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    File : 1274140616.jpg-(37 KB, 536x287, endshot8.jpg)
    37 KB Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:56 No.59477XXX  
    What is /v/ opinions on the Squall is dead theory?
    >> NESfag 05/17/10(Mon)19:57 No.59477XXX
    Everything about it can be proven false.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)19:58 No.59478XXX
    The developers called bullshit on it even. Google it
    >> NESfag 05/17/10(Mon)20:00 No.59478XXX
    >she conjures an enormous ice shard and propels it through Squall’s chest

    False. It's through the shoulder.
    Not deadly.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:01 No.59478XXX
    there are easier way to troll people

    creating a site is way too much
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:01 No.59478XXX
    It would have crushed his shoulder bone, rendering that arm useless. Also didn't help he fell off the float
    >> NESfag 05/17/10(Mon)20:01 No.59478XXX
    >After a quick dance and a swoon from the female fans, Rinoa wordlessly brushes him off and leaves to find Seifer.

    False. We never see Seifer at the party. Rinoa goes to find Cid because she needs her with her resistant group in Timber.
    Seifer probably never even showed up at the party (and we never see him) because:
    - he didn't become a seed
    - he was rejected by Cid (headmaster) AND Quistis (his teacher) AND Xu.
    - he was gonna have to go through the committee for his bad actions during the battle
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:03 No.59478XXX
    i bought this game on PSN, but never got around to playing it.

    ...maybe i should give it a shot.
    >> NESfag 05/17/10(Mon)20:03 No.59478XXX
    Edea's ice pick is only her limit break, and it's just like any common magic.

    It can wound, it can make characters K.O, but we never see anything like this kill people in the game.

    >Also didn't help he fell off the float
    It was hardly 2 meters high. It feels long during the cutscene because it's in slow mo and because it adds a dramatic effect.
    >> NESfag 05/17/10(Mon)20:04 No.59478XXX
    >Rinoa does not show Squall the least bit of affection until the end of disc one when Squall and Irvine save her from some strange iguana creatures. In this scene, she clutches Squall’s arm shamelessly in her traumatized state.

    False. She already showed interested in the party, smiling at him, joking with him, telling him"You're going to like me..." and dancing with him.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:05 No.59478XXX
    Well, its true that he said after the event that no mark was left on him...... I mean a giant shard in his chest would leave a mark I suppose...
    >> OP is a faggot 05/17/10(Mon)20:07 No.59479XXX
    I love the fact that the actual writers of the storyline would laugh their asses off over all of this conjecture. It didn't really happen irl so nothing can be "proven". This is like over analyzing a book.
    >> NESfag 05/17/10(Mon)20:09 No.59479XXX
    normal magics don't leave marks when bosses attack characters. This is what the shard is, it's a normal magic. You can use that magic when you get to play as Edea later on.

    But granted that it should leave a mark, ok, so what? We never see Squall naked. Nothing tells us there is no mark.

    >I love the fact that the actual writers of the storyline would laugh their asses off over all of this conjecture.

    I think they rather facepalm so see that their deep and genuis storyline is still misunderstood YEARS later.
    R=U theory is bullshit.
    Squall is dead is bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:09 No.59479XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:10 No.59479XXX
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    Not exactly "impaled" but getting a chunk of ice the size of your arm put through your right lung is generally enough to kill you.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:10 No.59479XXX
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    >I think they rather facepalm so see that their deep and genuis storyline is still misunderstood YEARS later.
    >deep and genuis storyline
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:11 No.59479XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:11 No.59479XXX
    ...i still don't quite understand the story.
    >> OP is a faggot 05/17/10(Mon)20:11 No.59479XXX
    Whatever makes playing the game better for the players. If they want to believe that he is dead then all the more power to them. I was about 12 when I first played FF VIII so I didn't really think about it.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:11 No.59479XXX

    You must have a fucked up right lung if it was located where the shard impaled.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:11 No.59479XXX
    I sense an incredible amount of neckbearding in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:11 No.59479XXX


    All he does is present examples from the game itself.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:12 No.59479XXX
    Are you just attempting to be a faggot?

    >(...Where am I? I...challenged Edea... My wound...? No wound...? How...? The Galbadian soldiers... ...We were surrounded. He was there... Seifer, leering down at me.) "Damn you, Seifer!"’
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:12 No.59479XXX
    >The first character Nomura designed for Final Fantasy VIII, Squall was inspired by actor River Phoenix

    >> OP is a faggot 05/17/10(Mon)20:12 No.59479XXX
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    Haters gonna hate
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:12 No.59479XXX

    That guy just played through FF8 recently and had threads of it on /v/.

