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  • File : 1278022522.jpg-(106 KB, 800x600, tf2.jpg)
    106 KB Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:15 No.65169XXX  
    >buy tf2 at steam sale
    >expect nothing too great
    >play for 5h straigth
    >it's crazy fun and addictive

    I read something about having to do achievments to get special items? Also, how do some guys immediately know when I'm walking around as a spy in disguise?
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:15 No.65169XXX
    >buy it for $5
    >it was $2 for awhile
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:16 No.65169XXX

    People have been stabbed in the back enough times to be really careful around EVERYONE.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:17 No.65169XXX
    >he didn't get it for $1.50

    1. If you do a few achievements you get an unlock for the class instead of having to wait for one randomly to drop.

    2. You're a really terrible spy.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:17 No.65169XXX
    Completing achievements for each class gives you alternate weapons.

    Depends on what class you're disguised as and how you behave. New players are usually pretty easy to spot.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:17 No.65169XXX
    Try walking backwards when you are in disguise.
    I normally just use scout disguise though because he has a smaller silhouette and its slightly easier to hide in corners.
    >> Lord Brometheus the Third !!nx3DcO5gyL+ 07/01/10(Thu)18:17 No.65169XXX
    >I read something about having to do achievements to get special items
    At every achievement benchmark you are guaranteed to get one class drop for the class you got the achievement for.
    >Also, how do some guys immediately know when I'm walking around as a spy in disguise?
    its second nature for most tf2 players to spy check constantly
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:17 No.65169XXX
    friendly fire is disabled so people just shoot at everybody
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:18 No.65169XXX


    Backpedal. Seriously, if you were on their team, you wouldn't be running towards them ready to shoot them in the face. Backpedal, try not to bump into anyone, then stab them in the back and roll away like a slick motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:18 No.65169XXX
    Scout disguises are usually a bad idea. Scouts move way faster than a spy, so it's not hard to single out the snail speed scout as a spy.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:19 No.65169XXX
    random drops .... thats how you get the items and when you walk int........ WaaaaiiiiiT !!! you are a troll are you not ??
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:19 No.65169XXX
    read the tips for each class bro in the game. Being a good spy is hard to do. But reasons can be.....your changing into enemy class when not even in the enemy area, you are choosing classes to costume as that would not be in the area you are in, you are running into the enemy (which shows them you are a spy!) because spys cant run through enemies, but team mates can run through eachother. Or you are avoiding the enemies TOO much and its obvious. But generally skilled players usually know right away who is a spy it seems, so its a hard thing to become a great spy
    >> Señor Guapo !HANdsOMe0o 07/01/10(Thu)18:19 No.65169XXX
    The way you want to spy is to either by incredibly sneaky and bold, or by perfectly mimicking player behavior. For example, backpedaling to look like you're retreating might trick the enemy into letting you past, where running straight at them would always get you killed.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:21 No.65170XXX
    Every class but engineers has achievements and unlockables. You can find any weapon or hat by just playing, they drop randomly. You can get weapons by getting 10/15/20 achievements (IIRC, the numbers might have changed) but hats are still only drops.

    Spy disguises are effectively useless now, everyone shoot everything until it dies. Rely on cloak and confusion. Get behind the lines invisibly, then attack while your team is attacking and everyone is occupied shooting them. The Cloak and Dagger is pretty good for new spies who like setting ambushes.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:22 No.65170XXX
    rape cats
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:22 No.65170XXX
    Also in scout disguise, jump around... alot.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:22 No.65170XXX
    always cloak after stabbing. unless there's several people bunched up, stab them all and then cloak.
    >> Marley !!rIg+Pd3uaV8 07/01/10(Thu)18:22 No.65170XXX
    Master Spy Race Reporting In.
    Disguise as Soldier or Sniper.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:23 No.65170XXX
    really you can just attempt to team kill all the time, you cant hurt team mates, but spys will die

