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  • File : 1282085225.png-(35 KB, 438x317, captcha.png)
    35 KB R.I.P. 4chan Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:47 No.70561XXX  
    Captcha has ruined 4chan.

    Captcha has done what no other hacker, spammer or dipshit named Kimo could ever do.

    Captcha killed 4chan.

    Search your feelings. You know I'm right. Captcha makes every post a chore. Game Over Moot, Game Over.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:48 No.70562XXX
    4chan have allways been dead.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:49 No.70562XXX
    OP is asspained spammer

    eat shit OP
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:50 No.70562XXX
    The majority of 4chan threads are still garbage, and OC is still never seen. Nope, I'd say shit is exactly the same, just minus almost all of the spam.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:51 No.70562XXX
    I don't even know how you can think captcha is as big a deal as you think it is.
    It takes like, zero seconds to single out what word to take seriously and the other to fill in with whatever you could possibly imagine.
    It's like a video game in itself.
    I guess you hate video games.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:51 No.70562XXX
    Not at all.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:52 No.70562XXX
    If looking at 2 words, and having to write them down is a chore then what the hell.

    Also, one of the words is always fake, usually the one with the number or incomprehensible gibberish, you can replace these fake words with anything, such as "1".
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:52 No.70562XXX
    Cry harder.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:52 No.70562XXX
    nigger nigger nigger
    that wasn't so hard.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:53 No.70562XXX

    aw you mad bro?

    captcha hasn't stopped the spam, dumb faggot.

    its only punishing the people who actually use this place. fuck moot and fuck you faggot. lmao. you're just ass pained because you know I'm right. with one single action moot destroyed this entire place

    4chan unique users have plummeted since the addition of capatcha. lmao. way to go moot!
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:53 No.70562XXX
    totally true. shit sux.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:54 No.70562XXX
    I don't see (much) spam.

    The captcha only made me post a little less. Most of them shitposts like 'u mad' and such.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:54 No.70562XXX
    There's no more spam you dumb underaged butthurt piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:55 No.70562XXX
    OP is a lazy ass faggot
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:55 No.70562XXX
    ...So proving that you're at least sober enough to type two words is DURR HORRIBLE END OF DAYS?

    How about people who post non-video game threads in a video game board? How about the influx of attention-whoring tripfags? How about the plague of underage children continually seeping into /b/ and spreading? How about the destruction of what was once a perfectly good imageboard site because of the death of the culture?

    Fuck off, bitch.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:55 No.70562XXX
    I havent seen any spam since it started

    If you cant take the time to type out 2 words, you're fucking pathetic. There are even loopholes to the captcha

    OP, quit whining and pray that moot takes it down. He did state he dislikes captcha, right?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:55 No.70562XXX
    Best thing that could have happened.

    Even better that giving the Pokéfags their own board.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:56 No.70562XXX
    troll post.

    Capcha's made people actually think for a second about their posts.

    Capcha removed the majority of the spam and shitposts.

    Capcha is awesome

    Also I'm using the capcha words in my vocabulary more.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:56 No.70562XXX
         File1282085806.jpg-(170 KB, 870x1312, The Goddamn Truth.jpg)
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    Captcha saved the board form complete shit, now it's just regular shit. I hope Moot comes up with even stricter posting methods.
    >> Ace !Hd0MadUVkQ 08/17/10(Tue)18:56 No.70562XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:56 No.70562XXX

    Although for me, I do forget some times after I type a hella long post, just to have to click back, retype the captcha. It gets annoying.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:57 No.70562XXX
         File1282085823.jpg-(7 KB, 252x240, 1276434552273.jpg)
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    >my face when I have carpel tunnel and arthritis and have to type out each fucking captcha which is a lot of work
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:57 No.70562XXX
    >not killed the spam

    This proves that whoever the hell is defending this argument is a complete retard and/or somehow miraculously missed the gargantuan amounts of spam during the weeks prior to the captcha.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:58 No.70562XXX
    This thread is now captcha general.

    What do you guys type in whenever they give you some bullshit thing like russian letters or Zodiac Symbols? I use "vidya"
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:58 No.70562XXX
    Sacrifices must be made for the greater good.

    Whether you like it or not, this is a very truthful statement. Now quit being butthurt you stupid child.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:59 No.70562XXX
    An influx of underage retards killed 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)18:59 No.70563XXX
    >> Walter Calton !!o3jb1KUJTTR 08/17/10(Tue)19:00 No.70563XXX
    It makes it harder to post hentai doujins on hentai boards, but it's worth not having a bunch of spam. Honesly, moot needs to open an application for becoming a mod, since most of them are completely absent from the boards they are supposed to moderate.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:00 No.70563XXX
    How mature
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:00 No.70563XXX
    The captcha is a google web 2.0 project to identify words from scanned in books. One of the words has been identified by reader software, the other is unidentified. If you correctly identify the known word you most likely correctly identified the other.

