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  • File : 1274615097.jpg-(130 KB, 933x700, 1270114809822.jpg)
    130 KB Survival-Horror: The Game Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)07:44 No.60083XXX  
    So /v/, in this thread we talk about what we are scared of/what we would like to see in a REAL survival-horror game.

    I remember a thread like this about 6 months ago, it was fantastic with great ideas. So hit this one up with ideas about what would freak you out like nothing else in a survival-horror game.

    My ideas:
    -Freak out during a huge bossfight and pause the game as the beast bears down on you.

    After a brief respite, you are shocked to hear that the in-game sounds have continued in the menu, and you hear your character screaming horribly as he/she gets ripped to shreds.

    Unpause the game in terror, and everything is the same as when you paused. Only now you forgot to use that healing item.

    -Turn down a hall way that dead ends with the words. "Don't turn around" written on the far wall. Moving closer to it, a hidden door slides open.

    As you move closer to it, you hear something start moving behind you.

    You [ideally] don't turn around and head for the new door. More twisting halls, all the while accompanied by your new found, ever louder and more troublesome sounding friend.

    Again, you reach another point with the warning, "Don't turn around". And another path opens up.
    Once you enter this one though,
    "RUN" is smeared in blood on the floor.

    You suddenly realized you can't hear anything.

    Oh, and if you turn around, nothing is there, but once you turn back, you are greeted with a swift and horrifying death at the hands of some gruesome creature.

    Also, the worst mistake a horror game can make is giving you and EFFECTIVE weapon

    A splinter from a picture frame, broken glass, a candlestick, all these give the character a sense of security, lulling him into a false sense of security.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)07:47 No.60083XXX

    i'd fucking shit bricks and never finish the game, and always go to bed with the tv and lights on after playing that game.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)07:49 No.60083XXX
    I like mindfucks in these games, like the Batman: AA's nightmare. YOu have no idea what to believe
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)07:51 No.60083XXX
    Damn, I love the whole idea of 'Don't turn around' - Gave me chills.

    I love games that play with your mind and use interesting effects. Like in Fear 2, I know its not scary, but the one part that caught me off guard is when i went to get armor from the corner of the room, and while turning back in the direction I came, Alma was standing right behind me giggling, then dissapearing again.

    Jesus, almost jumped out of my skin from unexpectedness.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)07:52 No.60083XXX
    Fuck OP, i love your idea
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)07:52 No.60083XXX
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    >all these give the character a sense of security, lulling him into a false sense of security.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)07:57 No.60083XXX
    thread needs to be bumped.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)07:58 No.60083XXX
    I'm terribly afraid of the ocean and sea monsters. But since I'm pretty afraid of it, I wouldn't want to play a game where I have to escape from sea monsters in an ocean
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:00 No.60084XXX

    I'm not afraid of the ocean in real life, but it always scares me in video games for some reason...

    Even the damn sharks in Crysis scared the hell out of me.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:01 No.60084XXX

    And the big eel from Super Mario 64
    >> anon 05/23/10(Sun)08:02 No.60084XXX
    can't think of anything to match OP
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:03 No.60084XXX

    i'm not particularly afraid of the ocean but, in games like Ratchet and Clank and Super Mario 64 drowning always scared the shit out of me.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:05 No.60084XXX
    We had a thread like this in /x/ once, it was a really good one. I'll post one of the ideas I can remember.

    You enter into a room and you hear the door close behind you, it's a dining room with no windows. There's a long table in the centre with a full spread layed out, all the chairs are filled by fully dressed mannequins. Besides that the room is empty/useless so you turn around and go to open the door but it's locked, you hear the shuffling of chairs and people scrambling out of their seats.
    Quickly you turn around and the mannequins have changed position, looking like they're coming towards you menacingly. Anyway to keep the story short you turn around to leave but it's still locked and they get closer and closer each time until they're right up close and at that point the door unlocks and you can get out.

    That's all I can remember from the thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:06 No.60084XXX
    I want to see a completley silent foe, something that you don't know is right behind you, something that forces you to check your surroundings, and something that comes out of mirrors too, idealty the final fight with it takes places in a hall of mirrors where you must use the mirrors against it.

    Also I was to see more mind fuckery like the ice statues from Bisoshock.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:06 No.60084XXX
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    Sounds like a good idea. Penumbra scared the shit out of me. You can't hurt the enemies in Black Plague. You have to run.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:06 No.60084XXX
    I've never paused a game during an intense part just for a break. I only pause because the phone rang/other real-life distraction forces me to leave in the middle of the action. So that first idea wouldn't work for me at all.

    Also, I don't care how many awesome ideas your dream horror game has, combat better be in it. Absolutely no combat is like a dead rat on a pizza. Everything else could be absolutely perfect, but that one flaw is enough to ruin the whole thing regardless. Always running is just annoying, it limits game design, and quits being scary with repetition just like anything else. A good horror game makes you, the player chose when to fight and run. And in order to have a choice, combat must be in there in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:07 No.60084XXX

    So basically the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who but mannequins and not deadly?
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:07 No.60084XXX
    The mirror room from SH3.
    That room was a stroke of genius.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:08 No.60084XXX

    Quite similar yes.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:08 No.60084XXX

    Fuck me that would be terrifying, though I've got to think that in a game, it might just be annoying. I mean, the first time you turn around to open the door, and see them get closer, you just wouldn't want to turn around, common sense would have you just stare at them. I'd think a more passable game oriented approach would be like the 'Jill Sandwich' scene from RE1, this is an unwinnable situation you're forced to watch in terror until you're unexpectedly let out/rescued. That way you're scaring your player actively, not frustrating them with a situation that requires them to do the blatantly wrong thing.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:08 No.60084XXX
    >your move your character slowly forward
    >hear second pair of footsteps
    >stop, they stop
    >hear faint laughter
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:08 No.60084XXX

    You guys in /x/ are thieves!
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:09 No.60084XXX
    Kinda like silent hill 2 where you're walking through the forest.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:09 No.60084XXX
    I want to see a game like Nightmare On Elm Street, with dream worlds and shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:09 No.60084XXX
    whales with nothing separating you from them, or just one since they're fucking massive
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:10 No.60084XXX
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    >A splinter from a picture frame, broken glass, a candlestick, all these give the character a sense of security, lulling him into a false sense of security.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:10 No.60084XXX
    Posted this in a "Your Silent Hill" thread.
    I feel it's slightly relevant here.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:11 No.60084XXX
    Annnd.. forgot to ctrl+v.
    Creatures joined back to back, one a female the other a faceless male figure.
    Another creature with a head made of hands which constantly move and twitch, the fingers form a shape that looks similar to a face, normal, blank human body, no real features, no nipples, no genitals.
    The only weapon is a kitchen knife.
    The final boss would be a giant flower with a woman's torso growing in the center, breasts but no nipples. Long, claw-like fingernails used for slashing. An arm sits upon her neck, with two eyes embedded into her palm.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:12 No.60084XXX

    Good point, I guess it would still be pretty shit-your-pants if you hear the noises, turn around, and they're all charging at your arse. Or maybe they should be moving slowly after getting up for a greater sense of tension... Just an idea anyway.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:13 No.60084XXX
    Someone just watched Pans Labyrinth.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:16 No.60084XXX

    Huh... I haven't seen that before, but that works pretty well. Either way mannequins are fucking creepy.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:16 No.60084XXX
    >Again, you reach another point with the warning, "Don't turn around". And another path opens up.
    >Once you enter this one though,
    >"RUN" is smeared in blood on the floor.

    >You suddenly realized you can't hear anything.