    Who should I go with, someone who played through it recently giving away snapshots or my own memories of FF8 which I haven't touched it for more than a decade?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:14 No.59479XXX

    Wound =/= Mark
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:14 No.59479XXX

    He says it himself.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:14 No.59479XXX
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    Because "oh yeah, and we're all from the same orphanage" was brilliant storytelling.
    >> NESfag 05/17/10(Mon)20:14 No.59479XXX
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    >So far, the best analysis I have this for this screenshot is that Squall feels empty, that he losing his sense of self and everything that comes with it.

    He didn't get it at all.

    They are in a moment of time compression. Like it was STATED in game before, they need to stick together, to be together, and to love each other to be able to exist in such a moment.
    Also during the end boss if you don't use a phoenix down on someone KOd he will disappeared and there is some phrase saying "He was eaten by time..." or something.

    All of this clearly shows that during such a moment if your friends forget you, you'll disappear.
    During the ending Squall is the only person left all alone. He can't think of his comrades and his comrades don't seem to think about him either.

    Hence the picture. He is starting to disappear.

    That is until the love that Rinoa has for him is enough for her to find him just before he disappears, which is the next part in the ending video (where "Eyes On Me" starts playing)
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:16 No.59479XXX
    Overanalyzing stories is what FF players do best. FF7 got a FUCKTON of that shit, right down to having some massive bullshit theory about 7 being attached to 10 due to 10-2 having a kid named shinra being a scientific genious.

    It's a fucking homage, look it up.

    besides, Edea's a sorceress, she could've just healed him (highly likely considering SHE NEEDED HIM ALIVE TO FIND OUT WHAT THE FUCK SEED WAS). they overanalyze but they fail to notice the blatant points.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:16 No.59479XXX

    If you're impaled with a spear shaped thing the size of that ice shard, its going to take out a chunk of flesh and bone and even if it grows back somehow, there's going to be a scar.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:16 No.59479XXX
    >implying it would leave a mark when he's already maxed out his badassitude with the face scar
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:16 No.59479XXX
    Not like books can have in-depth analysis or anything. Not like people haven't written an entire thesis on a poem before.
    >> NESfag 05/17/10(Mon)20:16 No.59479XXX
    "we were all from the same orphanage" makes total sense and is NEEDED for the last part of the game.

    Like I said people have to have strong links together to be able to live in time compression (CD4). Which is why knowing each other since childhood matters.
    They also need to think of a place they all have in high value, which is why CD4 begins at the orphanage.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:17 No.59480XXX
    >an ice shard through the shoulder is fatal
    >applying RL to a video game
    >implying every single attack in the whole game isn't fatal IRL
    this whole argument is just silly
    >> OP is a faggot 05/17/10(Mon)20:18 No.59480XXX
    Magic obviously. This argument is becoming dildos because of the pointlessness of it.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:19 No.59480XXX
    If there was a wound, that would be a MARK. If there is no mark in the first place, then there is no wound anyway.
    >> NESfag 05/17/10(Mon)20:19 No.59480XXX
    >Maybe the only real difference between Final Fantasy VIII and Vanilla Sky is: they just never told us what really happened.

    Squallsdead theorist confirm for ultimate retard. Everything that happens in FF8 is explained or can be explained according to what we already know.

    He was just too stupid to understand the storyline.
    >> Digivolver !!PKAn9ShOCgG 05/17/10(Mon)20:19 No.59480XXX

    Sephiroth died at the reactor. You fight clones of him throughout, including the final awesome omnislash scene.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:19 No.59480XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:19 No.59480XXX
    you're all forgetting the most important thing here.

    laguna, kiros, and ward. the awesomest bros of all time.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:21 No.59480XXX
    Stop posting this and read the fucking ultimania.

    If you don't read moon runes then either learn or just believe someone that can and can 100% tell you that that entire site is baseless shit, assumptions, twisting things round to try and make a conspiracy theory style list of bollocks seem like it makes sense and try to make out there is something there that there is not whilst ignoring what the real underlying themes of the game are.

    The deepest this game gets is that Laguna and Julia's love lives on through their respective children they had with other partners, Squall and Rinoa.
    >> NESfag 05/17/10(Mon)20:21 No.59480XXX
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    Disregard that, I suck cocks. I actually just read the site instead of acting like a fucktard.
    >> NESfag 05/17/10(Mon)20:22 No.59480XXX
    >Most players seem to assume that Edea healed Squall to full health for the purpose of interrogation, but why would she? Seifer knows that Squall is no great captain from Balamb Garden. He’s no more privy to top secret information than are the other three. If Edea wanted to know more about SeeD, she should be interrogating Quistis, who’s been a SeeD for three years and who has been teaching SeeDs for one year. Squall has been a SeeD for all of two weeks. Why go through all the effort of killing him just to bring him to full health when he’s obviously a threat to her?

