XXX
         File1282583270.gif-(4 KB, 344x326, 1274058585785.gif)
    4 KB
    >My face when everybody is jealous at those alpha fuckers on the picture and they are not happy that they represent us.
    >My face when mods are real and one of those is patrolling this thread
    >> !pHAnANerzM 08/23/10(Mon)13:07 No.71105XXX
         File1282583273.jpg-(36 KB, 435x435, 1276493871591.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:07 No.71105XXX
         File1282583275.jpg-(181 KB, 600x563, 1282581819887.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:08 No.71105XXX
         File1282583289.jpg-(62 KB, 435x580, 1276929038566.jpg)
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    I agree, most women that go on any board want attetention. (If they tell people they are girls and post pictures)

    Though, I don't blame them.. if you go on /b/ or /r9k/ you get a ton of attention.

    It's equily as bad that stupid guys give it to them.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:08 No.71105XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:08 No.71105XXX

    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:08 No.71105XXX

    >creative attention


    Fuck this shit.hta
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:08 No.71105XXX
         File1282583299.jpg-(61 KB, 562x791, 1214775699532.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:08 No.71105XXX
    >> Jouten 08/23/10(Mon)13:08 No.71105XXX
         File1282583335.jpg-(115 KB, 533x400, normal_mlaatrj10-02-090.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:08 No.71105XXX

    m00t got tired of everyone's shit on 4chan. I can't blame him.

    inb4 people quote me, call me retarded, call me a hipster, and try to personally attack this post instead of realizing the truth.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:08 No.71105XXX
    no one will ever believe you when you tell them one day there was a mod on v
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:09 No.71105XXX
    good luck derailing that ego-train
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:09 No.71105XXX
    >Everyone actually believes the stupid faggot who said they were mods.
    >Nowhere in the article does it say that they are.
    >> Delicious Flat Level !9Y.AGAi22w 08/23/10(Mon)13:09 No.71105XXX
         File1282583362.jpg-(171 KB, 839x1708, 1262318032915.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:09 No.71105XXX
    4chan is becoming ridiculously social/mainstream lately
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:09 No.71105XXX
    >people actually believe those are mods

    you fuckers are so gullible.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:09 No.71105XXX
         File1282583380.jpg-(37 KB, 600x545, moots day on 4chan.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:09 No.71105XXX
         File1282583384.jpg-(133 KB, 1592x1058, umad111.jpg)
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    I can't help it, I always have to rub one off when I see a picture of Manly
    >> CaptainBr !ohSEPh1v1k 08/23/10(Mon)13:09 No.71105XXX
    I was just going to say I barely see any cleavage, but maybe she wants to look like a guy?
    What do you do most of the time? Just browse /v/, or do you read and post as anon as well?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:09 No.71105XXX
         File1282583393.jpg-(400 KB, 2048x1536, 0429001721.jpg)
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    *A wild Mod has appeared!*
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:09 No.71105XXX
    What the dicks is canvas?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:10 No.71105XXX
    I'd like to know as well and don't say, "Have sex with moot." We all know if moot made a moderator out of every man he fucked then there would be thousands of mods.
    >> GaryFukkenOak11 !zQZQqTfh3Q 08/23/10(Mon)13:10 No.71105XXX
         File1282583436.jpg-(17 KB, 470x336, 1259179536866.jpg)
    17 KB
    Wait..MT's posts has...gone? Has it happened? Or is it just deletan
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:10 No.71105XXX
    This thread might as well be stickied at this point.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:10 No.71105XXX
    So 4chan is dead then?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:11 No.71105XXX
    >People who wear sunglasses are hipsters

    Oh /v/
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:11 No.71105XXX
         File1282583472.jpg-(62 KB, 279x354, 1279202578483.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:11 No.71105XXX

    Sometimes it's not about the attention though.

    Theres a difference between a slut and a whore.

    A lot of the traps/CD's here are sluts, and post pictures of themselves. Not for attention though, but simply because they know people will get off to them and don't mind/like that.

    A whore would be LOL STEAM GIFT AND I SHOW TITS
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:11 No.71105XXX
         File1282583480.jpg-(83 KB, 367x500, 343394ps_500h.jpg)
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    >Mod in thread
    >Allowing non-vidya

    Oh /v/, stay classy.

    Might aswell try and derail it into a video-games thread.

    Anyone hyped for Fable 3?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:11 No.71105XXX
    Oh man those fucking comments.

    >4chan crowd will have no choice but to deal with the consequences of their juvenility, as individuals and as the Mad Maxx society they seem bent on creating.

    4chan is not Fight Club. It isn't some crazy organization that will change the world. It's just an imageboard that's popular because people can just say whatever stupid opinion they have without ever having to own up to it. And there's a bunch of people on here at all times so there's always someone to respond to.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:11 No.71105XXX

    >> GaryFukkenOak11 !zQZQqTfh3Q 08/23/10(Mon)13:11 No.71105XXX
         File1282583488.jpg-(45 KB, 380x247, 1259179088023.jpg)
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    Oh, nevermind. Fucking faggot.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:11 No.71105XXX
    So mod, I heard 4chan cooperates with the feds to catch pedofags and logs all bans.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:11 No.71105XXX
         File1282583496.jpg-(80 KB, 792x949, umad22.jpg)
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    I sure hope so, this is some hot shit right here
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:11 No.71105XXX
    oh god Manly Tears you evaded a ban how did you do that you elite super-master of the internets :3333
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:11 No.71105XXX
    Coming Summer 2012
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:11 No.71105XXX
         File1282583509.jpg-(111 KB, 480x640, 4chan184.jpg)
    111 KB
    >Manly Tears desperately clamors for attention
    >Threads all like FUCK YEAR MOOT
    >My face

    >> lolschaatser !drLoLnsDFU 08/23/10(Mon)13:11 No.71105XXX
    Mootykins is so kawaii
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:12 No.71105XXX
         File1282583525.jpg-(16 KB, 320x240, 1280633941943.jpg)
    16 KB
    I wish people wouldn't view /b/ as the poster-child of 4chan. It's rather irritating when I tell someone "Yeah, I talk on 4chan sometimes," by which I mean /v/, /co/, and /new/, and they assume I'm part of the idiocy and immaturity that's caused by the underageb& in /b/.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:12 No.71105XXX
    It doesn't say anywhere that they're mods. Tey supposed to represent the users.