    other give aways:
    -your not shootan
    -your going in the opposite direction compared to team mates
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:23 No.65170XXX
    fn a! I just woke up damnit! Now you put me in the mood to play...
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:24 No.65170XXX
    >disguise as soldier
    fucking faggot retard detected
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:25 No.65170XXX
    Spy is tough for beginners because it requires prowling. And you need to know your way around for that. I'd suggest learning the areas pretty well before trying to Spy around.
    Though, some spy tips;
    -get over to their side unnoticed if you can. (cloak or sneaking, whatever), then disguise.
    -become a class that moves at a similar pace as the Spy does. It's painfully obvious when one sees a Scout running at normal speed that he is, infact, a Scout. Medics are also easily detectable if they just stand there. Medics are very good disguises but not for long periods of time. Medics are good for getting to their side.
    -try not to be suspicious. Awkwardly following someone or standing around can seem odd, and people do Spy checks often.
    -IF YOU SEE A PYRO, RUN. Though not really because it becomes obvious. Think of the Pyro as a big ol' fucking bear. Just walk away and hope not to have perked his interest.
    >> Marley !!rIg+Pd3uaV8 07/01/10(Thu)18:25 No.65170XXX
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    y u mad
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:26 No.65170XXX
    >implying that doesn't always work
    but yeah sniper isn't that great of an idea
    >> Marley !!rIg+Pd3uaV8 07/01/10(Thu)18:26 No.65170XXX
    Soldier, Sniper, or sometimes Heavy have a high rate of success for me.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:28 No.65170XXX
    >It's painfully obvious when one sees a Scout running at normal speed that he is, infact, a Scout.
    *a Spy. My bad. Trying to multitask since you made me want to play.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:28 No.65170XXX
    >disguise as soldier or heavy
    >walk slower
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:29 No.65170XXX
    Sniper is the easiest. Nobody ever suspects their usual camper pals, so you can cruise around quite freely, of course, only after cloaking behind their lines first.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:29 No.65171XXX
    TF2 is retarded until they change the drop system back to the way it is.

    Fucking stupid idlers ruined it for everyone.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:30 No.65171XXX
    you do walk slower but people do fall for it >>65170735
    sniper has sometimes work for me but it all depends who i'm going against
    >> Marley !!rIg+Pd3uaV8 07/01/10(Thu)18:30 No.65171XXX
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:30 No.65171XXX
    It got boring for me. I just stick with CS:S.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:31 No.65171XXX

    Also, OP, quick tip. B is the quick key to change to the last disguise you use. When you first put on a disguise, you will display your disguise's primary weapon. (Shotgun for Engineer, Flamethrower for Pyro etc) however, if you press B while disguised, you can change your displayed weapon to whatever type of weapon you have out (Revolver Primary, Sapper Secondary, Knife Melee). Engineers will almost always have their wrench out, Medics will mostly be using their Secondary as will Demomen, and so on.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:31 No.65171XXX
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:33 No.65171XXX
    When playing as the spy and when using the dead ringer try not to uncloak too close to someone because the decloaking noise for it is loud as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:33 No.65171XXX
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    >back to the way it is
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:34 No.65171XXX
    cloak as spy, sniper, pyro, demo
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:34 No.65171XXX
    >just got tf2
    >playing as spy
    not a good idea
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:35 No.65171XXX
    they usually don't..when i'm playing has spy alot of guys just randomly come and shoot me, usually it's the pyros that burn the shit out of me and blow my cover
    >> Marley !!rIg+Pd3uaV8 07/01/10(Thu)18:35 No.65171XXX
    >disguised as enemy spy without a mask
    Yea no.
    >Disguise as Pyro who is not constantly taunting or firing the Flamethrower
    >Demo who isn't setting up stickies
    Ehh maybe

    Spy is my main, and those never work for me.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:36 No.65171XXX
    The change makes it so idlers and someone who plays maybe an hour a night get the same amount of items.

    Whats wrong with this?
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:38 No.65171XXX
    That's some pretty useful stuff. I didn't give much thought about the weapons and I didn't realize decloaking makes that much noise... Also, running speed, yeah, I thought about that and started using slower classes.