    However, you can fuck with the system by identifying the unknown word as nigger, fuckgoogle, etc If enough people did this 4chan would be blacklisted from captcha.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:00 No.70563XXX
    Reported for foul language.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:01 No.70563XXX
    I usually start to write it correctly but lose it in the middle. If its complete bullshit from the start, I usually mash random letters.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:01 No.70563XXX
    It is annoying how they're all bizarre fake words that I need to keep rechecking the spelling on.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:02 No.70563XXX
    Moderator's jobs are to moderate ALL boards, but because /b/ is such a piece of shit they have to devote pretty much all time to it.
    Janitors on the other hand moderate can only one select board.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:02 No.70563XXX
    captcha is proof that anonymous doesn't work.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:02 No.70563XXX
    >Application for becoming a mod

    I'm not sure if I trust anyone on this board with mod powers. Either its gonna be a 12 year old closing threads he doesnt like with nothing but "umad?", or someone who takes things way to seriously and goes on a warpath banning every little post that doesnt talk about videogames
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:03 No.70563XXX
    It's annoying yes, but at least it's keeping the spam shit out.

    Wish it got rid of the fucking furries, minecraft autistics and weaboos though.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:03 No.70563XXX
    >typing two words in addition to a post that likely contains 50-100 words anyway
    >a chore
    >> Walter Calton !!o3jb1KUJTTR 08/17/10(Tue)19:04 No.70563XXX
    Honestly, they need to open up mod applications. I just want to ban the offtopic avatarfags so badly from /v/ and change the notion that this is somehow "/b/ with video games"
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:04 No.70563XXX
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:04 No.70563XXX
         File1282086295.png-(44 KB, 1440x900, BEARS ALSO I CAN'T CROP.png)
    44 KB

    hey guess what

    Fuck you, I have the best captcha ever
    >> Gentleman !!MZm9nwYT3h7 08/17/10(Tue)19:04 No.70563XXX
    Oh boy look at /b/ still has spam. PEOPLE GETTING SMRTER
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:05 No.70563XXX

    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:05 No.70563XXX
    Yeah, I like the wild west lack of moderation here. Some faggots may not get that it takes little effort to scroll past threads/posts you don't like and constantly bitch but its better than how it is on most boards where you can get banned for being slightly negative.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:05 No.70563XXX
    >Captcha makes every post a chore.

    What? It takes like 2 seconds to type it in. Who gives a fuck?
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:06 No.70563XXX
    wtf ? lazy ? those words are in majority total bullshit and are hard to read

    no spam ? check out /b/. it didnt help at all
    >> Walter Calton !!o3jb1KUJTTR 08/17/10(Tue)19:06 No.70563XXX
    >Minecraft autistics
    Why would you want to block video game discussion
    As long as you mean the pretentious faggots that wish to move to Tokyo for anime bullshit, and not fans of japaneese video games
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:06 No.70563XXX
    I've been posting my video game threads on /b/ for months now. They get better reception there.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:06 No.70563XXX
    Captcha has done more than any mod has ever done. Not saying much though, we still have a bunch of shitposts and non vidya threads like this. Oh well.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:07 No.70563XXX
    PROTIP: If the word contains any numbers, punctuation, or letters not used in English it is a bullshit word the system is copying from a book and is using you to figure out exactly what it means. The system itself doesn't even know what that word is but it uses a trust system and anything you type in is considered correct. The same word is used with multiple people and the system uses the most used response for that specific word in a book.

    EVERY single captcha contains one, and it is generally shorter than the word you have to get correct.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:07 No.70563XXX
         File1282086479.png-(10 KB, 265x61, sl.png)
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    Some of them are funny.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:08 No.70563XXX
    Not when you constantly have to refresh because your captchas are impossible to read/type.

    And you cant even refresh if you're using the quick reply, it just shoots you back to the top of the page. There's alot of times when I don't bother replying to anything because I can't use the quick reply.
    >> Walter Calton !!o3jb1KUJTTR 08/17/10(Tue)19:08 No.70563XXX
    Honestly, so much of the bullshit has to stop, like the HURRR DURR DUBS XDDDD and FURRY PORN DUMP DONT HIT ON ME SILLY RABBITS :P
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:08 No.70563XXX
         File1282086528.png-(2 KB, 184x172, 1278003006575.png)
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    If I were a mod I'd only ban people for three things
    and Mass Effect threads
    >> 51 citrons !!Lu4Dwa9pkma 08/17/10(Tue)19:08 No.70563XXX
    >Captcha makes every post a chore

    How fucking lazy are you? Besides, only people who really want to discuss something (or trolls who really wanna troll somebody) put in the effort to post now, so it has made 4chan slightly (SLIGHTLY) better.

    Not to mention that you had to type out the Captcha in order to post this, so apparently it isn't so bad. If you really hated it you would just leave.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:09 No.70563XXX
         File1282086593.png-(2 KB, 250x170, press button receive captcha.png)
    2 KB
    Don't like your captcha?

    Here's a hint.
    >> 7dude !y2.hpXAE9o 08/17/10(Tue)19:10 No.70563XXX
    Sometimes i want to post,
    then i see the captcha and get lazy.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:11 No.70563XXX
    I agree.
    >> Anonymous 08/17/10(Tue)19:11 No.70563XXX
    If you spend more time filling out captcha than thinking\reading\typing, then good riddance.

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