lets do dis
>lets do disagain and again and againSummer /v/ driving a potential classic into the ground
>>61561532>summer /v/get the fuck out
>>61561406cowards and not babies?
this meme is almost as good as the toy story comics.
>>61561839its not a meme
Someone do a Killing Floor one and do, "Dosh, dosh everywhere."
can someone explain the origin of this so i can decide if it's funny pls
>>61562222Toy Story
How I love this!
>>61562222original pic?
>>61561532>Something you don't like>Instantly summer /v/
>>61564002That's a good one.
No niggers, NIggers everywhere????/v/ im dissappoint
/r/ing "Junes Everywhere'" from that Persona thread yesterday.
Delicious hot SHMOES.
Needs more MSpaint-friendly, aliased template.
>>61565499 fucker beat me to it
Some one make a pokefags, poke fags everywhereand woody is a neckbeard from v
/r/ing Professor Layton "Riddles, riddles everywhere"
>>61565499I had this idea. But due to lack of artistic skill...Now someone make a bear talking to a cougar about kills."KillsKills Everywhere"
>>61565766You do it.
>>61565783ON IT
>>61561796>>61561406Not samefags, but fixed.
Just finished this one
>>61566175this, this is perfection
>>61566175change this to Heretics, and its officially the best one.
>>61566575chaning the "skulls" to herecits or changing the character to Krone herectics?
>>61566480Father Gregory! Thanks for the shotgun bro.
>>61566575Its a chaos marine, they don't care about heretics.
>>61566733>crimson fist sergeant>chaos marine
>>61566733>doesnt know about crimson fists
>>61566733Thats not a Chaos Marine you stupid git. That's a Crimson Fist. They are very loyal to the Imperial Throne.>>61566687Change the skulls to heretics.
>>61567367fucking burger tanks
I tried
My contribution
everyone looks weird as buzz lightyear
>>61568215Ryder sure got buff
>>61567910I loled so hard
>>61568256Fucking Crawlers.
Fairies! Fairies everywhere!
>>61568471how do they work
>>61568391learn to spell and it might have been funny
I'm always surprised when you do something creative and wonderful, /v/. Please, do continue.
>>61568256it should be dosh, dosh everywhere
>>61568339Should've made it"HARMONYHARMONY OH LOVE"
>>61568215best one
>>61568735Summer /v/ right here.
Archive mofuckas. http://4chanarchive.org/
If anybody wants to do a better job with the MSPaint editing, feel free to do so.
>>61569580this is actually kinda scary
just made this
>>61569829thanks for the reminder
if anyone knows this i'll be suprised
>>61569844>>61569844>>61569844>>61569844>>61569844>>61569844BEST ONE OF THE THREAD SO FAR!!
/r/ing a Grim Fandango one.TicketsTickets everywhere?
>>61570067oh god what
fuck this took me forever
is there is chris-chan variant?
>>61570196>>61570196your so right lol
Wish I was an artfag.No Metroids, Metroids everywhere, /v/?
>>61570409>>61570196>>61569844samefag and summer /v/go back to /b/
>>61570231it shows, good job there
I request both a Morrowind one with Cliffracers, and an Oblivion one with the Imperial Guards.
>>61570518>>61569008Both of you are idiots. The fact that this shit is even happening shows that this is "summer" /v/. Funny Meems.
Requesting one with both a /v/irgins dressing as Anonymous.
>>61570832No. We used to have these sort of threads all the time UNTIL summer.This pic was a template a long time ago.
>>61570049day of the tentacle
>>61570196>>61569844samefag summer /v/
how are you guys so good at this? i cant do shit inn paint
>>61571267spelling errors, spelling errors everywhere!
oh god, this shit is gold. This thread has made my day.
>>61571421use a tablet and don't just color fill in
>>61571267Hey is that your desktop?
Anyone want to fix this one? I suck at paint.
>>61571689God damn, I was going to do this.
>>61569844Epic shit*fix'd
>>61571612Fuckin saved
>>61569844I'm hoping this is anti-newfag satire. but i know better
I like how memes start by a bunch of people going "okay, i saw it earlier today so let's do it again".Then repeating for a week until no one can deny it a meme.
>>61571794Can you fix it up for me then? I can not fucking do paint.
>summer /v/>Implying it's summer yet>Implying there's a difference between after-school /v/ and summer /v/>Implying any of you have seen how good /v/ is in the morningI was browsing /v/ this morning and I saw it turn to shit before my very eyes as school began to get out on the east coast.
>>61572051autistics! autistics everywhere!
Marcus and Dom LOCUSTS EVERYWHERE, anyone?
>>61572294>implying you can grate cheese through nigger lips
>>61572455lolol xD
>>61571689It's because you used the jpg template and not the png template
>>61572603I know, but fuck doing it again.
>>61572725Cliffracers, Cliffracers everywhere*
/r/ing Hellfire, dark fire everywhere.
>>61572044Thread over.
>>61572294>implying there is any difference between normal /v/ and summer /v/
>>61571267>>fetichesoh, summer /v/....
>>61571421we use pirated photoshop