    Any useful info about the other classes I should know of?
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:39 No.65171XXX
    Engi is good for getting to their spawn, maybe he just needs to build a teleporter they think..
    >> Marley !!rIg+Pd3uaV8 07/01/10(Thu)18:40 No.65172XXX
    Or get metal.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:40 No.65172XXX

    qUIT_AttackInG_ANd cloWNing WWW.Anon_X_x_x
    X X_X DiReCtly BRo_(rEMOvE_ALl_x)
    luu d ep z rjefs otryskbz lvxoeui osf e cd p
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:41 No.65172XXX
    When you disguise as a spy you get a mask so it can sometimes work but it's not the best choice
    >> Marley !!rIg+Pd3uaV8 07/01/10(Thu)18:41 No.65172XXX
    Also since you are new to spy, I suggest trying to get the cloak and dagger watch as it is a good starter. And get your reflexes down to twitch headshot people when you get the Ambassador.
    >> SIOBHAN !.EXEMAgnus 07/01/10(Thu)18:42 No.65172XXX
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    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:42 No.65172XXX
    what watch do you use?
    >> Marley !!rIg+Pd3uaV8 07/01/10(Thu)18:42 No.65172XXX
    Really? I swear you didn't, maybe I just assumed.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:43 No.65172XXX
    >buy tf2
    >expect nothing too great
    >play for a month
    >stop because it isn't fun on any server or map
    >> Marley !!rIg+Pd3uaV8 07/01/10(Thu)18:43 No.65172XXX
    Maybe Cloak and Dagger if pyros being asses.
    I used the Dead Ringer when it was first released when people had no idea what it did really. But now its no use to me.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:47 No.65172XXX

    >Unexpectedness: Medium
    >Believability: Extremely Low

    Scout is probably the worst class to disguise as, as a real scout runs faster and double jumps.

    >Unexpectedness: Medium
    >Believability: Medium

    The Soldier is a pretty good class disguise for when you're NEAR the target your enemies are going to. If you are running to a capture point, they'll wonder why you aren't rocket jumping. A con is that he's kind of slow.

    >Unexpectedness: Low-Medium
    >Believability: Medium-High.

    The pyro is a great class to chose because since the pyro is a CQC class, it makes it much more believable if you're looking at a far-away teammate when disguised.

    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:49 No.65172XXX
    Spying is a subtle art.
    I'm ok at disguising, but I mostly don't even use them at all.
    Relies to heavily on the stupidity of the enemy.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:51 No.65173XXX
    use invisibility or disguise ans enemy spy or sniper

    when in doubt spycrab
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:51 No.65173XXX
    I use the original watch right now (mostly cause i don't have a dead ringer) but how do you find the dead ringer useless? i find it to be one of the best watches
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:52 No.65173XXX
    >Unexpectedness: Medium-High
    >Believability: Low

    The Demoman is an okay choice, except for the fact that demomen usually spray a lot. They will launch grenades and sticky jump a lot. Since you cannot do any of that, it may be a little suspicious.

    >Unexpectedness: Extremely High
    >Believability: Extremely Low-Low

    Since most medics charge up their uber-ray at almost every second and the fact that you have your syringe gun with no enemies around, you will be easily detected

    >Unexpectedness: Medium
    >Believability: Extremely Low-Low

    The heavy is a class that you should avoid; he walks slow and heavies usually spam most of the time. Again, since you aren't even spinning your mini-gun makes it a lot less believable.

    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:54 No.65173XXX
    you do know you can change the weapon that your enemy sees you holding right? but i'd say the heavy is a pretty decent choice even though it makes you really slow
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:55 No.65173XXX
    Demo, Pyro, and Soldier are your best disguises
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:55 No.65173XXX
    When fooling around in the back of the enemy's base: Sniper or Engi disguise.
    When fooling around in the back of your own base: Spy or friendly player disguise.
    >> Marley !!rIg+Pd3uaV8 07/01/10(Thu)18:56 No.65173XXX
    Well I find it useless for the way I play, also if I get in a battle with a spy and they just fall over, I know it was dead ringer, Im not stupid, and people who have been playing longer than a week arn't either.
    >> Corny as Kansas in August !!VzeZ3aM/HCf 07/01/10(Thu)18:57 No.65173XXX
    There is also a cloud of dust when a spy uses dead ringer
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:57 No.65173XXX
    >how do some guys immediately know when I'm walking around as a spy in disguise?