    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:16 No.60084XXX

    >> anon 05/23/10(Sun)08:16 No.60084XXX
    "Alright, alright, so i finally decieded to buy some games that I never ever played, condemned 1 and condemned 2. My usuall games are modern warefares, halos, splintercells, maddens, ufcs, and every other sport games. I am halfway through the 1st condemned, and let me tell u.....Holy charts!!! Freaks the chit out of me when im all alone at night!!! Trust me, Im not no skinny lil panzy either." I love youtube comments.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:16 No.60084XXX
    This but where you see something at the end of the hall just before the lights turn out.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:17 No.60084XXX
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    That sounds thoroughly shit..
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:19 No.60085XXX
    You are running down a corridor, away from something you know is un-fightable. You run and run, but seem to be getting slower, until you are running on the spot. The camera rotates to behind you to show the monster (with huge claws) make a swipe at you, as soon as it connects, the monster is back at the other end of the corridor, still barreling towards you, and you get your speed back.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:21 No.60085XXX

    Nah, people would just think it was multiplayer-style lag (even though its single player)
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:21 No.60085XXX

    That would be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:22 No.60085XXX
    This but make it look like you died (better in 3rd person but works in 1st person too)
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:22 No.60085XXX
    Quick bit of monologue text, just something like "I'm slowing down?".
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:22 No.60085XXX
    Honestly the scariest game I could possible play would be a realistic ocean free roam. Maybe you play as a diver lost from his boat and diving party and you can explore depths that divers wouldn't normally be able to dive to. If you just swam around and animals did their thing, and you just had to take pictures and shit it would scare the shit out of me. You'd just be swimming along and suddenly the ocean floor drops off into the abyss. Even in a game I'd be too afraid to swim out over the drop off.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:23 No.60085XXX
    There really needs to be more Eternal Darkness style games. Something that seems like it'd fit in rather well is an enemy that only attacks from the corners of the screen and if it happens to be onscreen for any reason has the game start to show visual distortion on top of it.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:24 No.60085XXX
    My idea would be to mess with people's expectations :
    - you would be given a big fucking shotgun, but you wouldn't find out it's broken until you actually need it.
    - you know, in the RE series, there's always scares that can be expected, like the dog jumping out of the window when you go near it. Well, you woul see the window from miles away, you would hear the dogs growling outside, so you would aim at the window, walk carefully towards it, and then bam ! nothing happens. And the next time you pass through that corridor, three dogs jumps you.
    - The safe zone just isn't safe. Or the save system suddenly doesn't work. Or you get attacked while solving a puzzle. Anything that would make the player think "the devs are a bunch of fuckers".
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:24 No.60085XXX
    How about a tiny, baby-like enemy that totters towards you slowly, giggling (but with enough aesthetic tweaks that its clearly an 'enemy' not just a random baby). If you don't shoot it, you can just walk past it, but as it gets closer players would probably reflexively shoot it, whereupon it growls in a massively deep, guttural sound, suddenly becomes hugely muscled, random limbs growing to huge sizes, not all at the same time, and it grabs you and screams horribly in your face before tearing you in half. It would only appear once in the playthrough.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:26 No.60085XXX
    Good horror games need good monster design. Good monster design, to me, means not just relying on cheap gore and grossness. There are so many ways to be disturbing other than shambling piles of guts with giant stitches and random bone spikes. And those other ways are more long-term effective too.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:26 No.60085XXX

    Yeah, well, maybe not that blatant, maybe "Wh-what's happening? My legs..."
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:26 No.60085XXX
    Thats some MGS/Eternal Darkness style trolling there!
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:27 No.60085XXX
    I only just started playing Dead Space the other day, that part at the beginning where you have no weapon and you run to the elevator scared the shit out of me. I had no way to defend myself and I though I was safe once the doors closed. Then the monster rips the doors open and I had nowhere to run. That is scary
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:28 No.60085XXX
    The most terrifying nightmare I ever remember having I had a few years ago. It was one of my relatives that had been visiting our house for a while, except they had a blank face. When I mistakenly walked into the same room as them they slit a bloody mouth and violently cut holes into their head with a small knife, there was lots of blood.

    I later came to think that that might make a cool monster for a horror game.
    >> Brotagonist !kwppukNwfI 05/23/10(Sun)08:28 No.60085XXX
    How about you make the character trip balls and fight himself. Injuries and all. He'd swing a bat at the clones legs and CRACK his shins would be out. Then he'd snap out of it and he'd be a paraplegic.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:28 No.60085XXX

    Was just about to post it, actually shocked no one else said it before.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:29 No.60085XXX
    I'm designing my own survival horror game, based on that pressure thread from like a year or so ago (slowpoke I know). The main horror elements I am using are isolation and helplessness, along with creepy monster designs rather than gory fucked up shit.

    No npcs, or npcs that die really quickly. I feel games with even just a voice to accompany you aren't scary because you always know there is someone else there with you. I think it would be far more scary if you know you are completely alone in whatever environment you are in. You have to do everything yourself, no one is going to save you from the baddies.

    Very few weapons or none at all. Horror games that end up giving you shotguns, assault rifles, miniguns, rocket launchers etc. aren't very scary. If you have the means to level a city, why would you be scared of some demonic dog or spider or something? You could argue that placing monsters in the game that take a lot of damage to kill would make the guns seem weaker, but then you're just changing the direction and feel of the game.

    Monsters that not only look scary but sound scary and move scary. Silent hill has some good enemy designs, but I have only played SH3 and most of the monsters are hard to make out anyway so I was left feeling more confused than horrified. Most other horror games I have played are all about gore and stuff like that. I think it would be better to have some oddly designed monsters that move unnaturally (in a creepy way not a laughable, fucked up ragdoll way) and make creepy sounds rather than lumps of bloody flesh running after you screaming generic screams. Move away from bipedal humanoids would make enemies even creepier, but it's hard to design stuff like that.

    I'm also trying to put stuff related to reflections in my design, but I'm not sure how to implement it. I think it could make for some creepy situations if done right, but I need to think more on it.
    >> Snowman !!vAI079SjMa7 05/23/10(Sun)08:29 No.60085XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:30 No.60085XXX

    See, I like the one where the dogs don't jump through the window the first time, or the second time, or however many times, just a random later thing, but the others are really just annoying. In a horror game you're trying to elicit fear, not annoyance, and it's a fine line. Once you start annoying the player, most of the fear they feel is gone.


    I like this, a one of enemy. Reminds me of something someone mentioned in a thread like this quite a while ago, a monster that you first meet when you have no ability to fight, and it pops out right next to you, clearly in range to attack, but just doesn't. Rather, this specific monster pops out every now and then, and seems to like you, and has no hostile intent. That sort of set up can go many, many ways, such as the monster simply killing you in a horribly brutal manner if you try to attack, simply dying pitifully, or running away wailing, never to be seen again. Or if it just attacks you out of the blue at one point after you've built up a level of 'trust' for the thing.
    >> Brotagonist !kwppukNwfI 05/23/10(Sun)08:30 No.60085XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:30 No.60085XXX

    There is a part like that in condemned actually, you see a few mannequins standing in a room and whenever you turn around they are closer to you.

    Original idea indeed.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:31 No.60085XXX
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    OP here, some more I thought about:

    -This one isn't mine, but awesome:
    One type of enemy that has two huge claws and a mouth FULL of pointy teeth.

    All it does is advance slowly towards you crying stuff like "Please... just leave me alone" "No.... don't come any closer" "w... what ARE you, pp...please, don't hurt me" With really humanlike voices. And if it reaches you, you die.

