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  • File : 1274805505.jpg-(268 KB, 1678x1224, horrorgamefaces.jpg)
    268 KB Horror games Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:38 No.60340XXX  
    Here is a chart I made describing different types of people when they play horror games. I've noticed that developers received criticism for making games in this genre, and sometimes people that get scared while playing them are criticized as well.
    I will admit that it is difficult to scare everyone while also having top notch game play. The genre does seem to suffer from tank controls and unforgiving deaths.
    What I want to say is that 6-5 are much wimpier than 4-1. Even still, I don't think it is fair to mock someone for how easily scared they are. I'd imagine that some 0s even ridicule or laugh at those with phobias, such as the guest on the Maury Povich show that had an irrational fear of balloons.
    I know there are 0s on /v/, and some of them aren't trolls. You all disappoint me and I hope you change your minds. Personally, I'm a 4.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:39 No.60340XXX
         File1274805590.jpg-(1.1 MB, 1072x5000, scarygames.jpg)
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    Also, here is /v/'s list of scary games.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:40 No.60340XXX
    Oh Uboa you so crazy.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:40 No.60340XXX
    >>saya no uta
    i still bawwww every time i read the name.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:41 No.60340XXX
    Probably 3 or 4 myself
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:41 No.60340XXX
    I actually knew a 6. She gave me her copy of Resident Evil 2 because it gave her nightmares.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:42 No.60340XXX
    1 and/or 2, can't find any games that scare me.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:42 No.60340XXX
    I think I'm a 4.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:42 No.60340XXX
    2 and 3
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:43 No.60340XXX
    Usually 4
    Rarely 5 (Fucking SIlent Hill 2)
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:43 No.60340XXX
    I'm usually a 3 or 4

    depends on the game I can sometimes turn to a 6 drastically when worse comes to worse.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:43 No.60340XXX
    I'm definatly a 5, cant even play Doom 3
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:43 No.60340XXX
    the thing is not even listed

    get the fuck out with that list
    >> Someone !1LTek3FWf. 05/25/10(Tue)12:44 No.60341XXX
    4, but I enjoy playing horror games.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:44 No.60341XXX
    I don't really like Horror Games, mostly because I'm not very good at them.

    My friend was really scared of Dead Space's monster placement ("well the last few vents were safe so this should be fi-ARRRRG"), and although it made me jump a few times, it wasn't too scary. But I was useless at the combat. =|
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:44 No.60341XXX
    3-2 here.
    I'm happy with that.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:44 No.60341XXX
    I range between 2-4 depending on the game. Fatal Frame for instance, had me at 4. RE4 had me at 2.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:44 No.60341XXX
    Well 5 is everyone as a child. But after I played Ravenholm in hl2, which isn't even that scary, I mad emyself as jaded as I could. Although i haven't actually played an honest horror game in my life though.

    And the worst part is, I watched let's plays of Silent hill 1 - 3 before playing them. I hate myself.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:44 No.60341XXX
    it varies from game to game.

    Dead Space - 0
    Resident Evil - 1
    Silent Hill - 2
    Fatal Frame - 3
    Half-Life 2 Ravenholm 1st time - 5
    ^ 2nd and after - 2
    Fable 2 Terry Cotter's Army - 6

    Haven't really played many horror games...
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:44 No.60341XXX
    3-4 here. Dead Space put me into the 4 category.
    >> Tomo Takino !!6tvW13XpJ1K 05/25/10(Tue)12:45 No.60341XXX
    Goddamn Bobby.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:45 No.60341XXX
    The face of 2 with the description of 4.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:45 No.60341XXX
    I hate horror
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:45 No.60341XXX
    fantasy horror will never be scary.

    make me a game that focuses on fear in the real world such as building up emotions from phobias, or fear of losing a loved one.

    horror games ALWAYS ALWAYS resort to having some supernatural bullshit and/or impossibility that would never occur is real life which ruins any fear they might have been building.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:45 No.60341XXX
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    I'm horrorfied when I play this.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:45 No.60341XXX
    Because The Thing is shit, it's scary for the first 2 missions and then it turns into shit.
    >> !DRRDRRbk3Y 05/25/10(Tue)12:45 No.60341XXX
    There are too many different kinda of horror games. Survival horror like Penumbra and Action-Horror like FEAR are totally different.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:45 No.60341XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:46 No.60341XXX
    Usually a 1, can be coaxed into being a 2.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:46 No.60341XXX
    Oh shit the Thing isnt on there? That game was awesome. Shitty design though.

