07/29/10(Thu)03:06 No. 68675XXX File1280387167.jpg -(114 KB, 900x900, Homeworld-front.jpg ) Homeworld
is a fully 3D RTS set in space. This means that your ships can fly
forward, backward, up, down, left and right. It's also unusual in that
it's a single player oriented RTS, with a strong story and sense of
progression. The story is about a group of people on a desert
world, Kharak, who upon learning some of the sciences realize that they
are not related to any of the species on their world. Years later they
discover a long lost buried space ship, and from it find a map pointing
towards their true Homeworld, and a drive core capable of getting them
there. 60 years later, after building the mothership to do it, they test
the drive, but this doesn't go unnoticed by the people who drove them
to the fringe of the galaxy in the first place... Because the
game is story driven, the game features a persistent fleet. This means
that the ships you have at the end of mission 4 are the ships you begin
mission 5 with. You must carefully build up a powerful fleet to defend
yourself, which means careful use of resources. You'll be proud of your
fleet on the last mission, if you don't lose half of them on some
mission that is. Ships have more armor on the front of the ship.
This means you get a damage bonus if you attack from the side or behind.
You need to use the 3D aspects of the game to pull this off. The
graphics were pretty good for their day, but the art was always the
bright spot for the game's look. Also, sound design is one of the dev's
specialties, and this game is no exception. The voice acting was done in
such a way that minor inflections of voice are supposed to tell what
the characters are really thinking, because they are supposed to be
professional but still feel for what's going on. Lines like "Kharak is
burning" are iconic. The music is great and with the sounds of the ships
and excellent voice acting truly give the feel of space opera.