    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:12 No.71105XXX
         File1282583550.png-(3 KB, 336x102, u_jelly.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:12 No.71105XXX
    Oh look, someone can unplug his router for 5 minutes. I'm in awe of your skills and verily, quite jelly.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:12 No.71105XXX
         File1282583555.jpg-(35 KB, 635x573, controller.jpg)
    35 KB
    >my face when i'm actually sort of on Manly Tears' side because of >>71105232
    >> i_love_ice_cream !!AiowLKNA5ac 08/23/10(Mon)13:12 No.71105XXX
         File1282583578.jpg-(41 KB, 848x473, lupesneakattack.jpg)
    41 KB

    you are just the biggest faggot. but it's cool, that's like your thing. you've got annoying people down to a science, i can respect that.

    keep on trollin' bro
    >> CaptainBr !ohSEPh1v1k 08/23/10(Mon)13:13 No.71105XXX


    New Vegas, baby.
    >> Delicious Flat Level !9Y.AGAi22w 08/23/10(Mon)13:13 No.71105XXX
         File1282583585.jpg-(774 KB, 800x1200, 1273967010243.jpg)
    774 KB
    Yes, he is really that retarded. Naw, I kid. Moot is bro. Even though he was rude and banned me once.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:13 No.71105XXX
    >there's a difference between a slut and a whore

    stop trying to defend them.. if that's even what you're trying to do
    either you stay anon or you become a whore
    and post pics of yourself 'trying to be cute'.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:13 No.71105XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:13 No.71105XXX
         File1282583605.png-(40 KB, 259x233, Fuck Yea.png)
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    Moot and his league of extra-ordinary gentlemen
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:13 No.71105XXX
    If you commit a crime and post it online, you deserve to get caught.
    >> Delta !!3gOrqaGHuwy 08/23/10(Mon)13:13 No.71105XXX
    You were posting pictures of naked little boys.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:13 No.71105XXX
    lol dwarfs
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:13 No.71105XXX
         File1282583630.jpg-(39 KB, 600x545, halo.jpg)
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    Oh exploitable

    here's vidya related
    >> RomanianRicheld !!nQpzrRk3RJ9 08/23/10(Mon)13:13 No.71105XXX
    Oh hot femmod. I will now post non-vidya threads in hopes of attracting her attention!
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:13 No.71105XXX
    /new/ is on par with /b/
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:13 No.71105XXX
         File1282583634.jpg-(28 KB, 382x434, 1280789366566.jpg)
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    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 08/23/10(Mon)13:13 No.71105XXX
    this thread does not seem to be about video games
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:13 No.71105XXX
    Hey mod, still there?

    Just curious.
    >> Leonidas !3OO1rGix.Q 08/23/10(Mon)13:14 No.71105XXX
         File1282583646.jpg-(50 KB, 640x480, loser.jpg)
    50 KB

    haha i knew you'd be here i was just checking /v/ to see this thread and this faggot is here posting his 'abs' what a loser
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:14 No.71105XXX
         File1282583655.jpg-(15 KB, 450x331, jackie chon.jpg)
    15 KB
    >this thread
    >my face
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:14 No.71105XXX
         File1282583672.png-(1.45 MB, 600x845, 4movie poster.png)
    1.45 MB
    You rike?
    >> CaptainBr !ohSEPh1v1k 08/23/10(Mon)13:14 No.71105XXX
         File1282583672.png-(1.54 MB, 1538x940, 1277097622942.png)
    1.54 MB

    >my face when you're looking at a broken controller, just like you're looking a broken man(manly tears)
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:14 No.71105XXX
    ... six people? seriously moot? I'm not reading the tl;dr article but if it's really only 6 (actually 5 since moot rarely does anything, just makes troll stickies and reads his 4chan email once a month) then no wonder this place is so fucking shit
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:14 No.71105XXX
    >mod posts in thread
    >not vidya
    Why the fuck am I not surprised
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:14 No.71106XXX
         File1282583697.jpg-(6 KB, 185x161, 1280619032086.jpg)
    6 KB
    >reporting a thread a mod posted in twice
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 08/23/10(Mon)13:15 No.71106XXX
         File1282583702.jpg-(28 KB, 348x523, 1282515179402.jpg)
    28 KB
    Why is this thread still here? That interesting piracy law thread was deleted...
    >> Floyd !3wBXbThGsc 08/23/10(Mon)13:15 No.71106XXX
    At one point I had a wine cellar.

    Well, to be fair it was a wine basement.

    OK... a small, otherwise disused wine closet in a basement... but I digress...

    Five times every two months I would go down to it and turn the bottles, having no more response from the cheaper ones than the cold glass against my skin. On the more expensive ones I remember watching the grape silt upended in the bottle like a viticultural snow globe. It was beautiful. I'd have done it even if I never planned to taste the wine.

