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  • File : 1276707570.png-(253 KB, 471x352, 360discdestroyed.png)
    253 KB New 360 Slim Destroys Discs if Moved During Play Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)12:59 No.63067XXX

    Apparently the new 360 model indefinitely scratches the disc to all hell when moved while it's being read, instead of just the sometimes like the old 360 model.

    Video demonstration in link.

    If this is true given the source, I'll laugh pretty hard. Can't wait for when MS gets requests to replace video games scratched to oblivion by their new model.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:00 No.63067XXX
    It's a good thing we don't have earthquakes here. Otherwise, I'd have to worry about my discs being scratched!
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:01 No.63067XXX
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:01 No.63067XXX
    Except no one juggles their consoles whilst playing a game. Incidents like these are going to be rare
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:02 No.63067XXX
    I don't own a 360 but you're given a pretty big warning not to move the console while the disc is spinning.

    Also who the fuck moves their console while its spinning? now that we have wireless controllers theres no point.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:02 No.63067XXX
    >implying a kick my 360 while I'm playing vidya
    >implying I'm gonna leave my 360 in the centre of my room balanced on a tall, narrow pedestal
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:02 No.63067XXX

    inb4 >leave the house
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:02 No.63067XXX
    what the hell, all he did was lift it slightly and it did THAT to the disc?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:03 No.63068XXX
    How can the 360 scratch discs when it has floor is now lava?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:03 No.63068XXX
    If MS couldn't even fix a little thing like that, what are the chances they fixed the RROD?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:03 No.63068XXX
    Who the fuck moves their console while it's on?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:04 No.63068XXX
    how fucking difficult is it to design a goddamn disc drive that doesn't do that

    fucking wow
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:04 No.63068XXX
    You can practically flip the PS3 in the air and the disc will still be read normally without any damage

    ...this is just... just... wow.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:04 No.63068XXX
    You guys do realize that if you move a PS3 while it's playing a game disc, the same thing happens, don't you?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:04 No.63068XXX
    Damn, man. I was planning on bring my 360 into the kitchen with me while my game is loading so we can both grab a snack. BUT NOW MY PLAN IS RUINED. FUCK YOU MICROSOFT.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:04 No.63068XXX
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:04 No.63068XXX
    The 360 already does this.

    Why is this news?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:05 No.63068XXX
    Oh look, it's this thread again. Because ya know, I didn't see it the other 50 times
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:05 No.63068XXX
         File1276707932.jpg-(71 KB, 465x500, priest_withkid_costume1.jpg)
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    >instead of just the sometimes like the old 360 model
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:05 No.63068XXX
    >Apparently the new 360 model indefinitely scratches the disc

    Fucking hell.

    How many times?


    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:05 No.63068XXX
    no it doesn't I tested it last night, disc was fine, game didn't even freeze or anything.

    Blu Ray is much tougher though
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:05 No.63068XXX
    >Market your console to be playable while standing vertically
    >Stand your console vertically while you play
    >Fuck up your games

    lol'd heartily
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:05 No.63068XXX
    Why would you have a disk in and playing a console when you move it?

    I can see maybe if it's on the floor and someone wants to vacuum under it then maybe you'd move it but that's about the only scenario.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:06 No.63068XXX

    >Except no one juggles their consoles whilst playing a game

    what he did is hardly juggling he just gave it a little push

    I fucking kicked my xbox once and it didn't scratch my disc
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:06 No.63068XXX
    I've had siblings who've moved the system while I was playing, but I guess it was ultimately my own fault for having it out in the open. I'm sure it's nothing to be too concerned about, but I can see how it would sometimes happen.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:06 No.63068XXX
    It doesn't. That's the point.