    Edea wanted him alive because she needed to have interrogate him in order to know more about SeeDs, especially trying to find out more about "a legendary seed from the past" who will supposedely kill her in her time (the irony is that, this is Squall)
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:22 No.59480XXX
         File1274142141.jpg-(74 KB, 640x448, Sephiroth-hibernation.jpg)
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    No, the final one was the real Sephiroth. The Sephiroth that was encased in Mako in the Northern Crater was the real one, he floated towards the crater while in the lifestream.

    Notice how the last fight with Omnislash, he doesnt have a shirt? He doesnt have one in this picture and he didnt have one as Seraph Sephiroth.

    But yes, every other Sephiroth is a clone.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:23 No.59480XXX
    Yes. I played FF7 like...3 times and I understand that in my first ever playthrough. the original sephiroth died at the reactor, the rest is jenova taking on his form and the re-animated sephiroth we see is him heavily re-written by jenova to the point of not being himself but a puppet.

    Yet these faggots who still play it religiously and jerk it to Kadaj and Vincent still can't understand jack shit.
    >> OP is a faggot 05/17/10(Mon)20:23 No.59480XXX
    Impersonation to end an argument? Stay classy /v/
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:23 No.59480XXX
    Game sucks
    Theory is funny, but full of holes.

    Just like how the Pokemon Anime is supposedly Ash in a coma.
    >> OP is a faggot 05/17/10(Mon)20:24 No.59480XXX
    >implying this is a classy thread
    >implying posting without a trip and only a name doesn't make you a target
    >> OP is a faggot 05/17/10(Mon)20:25 No.59480XXX
    Hey now that copypasta makes me teary eyed
    >> NESfag 05/17/10(Mon)20:25 No.59480XXX
    >Laguna and Julia's love lives on through their respective children they had with other partners, Squall and Rinoa.

    I love this part.

    I also love how Laguna could have been Rinoa's father.

    I still don't think it's the deepest thing about the game though.

    To me the deepest thing of the game is how in MANY ways both present and future influence each other.

    It's like in Terminator1:
    - the future can't exist without the present (that makes sense, that' snormal)
    - but also the present can't exist without the future

    That's what's so fucking awesome and about FF8.
    Ultimecia created her own fate in the past.
    Even Squall created his own fate in the past (during the ending)
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:25 No.59480XXX
    >>Just like how the Pokemon Anime is supposedly Ash in a coma.

    >> NESfag 05/17/10(Mon)20:26 No.59480XXX
    >implying this thread isn't full of vitriol and AIDS
    >> OP is a faggot 05/17/10(Mon)20:26 No.59481XXX
    Don't care since I'm using this for one thread hurr. Anyways the thread is about dead
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:26 No.59481XXX apparently, edea was originally a concept during the very early stages of development for final fantasy VII, not VIII.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:27 No.59481XXX
    >sephiroth died at th reactor

    Is this when Cloud throws him in whilst he's impaled? Forgive my ignorance, haven't played it since... I dunno, probably 98/99.
    >> NESfag 05/17/10(Mon)20:27 No.59481XXX
    I have no idea how grandfather paradox works, excuse my drivel.

    >Anyways the thread is about dead as Squall
    Fixed that for you
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:28 No.59481XXX
    not that it really anything to do with anything
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:29 No.59481XXX

    Crisis Core on the PSP offers the updated history which is better tbh, fits much better than simply "see zack KO'd, run in, impale, chuck down chute"
    >> OP is a faggot 05/17/10(Mon)20:29 No.59481XXX
    So Squall is barely alive and teeming with AIDS?
    >> NESfag 05/17/10(Mon)20:30 No.59481XXX
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    If you believe squallsdead then why not also believing this:

    >The 4 characters actually die when falling into that cave at the start of the game. Who could survive that? It also explains why everything about Crystal and their powers, how could they make sense otherwise?!
    >They all died.
    >The rest of the game is therefore Onion Kid#3's dream of how his perfect life could have been.

