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  • LIKE CHIPTUNES/8-bit MUSIC? Check out Jeremiah "Nullsleep" Johnson's Collapsed Desires tour this month and throughout June!

    File : 1274028291.jpg-(61 KB, 600x469, toronto.jpg)
    61 KB Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)12:44 No.59323XXX  
    Hey bros,

    Me again with my last installment of "Defying Danger by Trying to Find a Roommate on 4Chan".

    Actually have had some pretty decent success as of late.

    Following I'll have a copy/pasted ad and pics that I made up for Kijiji/Craigslist and I'll be answering any and all questions.

    I'll just reiterate that although I've got a PS3 with a pretty large collection of games (including PS1 and PS2), I'm no elitist or fanboy. So I would very much like if you had some other consoles for us to use. Got a 360? Awesome, I'd love to do up some Gears of War and Mass Effect. Got a Wii? Fabulous, would love to try out Madworld and Dead Space: Extraction!

    Had a lot of fun the last few times, so hopefully this is the same. Check the next posts for the ad and the pics!

    Basically, I'll give you the tl;dr before I copy/paste and just say I'm looking to live with a real bro. Never had any gaming friends growing up, so I've got some backlogged co-op vidya playing to get caught up on!

    If you reply, please tell me what one of your top games is as well as the one you're currently playing. Also mention any games/consoles or anything like that you'd be bringing with you.

    Hope to hear from you bros.
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)12:46 No.59323XXX
         File1274028400.jpg-(615 KB, 900x1200, smaller.jpg)
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    Hey gang,

    Looking for a laid-back animal loving roommate to share my apartment with from June onwards.

    You'll see what I mean about getting the top score towards the bottom.

    Let's cut right to it, shall we?


    -Main floor of a house
    -Has a backyard and deck
    -Whole place is freshly painted
    -Skylight in living room
    -Dishwasher (oh yes, no more dishpanhands)
    -Fully furnished (except for bedroom)
    -Air conditioning and heat (thermostat in bedroom)
    -Residential street
    -5-10 minute walk from two TTC stations (Lansdowne, Dufferin)
    -5 minute walk from Galleria mall for all your basic shopping needs
    -15 minute walk from Dufferin mall for all your better shopping needs
    -Room for rent is about 10x13 I think
    -Has a bay window
    -Fresh new floors

    And here's some extras to entice you techhounds:
    -60" plasma TV
    -Loads of movies
    -Brand new 5.1 surround sound system
    -Loads of cd's
    -PS3 (backwards compatible)
    -Loads of games

    All happily at your disposal and for only $450 (+$25 for internet) inclusive per month!
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)12:51 No.59323XXX
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    THE YOU:

    -Animal lover
    -Non-drug user
    -No alcoholics
    -Not a slob

    The above things are non-negotiable.

    The below things just give you bonus points and help us mesh:

    -Vegan (+20pts)
    -Vegetarian (+15pts)
    -Horror movie fan (+5pts)
    -Metal music or classical music fan (+10pts)
    -Musician (+5pts)
    -Interest in body modification (+5pts)
    -Video game player (+5pts)
    -Video game player that has an Xbox 360 or a Wii to contribute to the living room (+10pts)
    -Around my age of 24 (+5pts)
    -Knows the inspiration for my cats names without googling (read below)(+15pts)
    -Knows the inspiration for my cats names with googling (read below)(+5pts)
    -Wants to just pay all the rent and shower me with gifts all day (+1000pts)

    I don't really have a preference on male or female. But I'll be honest and say I have an easier time living with males. Ladies, I love ya, you know I do, but once a month the household can get a little stressful and you guys go through toilet paper like it's going out of style.
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)12:52 No.59323XXX
         File1274028734.jpg-(641 KB, 900x1200, smaller (3).jpg)
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    THE ME:

    -Animal lover
    -Metal/Classical music lover
    -Horror lover

    In that order.

    -Laid-back to the point of parody and impossible to offend (extra 20pts if you can offend me, seriously)
    -Non-drug user
    -Always having a laugh
    -Body modification fan
    -Video game player
    -Heavy book reader (includes comics and recently my first ever manga)

    I believe that's me in a nutshell. Ask if you're curious about anything else.
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)12:53 No.59323XXX
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    Like I said, I'm laid-back and you should be to. Therefore, there's not really any 'house rules' so to speak that don't fall under the category of 'common courtesy'. However, some tried and tested techniques I've found that work quite well is to split bills for commonly used items (toilet paper, cleaning supplies, etc.) right down the middle instead of a you buy/I buy type deal. But first always confirming that the opposite party has some change on them before rushing out to rack up the bills. Speaking of cleaning, it's done on a basically "clean up after yourself" basis with once a week doing a 'big clean' (or whenever it needs it). Again, the 'big clean' (which usually only takes an hour or less) should be done with both of us at the same time so we avoid stuff like "Well, I cleaned the house last time", "Yeah, so? It wasn't nearly as dirty as this time!", sort of thing. You know how it is. And in situations like that, and all parts of life, I will tell you that I'm very honest and upfront about issues (and I hope you are too). No worries about me passive-aggressively filling with rage until I snap.