    You're an idiot.
    >> Marley !!rIg+Pd3uaV8 07/01/10(Thu)18:58 No.65173XXX
    There is? I havn't played in quite a while, it didn't do that when I last played.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:58 No.65173XXX
    I've been playing for a long time i'm not saying all the other watches are useless but for how i play i find the dead ringer to be the best and when a huge fire fight is going on most people don't notice the loud noise when uncloaking
    >> DTMM !0sP0ENeRGY 07/01/10(Thu)18:58 No.65173XXX
    Newfag's Guide to Spies:
    1. All spies health is displayed to be just over 50 percent when disguised. Always.
    2. If a medic's ubercharge level isn't displayed under their name, they're a spy.
    3. If a character is running around with the standard weapon of their class (i.e. the weapon they spawn with) it's not a bad idea to spycheck them
    4. If a character from your team collides with you, they're a spy
    5. disguised spies can't taunt
    6. Spies disguised as snipers can't raise their scope to their eye
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:58 No.65173XXX
    the point of dead ringer
    atleast the way I use it
    is not to fake your death (nobody will ever fall for this)
    but to escape rape
    or break past choke points
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:59 No.65173XXX
    >Unexpectedness: Low
    >Believability: Low-Medium-High

    The engineer isn't a combat class, so he usually won't be doing any of the fighting. Being an engie is risky but can yield rewards. NEVER use the engie when you're camping one of the enemy buildings waiting for a backstab. They will be wondering why you aren't building or maintaining.

    >Unexpectedness: Extremely Low-Low
    >Believability: High

    The spy is an ideal choice for a disguise, once again since he a more CQC than pyro. Most people might shoot at whatever spy they see, but I don't have this happen a lot. A spy disguise is a great disguise, but do not over-abuse it.

    >Unexpectedness: High
    >Believability: Medium-High-Extremely High

    The sniper is probably the most well believable class out there to disguise to, as they are the campers of the team. Kind of like the engineer but without the suspicious(ness), the sniper has gotten me most of my backstabs. But, don't forget, snipers aren't rushers. Don't run with the big boys. Just wait back then go for the streak. Also, since there is no walk, you can act like you're sniping if you're crouched walking around, looking at a specific spot.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)18:59 No.65174XXX

    Disguise as friendlies, drop friendly corpes on 'death' instead of Spy corpse. I use DR and I entirely rely on disguises, DR is just an escape mechanism for me.


    That happens with all cloaks if you disguise before cloaking, not just the DR.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:00 No.65174XXX

    Yes, I do know. But, if you take out the ubersaw they'll still be suspicious about why you aren't healing. If you take out your Medi-gun they will be even more suspicious.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:00 No.65174XXX
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:00 No.65174XXX

    In short:

    >Don't play spy unless you are trolling people brand spanking new to TF2.

    >The Engineer hard counter is a combination of Sniper/Soldier/Demoman
    >> DTMM !0sP0ENeRGY 07/01/10(Thu)19:00 No.65174XXX
    oh forgot to mention: this is what i've learnt from my XBOX.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:01 No.65174XXX
    its useless playing spy, always assume your teammates spy always.
    >> Corny as Kansas in August !!VzeZ3aM/HCf 07/01/10(Thu)19:01 No.65174XXX
    But there is a cloud of smoke when a spy with dead ringer dies, so its easy to spot if he's still alive or not.. or have I got it all wrong?
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:02 No.65174XXX
    I was just saying but yeah medic is possibly the worst thing you can disguise as
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:02 No.65174XXX

    omg, I just realized.

    She reminds me of the girl from the breakfast club.

    I knew I recognized her face but I couldn't put it anywhere. Finally this picture made me see it
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:02 No.65174XXX
    Don't stare at peoples backs. Too obvious.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:02 No.65174XXX

    >1. All spies health is displayed to be just over 50 percent when disguised. Always.


    Good tips, but the first one is untrue. When you disguise, that usually happens. But, when you run around and get hit, it'll actually go down with it. Trust me on that. I was disguised and it appeared at 10 % HP. A health pack healed me.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:03 No.65174XXX
    >implying I don't put 3 shotgun shells in to anything that moves as engie
    >implying I don't w+1 with pyro all around the base, regardless of if I see something or not
    >implying spies have any chance against me
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:05 No.65174XXX

    No, there isn't. The cloud of smoke is from disguising. If you disguise, you make a huge cloud of smoke, if you cloak right after, or get 'killed' with the DR right after, the smoke animation still plays in full. So...cloak then disguise, not the other way around.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:05 No.65174XXX

    This is the reason we need grenades.

