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  • File : 1276781679.jpg-(24 KB, 430x320, nintendo.jpg)
    24 KB Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:34 No.63205XXX  
    >Kirby Epic Yarn
    Really guys? Calling at a rehash? Shut the fuck up and watch the trailer and tell when exactly were those play mechanics in ANY kirby game.
    >Disney Epic Mickey
    This game just looks plain fun. And it's an original IP so you can go fuck yourself.
    >Donkey Kong Country Returns
    Okay, this is a bit of a rehash, but knowing Nintendo there will be some hefty additions to make it feel like you aren't playing the same game over.
    >Kid Icarus
    Need I say more? You're an idiot if you think this is a rehash
    >skyward sword
    Zelda has always been story/puzzle based.
    >Mario Sports Mix
    Basketball, that is all
    This is being made by Activision not nintendo fuck off faggots.
    >3DS OoT Remake
    You would have to be seriously retarded to even this this is a rehash. Looks completely different from any other 3d metroid.

    Nintendo announced a completely new handheld platform with a release date this year or next, and already has games planned for it.

    The only game that looked terrible was Wii Party.

    So tell me.... microsoft and sony.... how did your companies stack up?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:38 No.63205XXX
    I am a Sony fanboy, and I agree with OP.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:39 No.63205XXX
    >The only game that looked terrible was Wii Party.

    It's pretty much Mario Party Wii without the Mario characters and with Miis
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:41 No.63205XXX
    You are retarded.
    Rehash means they are using the same franchises over and over.

    This might look different but it's basically more of the same shit.

    This is the main problem with nintendo.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:41 No.63205XXX
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:41 No.63205XXX

    So all sequels are rehases?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:42 No.63205XXX

    I do'nt notmally do this, but.

    NO U.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:43 No.63205XXX
    No, you're an idiot for having such a stupid "NO SEQUELS ALLOWED" mentality.

    Fuck you. I want more Zelda. I liked the first one, I liked the universe. I wanted more, but to feel a bit different and original. And I got it with Zelda 2. And pretty much almost every Zelda since, and this one, with its brand new art style, items, clever combat and use of almost 1:1 controls looks to deliver exactly that.

    Same with Metroid.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:43 No.63205XXX
    You don't know what a Rehash is.

    Just like most people on /v/
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:43 No.63205XXX
    Well that is a samefag.
    But I am excited about everything that nintendo is talking about.
    I have a 360, and i was thoroughly disappointed by the M$ show. I very possibly might be getting a wii now.
    I'm VERY excited for the 3ds. I havent had a handheld since a gameboy SP, so i will almost definetly be getting a 3ds whenever they come out. I dont know how sony will keep up in the handheld battle. With all the games that have already been announced for the 3DS nintendo almost wins by default
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:43 No.63205XXX
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    >Zelda has always been story/puzzle based.

    Earlier games were action based. They were much better
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:43 No.63205XXX

    Rehashing is making the same game over and over again. OP has just said why they're not just the same game again.

    This is the main problem with stupid terms like 'rehash' and 'casual', they get thrown around and lose their original meaning.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:44 No.63205XXX
    >Epic Yarn
    >Epic Mickey
    >Kid Icarus
    >Skyward Sword
    >Sports Mix
    >OoT remake
    >Metroid other M

    Excitement ratings.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:45 No.63206XXX
    Imma finally be getting A Wii and a 3DS maybe.

    Epic Mickey and Epic Yarn look awesome.

    Any other games you'd guys recommend?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:45 No.63206XXX
    >LTTP era
    >Action based
    HA HA HA
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:46 No.63206XXX
    Honestly, I loved the E3 Nintendo show. The idea of rehases being done for the DS made me smile, but now I am beginning to think I am really just playing the same games I played when I was 13.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:46 No.63206XXX
    Kid Icarus is just a God of War for kids.
    >> Snake 06/17/10(Thu)09:46 No.63206XXX
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    don't mind me. just having better games that the wii or 3ds
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:47 No.63206XXX
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    >that the wii
    >Implying you have more than 10games
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:47 No.63206XXX
    Have fun with your Halo 5, CoD 7 and GoW 3, bro.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:48 No.63206XXX
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    >My face when op tries to defend rehash's.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:49 No.63206XXX

    >You are retarded.
    >Rehash means they are using the same franchises over and over.