    Glad to see all the Microsoft apologists are out in full force again.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:06 No.63068XXX
    As a successful businessman, I sometimes have to take my 360 on the road for my gaming needs. Now I can't even do that! Fucking Microsoft...
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:06 No.63068XXX
    You apparently don't own a PS3. PS3 discs are pretty much locked into place.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:06 No.63068XXX

    How about you actually give a shit about discs and not move your fucking console when it's on you dumbshit.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:07 No.63068XXX
    >implying you cannot easily get the game replaced if you scratch it
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:07 No.63068XXX
    >Go on trip
    >Play 360 in the car
    >Hit a bump in the road
    >Scratched disc

    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:07 No.63068XXX
    It's just not okay, it shouldn't happen.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:07 No.63068XXX

    Many people have cats or dogs that like to run into and hump vertically oriented 360s.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:07 No.63068XXX
    To all the faggos saying the Ps3 does it as well...

    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:07 No.63068XXX
    Hasnt happend to me on my old 360.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:07 No.63068XXX
    ITT: Sonybros jumping on any chance they can get
    Also, fuck both of you, PC master race here.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:08 No.63068XXX
    Why do you ADD faggot need to move the xbox while its still on? It's not like there are any cords to accidentally trip over.

    If the thing is turned on just don't move it.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:08 No.63068XXX
    People saying "nobody will do it", after recieving my 360 for christmas 2 years ago, 5 days after owning, I accidently moved my 360 while the disc was spinning and fucked my GTA IV.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:08 No.63068XXX

    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:09 No.63068XXX
         File1276708155.jpg-(40 KB, 432x288, 1275495857741.jpg)
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    You stupid that is because Xbox 360 is compatible with gramophone records! It includes diamond tip needle.It's their new strategy.

    Natal for the young and hype people

    and gramophone for the elderly
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:09 No.63068XXX
    you see the PS3 can't, hasn't and never will scratch games because I bet you thought I was gonna say 'no games'
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:09 No.63068XXX
    >uncle steve dancing to kinect
    >trips over cat
    >falls head first through TV
    >starts flailing arms around
    >runs around room with tv on his head
    >knocks fish tank to the ground
    >fish flapping everywhere
    >cuts feet open on glass
    >slips on wet floor
    >staggers back into liquor cabinet
    >cabinet falls over spilling precious liquor everywhere
    >steps on bottle and rolls log roller style accross the room
    >hits bookshelf
    >holds on for dear life
    >bookshelf falls on top of him
    >family bible falls from top of bookshelf and opens up
    >porno magazine falls out of it onto his face
    >gets an erection
    >rat trap springs onto his balls from behind bookshelf
    >jizz shoots across room spraying all over the place
    >drop of jizz hits xbox 360
    >game scratched

    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:10 No.63068XXX
    Goddamn you.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:10 No.63068XXX
    Uhhh. That never happens.
    My 360 has been standing vertically since I bought it and not a single damaged game.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:10 No.63068XXX

    I won't look at my Wii the same way...
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:11 No.63069XXX

    This is retarded and not even a goddamn problem. If you move your console while it's on, why the fuck is it even on in the first place...
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:11 No.63069XXX
    >implying that you're supposed to move the console while IN PLAY YOU FUCKING DUMBASSES
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:11 No.63069XXX
         File1276708294.png-(86 KB, 287x275, Ughhhh.png)
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    >Release Kinect that requires movement near console
    >Release console update that fucks discs up if it moves
    >No-one at microsoft thinks the two are related at all
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:11 No.63069XXX
    It's not that.

    It's that, in a case, something MIGHT happen where you will have to move it for some reason or another. It's a possibility. Except in the 360's case, if you do that while a disc is being read, it will utterly destroy it. That's pretty sad when you market your console to be playable while standing vertically.

    One of your dumbshit family members may have spilled something near the console and you need to clean it before it gets into anything, or something knocks it over, or whatever. Shit happens. The fact of the matter is, if shit did happen, your 360 will scratch up your disc.