    >Spychecking 100% making spy unplayable.
    >Sentries abounds.
    >Sap sentries, throw grenade, dead ringer out
    >Engineer runs up and gets blown to bits, or sentries die due to accelerated death by grenade
    >Job done, team follows through.

    Neither are crits, which could happen whilst the SPYCHECKING.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:05 No.65174XXX
    hey /v/ im new to Tf2 and PC Gaming in general
    Any advice for a newbie?
    I'll be credit to team as I have been playing Ps3's Tf2
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:06 No.65174XXX

    This is absolutely true, which is why I hang around the middle and backstab fuckers to halt their advances and confuse/disorganize them instead of softening their core defense. Really, since every little fucker is paranoid and you have no answer to W+M1/Shotgun spam, you're better off avoiding the base/spawn altogether.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:06 No.65174XXX
    Here is an excellent video from one of the most respected spies in the TF2 community, Harry Gomm
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:08 No.65174XXX


    Lasted 3 seconds.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:08 No.65174XXX
    Getting achievements will get unlockable items for the classes. They also drop randomly.

    As for how people know if you're a spy, it boils down two one of the following

    1)You're doing something very obvious, like standing there looking at a person and being suspicious
    2)You're disguising as a class the other team doesn't have (i.e. a demo when there are no demos on the other team
    3)You collided with an enemy, where actual teammates would pass through
    4)Pure bullshit luck.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:09 No.65174XXX
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:09 No.65174XXX
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:09 No.65175XXX
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    u mad bro?
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:11 No.65175XXX

    I lasted like 30 seconds.

    Also, here's another Spy tip. Did you just sap that Sentry/Teleporter when the Engi wasn't around? I bet you feel pretty good abo-NO DON'T CLOAK AND RUN AWAY FAGGOT. Shoot it while it's sapped, even if it gets you killed. Running away after it's sapped just gives the Engi more time to get back and repair it, Level 3 Sentries last fucking forever. Shoot it down and take your death like a man, your team wont thank you for making that push, but you will know you are credit to team.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:13 No.65175XXX
    I think the problem with spy is no friendly fire. If I'm playing pyro I'll just throw some fire at my teammates and nothing bad happens except a little lost ammo.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:13 No.65175XXX
    but by disguising yourself as a spy people will think to themselves that spies never disguise themselves as scouts thus making them not spy check
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:13 No.65175XXX
    I play Arena all the time. There's a point where you get a 6th sense for spies and start hating your team because you're the only one who sees spies from a mile away as you scream SPAH, fruitlessly.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:14 No.65175XXX
    >I bet you feel pretty good abo-NO DON'T CLOAK AND RUN AWAY FAGGOT

    Enjoy your pyro that always shows up when you are trying to get shit done, if you don't flee.

    Also, Stand on the entrance as you sap it, and sap it repeatedly. If the engineer is persistent enough, he'll whack it over and over. cue telefrag and the engineer ragequitting to pyro.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:16 No.65175XXX
    It's true, anymore it's impossible to get to the other side as a spy from constant spychecks, and even if you somehow make it to your target the second you kill or sap anything you've got half their team going pyro and W+M1 everywhere.

    All it takes is one pyro in the right place and spies are completely neutered.
    But it's not one pyro spycheching, it's the entire team constantly pelting anything that moves.

    The invisibility watch and dead ringer are basically requirements to get withing fifty feet of anyone on the opposing team, and even pyros will fuck that up.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:16 No.65175XXX
    So /v/ cock and Fagger, Anal ringer or Inviscock?
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:16 No.65175XXX

    Telefragging doesn't work to well for me these days, they seem to have wizened up to it. But yeah, I always stick around to get shit done if the Engineer/20 Pyros aren't there. Regular Revolver+Sapper destroys even level 3 Sentries in seconds.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:17 No.65175XXX
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    >1. All spies health is displayed to be just over 50 percent when disguised. Always.
    No, this was fixed. You are now able to see how much health your disguise is displaying. Health kits and Medics will fill this up, even if your regular health is already full.