    >We see Aeris die empaled by Sephiroth's sword.
    >But remember back in the past near the reactor Sephiroth also uses that same sword against Tifa AND Cloud. How comes they are still alive?
    >Cloud actually died.
    >The rest of the game is therefore Cloud's dream of how his perfect live could have been which also explains why he really thought he was Zack.
    >> OP is a faggot 05/17/10(Mon)20:30 No.59481XXX
    No, Squall is dead.
    >> NESfag !Gdo4cjPwj6 05/17/10(Mon)20:31 No.59481XXX
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    I hope you're happy now, I had dropped it but now I'll take my tripcode back.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:31 No.59481XXX

    >> OP is a faggot 05/17/10(Mon)20:32 No.59481XXX
    Well that would explain why it is the "Final Fantasy"... that actually kinda makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:32 No.59481XXX

    >implying throwing Genesis in there to be the mastermind behind everything ever is better
    >> NESfag !AHpFToFRcY 05/17/10(Mon)20:32 No.59481XXX
    Why the hell are you impersonating me, fuck off.
    >> NESfag !Gdo4cjPwj6 05/17/10(Mon)20:33 No.59481XXX
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    >all the characters actually die when the airship crashes at the start of CD1
    >the rest of the game is actually Zidane's dream life of how such a peasant like him could ever get the love of the most powerful and beautiful Princess in the entire world.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:34 No.59481XXX
    Yeah, I agree with you but I meant deep as in philosophically/romantically I guess as opposed to depth of the time storyline, which is an interesting one... I'll have to go back to my parents house to pick up my FFVIII Ultimania and re-read some parts of it. The scene added for the end of the Western releases adds further insight to the ending though, showing that they 'beat' the time loop for lack of a better term, hence the bat shit crazy ending that trips out trying to represent that time is being corrected, adding to the love story more with that "I promise" stuff where Rinoa and Squall find each other, as they do it through time and space in the end, though there is no indication to how many times the timeline could have repeated itself to that point with little variation until it finally concludes in the lovely happy ending with Zell stuffing his face with hot dogs.
    >> NESfag !AHpFToFRcY 05/17/10(Mon)20:34 No.59481XXX
    >implying FFVIII's script isn't horribly simplified by one theory and that the original plot isn't horrible if it isn't
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:35 No.59481XXX
    The legend of Zelda

    Link is a young boy trapped inside his uncle basement, being raped everyday
    He has created a fantasy to escape his present situation. Ganondorf is his uncle who transform into Ganon when the rape begin. Zelda is his little sister. Ganon killed her and buried her in the back yard.
    >> Digivolver !!PKAn9ShOCgG 05/17/10(Mon)20:36 No.59482XXX

    all of the characters in final fantasy actually die. their adventure is their mind's unwillingness to accept this fate.

    every single one of the protagonists.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:36 No.59482XXX
    He died when Seifer sliced his face open during the intro. The whole game is a dream.

    Woop Woop
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:36 No.59482XXX
    tidus dies when sin sucked him up from zanarkand.
    cecil dies when they set fire to the summoner's town
    everyone dies when kefka rapes the planet
    >> NESfag !AHpFToFRcY 05/17/10(Mon)20:37 No.59482XXX
    >implying every single one of you in this thread isn't dead and this isn't all some sort of Jacob's Ladder illusion
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:37 No.59482XXX
    No fun allowed
    >> NESfag !Gdo4cjPwj6 05/17/10(Mon)20:37 No.59482XXX
    So the added part in the ending is not bullshit? I thought it was just rumors.

    What exactly was added, from the point when Rinoa finds Squall and on?

    Also to be honest, if that's true, I think the original ending makes more sense and is a lot more emotional. How do they come back? They seemed completely lost.
    The first time they rode time compression to go into the future (CD4) it all flowed well and we could see them travelling from point A to B. In the ending they seem completely fucked until Rinoa finds Squall.

    This being said I always shed tears when Rinoa finally finds Squall.
    >> OP is a faggot 05/17/10(Mon)20:38 No.59482XXX
    And in FFX Tidus is killed when Sin attacks at the beginning. X-2 doesn't exist imo (lol dress spheres)
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:38 No.59482XXX
    Sorceress could easily heal with mortal wound, and bring him back to life.

    She's a fucking sorceress who can suck the soul out of the president.
    >> NESfag !Gdo4cjPwj6 05/17/10(Mon)20:38 No.59482XXX
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    >X-2 doesn't exist i

    >> Digivolver !!PKAn9ShOCgG 05/17/10(Mon)20:39 No.59482XXX

    Rinoa is Ultimecia after all. No wonder she can navigate compressed time so easily.
    >> OP is a faggot 05/17/10(Mon)20:41 No.59482XXX
    What about FF XII? When does everyone die in that? Oh wait... It's all Reks' dream after he dies. BRILLIANT.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:41 No.59482XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:43 No.59482XXX

    (The final dream before death)
    >> NESfag !Gdo4cjPwj6 05/17/10(Mon)20:44 No.59482XXX
    She isn't Rinoa and never was. But she inherited Ultimecia's powers so there are two theories for how she actually finds Squall in the ending:

    - first: she uses Ultimecia's powers to "ride" time compression
    - second: she finally finds with the "power of love".