    That is no good.
    >> Grey Lantern !!3JRNynwFNvA 06/16/10(Wed)13:12 No.63069XXX
    >Apparently the new 360 model indefinitely scratches the disc to all hell when moved while it's being read, instead of just the sometimes like the old 360 model.
    >implying that the article provides any evidence of this
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:12 No.63069XXX
    Actually to prove a point to my xbro friend who gave me the same argument, I put MAG in my PS3, turned it on, had him play a game, and started tossing around the PS3 while he was playing. I even rotated it from horizontal to vertical in a circle over and over again.

    Nothing happened.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:12 No.63069XXX
         File1276708365.jpg-(9 KB, 126x125, LOL.jpg)
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    >implying anyone will buy kinect
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:13 No.63069XXX
    This is certainly a design flaw, but I fail to see how this will be much of a problem. If you're moving your system when you're playing it, you're doing something wrong.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:14 No.63069XXX

    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:14 No.63069XXX
    >start using hd to play games on wii
    >eventualy send the Wii flying
    >was playing mario
    >not a single scratch
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:14 No.63069XXX
    >uncle steve dancing to kinect with grenade
    >pulled the pin
    >runs into the xbox
    >grenade explodes
    >wall falls over
    >shoddy grenade, pussy wall, and shitty xbox
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:14 No.63069XXX
    Goddamnit, I'd say you owe me $60 for a new game, but you're a complete deadbeat Uncle Steve.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:15 No.63069XXX
    >violently jerk an xbox 360 to a 70 degree angle while it's in play
    >disk gets permanently damaged.
    >wonder why this happened.

    Fucking idiots.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:15 No.63069XXX
    My 360 did the same thing to my copy of the Orange Box when I didn't even touch the damn console.

    Great to know Microsoft loves it's customers so much that it ships quality products.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:15 No.63069XXX
    The only way I'd expect one to move the console is when the HAM FIST it while trying to take out one game to replace with another or maybe when connecting USB devices.

    but from the way it's moved in the video I'm guess the disc only get fucked when titled like that and not when bumped slight.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:15 No.63069XXX

    You're implying that it doesn't play games when it's vertical. It does, you just can't fucking switch it from horizontal to vertical while a disc is being read.

    If it's that much of a problem you can install the game anyway
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:16 No.63069XXX
    Why is Microsoft still using disc trays?!

    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:16 No.63069XXX
    Your playing your new flavor of the week. Suddenly your kid/kid brother comes into the room and wants to play something else...we'll say kinectimals. You say no that you are playing. They walk over to the console and pick it up ever so slightly in a fit of rage. You hear that lovely garbage disposal noise. Warning label not large enough for kids to see and your game is ruined.

    Jolly Jolly Good
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:16 No.63069XXX
    Oh wonderful, yet another reason the 360 is a piece of shit.

    It's a good year to be a Sonyfriend.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:16 No.63069XXX
    Enjoy not having your 360 in your private jets, xbros.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:16 No.63069XXX
    This is the only legitimate reason I've seen as to why this would be bad and a 360 might move while it's being played
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:17 No.63069XXX

    You see, I too have my 360 in a position in which it'll never move or fall while I'm playing, but it's stupid to make a home console, which should be aimed ALSO at kids, and making it so frail.

    It just screams COST CUTTING NO MATTER THE PROBLEMS, and honestly I don't trust a brand that does that all the fucking time.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:17 No.63069XXX
    >Implying Xbox has gaems to scratch.
    >> raito !!ycyZFcbe/3a 06/16/10(Wed)13:17 No.63069XXX
    dude, they fucking need to fix that shit

    I got up from my chair once to change my game disc, and my foot accidentally hit the 360. the disc was fucking destroyed and the only way I could play it again was with an install, so I had to rent the game again

    it isn't even about how careful you are, it shouldn't be like that in the fucking first place. How the hell are people going to be so damn careful when they're using Kinect and end up getting too close to the Xbox? what if you want to plug-in something while you're running a game? every fucking console that has used discs has some sort of bounce protection, except the 360. Even the $10 CD players that nobody uses anymore end up having bounce protection, so why the hell can't their console have it?

