>> |
06/16/10(Wed)14:59 No.63081XXX  File1276714753.jpg-(17
KB, 300x323, edea100819.jpg)
 Actyually, there's a shitload of
people who loved FFVIII.
It definitely wasn't any worse than VI
or VII, it's jsut that some of the VI kiddies grew up before VII, and
VII kiddies grew up before VIII were released, is all.
All three
games are one and the same, mostly, and of the three VIII has: - the
best soundtrack; - the most imaginative world; - and best graphics
(artistically). It has shitty main cast, though, even compared to VI
and VII, and that can't be helped. Itshould've jsut been a game where
Seifer, Quistis and Edea do things, and other characters mostly don't
exist. |