    2. If a medic's ubercharge level isn't displayed under their name, they're a spy.
    >This was also fixed. The Ubercharge level is randomized now, I think.

    No one's mentioned one of the most important things about playing Spy yet.
    OP, NEVER EVER MAKE EYE CONTACT WITH THE ENEMY. The moment you do, you've given yourself away. Do you ever play Scout or Sniper and look straight at one of your buddies instead of look around for the enemy? No. If the enemy is looking your way, DO NOT look them in the eye.

    Also, know which maps are best for Spies. If you're playing a 32-player cluster fuck 2Fort server, just go Demoman. If you're doing a cp_well or ctf_turbine game, then you might have an awesome time being a Spy.

    Don't uncloak right behind people; your cloak makes a pretty audible sound for anyone who's played the game more than a couple of weeks. Instead, uncloak right behind a rock or some kind of obstacle to muffle the sound.
    >> Marley !!rIg+Pd3uaV8 07/01/10(Thu)19:17 No.65175XXX
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    >My face when no one telefrags anymore
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:17 No.65175XXX
    Disguise as your own team, this easily confuses the enemy team, it really helps.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:18 No.65175XXX
    Please play another class. There's 100 shitty spies everywhere, and a shitty spy is not credit to team. Go build a teleporter or heal someone.
    >> Marley !!rIg+Pd3uaV8 07/01/10(Thu)19:18 No.65176XXX
    About the health, yeah, on 2Fort spying, Cloak, go to tunnel, disguise, grab health. cloak, go up to base.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:19 No.65176XXX
    ITT: Bad spies who are ass-pained they can't coordinate with others.

    >Baww I can't take down an engineer's nest all by myself!

    It's called coordination. Don't rush in and sap everything, expecting to get away with it. Make sure you have a demoman or soldier around the corner waiting, and the second you sap the sentry, give him the "OK" to move in. It's called TEAM Fortress 2 for a reason.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:19 No.65176XXX

    >only do this as a Dead Ringer spy, and take a few hits before you pop it.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:19 No.65176XXX
    I can't remember the last time a spy actually snuk past me and backstabbed me
    Everything recently has been facestabs or fucking up a line and just picking me because I was distracted
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:20 No.65176XXX

    Better than yet another Heavy/Soldier/Pyro/Demo spamming their shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:20 No.65176XXX

    except those heavies/demos/soldiers will actually kill something and not die from gentle breezes
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:22 No.65176XXX
    You can find all items randomly, but achievements make it easier to get some.

    People spy check all the time so don't try to "fit in" to the other team or anything. Stay hidden until you can run out disguised and then stab some bitches.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:22 No.65176XXX
    hahahaha this made my day
    >-IF YOU SEE A PYRO, RUN. Though not really because it becomes obvious. Think of the Pyro as a big ol' fucking bear. Just walk away and hope not to have perked his interest.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:23 No.65176XXX
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    Also, more DR tips. If you're trying to blend in and wait for 'The Right Moment' Why not just use CnD if you wanna camp? Don't fucking flip your shit if someone with a weak weapon (Shotgun at Medium Range etc) spy checks you, just act natural and use your DR if you really are going to die. It makes it all the better when they checked you, figured you were safe, THEN you backstab them.
    >> Fagbeard !D8LKjAsmJU 07/01/10(Thu)19:24 No.65176XXX
    >1. All spies health is displayed to be just over 50 percent when disguised. Always.
    >2. If a medic's ubercharge level isn't displayed under their name, they're a spy.
    Incorrect, it shows the uber of the person you are disguised as.
    >3. If a character is running around with the standard weapon of their class (i.e. the weapon they spawn with) it's not a bad idea to spycheck them
    You can change what weapon you appear to be holding as a spy. So this is silly.
    >6. Spies disguised as snipers can't raise their scope to their eye
    Spies disguised anything can't attack in any way, including spinning minigun and such.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:25 No.65176XXX
    >Disguise as sniper in doublecross
    >Constant ambassador this one sniper because of razorback
    >He rage quits to pyro and covers the entire area with flames
    >He gets lucky and scores a hit with another spy
    >He changes back to Sniper
    >I headshot him again
    >Ragequits the game
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:25 No.65176XXX
    >Spychecking 100% making spy unplayable.