    this also leads to other things, like all the things that they've said that have improved probably haven't improved at all. expect red rings if you buy the new system
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:17 No.63069XXX
         File1276708670.jpg-(167 KB, 800x537, Land_Of_The_Dead_Road_To_Fiddl(...).jpg)
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    My only concern with the new 360 is whether or not they added a patch that will allow me to play Land of the Dead without having to dust off my original xbox.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:17 No.63069XXX

    Confirmed for bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:18 No.63069XXX
    >implying xbros can even afford private jets
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:18 No.63069XXX
    >implying you all know for sure your new 360s will never move even given unforseen circumstances such as tripping over the power cord, you/someone being a clumsy ass, pets/family members, etc. etc.

    Unless you are all as lonely and pathetic as I thought then yeah I guess you don't have to worry about stuff like that.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:18 No.63069XXX
    > implying that wasn't the joke
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:18 No.63069XXX
    Are you people fucking idiots?
    The 360 has been destroying disks since day one!
    The exact same thing happens if you have a normal 360 sitting up straight, then falling over onto it's side.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:19 No.63069XXX

    Except the video isn't from Sankaku.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:19 No.63069XXX
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:19 No.63069XXX

    >> non-butthurt 360 user 06/16/10(Wed)13:20 No.63070XXX
    Sounds like people don't know how to install their games on a big 250gb hard drive so a horrible scratch means little to begin with.

    >>also old news is old
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:20 No.63070XXX
    But the new one makes it even easier to fuck up yoru discs. You think makign a new 360 MS would ditch the disc try altogether or at least make it better. NO. it's just worse. MS can't get shit right.
    >> Black Dy-No-Mite!!!!! !!siSCo0wNFvv 06/16/10(Wed)13:20 No.63070XXX
         File1276708841.jpg-(47 KB, 683x387, 1248307442146.jpg)
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    This is only a problem for shitbird slacker teens who have their 360 leaning on top of a pile of dirty clothes and soda bottles. If it scrathces, good for them, they deserve it for being dickheads and keeping their system laying around to get knocked over and kicked at.

    Even though it's a pretty bad MS fuck up, it's a stupid fucking argument. It's like getting mad that a blender will open and spill as I'm tossing it in the air. No fucking shit, stupid.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:20 No.63070XXX
    I imagined him throwing it.
    >> Tyrant T100 !YgQRHAJqRA 06/16/10(Wed)13:20 No.63070XXX
    My 360 did that when I didn't even touch it. I took it back to the store and got a replacement console and game.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:20 No.63070XXX
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:21 No.63070XXX
         File1276708868.jpg-(94 KB, 359x350, sony-d-ne241.jpg)
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    Microsoft should learn from 10 year old technology, and stop putting razor blades directly below the spinning disk in their disk drives.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:21 No.63070XXX
         File1276708894.jpg-(17 KB, 208x199, bruce willis.jpg)
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    >this also leads to other things, like all the things that they've said that have improved probably haven't improved at all. expect red rings if you buy the new system

    Factoid. the new model Xbox has less fan power... That's right, a console with a history of over heating failure now has LESS cooling.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:21 No.63070XXX
    Nobody can do anything about it, Microsoft has a sticker on the front saying not to move it or your disc will be fucked. If it happens, it's nobodies fault but your own.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:23 No.63070XXX
    We should start putting stickers on serial killers warning people, we could release them all safely then.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:24 No.63070XXX
    During our usual Thanksgiving family get together, I was playing Gears of War in my room and had left my 360 on, but turned the TV off when I went out to hang out with family. My sis asked me if they could borrow my 360 for the family TV in the den so she could play it with some of our cousins, I said sure. She went in and saw the TV off, thinking it was off she picked it up before unplugging it(which was an honest mistake because she doesn't know really know much about games), and it scratched the game to hell.