    Moot pics are like that. I've seen them all before... I could probably sketch them freehand. That isn't the point. The point is giving them that bit of attention every few weeks... appreciating him while respecting the fact that he is ever on the other side of the glass.

    I could no more enjoy looking at them offline from a folder than I could enjoy turning the bottles in a supermarket. It just isn't the same as lurking about in the damp darkness of the 4chan wine cellar.

    I honestly don't expect you to understand.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:15 No.71106XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:15 No.71106XXX
         File1282583724.jpg-(118 KB, 1194x1290, umadladdy.jpg)
    118 KB

    Trying too hard kid
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:15 No.71106XXX

    What? Just got here?

    This was old news months ago.
    >> Delicious Flat Level !9Y.AGAi22w 08/23/10(Mon)13:15 No.71106XXX
         File1282583730.jpg-(38 KB, 750x600, 1267280392598.jpg)
    38 KB
    No, I was asking him to bring back /sm/. The little boys I posted all had clothes on.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:15 No.71106XXX
    as is /v/
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:15 No.71106XXX
    >Aviator shades
    >Not hipsters

    Don't worry. 4chan is a place free to be wrong.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:16 No.71106XXX
         File1282583760.jpg-(662 KB, 1142x1651, 1282532179637.jpg)
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    I think the whore part tops that, fuck..

    People seriously fap to traps? Oh boy.

    Attention whoring or being a slut.. it's all the same.

    I never understood why someone would get a big ego because of /v/irgins getting off to them.
    >> Anonymous ## Mod 08/23/10(Mon)13:16 No.71106XXX
         File1282583765.jpg-(76 KB, 800x533, 1272130460812.jpg)
    76 KB
    Even my grandmother could troll and attention whore better than Manly Tears.
    And she's cremated.
    I'm sure there's a joke somewhere but w/e.

    Have a cat picture because cats, goddamn.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:16 No.71106XXX
    >Death of 4chan
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:16 No.71106XXX
    It's kinda your fault for hanging out with retards though.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:16 No.71106XXX
    Excuse me mr.Tripfag, but moot looks hot in that pic
    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 08/23/10(Mon)13:16 No.71106XXX
    Oh, a mod posted in this thread? Oh I'm sorry I was unaware. Let me rephrase my post..


    reported twice
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:16 No.71106XXX
    ahahah manly tears is such a faggot

    someone cap this
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:16 No.71106XXX
         File1282583817.jpg-(202 KB, 404x605, 1281780053061.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:17 No.71106XXX
         File1282583822.gif-(353 KB, 320x199, coconuts-o.gif)
    353 KB
    >mfw reading this thread

    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:17 No.71106XXX
         File1282583823.png-(143 KB, 453x1081, MODS = FAGS.png)
    143 KB
    Fucking moderation, how does it work
    >> [☆] GOD KING EMPEROR OF /TV/ [☆] Created 20+ memes, first post on /tv/, 1M, 2M gets !CAR/6LOVEY 08/23/10(Mon)13:17 No.71106XXX
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:17 No.71106XXX
    nothing of value was lost
    >> BLU Medic !ckAZj.DHhc 08/23/10(Mon)13:17 No.71106XXX
         File1282583845.jpg-(21 KB, 190x203, 1281207393966.jpg)
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    >mfw mod doing his job right
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:17 No.71106XXX
         File1282583848.jpg-(23 KB, 210x168, Coolface.jpg)
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    baby's first mod?
    >> Walter Calton !!o3jb1KUJTTR 08/23/10(Mon)13:17 No.71106XXX
    No wonder why 4chan is shit
    The mods are lazy fucks who don't give a shit at all
    The boards are filled with underage goons/Gaiafags
    Furrys everywhere
    >> CaptainBr !ohSEPh1v1k 08/23/10(Mon)13:17 No.71106XXX
    File deleted.

    Thanks for the response, bro, I really needed it to carry me through the day.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:17 No.71106XXX
    >... six people? seriously moot?
    >I'm not reading the tl;dr article



    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:17 No.71106XXX
    This thread is not vidya

    Do your job
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:17 No.71106XXX
    So what actually happened between moot and Snacks? I heard they made up and were bros again.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:17 No.71106XXX

    haha, what
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:18 No.71106XXX
    hey cocksucker, why not remove this thread for NOT FUCKING VIDYA
    >> Adam the /g/uy !PYI1NtkxeQ 08/23/10(Mon)13:18 No.71106XXX
    lol'd. It took me a second to realize what the author was doing.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:18 No.71106XXX
    serious question: why are the mods so useless?

    The only thing they ever do is making shitty off-topic stickies and attetion whore (this thread is a prime example).

    inb4 you dodge the question with some "witty" reply.
    >> grafics !!ROfeaeRCJ11 08/23/10(Mon)13:18 No.71106XXX
    Haha, oh wow.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:18 No.71106XXX
         File1282583908.png-(192 KB, 1116x665, mods.png)
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    >Article about 4chans "moderation team"
    >Mod posts include emoticons and using the term "u jelly"
    >Manly Tears posting in the thread trolling
    >And this is only 1 thread on /v/ we're talking about
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:18 No.71106XXX
    we have 6 fucking mods? no wonder everything sucks so much.
    >> A͆̎n̋o̖̭̪̯̤̻ͣ͟ń͒̄̍͆͞y̛̮̝ͫͪ̋ͧ͛̚m̙ͬ̅̏͜o͂ͫͬ̒ͨ̌ū͊̚s͒ 08/23/10(Mon)13:18 No.71106XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:18 No.71106XXX

    Because 4chan is relevant to all boards. HURR
    >> Leonidas !3OO1rGix.Q 08/23/10(Mon)13:18 No.71106XXX
         File1282583930.jpg-(28 KB, 342x261, whores laughing.jpg)
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    Using sage as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good feature that is so popular in sites like 2ch and Futaba. Fuck, iichan and 4-ch do it right. It's just 4chan and 4chan's lame knockoffs that fail at using sage.