    And like I said, the whole place is fully furnished. You don't need to bring anything but bedroom stuff and toiletries. However, if you have some common area things, we can always kind of see who has the better stuff and maybe assimilate.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)12:53 No.59323XXX
    Does weed count when you mention non drug user?
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)12:53 No.59323XXX
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    One more thing. I have a black cat named Mayhem, and an orange cat named Burzum (see above for bonus points!) as well as a dog (Husky) named Sascha. They are the absolute most important aspects of my life. The idea of any negativity befalling them in any way is of my utmost concern. I am a very over-protective 'father' to these furkids. Please keep this in mind if you have any plans that are of ill-nature towards my pets. In fact, if you have any less-than-savoury plans for my pets, don't even respond to this ad.

    Also, it's cool if you have pets (any kind you want, even reptiles and insects/arachnids). Just know that my cats and dog are rescues and may need to warm up to your pets since they've not been well socialized in the past. The cats are fine with dogs, get a little cranky but can coexist with other cats (lived with 2 others) and my dog is outwardly aggressive towards other dogs but after the "Who's the boss? I'm the boss" confrontations, she's fine.

    Oh, and my girlfriend is a veterinary technician and animal nutritionist, so you can get free advice for your little lovelies. :)
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)12:54 No.59323XXX

    No, I don't give a shit. Just bothers my sensitive sinuses, so you can't do it in the house and stuff.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)12:54 No.59323XXX
    I'd live with you if I was from Canada. I need a roommate, too. :(
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)12:55 No.59324XXX
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    I'll mention now that the kitchen and living room (which are open concept) are now painted the same shade of gray and these pics do not show my new awesome sound system. Sorry I couldn't get more recent pics, but there's a bunch of boxes and traffic coming in and out of the house.

    More pics available upon request.

    And as I said before, ask any questions you'd like!

    Tally up your top score, tell me what you got and what for, and I hope to hear from you!
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)12:55 No.59324XXX
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    Kitchen 1/3
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)12:56 No.59324XXX
    It sounds good, and it looks like you've thought this out.

    I don't live around the area, but good luck to you.
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)12:57 No.59324XXX
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    Kitchen 2/3
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)12:58 No.59324XXX
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    Kitchen 3/3
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)12:58 No.59324XXX
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    Living Room 1/3
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)12:58 No.59324XXX
    Are you a faggot? That's a legitimate question, btw.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)12:59 No.59324XXX
    Man, I'd live with you but I'm stucked in Peru for the moment being.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)12:59 No.59324XXX
    >body mods
    To help keep your thread bump because you seem like a cool guy
    What do you have? Stretched ears? Nose? Gauge size?
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)12:59 No.59324XXX
    Too bad you arent Aussie, You and I would be great Roommates.
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)13:00 No.59324XXX
         File1274029203.jpg-(624 KB, 1200x900, smaller (11).jpg)
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    Living Room 2/3
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:00 No.59324XXX
    >-Vegan (+20pts)
    >-Vegetarian (+15pts)
    >-No alcoholics

    Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:00 No.59324XXX
    Burzum sucks, bro.
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)13:00 No.59324XXX
         File1274029249.jpg-(660 KB, 1200x900, smaller (12).jpg)
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    Living Room 3/3

    Going to answer all the questions after this post as this is the end of the pics.

    Thanks for the bumps guys.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:01 No.59324XXX

    Is that a fucking wolf?
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:01 No.59324XXX
    I remember you posted a while ago. Had to be around christmas time or earlier. You said you lived like down the street from my old place. I thought you moved in with another /v/ anon.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:01 No.59324XXX
    >furfag confirmed
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:02 No.59324XXX
    Sweet Coffin Table.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:03 No.59324XXX
    >OP is a rapist
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:04 No.59324XXX
    >OP is a serial murderer/rapist/furfag
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:05 No.59324XXX
    your sensitive sinuses? fuck that shit man you cant expect a bro to go outside with a bong.
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)13:06 No.59325XXX

    Hey, time for a change of scenery! C'mon up.


    Thanks bro. I just had a lot of great feedback and met some cool folks from /v/ the last few times, and thought I'd give it one last shot.


    Well, I did mention my girlfriend in my ad, but I suppose she could have a dick. To confirm, no, not a faggot. But totally open to gayfags if you wanna be roommates.


    Peru? Man, I would always think that'd be way better than Canada. Come here for an extended vacation and play some vidya!