    I was fine with it, but I thought it fucking retarded the 360 would do that to my game from an honest mistake like that.

    The fact they haven't fixed this issue with their new "definitive version" of the console is absolutely ridiculous and yet another reason I swapped to the PS3 last year.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:24 No.63070XXX
    for the first time in a while I can't tell if this is sarcasm
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:24 No.63070XXX
         File1276709091.png-(60 KB, 174x201, umad.png)
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    >look at first comment
    I mean fuq XBL who wants a better online game experience when I can flip my PS3 about and be like "Look no scratching" IN YOUR FACE XBOX!
    >my face
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:24 No.63070XXX
    Someone knocks your shit over.
    Playing a private jet.
    Your table suddenly collapses.
    Your girlfriend/wife/mom moves your 360 to clean up your shit.
    Someone tilts the 360 when they do not know about this problem. Now because it's an EVEN bigger problem, they have to have warning labels.

    Whatever, shit happens to some person out of thousands.

    Just because it's not a big problem doesn't mean it shouldn't be fixed or not looked into.

    Xbros will eat anything. RROD and scratched discs.
    >> non-butthurt 360 user 06/16/10(Wed)13:25 No.63070XXX

    most of the time it was the shitty quality of the fan that caused RROD.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:25 No.63070XXX

    Do people seriously go to this website for good journalism? L O L

    On topic, why the fuck would you move a 360 while it's playing a game?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:25 No.63070XXX
         File1276709150.png-(Spoiler Image, 496 KB, 798x559, 1259859285933.png)
    Spoiler Image, 496 KB
    >Microsoft apparently claims that bumpers in the disk tray would cost 25 cents per console and so naturally had to be left out.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:26 No.63070XXX
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:27 No.63070XXX
    This issue was fixed at least 15 years ago. If it wasn't, laptops and CD players would've been completely impossible to use.

    Anyone that defends this bullshit is an idiot.
    >> raito !!ycyZFcbe/3a 06/16/10(Wed)13:27 No.63070XXX

    i clicked on your picture and literally screamed out loud

    why would someone do that
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:27 No.63070XXX
    holy shit that's brilliant
    I'm gonna put a "Warning murderer do not approach" sign on me next time I murder someone and it won't be my fault
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:27 No.63070XXX
    why would someone dothat?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:27 No.63070XXX
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:28 No.63070XXX
         File1276709321.jpg-(70 KB, 400x400, 1267572910374.jpg)
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    That and they didn't factor in the Drunk/Sleepy/Hamfists/Rage/Shit Happens factors

    >Jolly Jolly Good
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:28 No.63070XXX
         File1276709324.jpg-(38 KB, 429x400, aznugly.jpg)
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    If you want a better online experience, what the fuck are you doing playing an Xbox?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:29 No.63070XXX
    lol, that has to be the worst website I've ever fucking seen
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:29 No.63070XXX
         File1276709351.jpg-(40 KB, 728x330, abe 2.jpg)
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    >oh i'll just click on this pict...

    >Good God.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:29 No.63071XXX

    I hope

    I really really hope.

    Or prosthetic.

    More options than real.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:29 No.63071XXX
    >screamed out loud

    someone's new to the internet

    just get the fuck out now
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:29 No.63071XXX
    Some people are forgetting the fucking sticker that comes with the console when you buy it.. jesus christ...
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:30 No.63071XXX

    I'm playing games while talking to my friends in party chat, something you cannot do on the ps3
    >> The Namefag Formerly Known As !KING7ldACE 06/16/10(Wed)13:30 No.63071XXX
         File1276709416.gif-(Spoiler Image, 4 KB, 299x276, 1260114880384.gif)
    Spoiler Image, 4 KB
    No, it's real.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:30 No.63071XXX
    Hasn't every single disk based system had a warning saying don't move it when it's running?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:30 No.63071XXX
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:31 No.63071XXX
    >implying anyone is dumb enough to move a stationary console while a 60 dollar disc is rapidly spinning within a form fitting CD drive
    Well I don't think--

    Oh yeah.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:31 No.63071XXX
         File1276709505.jpg-(161 KB, 600x615, and a one and a four and a chi(...).jpg)
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    Who the fuck sits there, puts in game, goes "hur dur hur dur tiem to move mai xbx to a nue spots!!!!fgfgsgdfjg"
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:32 No.63071XXX
    You're stupid.