    The irony, it's so delicious.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:49 No.63206XXX
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    >Ignoring the NES games for some reason to save face
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:49 No.63206XXX
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    PC fag here. I'm excited about both Nintendo's and Sony's offerings (Kirby, DKC, Metroid, MGS Rising, GT5). And rehash is a shitty term ruined by people who think it's synonymous with 'sequel.'
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:50 No.63206XXX
    I didn't grow up with video games so ALL of Nintendo's games look great to me.

    Haters gonna hate.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:50 No.63206XXX
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    You sir, are retarded.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:50 No.63206XXX
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    >My face when a troll uses an apostrophe wrong on purpose to bait grammar nazis.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:51 No.63206XXX
    >implying I (the op) made that post
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:51 No.63206XXX
    If it sells, why not make them? Same reason why Half Life, Halo, and CoD have so many installments.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:51 No.63206XXX
    >Okay, this is a bit of a rehash, but knowing Nintendo there will be some hefty additions to make it feel like you aren't playing the same game over.
    >there will be planty of hefty additions
    You don't know Nintendo at. Fucking. All. They rely on nostalgia faggots that blindly support them, such as yourself, to fill their product quotas. Then, when you find out they did not, in fact, add ANYTHING at all, you still say the game was awesome because it was so close to the original.

    Fuck, you are among one of the many things that is wrong with gaming today.
    >> Rubius !saA39LMSqk 06/17/10(Thu)09:52 No.63206XXX
    Sequel : Game that take place in the same series and take element from previous game and change major things to make a new game.
    Example : Super Mario Galaxy, Zelda Twillight Princess

    Rehash: A game who take everything from a previous game and make nearly no changes to the game.
    Example : Worm Reloaded, Alot of DDR and Guitar Hero.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:52 No.63206XXX
    >mario sports mix
    >basketball, thats it

    are we forgetting dodgeball OP
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:52 No.63206XXX
    >Rehash means they are using the same franchises over and over.
    >This might look different but it's basically more of the same shit.

    Here's the thing though, and the most important thing; a large majority of buyers still enjoy the games despite the similarities. Zelda is still a powerhouse franchise, despite every installment being virtually the same.

    The reason it's been able to get away with it for so long is because each installment is actually fun.

    Why break a winning formula unless you have to? If people are enjoying your game with the small changes between installments, which in Zelda's case is new items, dungeons or different mechanics, why do you feel the need to change it and potentially split your playerbase?

    It doesn't make sense from any standpoint. RE4 was drastically different, and it only happened because before RE4, the franchise was sinking hard and fast due to it's gameplay. If Zelda were to be tanking in sales hard, yes, a change of pace would be recommended. But right now, it's driving one of the better cars on the track, so there's no pressure to add more to it.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:53 No.63206XXX
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    >My face when you all know Im right.
    >My face when clever girl.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:53 No.63206XXX
    Ever consider that their games are actually fun to play, and that's how they've survived in the state they are in for so long?

    Because that's pretty much the case.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:53 No.63206XXX
    No, it's mostly because the system was too limited to judge, and because Zelda 2 was a stinker.

    And you know, that whole thing about LTTP being the oldest one to still rock to this day.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:53 No.63206XXX
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    My biggest problem with Nintendo is that they haven't made a completely original IP since Animal Crossing. They are trying to profit off of our childhoods. Sure Epic Mickey is a original IP, but it is not solely Nintendo. They took premade characters and are trying to make them original like Kingdom Hearts did.

    Until Nintendo actually comes out with a brand spanking new Nintendo game, one that is not with characters that have existed since the 1980s, is the day that I will stop saying the word "rehash".

    Fuck you Nintendo for not being original.
    >> Rubius !saA39LMSqk 06/17/10(Thu)09:55 No.63206XXX
    Zelda 1 is still playable today and Zelda 2 have a fan base too.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:56 No.63206XXX


    The Fabled Holy Grail that people think they want, and upon receiving find that they do not..
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:56 No.63206XXX
    >my face when the only person who knows you're right is yourself
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:57 No.63206XXX
    A Rehash is a sequel of a game that has everything as the exact same as the previous game with no changes at all.