    Ha, no, no stretched holes. I was long out of the scene before that was popularized. My professional career has been as a body piercer (and other modification) since I was 18, and actually haven't gotten anything done since around that time either.

    It'd be a long list, but I'll give you the gist. Some in my ears, some in my nose, some in my lip, some in my tongue, some in my wang. And some tattoos somewhere as well, haha.


    I love Australia. The wildlife there is some of my favourite. Fucking Marsupials! Maybe I'll move down that way some time, eh?


    Haters gon' hate.


    Not my favourite, but the cat names were more for fun than to show my fandom. Current fav is Funeral Mist actually, are you familiar? Check them out if you haven't, I guarantee you'll love them if you're into black metal. Across the Qliphoth and Holy Poison being some stand out tracks.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:07 No.59325XXX
    You sound like an insufferably obnoxious prick.

    Are you posting this on 4chan because you've run out of reasonable people who can stand to live with you?
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:07 No.59325XXX
    Ahh, you sound like the perfect roommate, almost. I like my metal, I like my black metal cats, don't understand the whole vegan thing, but to each their own...not a fanboi, obviously heavily into the vidya. Similarly too laid back for my own good, into cookin', into my comics and graphic novels, etc. etc.

    Problem: I live in Germany and work as a tester for Nintendo HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE

    Regardless, good luck. Nice to see the preparation you put into it, there.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:08 No.59325XXX
    Sounds pretty nice, OP. Place looks great too. I'd live with you if I wasn't in shitty Arizona.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:08 No.59325XXX
    THE ME:

    -Animal lover - Yes
    -Non-smoker - Yes
    -Non-drug user - Yes
    -No alcoholics - I like to drink but I only do it on social occasions
    -Laid-back - about everything but my dvds
    -Courteous - Yes
    -Reliable - Don't ask me to do the dishes without leaving a note
    -Not a slob - Hate my living space looking like shit

    -Vegan (+20pts) - Nah I love me some pork ribs
    -Vegetarian (+15pts) - ^
    -Horror movie fan (+5pts) - I am actually an amature film maker
    -Metal music or classical music fan (+10pts) - Classical Fuck Yeah
    -Musician (+5pts) - I play Drums for recreation
    -Interest in body modification (+5pts) - I think its interesting alright
    -Video game player (+5pts) - Always
    -Video game player that has an Xbox 360 or a Wii to contribute to the living room (+10pts) - Wii, 360 and PS3
    -Around my age of 24 (+5pts) - 23
    -Knows the inspiration for my cats names without googling (read below)(+15pts) - I just read it
    -Wants to just pay all the rent and shower me with gifts all day (+1000pts) - What?

    Do I meet the requirements?
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:09 No.59325XXX
    You sound like a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:10 No.59325XXX

    A massive faggot, indeed.
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)13:11 No.59325XXX

    Ha, nope, just a Husky. I get a lot of people honestly asking if it's a wolf though.


    Ah yeah, that was when I was just testing the waters seeing if this was a viable avenue for finding a roommate. I guess you'll remember the thread was actually pretty good, and here I am back again!




    Ha, thanks bro. It was actually an old guitar case I was working on, but then bought an actual Coffin Case and decided to turn my DIY into a table. Worked out pretty well, but I'm looking to upgrade it.




    Yes, maybe, no.


    Haha, sorry bro. Wish my nose wasn't such a pussy...
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:11 No.59325XXX
    You sound like a furfag that doesn't drink.

    Alot of wierdo furfags do not drink and are plain in your face and shit, they really get the fuck on my nerves. I can tolerate people, but they're the type to be a bit inconsiderate.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:14 No.59325XXX
    Let me see yer face
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:16 No.59325XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:16 No.59325XXX
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)13:18 No.59326XXX

    You got it, Pontiac.


    Thanks for the well wishes, bro. Too bad we weren't on the same side of the pond, could have been fun.


    Ah, hot, hot Arizona. Sorry man. I've got some friends out that way and they hate it as well.

    Come to think of it, everyone I've ever known from Arizona has hated it. Why does anyone still live there?


    Yeah, you sound good man. Tell me more about your DVD thing...? If you have OCD when it comes to organization and care, I can relate, haha.

    Got any horror films under your belt?

    Oh, and a drummer. That's awesome. I've been playing guitar for about 15 years and you'll know what a hot commodity drummers are for us dime-a-dozen guitar players, haha.

    Another PS3 would be cool for some LANing.



    A glorious winged faggot at the very least I hope.
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)13:19 No.59326XXX

    I'm unsure what makes me sound like a furfag, no joke. Can you elaborate?

    I think once you see my pic (let me hunt one down) you'll realize that's not the case.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:20 No.59326XXX

    I'm pretty sure is the vegan + lots of pets thing.