    Read the thread. Shit happens sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:32 No.63071XXX
    >Hey uncle Steve, check out my new Xbox!
    >Wow, that's a great little console!
    >Hey, what's this little sticker on the front, writing's pretty small
    >Hmm, 'do not move console while in use'

    Godamnit Uncle Steve.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:32 No.63071XXX
         File1276709563.png-(135 KB, 470x349, 1268376201733.png)
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    >Implying you're supposed to move a device while it's reading a disc.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:32 No.63071XXX

    show it to this idiot, I wouldn't be too surprised if he tries to ignore you
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:33 No.63071XXX
    This is why I have a phone and a PC
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:33 No.63071XXX
         File1276709585.jpg-(22 KB, 284x305, Oh Noes!.jpg)
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    >1276709416.gif-(Spoiler Image)

    Fuck you, i'm not clicking on that.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:33 No.63071XXX

    Has every single disk based system been so poorly designed that it completely mangles a disk when it gets tilted?

    I'm convinced that xbox disks just free fly around in the drive, like a frisbee.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:33 No.63071XXX
    ITT: Xbox fanboys assume the only possible console movement is from human intervention.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:33 No.63071XXX
    I've only seen "DO NOT TOUCH THE LASER" warnings.

    I've violently shaken my Saturn in a fit of rage while a game was playing, and 5 minutes later I was calm and playing the game again.

    The Saturn was released over 15 years ago; there's no excuse in 2010 when we can play games in full 3D, with millions of people from anywhere on earth, and without using buttons.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:34 No.63071XXX
    Okay, these threads are fucking stupid for the following reason..

    A) Who the fuck moves their console with a disk in it? Pretty sure every console causes damage to it when that's done

    B) The fucking original 360 ringed it too. This isn't a new fucking development.

    C) You're all fucking stupid as shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:34 No.63071XXX
    "Oh, shitty body, I hit the floor at 90km/h and I die.
    Bodyfag status:
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:34 No.63071XXX
    Thats within the realm of fixable, bring it to a blockbuster or any other videostore with a disc re-surfacer.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:34 No.63071XXX
    I did that with my PS3.

    every went ok.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:34 No.63071XXX
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    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:35 No.63071XXX

    I run move my laptop around all the time when there is a disk of any type in it and nothing happens...
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:35 No.63071XXX
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    Delicious fan boy tears.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:35 No.63071XXX
    >violently shaken my Saturn in a fit of rage
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:35 No.63071XXX
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    I'm doing it on my PC without paying a penny for online play.

    Oh, and my system doesn't destroy my games.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:36 No.63071XXX
    It's just the anticipation guy in goatse position.
    >> raito !!ycyZFcbe/3a 06/16/10(Wed)13:36 No.63071XXX

    I just got finished with a fap session, okay? me and my cock had done a little bonding

    at the end of the day, anyone defending microsoft over this is dead wrong. it doesn't matter how many warnings you have, I don't give a damn if the whole box is covered in warnings. video game consoles move by accident sometimes, and releasing a motion/family-play device will only increase those chances a thousand times over

    bounce protection is a feature that is included from the lowliest of pocket CD players, to modern laptops and consoles. there is NO excuse for them to cut corners like that with something so simple and vital, even if it isn't seemingly an important feature

    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:36 No.63071XXX
    Like a frizbee in a tumbledryer with serrated blades stuck to the sides.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:36 No.63071XXX
    jesus fucking christ
    why so stupid?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:36 No.63071XXX
    >A) Pretty sure every console causes damage to it when that's done

    No they don't. And thats the whole fucking point.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:37 No.63071XXX
    it's a good thing the 360 has no games to scratch
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:37 No.63071XXX
    Don't recall them ever fucking up my disks to hell and back and eiter though.

