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06/05/10(Sat)23:19 No.61706XXX![Report this post](61706099_files/stop.png) ![To
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![205 KB](61706099_files/1275794346095s.jpg) Keanu Reeves has had a hard
>Father who is a heroin dealer
runs off on his family when he is three, and he has since severed all
ties with him. >Best friend, River
Phoenix, dies before they could make the bromantic moves they promised
they would make together. >Fiancee
gives birth to a stillborn daughter. >Unable
to cope, they split up. >She dies in
a car accident two years later. >Sister
contracts leukemia. Keanu spends millions of dollars to keep her alive. >It has gone on public record that he prefers
spending his birthdays alone.
And he very often feels sad.
>Falling in love and having a relationship are two
different things. >Grief changes
shape, but it never ends. >I believe
in love at first sight. You want that connection, and then you want some
problems. >I try not to think about
my life. I have no life. I need therapy. >I'm
Mickey Mouse. They don't know who's inside the suit. >I'm sorry my existence is not very noble or sublime. >It's fun to be hopelessly in love. It's dangerous,
but it's fun. >When the people you
love are gone, you're alone.
But it doesn't stop him from
doing nice things.
>Offered to take a
75% pay cut if it meant Al Pacino could be cast in The Devil's Advocate. >Offered to take a 90% pay cut if it meant Gene
Hackman could be cast in The Replacements. >Donated 50 of the 70 million dollars he made off of
the Matrix films to the costume and special effects teams. >Bought a Harley for every stuntman who worked on
the Matrix Reloaded >Donates most of
his money to charities for cancer research |