    Honestly if I lived anywhere near you I'd consider it.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:22 No.59326XXX
    Man, you'd be perfect as a roommate, I don't smoke/drink etc

    But I'm in Puerto Rico

    You seem like an awesome bro though, best of luck
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)13:22 No.59326XXX
         File1274030568.jpg-(49 KB, 226x368, 10724_246381880260_523610260_8(...).jpg)
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    I promise I'm not as mean or scary as I look. The only pic I could grab was from Halloween with my girlfriend, haha. (I'm at her place right now)

    Haha, shit, sorry again about the pic. I swear to god I'm not going to kill you in your sleep and eat you.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:22 No.59326XXX
    >I am a very over-protective 'father' to these furkids.

    Also obsessive pet owning and vegan-ism and general straightedge-ness.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:23 No.59326XXX
    torontobro here as well as a DJ. Currently living in durham, i've always wanted to move downtown. Whereabouts downtown do you live?
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:23 No.59326XXX
    your concern for your animals is what makes you sound like a furfag, I love my dog and would take a fucking shit storm of bullets as long as he got to live, but I still wouldn't mention him that really if I we're to do this just maybe say "I have a Maltese Pomeranian dog, he does not bite but if you are allergic to dogs, sorry."
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:23 No.59326XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:24 No.59326XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:24 No.59326XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:25 No.59326XXX
         File1274030708.jpg-(68 KB, 384x494, you-gonna-get-raped.jpg)
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    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)13:25 No.59326XXX
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    Ah, shit, found a less spooky pic (I swear the last one was from Halloween). Should have posted this one first.


    Oh, alright, I gotcha. I'm not actually vegan, it's just a lifestyle I support and am working my way towards. Just an old fashioned animal lover. No offense to furfags out there, but I actually think this could lead to some deviant behaviour (in some folks) that would definitely impose my my ethical beliefs regarding animals.


    Thanks for the well wishes bro. If you're ever in Canada, there's a second controller here for you (that I promise is 1st party).
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:26 No.59326XXX
    did you post this a few months ago OP?
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:26 No.59326XXX
    OP confirmed for GIANT faggot
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:27 No.59326XXX
    Do you like the pokemons?
    >> XLR !KOaMEGASp. 05/16/10(Sun)13:27 No.59326XXX
    Wrong filename, bro.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:27 No.59326XXX
    I'm This guy: >>59325218
    The DVD thing is like, I just don't like people touching my dvds, it's taken me ages to get em all and I don't really wanna get em ruined (I flipped the shit when my GF left Vertigo out of its cover). I'm actually filming a horror film now, fairly actors crap though, It's mainly about Devil Worship and what not (it's actually my first film, I'm filming it with a couple of people from my Uni). I've also been doing the Drums for 7 years now, I've never actually played with anyone else though.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:27 No.59326XXX
    Hey bro I'm from Toronto (Jane/Eglinton). But honestly you sound like kind of a faggot.
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)13:29 No.59327XXX

    Depends on how hot you are.


    I gotcha.

    I'm not sure where you guys live, but there's some sick motherfuckers in this city. Having a girlfriend that works in an animal hospital gets me first hand information every single day. I just want to stress that I'm completely laid-back, but if you kick my dog, throw my cat, or generally cause them harm in any way, don't say I didn't warn you. Know what I mean? One of the last dudes I lived with told me he would yell at my cats and throw them if they got in his way. Had to have a good sitdown with him, and since then, I've always made it extremely clear how important my pets were to me. Despite coming off as a bit 'over-bearing', I think it gets the point across.

    Sorry bro, all I had was my girlfriend's Facebook to loot for pics.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:29 No.59327XXX
    Bump because that guy sgae'd. :I
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:30 No.59327XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:30 No.59327XXX
    wait would you be up for some cock sucking and shit?
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)13:34 No.59327XXX

    Around Dufferin and Bloor. Right on the subway line actually, so it's pretty convenient. Takes less than 30 minutes to get from my place to Queen/Spadina on TTC.


    Yup, was just testing the waters back then, but we all had a good time. Posted it a few weeks back as well with a confirmed move-in date. If you were around back then, welcome back bro.


    Honestly haven't played Pokemon since I was a youngster on first gen Gameboy. Had a good time back then, wouldn't mind checking out what it's become.


    Ah, Devil Worship, tried and tested. Good stuff man, I hope it really works out for you. I love b-movie and schlocky stuff, so bad actors or not, I'm sure I'd find something to like about it, ha.

    I've got some pretty rare DVD's as well, but I'm cool with people checking them out if they respect the property, ya know? I had one roommate that never put shit back where it was supposed to go, left discs out, etc., and I lost my shit. Then had another one that was cool about keeping things in their place and not leaving discs out and I had no problem with them nabbing a movie whenever they felt like popping one in.