    You all are retarded.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:57 No.63207XXX
    >my lack of face when I saw what you did their
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:57 No.63207XXX
    ala mw2 style
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:57 No.63207XXX
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    >paper mario 3
    my face

    this is a fucking rpg too i'm fucking excited
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:58 No.63207XXX
    Aside from that being a blatant fucking lie [Animal Forest debuted on the n64, since then we got Pikmin, the Wii series, Chibi Robo, and a fuckton of other shit for the DS]
    nobody cares. We LIKE those series, we LIKE Nintendo's legacy. We don't want them to scrap everything and just bleed out new series all the damn time.

    They could easily have repackaged Kirby's epic yarn as a new franchise, but they added some Kirby elements are familiarity because we like that world and want to see more of it.
    Same thing with Metroid Other M, and even a bit with the new Zelda. [They could've just made some shitty action game that nobody would've really cared too much for, would you then be happy because OMG IT DOESN'T HAVE ZELDA STUFF IN IT FUCK YES ORIGINAL CONTENT?]
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:58 No.63207XXX
    I never said Nintendo's games are not fun to play.

    It's just that the ones they are marketing at this E3 are not going to last you more than a weekend's worth of time, yet you asswipes will eat that shit up.

    You will pay full price for Epic yarn, even before you consider the following: "I wonder how much of my money's worth I will get out of a sidescroller that, while it does play to my nostalgic childhood and the characters I love from Nintendo, will most likely last me 2 afternoons and hold no unlockable content."

    Seriously. Sidescrollers NEVER last long. Same with Donkey Kong remake. It was an afternoon at BEST, or something you take with you on a long car trip and beat it in one go.

    No one values money anymore, and everyone is so willing to throw it away at the first sign of anything even remotely good or nostalgic.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:59 No.63207XXX
    >Mario Sports Mix
    >Basketball, that is all
    Mario characters were in NBA Street Vol. 3 and there's basketball in Wii Sports Resort.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:59 No.63207XXX
    You mean wii sports, wii music, wii fit, etc. weren't all original when very first announced?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:59 No.63207XXX
    i hate all of you
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:59 No.63207XXX
    God man,when will Nintendo make new characters and games rated M and T not for kids and diehards?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:00 No.63207XXX
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    What the hell are you talking about? I am not even asking for something so extremely original that it would blow your mind, I am just asking for shit with new plots and new characters. See Bioware. They make the same game pretty much over and over again, but they do it with new characters, new plot, and new weapons so I don't complain. And it works. All I am asking for is some new characters so we can at least expand the Smash Brothers roster, but they won't even give us that. It is ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:00 No.63207XXX

    Is originality really THAT vital for the progression of the video game industry? Nintendo might feed a lot off of nostalgia, but really, what is wrong with that? Some people prefer that, and for the ones who want to experience new experiences, there is Sony AND Microsoft.

    Each company is key to the industry in some way, which is why I believe console wars are a waste of time.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:02 No.63207XXX
    They wouldn't scrap everything, that would be fucking retarded. Just come out with a new game once in a while. Make something new. Give this generation a new Mario, instead of giving this generation regular Mario. You know, giving us something new to talk about and something new that we might love wouldn't be such a bad thing.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:02 No.63207XXX
    >there has never been a true mario basketball game
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:03 No.63207XXX
    i think there is some confusion here.

    1/2 of the games nintendo showed are just remakes which means improved graphics port.

    Thats the equivalent of taking halo 1 or god of war 1 and just revamping them and raking in the cash again.

    Think about it and stop being a fanboy, yes they are excellent games, but seriously?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:03 No.63207XXX
    >god tier: 3ds

    >awesome tier: kirby epic yarn
    >epic mickey

    >shit tier: just dance 2
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:03 No.63207XXX
    In all honesty, I don't believe Microsoft is key to the console market at all. They were doing just fine with PCs, and their introduction and support of the 360 had nearly killed the PC as a gaming platform. Even now, the 360 doesn't do anything the PS3 doesn't in terms of games. They both play host to the same genres and the same mechanics, the only thing the 360 did was split the console market up even further.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:03 No.63207XXX
    >games rated M and T not for kids
    Fucking summer man.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:04 No.63207XXX
    I'm not following you at this point at all, sorry.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:04 No.63207XXX
    Mario Hoops 3 on 3

    Released for ds some years ago.