    Later on in the game you'll see the first human you've seen the entire game through a window. You talk through the intercom and all of a sudden the door flies open. In stumbles one of those creatures. As it makes its way towards your new friend he backs into a corner going "Oh GODDD NOOOO I don't want to DIEEEE" it reaches him, and eats him whole. The creature then turns towards the window, looks at you and goes "Oh GODDD NOOOO I don't want to DIEEEE".

    - In a severely mindfuck game where you have no firearms as weapons at all, near the end of the game you should find a handgun, if you inspect it the game should ask "Use the handgun?" If you say yes, cut to 3rd person of the player picking the gun up, cocking it, putting it to his head and BANG, game over.
    Obviously this would be after a really tragic event or when the protagonist would be severely depressed or lost for hope.

    How about this: You can't KILL the enemies, but you can damage them enough to run away (paralyze them/cripple them). Obviously, they'd require different tactics for different enemies (some are weak to light, some get enraged by it, some need to get whacked with a pole, some need to be sprayed with a fire extinguisher etc.) The environment is your weapon.

    For bosses: You can't "fight" them, and you can only damage them when you lure them into specially set up trap scenarios throughout the game.
    If you encounter the boss for another time, the same trick obviously wouldn't work anymore...

    Damaging it only enrages the fucker.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:32 No.60085XXX
    I would like to see a game where you are pretty much the doomguy, only the enemies are SO FUCKING MONSTROUS that you still feel weak and scared.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:33 No.60085XXX
    Clive Barker's Undying had some cool shit in it. For example one of your powers allowed you to see 'otherworldy' stuff in your surrounding environment. I was investigating a room and it had a painting on the wall of a woman and 2 dogs, while looking at it I heard whispering. So, I flicked on my power and BAM the woman turns into a scary fucking demon woman with 2 hell-hounds. I think it happened with a few other paintings too.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:34 No.60085XXX
    You walk down a long corridor. Rows and rows of doors on each side.

    None of the doors are locked, but each door is fake. Each door only opens up to a brick wall.

    I don't know why but that thought just creeps me out. Maybe put a cryptic symbol on every other door.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:36 No.60085XXX
    Undying was scary when I played it. Something about the environments really creeped me out. And the bosses, they were scary too (except for the last one which was just a big blob of random shit).
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:36 No.60085XXX
    >In a building
    >Talk to NPC
    >Finish conversation, turn around
    >Suddenly hear same NPC voice from upstairs
    >Turn around
    >NPC is standing right there
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:36 No.60085XXX
    Even better when you reach the end an enemy comes out of one of the doors. That would scare the shit outta me.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:36 No.60085XXX
    Something like this?:

    A monster with closed eyes, no arms and wrinkly leathery skin. It doesn't do anything and it's completely different from all the other monsters you encounter, it's the only one that doesn't attack you. All it does is follow you and it seems to cherish your attention. You see it every so often in a room full of monsters just sitting in the corner.

    You know it's the same monster every time you see it because it smiles (not creepily) when you're near, as if it's genuinely happy to know you're there. During the course of the game, the monster gets less and less responsive to your presence until the point where it doesn't react to you at all, it just sits and "stares" blankly into a mirror with it's eyes closed.

    The reflection in the mirror shows a beautiful creature with glorious wings, colourful and happy looking. As you get closer to the mirror the beautiful creature in the mirror looks more and more depressed. You hear crying behind you. As you turn around the monsters eyes are wide open, staring at the mirror. The monster doesn't do anything. It just stands there and cries. It moves close up to the mirror and it cries, and it cries, and it cries, and there isn't a single thing you can do about it.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:37 No.60085XXX
    lol dude...
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:37 No.60085XXX
    No monologue, that's just gay. if you're getting chased you wouldn't blatantly say "my legs are not working"
    it would work better if the screen went extremely motion blurred and the mouse sensitivity was dulled down a lot.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:38 No.60086XXX
    That first one is really creepy. Just let them exist for most of the game as just an additional source of creepiness and then reveal they're repeating the last thing the people they killed had said. Maybe make the head of it roll as though the neck is broken up until it gets up to you.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:38 No.60086XXX
    A game where you see a fat black guy raping a dog on a table.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:39 No.60086XXX
    The enemies in Silent Hill: Shattered Memories do something like that. You run towards the door then BAM ! An enemy peeks out from them and grabs you. Too bad that's probably the only scary thing in Shattered Memories.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:40 No.60086XXX
    That isn't really scary by itself due to the fact that lots of games these days use very few voice actors. Maybe in a game that is scary as fuck it would add to it, but reading it here seems like you meant to post in an oblivion thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:40 No.60086XXX
    >Walk down a dark hallway
    >Turn on flashlight
    >In the distance, you hear a cracking, throaty sound
    >You flashlight picks up glowing eyes, like cat eyes
    >Like a flash, it goes away
    >You keep on walking
    >When you finally make a tiny noise which is louder than your footsteps, you hear running
    >You have to run
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:40 No.60086XXX
    good thing its 1 in the sunny afternoon here
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:40 No.60086XXX
    I'd personally like a Horror styled version of Psychonauts, so without the cartoon graphics and cheerful wacky themes. You'd still be entering different peoples mind though, that way you can create entirely different levels in the game without having to worry about it ''not making sense''.

    Think about it, shit would be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:41 No.60086XXX
    this man is allah, the great prophet.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:41 No.60086XXX
    Yeah but he was saying when you open the door its a wall but an enemy comes outta one. Is that how it is in Shattered Memories?
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:41 No.60086XXX
    Or a cave, that sounds a lot like The Descent.
    Which in all fairness, would make a very good horror game.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:42 No.60086XXX

    I know, it really has to be done right, meaning that the NPC should have a very distinctive voice.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:42 No.60086XXX
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    Also, you see him doing it through a winow, after a few seconds he notices you. He stares... just fucking stares at you while thrusting...

    That would be terrifying.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:43 No.60086XXX
    i think i just pooped a little
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:43 No.60086XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:43 No.60086XXX
    If I saw that in a game I'd laugh about as hard as I am laughing now from reading this.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:43 No.60086XXX

    Yep, that's the one I was thinking of, but the concept can be taken different ways, like I said. I definitely enjoy the original best, but I think giving the player the freedom to attack the thing would be good too.

    I like the mind controllers from STALKER myself, allow the player to meet other NPCs occasionally, then at one point just have them start convulsing and attacking you like mannequins, perhaps while they can still think and talk by themselves, and be incredibly confused. Would be interesting to be forced to kill a friendly NPC while he watches you, completely unable to stop himself from hamfistedly trying to kill you.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:44 No.60086XXX
    Not really. There aren't any mindfucks in Shattered Memories. It just sometimes happens during the chase scenes when you go through a door. Compared to other SH games it's very, very timid.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:44 No.60086XXX
    >Horror game
    >Fighting demons
    >Some guy on radio tells you to kill the demon
    >You tell him you already have
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:44 No.60086XXX
    Cheesy much?
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:45 No.60086XXX
    And then John was a zombie
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:45 No.60086XXX
    You're hiding as you wait for a monster to pass by. You can hear it shuffling slowly. You make a small noise, and the shuffling stops. Then it starts running towards you.

