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  • File : 1273078377.jpg-(68 KB, 1045x494, summer.jpg)
    68 KB Summer /v/ General Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)12:52 No.58106XXX  
    No vidya threads besides pokemon on the front page.

    Threads about Lanced Jack's supposed real life photo being spammed by his fans.

    British political threads. Porn threads. Trap threads.

    It's here ladies and gentlemen.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)12:53 No.58106XXX
    And then there is this thread. GTFO
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)12:53 No.58106XXX
    Sounds like a normal day on /v/.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)12:54 No.58107XXX
    It's always like this. The only reason summer /v/ is worse is because half the threads on the front page are bitching about summer /v/.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)12:54 No.58107XXX
    Aside from the trap threads, it's pretty much the same as it has always been. Just more of the garbage that makes /v/ suck than normal.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)12:54 No.58107XXX
         File1273078490.jpg-(34 KB, 389x388, babby.jpg)
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    Poppin a babby
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)12:54 No.58107XXX
    It diddnt start off so well when /b/ raided us a few weeks back (LOL DOUBLES XD)
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)12:55 No.58107XXX
         File1273078541.png-(32 KB, 845x600, summer.png)
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    Already? Fuck
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)12:56 No.58107XXX
    Then hide them and discuss video games.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)12:56 No.58107XXX
    Summer /v/ started about 3 days ago.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)12:56 No.58107XXX
    If I get doubles this is now a doubles thread
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)12:57 No.58107XXX
         File1273078649.jpg-(38 KB, 359x480, xbox-baby.jpg)
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    video games are my favorite video games
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)12:57 No.58107XXX

    If I hide them then I will have blank pages.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)13:00 No.58107XXX
    Never been on /v/ ( or 4chan) during the summer, just startedn coming on here in Fall, whats it like?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)13:00 No.58107XXX
         File1273078822.jpg-(118 KB, 376x490, 1271186281914.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)13:00 No.58107XXX
    its been here for 6months faggot
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)13:01 No.58107XXX

    Nothing new for trash like you.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)13:02 No.58107XXX
    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)13:05 No.58107XXX

    >> Anonymous 05/05/10(Wed)13:05 No.58107XXX
    Porn and traps you say :3

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