    I agree with op, but need to prove you wrong here.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:06 No.63207XXX
    Solution for those FUCK REHASHAN fags:

    Zwirky Epic Yarn
    (Zwirky is a new original character in the form of yarn)

    Dinkey King Country
    (Dinkey King is not an ape and will not throw barrels but crates instead)

    The Legend of Lonk
    (In this game a girl called Zulda travels through the magical world of Lorule.)

    (A guy called Shamus O'Haran kills aliens)

    See, suddenly we have totally new IPs. No "rehashan".
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:06 No.63207XXX
    None of the games shown in Nintendo's Conference are remakes.

    You are retarded.
    >> Noblesse Oblige !w1OqvVniJE 06/17/10(Thu)10:06 No.63207XXX
    Seriously? I don't give a fuck if it's a rehash as long as it's a new game with new puzzles, or stages, storyline, mechanics...
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:06 No.63207XXX
    >1/2 of the games
    >OoT, goldeneye, starfox, mgs
    >many many more unveiled on website, around 25
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:07 No.63207XXX
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    Honestly, it is not really moving forward. How long can they keep doing this? Are the characters really that iconic that 10, 20, and 30 years from now children will still be playing Zelda? Change has to come eventually, and I am sort of frustrated that it hasn't come yet. It just seems lazy to me.

    At the same time though I see your point. Nintendo has a niche in the nostalgia market. I suppose if you want new games and new experiences you go with Sony or Microsoft. It is just it makes me furious knowing that people can still profit off of shit that is 20 years old.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:08 No.63207XXX
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    >Kirby Epic Yarn Really guys? Calling at a rehash
    >Really guys? Calling at a rehash
    >Calling at a rehash
    >at a rehash
    >> Noblesse Oblige !w1OqvVniJE 06/17/10(Thu)10:08 No.63207XXX
    >they were doing just fine with PCs
    >forcing their overpriced shit
    >viral marketing campaigns to push their horrid API
    >unstable software
    They are a blight and must be eliminated from BOTH markets.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:09 No.63207XXX
    Know what that's called?

    Good character design.
    >> Rubius !saA39LMSqk 06/17/10(Thu)10:09 No.63207XXX
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    Oh they did.
    But it seem that people dont like it.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:09 No.63207XXX
    Honestly I would be okay with this, seriously you should get a job working for Nintendo because you are far more creative than any of them.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:09 No.63207XXX
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    >Zelda has always been story/puzzle based.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:10 No.63207XXX

    FFS they are proving that it is a remake by leaving the fucking 64 in the title

    starfox64 3D
    Pilotwings64 3D
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:10 No.63207XXX
    >profit off shit that is 20 years old
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:10 No.63207XXX
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    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:10 No.63207XXX

    >Three games revealed on the site, not even confirmed to be more than just tech demos
    >Goldeneye Wii is a re imagination of the N64 one with a shitton of changes, not necessarily for the better
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:10 No.63207XXX
    Rehash or no rehash. Do not give a fuck. These are mostly boring games, period.
    >> Rubius !saA39LMSqk 06/17/10(Thu)10:10 No.63208XXX
    The day where they will have to change ALL the gimmick, like in Banjo Kazooie Nut and Bolt, then the character would be dead.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:11 No.63208XXX
    All of those titles looked uninteresting.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:11 No.63208XXX


    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:11 No.63208XXX
    He's saying that Nintendo should continue to progress their core franchises, but create new franchises as well.

    I think that Nintendo does attempt this quite often, but those games are widely ignored due to the majority of the Nintendo fanbase labeling them as shit.

    So the problem here isn't Nintendo, it's the fans.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:12 No.63208XXX
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    Alright, I guess you are right. Batman has been around since the 1930s and I haven't complained about him since George Clooney played him in that God awful ICE TO MEET YOU movie. I suppose there are such things as icons. But my point still stands that new icons every once in a while wouldn't be so bad.