    It probably doesn't sound that creepy when I explain it.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:45 No.60086XXX

    It was a very lame joke, but are you honestly saying you don't get it?
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:45 No.60086XXX
    Good point, monologue would have only been necessary if playtesters mistook the slowing down as "lag" as a previous poster suggested.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:46 No.60086XXX

    herp derp old copy pasta
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:46 No.60086XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:46 No.60086XXX
    Hey there Summer /v/
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:46 No.60086XXX

    Been here all summer haven't you?
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:46 No.60086XXX
    Don't know if anyone played The Thing but it was pretty scary. You had AI comrades that were needed for specific tasks, medic engineer etc. Whenever you fought monsters you comrades could freak out and you had to maintain their trust. Also, at any point your bros could transfrom into monsters and attack you
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:46 No.60086XXX
    How about this?

    You have a buddy in this horror game who communicates with you over a radio. For about 1/3 of the game, he tells you where to go, what to do, and so on. However, at the 2/3 mark, he tells you to go into a room that should have some ammo in it. However, when you go in, there should be three monsters coming to attack you.

    It turns out a monster is able to copy your friend's voice exactly. Over the next couple of hours, this monster will give you bad advice while your friend trys to keep you alive. It'll be a mindfuck, because you won't know who to trust even in really frantic situations. Only until you kill the monster will the voice stop.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:46 No.60086XXX
    And the character would start breathing heavily, something like in Penumbra.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:47 No.60086XXX
    >Walk down a hallway
    >You hear groaning
    >You keep walking unfazed
    >Suddenly, all noise stops.
    >Your character mumbles to himself and keeps waking
    >All of a sudden, you hear a faint roar
    >Your character turns around and flicks on his flashlight
    >Its a bear
    >You start to run
    >The bear is faster
    >It catches up to you
    >Licks you
    >Because you are a bear
    >You then join the bear and catch salmon.

    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:47 No.60086XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:48 No.60086XXX
    >The safe zone just isn't safe. Or the save system suddenly doesn't work. Or you get attacked while solving a puzzle. Anything that would make the player think "the devs are a bunch of fuckers".
    that would just be annoying and buggy and make it a shit game rather than scary.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:48 No.60086XXX
    Needs a little work, but could be good.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:48 No.60086XXX
    Okay, this is my first one but jamming and/or non-functional guns is always a favourite. I had this idea that somewhere in the story you accidentally get your ammo wet and even after sorting out the completely ruined bullets you have no idea if the ones you load your pistol with will be duds or not.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:48 No.60086XXX
    >Small corridor
    >Flickering lights
    >Door at the end
    >Open the door
    >Get on the floor
    >Walk the dinosaur
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:50 No.60086XXX
    Shat brix
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:50 No.60086XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:50 No.60086XXX
    i would never be able to sleep after that.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:51 No.60086XXX

    Okay what the fuck is with the fanbase of Marimite? It's a shojo, there's no reason to keep drawing semi-lesbian Christian high school students in horror style. Or action style, or... anything, fuck. FUCKING MIRRORS MAN, HOW DO THEY WORK?
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:52 No.60086XXX
    I like the parts in Dead Space where you are going down a corridor and illuminated from behind and you suddenly see a shadow pass behind you but when you turn around theres nothing there.

    Also, distant sounds of screams and mutilation are always good
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:52 No.60086XXX
    That's not really scary, just sad.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:52 No.60086XXX
    A spin on this could be that at that point you go into the room and the radio goes on the fritz, your partner's voice breaking through the static occasionally. After a while, it cuts out. Then, an hour or two later it comes back on with another person speaking to you. They act just like the first guy, just completely different voice.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:53 No.60086XXX
    Easy mode mind fucking would be if the devs let a small .exe running in the background after you quit the game, popping up with a cheesy demon picture whenever it's between 0.00 and 4.00 PM.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:53 No.60086XXX
    They have screams and mutilation sounds in WoW.
    Is WoW scary?
    Oh lawdy lawd, NO.

    But I like the Dead Space thing.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:54 No.60086XXX
    I always hate to climb ladders in games after that traumatizing experience in F.E.A.R. 1
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:55 No.60087XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:55 No.60087XXX
    >Enemies that are chasing you but you cannot hurt them

    I'm looking at you, Black Plague.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:56 No.60087XXX
    Now that is a good idea.

    Cheap, gimmicky and good. No need for explanations.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:57 No.60087XXX
    You have to hide from an enemy in a space where you can sort-of see it, and it can't see you.

    You hear it walk, sniff and claw around the room, looking for you. Eventually, you see it walk out of the room and it's footfalls slowly fade. Just after the sounds cease, you hear rapid footsteps getting louder and louder heading to your hiding spot. With thumping and scraping, a friendly NPC pulls you out of your hole.

    After a short conversation, he shows you through a door you haven't been through.
    If you head through the door normally, you hear the door shut softly followed by muffled screams.
    If you head backwards through the door, the NPC waves to you before he screams and points behind you. You turn around, there's nothing there. Turn back, it's the monster you just hid from.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:57 No.60087XXX
    I was very, very disappointed with Bayonetta. I liked the combat, that was good.
    But the story had so much potential for a scary game!
    They could have put so much mind fucks in it, and things that make you jump.

    But alas, they didn't. So i sit here, and weep.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:58 No.60087XXX
    Brought tears to my eyes, honestly
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:58 No.60087XXX
    Scariest moment of a video game for me is the end of the first Penumbra game.

    Those of you who haven't played it yet look away now, because I don't know how to use spoiler tags.

    You come into a long, well-lit hallway. At the end you see a human figure, swaying ever so slightly. I looked around the place, tried to crack open vents, tried to go back. I took a few steps forward and one by one the lights go out. I carry on down the hallway reluctantly, still trying to open any vents I can reach. But the only choice I had was to go down the hallway, in pitch black, towards the figure I saw earlier.
    I was actually frightened. I turned away from the screen and watched through squinted eyes. That feeling of being forced into danger and having no choice but to advance towards it was genius.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:58 No.60087XXX
    How about a game where for the first half there is no contact with anyone. At all. You never see anyone else, no-one ever speaks. Then, you go through an incredibly scary building, and end up being chased down a corridor by an invisible, but terrifying-sounding monster. You round a corner and see another guy at the end of the corridor killing one of the weaker-level monsters in the game. Now after a game of no contact and when you're being chased and this guy seems legit, you sprint towards him, the sounds getting louder and louder behind you. Suddenly, just before you get to him, he turns around and notices you, apparently having been oblivious to all the noises. The sounds stop. He stares, his face turning to an expression of pure terror, and then he slowly turns to stone or solid, upright ash or ice or something. His 'body' then starts shaking and shaking (you can't move, by the way), and eventually explodes, but quietly. The player can then move, but the game won't tell them. When they next take a step forward, they will suddenly hear a man's voice screaming "RUN!" very loudly, and the noises will come back. And you have to keep on running.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:58 No.60087XXX
    >Walk into giant room.
    >One single hanging light illuminates a small tv.
    >As you get closer the tv flickers on.
    >Only static.
    >You realize there is a PS3 hooked up to the tv.
    >You hear a lever pulled.
    >A controller is slowly lowered from the darkness above you.
    >The static on the tv ends and words appear on the screen.
    >To Live You Must Play The PS3.
    >But there is no way you can live because.
    >PS3 has no games.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:58 No.60087XXX
    Well, I've always wante a surival horror about evil living dolls. Really, to this day, I still find them incredibly creepy.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)08:59 No.60087XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:00 No.60087XXX
    can I just shoot it? sounds kinda dumb
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:00 No.60087XXX

    >because I don't know how to use spoiler tags.