    Forgot it wasn't a schoolday.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:36 No.59327XXX
         File1274031372.png-(38 KB, 192x192, heresy.png)
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    this man has no personality.

    i can tell because he has a bad case of tacklebox face. bet he's got mommy issues, too.

    >straight edge
    what are you, fifteen? you need some made-up bullshit as an excuse to live clean?

    ok, fine. but only if you're doing it as a personal preference and not because you listened to one too many Conflict records or you need to be this way to hang out with your other tacklebox faced, ink defiled friends.
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)13:36 No.59327XXX

    No, sorry man. But I can hook you up with these guys if you want:



    Thanks bro. :)
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)13:37 No.59327XXX

    Sorry bro, didn't know the pre-cursor to cool was being into drugs/smoking/alcohol.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:38 No.59327XXX
    >-Vegan (+20pts)
    >-Vegetarian (+15pts)
    Get out.
    >> Alice !!q8FLubFGOmd 05/16/10(Sun)13:38 No.59327XXX
         File1274031492.jpg-(14 KB, 507x464, 12121345337.jpg)
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    Can I shit on the walls?
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)13:38 No.59327XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:39 No.59327XXX
    i hope you're not implying that i am a drinker, smoker or drug abuser. i am not.

    you and i are incompatible though because i am an adult, and you are a man-child.
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)13:42 No.59328XXX

    Well, you're the one that implied I was straight-edge or part of some sort of straight-edge culture despite having no evidence supporting such aside from the same that can be brought against you, apparently.

    I don't understand why you're so upset.

    And yet, that makes your last statement reek of hilarious irony.

    Why not just cheer up and come play some vidya, bro?
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:42 No.59328XXX
    Mayhem/Burzum, the bands. cool I guess. gl finding someone, though you're not my type.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:43 No.59328XXX
    >I had one roommate that never put shit back where it was supposed to go, left discs out, etc.
    I would have tied him up and threw him in a shed full of snails, so that the snails would eat his nipples off (I'm actually using this as a part in my movie)
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:44 No.59328XXX
    You should change your name to Torontonibro.
    Like Torontonian only with Bro on the end. That's what you guys are called.
    >> Toronto/Torontbro? 05/16/10(Sun)13:44 No.59328XXX

    Thanks bro.

    Those bonus things are just stuff that would give us more in common. Truthfully, if you like animals, and are laid-back, that's me in a nutshell and we'd be compatible. I'm not very invasive with my interests.
    >> Alice !!q8FLubFGOmd 05/16/10(Sun)13:45 No.59328XXX
         File1274031922.jpg-(32 KB, 693x673, 12121345353.jpg)
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    No but in all seriousness, if I lived in the area I would like to be your roommate. The place looks really nice, and you've got some nice appliances/furniture/electronics. Really nice set-up, and it's all clean...

    Unfortunately moving to Toronto would be out of the question for me ;__; But I wish you good luck, as I did last time I saw this thread.
    >> Torontonibro 05/16/10(Sun)13:46 No.59328XXX

    Haha, I love your movie already.

    Shoot me an email with more info, or just a completed project, will ya?

    Also, for anyone interested in being roomies or sending me hatemail, here's my spam email account:


    You are a brilliant, brilliant man. Done and done.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:47 No.59328XXX
    Nigga you gotta ease up
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:48 No.59328XXX
    Where is this place located?
    I go to UFT and I've been looking for a place on or near Campus so I no longer have to commute.
    >> Torontonibro 05/16/10(Sun)13:48 No.59328XXX

    Thanks, I really appreciate it.

    The other two threads were a lot more fun, as I'm sure you've noticed. This is the first time I've actually noticed a difference between schoolday and weekend /v/.

    Where are you living right now? I'm sure Toronto can't be that far out of the question!
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:48 No.59328XXX
    Nobody would want you, faggot.
    >> Torontonibro 05/16/10(Sun)13:48 No.59328XXX

    Sorry, it's not that close unfortunately. It's at the Dufferin/Bloor area.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:51 No.59328XXX
    You seem like a cool guy, however, finding a roommate on the chans is bound to be a mistake.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:51 No.59328XXX
    Nah, it's not finished yet, I just started filming 3 weeks ago. also, I'll send you an email soon, Just look for a email by Toidinamai@****.*** thats me.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:52 No.59329XXX
    That's not that far.
    Maybe a 10-15 minute walk.
    >> Torontonibro 05/16/10(Sun)13:53 No.59329XXX

    Ha, I know I'm playing with fire.

    Call me naive, but I have some pretty good times and meet some pretty good folks here on /v/, so I'm not too worried. You're a good lot a lot of the time.

    Actually already had one bro come by, and he was great. Just making sure I cover all my bases before I make my final decision.