    Sorry /v/ that I got so argumentative. Let's put our differences aside and go back to hating everything else again.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:13 No.63208XXX
    Aside from the fact that it's attempted... It's bloody hypocrisy on his part because I bet he never bothered with the less-popular franchises they've tried to start.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:13 No.63208XXX
    Hey guys,

    similar names =/= same game
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:14 No.63208XXX
    That's good, but as we keep repeating, they ARE making more franchises.

    Shit, check out Smash Bros' lineup and extras like trophies and such.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:14 No.63208XXX
    >rage at nintendo
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:15 No.63208XXX
    We're all bros here. At least its VIDEO GAMES.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:15 No.63208XXX
    inb4 someone calls SSB a rehash

    And you know they will.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:15 No.63208XXX
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    I'm a nintendo fanboy. Stop making threads like this, your making us look bad. The best way to be superior is to go play a game, not prove to everyone that your choice in companies to support is superior, chief.
    >> Rubius !saA39LMSqk 06/17/10(Thu)10:17 No.63208XXX
    vb [riːˈhæʃ]
    (tr) to rework, reuse, or make over (old or already used material)
    n [ˈriːˌhæʃ]
    something consisting of old, reworked, or reused material
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:17 No.63208XXX
    I'm a nintendo fanboy. I like threads like this because fuck you.

    We need more Sony tears.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:17 No.63208XXX
    mgs does not belong on that list
    >implying OP wasn't defending nintendo from all the bullshit rehash comments
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:17 No.63208XXX
    I'm gonna agree with this, shit, just keep modest about it and laugh as they tear each other's assholes out.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:17 No.63208XXX
    I actually want a Wii for some games.
    With all the shooters coming out for the ps3 (and xbox, but I have a ps3), there are not alot of games that I REALLY wanna play.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:19 No.63208XXX
    It's official. Every single game announced this year is a rehash. By every company.
    >> Rubius !saA39LMSqk 06/17/10(Thu)10:19 No.63208XXX
    You can call me a Nintendo Fan too.
    Still have the Xbox 360 and the Ps3.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:19 No.63208XXX

    sweet wanna play crackdown, dead rising, bioshock, fallout 3, left 4 dead 2, Transformers: war for cybertron, pyschonauts, little big planet, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, dead space...list goes on.

    Yes we have franchises like halo,MGS, Zelda and they will continue to grow

    But new content is appreciated, remember how amazing Bioshock was? How ocarina of time was a mystical new place?

    Moar of that plz
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:19 No.63208XXX
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    Hijacking this thread into a Non-Famous Nintendo Franchise thread.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:19 No.63208XXX
    in other words, every sequel ever,
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:20 No.63208XXX
    You will never play The Last Window

    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:20 No.63208XXX
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    >> Rubius !saA39LMSqk 06/17/10(Thu)10:20 No.63208XXX
    If they change things then its not a rehash.
    The only game I could say that is a rehash is Super Mario Galaxy since its the same engine, but since all the levels and gimmick have been improve, then its not.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:20 No.63208XXX
    >Mickey Mouse original IP.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:20 No.63208XXX
    Every game announced reused the ideas of interacting with the games, it's official they're all rehashes.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:20 No.63208XXX
    Wii has Oldgaems
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:21 No.63208XXX
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    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:21 No.63208XXX

    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:21 No.63208XXX

    Epic mickey is a new IP.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:21 No.63208XXX
    So, say, playing Mario Galaxy and Donkey Kong is the same as playing Mario vs Donkey Kong?
    You don't know what rehash means.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:21 No.63208XXX
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    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:22 No.63208XXX

    huuray for kinect and move!
    Oh wait, I don't wanna play that.
    >> Rubius !saA39LMSqk 06/17/10(Thu)10:22 No.63208XXX
    A rehash is destroying a chair, then use all the pieces to make a chair who have only some change.

    A Sequel is to destroy a chair, and work on the pieces by adding or subtracting things to make a new and better (or sometime worse) chair.

    A Remake is to polish the chair so it look shiny.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:22 No.63208XXX
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    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:22 No.63208XXX
    ITT: retarded Nintondoblowjobbers trying to defend their lovely company.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:23 No.63208XXX
    same game with same levels on the super nintendo, herp derp
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:23 No.63208XXX

    no but playing donkey kong country returns is like playing donkey kong country 1/2/3
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:23 No.63208XXX
    Nope. In your definition it stress making over old content.