    Pretty sad that they are cutting corners on basic features which every other console has mastered just to cheapen the cost by a fraction.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:37 No.63071XXX
    This, I'll post what a disc looks like when it's beyond saving if you like. My poor Battlefront has a few deep scratches which killed it dead. This is nothing more than a scuff mark which disc repair gizmos will fix.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:37 No.63071XXX
    >Pretty sure every console causes damage to it when that's done
    This must be your first console generation, then.

    I honestly can't think of a single system besides the 360 that does this, and I own over 20. I'm guessing you also don't remember portable CD players since, once upon a time, people would walk around everywhere (or run!) with those things clipped to their side.

    You xfags just love taking it up the ass.
    >> MrNiceGuy !A9S1/DFBu2 06/16/10(Wed)13:37 No.63071XXX
    More to the point the new 360 is shit as it will not run linux and has a 2 tier online system when it should all be free.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:38 No.63072XXX
    Who picks up their console while its running
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:38 No.63072XXX
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    >implying I'm going to be flailing around my living room like an idiot with my console on
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:39 No.63072XXX
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    It's a bad idea to move a console while it's running anyways, same with a PC. If you're stoopid enough to juggle your console or PC like a fag, you deserve to have your games ruined.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:39 No.63072XXX
    The only consoles at risk of having discs damaged while being moved was the original PS2 and the Xbox/Xbox 360.

    Sony learned from this and made the disc drive in next iteration of the PS2, the slim, a direct snap-on like with the PS1. They further took this into account and made the disc drive in the PS3 hold the disc in place. Even Nintendo wasn't stupid enough and did the same thing with the Wii.

    The 360 still uses an outdated tray disc drive which has been proven time and time again to be DANGEROUS to discs. It's fine for PC's to have these, but not game consoles that play very expensive disc-based hardware.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:40 No.63072XXX
    I'm like 90% sure that XBox replaces games when this shit happens, as mine got accidentally kicked when I still lived at home and it fucked up the disc reader and when I cashed in on the warranty they asked for me to include all the disc that it messed up.

    Long story short I tried them at a bros house and they worked fine so I just sent them the console- but if you have a fucking earthquake while playing and call them and tell them I see no reason why they wouldn't replace your games.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:41 No.63072XXX
    >Implying Xbox 360 poor and cheap hardware isn't the cancer killing gaming.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:41 No.63072XXX
    >>Implying that they don't want you too install games to the hardrive......5-8 gigs a game............250 gigs of space.........a lot of games that still can be played even if scratched
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:41 No.63072XXX
    Idiots, but the point is the slightest wiggle will ravage a disc.

    If your pet bumps into the table, or if you leave your controller near your console and gently brush the console when grabbing your controller, you've completely destroyed your game. If you've ever lived with other people or even had them visit, you know they're completely retarded and just love grabbing things.

    Microsoft assumes the 360 will be preserved in deep refrigeration and in some perfect point in space where no external force could ever act upon it.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:41 No.63072XXX
    Yeah, about that.

    They'll replace MICROSOFT published games, but not anyone else's.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:41 No.63072XXX
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    >My face when they won't replace the games
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:42 No.63072XXX
    Most older laptops use disc trays and they endured the constantly wiggle from being on one's lap.

    It's inexcusable.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:43 No.63072XXX
    >The only consoles at risk of having discs damaged while being moved was the original PS2 and the Xbox/Xbox 360.