    The true meaning of sage means that YOUR POST isn't worthy enough to bump the thread. It's ironic, because you think that you're insulting others while you're just, in fact, insulting yourself. Yes, sage can be used when posting a derogatory comment in a thread that you don't want to bump, but posting with just the word "sage" accomplishes nothing but contribute to spamming the board. The trend of replying with the name of a tripfag and sage is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

    The sage feature was never meant to serve as an implied insult or general disagreement! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose not to bump a thread with his reply. For example, bumping threads with stupid one liner replies should be discouraged and those people should be coerced into using sage instead.

    I want to use sage, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people will jump on me thinking I'm insulting their post or something.


    TOLD [X]
    MAD [X]
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:18 No.71106XXX
         File1282583932.png-(31 KB, 566x167, manly.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:18 No.71106XXX
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    this is why we can't have nice things
    >> lolschaatser !drLoLnsDFU 08/23/10(Mon)13:19 No.71106XXX
         File1282583942.png-(224 KB, 336x342, dog gamer.png)
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    Are you saying you DON'T fap to moot on a daily basis?

    I'm confused.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:19 No.71106XXX
    Does moot remind anyone else of Eric from That 70s Show?
    >> Delta !!3gOrqaGHuwy 08/23/10(Mon)13:19 No.71106XXX
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:19 No.71106XXX
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    >my face when mod can't do humour

    You're embarrassing me.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:19 No.71106XXX
    Goddamn, that's a nice cat.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:19 No.71106XXX
    Doomsday is here, see >>71106074
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:19 No.71106XXX
    >People seriously fap to traps? Oh boy.
    Why wouldn't they? (Other than being gay etc.)
    >> Walter Calton !!o3jb1KUJTTR 08/23/10(Mon)13:20 No.71106XXX
    Even my grandmother could moderate better than you.
    And she's cremated.
    I'm sure there's a joke somewhere but w/e.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:20 No.71106XXX
    > Job
    Mods don't get paid.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:20 No.71106XXX

    >mod actually jelly at manly tears

    God fucking damn it i'll screencap this post, print it, enlarge it and frame it in my wall
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:20 No.71106XXX
    >mfw I realised Manly Tears lives off disability benefits and has never done nor will ever do a full day's work
    >> The /v/ Poleesh !93GCE9hnmM 08/23/10(Mon)13:20 No.71106XXX
    This thread just goes to show you that this place = shit.

    I tried to give you the tools to save yourselves, /v/..
    >> CaptainBr !ohSEPh1v1k 08/23/10(Mon)13:20 No.71106XXX
         File1282584043.jpg-(310 KB, 850x694, lolmods.jpg)
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    I know someone wants this.
    >> Delicious Flat Level !9Y.AGAi22w 08/23/10(Mon)13:20 No.71106XXX
         File1282584044.jpg-(198 KB, 500x807, 1282247942056.jpg)
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    That doesn't excuse his rudeness. He could of banned me and been nice about it.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:20 No.71106XXX
    Ban me
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:20 No.71106XXX
    lolol epic for teh win guise
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:20 No.71106XXX
    I think those people aren't actual mods, but just placed there to look like they run the place.

    Kind of like our real mods
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:21 No.71106XXX
    oh shut up
    >I think jelly means mad
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:21 No.71106XXX
    It sure help than mods aren't bitter nerds who'd ban you at the slightest disagreement with them
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:21 No.71106XXX

    Sticky this thread, it's too good to let die.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:21 No.71106XXX
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    >my face when I would actually prefer Manly Tears to whatever mod is in this thread
    >> Delta !!3gOrqaGHuwy 08/23/10(Mon)13:22 No.71106XXX
         File1282584128.jpg-(21 KB, 210x234, 1282583622133.jpg)
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    >Being nice
    >On 4chan
    >On /v/
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:22 No.71106XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:22 No.71106XXX
         File1282584157.jpg-(32 KB, 493x402, 1282340991625.jpg)
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    >mfw i know manly is franticly looking for a proxy that works.
    what a persistent little cunt he is.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:22 No.71106XXX
         File1282584168.jpg-(52 KB, 476x314, lol793.jpg)
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    This is how you guys sound like.
    >I suck moderator cock xD!!!
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:22 No.71106XXX

    >fat fucks

    When will you guys realize most of us are too god damn skinny for our own good? It's still bad but the whole fat thing just doesn't apply to most of us. Just look at the two skinny fuckers in OP's picture (one of them being moot of course).
    >> Delicious Flat Level !9Y.AGAi22w 08/23/10(Mon)13:22 No.71106XXX
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:22 No.71106XXX
    Erase this thread. Is nothing but shit, and a reminder of how filthy this place is.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:22 No.71106XXX
    >read comments on the article

    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:23 No.71106XXX
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    >My face when both Manly Tears and the mod are equally annoying.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:23 No.71106XXX
    What vidya do you play?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:23 No.71106XXX
         File1282584208.png-(31 KB, 500x500, 999.png)
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    >could of
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:23 No.71106XXX
         File1282584226.jpg-(439 KB, 753x855, reggiehead.jpg)
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    >report mod for not being vidya related
    >my face
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:23 No.71106XXX
         File1282584229.png-(3 KB, 167x141, 1282077151004.png)
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    >my face when OP made a new thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:23 No.71106XXX
         File1282584235.jpg-(47 KB, 640x480, 1151104867968.jpg)
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    it's been years since a tripfag made me chuckle
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:24 No.71106XXX
    >not vidya
    >Delicious Flat Level in thread
    >posting about how he would put his penis in a guy's ass

    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:24 No.71106XXX
    Why can't mods be more like this every day?