    I think the first one isn't strong enough. Didn't Ultimecia transferred the powers to Adel anyway in Disc3? And if not, what tells us that Rinoa KNOWS how to use those powers?
    When they "ride" time compression to go to the future at the start of disc4 she clearly says she is afraid to disappear because she doesn't have strong links with other people (since she wasn"t part of the orphanage gang) and since she doesn't have links with the place they're going to (the orphanbage, in the future). This shows that EVEN IF she still has Ultimecias powers, she doesn't know how to use them at least to ride time compression.

    The second theory however makes a lot more sense.
    Squall and Rinoa try to find each and to go to that place (the flowers field) like they had promised in cd3. They need the so called "power of love" to be able to do that (just like explained in CD3)

    But Squall doesn't love Rinoa as much as Rinoa loves Squall. Or at least not as long as Rinoa has loved Squall. Rinoa seemed to have a big crush on Squall since the party, but Squall only showed interest WAY later on.

    This is why Squall can't find Rinoa, but instead in the ending RINOA finds Squall.
    >> NESfag !Gdo4cjPwj6 05/17/10(Mon)20:45 No.59482XXX
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    >She isn' t Rinoa and never was.

    I mean Rinoa never was Ultimecia.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:45 No.59482XXX
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    >- second: she finally finds with the "power of love".
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:46 No.59483XXX
    I love how people make up all these alternate theories on what these games and the stuff in them ACTUALLY mean.

    Spoiler: You're looking way too far into it. The people who made these games aren't that fucking smart or DEEEEEEEEP. They needed a paycheck.
    >> NESfag !Gdo4cjPwj6 05/17/10(Mon)20:47 No.59483XXX
    The "power of love" is a key element in the storyline of FF8. Odine and Laguna explain it at the end of CD3.

    Basically people need strong links between each other to be able to exist in a world of time compression.
    >> OP is a faggot 05/17/10(Mon)20:48 No.59483XXX
    This is how I will think about any FF I ever play again... hell it may even add replay value.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:48 No.59483XXX
    Ah, now I know you're the real NESfag.

    Basically yeah, it's been a while since I played the JP version (ie probably seven or eight years now), the original ending though is a little more 'open-ended' I guess, in the West obviously everyone has the happy ending as the canon ending, whereas the original JP release has the hopeful ending that though time repeats they will eventually beat it, and Squall and Rinoa will find each other again, not just everytime that time repeats when they find each other again for the first time, but when they beat the time compression, the Western extra ending part wasn't too necessary imo but it's nice all the same, not as artistically pleasing but the Western audience is much more focused on what happens instead of the implication of hope and reliving the adventure and love etc - ie the 'arty' bit, or rather, good story telling.

    Still I guess I like both endings a lot more because I beat the original first, so when I beat the PAL release and saw that ending it didn't make me appreciate the game more or less but it made me feel happy that the ending played out so happy, I don't know why, maybe I'm just a typical Westener looking for the happy ending, lol.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:49 No.59483XXX
    So wait,
    Squall helps an urban terrorist,
    Gets impaled by a sorceress,
    With a previously-immobile floating platform school,
    That is funded by a large blob in the basement,
    And goes to the most technologically advanced city in the planet,
    But the sorceress isn't the Big Bad, just a puppet for another sorceress,
    And your girlfriend is another latent sorceress,
    Who ends up in a fucking space station,
    That you save and highjack a battleship that's overrun by aliens that was coincidentally RIGHT THERE while you were running out of oxygen,
    And the moon occasionally spooges THOUSANDS OF MILES OF MONSTERS to bridge the gap to the planet,
    And all your buddies right now you KNEW when you were children, but the one of them pretended the entire time not to know you,
    You finally defeat the Big Bad but trip balls but your girlfriend saves you, but everyone has a happy ending including Seifer

    He was dead, it was really just a fantasy.
    >> NESfag !Gdo4cjPwj6 05/17/10(Mon)20:51 No.59483XXX
    So what EXACTLY was added to the ending?

    The moment when Rinoa finds Squall and on?

    Or after that, seeing everybody happy (Seifer, Laguna, Ellone, etc), and the party of the orphanage during the credits?