    Thanks for the well wishes.


    Ah, awesome. I'll be on the lookout!
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:54 No.59329XXX
    OP you sound like the biggest faggot in the world. I would never ever live with you even if you paid me.
    >> Torontonibro 05/16/10(Sun)13:54 No.59329XXX

    Oh, no kidding? I'm not that familiar with the campus, I thought I was way off.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:54 No.59329XXX
    Great idea, now all I need to do is find someone like this for Siricon Varrey.
    >> Torontonibro 05/16/10(Sun)13:55 No.59329XXX

    Man, in the whole world?

    Fuck yeah! I'm the best at something!
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:55 No.59329XXX
    I live in Winnipeg, but good luck buddy
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:56 No.59329XXX
    OP what do you do?
    LIke do you simply work, are you in training or do you go to school?
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:56 No.59329XXX
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    You sound like a cool guy OP, but I wouldn't be able to deal with the metal. I like to respect all genres, but I can't take metal for more than 2 minutes without wanting to kill who ever is blasting it throughout the house.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:57 No.59329XXX
    >> Alice !!q8FLubFGOmd 05/16/10(Sun)13:57 No.59329XXX
    I live in New Brunswick right now. But I've got stuff that needs to be done here, I'm afraid I won't be getting out of this shit hole for 2-3 years.
    >> Torontonibro 05/16/10(Sun)13:58 No.59329XXX

    Thanks man, I really appreciate it. Hope my luck works out.


    I run a small music distro as well as do session musician work. Doesn't make me rich, but it gives me a lot of free time.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)13:59 No.59329XXX
    I'd do this but I can't afford any sort of rent.
    >> OMAR !eCB43sok6Q 05/16/10(Sun)13:59 No.59329XXX
    Holy shit. I hope your next roommate is a serial killer.
    >> Torontonibro 05/16/10(Sun)14:00 No.59329XXX

    Thanks bro.

    Don't worry about the metal, I'm not one to blast my music. I'm usually actually pretty quiet. The only time I 'blast' my music is when there's no one else home, or when I'm cleaning really. It really wouldn't be an issue, sorry if it came off like that.

    Ah, I gotcha. What's so bad about that place? Truth be told, you don't really hear much about New Brunswick here in Ontario.

    If I'm still here in 2-3 years, keep an eye out for another thread, haha.
    >> Torontonibro 05/16/10(Sun)14:01 No.59329XXX

    Me too.

    Then we can share tips and tricks!
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)14:01 No.59329XXX
    You have issues.
    >> motherfucking !xHGARYoak6 05/16/10(Sun)14:01 No.59329XXX
    My bonuses:
    -Horror movie fan (+5pts)
    -Metal music or classical music fan (+10pts)
    -Musician (+5pts)
    -Interest in body modification (+5pts)
    -Video game player (+5pts)
    -Around my age of 24 (+5pts)

    I enjoy smoking weed once in a while. I have a small but close group of friends, so having them over is non negotiable. They are gamers as well, so getting along with them shouldn't be a problem. I am a guy, and though I like to play the vidya, I also enjoy having a woman over once in a while.
    I go to the gym, and will most likely not be at the house all the time as I like to keep a social life as well, but I do enjoy coming home after work and playing games for a few hours (usually 3-4 times a week).

    If you would like to hear more, please tell me.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)14:02 No.59329XXX
    If I didn't already have a place downtown (3rd year at Ryerson) I'd jump all over this opportunity. Sorry bro.
    >> Alice !!q8FLubFGOmd 05/16/10(Sun)14:04 No.59330XXX
    Well... It's just small, and we don't have a lot of stuff around here. Shit stores, shit paying jobs, etc.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)14:06 No.59330XXX
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    Also, what do you mean by body modification?
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)14:06 No.59330XXX

    man it's all ok what u said
    but are u ok with experimental footsex with a donut?
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)14:08 No.59330XXX
    -Vegan (+20pts)
    >no, although I'm not going to force meat upon you or anything, and I also make a lot of good vegan/vegetarian meals (I'm a pretty good cook if I do say so mysef)
    -Vegetarian (+15pts)
    >see above
    -Horror movie fan (+5pts)
    >horror? yes. Crappy new slashers/startling movies? no
    -Metal music or classical music fan (+10pts)
    >Love classical, can tolerate metal
    -Musician (+5pts)
    -Interest in body modification (+5pts)
    >not on myself, although it interests me
    -Video game player (+5pts)
    -Video game player that has an Xbox 360 or a Wii to contribute to the living room (+10pts)
    >nope, but I have a bunch of older consoles (NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, Gamecube)
    -Around my age of 24 (+5pts)

    -Animal lover
    >yep, my cat died in the summer D'=
    -Non-drug user
    >I smoke weed once in a blue moon, but never at home
    -No alcoholics
    >only drink casually at parties
    >once I get to know you it may drop to a more casual level, but I'm always considerate, and with people I don't know well I'm very courteous
    -Not a slob
    >not at all

    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)14:09 No.59330XXX
    If I lived in Toronto I'd be willing to give this apartment a look, especially since OP seems like a laid-back, pretty cool guy.