    Seriously, spies are completely worthless. Anything they can do is better and more safely done by a sniper or demo man. Just go away.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:27 No.65176XXX

    Disguises are useless for everything other than dashing between two hiding spots when you've run out of cloak, or for crossing areas that you know enemy Snipers are watching (such as the main bridge on Double Cross; and even then, this is only effective if you come from the enemy's side of the bridge and not your own). Disguising as a member of your own team is also good for Attack/Defend maps, so that if the enemy sees you through their gate before the match starts, they don't expect a Spy.

    But generally, people just Spy-check everyone around them - Pyros in particular will send out a puff of flame whenever they're near anybody - simply because if they don't, they chances of them getting backstabbed skyrocket. In time, you'll come to find that you shoot at everything, too... It only takes one or two surprise kills against a disguised Spy to realise that shooting at everything might be pointless most of the time, but is an incredibly effective defense nonetheless.

    You'll find Spy hard to play at this time, since you've probably only got the Invisi Watch. The Invisi Watch requires you know the layout of the map, and where all the ammo boxes are, to be properly effective. Things will get easier when you find the Cloak and Dagger, since with it you can remain cloaked indefinitely.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:27 No.65176XXX
    Also, by popular demand, this genius released more TF2 videos:
    Rocket jumping:
    Double jumping:
    Grenade jumping:

    And what is arguably his best tutorial, how to play the medic. Watch this one all the way through, you will learn a lot:
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:27 No.65176XXX
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:28 No.65177XXX

    Please read this post.

    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:28 No.65177XXX
    Continuing advice.

    Know that classes speeds. Disguising as a Heavy will definitely fool people for a little while, but you'll never catch up to anything.
    >Classes you are faster than
    Soldier, Demoman, Heavy
    >Classes you are the same speed as
    Pyro, Engineer, Sniper, Spy
    >Classes you are slower than
    Scout, Medic

    I recommend never using Demoman unless the opposing team just has a shitload of them. Most Spies tend to hit 4 for their disguise, then 4 again to disguise as a Demoman, so it's fairly "default" and easy to see through. Also, go ahead and get use to the simplified disguise menu (advanced multiplayer options). It makes it so that instead of pressing 1-9 for the class, you press either 1, 2, or 3 for offense, defense, and support classes respectively, and then press 1, 2, or 3 again to choose the specific class. So, Engineer becomes 2 (defense), 3 (because he's the third dude under that category.

    Anyways, to my real point, make intelligent use of the geography. A typical player is just going to run down a hallway, run up the stairs, and then out into battle. What YOU should do is cut every corner you can in order to catch up to that person. Don't run straight down the hallway, but at an angle so that you basically go from corner to corner.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:29 No.65177XXX

    >implying spies are fun to anyone, including the person getting lit on fire repeatedly.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:31 No.65177XXX
    always fire at teammates that you didnt walk out of spawn with. thats my policy, and it tends to work.
    also, fire at all friendly spies. Plenty of retards try that whole, spy is a spy retarded shit.
    even if your wrong, it makes friendly spies cover more convincing when you fire at them.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:31 No.65177XXX
    I hate Pyros
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:32 No.65177XXX
    I just scored 11 backstabs in one life on goldrush. feelsgoodman.jpg
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:32 No.65177XXX
    So do I

    and I play scout
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:33 No.65177XXX
    I was in the 2Fort sewers, disguised as a friendly Pyro. I went into the enemy's own sewers and met an opposing Heavy-Medic combo coming my way. I backed up the way I came, cloaked, and ran to the other side of the tunnel.
    When the Heavy and Medic came around, they were looking the other way, hoping to gun down a Pyro.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:33 No.65177XXX
    >Things will get easier when you find the Cloak and Dagger
    No, it will make him a shitty spy.
    Only bad spys use the C&D.