    If it's not a completely original idea, it's a rehash. That sequel? Uses old characters, it's a rehash. That new fps? There are 80 like it. Even if it doesn't use the same characters, it's a rehash because it just replaces x character with y.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:23 No.63208XXX
    Yes, Mario 64 plays exactly as Super Mario world.
    Damn, I am fooled.
    Nintendo ruined everything
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:23 No.63208XXX
    The word rehash should be a bannable word.

    It's the most overused word on /v/, it's fucking ridicolous. Especially coming from xbros and sonyfriends who pretty much only got sequels this year.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:24 No.63209XXX
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    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:24 No.63209XXX
    I've had a ps1, ps2 and now a ps3.
    The only nintendo stuff I ever owned was a gba(sp).
    But for some reason, i like the company Nintendo better. Not because of the games.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:24 No.63209XXX
    Why is nobody mentioning Starfox 64?

    Do you not remember the hilarious voice acting, the glorious on-rails shooting, and the awesome boss fights?

    Speaking of which, I dearly hope the voices for the bosses are still used as they were in the original.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:24 No.63209XXX
    True rehashes reuse music, entire levels, and storylines/models (where it's relevant). Just because it's a sequel using the same control scheme doesn't make it a rehash at all.

    On that note, if people hate what they see as "rehashes" so much, then why doesn't /v/ bitch about expansion packs all the time?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:25 No.63209XXX
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    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:25 No.63209XXX
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    The only problem I have with the new Zelda is that, in the latest Game Informer, Shigeru said, "We are trying to make Zelda, which has become very complicated, easier to play."

    I'm just sad I haven't seen an ecco remake :(
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:25 No.63209XXX
    >he never played pokemon red
    Gtfo underageb&
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:26 No.63209XXX
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    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:26 No.63209XXX

    I have a PS3, and know this
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:26 No.63209XXX

    i dare you to go play starfox 64 right now.

    You will not be able to get past the third level without thinking wow i used to think this was good?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:26 No.63209XXX
    for all you noobs who think epic mickey is original content,
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:26 No.63209XXX


    I think I might get a DS.
    The 3DS will will be able to play normal DS games right?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:26 No.63209XXX

    Underage b&
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:27 No.63209XXX
    sequel != rehash

    just because you don't understand the meaning of the word it shouldnt be banned.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:27 No.63209XXX
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    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:27 No.63209XXX

    I did actually.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:28 No.63209XXX
    Oh my god how even high you must be to say that nonsense?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:28 No.63209XXX
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    While you faggots fight over what game is truyl original and what is a rehash I will be enjoying these fun-looking games.

    Guess who wins? Me.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:28 No.63209XXX
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    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:29 No.63209XXX
    >implying starfox 64 isnt still a fuckawesome game
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:29 No.63209XXX
    OP is a butt hurt nintendo fag

    3DS does sound amazing but i'd like to see it myself and i wanna know the price

    The new games for wii just aren't my thing though, since i have a ps3 i'll probably pick up LBP2 for some side-scrollan
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:29 No.63209XXX

    I bet you'd say the same about OoT and MM?

    Well fuck you, I just recently played them and they still hold up really well.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:30 No.63209XXX
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:30 No.63209XXX
    >Zelda has always been story based.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:30 No.63209XXX
    >God of War 5
    >Little Big Planet 2
    >Halo 5
    >Gears of War 3
    >Twisted Metal 5
    >Killzone 3

    E3 was full of Rehashes for everyone for that definition. To be honest, most games nowadays are just rehashes, Epic Mickey is probably the lone exception.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:30 No.63209XXX

    its awesome yeh, but i clawed my eyes out trying to play it again.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:30 No.63209XXX

    Jokes on you, I'm on the last level now.

    What now, faggot?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:31 No.63209XXX

    I wonder, how many FF games are there?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:31 No.63209XXX
    Microsoft has no gaems anymore why bother asking Xbros?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:31 No.63209XXX
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    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:31 No.63209XXX
    He thinks playing pokemans is mature

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