    We love the attention. It makes us feel like the place hasn't gone to shit.

    Please, even if it's just a stick here and there, or a (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST), whatever. Just make your presence known.
    >> CaptainBr !ohSEPh1v1k 08/23/10(Mon)13:24 No.71106XXX
         File1282584248.png-(159 KB, 520x818, 1281957735564.png)
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    Looks like someone is jelly of the mod.

    Stay classy, /v/.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:24 No.71106XXX
    >they assume I'm part of the idiocy and immaturity that's caused by the underageb& in /b/
    /v/'s pretty immature and idiotic. They're just a small step above /b/
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:24 No.71106XXX
         File1282584263.png-(50 KB, 616x600, 1279534219796.png)
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    >mfw reading this thread
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:24 No.71106XXX
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    >> Delicious Flat Level !9Y.AGAi22w 08/23/10(Mon)13:24 No.71106XXX
         File1282584276.jpg-(19 KB, 300x300, Taro13.jpg)
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    could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of could of :3
    >> lolschaatser !drLoLnsDFU 08/23/10(Mon)13:24 No.71106XXX
    He's probably referring to the short lived but very popular /ss/&/cm/ ultra gay hybrid

    I'm not a slut, I usually don't even post pictures of myself because I know they would come back to haunt me, I only did it a few times when my confidence was really low and needed someone to tell me I wasn't disgusting ;-; I really don't want people to get off on me so I just post pictures of my face anyway, not me wearing slutty clothes.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:24 No.71106XXX
    Lurk more nigga
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:25 No.71106XXX
         File1282584309.jpg-(15 KB, 400x343, 1279853033312.jpg)
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    >mfw I dunno how to sage.. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:25 No.71106XXX
    Classic picture. He'll regret that one when he's older.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:25 No.71106XXX
    because you wanted gay shota porn

    if you didn't you would just use /cm/

    moot doesnt want gay shota porn on here
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:25 No.71106XXX
         File1282584358.jpg-(7 KB, 220x229, fuck.jpg)
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    >Implying these people are not fucking models paid to pose as anonymous people.

    Fucking retards.
    >> Delicious Flat Level !9Y.AGAi22w 08/23/10(Mon)13:25 No.71106XXX
         File1282584359.jpg-(32 KB, 300x300, Taro9.jpg)
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    There was never an /ss/+/cm/. There was only ever /cm/ and /sm/.
    >> Anonymous ## Mod 08/23/10(Mon)13:26 No.71106XXX
         File1282584374.jpg-(25 KB, 429x297, Daffy summoning his Persona.jpg)
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    I do my moderation duties.
    I post anonymously on /v/.
    I try to be a bro but damn, some of you take /v/ too seriously.
    (ノ ಠ益ಠ)ノ~ ┻┻
    Would you rather have a food tier thread or Console War Bullshit thread no.4329892?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:26 No.71106XXX
         File1282584382.jpg-(126 KB, 750x563, 1280416701570.jpg)
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    True, but the generalization is annoying. I hate all the ANONIMUS IZ LEEJUHN shit. I just want to talk about whatever the threads about without newfags and /b/tards pissing all over it. Yes, I am slightly mad.

    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:26 No.71106XXX
    Well you're still disgusting anyways
    >> Delta !!3gOrqaGHuwy 08/23/10(Mon)13:26 No.71106XXX
         File1282584404.jpg-(21 KB, 234x210, 1282583622133.jpg)
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    The last thing 4chan needs is another gay board.
    Hell, /y/ should be removed as it is

    This place is already one step away from being a gay pride site
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:26 No.71106XXX
         File1282584407.gif-(4 KB, 344x326, 1237790974254.gif)
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    >I only did it a few times
    >when my confidence was really low and needed someone to tell me I wasn't disgusting ;-;
    Confirmed for female brain.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:26 No.71106XXX
         File1282584409.png-(23 KB, 400x400, what the fuck am I reading.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:27 No.71106XXX
    Sure is gargantuan amount of samefaggotry in this thread
    >> Delicious Flat Level !9Y.AGAi22w 08/23/10(Mon)13:27 No.71106XXX
    I dunno, man. I think moot might be a shotacon. After all, he did make a shota board at one point.
    >> lolschaatser !drLoLnsDFU 08/23/10(Mon)13:28 No.71106XXX
    Wasn't /ss/ removed along with /l/?
    >> Delta !!3gOrqaGHuwy 08/23/10(Mon)13:28 No.71106XXX
    Just remove all the trap threads
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:28 No.71106XXX
    Frankly, /v/ is a small step up from the internet average.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:28 No.71106XXX
    >Daffy summoning his Persona.jpg
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:28 No.71106XXX
    ( ´_ゝ`)

    Console wars are against the rules, as is not vidya.
    Of course, there are not vidya threads that can be entertaining, so I'll leave that to your judgement. But this thread fucking sucks.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:28 No.71106XXX
    >Daffy summoning his Persona

    it just keeps getting better and better...
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:28 No.71106XXX
    let's turn /v/ into ASCII bar (´ω`)っ旦~~~
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:28 No.71106XXX
    Console wars, every time.