    Just the party during the credits and the small bit after when Squall and Rinoa are together on the balcony?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:52 No.59483XXX
    God fucking bananas
    I think we made it /v/
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:53 No.59483XXX
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    See, I like this theory. It's way more interesting than the actual story "hurr time traveling witches can only be defeated by friendship" anime bullshit.

    Ah well, it's fun to think about.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:55 No.59483XXX
    And you think thats "deep and genuis" storytelling?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:57 No.59484XXX
    It demonstrates how bullshit the story of this game actually is. Cause some of the fan shit is pretty good but the fact that this much of the story is left open to or needs interpretation shows how much a rush job this game was.
    >> NESfag !Gdo4cjPwj6 05/17/10(Mon)20:57 No.59484XXX
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    >And the moon occasionally spooges THOUSANDS OF MILES OF MONSTERS to bridge the gap to the planet,

    There is a backstory about that.
    If you pay attention you'll learn that the Cetra, a civilisation in the past, suffered from the Lunar Cry and this is why there is a big hole north of the Esthar continent.
    There are a few moments explaining lunar cries and where monsters actually come from.
    I think it's very cool that they even explained monsters themselves.

    >And all your buddies right now you KNEW when you were children, but the one of them pretended the entire time not to know you
    It makes sense. They were in the same orphanage ran by Edea and Cid, then they are sent to Galbadia Garden CREATED by Edea and Cid. Only 2 of them (Irvine and Selphie) get dispatched in 2 other gardens, probably becauase, like often stated during the game, at first balamb garden lacked money.

    About the memory loss thing now: it is NOT a plot twist. It is stated at the VERY BEGINNING of the game that GFs may cause memory loss, and then it's HINTED at several times throughout the entire game.
    NORG actualyl didn't want them to believe that GFs caused memory loss so that they would be more powerful and therefore make the garden earn money more easily, since he was a heartless money whoring bastard.

    I'll talk about seifer in the enxt post.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)20:58 No.59484XXX
    I don't remember exactly where the new stuff starts off but I do remember that the scene at the party afterwards where everything is a-ok and the bit after on the balcony that were all new to the Western release and weren't in the original, I'd have to check out where exactly it ends for the JP version by checking youtube or an faq or worse yet... ask at 2ch, lol :)

    Anyways it's 2am here in the UK and I need to go to sleep, sorry I can't remember exactly where the extra ending bit starts but shouldn't be too hard to find out, night bro.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:01 No.59484XXX
    I played the goddamn game but somehow you are
    that it makes more sense than the Squall is Dead theory.

    The GF memory loss is right at the beginning of the damn game and never given a significant coverage in the story, only when after playing more than half the game, LOL YOU KNEW EVERYBODY BUT FORGOT. THE GUY WHO KNEW BRUSHES IT OFF WITH "I THOUGHT YOU KNEW."
    >> NESfag !Gdo4cjPwj6 05/17/10(Mon)21:01 No.59484XXX
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    >You finally defeat the Big Bad but trip balls but your girlfriend saves you, but everyone has a happy ending including Seifer

    There is a very strong theory which makes a lot of sense about Seifer and why even HE gets a happy ending: he was actually being mindcontrolled by Ultimecia.

    It is said a few times if you talk to the right people that sorceresses can mind-control other people.

    Seifer has a sudden change of mind at Timber when he decides to join Ultimecia (in the body of Edea), mind control would explain that.

    In the end, people figured out that Seifer wasn't being himself. At some point in the game Squall even says "Seifer is... Ultimecia's puppet." (the importnat word here is puppet).
    That is why, once Ultimecia killed and once freed from her, he is free to go. People didn't hold him responsible because he was only being controlled.

    Now I know what you're going to say:
    >If Ultimecia can do mind control, why can't she just mind control Squall&co NOT to kill her?

    and here is my theory about that: mind control is actually limited and you can only mind control people in a sense that they are likely to go in the first place.
    This is why all of Seifer's backstory is important: he talks about his "dream", doing something big, then says that his dream was to be the sorceress knight. he also borrowed a book at the garden called "Sorceress' Knight", etc
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:03 No.59484XXX
    >defending the retarded plot twist about the characters knowing each other

    listen, I ve seen people fall low here on 4chan, but you cannot possibly conceal the fact that meeting all your childhood buddies and not say anything ANYTHING AT ALL is believable, Irvine is the most retarded fictional character ever created or its part of a retarded plot

    chose one
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:03 No.59484XXX
    >About the memory loss thing now: it is NOT a plot twist. It is stated at the VERY BEGINNING of the game that GFs may cause memory loss, and then it's HINTED at several times throughout the entire game.