    I'm not vegetarian though, so I doubt you'd be okay with me piling meat in the fridge.

    Honestly, kinda sucks. Where were you when I was looking for an apartment in DC?
    >> Torontonibro 05/16/10(Sun)14:09 No.59330XXX

    Nah, not really. Just Spawn mostly. I tend to get collected editions nowadays. Single issues got too hard to store.


    Ah, cool. What kind of music do you play or instrument?

    Bro, you can smoke weed anytime you want, just can't do it in the house. Smoke yourself into a coma for all I care. I appreciate you being up front about it though.

    Yeah of course, brings friends over. The more the merrier. As long as they're not obnoxious fuckheads and abuse my animals, then we're golden.

    I have to say I'm pretty much the same as far as being out of the house and unfortunately, the same in regards to playing the vidya as well (I say unfortunately, because I'm backlogged and wish I could play more).

    Go ahead and tell me a bit more.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)14:11 No.59330XXX
    >bonus point shit

    >overpriced 60'' TV

    nice dog though, but kinda scares me
    >> motherfucking !xHGARYoak6 05/16/10(Sun)14:17 No.59331XXX
    I play guitar, and have been learning for a few years (mostly self taught, though I know a bit of theory) and am planning on starting a band when I move.

    Looking to move to the city very soon as I'm from the area... sort of.

    I was thinking about becoming, or at least trying to be a vegetarian, but as a guy who goes to the gym, I'm not sure how well that would go.

    As for the friends, I would only have a few over, and they all have had animals in the past, so they aren't a problem. I don't like having too many people at a place I live at as things get broken etc, so I won't have parties at the house.

    Otherwise I am a very laid back person. Not really a slob, though I am not what a person would consider a neat freak.

    Any way I can contact you? I am actually on my way out to the gym right now before work :/
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)14:18 No.59331XXX

    Good luck getting a good room mate, bro
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)14:20 No.59331XXX
    Hah! I'm in toronto and will need a place soon...too bad I need it for the end of july. I'm also trying to escape the rent above $400

    -grew up with cats and dogs in the house, love em
    -love movies of any kind really
    - 52" screen, ps3, 360, wii, 2 PCs
    -classical music fan...not so much metal
    -laid back as shit
    -clean up after myself type
    and so on...

    Sadly..ya. July and too expensive.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)14:27 No.59332XXX
    >likes bodymods
    Yeah, No fucking way.
    >> Torontonibro 05/16/10(Sun)14:29 No.59332XXX

    No problem man, thanks though. I have a friend that goes to Ryerson for I think media something or other and says it's great. Good crowd there.


    Ah, I gotcha. That can be pretty good sometimes though. No big city bullshit to be hassled by.


    Just any sort of modifying of the body I suppose (aside from the usual hair cuts and nail clippings). I just find it interesting and it's a neat topic of conversation.



    >> Torontonibro 05/16/10(Sun)14:30 No.59332XXX

    I just want to clarify that those 'bonus points' things are really just for common interest and in no way really effect my opinion on anyone or their ability to make their way to being my roommate.

    So yeah, awesome if you want to make vegan food, I have no qualms with you having meat in the house. Obviously don't tack it to my door or leave it thawing on my pillow, but you know what I mean.

    YES! FUCK THOSE "BOO-SCARE" MOVIES! I fucking hate that shit! Give me some horror that was actually HORRIFYING and not startling. You're a horror bro, I can tell.

    What some of your favourite classical?

    Right on, older consoles are great as well. I never really got on the emulation train, so I do miss the old days. If you have Bionic Commando for your NES, you're awesome. I've been nostalgia-ing over that game recently for some reason.

    I'm really sorry to hear about your cat. :( My cats are super friendly and I'm sure can help fill some sort of void.

    I'm just going to tell you right now, you can be casual and yourself right from day one. Don't worry about me. I'm impossible to offend and I'm always ready to approach any issues calmly and with logic. So, you're welcome to 'be yourself' right out of the gate.

    Tell me some more about your hobbies and interests or just email me at if you want to talk more.