    While a C&D spy sits on his ass camping one person or spot a spy that's actually good will be running around with the invisibility watch or dead ringer and turning the enemy base into a slaughter house.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:35 No.65177XXX
    holy fuck, I spent FOREVER looking for a decent double jumping tutorial
    >> Marley !!rIg+Pd3uaV8 07/01/10(Thu)19:35 No.65177XXX
    I think Cloak and Dagger is good for get used to spy in the begining
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:36 No.65177XXX
    I lol'd. I just hope it played the ragequit soundbite.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:36 No.65178XXX
    So in your theory you'd counter imbalance with more imbalance? Also, random crits are ok, you fag. I bet you're one of those faggots that vote random crits down.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:37 No.65178XXX
    >Take out engie nests
    >Kill medic-heavy/soldier/demoman pairs before they can uber
    >Disrupt enemy team in general
    >Still get called a waste of a player slot
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:37 No.65178XXX
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    Whoever's suggesting Harry Gomm is a troll. Watch stuff from EvilDaedalus or the TF2 Tactics team.

    How to play Engineer:

    How to play Spy (a tad outdated, but he points these out in annotations):

    There's loads more by both, too.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:38 No.65178XXX
    Spy is one of the harder classes to play, you have to really learn how to mimic the way each class so you don't look suspicious at all. A lot of the times players will spy check almost everyone they aren't 100 percent sure isn't a spy though... =/
    >> Marley !!rIg+Pd3uaV8 07/01/10(Thu)19:39 No.65178XXX
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    Don't take it to heart.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:40 No.65178XXX
    I thought it was painfully obvious from the first 5 seconds of the videos.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:41 No.65178XXX
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    I don't, I usually just switch teams and repeat
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:41 No.65178XXX
    If theres a pyro puffing in random places i just cloak and dagger, then stab him when he's going in one area, or if he see's me i facestab him.

    I dont even do anything to help the team, just troll a single pyro

    alpha male feels good man
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:41 No.65178XXX
    Dead Ringer is the troll watch.

    Invisi Watch is for spies who don't actually use stealth/have C&D

    C&D the one watch every spy worth a damn uses
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:41 No.65178XXX
    >Also, how do some guys immediately know when I'm walking around as a spy in disguise?

    There's a very complex psychology associated with playing a good spy.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:42 No.65178XXX
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    Why in god's name would you want to play as a pussy ass frenchman? Play a REAL class maggot!
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:43 No.65178XXX
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    >Every Spy worth a damn uses Camp&Dagger
    >> Rubius !!F0+59ft9MIg 07/01/10(Thu)19:43 No.65178XXX
    "Hey this Pyro dont move like a Pyro and dont use fire. Its a Spy."
    "Hey this scout is slow. Its a Spy"
    "Hey, this demo, didnt Sticky Jump"
    "Hey this Engy is not behind a sentry"
    "Hey this Heavy is near fire without rolling is gun."
    "Hey this spy is near our spawn"
    "Hey this Soldier is not batshit crazy"
    "Hey, this Medic dont heal me. Its normal, he is not a spy"
    Also, yeah just play normally, you will unlock achievement. But items can be drop by chance also.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:43 No.65178XXX
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    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:44 No.65178XXX
    Good spies don't even need to Camp for C&D. It accomplishes everything the invisi watch does and more.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:44 No.65178XXX
    Because it's more fun. Mindgames with the enemy. Dick around. Facestab.
    Obliterating everything in your path is not fun.
    >> 「僕」 !BOKU/lkVms 07/01/10(Thu)19:44 No.65178XXX
    Not really. As a Spy the disguise is only good enough to not get you shot by enemy sentries, as far as other players are concerned you should avoid them just as much as possible by using your invisi watch.

    Cloak > Disguise > Find enemy > Get behind them > Uncloak > Stab > Repeat.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:44 No.65179XXX
    you have to move as if you were who you are pretending to be. for example: a soldier would not be running away from the fray, a demo would be setting up traps or spamming grenades (dont disguise as a demo), and a pyro would not be taking the same route as the rest of his team (they like to ambush)
    >> !ArI0XarxGg 07/01/10(Thu)19:45 No.65179XXX
    Yeah, no.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/10(Thu)19:46 No.65179XXX
    you're welcome

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