Shits out of hand.
not on my /v/ you don'thead to /vp/
You are still anonymous under fake name you know.
Incoming tripfag circlejerk.
I'd rather have shit out of hand than in my hand.
>>67126695but not Anonymousyes, there is a big difference
yeah /vp/ is the biggest failure of a board.
Why do you care about tripfags? All they do is make idiots of themselves. Only acceptable way to be tripfag is if you create a Q&A topic.
i wondered why do tripfags even exist ?
>>67126886Attention whores / adhd.
>>67126695Holy shit tripfag, that's some astounding logic. You aren't anonymous when you don a tripcode because you're still creating a persona for yourself on the Internet for others to recognize. When you post as Anonymous you're just like everyone else, but as a tripfag you're waving lights around saying "look at me look at me, aren't I retarded?".
>>67126826>ask a guy who thinks he is so special that he needs an identity on an anonymous board anything
The only good thing about /vp/ was that all of the tripfags migrated there.
>>67127011this, /vp/ was a bigger success than /new/ at removing faggotry.
>>67127091But it's at the expense of glorious pokemon.
>>67127145Go check out 420chan's Pokemon board. So much better.
Fuck youNo one cares about anonymous, you fucking teenager
They all have tripfags because they're self-proclaimed "oldfags" and so they need to have a trip for every single Pokemon so they can all be special snowflakes even though they're ALL doing it. It's just a trainwreck, or more, a /tr/ainwreck.
>>67127145You couldn't talk about Pokemon there if you wanted to. It's just /b/ - pokemon edition. I'm still going to talk about Black and White the games roll around here.
>>67127145I hope that's supposed to be ironic.
>>67127145Pokemon was never glorious.This is coming from someone who really did catch them all.
Does it look like I give a damn?
u mad?
>>67127301>Tripcode - NidokingLv100back to /vp/ faggot.