07/17/10(Sat)21:38 No. 67307XXX >>67306495 >>67306495 Turian
medical units on Taetrus are at the center of a patent controversy
tonight. A volus claiming to be the inventor of the much-vaunted
Eupulmos respiratory device says his design was appropriated by the
turian military without payment or permission. Similar appropriations
have occurred throughout the history of the turians and their client
race; the volus have extensive patent laws, and the turians barely
recognize the concept. “This inventor should take pride in the success
of his product,” said colonialist liaison Tertinus Septinas, “not shake
us down for a fee every time it is used. The flat sum we’ve offered is
quite generous.” The Eupulmos designer, Ora Thubb, says he’s soured
forever on turian culture: “I thought the turians had a meritocracy.
What’s the point if your contributions get brushed off?” A new
technology is helping victims of the Vallum Blast breathe easier —
literally. Researchers at U. Thierax are attacking the myriad of
respiratory diseases caused by inhaling dust around the blast site.
Dubbed “medi-gel for the lungs,” the Eupulmos Device analyzes a
patient’s tissue or medicard record before adjusting its
virally-delivered superdrugs to match the patient’s genetic
predispositions. After that, the mister sprays the aerosol into the
patient’s nasal passages and the drug is absorbed into the lungs. The
mister can also deliver microsurgery machines to make non-invasive
repairs to tissue and has a color-coded nozzle at each end with
separate agent reservoirs for dextro and levo patients. Said one ER
staffer, “The effect is incredible. In a year, the whole galaxy will be
using these things.”