Is that okay with you, /v/?
>weeaboo shit all over the placeNo.
oh u lolnovidya threads
>queen of /v/ is /a/>personifying boardsthat shit is canceralso /x/ should be xtan, newfaggot
>>60323095>Weeaboo shit>4chan
Huh. I would have figured all the lonely virgins here would have made Tali their queen.
>queen of /b/ is not crackychani weep for the future
wtf is that image under /v/?why does it say /a/ under the image?
>>60323140>Personifying boards is cancer!>/x/ should be /x/-tan!
>my mind when i saw /v/
How about no.
>>603231424chan has never been for weeaboos.It has /a/ and /jp/ specifically for keep your kind away from the other visitors.
>>60323180because /a/ is /v/'s queen
Each board should have an SNSD member as their queen. /v/ gets Hyoyeon.:3
>>60323276>4chan has never been for weeaboos.>my face
>>60323142>implying this website has not undergone a fundamental change due to popularity that casts away most of it's weeaboo rootsAlso it's funny that your shitty Japanese secret club is dying. More than half of the boards on this website now have nothing to do with Japan or 2chan.And this website is only gonna become more and more mainstream and have less and less pathetic weeaboos like yourself.inb4 hurrr durrr look at the adverts look where u are faget!!
>>60323304You know you love it bitch
>implying the queen of /jp/ isn't the entire Touhou cast
>>60323327Holy fuck, that's probably the best remix of that dystonia video ever.
>>60323438The music is a remix of The Prodigy's track "Take me to the Hospital", dude.
>>60323512No idea who it isTHIS is /v/'s princess.Search your feelings, you know its true.
disagree queen of b is zoe kimball and queen of K is valdimir putin