    At least it's fucking on topic.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:28 No.71106XXX
    I agree with the mod.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:28 No.71106XXX

    It was probably taken down because of the new laws on shota/loli hentai in Japan/
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:28 No.71106XXX
    >> Delicious Flat Level !9Y.AGAi22w 08/23/10(Mon)13:28 No.71106XXX
    4chan can never be gay enough.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:28 No.71106XXX
    >Would you rather have a food tier thread or Console War Bullshit thread no.4329892?
    Neither. How hard is it to delete two threads instead of one? Do you suffer from reumatism so you can only click a certain amount of clicks before your joints start hurting?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:28 No.71106XXX
    >boohoo, my job is too hard
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:29 No.71106XXX
    >tripfags shitting everywhere
    >a retarded mod

    THIS is what's ruining /v/.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:29 No.71106XXX
    At least console wars are vidya-related, even if they're against the rules.
    Do your fucking job and delete the non-vidya threads.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:29 No.71106XXX
    > He babysits thousands of whiny immature brats!
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:29 No.71106XXX
    Where did MT go?
    >> Delicious Flat Level !9Y.AGAi22w 08/23/10(Mon)13:29 No.71106XXX
    There never was an /ss/ on 4chan. Only /sm/.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:29 No.71106XXX
    At least they're all white. I don't want any negroes telling me what to do.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:29 No.71106XXX
    What's wrong with traps? Some of them are even vidya related, which is more than can be said about you're posts.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:29 No.71106XXX
    How about we clean up all of the shitty threads instead of just some of them whenever we feel like it? It could always be worse but it can also always be better.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:29 No.71106XXX
    >remove trap threads
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:29 No.71106XXX
    >mod posts in thread
    >over9000 replies
    the game
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:30 No.71106XXX
    >Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds..
    >> lolschaatser !drLoLnsDFU 08/23/10(Mon)13:30 No.71106XXX
    I think I just derped hard, must be confusing this place with another site.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:30 No.71106XXX
    Hey, while we're on the subject of "let's discuss whatever the fuck we want", has anyone seen the film Fido?

    It has Billy Connolly. Some sort of zombie-comedy crossover thing I think.

    I was wondering whether I should watch Fido or Land of the Dead? I haven't seen either, but I want some zombie action.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:30 No.71106XXX
    No, i'd rather have better moderation.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:30 No.71106XXX
    >you're posts

    /v/ is safe for work, you retarded teenager.
    >> Delta !!3gOrqaGHuwy 08/23/10(Mon)13:31 No.71107XXX
    >What's wrong with traps?
    You are joking
    >> Delicious Genderfuck !!xkBLHV39MZn 08/23/10(Mon)13:31 No.71107XXX

    >Implying traps aren't vidya related
    >Implying you and the mod don't love traps

    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:31 No.71107XXX
    How about neither, since they're both against the rules?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:31 No.71107XXX

    >> Delicious Flat Level !9Y.AGAi22w 08/23/10(Mon)13:31 No.71107XXX
    I think /ss/ originated on Not4chan, or maybe 7chan.
    >> Adam the /g/uy !PYI1NtkxeQ 08/23/10(Mon)13:31 No.71107XXX
    There's two possibilities here.
    Either the thread's a big trap and they'll ban that lot of ya (only happened once or twice, and even then it was less than half a day)
    Or the mods have no particular instruction to delete irrelevant threads. On /v/, moot's favorite board, it's entirely possible that they're told to be extremely lenient.
    >> TheyCallMeSexyPants !!CyRlkjg3p7A 08/23/10(Mon)13:32 No.71107XXX
    For one thing
    >Daffy summoning his Persona.jpg

    And secondly, I agree.

    I like the fact that we've come to a sort of general board, but we still discuss games at times.
    >> lolschaatser !drLoLnsDFU 08/23/10(Mon)13:32 No.71107XXX
    There should be more traps in video games.
    >> GaryFukkenOak11 !zQZQqTfh3Q 08/23/10(Mon)13:32 No.71107XXX
    No but...really the amount of non-vidya around on this board is getting a bit over the top. Please say you're not the only mod who does his/her duties, sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:32 No.71107XXX
    Stop. Up until now I've been polite. Don't you say another god damn word. I have waited for you to do your work. I have waited for you to do at least something. But now you're telling me you don't even want to do it. I am hating you to death.
    >> Delta !!3gOrqaGHuwy 08/23/10(Mon)13:32 No.71107XXX
    >Delicious Genderfuck
    Fuck off
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:33 No.71107XXX
    Why is everyone in this thread so jelly of the moderator, goddamn.
    >> lolschaatser !drLoLnsDFU 08/23/10(Mon)13:33 No.71107XXX
    Deleting this thread and/or banning everyone wouldn't solve anything.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:33 No.71107XXX
    Delta confirmed for newfag tripfag
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:33 No.71107XXX
    >my face when the mod is trolling hard and you dont even know it
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:33 No.71107XXX
    Yeah, my boss loves it when I goof off with /b/tards.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:33 No.71107XXX
    hi mod, quit samefagging and do your fucking job
    >> Delicious Genderfuck !!xkBLHV39MZn 08/23/10(Mon)13:33 No.71107XXX

    D'awwww Delta so tsun tsun for me ^_^;
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:33 No.71107XXX

    No one wants to help me out? ;_;
    >> Vannion !GGiZ.tpU1w 08/23/10(Mon)13:34 No.71107XXX

    Oh god I hope this works
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:34 No.71107XXX

    >Daffy summoning his Persona.jpg

    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:34 No.71107XXX
    I thought /po/ was moot's favorite board
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:34 No.71107XXX
    Everyone knows that /v/ is just /b/ with slightly more video game threads. Deal with it faggots.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:34 No.71107XXX
    >I like the fact that we've come to a sort of general board

    I don't. You already have /r9k/ for that. Go post there.
    >> CaptainBr !ohSEPh1v1k 08/23/10(Mon)13:34 No.71107XXX
    >report mod
    >get ip banned
    The Brit is jelly.
    >> lolschaatser !drLoLnsDFU 08/23/10(Mon)13:34 No.71107XXX
    Nobody owes you anything.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:34 No.71107XXX
    >implying the mod is trolling
    >implying this isn't regular mod behavior
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:34 No.71107XXX
    Listen, buddy. Stop trying to gain popularity points by having "friendly chats" with the community.