    Thanks bro, see above for the meat thing. Really not an issue. I don't expect you to give a fuck about my personal beliefs, and I don't give a fuck about yours. Do whatever you want. :)

    Again, those bonus points are just common interests we could have, nothing that really effects our ability to live with one another.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)14:30 No.59332XXX
    >read thread
    >holy shit this is too good to be true
    >I have an Xbawks and a wii and always wanted a PS3

    but then:

    >THE YOU:

    alright, lets see if we mesh

    >Animal lover

    hell yea nigga


    I havent touched a cigarette in years

    >No alcoholics

    Looking good


    nigga you aint seen laidback


    People sometimes call me to accomadating, nice

    Reliable as a golden retriever

    >Not a slob
    Hell no

    >Non-drug user

    >The above things are non-negotiable.


    >The below things just give you bonus points and help us mesh:

    >> motherfucking !xHGARYoak6 05/16/10(Sun)14:37 No.59333XXX
    send me an email

    Perhaps we can work something out.
    Id also like to know what happened to your previous roommate, as i assume you had one had he/she left for some reason (or was kicked out)
    >> Torontonibro 05/16/10(Sun)14:39 No.59333XXX

    Ha, the drug user thing is literally just tied to reliability and being able to pay rent every month. Again, I don't really give a fuck what anyone does to themselves, just found a common trait that drug-users I've lived with have been unreliable and borrowed rent money off me a few too many times.


    Sorry about your preconceived notions and reading comprehension bro. Wanna play some vidya at the very least?


    Ah, you seem awesome bro. Good luck with finding a place for around the $400 mark. Pretty hard to do. I know I was taken for a loop on the prices when I moved here from the Niagara Region.


    Thanks man, I appreciate it. Where are you living now? Maybe it's time to see the world.


    Oh cool, another guitarist. Well, I've got a good collection of guitars and high-end equipment you're welcome to use at your leisure bro.

    Well, not to turn this into a nutritionist debate, but I can assure you from first hand experience that there's no problem with working out and having this sort of diet. In fact, I think you'd be pleasantly surprised. And if you needed help, I'm your man. Don't worry about looking for substitutes or trial and error, I already went through all that shit for you. Happy to pass on the knowledge, ha.

    Ah, alright, fine by me. I'm not much of a party-guy either. Closest I get is when a friends band is on tour and they have to crash at the place over night. But everyone is laid-back and a good lot. None of that typical rock star bullshit.

    Yeah, definitely shoot me an email here:

    Sorry about the juvenile address, but I made it when I was a kid. We all have one, haha.


    Ha, thanks bro. She's the friendliest dog on the planet. Nothing to worry about.
    >> Torontonibro 05/16/10(Sun)14:41 No.59333XXX

    Email sent.

    Roommate never paid rent and was generally out of her fucking mind. In fact, she screamed and yelled at me right in front of the /v/ bro that came by last week because I only gave her 4 hours notice of the showing, haha.

    If you come by I have a ton more fun stories about this roommie and why I kicked her out.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)14:43 No.59333XXX

    I had been living in toronto for a while paying $250 a month because I had 4 roommates who were all awesome vidya bros but...alas work has separated us.
    It was so perfect!
    >> Torontonibro 05/16/10(Sun)14:46 No.59333XXX

    Ah, shit, that sucks man. Sounds like you had a great setup. If I had the room, I totally wouldn't mind living with more bros for less cash. But really, this place is so cheap (comparatively) and has a backyard, which is a holy grail for me here in Toronto for the sake of my dog.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)14:47 No.59334XXX

    Why didnt you mention the backyard earlier

    backyards raise the value of the property by SOOO much
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)14:48 No.59334XXX
    Curious when you say horror what movies your talking about

    Like Silence of the Lambs horror (classic horror)

    The strangers horror (BOO horror)


    American Psycho horror (fucked up horror)
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)14:48 No.59334XXX
    I don't see how this has anything to do with videogames.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)14:50 No.59334XXX
    I hope you find a good roommate! I feel kinda sad having to pass up the opportunity. Guessing its gonna be back home to London ON for me.
    >> Torontonibro 05/16/10(Sun)14:52 No.59334XXX

    >-Has a backyard and deck


    I like it all actually (just had a Thomas Harris marathon actually, haha). Except those 'boo-scares' and all that other cheap excuses for 'horror'. Give me The Thing, give me Nightmare on Elm Street, but most of all, give me some god damned Asian horror. Those fuckers still know what's scary and still have original ideas.

    Looking for a gaming bro to live with. Asked people to post favourite game and currently-playing, but no one has, ha.
    >> Torontonibro 05/16/10(Sun)14:53 No.59334XXX

    Are you the bro that mentioned living in London about a week ago in my other thread? I'm tellin' ya man, come here to Toronto. It's like London, except big enough that you don't have to deal with all those little niche cliques that run around London.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)14:53 No.59334XXX

    Favorite Game: Majoras Mask

    Currently playing: Portal (FREE ON STEAM FUCK YAR)
    >> Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)14:55 No.59334XXX
    Naw wasn't me. I grew up in London but I've been living in TO since 2003.

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