Eh fryman, what is a man and whatnot
Just a frickin' pile of secrets, ya know what I'm talkin' about?!
so hey here, take this knife cup. stick it into some paintings or something
Say goodbye to your freakin' head wanker!
you cannot deny me my friggin revenge, fryman
best meme we've had in a while
All in his voice. MOOOORE
>>64627725Having a template and telling people what to do isn't a meme.
video james
>>64627827>Influencing people to do it constantly>not a meme
>>64628065Kind of want.
I don't need no instructions to know how to rock
+ 10 points, i am samefagging though so....
someone else post some friggin carl.
This makes me miss the nights of staying up late to watch adult swim before it turned to siht.
>>64628456Carl template?
Eh, fryman, wanna come over and re-decorate my bedroom or whatever? None of these frickin' bizarro's want to do this shit.
Yo fryman I got your oraoraora right here if you know what I mean
Ey Fryman, I go where I freakin' please, alright?
Freakin's everyone's furry for the Renacarl, you know what I'm sayin'?
>>64628813hello dr mundo
You want to touch me? hehe yeah i know you want too!
Work you friggin nag!
>>64629639EY Fryman, is this right?
>>64628240I, eh, fight for these assholes here.
EY fryman, harmony and love, heheehe yeaaah!
Carl template please
Uh, no way am I pushing a cart full of who knows what into a freaking laser beam.
>>64626514eh i'm the freakin' finger down your spine or somethin'
>>64630143Hey babey, I'd like to see your portal, if you know what I mean
>implying this meme is good
I just need...some friggin' single broads over hea. Sonichu..friggin, you're my only friend.
>>64628320I guess I'm, uh, da fastest thing alive. Yeah.
>>64630143Foolish samurfry get out of my friggin' time portal
>>64626261Okay, okay enough freakin' talk Fryman! Have at you ya friggin' jerk.
Yeah, I'm pickin' onions and throwin em at snakes. Problem, jackass?
someone post marcus fenix
>>64630301zap to the friggin' extreme
Requesting STALKER Carl
Who's that broad over thea with the huge gazongas?
>>646302900/10dont use a spaceghost reaction image, while bashing on ATHF. thats just a dead giveaway
>>64630590im not bashing athf, i'm bashing the shitty posts in this thread.
>>64630436Fun fact: This is how Toad actually speaks.
I wanna make oneWhere's the template?
The amount of win is... astronomical
>>64630561yeah....yeahright.....rightgtfo troll
Here's your real future: I don't give a damn
Yo Fryman, I just bended some wind, if you catch my drift!!!
I got an egg for ya, right here!!!!
Building a Sentry or something like that
>>64630661>>64631134meant that one. And for a guy who aint trolling, you are posting an awful lot
Can't let you do that, fryman!!!
Ey, squirrel man, check out dis broads tits, hehehe
>>64631374With a folder of +80, got a shit ton to dump.
Objection, those tits are contradicting that body, hehehehe
I got 3 days for ya, RIGHT HERE!!!!!
What do you mean she's in another friggin' castle?
All you are dead, or something like that
>>64631654ace carl is by far my favorite oneHEY THERE ASSHOLE, I SAW THAT CONTRADICTION OR WHATEVER
>>64631828Oh that was just a dump. Feel free to gather whatever you want from my dump.
>>64626261As much as i hate tripfags, this guy is alright
These are golden.
no katamari version?
the carl train is a friggin smooth ride
I got a high tier character for ya, right here!!!
>>64628180oh god Carl-la-la
>>64632074Prepared to get rolled up or whatever
I told you about da freakin' stairs, fryman
Hey Fryman, you seen this Strelok fella or what?
I actually like these.
Dis princess broad better have some huge melons.
Omph ahh or some shit like that.
PK Fire or something like that
You uh, wanna tell me why this guys stuck to my back, eh Fryman?
I got your master race, RIGHT HERE heheehehehehe
e'em the friggen strongest
friggn skittles where u at?
Harmony or some shit like that
Is this friggin bingo or somethin'?
>See constant Carl threads>No one saved your Carl>Feel relieved
Yo fryman, you said chicks digged these things
Yo fryman, get us that friggin' water chip
Is there a Squall Leonhart one? Because I'm about to make one.
Hey, Fryman! Wanna bust some myths or something?
>>64633197Damn it, well i better get some chicks or something
Henshin a friggin' go go or some shit.
>>64633232Don't go fooling me with your shit, egghead
just, just friggin drop the cube onto the switch or whatever
>>64633477Oh god...the color job on this one cracked me up
how is this funny
/r/ing template.
>>64632905DYEEAUUUUGH or some shit like that.
>>64633560......are you serious?
For the Grove, or some shit like that
>>64633730dammit fryman, all you had to friggin do was follow the train
I got Episode 3, RIGHT HERE hehehehehehe
Yo fryman, you said i'd get bananas for kidnappin' this stupid broad
WWw.aNOXNTxAlk.sE reMoVE alL x_ThERe AnD_tEll mOoT_To_Eat_A_bUcKET_oF_NIGGEr dICkSovs xlbgp f sdnwlln dbo bbv yxio p xq
PK Love or some shit like that
i covered frikken wars
>>64634118Piss off, now where's my friggin' monkey????
Kamehameha and what not
>>64634288Get outta here, you fat stupid freak
I'm done dumping for today. Have fun, anon.
Good lord it's samefag all over the place.
May the stars shine down upon you, or somethin'.
>>64634610OH WOW REALLY?
>>64631356>>64632392>>64632437Oh MAH BOI.
Whatever, fryman...
moe, or somethin'
Freaking lost control of my life here.