    [.spoiler] text [./spoiler]

    without the ''.'' obviously.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:01 No.60087XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:01 No.60087XXX

    While there is a helpful person on /v/ anyway, how do you remove the XXX's after each post?
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:03 No.60087XXX

    http://userscripts. org/scripts/show/43268
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:03 No.60087XXX
    >Scariest moment of a video game for me is the end of the first Penumbra game.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:03 No.60087XXX
    Saya no Uta would make a good horror game with a little workover.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:04 No.60087XXX
    So, kinda like Boku no Pico, right?
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:04 No.60087XXX
    Monsters that don't have sound queues when they stalk you - you know, like IRL. Add in plenty of ambient sounds like rustling vegetation, blowing wind, faint murmurs from unknown sources but no music - like Undying.

    For me, sound is the key to making a game's atmosphere truly amazing.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:05 No.60087XXX
    The whole 'don't turn around' thing inspired me to write a short story and I've been dry for nearly a year now. Thanks for that, OP! In regards to the thread, maybe something added to that...

    >Walk a narrow corridor
    >Only light is from your flashlight/torch/etc.
    >Deep in the dark ahead you see slight movement constantly every time you move
    >Looking back, you see an empty space that feels the need to devour your very soul and existence should you look any longer
    >The threat feels closer behind you so you run
    >Something scrawled on the wall as you pass
    >"Don't turn around"
    >You run faster, intent on making it to end of this seemingly endless corridor
    >Deep groaning, like a giant house settling in its foundation, creep up from the darkness behind you
    >You can feel the intense vibrations of the air around you
    >You run as fast as you can now
    >"Don't turn around" is scrawled more frequently until it's covering the walls
    >The words mesh into a dark color, resembling the darkness behind
    >Another bit of movement ahead
    >Get closer with the chilling haunt at your heels now
    >It's a mirror
    >"Don't turn around" is written in blood as black as the walls on it
    >In the mirror you see yourself and the darkness moving in those last...few...feet...
    >You wake up
    >Your character was only having a dream...for now.

    Then you can play the title sequence or whatever. It'd be a nice start to a game just to get hose juices pumping, I think.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:05 No.60087XXX
    >See creature under bedsheets.

    >Creature hears your footstep.

    >Gets up quickly and attack you.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:05 No.60087XXX
    I like that, you'd have the same guy telling you to do two different things, would be scary if the two voices were unaware of each other so you had no idea what was going on
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:06 No.60087XXX
    At a random point when you aren't expecting it, the sound suddenly glitches the fuck out.

    This happened (unintentionally) to me when I was playing Silent Hill SM. I put away my phone and SUDDENLY STATIC EVERYWHERE BEEPS CLICKS MONSTER SCREAMS and this horrible fucking BZZZZZZZzzzzZZzZz in the background. All of it incredibly loud. I shat a million bricks.

    So yeah
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:07 No.60087XXX

    Thanks, works like a charm.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:08 No.60087XXX
    I shat myself
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:08 No.60087XXX
    Sounds shit. Overdone and melodramatic, bro.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:09 No.60087XXX
    how about a gun thats effective against enemies up until a certain point where you meet a new kind of monster. Everytime you shoot it it disappears and immediately reappears, like it's dodging the bullets
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:09 No.60087XXX

    >It was all a dream.

    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:10 No.60087XXX
    Go for making a better one. I'm all for it. Just trying to contribute. I'm more partial to actually making a story with things like that and working in nicely instead of just making a snippet.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:10 No.60087XXX
    I was thinking of ways to incorporate a closing your eyes mechanic into a survival horror with the only way to get past enemies being to block them out of your head.

    Then put this with a kind of alternate world in some areas where if you close your eyes you just see another plane of where you are
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:11 No.60087XXX

    Terry Pratchett's 'The Wee Free Men' had something like that, when they went to the Underworld they could only see these 'Scribble' monsters when they closed their eyes.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:11 No.60087XXX
    Monsters that run away if you hurt them.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:12 No.60087XXX
    This would be a really cool opening for a game.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:12 No.60087XXX
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    You enter a hallway, at the end of which you see a beautiful woman enter a brightly lit dining room, before the door swings shut behind her. You follow her into the room, only to find it ancient and dilapadated, with all the furniture covered in dusty sheets. You try to leave, but the door is rusted shut.
    You slowly become aware of a faint sobbing coming from somewhere in the room. One by one, you pull the sheets off the furniture in an attempt to locate the source of the wailing. Upon removing the last sheet, there's a flash of light and you find yourself in the brightly lit room. The woman sits at the piano, her back to you. You slowly approach her and gently turn her to face you.
    Her face is completely blank. Suddenly, she grabs you with a vice like grip and you're unable to break free. A gaping, fanged mouth appears on her face, growing impossibly large and a howling wail emerges. She pushes her face closer and closer to yours. The horror overcomes you, you desperately try to break free but to no avail, and as she is almost touching you, you begin to cry. You sob and shake, a shell of what you once were. You are completely broken. The mouth curls into a sneer and the woman releases you, upon which the room returns to the abandoned state and the door clicks open.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:13 No.60087XXX
    You wake up in a nice, little town. The sun shines, the grass is green and shit, but there are no people there. You can even go and search every house, but you won't find anything. There's only one NPC in front of the church. He looks friendly, but when you talk to him he can only let out agonized screams. It's not like he looks any different or is aware that it sounds like that for you. He then gives you a key to the church and just falls down. Well, I'd be scared.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:13 No.60087XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:13 No.60088XXX
    Dead Space first mission... I jumped my chair and awesome sounds. The lights gone, shadow games... And it has a really freaky boss too(the regenerator I call it)
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:13 No.60088XXX
    X-Com survival horror fps
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:13 No.60088XXX
    Nah, thinking of heading to bed. Feeling a bit shit, I am. Anyway, the faggy "sucking in your soul" shit is what really ruined it. Let a scene support itself, you shouldn't have to tell people how they should feel. Also, no game would get that kind of thing across.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:15 No.60088XXX

    You mean like the recent Alone in the Dark?

    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:15 No.60088XXX

    Lets not get carried away here, we are still talking about a videogame here and not a movie.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:16 No.60088XXX
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    all survival horrors should have that one unbeatable guy that chases you and has some distinct fuck off scary sound when they appear

    pic unrelated but enjoy not sleeping
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:16 No.60088XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:17 No.60088XXX

    A closing your eyes mechanic would be difficult, as when we close our eyes, we navigate by touch. Considering there's no force feedback in games, this would be impossible, and blocking out sight would make you much worse than blind.

    Perhaps if when the character's eyes were closed you just had a very vague, blurry view of only the most prominent objects that happened to be in your characters view when you closed their eyes, along with an outline of the character and footsteps to mark where you've gone it would work. Then crank up the ambient effects volume and make it so you couldn't tell what was happening around you save through sounds. That would be terrifying, and I feel it would work well, since you'd be quite limited in how far you could travel after closing your eyes, but would really require a surround sound setup.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:17 No.60088XXX
    Ha, yeah, I see. Understandable. I have no idea how I could do that for a game other than ramping up the rumble function bit by bit. Probably wouldn't work so well near the end unless it just stops, everything's quiet, and you only see what's going on.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:17 No.60088XXX
    kgukhc cdt

    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:17 No.60088XXX
    I hate you.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:17 No.60088XXX
    Sure is summer in here.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:18 No.60088XXX
    Uhh you wake up in a mortuary with amnesia and the first thing you see is a talking floating skull?
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:18 No.60088XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:18 No.60088XXX
    I dunno, I think it could be done, because the player would freak out and start mashing buttons and directions trying to break free, but the controller would go dead when your character began to cry,
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:20 No.60088XXX
    Devil's Tuning Fork has a mechanic where you navigate the levels by using sound waves. It could be simmilar here where everything you touch would show a small outline.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:21 No.60088XXX
    what would be better if it was some kind of small child that would stretch out its arms as if to hug you
    you would pick it up and look it straight in the face and it would smile

    or you had the option to hug the cute little girl, you hug her and lose sight of her face for a while and gentle music plays
    then you pull her back and her head is missing or she starts attacking you and throws you around the room with demonic strength
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:21 No.60088XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:22 No.60088XXX

    Not to start a PC vs consoles lolmasterrace thread, but horrorgames are far more scarier on the PC, simply because you are much closer to your screen.