    Ever played Run Like Hell? That game scared me more than Resident Evil 4. BUT IT'S SO BAD IT MADE ME LAUGH.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:46 No.60341XXX
    Eversion put me at a 3 the first time I played it

    Subsequent runs have put me down to 1
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:46 No.60341XXX
    6/5 here feelsbadman.jpg
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:46 No.60341XXX
    Some movies have managed to scare me shitless, but I've never been scared whilst l played a game.

    Stalker and Doom 3 made me jump a few times, but so did Counter-Strike... getting jumpy isn't the same as fear.
    >> that emo faggot !!A0C8I9VUFlm 05/25/10(Tue)12:46 No.60341XXX
    I was a 5 on Penumbra for the first time, simply because my friend locked me in a room, turned all the lights off and made me wear headphones.

    Other than that, 3-2.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:46 No.60341XXX
    3 and 2 here, feels pretty good man
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:46 No.60341XXX
    I can find a game scary.

    But usually not "horror" games. Most of those don't even rival a Goosebumps novel in terms of writing.

    It's harsh, but it really is the premise for your situation that makes it scary. Not that the light flickers.
    >> Daemon !MqYjFZB9Sg 05/25/10(Tue)12:46 No.60341XXX
    Reasons not to get scared at games: you relise its just a game over
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:47 No.60341XXX
    thief is a scary game? i played one of them, it was just stealthy as far as i remember

    whats the lurk mod do in stalker?
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:47 No.60341XXX
    depends on the game but I would say on average I'm around 3.5 if I can do that
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:48 No.60341XXX
    3-4 I am
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:48 No.60341XXX
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    I was number 6 when playing Adventure Island so many years ago. It's not even a horror game. Pic related, the source of my childhood nightmares.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:48 No.60341XXX
    Something between 1 and 2. I don't get scared easily anymore because I've played so many horror games. I'll still jump a little every now and then though, but I never scream, drop the controller or pause the game or shit like that. I still love horror games by the way, it's just that most of them are too predictable today. But I'm more into psychological horror anyway, since I don't get scared easily, haunted-house "BOOO!!" style games like Dead Space don't do much for me.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:48 No.60341XXX
    I am 2, 3, and 4 depending on the games. Fatal Frame gives me the most fear, while Silent Hill gives me no fear at all, yet I just love the psychotic design.
    >> Eirin !TVeye6vAxs 05/25/10(Tue)12:48 No.60341XXX
    >getting scared at games
    They may make you jump at points but that doesn't have much to do with fear. If you're over 14 and still get scared of games/movies then you're a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:49 No.60341XXX

    It used to be 3 when I was younger, but after playing F.E.A.R. and the Silent Hill series for so long, nothing actually makes me jump, or scream, or react at all for that matter. Shit has just become too predictable for me in horror games.

    Shit actually sucks because I can't get hardly any enjoyment from survival/horrors. I wish I was still a giant pussy, then I could actually enjoy these games fully.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:49 No.60341XXX
    90% of horror games mistake "scary" with "startling".

    If a zombie suddenly jumps out of a door behind me, it's not scary. It may startle me when totally unexpected, but so would also a cat. And flashing disturbing pictures on the screen for a second at random points is definitely not scary. Right F.E.A.R?

    Also any game that gives you guns automatically disqualifies as a horror game.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:49 No.60341XXX
    i'm about a 3.25
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:49 No.60341XXX
    Number 3 to 2

    I fucking love horror games/
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:49 No.60341XXX
    I'm a 5. \;
    >> MalkavianJD !0zxTFQoGI2 05/25/10(Tue)12:49 No.60341XXX
    1 here.

    I only play Survival Horrors for the Survival part.

