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  • File : 1273087877.jpg-(19 KB, 282x289, dreamcast.jpg)
    19 KB Auburn Trap !!spKaYGnKkC6 05/05/10(Wed)15:31 No.58119XXX  
    What did the Dreamcast do right that the current gaming gen is doing wrong?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:33 No.58119XXX

    Shitty pads, arcade ports only and horrible optical support(lol only 1 GB)

    Sorry to scratch those nostalgia goggles.

    The VMU was cool though.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:34 No.58120XXX
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    here's one
    What happened to car combat???
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:36 No.58120XXX
    Oh I also forgot next to 0 good sport games, which crippled its sales.

    Oh and the piracy was piss easy, all the Dreamcast produced before 2000 could run every burned cd, I'm not joking, try it yourself; even if this could pass as a good thing to someone.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:37 No.58120XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:38 No.58120XXX
    It had great Sega games
    >> Holden Caulfield !!T8HvdmkrROG 05/05/10(Wed)15:38 No.58120XXX
    Nothing really.
    It just has some games that have become cult classics.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:38 No.58120XXX
    ChuChu Rocket!

    most addictive game ever

    prove me wrong
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:39 No.58120XXX

    I don't like them too, but believe me if I say that they heavily boost console sales.

    Many friends of mine bought ps3 only for annual Fifa and PES, and the occasional GTA.

    Don't ask why Ps3, only that in Italy the brand is MUCH MORE stronger than the xbox.
    >> Auburn Trap !!spKaYGnKkC6 05/05/10(Wed)15:39 No.58120XXX
    As I recall it did have sports games, the first ones to be online to boot.

    Also why are arcade ports bad? Are you saying Sega should have only released the games on the dreamcast instead of the arcade AND dreamcast?
    >> DJ Doctor Phil !!oC5en6wboSg 05/05/10(Wed)15:39 No.58120XXX
    >0 good sports game
    Yeah, except for you know, all of them.

    I fucking love my Dreamcast.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:39 No.58120XXX
    The Dreamcast had plenty of instant classics. My friend and I would play Rush 2049, Marvel vs Capcom, Powerstone ALL day loooong.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:40 No.58120XXX
    This was the reason for the Dreamcast's downfall. It was a great console, considered to be ahead of it's time but it got killed by piracy.
    Just like the PC is being killed now by you faggots
    >> DJ Doctor Phil !!oC5en6wboSg 05/05/10(Wed)15:40 No.58120XXX

    Fucking GOTY ALL YEARS
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:40 No.58120XXX
    >MORE stronger
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:40 No.58120XXX
    It didn't try to sell you shit. It just played games.

    Pretty good games, too. But the current gen has lots of phenomenal games. I just hate it when my Xbox is always trying to sell me shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:41 No.58120XXX
    Outside of Shenmue I was under the impression that it was mainly just a bunch of arcade games for a console.

    /v/ just likes DC because it was Sega's last console and not that many people own one.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:41 No.58120XXX
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    The controller sucked, but everything else about it was cool, especially that whole not needing to buy games thing.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:42 No.58120XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:42 No.58120XXX
    Fuck you the controller was awesome
    >> Holden Caulfield !!T8HvdmkrROG 05/05/10(Wed)15:42 No.58120XXX
    I thought it was because the PS2 killed sales in Japan and it bombed over there.
    Though shit was easy to pirate.
    >> stripedog !99w4lZplhU 05/05/10(Wed)15:42 No.58120XXX
    I loved the VMU. The fact that you can look down on RE and see your health/ammo, that was smart there. Also, they did their MMO shit pretty swell. I mean PSO was free to play online.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:42 No.58120XXX
    VMU-based mini games. Not a big seller, but a nice plus.

    Plus Powerstone. Capcom really did well on that one.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:42 No.58120XXX
    no it's funny that you mention that. that's all licensing my friend, nothing else. you have to buy sports games and they generally have little return. people didn't buy the dreamcast because of how it looks(honestly it always looked childish) and because other better consoles were coming out. the dreamcast was that interim new system and only us early shoppers got one.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:43 No.58120XXX
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    Yuyucast reporting in.
    >> DJ Doctor Phil !!oC5en6wboSg 05/05/10(Wed)15:43 No.58120XXX
    Yeah, but it's hard to find dreamcast games now, plus burning them is easy. I never did it when I first had a Dreamcast when I was like 8, but I got another last year and I pirated like the fist of the north star.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:43 No.58120XXX
    it had 4 or 5 games worth playing and lots of assburgers tier nostalgiafagging
    much like the N64
    >> Boco !sCZ24qY6KY 05/05/10(Wed)15:43 No.58120XXX
    I seem to recall developers saying it was easier to make games for it compared to the PS2.