    Its still bullshit storytelling. Its a key fact to understanding how a part of the plot makes sense, and you put it in the optional tutorial? Not only that, but many people use gfs and continue to do so, but it only effects them? It was a bullshit scene to shoehorn a reason for the characters to stay together, man.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:03 No.59484XXX
    >and here is my theory about that:
    Your theory is bullshit. Devs said you suck cock, don't bother them about it.
    >> NESfag !Gdo4cjPwj6 05/17/10(Mon)21:03 No.59484XXX
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    >And you think thats "deep and genuis" storytelling?

    Actually no, the "power of love" is my least favourite point the storyline.

    What's "genuis" to me is all the connections between past/present/future and how each of them influence each of them.

    I LOVE time travel stories. I LOVE terminator1 and back to the future. FF8 is in the same boot.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:05 No.59484XXX
    THANK YOU. Fags keep saying he didnt shoot Edea because he knew, but in the scene he just pussies out AND TAKES THE SHOT ANYWAYS. Irvine is a walking plot hole.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:05 No.59484XXX
    What's the matter? What he says makes sense and you're an imbecile and therefore must act childish as a response because you probably don't even understand what's bein talked about?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:06 No.59485XXX
    The whole "Final Fantasy" title being about the last dream before death would make FF be a lot more.... bittersweet. If it were true. It makes sense in said context and it would make ever more sense if it actually affected every FF (long series usually have a theme they all share).

    But then again it's unproven and loosely founded and some of the death theories are more ludicrous than believable. FF will remain as being called that because "it was the last game Square was making before bankruptcy.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:06 No.59485XXX
    What do the devs say about this bullshit of a story? Got any links?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:08 No.59485XXX
    I don't remember any of the kids I was best friends with and went to school with etc when I was 5-12 years old, the fact that they have been raised in a specific way to be controlled and they use GFs that affect their longterm memory adds to that. They are controlled their whole lives and taught to behave and think in a certain way and then their memories are brainwashed and fucked about.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:09 No.59485XXX
    You GOT to admit the GF mind wipe shit was bull crap, though. It was an ass pull and we know it. Stop trying to say that part of it was "deep", it was in an optional fucking tutorial.
    >> NESfag !Gdo4cjPwj6 05/17/10(Mon)21:09 No.59485XXX
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    I actually don't like the case of Irvine either. I never said I liked EVERYTHING about the story of FF8, Irvine+"the power of love" still ticks me off a little bit. What I love most, like I've said, is everything related to time travel.

    Still, without counting "irvine not telling about it", everything about memory loss makes sense and is clearly hinted at throughout the game, whether you like it or not.

    Also I will never understand how people will ALWAYS bitch about Irvine not telling the truth, but NEVER, oh god NEVER, bitch about Tifa doing EXACTLY THE SAME THING and not telling she knows the truth when Cloud tells the story of Nibelheim etc when he pretends to have been Zack.

    Then the bitch keeps her mouth shut till WAY later on.
    it's exactly the same kind of plot twist.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:10 No.59485XXX
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    >People taking a square game's story serious enough to discuss it

    haha oh wow.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:10 No.59485XXX
    thats because jenova builds up false memories inside of her, same deal with cloud

    play the game again
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:10 No.59485XXX
    Thats it /v/

    I found my subject for my PhD
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:11 No.59485XXX
    Tifa does talk about it unnerving her, and its paced to the fucking story. Plus shes not assassinating her FOSTER MOTHER. Seriously.
    >> NESfag !Gdo4cjPwj6 05/17/10(Mon)21:11 No.59485XXX
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    >I don't remember any of the kids I was best friends with and went to school with etc when I was 5-12 years old,

    also this. I can't remember any single kid from when I was 5 for the life of me.

    I dunno about that. FF8 likes to explain everything. They explained monsters and where they came from. They also got to explain GFs and how they worked, by taking a place in your brain.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:11 No.59485XXX
    >>Rinoa had a dog that attacks for her at times, as earthly dogs are known to do
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:13 No.59485XXX
    >> NESfag !Gdo4cjPwj6 05/17/10(Mon)21:13 No.59485XXX
    >play the game again [FF7]

    While, I guess so... why not. I was planning on playing FFX for the first time but I got time after all.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:13 No.59485XXX
    Actually, after Cloud tells the story, she gives a look and goes "...." from what I remember....

    Irvine fucking reintroduces himself.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:14 No.59485XXX
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    No RPG, W or J, has had a good enough story to even give you a C+ in the worst writing class known to man.