    Just thought I'd share that because of your controller remark.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:22 No.60088XXX
    vagina monsters
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:22 No.60088XXX
    HAR HAR. And then you're stumbling along, feeling the walls and furniture when suddenly you feel something brush against you. Maybe it could be shown by a general lightening of the direction the touch came from.

    You know, a sci-fi horror game would be interesting. Too bad there are no good ones.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:23 No.60088XXX
    You walk into a large room. It's mostly empty, hence a few chairs in the middle, maybe a table, and a SHITLOADS of large mirrors on the walls.

    When you walk up to the mirrors, they're just that - normal mirrors, showing you and the chairs behind you for reference.
    Except for one mirror, that stands out of the bunch, maybe by having a different frame, or by being even bigger.

    When you walk by to it, you can see yourself and the chairs as always - but you also see a strange figure, a mannequin with just a blank face, approaching you, that stops just behind you. It's not possible to turn around until it's stops, and when you finally can (and do it), nothing's there. Then you turn back to the mirror, and the monster is standing in it, except it's no longer a mirror but a hole in the wall.

    It looks at you for a brief second, when you can one-shot it with any weapon, before jumping at you.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:23 No.60088XXX
    Not to mention DEM HEADPHONES

    Not to insinuate I don't play horror games on mute, of course.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:23 No.60088XXX
    Well, whatever, the keyboard and mouse would go dead. Semantics.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:24 No.60088XXX
    I think instead of flashlights/torches, the player should use the flash of a camera to lead their way.
    That way, they would only get a glimpse of what was ahead, but after the flash goes off the outlines of the space ahead is burnt into their vision (As if they just stared into the sun, that sort of effect) and it would also give a lot of opportunities for the occasional "boo" scare.
    Imagine going into a dark room, not being able to see shit, so you decide to take a photo and a motherfucking demo is staring right at you during the flash.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:24 No.60088XXX
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    >a motherfucking demo is staring right at you during the flash.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:25 No.60088XXX
    Sounds like something they could do in Fatal Frame. Actually, they might have done that, I never played any of them.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:25 No.60088XXX
    Have to agree here, I shit my pants at nearly anything on my PC but for console, it has to be 50 times as creepy or startling because I'm so far away from my TV.

    That's just me though.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:25 No.60088XXX
    That would be really interesting. Combine that with the ability to actually look at the photos you take, and that would make for a very unique horror game.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:26 No.60088XXX
    Annoying Seizure Adventure: Total Shock
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:26 No.60088XXX
    >when you can one-shot it with any weapon, before jumping at you.

    No, no enemy killing
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:26 No.60088XXX
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    How about something like...

    >Thief: Deadly Shadows -- Cradle
    >On hard
    >Middle of night
    >No Holy Water or Flashbombs avaliable
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:26 No.60088XXX
    You get what I mean.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:26 No.60088XXX
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    Too slow.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:27 No.60088XXX

    Anti-redeye setting would cause pants wetting in chase sections.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:27 No.60088XXX

    >Implying that wasn't the joke
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:28 No.60088XXX
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    >Not to insinuate I don't play horror games on mute, of course.

    You fucking casual. I bet you play it during the day! Or with the lights on! During the day! HAHAHA!

    Maybe you play it with PEOPLE AROUND!
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:28 No.60088XXX
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    >a motherfucking demo is staring right at you during the flash.

    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:28 No.60088XXX
    >sharks in Crysis
    Oh jesus, and here I was hoping I'd be able to get around to finishing that game
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:28 No.60088XXX
    I didn't mean the camera was the actual core aspect of the gameplay, just a way of lighting your way, using it would be completely optional.

    Also, Fatal Frame allows you to see what's ahead of you, the example would be in pitch blackness, no light at all.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:29 No.60088XXX

    Never EVER playing that map again...
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:29 No.60088XXX
    >Implying You're Dick
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:29 No.60088XXX
    a whole game when you must constantly take photos would get repetitive and just tiring to play.

    However, having just a part that requires you to would be good. Let's say, one third of the game? And then at the end, you take a picture, the lights turn on, showing you a completely empty room... except that the picture you got shows there's clearly a lot of fucked up monsters in here.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:29 No.60088XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:30 No.60088XXX
    Reverse it.

    Take a photo of disturbing images. Developed photos reveal nothing out of the ordinary, no evidence.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:30 No.60088XXX
    No, no, no.

    You don't have to take photos and look at them, just use the flash to see where you're going rather than using a flashlight.

    I've obviously worded my statement poorly, I apologise.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:31 No.60088XXX

    Also quite good, if you had the outline of the character be in a sort of fumbling around animation, it could work quite well to get a vague outline and feel of an object as s/he approaches it and feels it. The game would have to make it quite clear, through a tutorial or something what constitutes a 'thing touching you' in that mode though. Perhaps an alarming red light, and a sudden inhalation from the character, since the sound effects would be turned up while in that mode.


    What I've been turning over in my head is the concept of trust in a horror game. The little girl you describe there doesn't seem too appealing to me because you just happen to find her, when all you've been seeing are demons and monsters, you'd naturally be suspicious. Rather, I feel the little girl approach would be more natural and horrifying to have the game prompt you to kill her preemptively, and then later find her to be completely normal. The bait and switch you describe wouldn't really elicit too bad a reaction because you're expecting it. You would have to trust this little girl and honestly believe her identity for that to be scary. And for that function, I don't like a little girl, because that leans right towards escort missions and protection, something solidly in the 'annoying' section of video game design.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:31 No.60089XXX
    sort of a horror version of pokemon snap?
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:32 No.60089XXX
    Idea: Have an enemy that only moves in the instant that the camera flashes. But it moves incredibly quickly.
    >> VITALITY SENSOR Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:33 No.60089XXX
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    For everything, you have to be hooked up to the wii heartbeat sensor. The events of the game happen based off of your heartbeat. This would make it a personal and random experience without too many expected scripted events so your friends couldn't warn you...
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:33 No.60089XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:33 No.60089XXX
    Those girls are cute :)
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:34 No.60089XXX
    Add really creepy sounds and no light then you've got yourself a good trap. The player WANTS to know what the fuck that is, but if they try and look at it, it moves to another area.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:34 No.60089XXX
    The thing that would make me shit my fucking pants would be a horror game in which you had absolutely no idea it was a horror game. Hell, I would be so fucking scared if I was playing some Dora game or some shit and when I opened a closet at the beginning of the game there she was, mutilated and hanging from a meat hook.

    Something that makes a twisted mockery of otherwise innocent things.

    And also, base it off of creepypasta.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:35 No.60089XXX
    For a game to be truly scary, the players need to feel they are unable to protect themselves properly. Meaning, no guns. The best solution is have the player improvise and figure out his own means of protecting himself. As you would do in real life.
    The penumbra series is a good example of what I'm talking about.

