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  • File : 1274978675.jpg-(211 KB, 558x567, apb.jpg)
    211 KB Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)12:44 No.60576XXX  
    hey guys, just a friendly reminder that you can preorder APB on steam right now for 50 bucks. We are declaring bankruptcy in a few weeks so the more suck- er customers we can hook in these last few weeks the better off we are, I would rather not have to sell of this one apb model of one of the chicks, so please reserve now, its fun I sware.

    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)12:46 No.60576XXX
    im serious guyz :(
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)12:47 No.60576XXX
    If only there was a report button for terrible threads.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)12:47 No.60576XXX
    OP lies. I played the BETA. SA-MP is better.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)12:48 No.60576XXX
    but this is vidya related, I need help, I dont wanna loose my job
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)12:48 No.60576XXX
    wow you are fucking dense, this thread is clearly a satire.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)12:49 No.60576XXX
    this is now an apb hate thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)12:50 No.60576XXX
    please /v/ you are my last hope, everyone else has already canceled their preorders.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)12:54 No.60577XXX
    wahhhh its hopeless
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)12:58 No.60577XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)12:58 No.60577XXX
    >implying I didn't already know that
    >herpa derpa
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)12:59 No.60577XXX
    This game is going to bomb so fucking hard. God, it has so much potential too.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)12:59 No.60577XXX
    Nice backpedal.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:00 No.60577XXX
    ok OP here, you guys dont seem like playing along, so I leave you to your /b/ and go off to play some tf2

    cya all later
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:02 No.60577XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:03 No.60578XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:03 No.60578XXX
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    Hey guys I'm in the beta and this is actually how many people are playing the game for free.

    There were 14 people on a few hours ago.

    Peak at night is about 50 people.

    Also they invited over 6500 people throughout all the US phases.

    Delicious NDA breakan gaems.


    Hah, I actually made a wall of text comparison between the two in a forum thread on the beta forums.

    I got a final warning from one of the community reps for it and the thread was deleted.
    Oh and sorry for the .gif format, I hate jpeg artifacts mspaint produces and I'm too lazy to open photoshop.
    >> CAPS !!oGwqyz3nSyY 05/27/10(Thu)13:04 No.60578XXX
    >buy from steam
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:04 No.60578XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:04 No.60578XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:05 No.60578XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:05 No.60578XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:06 No.60578XXX
    where did this game go so wrong?

    it looked so promising back then.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:06 No.60578XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:06 No.60578XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:07 No.60578XXX
    Subscription fees. Pay per hour/day or whatever they had planned.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:07 No.60578XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:07 No.60578XXX
    Subscription model.
    Lack of things to actually do.
    Much more limited customization than first promised.
    >> JackBauer !oKMH7Ub0M2 05/27/10(Thu)13:07 No.60578XXX
    Oh yeah, this is the online GTA, no?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:07 No.60578XXX
    I got into the beta awhile back and I have yet to actually even attempt to log on when the servers were up.

    How is it?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:07 No.60578XXX
    >We are declaring bankruptcy

    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:07 No.60578XXX
    I like APB, every now and then i log in to play the beta. It's very fun
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:08 No.60578XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:09 No.60578XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:09 No.60578XXX
    >Much more limited customization than first promised.
    It still looks over the top to me
    how did they limit it?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:09 No.60578XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:10 No.60578XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:10 No.60578XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:11 No.60578XXX
    >hello kittie car
    That bitch be Ballin
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:11 No.60578XXX
    For starters.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:11 No.60578XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:11 No.60578XXX
    That doesn't explain anything on its own. Either be descriptive or get back under your bridge.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:12 No.60578XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:12 No.60578XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:13 No.60578XXX
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    - No location based damage, I shot you under a car in the foot a few times so now you're dead.
    - Regenerating Health
    - Horrible mission mechanics.. Press F to do everything (Lol I can run away in a car for 15 minutes and win this mission)
    - Tons of griefing opportunities... (You can blow up any car in the game used by any player by ramming it into a wall with a dumptruck, killing any players inside it)
    - Everyone using the AK-47 that has no recoil and can be fired accurately full auto at 70m ranged
    - No scopes on sniper rifles and a maximum draw distance of 100m
    - Upgrades that greatly benefited certain guns and not others (Everyone uses 1 of 2 weapons: the AK-47 or the 3 round burst burst fire H&K rifle that has the same range as the 50 cal barrett)
    - Horrible optimization
    - Driving controls are akin to a zamboni going 60+mph across an icerink

    I could go on forever but those are some of the major points.

    I've been playing in every US Beta phase.

    The only redeeming feature of the game is customization, arresting, and fucking around in the big sandbox that is each district.

    But that gets old, fast.

    It is hilarious to see Captain Planet, Ronald Mc Donald, Spiderman, and various other character fight crime and evade the law.

    That said I do like making my husbando and I'm tempted to buy the game just so I can enjoy the gimmick for a month before it totally dies out.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:13 No.60578XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)13:13 No.60578XXX
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