    >lol hey guise whuts going on in this thread YEAH I'M A MOD and I POST ON /v/, don't laugh at me you silly anons I'm one of you tee hee hee

    Faggot, just shut up already and stop attention whoring, you're only bumping a non-vidya thread which you should be fucking moderating.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:34 No.71107XXX
    Yes, yes it would.
    It's called moderation, and it cleans up the shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:35 No.71107XXX
    Just watch both goddamn, want me to hold your hand like a child?
    >> Floyd !3wBXbThGsc 08/23/10(Mon)13:35 No.71107XXX
    I just spent the last twenty minutes rubbing a 4chan admin's bare chest.
    "How?" you ask. Well apparently there are a select few contexts within which such an action is acceptable. For instance, if your
    server admin has a hacking cough and a moderator asks you to "put some of this on him" while he calls the doctor. "Putting some of this on
    him" meant using my bare hands to rub this vapor ointment shit all over his BARE NAKED CHEST. My heartbeat is still all erratic from
    it. I had a boner the size of manhattan the entire time. He's sleeping now and I guess he feels better because he stopped

    Details: He's about 6 feet tall, has short brown hair, a cute face, a thin waist and long skinny legs. He's in TIME MAGAZINE I think
    because although I'm pretty shaken up right now I know I read something before I went at it. God I feel so great. I just
    rubbed my hands all over his FUCKING CHEST, you guys. Well the puffy parts of his chest anyway. His nipples got hard. I just about
    wept tears of joy. I didn't do anything else because I'm a coward and rubbing was enough. Plus it was legal and I didn't technically
    do anything wrong, so I'm in the clear.

    I'd write more but I seriously have to go fap while the memory is fresh in my head.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:35 No.71107XXX
    Jesus Christ, it's an imageboard you fucking failure. Stop acting like this is a U.N. crisis; your melodrama is just sad.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:35 No.71107XXX
    ITT cancer
    >> TheyCallMeSexyPants !!CyRlkjg3p7A 08/23/10(Mon)13:35 No.71107XXX
    Really? I thought /y/ was his favorite board.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:36 No.71107XXX
    Always been that way.
    Newfags who just came from a highly moderated forum are the ones complaining. No one should rage that much over non vidya threads.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:36 No.71107XXX
    >Consider, Poole explains, how the fixed identities in other online communities can stifle creativity: where usernames are required (whether real or pseudonymous), a new user who posts a few failed attempts at humor will soon find other users associating that name with failure. "Even if you're posting gold by day eight," says Poole, "they'll be like, 'Oh, this guy sucks.' " Names, in other words, make failure costly, thus discouraging even the attempt to succeed. By the same token, namelessness makes failure cheap--nearly costless, reputation-wise, in a setting like 4chan, where the Anonymous who posted a lame joke five minutes ago might well be the same Anonymous who's mocking it hilariously right now.
    -Moot, on why tripfaggotry sucks for everyone.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:36 No.71107XXX
    it used to be vidya with a favour of /b/. now its just /b/ 2.0
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:36 No.71107XXX
    >I try to be a bro but damn, some of you take /v/ too seriously.
    This. All the "NOT VIDEOGAMES" crying faggots need to get a life, or find something else to do with their time.
    /v/ gets better non-videogames threads than actual videogames threads. These just wouldn't work on /b/
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:36 No.71107XXX

    Well then delete the console flamewar threads but it just sucks when a good thread is bumped off the board by dozens of non-videogame related threads.

    By that I mean the thread just this afternoon about a kickass space game with plenty of good ideas suggested and speculated but I lost the thread and I guess its 404d by now
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:36 No.71107XXX
    Beginning to suspect that lolschaatser is either the mod samefagging or someone who's sucking his dick hard
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:37 No.71107XXX
    Your jelly is showing.
    >> CaptainBr !ohSEPh1v1k 08/23/10(Mon)13:37 No.71107XXX
    >people are still jelly of the mod

    lol good thread guys

    i'm going to talk about video games

    anyone want to join me?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:37 No.71107XXX
    I agree with the way you think mod.
    I hate how people think /v/ should be exclusively about video games.
    Fucking relax.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:37 No.71107XXX
    >I try to be a bro
    You don't do shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:38 No.71107XXX
    >Always been that way.

    It's sad because this is what newfags actually believe
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:38 No.71107XXX
    You all realize that sucking up to the mod will not get you any special powers, right? If you want lolrandum go to /b/. It exists for a reason. What's the point of even having /v/ if it's not about vidya?
    >> Anonymous Mod 08/23/10(Mon)13:38 No.71107XXX
    Yeah, we have rules, but enforcing them is really annoying.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:38 No.71107XXX
    At least /v/ had variety. Nowadays, it's the same shit over and over again, just like /b/.