    Mankind's greatest fear is fear of the unknown (this includes fear of the darkness). The atmosphere should exploit that.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:37 No.60089XXX
    You're a scientist at black mesa.
    >You can't move unless Freeman, Calhoun or Shepherd talk to you.
    >You can only follow them.
    >No weapons
    >Final destination.
    >> VITALITY SENSOR Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:38 No.60089XXX
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    Like you enter a room and an NPC is radio coaching you and telling you that the monster can smell fear. You have to keep your heartrate down. But then scary shit starts happening and you can see your heartrate start to rise... HOLEEE SHEEEEIT that would be terrifying.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:38 No.60089XXX
    You're not a buff mcmanly space marine nor even an average 20 something male. You'll be a little girl perhaps 13 years old. You can't use firearms effectively, in fact the first few times you won't realize the safety is on.

    Monsters have infested your city and you're trying to get out. The only way to kill them is by annihilating them. Sever their heads and they'll still come after you. Besides after firing a few bullets from a machine gun the poor girl's aim will be out of control and they do fuck all to the beasts anyway.

    What are they for? To create a distraction so you sneak past the groups that inhabit the city. Raid a music shop get a stereo which will be one of the most useful items there is. But you can't carry it along with your pistol since your ruck sack is quite full. Store in in a wheelie bin along with a few grenades to really distract them.

    Great the distraction worked you escape in an alleyway. This game won't have much music after all, ambiance is the sound of terror. Strain your ears as you try to tell if those footsteps are yours or not. It would really be useful so you know where they are instead of already hearing the breathing, the grunting and the sound of dripping saliva as you realize a wallcrawler ambushed you in a alleyway and proceeds to rip you to shreds.

    You can roll out of the attack guess left or right to avoid a fatal blow. You run out of the alleyway with the wallcrawler in hot pursuit. You manage to kill it with your pistol since they are unlike the hulking behemoths that patrol most of the city. It was unfortunate you didn't attack a silencer as you realize you are now surrounded by the behemoths after they heard you. You run back into the alleyway to be confronted by the group which just mauled your wheelie bin distraction. You could have run but those loud footsteps are risky as you won't be able to hear the monsters patrolling the nightmare city.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:40 No.60089XXX
    cthulhu. first person insanity
    >> Anonymous Zombie 05/23/10(Sun)09:40 No.60089XXX

    I find that idea to be offensive to the zombie community.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:41 No.60089XXX

    How about a monster whose behavior corresponds to your stress level? To start with it's competent, chases you about casually. But as you, the player, start to freak the fuck out, so does it. It becomes totally erratic and starts lashing out everywhere, going fucking crazy.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:41 No.60089XXX
    >You approach a door.
    >Suddenly someone tries to break it down from the inside and your vision gets blurry.
    >The smashing stops and it's all quiet.
    >You go inside, only to find an empty room and the door you came in is the only way into the room.
    >You try to get out, but as you open the door, a brick wall has blocked the way with a text "Behind you..."
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:42 No.60089XXX
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    Instead of having a gruesome "YOU DIED" scene, if you got caught/died, the game would go into a high pitched static with creepy images or something. Something that would make the player uneasy/uncomfortable.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:42 No.60089XXX
    I want a game that takes the sanity effects of Eternal Darkness to the next level.

    I want this game to tap into ALL the information stored on one's console. If the person has a facebook/twitter account linked to their Live account, I want the game to use that information to fuck with the player's mind. Use their status update as text written somewhere. Have letters that mention their friends' names.
    Have save files from other horror games trigger special events that are similar in style to those files.
    Make them watch their little avatar thing beg for help through a TV, or have it be a doll in the game, and have a room full of these personal avatar dolls that stare at the player (heads turning as they move too).

    Also, fake RRoD and such.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:42 No.60089XXX
    dont want to play as a little girl
    >> Anonymous Zombie 05/23/10(Sun)09:43 No.60089XXX
    >You'll be a little girl perhaps 13 years old.

    Yes, I like this.

    I want to be the little girl
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:44 No.60089XXX
    Yes, maybe you think it is an NPC at first... things it says start making less sense/raising your stress levels and it starts snowballing into a bad situation.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:44 No.60089XXX
    The little girl example was just that - an example, it is very cheesy and obvious to use a little girl
    maybe you could start the game with a companion or an animal of some kind that you can repeatedly pick up and hug
    it would be your link to the real world that would help your character keep his sanity through the horror that he experiences
    then as you continue towards the end of the game you see a prompt to pick up and hug the character
    you do so and them bam
    his only link to the real world is gone when he is forced to kill it
    >> Facebook linking. Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:46 No.60089XXX
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    Friends names is absolute genius! Only way I could see it backfiring is if somehow it mentions a friend who was hurt badly/died in an accident or something and that person dies in the game. That could fuck someone up.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:47 No.60089XXX
    You call that backfiring? I call that a resounding success.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:48 No.60089XXX
    I call it lawsuit
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:49 No.60090XXX

    For liability purposes the game would have to prompt the user to accept that the game would be using that information. It's a doable idea though, especially with the growing trend of linking all your online data together.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:49 No.60090XXX
    the whole fake turning off the console thing would be genius
    suddenly the screen would go black and the words "please check you console is plugged in" come up on the screen
    you look down and everything is normal
    then look up and

    I think you can fill in the rest
    >> Facebook linking. Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:49 No.60090XXX
    I like messing with people but that crosses the line a bit for me. Being forced to kill someone with your dead little brother's name is F.U.C.K.E.D. up.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:50 No.60090XXX

    Slap a warning screen or two on the game every time it starts up. Ass = covered.

    Their fault for playing it anyway.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:50 No.60090XXX

    This is a good screamer. I want a horror game with screamers even BETTER than this.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:50 No.60090XXX

    Go download Eversion, now.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:51 No.60090XXX
    you mean growing trend of abusing people's privacy
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:51 No.60090XXX
    Although you americans and your buthurt housewifes would go bananas about CHILDREN GETING HRUT AND USING GUNS VIELONECN BALBLABLAB
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:53 No.60090XXX
    i really like this guys notion of trust issues. i feel like having a companion throughout part of the game then having something happen to him/her would be kind of expected too though.
    im having a hard time coming up with a believable encounter with a "friend"
    i want a buddy that helps out, but is just as helpless as i am. he cant give me the key to beating the level or else id start thinking hes full of shit but at the same time, i dont want an escort mission.
    i feel like the only way around that would be to encounter him but then agree that neither of you can guarantee the other's safety or something so you split ways but still run into him from time to time. that way you arent dependent on him but he is still there for mind fuck reasons such as the radio voices or turning into monster or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:53 No.60090XXX
    The lack of weapons isn't as impacting as weapons which do not "ultimately" work.

    Just having to run from something only means that you know you can escape and soon enough it's almost like a speedrun.

    However, if the player were to be put up against enemies with a very very effective weapon... and yet that effective weapon leads to an even worse outcome...

    Imagine blasting through a room of weak shambling zombies. They're all in pieces. You leave.
    You come back because of some backtracking. The bodies are gone. You figure "just the game getting rid of unnecessary memory".

    But no - those dozen bodies have amassed into two hulking abominations of human meat and bone. That infinite ammo pistol you've been using for the last two hours only tickle those things.

    It is downright impossible to avoid their wild attack and get through to where you need to go. They'll pursue you and run you down in the narrow hallway. You think all you can do is take a stand and dump as much ammo as possible into them while using the objects in the room for cover.
    It works... you think.
    Both ooze into vile puddles on the ground.

    You get the thing you need and have to go back.

    Back into the room, the floor is unusually squishy. As you reach the door on the other side of the room, everything in the room is launched into the air as the once-zombies-then-disgusting-duo-now massive blob envelops you in a split second. You've got a one in a trillion chance of getting away from this thing.