    You are all terrible.
    >> NESfag !Gdo4cjPwj6 05/17/10(Mon)21:14 No.59485XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:15 No.59485XXX
    Morrowind's story is pretty awesome.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:15 No.59485XXX
    >> NESfag !Gdo4cjPwj6 05/17/10(Mon)21:16 No.59486XXX
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    Actually, I got a 19/20 in a creative writing class, by writing a story based on FF8.

    that was when I was 13 years old, though
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:17 No.59486XXX
    But by trying to explain shit, it drags itself into a hole of bullshit. You're telling me that the major military force of the world is using memory erasing weapons, and that this isnt a problem? That our protagonists NEEDED to be related to each other, even though for all intents and purposes, their relationship started that day? Really game?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:17 No.59486XXX
    ITT we talk about tripfags and their overly complicated theories
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:17 No.59486XXX
    >What is /v/ opinions on the Squall is dead theory?

    It's jsut as stupid as the Rinoa = Ulti theory
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:18 No.59486XXX
    I won my 5th grade science fair, your argument is invalid.
    >> NESfag !Gdo4cjPwj6 05/17/10(Mon)21:19 No.59486XXX
    >You're telling me that the major military force of the world is using memory erasing weapons, and that this isnt a problem?

    Actually, it seems to only Balamb Garden seems to use GF, like I said because NORG is a heartless greedy bastard. One of those guards in red suits and yellow hats says to Squall something like "Do not believe rumors against GFs spread by other military forces" when he becomes a SeeD.

    Also it is said that Trabia and Galbadia gardens don't use GFs either (Irvine and Selphie didn't use GFs in those schools).
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:20 No.59486XXX
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    This is a PS3 has no games
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:22 No.59486XXX
    Explain grandfather paradox and how it applies to FFVIII.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:23 No.59486XXX
    My point is more towards other people use gfs, no real signs of damage are shown towards them AT ALL, but our heroes happens to forget their childhoods? I think this can actually be filed objectively as bad storytelling.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:23 No.59486XXX
    the game is more 10 years old, who the fuck cares
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:25 No.59486XXX
    This too. Along with the fact that the time line should be looping endlessly now.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:27 No.59487XXX
    So ff8 is passable story telling at 13 years old huh? Good to know.
    >> NESfag !Gdo4cjPwj6 05/17/10(Mon)21:29 No.59487XXX
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    Simple: in the ending we see, at the same time, Ultimecia going back in time to give her powers to Edea, and Squall at the same moment telling Edea about SeeD, etc, giving her the idea to create SeeD, garden and to fight sorceresses.

    The paradox here is that: since this can only happen SINCE Squall was a SeeD in the first place, it means Squall had to be a SeeD in order that SeeD was created.
    This is just an example though, as there are probably a couple other similar points which create such kind of paradoxes in the story of FF8.

    So, if you think time as being one unique straight line, the story of FF8 can not possibly happen.

    Which is why there are two possibilities:
    - either you think of time as being able to create parrallel worlds, which means that what we see in FF8 in one of many other parralel worlds influencing each others oh god, Chrono Cross..., and then it can make sense
    - or you simply don't see time as a straight line

    However one of these two points HAS to be believed by the viewer/reader/player for ANY story involving time travel, because otherwise time travel can not possibly makes sense with what we consider the rules of our normal world.
    >> NESfag !Gdo4cjPwj6 05/17/10(Mon)21:31 No.59487XXX
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    I said BASED.

    It was mostly just based on the names of the characters, their behaviour, and Ultimecia's castle in CD4.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:32 No.59487XXX
    The real answer is that the various people working on the script were never on the same page to begin with and to this day do not agree about the plot, the ending, Ultimecia, etc.

    Furthermore, the game's script went through a significant revision when the game was already about 80% done, resulting in unintentional red herrings, nonsensical plot segments that go nowhere, and basically resulted in a ton of people thinking they've "figured it out."

    There's nothing to figure out. FFVIII is a clusterfuck of a story that ended up chopping out the most important dialogue segments due to creative differences, resulting in a piss poor storyline that's only good if you can convince yourself that you've "figured it out." Yes, there is a "canonical" explanation of the story in Ultimania or however you spell it. It's also not agreed upon by most of the people who were writing / had input on the plot, who coincidentally don't agree with each other either.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:32 No.59487XXX
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    >> NESfag !Gdo4cjPwj6 05/17/10(Mon)21:33 No.59487XXX
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    >Furthermore, the game's script went through a significant revision when the game was already about 80% done


    >It's also not agreed upon by most of the people who were writing / had input on the plot, who coincidentally don't agree with each other either.

    >> Anonymous 05/17/10(Mon)21:33 No.59487XXX

    >mozart is dead, who cares about his music?

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