>My face when you can't fight streets in Street Fighter
>My face when Pocket Monsters can't fit in my pocket
>my face when you can't smash brothers in super smash brothers
>My face when you can't kill floors in Killing Floor
>>62665123...Mario and luigi?
>My face when Metal Gear isn't a sequel to Pretty Woman
>My face when Space never dies in Dead Space
>my face when you hunt monsters in Monster Hunter
>>62665022>my face when you have really small pockets
>my face when americans call 'throwing a tissy over squat diddly' a 'tantrum'
>My face when I can't rape or murder children without mods in Fallout 3
>My face when the Marvel and Capcom logos don't fight in Marvel v.s Capcom
>My face when Kirby never appeared on Entertainment Tonight
>My face when final fantasy isn't the final game
>my face when theres never a final Final Fantasy.
>My face when half of these are made by the same person, who hasn't actually thought them through.
>mfw you can't see the shadow of a colossi in Shadow of the colossus
>my face when you can't effect the masses in Mass Effect
>My face when I discover the secret character Street in SF2
>my face when john marston dies
>My face when someone posts ina "My face" thread without a picture
>>62665571>my face when you have no face
>my face when i read this thread
>>62665584>mfwI'd like to make this a /v/ standard.
>my face when super smash bros isn't a porn site
>My face when you do not have bad company in BFBC2
oh look, it's THIS thread again
>my face when you're not playing as an angel in Halo
>>62665588>my face when effect is used incorrectly
>>62665684>My face when you say that that's your face when someone in a "my face" thread without a face
>My face when I don't have a face
>My face when you can't team up with a fortress twice.
>>62666008>mfw you don't have a face
>My face when Red Dead Redemption isn't about a Soviet zombie trying for a new life as a humble man
My face when in red dead redemption. you cant kill redemption dead while red
>My face when Mega Man doesn't have the strength of a million men
>My face when you can't grow moons in Harvest Moon
>my face when Mel Gibson is not a playable character in Metal gear solid 4: guns of the patriots
>My face when you never wash dishes in The Dishwasher
>My face when my face is not actually a face at all, but is, in fact, a bear
>mfw suddenly /v/ uses a /sp/ term
>my face when a planet cannot be little and big at the same time
>My face when you don't actually nuke 'em in Duke Nukem
>My face when bios can't be shocked twice in Bioshock 2
>My face when maple story... okno
>>62666289>my face when faggot from /sp/ suddenly goes to /v/
>my face when no of you are really using your face
>my face when Lost Planet is not called Found Planet
>My face when Maple Story doesn't have any form of story
Why do /sp/ faggots think they invented >my faceIdiots
>my face when my face won't load
>my face when I don't know images bump threads
>>62666652Nice. You got me, you faggot.
>My face when Star Fox stars Fox McCloud
>>62665839>My face when you ARE in bad company because all of your teammates are fuckwits.
>>62666822God. Damnit.
My face when you dont Hawk Tonys in Tony Hawk
>My face when video ga- oh wait it is video games
>My face when it isn't perfectly dark in Perfect Dark
>my face when you can't craft stars in Starcraft