    Just popping into say that the PS2 NEVER damaged any disc for me, and I moved it, dropped, and put it through all sorts of shit I shouldn't have, and it took it like a champ.
    >> LazyK̼̫̳̖͇͔̤͚͈̟̬̹̩̫͔͆ͧ͋ͧ͗̓̇ͧ̃͑̓͑̿̔̓ͣ̔̅ͅevin !IzyKevin42 06/16/10(Wed)13:43 No.63072XXX
    My "old" xbox 360 pro got moved alot during play (young family members running into the wires, while the controller was reloading or just bumpin into the tv furniture)

    Never got a scratched disk.....
    Fuck I wanted to buy the new one just for looks and stuff, so I could give the old one to my GF
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:43 No.63072XXX
    A slight wiggle? You're making it sound like a tap will cause it explode.

    The fucking idiot from OPs vid showed the guy bringing the console from it's flat position to it's upward sitting position.
    Granted MS should implement a snap-on feature for the disks, since idiots can't seem to grasp the concept of not moving your console when it's running.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:44 No.63072XXX
    >Implying my slot-load drive on my laptop scratches disks
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:45 No.63072XXX
    >Uncle Steve lifts up new Xbox because he thinks he sees a quarter under it.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:45 No.63072XXX
    thats funny, my assassins creed, DIRT 2, and Red Dead Redemption all got scratched WITH IT BEING MY FAULT. they were all replaced, free of charge
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:45 No.63072XXX
    Now that I think about it, you're right.

    Disc trays can be safe, but apparently MS doesn't want to invest in making them safe.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:45 No.63072XXX
    i lol'd heartily, thank you sir
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:45 No.63072XXX
    why would you move your console while you're playing anyways...
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:45 No.63072XXX
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:46 No.63073XXX
    > new kinect
    > motion needed to play
    > motion in the same room as your 360
    > possibility of touching or bumping what ever your 360 is on
    > slightest touches will destroy a 60 dollar game...
    nah we dont need to incorporate tech that the japanese have had for years...

    Japan: superior to america in every way. all the way down to dvd player technology.
    >> Long Tripcode is Long !KNs1o0VDv6!!WeNBUFcXzp9 06/16/10(Wed)13:46 No.63073XXX


    Graphics fucking suck bro, you are poor and can't afford other game systems.

    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:46 No.63073XXX

    >Uncle Steve walks in with a wet dick
    >Your GF is cheating on you, LazyKevin.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:47 No.63073XXX
    So I hit F5 and suddenly HARMONY.

    Let's chill bros.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:47 No.63073XXX
    >implying anyone would waggle less than a foot next to their 360
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:48 No.63073XXX
    Unless your PC has a snap on disc reader this would happen to a PC if you moved from flat to upright.

    You are causing the disc to flip out of place and into the reader which will scratch it. This is a design flaw, granted but it worked for PCs for years because NOBODY MOVES THEIR PCS EVER.

    If you are that worried about it, invest in a holder or place it somewhere it won't tip over. It is half Microsoft but half your responsibility for not having a brain. Still have a problem? Sell your Xbox/Don't buy an Xbox/Sue Microsoft for having a shitty product.

    I think I covered everything, so /every one of these threads, we are done.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:48 No.63073XXX
    >what he did is hardly juggling he just gave it a little push

    More like turn it almost 90 degrees, amirite?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:49 No.63073XXX
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    The poor little guy's going to starve since 360 has no games
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:49 No.63073XXX
    This is kinda stupid how they put in all this awesome shit into it, but can't fix the damn tray.

    But either way, I want to see a video of them moving it slightly. Like just pushing it 1 or 2 inches. Cause really, why do you need to move it like they did in the video?

    I'm not concerned about this. Not yet. Until I see a video about it moving slightly, apposed to being a retard.
    >> LazyK̼̫̳̖͇͔̤͚͈̟̬̹̩̫͔͆ͧ͋ͧ͗̓̇ͧ̃͑̓͑̿̔̓ͣ̔̅ͅevin !IzyKevin42 06/16/10(Wed)13:49 No.63073XXX

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