    Through the game, you balance fight and flight.
    To much fighting and the force rebuilds itself into something impossibly horrible.
    To much running and you'll eventually back yourself into a corner as the masses swarm you.
    What you kill and where you kill it could result in various outcomes of both where the remnant will attack you next and what the destroyed will amalgamate into.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:54 No.60090XXX
    given that windows is known to crash and both ps3 and xbox 360 have had problems, this would just be annoying
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:54 No.60090XXX
    The thing about horror games is that monsters don't often scare me. They're just silly.

    However, what is frightening? Which of the following sentences would make you more nervous:

    "Daddy, there's a monster in my room."


    "Daddy, there's a man in my room."

    The kind of feeling the second sentence would give is the kind of feeling a good horror game would create. The same sort of feeling as you'd get if you saw a man parked outside a school playground, sitting in his car, just watching children play without saying a word.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:55 No.60090XXX
    I think the game should start off being somewhat normal, like Silent Hill 3. You're in a normal place, regular people and then it just turns to shit. Perhaps you should only see one or two people.

    Also, no fucking monsters that look like real animals. Hellhounds and shit aren't creepy. Crazy misshapen abominations only.

    Not to mention, there should be really fucking sad moments. A lot of people don't like games that are just SCARE SCARE, there needs to some sort of human emotion there. This means there would have to be at least a few characters. Think someone you've been looking for the whole game, and when you find them they're killed moments later.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:55 No.60090XXX
    I always liked how the zombies, uh, 'fermented' in RE1 and became those more pissed-off ones later on. They'd jump up and sprint at you instead of the zombie shuffle.

    I like the idea of trying to avoid enemies because killing them just makes them stronger.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:56 No.60090XXX
    that sounds like how penumbra should have been

    too bad killing things were too easy as long as it was 1 on 1
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:56 No.60090XXX
    you're just scared of pedos
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:59 No.60090XXX
    You wake up in your bedroom and the sun is shining through the window and down onto your bed. It's warm, and beautiful. You sit up in bed, toss the sheets off, and stand, stretch. And when you look in the mirror, what you see nearly gives you a heart attack: Yourself, only not yourself. Like a living picture or a painting come alive, there you are, sitting with your arms crossed in a padded room, eyes wide open, muttering rapid-fire sentences.


    And you realize: I have lost my mind.

    The whole game centers around trying to break yourself out of psychosis, getting pictures of how well you're doing by glancing into a mirror--which is the only way you can see your real self, and not yourself as mind.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:59 No.60090XXX
    Good point, but this would only really work in real life, where you know monsters don't exist.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:59 No.60090XXX
    Reminds me of Sinclair in Bioshock 2. Nobody trusted him after Atlas, yet he turned out to be the good guy.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:59 No.60090XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:59 No.60090XXX

    Well, child predators are frightening things. But it illustrates the point well enough. What CAN happen is infinitely more frightening than what CAN'T.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)10:01 No.60090XXX
    i kind of agree with you on that. a monster i know does not exist in real life doesnt scare me that much. a crazy fucking psycho path like hannibal or even three guys one hammer shit would scare me more. i think movies and games use supernatural too much to "explain" the unexplainable. why not just have some former CIA agent or something that knows how the system works fuck with you and your family. thats probably more movie though instead of games huh?
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)10:01 No.60090XXX
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    Bro....either this is the wrong game, or you and I have a COMPLETELY different sense of horror.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)10:02 No.60090XXX
    >be a horror game in which you had absolutely no idea it was a horror game.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)10:02 No.60090XXX

    Trust and compliance are a scary thing in a horror game. I really liked the radio idea that was brought up earlier in the thread, about your partner telling you what to do suddenly being replaced with someone with the same voice.

    Honestly, it's a tricky concept to make seem not forced and stupid. Like how stupid would it be if at the end of Haunting Ground your dog just suddenly attacks you? This is why I'm so fond of the idea of the 'friendly enemy' quoted above. I would really like if you were able to kill the friendly enemy, if he took a lot of damage and just cried, staring at you, begging you to stop, or feebly attempts to run away. If you're into the game enough, that would leave you wondering exactly what it is you'd just done, what the friendly enemy even was, and what the rest of the creatures you encounter really are.

    Would also be fun if its corpse was shown to you repeatedly after the event as well, shoving it in your face that you killed a perfectly innocent being that just happened to be 'one of them'.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)10:02 No.60090XXX
    Why can't the monsters be other humans?

    Take an average human and MAKE him a monster through action, reaction and thought.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)10:03 No.60090XXX
    Archive this thread for the amazing ideas, incase any indie game creators happen to pass by and become interested in making a GOOD Survival-horror game!
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)10:03 No.60090XXX

    Go play it.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)10:04 No.60090XXX

    Doesn't have to be CIA. Just has to be someone with a mean streak.

    Imagine that you wake up one morning--and you find, taped to your hand, a picture. A picture of your sleeping self.

    In the night, without your ever knowing, someone broke into your home, snapped a picture of you asleep, and was kind enough to leave the Polaroid taped to your hand.

    Can you imagine the kind of FEAR that would be rushing through you? Shit, I'd be scared to leave the fucking bedroom.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)10:04 No.60090XXX
    Because humans are logical beings. No matter how crazy they are, there's still an element of the familiar, of reason and predictability. Humans can be killed.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)10:04 No.60090XXX
    I think the total opposite. If you're facing a crazy serial killer, at least it's human. You know that if you shoot it in the face, it dies. Enemies that can't be catagorized into a physical form scare the fuck out of me, that's why Silent Hill was so good. You had no idea what the bad guy was, it fucked with you.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)10:05 No.60090XXX

    If said CIA agent held a lengthy monologue explaining everything that was 'strange', there'd be no mystery.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)10:06 No.60090XXX
    >Walk up to door
    >Hear a banging, scraping and screaming from the other side of the door
    >The voice sounds somewhat familiar
    >The noise subsides and you open the door
    >As you walk through it, you notice it's exactly the same room as you just came from
    >As the door closes behind you, you hear a click as it locks
    >A creature descends from the roof and charges towards you
    >If you try to interact with the door, you'll make the same noises you heard when trying to open it initially
    >If you try to escape through the door on the other side, you'll just repeat the same scene again
    >Either have to defeat the enemy with some object you find in the room or find a hidden exit behind a bookcase or something
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)10:07 No.60090XXX
    Hiding is an option throughout the game. You can hide in pretty much anywhere that'd make a good spot, and enemies won't suspect you unless you give yourself away, which would be part of hiding. You'd need to control your character while hiding. Holding your breath when they get near, keeping yourself steady, and such. If you fail you'd give yourself away. So it's not so much a matter of FIND THE BEST HIDING SPOT but one of trying to keep calm and use skill to make sure you're not caught when you're scared.

    One thing I thought would be hiding in a locker, and seeing how they have those little grates you could see through, you'd use that to see outside, and when you think the monster is gone, you open it and it creaks and then suddenly it slams shut and the monster appears from the side and you can see it just holding the locker shut and it brings its face up close to the grate and just stares at you. It just stares, and you can't move, and then it grins, and it walks away.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)10:07 No.60091XXX

    Just play it. Listen to the background music so you can tell where to everse.

    Make sure you wear earphones.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)10:08 No.60091XXX
    .....holy...shit. motherfuckers.............
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)10:09 No.60091XXX

    God damn it I was just reading your post and went to casually click the picture to see what it was, just as I read your last sentence.


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