    So thats something.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:43 No.58120XXX

    Wow Virtua Soccer and Virtua Tennis.

    Available in arcades anyway.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:43 No.58120XXX
    online RPGs (for consoles anyway)

    PSO was awesome but its later iterations leave a lot to be desired, FFXI was shit and nothing else comes to mind.

    Arcade ports

    maybe theres just nothing to port anymore idk

    Japanese games

    again they probably just don't make good ones anymore but nothing this gen touches games like JSR, PSO, Shenmue etc
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:43 No.58120XXX
    It had Jet Set Radio
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:44 No.58120XXX
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    Dreamcast was brilliance.
    Just American consumers and developers were total fail.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:44 No.58120XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:44 No.58121XXX
    It failed, remember?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:45 No.58121XXX
    Fuck you, FFXI was awesome. PSO was also awesome.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:45 No.58121XXX
    The main problem was that they rushed the release date, and therefore there was little to NO hype surrounding it and it only had a few Sega-Made games on release.
    >> DJ Doctor Phil !!oC5en6wboSg 05/05/10(Wed)15:47 No.58121XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:47 No.58121XXX
    It was the goddamn pioneer of online gaming on consoles, that's what it was
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:47 No.58121XXX
    Good Online
    Innovative games
    Lots of new IPs
    Fair price
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:48 No.58121XXX

    That's because it ran on a Microsoft CE, they made this choice for the fiasco of the Saturn, which was Tricore(yes that's true) and was a bitch to program for.

    Unluckily for them, it didn't help.
    Also the dimension of its support was too small for the 6th generation, only 1 GB per disc was rather restrictive compared to the DVD of Ps2 and Xbox.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:49 No.58121XXX
    it was the PS2.

    For whatever reason, even though the games looked ugly as shit at launch and there weren't very many good ones for over a year people still bought it over the Dreamcast.

    Oh wait, the PS2 has a DVD player. Yeah guys, that's the only reason the PS2 sold well. Not because it was easier to program for, or because Sony had a better fanbase, it garnered customers with it's fucking DVD player.
    >> Boco !sCZ24qY6KY 05/05/10(Wed)15:49 No.58121XXX
    Sega even paid YOU to get one of these things.

    Thats how awesome Sega is.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:50 No.58121XXX
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    legacy of kain, anyone?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:52 No.58121XXX
    Also, had Sega not decided to abandon it and go all software, it could have been a rival of the Gamecube all this time, and we'd be seeing Dreamcast 2 right now.



    FUCKING 2.

    >> Auburn Trap !!spKaYGnKkC6 05/05/10(Wed)15:53 No.58121XXX
    As I recall it did much better in the US than it did in Japan.

    How is it mainly Americans' fault that it did poorly?
    Aside from the Saturn, all Sega consoles have always done MUCH better in Europe/America/Brazil than they have in Japan.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:56 No.58122XXX
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    -Sold-separately huge vibrating device!!
    -1Stick controller for First Person shooters!!
    -Hard-as-fuck DPAD!!

    Ahh good times
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:57 No.58122XXX
    Cheap price
    Amazingly new, unique, and creative games
    Great arcade ports
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)15:59 No.58122XXX
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    believe :3
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)16:00 No.58122XXX
    Dreamcast was awesome, too bad I never really knew about it until it was dead. I heard Sega killed it because some idiot banker took over and thought selling hardware & software was crap compared to just selling software. Is that true? (If it is, kinda reminds me of the downfall of Atari.)
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)16:00 No.58122XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)16:01 No.58122XXX
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    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)16:02 No.58122XXX
    Dreamcast..... noisiest console EVAR!
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)16:03 No.58122XXX
    You mean ALL dreamcasts can play burned CDs. Audio or game, but the game needs to either be self-booting or you have the Utopia Boot Disc.

    Learn your pirate history, dipshit.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)16:03 No.58122XXX
    It sounds like a hedgetrimmer while it's turned on.

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