    Too bad there hasn't been a decent Survival Horror in the past 5 years. With shitty action games like RE4/5 & Dead Space calling themselves horror pretty much killed the genre.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:49 No.60341XXX
    Also I always play alone at night with 5.1 surround. If I play during daytime and without proper sound it completely ruins any horror experience for me.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:50 No.60341XXX
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    >> RiskyWoods !PLUAW1oTT. 05/25/10(Tue)12:50 No.60341XXX
    Typically a 5 and occasionally a 6 depending on the game. Talking about you Fatal Frame.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:50 No.60341XXX
    Id say I'm about a 3 but I enjoy a good scare and play horror games for fun so it can turn into a 4
    I don't think there could be a certain face categorized to a certain genre as all games have different horror levels
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:50 No.60341XXX

    I had trouble going through Ravenholm ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:50 No.60341XXX
    Between 3 and 4.

    I know I jumped on several occasions while playing Eversion, and that I was scared to do anything in Yume Nikki because everything creeped me out.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:50 No.60341XXX
    Fuck I mean 2-1.

    The close I've ever gotten to scared is Silent Hill 3's nurses... Their fucking breathing and music along with the shitty camera so you cant see where they are...
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:50 No.60341XXX
    I'm a 3, with the exception of Clock Tower which puts me at a 5.
    >> MalkavianJD !0zxTFQoGI2 05/25/10(Tue)12:50 No.60341XXX
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    If a sequel to Illbleed would ever happen i'm sure the genre would be revived again,too bad that's never going to happen.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:51 No.60341XXX
    Penumbra, nigger.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:51 No.60341XXX
    OP here. You're a 0. I think you're the faggot.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:51 No.60341XXX
    >majority acting tough, pretending to be 2-0

    yearight, you're all a bunch of pansies and you know it
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:51 No.60341XXX
    this is what you would call a survival horror if you have no gun
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:51 No.60341XXX
    Fable 2 Terry Cotter's army is the creepiest thing in video games history. it doesnt make you jump like a zombie bursting through a window unexpectedly, thats just shock, this is creepy
    >> The Destroyer of Elah !!BYDyM6cb+nS 05/25/10(Tue)12:52 No.60341XXX
    I'm a 4.
    >> MalkavianJD !0zxTFQoGI2 05/25/10(Tue)12:52 No.60341XXX

    Adventure != Horror
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:52 No.60341XXX
    Somewhere between 1, 2, and 3.
    >> !DRRDRRbk3Y 05/25/10(Tue)12:52 No.60341XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:52 No.60341XXX
    almost always a 2 but 4 when and if i can get really into it, and that's always the best
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:52 No.60341XXX
    2-4 here, depending on the game. I know one genuine full-blown 6 - he gets nightmares from zombie movies and even worse nightmares from horror games. Silent Hill is his eternal nemesis, and he flat out refuses to as much as watch someone play it - let alone play it himself.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:52 No.60341XXX
    Putting this into a scale is not exactly the best way of measuring it. I usually get really scared with some horror games, but instead of going nuts everytime I get a screamer I put on my fearless face, grind my teeth, and start rolling my controlled berserk mode until everything is dead, or until I've reached a safe spot.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:52 No.60341XXX
    I'd be a 3, probably, when with friends, and a 4 when not.

    Good chart, OP.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:52 No.60341XXX
    >>Adventure Horror

    fix'd you faggot.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:53 No.60341XXX
    Hellnight is the only truly scary game that I've played.

    Other games are just creepy and/or use the "BOO!" factor.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:53 No.60341XXX
    Go fuck yourself, RE4 was a damn good game.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:53 No.60341XXX
    I rember streaming Silent Hill 2 and 3. I was pissing myself laughing at the pussies in the chat. The knock in SH3 made them jump.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:53 No.60341XXX
    3-5 usually
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:53 No.60341XXX
    4-5 depending on the game. Usually 4 while playing, 5 later when thinking about it.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:53 No.60341XXX
    I can't be the only one who only plays horror games when there are other people in the same room, right?
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)12:53 No.60341XXX
    im a 0 with movies, a 2 with games

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