    Geez, I just can't wait for the next greentext relationshit thread.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 08/23/10(Mon)13:38 No.71107XXX
    But this is /v/. We should talk about video's not "Talk about whatever you want to with your /v/irgin pals"....

    I mean, I'd even be fine with that. But there are SOOO many bad /b/ threads that are constantly reposted with a billion replies.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:39 No.71107XXX
    don't mind unrelated thread much, but it doesn't look good on a mod to encourage them
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:39 No.71107XXX
    i lol'ed
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:39 No.71107XXX
    You realize insulting the mod won't grant you anyone's respect right?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:39 No.71107XXX
    > I hate how people think /vp/ should be about pokemon.
    > I hate how people think /s/ should be about sexy women
    > I hate how people think /a/ should be about anime
    > I hate how people think /fit/ should be about health and fitness
    Cancer detected.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:39 No.71107XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:40 No.71107XXX
    That post is so wrong I don't even know where to begin... I guess I'll start with underage b&. It's obvious you've never been here on weekday mornings during the school year when /v/ actually talks about videogames.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:40 No.71107XXX
    what are the other ~20 boards for?
    It's a video game board for a fucking reason, do you think /an/ wants threads about what CPU to buy or /ck/ talking about how to transpose a song?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:40 No.71107XXX
    /v/ - Trolls, Mod impersonators, traps, bitter nerds and the underage.

    And that's how I fucking like it.

    If you want to discuss serious video games, then go elsewhere. Stop trying to change /v/, because /v/ simply isn't a video games board.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:40 No.71107XXX
    >What's the point of even having /v/ if it's not about vidya?

    You see all the offtopic threads on /v/ about food and sinks and shit? How they're all in fairly good humor, and semi-coherent?

    You would never, EVER see a thread of even half that quality on /b/ these days. /v/ is a BETTER version of /b/, but videogame oriented. That's the fact of the matter
    >> lolschaatser !drLoLnsDFU 08/23/10(Mon)13:40 No.71107XXX
    This is correct, but sometimes you can't help getting a little offtopic.

    It's gotten way out of hand, but there's nothing you can do unless you want mods to babysit you 24/7, which would be just as bad.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:40 No.71107XXX
    I'm not a tripfag, so I don't really demand respect from anyone. God forbid I want /v/ to be about video games.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:40 No.71107XXX
    It's sad because you want people to believe you're not a newfag.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:40 No.71107XXX
    You now realize that a /v/ mod just tacitly admitted that /v/ will never truly be about video games.

    How does this make you feel?
    >> Walter Calton !!o3jb1KUJTTR 08/23/10(Mon)13:41 No.71107XXX
    Dear Anonymous Mod,
    Please stop forcing me to report shitposts as "illegal content" because of your highly neglecting contribution to the quality of /v/
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:41 No.71107XXX
    gtfo jellyfags
    >> CaptainBr !ohSEPh1v1k 08/23/10(Mon)13:41 No.71107XXX

    >implying /vp/ isn't just rping
    >implying /s/ isn't full of virgins who have outrageous standards and consider no women "sexy"
    >implying /a/ isn't about loli
    >implying /fit/ isn't about betas and omegas talking about squats and oats
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:41 No.71107XXX
    Hahaha we're way past 400 posts
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:41 No.71107XXX
    >you can't help it

    yes you can, don't start a fucking sink thread
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:42 No.71107XXX
    feels alright man

    because i already knew this
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:42 No.71107XXX
    >you just realised OP has left the thread
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:42 No.71107XXX
    >getting a little offtopic.

    Yes, of course. But it is one thing to deviate a little bit, and another one to post a blatant /b/ post.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:42 No.71107XXX
    >/v/ is a BETTER version of /b/, but videogame oriented. That's the fact of the matter
    And that's exactly what it SHOULDN'T be you ignorant fuck
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:43 No.71107XXX
    You've only been to /v/ right?
    I can tell.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:43 No.71107XXX
    Taken from the front page.

    >sit with bro
    >decide to order a delicious pizza
    >huge pizza arrives
    >sit down infront of the tv
    >he takes a pizza slice and starts eating at the crust

    Sure is a highly intelligent, poignant outlook on life.
    >> lolschaatser !drLoLnsDFU 08/23/10(Mon)13:43 No.71107XXX
    Hey those were funny... for about a day
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:43 No.71107XXX
    Feels true.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:43 No.71107XXX

    Ain't even jelly bro.

    I happy.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:44 No.71108XXX
    Why don't you leave that button for actually illegal content faggot.

    Also, thread is 404 soon so why even bother?

    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:44 No.71108XXX
    > Implying trainer sex thread #3421 isn't pokemon
    > Implying discussion of women isn't relevant to /s/
    > Implying loli isn't the epitome of anime
    > Implying squats and oats don't promote good health.
    > Implying lolrandum thread is /v/idya
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:45 No.71108XXX
    A fellow Blizzhacker?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:45 No.71108XXX
    Meanwhile, Delicious Trap Level is posting yet another trap thread. I fucking hate tripfags.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:46 No.71108XXX
    Give me console wars instead of 100 daily ronery/what does vagina taste like threads. AT LEAST IT'S VIDYA RELATED!
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:46 No.71108XXX
    The stairs thread was about a million times better than any sink thread, ever.
    >> Walter Calton !!o3jb1KUJTTR 08/23/10(Mon)13:46 No.71108XXX
    >Why don't you leave that button for actually illegal content faggot.
    Because it sends the queve to OTHER moderators besides our overly shitty one in hopes that MAYBE it might reach a mod of decency.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:47 No.71108XXX
    Gib link

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